nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
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“I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see.” 2 Corinthians 5:7. Reppin’ my first purchase from @alignedblessings at the movies tonight! Ambassador code in my bio :) #faithnotfear https://www.instagram.com/p/BuP_h2bB2im/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11ozn643jso2k
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
New T-Shirt Store!
So I was fooling around with some designs for myself and a couple of friends, and decided I would make them available to you guys as well! My storefront is currently through Spreadshirt, and you can find it here. I only have a few designs so far, but I will be adding more -- I’m also open to custom orders, just DM me! Or you can email me at [email protected]. Designs can be printed on a variety of different items, not just shirts! 
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
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Used a diffuser on my hair for the first time tonight ... loving these curls! Should I do a blog post about the process I used?! #curlyhairdontcare https://www.instagram.com/p/BuDLxJzh_5j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w2gv09zi2bbg
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
Hello lovely people! I know there aren’t a ton of you or anything, but I did want to give you fair warning that on Wednesday’s, beginning on January 30 (one week from today) I will be posting about my spiritual journey. I am a Christian and I am seeking to become stronger in my faith, but I also understand not everyone is interested in that sort of post. I try to keep the majority of my posts relatable, which is why I haven’t mentioned this before, and also why I will be posting on a separate day from my normal schedule, so you can choose to skip these posts if you wish.
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
I’ve been absent the last couple of posting days, and for that, I apologize. I really have no good reason for it, so I’m going to try and just move on. 
This morning, I saw something posted to Facebook that resounded with me in regards to an experience I had in class last Thursday, and also some things that happened at work this weekend. 
You may not always be the prettiest girl in the room but you can be the kindest girl in the room, and that’s okay because having a pretty heart is far better than having a pretty face. 
Here’s the thing. You can be as cute as can be on the surface, have everyone charmed, and think you’re better than everyone else, but if the truth is that you’re deceitful, manipulative, and ugly as sin on the inside, the surface doesn’t matter. 
The other thing is, when we face these people, it’s important to keep our cool. Take a step back if you have to, take some deep breaths. Text a friend, vent to someone after the fact. But don’t you ever let these people think you are a doormat. This may require standing up to them in a not so graceful moment, as I experienced in a college class last week. It’s important to have a pretty heart, but also important to not let your pretty heart get stomped to pieces. 
Whatever it takes to keep moving forward. 
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
7 Quick Self-Care Tips You Can Fit Into Even the Busiest Schedule
i’ve really got to work on shortening these titles. 
Welcome to Thursday, friends! We’ve almost made it through the week, so you may find yourself in need of some quick relief to the stress of your everyday routine -- or perhaps even those things which have not gone your way recently. 
Self-care is an important thing that many of us forgo in the interest of working, homework, taking care of children and family, or any of the other many obligations we face on a day-to-day basis. Self-care becomes even more important when we are stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or angry — and I’m sure there are a million other instances in which we need to prioritize self-care. 
Maybe a lot of the reason we let self-care opportunities pass us by is because we think it will be too time consuming; the thing is, self-care doesn’t have to be taking time out to get a mani-pedi or a massage or a facial. It doesn’t have to be finding a sitter to get some alone time. It doesn’t have to be taking a mental health day from work and using those precious paid-time-off hours. 
I’ve compiled a list of seven things you can do to take care of yourself without taking too much extra time in the day or forcing your schedule to come to a complete halt. Do yourself a favor — read the list, then pick one or two to focus on for the next week or month. Obviously this list isn’t going anywhere, so feel free to come back to it anytime, and don’t forget to share your favorite on-the-go self-care tips in the comments! 
Have a hot beverage. This seems so simple it’s silly, but I’m serious. Make yourself a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. My go-to lately has been hot chocolate. Don’t forget that hot lemon water in the mornings! Put it in a to-go cup and continue on about your day while you drink it, or do what my friend Ashley does and pour into your favorite mug, have a seat, and put that to-do list on the backburner for a few minutes. I’ll tell you a secret: the list will still be there when you’re done. Crazy, right! The warm, coziness of having your favorite warm beverage will help to calm your nerves and soothe the tension of the day — and you know, no one said you can’t add a little grown-up juice, right? A little Bailey’s in your coffee, a hot toddy. Although, if you’re driving, at work, or taking care of kids, you might want to save the grown-up juice for later. 
Give your face a little extra care. I know, we’re talking about things that don’t take that much time, but hear me out. You’ve got to wash your face at night or in the morning anyway, right? Instead of your usual routine, throw a mask in there. The beauty industry has a whole range of face masks for purchase, and there are some that are not all that expensive. I’ve done masks that have to stay on anywhere from five to twenty minutes, so it depends on how much extra time you want to use. A five minute mask could be a good slow down for a hectic morning, but a twenty-minute mask can set while you get the kids ready, choose your outfit, or get your lunch together. Or, if you work the mask into your nighttime routine, it’s a great day to just close your eyes, put on your favorite music, and unwind from the day. Personally, I really enjoy Feeling Beautiful masks, which come in a one/two time use packages, or in a tube just under five dollars which lasts forever. Or, if an overnight mask is your thing, try Bliss’s What A Melon Overnight Mask. No affiliations here, just making some suggestions for masks that make me feel calm and pretty. 
Get up, make up, show up. Personally, nothing makes me feel more at ease than knowing I’ve beat my own mental blocks. Getting out of bed when I’d rather sleep a little longer, putting on a cute outfit when I would rather just throw on jeans and a t-shirt, putting on a full face of makeup (for me, this is less than others) and going to work when I just want to stay home bare-faced — if I can conquer that, I know I can conquer the rest of my day. 
It’s just one thing. When you’ve got a long list of things to do but you’re overwhelmed, the first thing you need to do is prioritize those things. What absolutely needs to be done today, and what can be moved to tomorrow or later in the week, or even next week? Once you’ve moved out things that are not required to be completed today, look at what you have left, how they’re prioritized, and just do one thing at a time. Don’t think about the x-number of things that are on the list, think about the thing that’s highest priority. Do that, cross it off the list, then do the next thing. Rinse, repeat. We get so caught up in getting things done that we tend to overwhelm ourselves at time. The thing is, life is hard enough, and, some days, we just don’t need to make it any harder. Simplify your to-do list, and take it from there. 
Eat what makes you happy. This one, you have to be careful. If you’re overwhelmed every day for a month, having tacos every day for a month might not be the best idea. But every now and then, forget the diet/healthy eating lifestyle, and get you some tacos — or whatever it is that makes you happy. Take that little bit of pressure off yourself and eat what you want. You’ll be surprised at how much just that one less thing makes a difference! Bonus #5 Info: There are foods that might actually improve your mood and mindset, and keep you healthy! Bananas, berries, quinoa, dark chocolate, green tea, apples … there’s more on the list, but these are just a few that will help to improve your mood and are relatively healthy. Google “food that makes you happy” and you’ll find even more options! 
Ask for help. Perhaps one of the most difficult things to do! We’ve been trained to have it together, to get things done, and to not burden others with our problems. I’m here to tell you, asking for help does wonders for my anxiety/stress. It’s okay to share your load with others, as long as you’re not taking advantage of them. That’s why we have family, why we have friends — and it lets them know that when they’re the ones who are stressed/overwhelmed/whatever the case may be, they can come to us for a return on the favor. 
Rock out like there’s no tomorrow. There’s no denying the calming effect of music. Play it while you complete your cleaning for the day or on the way home from dropping your kids at school or while you finish your errands for the day. Sing-along, shamelessly, and without caring what anyone else thinks. You’re taking care of you, and that’s all that’s important in that moment. 
Like I said, just a few things I’ve found that help me through days when the hours or even minutes seem insurmountable. What are your go-to quick self-care tips? Drop them in the comments below! 
I’ll see you (hopefully) Tuesday with a new post, and until then, keep moving forward. 
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
Anxiety vs. Asthma: Why Is One More Accepted Than the Other?
Before I start, a little disclaimer: Everything in this post, with the exception of the linked article, is solely my opinion, and should be regarded as such.
This word controls my day, everyday. No matter how much I think I’ve got it under control, it’s just not the case. Anxiety decides how easy (or not easy) it will be for me to get out of bed and complete my morning routine, or rush through the essentials of getting ready. Anxiety decides if I’m going to be pleasant or cranky. Anxiety decides if, after I’ve completed my work day, I’m going to be able to continue to be productive, or spend the five or six hours before bed doing absolutely nothing of note. Anxiety decides if I’m going to sleep well or toss and turn until my alarm goes off the next day, and the whole process starts over again.
In October 2015, years after my anxiety symptoms began to manifest, I was clinically diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety. As far as which came first, well, that’s a chicken-and-egg type of question. Currently, my OCD is managed with the lowest dose of a commonly-prescribed anxiety medication. That tiny little pill doesn’t completely take away my anxiety, but it takes the edge off and allows me to function like a relatively normal person. If life becomes overwhelming, however, I can still give in to those obsessions and compulsions. Often, if my anxiety is not sated when it rears its ugly head, I can become very nervous and agitated.
Recently, the school district I work for completed our Winter Break. I went back to work for inservice on Wednesday, and the kids came back on Thursday. Wednesday morning, my brother texted me about a family situation; this is not the first time we have faced this situation but the same concerns and anxiety build immediately when it happens. Thursday night, I found myself so anxious and stressed, I asked my roommate, “Is it too early after break to take a mental health day tomorrow?”
Mostly I was joking, but the fact that it would have been frowned upon got me thinking. I also have asthma, and if I called or texted my boss and told her I was having an asthma attack and needed to stay home, it’s likely no one would have thought much of it. If I had called and said, however, that I was having high anxiety and needed some time for myself, that’s not as accepted. Why is that? We’re almost twenty years into the twenty-first century, and with all the encouragement to talk about our mental health and accept this silent, invisible diseases, there is still a stigma attached to those of us who may need accommodations for our disorders.
According to Fortune:
42 million Americans live with an anxiety disorder.
16 million suffer from sever depression.
6.1 million have bipolar disorder.
The linked article goes on to state:
Only 41% of adults with a mental health condition received help; less than 50% of children ages 8-15 received mental health services.
36.9% of this affected by anxiety receive treatment.
20% of Americans with moderate depressive symptoms sought help from a medical professional.
The generation I am from seems to be in a weird sort of limbo where we are more open to acknowledging and seeking help for our issues, but we also seem less inclined to use the manifestations of these symptoms as an excuse/reason to not attend work or other events. We keep mum about our diagnoses and management plans, suffer through parties and emotionally-taxing work days, and keep the tears and complaints to ourselves. In contrast, the generation before us took on a more “suck it up” type of approach, and the generation after us fully embraces their issues — maybe more than those issues need to be embraced. (Of course, that statement could be borne of my perspective on my own issues and upbringing.)
Is this why the stigma remains? Because our supervisors are from the generation who sucked it up, didn’t talk about it, and just moved on with their lives? Because we feel we need to set a better example to the generation after us who seem to have lost some of the work ethic that we have — just as we have lost some of the work ethic maintained by the generation before us.
Whatever the reason, I encourage all of us, myself included, to be honest about what’s happening with us. This doesn’t mean we openly offer up the information on our anxiety and depression and other mental health disorders, but let’s not hide them, either. I has taken me thirty-plus years to be honest with my close friends when I need to cancel plans because I’m on sensory overload or my anxiety is attacking me in some other way, and not make up some other excuse (read: lie) in order to avoid the event. I’ll admit, I’m even guilty of doing this with my job, though I am trying to do better about that.
On Thursday, I’ll post about self-care/anxiety management tips and tricks I’ve discovered that have helped me be honest with others about my OCD and anxiety, but for now, let me say this: if we are going to embrace our disorders, we cannot continue to lie about it and hide it from others. We cannot use anxiety and depression as an excuse, either, but just as those who have asthma or cancer or any other chronic illness, we have to accept and acknowledge on of the hardest things there is to accept and acknowledge — we need help.
I’ll see you guys on Thursday. Until then, keep encouraging yourself, keep accepting yourself, and, above all, keep moving forward.
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
All In Due Time
Here we are on the third day of the New Year. How is everyone doing with resolutions and working towards goals? Me ... eh, not so great. I have reasons that could be more like excuses, but I’m not going to lean on those. 
I will, however, let you know something about me: I’m one of those people who has to do things in her own time. The only time I’ve been on time for anything was when I was born, right on my due date. Otherwise, I’ve never been a “cold turkey” kind of person when it comes to making changes. Some of that, I would assume, can be contributed to my OCD. Dr. Sheldon Cooper said it best; “... change is never fine. They say it is, but it’s not.” That educated, neurotic man took the words right out of my mouth. 
As of yet, I have not de-cluttered or minimalized anything except for my productive activity. My new Erin Condren planner came in the mail yesterday, and I did get that set-up, but otherwise ... yikes. I haven’t gone to the gym, either, which just tops off the whole feeling of “I really need to get my ass in gear.”
And, I think i’ll get there. Now that I’m back to work and my students have also returned, and I have my planner to put things in print, I’m ready to take some action. It may start small, but a start is a start. 
So, if you’re one of those people like me who can’t just jump into making changes all gun-ho like most people with an Erin Condren planner usually do, don’t berate yourself. We’ll get there. In the meantime, well, ya know ... just keep moving forward. 
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
2019 - Ready for This?
I’m sitting here in “I Woke Up Like This” mode -- last night’s makeup still on my face, hair a mess, breakfast waiting nearby to be consumed. It’s the last day of winter break before I go back to my interpreting job tomorrow and ... you know, I’m okay that the holidays are over, I’m just so not ready for break to be over. 
Anyway, moving on. 
i’ve been seeing it several places; the question, “What’s your word for 2019?” At first, I wasn’t sure how I was going to sum up all of my goals for the year in one word, but then, I found it! Minimal. I’m minimalizing e v e r y t h i n g. 
Possessions, obligations, spending -- all of it. However, since tackling a whole year has never worked well for me, I’m taking it one month at a time. For the month of January, I’ve found a 30 Day Minimalism Challenge on Pinterest that I’m going to be checking off as the month progresses. Seems like a good place to start, right?
So, I ask all of you -- what’s your word for 2019, and how are you tackling the goals attached to that word? I want to hear how you’re becoming the best you that you can be! 
Oh, wow. Can’t believe I said that. Not awake enough for that kind of talk. Let’s just do our best, shall we?
And, if you haven’t found your word, you know the drill ... keep moving forward. 
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
Website/App Randomness
Someday I’ll get the hang of posting regularly around here. Of course then, would I have to change my title to Nicole on the Regular? Ha, okay. Not funny. And anyway, the Random is supposed to hint at the content. 
The random idea I came up with today is to share with you three sites I use on a regular basis, and two I hope to use more in the New Year. The first one is actually a site for purchasing products, but I’m on it regularly, adding to my wishlist. That counts, right? As always, no affiliations here, folks. I get no benefits from simply passing along some information. 
Without further ado, let’s get into the first three sites: 
ErinCondren.Com —
Life Planner: This will be my third year using a planner, and my second year using an Erin Condren planner. Using a planner has helped me keep straight all of my activities, but also bill due dates. This year I’m going to add in some PetitePlanner items to use in conjunction with my LifePlanner — the more I can get on paper, the better — and I’m really looking forward to a more organized 2019! 
Academic Planner: This Fall, I took 19 credit hours; my Spring and Summer course-load will be at least sixteen hours. That’s what I get for entering an accelerated program, but that’s beside the point. This academic planner gave me a separate canvas to keep track of assignments, projects, readings … everything I needed to know to keep up with my classes. The beauty of the twelve-month, not-labeled design is that this one planner will take me all the way up to my student teaching semester, which will be less intensive, and can be included in my Life Planner. 
In addition to these awesome planners, the site also offers organizational accessories to go along with your planner, as well as a variety of other products. For my teacher friends out there, they’ve got some super cute lesson planner options! 
I mean, you’re going to be on it anyway, right? We all know that there are a ton of ideas for food, clothes, and organization — among other things — on the site, but the trick is to actually use the ideas you pin. It’s tricky for me, too. In an effort to, well, put more effort into executing the ideas that I pin, I created a Pinterest account specifically for organization and money management and home decor … basically one I can tie back to this blog. You can find that Pinterest here. 
I mean, obviously. Besides this blog, I actually have a few others for different fandom communities I participate in, and while things around here can admittedly get crazy, it’s a great place to find others who have similar interests. While there’s always the bad apple or two (or five or ten or hundreds), it’s absolutely possible to find yourself a member of a close-knit community where you can turn for safety and support. Even with the madness surrounding the new guidelines, we’ve got to admit — they make blogging relatively easy. 
And two I hope to use more in 2019:
I have a cousin who uses this site for her own website, and it’s one that I hope to get into in the New Year. I’m not entirely sure what my site would even entail, but I’m working out the details. Maybe I’ll move my blog there, just for a little more freedom of design and whatnot. 
Okay, this is an app, not a site, but, as another cousin of mine pointed out, Instagram really does everything we need, without the Facebook drama or the weird pictures that come through SnapChat. I’m not going to delete either of those either apps, but I’ll definitely be putting in the effort to be more active on Instagram in the New Year. My username there is @nicoleatrandom, if you’re interested in keeping up with whatever weird pictures I decide to post. 
So there you have it, friends. Three sites I recommend using, and two I’d like to make more use of in the New Year. A random post, but you know … that’s what I’m here for! 
Until the next one, friends, keep moving forward. 
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
Before we start another week, read this. Remember it. Don’t let anyone force you into their bullshit parade. You deserve far more than that. Stand up for yourself; you are not a doormat. Not something or someone to be walked all over. Enjoy Sunday, then go kick Monday’s ass. The rest will fall in line.
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
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Trying a new face mask while Pickles cuddles on my lap. Skin care is my favorite. ❤️💁🏻‍♀️
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
NaNoWriMo ‘18!
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^^^ This should be me working on my NaNo novel. 
But it’s not. 
Before I try to put fingers to keys and get some words on the page, I wanted to wish all my fellow NaNo-ers good luck and happy writing! My endeavor this year is not an entirely new adventure for me, but not really something I have focused on in the past. With some really great encouragement from friends, however, I’m looking forward to getting going on it. 
You know, after I stop stalling with this post. 
Okay, okay, here I go. Which means I leave you with my usual tagline ... keep moving forward. 
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
The Easy Peasy Way I Stopped Drinking Coffee
Disclaimer: Zero ads or affiliations here, though I do mention some people and products I’m a fan of. Oh, and I link a website, but it’s purely for the purposes of citing my resources. 
Guys. A miracle has taken place. A modern-day miracle has occurred, and I’m here to announce the good news. 
I’ll whisper it, so as not to cause sudden alarm to any of you: I don’t really drink coffee anymore. If I do, it’s for pleasure and by choice, not because I need it to get through the day. 
Okay. Maybe it’s not that big of a deal. But for those of you who cannot function without that first dose of caffeine in the morning, I know you’ve got to be out there shaking you head and telling me I’m a nut job. 
Let me explain. 
Actually, before I explain, let me tell you something that you’re sick of hearing. I got this from Amy Landino. You’re all probably sick of hearing me talk about her, but you guys. I’m telling you. The woman is so inspirational and motivational — though I’m still working to improve my productivity and organization, I’m getting there, with Amy’s help. 
On to my point. When I started watching Amy’s videos, I watched one about waking up at 5 AM. Instead of starting immediately with coffee, she recommended starting with water — lemon water, specifically. 
I don’t know about you, but I’m not getting up in the middle of the night to drink a good amount of water and keep myself dehydrated through those resting hours. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does mean that we need to re-hydrate in order to get our body full functioning when we wake up in the morning. Adding the lemon gives our system that extra zing to help wake up your muscles and your heart and everything whizzing and whirring again. 
According to the Edison Institute of Nutrition [x] there are more benefits than a natural wake up call when it comes to drinking lemon water on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning: 
Lemons are a rich source of vitamin C, so it boosts your immune system. Where I live, it’s cold and allergy season, so I’ll take all the germ fighting boosters I can get! 
If you’ve already got an illness or infection coming on, not only is that vitamin C going to help you out, but the antibacterial products of lemon will help fight that as well. I mean, there’s a reason why we use lemons to clean other things, why not use it to clean our bodies?
Since I’ve started drinking lemon water, I’ve noticed that my digestive health is improved, and this is something the Edison Institute points out as well. Besides the normal bathroom things that I’m not going to go into detail about, I’ve also noticed a decrease in bloating around that time of the month, or when I’ve eaten poorly. 
We’ve all heard that drinking water will help to clear your skin, and I’ve certainly noticed a change in mine since I started the lemon water. I had already increased my water intake, but adding the lemon water in the morning has added that natural glow a lot of people are after. I had stopped wearing foundation in the summer because it was, frankly, just too hot to wear it, but I’ve continued that routine into the colder weather, because my skin — excuse me while I toot my own horn here — is just too pretty to hide right now. 
Looking to lose weight? The Edison Institute reports that “lemon juice with warm water help in quick weight loss as it promotes digestion and increases the metabolic rate.” Now, I can somewhat attest to this. I have noticed a decrease in my appetite (which could also be attributed to a combination of a couple medications I take regularly) and some fat loss on my stomach … although, if I ate better on a regular basis, this may be a more successful component for me. 
“Lemon’s anti-inflammatory properties help in fighting respiratory tract infections, sore throat, and inflammation of tonsils.” I don’t have tonsils anymore and rarely get sore throats, but once school is in session and I’m around these elementary school kids 35-40 hours a week, the crud sets in pretty quick. Thanks to my asthma, this will very quickly turn into bronchitis, which is not something I relish in having anytime, let alone as often as I do. This year, I did catch the back to school crud, but I had been doing lemon water for only a few weeks when it hit this year; it never got into my lungs, only lasted a weekend, and I didn’t feel like I was going to cough myself into oblivion. Maybe that’s the lemon water, maybe not, but it’s a huge difference for me! 
Additionally, the institute notes that drinking lemon in warm water can reduce joint and muscle pain, as well as promote dental health by preventing gingivitis. 
I started out using lemon juice out of the bottle, but it had a tinge of a metallic taste to it, so I bought a bag of small lemons. When the weather was warmer, I would squeeze the juice of one or two lemon halves (depending on the size of the lemon) into a glass, fill the glass up with water and voila. Lemon water. Now that the weather is colder, I’ve taken to squeezing those one or two (usually one) lemons into a large mug, and using my Keurig for hot water. I let it set while I do my makeup or take a shower, and by the time I’m done with that, it’s cool enough to start drinking. 
When I started out, I would drink my lemon water at home, then take my coffee to go. I haven’t bought coffee pods for the Keurig in a couple of months now. Occasionally I’ll grab a soda in the afternoon if I’m feeling especially tired, or grab a coffee on the way to my evening classes, but those times are increasingly rare. Anymore, I would rather have another glass of lemon water if I’m feeling tired during the day. 
Oh, also. If you’re going to try this, I do not recommend drinking lemon water all day. I did that at first and I got sick of it, so I stopped drinking it in the morning and went back to coffee for a while. One or two glasses a day will get you going. 
There you have it my friends — my own personal miracle and how I made it happen. I encourage you to give this a try before you have your morning java, and see how it makes you feel. Let me know! 
Until next time, my friends — keep moving forward. 
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
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nicoleatrandom-blog · 6 years
Skin Care - New Routine?
** Disclaimer: zero parts of this post are sponsored or affiliated. Just really excited about trying new stuff! **
First of all, let me say, I’m perfectly, painfully aware that posting has not gone as planned. As I often do, I bit off way more than I can chew with calendar blocking and improving my lifestyle/routine, but I’m still working on it. Instead of blocking each week, I’ve decided to block each night for the next day. I don’t do well with change, at all, so that was a difficult part for me when my whole week is planned, and then one thing changes; no matter if it’s a big or small change, it kind of upset my whole world (hashtag thanks ocd). So we’ll go day by day and see how that goes. 
Full Disclosure: I’m supposed to be doing homework right now, but I’m so excited about this thing I wanna tell you, I paused to do this post. Exceptional Child and Foundations and Philosophy of Education will still be there when I’m done. 
Getting to the point. I watched Amy Landino’s video today, and she vlogged about a productive day in her life, but spent a good chunk talking about skin care. 
Girl. I love love LOVE skin care. My skin is at the point right now where I have stopped wearing foundation on a regular basis because I’m so happy with the state of my natural skin. I still use concealer under my eyes, a bit on my chin and under my nose to take care of a smidge of redness, but that’s about it as far as “base” products. 
Of course, we all have things about ourselves we want to improve. Amy is using products from Beauty by Design right now, and I decided to give the consultation a try. My pores still make me want to pull my hair out sometimes, and my smile lines are a little deeper than I’d like for them to be at this point in time -- and who doesn’t want to get rid of under-eye circles?
With those concerns in mind, I went through the steps of answering questions that will get my new skin care regime started. I really appreciate that they offer you the opportunity to set your price point, voice specific concerns, and mention ingredients you do or don’t want included in your products. 
It’s a $15 fee for your first consultation, but if you watch Amy’s video from today, she does have an offer code. If that’s not your jam, there’s a pop up when you first access the site which will email you a code for 15% off ... but Amy’s is 20% off. I’m just saying. Also, the $15 fee is credited towards your first product. 
They say to give 1-2 business days to get your personal recommendations, so I’m hoping by Wednesday, I’ll have an idea of what they’re recommending for me. 
What about you? What skin care products do you love? I wanna hear from you!
Until the next time, friends, keep moving forward <3
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