nightimagines · 5 years
Your Hero
trigger(s). Swearing/Profanity, Mentions of blood and injury
requested by. anonymous
could you do a oneshot for Bakugo in which his s/o came home after fighting some villains and she is extremely injured.
fandom. Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia pairing(s). Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
status. Complete word count. 1.146
i feel rusty after not writing for this blog for so long. here’s the first of many requests that i owe a long, looooong time ago. i remember my first vision for this was to have bakugou go ham on raging and forcibly taking you to the hospital in his arms, possibly holding you bridal style. but after going back to it, i just... didn’t go through with that for some reason? if you’re still out there, anon, i still hope this is okay and that you enjoy reading it though!
You slumped against the side of a building, hoping it’ll support you enough after such a grueling fight against some tough villains. Gashes and bruises covered your body, as blood seeped into your clothes. Somehow, the villains managed to defend most of your attacks, and he knew to attack all of your weak points. You started fearing for your life until back-up arrived just in the nick of time. Talk about a close call!
With the police there to restrain the villains and take care of the civilians, you could finally relax. A few paramedics rushed to your aide and guided you over to their vehicle to be taken to the hospital, but you insisted that you could manage and a quick patch-up would be enough. While reluctant to oblige, they had no choice as you didn’t budge on your decision either. They patched you up as best as they could, though they insisted on going to the hospital as soon as possible. With that, you gave your report to the police and left for home.
Home. It sounded so nice. After such a fight, all you really wanted to do was to spend the rest of the evening with your boyfriend, Bakugou Katsuki. He’s a professional hero just like yourself, as well as a worrywart of a boyfriend. This time, he had reason to worry, but you didn’t want to stress him out further by seeing you in your tattered and bloodied uniform. You sure hoped he wouldn’t manage to catch sight of the news report while on his way home.
If you’re lucky, he wouldn’t be home until late in the evening. That would give you enough time to change out of your uniform, hide it somewhere, and cover yourself up as best as you could. Yeah, that sounded like a solid plan. Except for the fact you knew how efficient he was at hero work and usually came home before you on most nights.
“I’m home,” you called from the doorway as you took off your shoes with difficulty, trying not to agitate your wounds.
“Welcome home,” came a response from the kitchen.
Just like you thought, Bakugou got home earlier and decided to cook for dinner. By the calm tone of his voice, you heaved a sigh of relief. He didn’t know just yet, and if you responded correctly, you could buy enough time to, at least, clean up and change out of your uniform.
“Dinner smells delicious! I’ll just change real quick and help you out soon, okay?”
Much as you wanted to see his face and hug him tight, you didn’t want to worry him even more than he usually did. You waited right outside your shared bedroom door for a response, but when none came after a few minutes, you deemed it okay to just enter the bedroom and get changed.
He probably just grunted in response instead of saying yes, you thought as you began to change.
Once out of your uniform, you examined it to get a look at how bad it looked. Just as you imagined, there were several cuts decorating the fabric while other parts darkened with your blood. Silently, you winced at the damage. It would take a while to get it fixed or replaced. At least, that time could be used to heal your wounds naturally instead of visiting someone with a healing quirk.
Lost in your own thoughts, you hadn’t noticed the door open and close behind you. Quiet footsteps approached you, and the strong arms that wrapped around you brought you out of your thoughts. You gasped and jumped at how sudden the hug was.
He didn’t say a word. He just held you tightly, yet also gently so he won’t cause you any harm.
“You fucking idiot.” Even though he tried to sound angry, the tone of his voice gave him away. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and his hold on you tightened a little more. You could tell he was shaking a little, so you placed your arms over his. “Call me next time you’re in trouble!”
“You know I don’t want to disturb you when you’re busy.”
“That’s bullshit! What kind of hero would I be if I can’t even help someone who needed me? What kind of boyfriend would I be if I just left you out to fucking die like that? I’m gonna be the best hero there ever was! Of fucking course, I’m not too busy to save your ass if it meant you won’t get hurt like this!”
You didn’t know what to say. It was probably the first time you had come home in this kind of condition. He had a right to be this worried, to be this scared. You could only squeeze his hand and promised to go to the hospital right after dinner. You promised you would call him the next time you needed him.
You promised this would be the last time.
He couldn’t keep trying to be the hero everyone needed.
Because he was human too. And you could lose him just as easily as he could lose you.
As you slept in your hospital bed, Bakugou sat beside it, looking at your bandages intensely. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth; he hadn’t felt like exploding several people into high hell for a while now, but this was for a good reason. Despite your strength and capability to defend yourself, you’re still human. Much like he was. Much like All Might had been.
He sighed deeply to calm his nerves before reaching out to squeeze your hand lightly.
“I promise,” he whispered, pausing to place a hand on your cheek and caressing it gently.
As much as he loved you, he hated the thought of losing you. He hated the thought of being able to do something, yet being just out of reach to do it. He could have lost you tonight, and the fact that you were too stubborn to seek help right after your fight, this probably won’t be the last time this will happen.
You know what? Fuck that!
It will be the last time!
He wasn’t going to lose you this easily.
Not you too.
After all, he wanted to propose to you. He wanted to marry you and finally call you his wife. His Mrs. Bakugou [Name]. He wanted to have children with you. He wanted to watch them grow old and live their own lives. He wanted to spend the rest of eternity by your side. He wanted so much more for the both of you.
And he was going to make sure about fulfilling all of those.
With steeled determination and renewed vigor, he clutched your hand and spoke a little louder than a whisper.
“I’ll be the hero you need, [Name]!”
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nightimagines · 5 years
Fun fact: The reason for our blog icon is because we only update once in a blue moon. lmao ayyy
But anyway, time to dust off the blog and get cranking on those requests! Don’t worry! Before we move onto the newer requests, we’ll (mostly me) catch up with all the previous requests and works we owe our followers. Stay tuned!
— Mod Blue ☾
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nightimagines · 6 years
Suggestion: If ever you guys plan another boosting event, tag the specific fandoms into your post and request for shoutouts. You will be found. 😊 You guys deserve so much more readers, best of luck! - 📣
Thank you for the suggestion, megaphone anon, but we’ve already tried that. The thing is that we have too many fandoms to tag. Only the first five tags of a post will show up and if a post exceeds 20 tags then it won’t show up at all in the tag tracking system. (Not to mention that tumblr’s searching system isn’t all that reliable for exposure.)
While we appreciate it, we’re not really looking for popularity. We just write for fun! :)
— Mod Red ☆
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nightimagines · 6 years
🔆 So I was reading your writing list and I saw the significant other imagines. So is that a matchup with an original s/o that you would make?
Yes. The s/o can be tailored to the requester’s ideal s/o for that scenario. But if details about the s/o wasn’t provided (e.g, appearance and small personality) in the request, we’ll just write up a generic s/o to fill the spot.
— Mod Red ☆
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nightimagines · 6 years
The Boosting Event is finally closed!
We didn’t get a lot of it, and most of it is in Mod Blue’s care because of the fandoms involved and Mod Blue being the one caught up with them. But we thank you to all who participated and spread the word!
While Mod Blue works on the Boosting Event requests and other requests, please feel free to send in other requests! We know we’re slow with updates, but we strive to give you quality (and hopefully, we deliver).
Also, we know we aren’t a popular blog, but would anyone else like some anon names? As of now, we only have crown anon. (We love you though, crown anon!) Let us know what you’d like to be called, and we’ll compile a list when we get them.
Thank you!
— Mod Blue & Mod Red
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nightimagines · 6 years
Prompt request for ososan with oso, ichi, and todo with "you are the best thing that's ever happened to me" plss!
This was fun to write and I haven’t written anything in ages. I’m really rusty so I hope you don’t mind, friend. Thanks for requesting!
— Mod Red ☆
triggers. Alcohol, Swearing/Profanity
word count. 1.332
“[Name]! Drink with meeeeee!”
Now you knew why Todomatsu had sent you that urgent text to come to Chibita’s stall. Of course, those five NEETs would be too lazy to haul their drunk-ass brother home. Why would they bother with that when they could just send you to do the job?
Naturally, you offered to pay for what Osomatsu had drunk but Chibita refused to let you pay for any of it. Not wanting to dive into a full-blown argument with him, you hoisted the drunk Matsuno to his feet instead, slinging his right arm over your head with your hand resting at his left shoulder. Bidding Chibita a good night, you set off for your place instead, seeing as how it was closer to the stall than the Matsuno residence.
During the walk, Osomatsu stumbled and tripped a lot over his own two feet, which made it all the more harder for you throughout the entirety of the walk. Not to mention all of the complaining and shouting he did to make you turn back to Chibita’s stall. Unfortunately for him, you were resilient and determined to take this idiot home. Once you arrived and opened your apartment door, you immediately dumped the drunk man on the couch to gather up some blankets and pillows for him to use. You were quick to find some and you went straight to arranging his bedding for him.
Without any warning, Osomatsu grabbed onto your forearm while you were fixing the pillow behind his head, drawing all of your attention to him. “H-hey, [Name],” he began with a cheeky grin plastered on his face, “I want you to know that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
There’s a sudden rush of blood to your cheeks and the room suddenly felt too hot to stay in, too heated for you to linger around anymore. No, he didn’t know what he was saying, he was too wasted to understand a lick of what was coming from his mouth.
You kept a straight face. “Osomatsu, you’re drunk.”
He tried to reason with you as he hiccuped a few more times from the liquor, “But it’s— it’s trueee!”
It was useless trying to talk to him when he was intoxicated. You tried to leave but he clung to your arm harder while spewing out nonsense. Too bad for him; he’s much too drunk to be able to use his strength to keep you here, and you’re not exactly a pushover. He did put up a little fight and he desperately wanted to say a few more things to you, however, you were successful in detaching him from your arm.
Once he lost hold of you, he was quick to forget whatever goal he had in mind and before you knew it he was already knocked out cold from the booze. The room fell silent with nothing but Osomatsu’s snoring to keep you company in the dark. The heat you felt slowly ebbed away and you suddenly had a strong desire to leave the room at once.
Of course, you should be sleeping now, too. It’s already midnight and you still had a morning shift to cover for tomorrow. Or rather, it would be today now that you think about it.
Whatever, you needed sleep.
It was late in the afternoon and you were huddled together with Ichimatsu on your bed. He was playing with a cat and you had a book that you were hoping to finish this week.
It’s when you flip the page to the next chapter when Ichimatsu caught your attention. He was staring intently at you while the cat mewed frantically in his lap for the toy he held in his right hand. He’s embarrassed to be caught staring and he’s back to giving his undivided attention to the feline pawing at the lime green toy.
A few minutes have already passed and you’re still wondering what that was about. Ichimatsu’s mouth opens and closes a few times as if the words he wanted to say would choke him on the spot if you heard him. You knew how hard it was for him to express himself with others, especially with the people he cared about.
He finally says it out loud, well, loud enough for you to hear at least. “I lov…” He closes his eyes as he thinks the words over once more, “…. you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, [Name].”
This flustered you on the spot. He never had a penchant for the art of speech so he preferred to show it instead. So it was quite rare for you to hear something so sentimental from him, and you were proud to see him trying beyond his boundaries.
“I love you, Ichimatsu.” You said it with a smile and a soft tone that was only meant for him in the same way that he reserved a loving side for only you to see.
His eyes flickered to the side and suddenly he’s much too shy to meet your gaze anymore. The pink blush he had worsened when you decided to rest your hand against his.
“I meant that Ichimatsu,” your eyes wandered down to your touching hands and you watched how flustered he was from the contact of your fingers resting against his knuckles, “I really do love you.”
He breathed out a heavy breath and the next thing he says comes out in a hushed tone, “Me too, you… matter a lot to me.”
God, you loved this man.
Todomatsu was right next to you with a hand resting at your shoulder and the other interlacing fingers with yours. You were both watching a cheesy rom-com around 10 at night in your apartment. It wasn’t anything memorable and it was mediocre at best. And yet the thought of being together, settling down to start a legacy that was yours to keep was something you yearned for with him.
The last of the credits rolled up into oblivion, leaving you to stare at nothing but an inky black screen. The sensation of his fingertips disappeared from yours and you were quick to grab onto his forearm to make him stay. Anything Todomatsu was about to say was cut off by your pensive look.
The words lodged themselves in your throat, too heavy to break free from your mind, from your soul. But you tried nonetheless, tried to know if anything at all between you two meant something at all. “Todo, do you ever wonder about the future? ”
His expression fell into a serious one, every single sign of playfulness was erased and he took a moment to think it through. “I do, actually,” he goes to connect your hands in a comforting hold, something he loved to do, “And I won’t be afraid to try anything with you there by my side.”
Everything about the look on his face was soft and sincere. There’s something special about the way his eyes twinkle with an unspoken promise of being together forever.
There’s a sudden stillness in the air, a sudden bout of importance reserved for you both. You didn’t care about anything else at that moment, didn’t care about the hot tears rolling down your flushed cheeks while you engulfed him in a hug. All that mattered was him and you would trade anything to spend a lifetime with him.
You broke down into a mixture of choked sobs and a fit of nervous laughter, “Ugh, it’s just— you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, okay?”
He could only chuckle and leave a chaste kiss on your forehead, a hand at the nape of your neck and another at the small of your back. “That’s my line, [Name]!”
If you had a choice to pick who you wanted to spend an eternity with, you would always go back to him and only him.  Every second with Todomatsu was a second well spent and there was no one else you would rather spend a lifetime with than him.
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nightimagines · 6 years
👑 aaaaa i was taking a break *cough*actuallybeinglazy*cough* from studying and doing a report when i saw the post ;-; the timing was so right haha! I loved it and it was just so cute!! Thanks so much!! 👑
Hey, crown anon! I’m glad you like it! Honestly, same. Whenever I “take a break,” I’m usually just being lazy and procrastinating lol! Which is kinda why… it took a while to complete your request… Oops! Thank you for requesting!
— Mod Blue ☾
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nightimagines · 6 years
👑 yoyoyo may i have haikyuu headcanons for fem s/o, late night studying with miya atsumu, oikawa, kuroo, ushijima and terushima? Please and thank youu! More power to the blog!! 💪💖 👑
I’m sorry this took so long, crown anon, but I was waiting until I reached the Miya brothers before writing this to get a better feel for their characters. I’m already caught up with the manga, but I’m still trying to get a feel for these characters. Anyway, I hope I did well, and I hope you enjoy it!
— Mod Blue ☾
Atsumu suddenly asks you to help him study at his house, and you accept.
He finds it a little irritating that Osamu is actually hanging around because his twin decides to join the both of you.
Throughout it all, he stays close to you and cuts off Osamu’s questions most of the time by showering you with affection. But you ask him to behave before helping Osamu with whatever question he had.
Osamu’s doing it partly because he needs to study, but mostly because he wants to get a bit of revenge on his twin brother for all the shit Atsumu’s pulled before.
Atsumu knows this and he’s definitely going to act like a possessive child throughout it all until Osamu leaves you both alone. You know exactly what they’re doing, and you play along because it amuses you.
Honestly, you find his jealous and possessive side kinda cute. It even gets to the point that he drops studying altogether and just wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to him and pouting at you.
“Stop acting like a child, Atsu-kun! We need to study, remember?”
“But, [Name]-chaaaaaaan!”
He whines, telling you you’ve been paying way too much attention to his twin brother than him before.
You tease him that it was only because Osamu asked for your help with studying while he didn’t even try to ask anything.
“If you want me to pay attention, then get to studying! Just ask questions if you can’t understand anything.”
He takes that as an invitation to ask you question after question even though you know he knew the answer.
You entertain him until it’s getting late. Then you tell him it’s time to stop because you need to go home, and he needs to sleep.
The both of you walk to your house with your hands entangled and a pleasant conversation between you. But once you get to your house, he kisses the top of your head and holds you for a while before you part.
After that, he walks home while texting his twin to open the door that he knew was locked because his twin was jealous of HIS girlfriend.
He suggests studying with him at his house for your upcoming test. He’s pretty smart, so you accept.
Studying with him is about the same as one would expect. Oikawa occasionally flirts with you, and takes every opportunity to get closer to you.
Oikawa likes resting his head on your shoulders and wrapping his arms around you from behind. These are the times he complains you’re focusing more on studying than him.
He’s a very needy and whiny boy after a long and quiet session of studying.
“[Name]-chan, let’s take a break and cuddle instead! Stop studying and pay attention to me!“
“Tooru-kun, studying is the point of a study session, you know? Now stop, you’re distracting me.“
“Oh ho! So I’m a distraction to you, huh?“
Then he buries his head into your neck and starts kissing you all over. Once you admit you were getting distracted by him, he’s going to try to make it harder and harder for you to concentrate.
If you concede and cuddle with him for a little while, he tells you little fun facts and a few advice for studying. Like setting up a reward system for whenever you’ve been studying for 3 hours or so.
While the studying comes to a halt, it’s still very informative because he’s a huge help.
If it’s late and you tell him you need to go home, he unsurprisingly offers to let you sleep over. But unsurprisingly, he offers you his bed while he takes the couch.
But surprise, surprise! He’s just kidding, and he’s already grabbing his coat as he tells you that he’s going to walk you home instead.
He holds your hand and pulls you closer to him as you walk, and if he sees you’re cold, he offers you his coat… or getting into his coat instead with a wink.
Once you get home, he smiles and jokingly offers to sleep over in your house because he’s already there. You just giggle and playfully hit him on the arm.
He kisses your forehead before watching you enter your house. He waits for a few seconds before beginning his trek back home.
Study sessions with Kuroo often involved lots of teasing and not a lot of studying, but you still get a few topics done before it gets to that point.
He’s smart so he doesn’t ask a lot of questions, but you, on the other hand, asks him plenty of questions.
Sometimes he answers you right away, but often times, he just teases you before answering.
“If you don’t even know the answer to this, then how can you possibly pass the exams later, [Name]-chan?”
But you’re not going to take his provocations sitting down… even though you are literally sitting down in his room to study.
“What’s this? Are you implying you don’t know the answer, Tetsu-kun? And here I thought you were supposed to be smart.”
That’s how studying with him usually goes before serious discussions about the topics continue.
After some time, he snaps his books shut to get your attention, then he smiles at you with that shit-eating grin of his. He tells you that it’s time to stop and he needs to take you home, so you can sleep.
“We wouldn’t want you to get wrinkles, now do we? I don’t want people to think I’m dating a grandma.“
You punch him in the shoulder lightly before packing your things with a smile on your face. You know that he’s actually looking out for you.
The teasing and banter continue during your walk, and the laughter staves off the fatigue. Kuroo notices and offers his shoulder for you to lean on if you’re feeling tired, so you take him up on that offer.
For the rest of the walk home, you hold onto his arm and walk in relative silence.
When you get to your house, he lightly shakes you awake and ruffles your hair and pecks your cheek, telling you he’s delivered your troublesome ass safely back home.
You wave goodbye to him as he walks home, while he walks to you as he walks backwards.
You ask him if he wants to study together for the upcoming tests, and he accepts without hesitation.
You know he’s a pretty smart guy, so it’s kinda moot to study together, but you don’t mind as long as you are together.
The studying sessions are pretty quiet, because Ushiwaka knows his stuff, and you don’t really want to disturb him too much.
But he asks you if you need help from time to time, and he answers your questions very well.
Ushiwaka has to shake you awake a few times if you start falling asleep, and he even tells you to take a nap once or twice. For those times, he pats the space next to him and invites you to rest your head on his shoulders… or against his arm if you can’t reach his shoulders.
If you refuse and he sees you falling asleep more and more often, he asks if you want to sleep over or go home instead. Either way, the studying session is over by that point.
“You can sleep in my bed tonight if you want.“
“Wah, Toshi-kun! That’s too sudden!”
Of course, after asking that, you just tell him you’ll go home for the night instead.
Then he offers to walk you home, and actually insists that you accept. He won’t stop until you agree either, so better to just let him do it.
He’ll also wordlessly drape his jacket over your shoulders when he feels like it’s too cold outside. And no, he’s not going to take it back even if you force it into his hands.
The walk home is relatively quiet, but he hovers close to you for the most part of it. Hell, he even leans into your shoulder when you pass by other people who’re staring at you.
Once you’re in front of your house safe and sound, he lingers for a few moments before leaving.
He’s not very affectionate, so there’s no forehead kisses or anything before he leaves, but him give you one of his rare smiles is enough.
Teru probably asked you to tutor him, because you’re a smart girl and he wants to spend time with you.
Although the tutoring is more of an excuse, he actually tries to follow along with what you’re saying and ask questions whenever he doesn’t understand something.
And believe me, he asks a lot of questions!
“[Name]-chan, is this English phrase correct?“
“Wait, how did you get the answer to that math question?! Can you show me?”
Partly because he can’t wrap his head around certain subjects, but mostly because he loves hearing your voice.
“Well, it goes like this, Yuuji-kun. First…”
If he’s being honest, he would probably ace every subject and exam if you’re the one teaching them to him.
Of course, he’s not complaining if you only tutor him, instead of actually handling the class. This way, he has plenty of alone time with you.
Throughout the tutoring session, he’s surprisingly calm and a little quiet except for a few groans and moans when he makes mistakes.
Oh, and when he asks you questions, he takes the opportunity to get closer to you, pointing out whatever he doesn’t understand on his book while leaning closer than necessary, but you don’t mind.
Sometimes, he plays around with his tongue piercing, and it gets super distracting for you when he runs it on his lips. Like damn!
Once it gets super late and it’s time for you to head home, he immediately tells you he’d walk you home. And even if you refuse, he’d do it anyway, because he wants you to get home safe and sound.
On the walk home, he’s pretty energetic and loud like his usual self. You actually have to try and quiet him down a few times, so the neighbors aren’t disturbed.
He kisses you on the hand, dramatically saying he hates to leave you and wants to stay with you forever. You both laugh at his dramatics before he heads back home while you head inside.
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nightimagines · 6 years
Hi! We’re bad with timely updates, but we’re working on requests, we promise! Hopefully, we can update the blog with more content soon.
On that note, we’re still accepting requests from the boosting event as well as regular requests! But please read our rules and respective fandoms list before sending in a request. For the boosting event, please follow adhere to the 1 FANDOM rule. Thank you!
— Mod Blue & Mod Red
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nightimagines · 6 years
👑 Yaaaaas ma homie bring it! I'm ready for ya 💖 puns give me life! 👑
Same here! I live for the puns, although Mod Red isn’t very appreciative of them. I’ve also always wanted to use pick-ups line, but I value my face and my dignity, so I probably won’t be using them in real life. Using them in writing is a totally different story though!
— Mod Blue ☾
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nightimagines · 6 years
Tonight I Wanna Cry
requested by. anonymous
can I have an angsty Kuroo x reader? childhood friends and now they’re in high school and they’re just branching out and experiencing new things and confused with their feelings? super angsty plsssss <3
fandom. Haikyuu pairing. Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
word count. 1.012
aaahh!!! it’s been so long since i wrote angst, so it’s probably not my best work. but ugh! i was still tearing up a little because i had this beautiful scenario in my head, but i couldn’t quite fit it in this. i hope you enjoy anyway!
The morning was lovely, as you made your way to your first day of high school. New school, new classmates, new clubs, and new experiences! You felt a mix of emotions, but all the excited and anxious nerves melted away once you heard a familiar voice calling out your name in the distance.
Looking up, you saw your childhood friends, Kozume Kenma and Kuroo Tetsurou. The former waved slightly and offered a small smile; the latter wore a shit-eating grin as he waved his arm around in exaggerated movements. Running up to them with a smile, you greeted each other before walking to Nekoma High together.
“Tetsurin, your hair’s always a mess!” You tried to reach up and fix Kuroo’s hair.
“I tried fixing it already. You know it can’t be tamed, [Name]cchi.” He leaned down a little to let you try to fix it anyway.
“You just haven’t been trying hard enough! See? It’s starting to–”
Unfortunately, his hair poofed up again. No matter what you tried, it still couldn’t be tamed, but you already knew that. You’ve tried fixing it several times over the course of your friendship; at this point, you were just doing it to have an excuse to get close to him and touch his hair. Kuroo, on the other hand, let you try and try again, enjoying the feeling of your hands running through his hair.
“I already told you. But if you wanted to touch it, you could’ve just asked.”
“Oh, please! Why would I even want to touch that mess? I’m just saving everyone else from having to look at it.”
“Sure, sure. Whatever you say, [Name]cchi!”
Meanwhile, Kenma just quietly watched you two interact with a small knowing smile on his face.
After the Welcome Ceremony, you and Kuroo walked into your class and talked to each other some more. You both ate lunch with Kenma and discussed about what clubs to join, but it wasn’t the least bit surprising to you when you learned they’d join the volleyball team. Sometimes, you popped in to practice and watch them. Sometimes, you just waited by the gate until they’re done, so you could all walk together.
It was a nice memory of your first year of high school!
But that was just what it was: a nice memory.
You sighed, casting another glance at the entrance of the school from the school gates. They should have been out by now. They should have been done by now. And if they decided to extend practice like they were known to do occasionally, the least either Kuroo or Kenma could send you a message and tell you about it.
Not even a “sorry, we’re gonna be a bit late today” From Kuroo, or even a “Kuroo’s pushing us to practice more than usual” from Kenma. The text at the top of your inbox was a haunting and mocking “No new messages” as the clock on the top screen changed to 6:31 PM.
With another heavy sigh, you locked your phone and shoved it in your pocket. You gave the school one final glance before setting course to home… which was probably what you should have done an hour earlier. Sometimes it sucked to be hopeful; sometimes it sucked to be friends with such passionate dorks. Still, they were your passionate dorks from childhood. You quickly typed up a message to Kuroo and sent it, just in case you missed each other after you left school.
[To Tetsurin:] Hey! I figured you and Kenma were still practicing, so I decided to go home without you. 7:04 PM [To Tetsurin:] Don’t practice too hard, old man! 7:05 PM
A few minutes passed by with no reply, and you guessed they were still hard at it. You’re sure they would check in with you later.
Hours passed, and later came. Still, no reply, though the little text on the side of your messages indicated Kuroo had definitely seen them.
[From Tetsurin:] Sorry. 9:47 PM
Kuroo must have been apologizing for making you wait, but something in the back of your mind was telling you otherwise.
Sorry. The lone word held some finality, like it was the last word that needed to be exchanged between the both of you. Another minute ticked by, you finally blinked. Setting down your phone on your bedside table, you rolled over and stared at the ceiling. Just as your lives had changed from middle school, maybe it was time for another change as high school was nearing its end. They were busy with practices most of the time, and even when they had time to spare, you rarely ever hung out with them anymore.
All those years together… Gone with just one word.
Your heart ached. Your eyes stung. Your hands trembled. Your body shook.
This was, ultimately, the hardest decision you’ve made yet. Probably the one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever made, and probably one of the decisions you’d regret making in the long run. Maybe first loves and happy endings were just meant for the fictional world.
With shaking fingers, you typed out a message in quiet agreement. The digital text blurred by the tears dropping on the screen.
[To Tetsurin:] Goodbye. 9:51 PM
On the other side of the screen, a pair of hazel colored eyes narrowed. Kuroo bit his lip as he tried hard not to scream out in frustration. This was, absolutely, the hardest decision he’s ever made. But he couldn’t keep you waiting and waiting in misery for a guy like him. Knowing you, you’d find someone better, someone more devoted to you. Someone who wouldn’t run and push you away after realizing their feelings for you but too afraid to pursue anything because they wouldn’t want to lose you as a friend.
Knowing himself, he’d always be pining after you, even though he was the first to let go.
[From My Light 💖:] Goodbye. 9:51 PM
Tonight, he let himself cry. Tonight, he let himself scream.
Tonight, he let his heart break into a million pieces, while yours were doing the same.
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nightimagines · 6 years
👑 oraaaayyttt lets unload your arsenal of pick up lines and puns! I think this is hella obvious now, so yeah haikyuu scenario please! 💖 I'm req for oikawa. Like his girl classmate overhears him teasing/bugging/annoying iwa-chan during break time with puns/pick up lines no one ever asked for, then she just butts in with an even worse one and theyre both "???" lmao so random please and thank youuu! 👑
*rubs hands together* Well, crown anon, you asked for it! I’ve already got an idea on how I want the scenario to play out, so it’s just a matter of mashing the keyboard and trying to make coherent words. I’ll add it to my writing list right away! Thanks for the request! Prepare for all the horrible pick-up lines soon!
— Mod Blue ☾
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nightimagines · 6 years
Hi! Could I request for a Haikyuu matchup please? Im a bit taller than average but not that tall, I like being on my phone always, whether it be listening to music, playing games or anything. I love sweets. Give me sweets and I'll do anything. Im actually once a VB player in our school but I focused on my studies more. Im an ambivert, I guess.I like befriending people, but if I dont like a person, I'd avoid them at all cost. I have somewhat of a short fuse but I stay patient to my friends
Hello, and thank you for the request! This isn’t really the format/information I base off of my ships/match-ups anymore, but I figured what the hell! I haven’t done ships in a while, so I might as well see if I still have it in me. Please make sure to follow the format next time, but I’ll make an exception for just this once. Just for you, anon!
— Mod Blue ☾
I ship you with… Ennoshita Chikara!
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The don of the second years! Since he's great at understanding and relating to people, he'll be understanding towards you. He also knows what it's like to give up volleyball even though his leave of it was temporary. He'll give you sweets whenever he can and he doesn't mind you being on your phone as much since he's a bit quiet and reserved. He'd be happy as long as he gets a chance to spend time with you.
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nightimagines · 6 years
👑 omg i'm very sho0kt hahahaha i guess i've been lurking and harassing blogs too much lately 😂 expect me to do the same to yours *evil, shameless laughing* and no no no you did well!! I loved it!! Especially the texting parts, lmao the "pls dream of me 2nite" got me bc i type that way lol anyway tHAnkK YOUU more power 2 da bL0G!! 💪🔥 👑
It’s not lurking if you make your presence known and it’s not harassment if we enjoy your presence and request though! If anything, I’m the one who’s just lurking on several blogs lol! We look forward to seeing more of you though!
Also the texting part for Oikawa is the easiest one for me to write because I am full of cheesy pick-up lines like that and I haven’t unloaded my full arsenal yet hoho!
Thank you for the request, crown anon!
— Mod Blue ☾
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nightimagines · 6 years
👑 yosh new blooog! Just general hcs for oikawa, kuroo, terushima and nishinoya please? Thanks and good luck with the blog!!! 💪 👑
Crown anon! You know, I see you around a lot of blogs, and you always have such great requests. Since I’m still new to writing these characters, I hope I didn’t butcher them up too badly. Also, they’re kinda short and all over the place because I don’t have a lot of headcanons for them yet, but still I hope you enjoy!
— Mod Blue ☾
His ideal type of partner would be someone who can understand him fully and can see past his smile and pretty face, but he hopes that won’t drive you away if you don’t fit the bill.
He’s the type of guy to send you cute texts in the morning and throughout the day. At night, he usually sends “pls dream of me 2nite bc im always dreaming of u ❤️❤️” or “sweet dreams!! ill see u there so dont skip out on sleep” or messages to those effect.
Despite impressions leading you to believe otherwise, he’s not the type to cheat on you recklessly or impulsively. It’d only probably happen if you don’t show that much interest or love in him in the first place.
He loves surprising you a lot! He’s the type to leave you gifts when you least expect it like a love letter in your shoe locker, flowers on your desk, and your favorite treat at lunch or after school. He just loves seeing the delighted surprise on your face.
You are not exempted from his provocations, so you better expect them whenever you’re feeling down or hard on yourself. He wants to make you see that you’re great just the way you are, and if you feel inadequate, he’s there to help you improve and become better.
He seems like the type to talk about his “youth” as if he were an old man, specially his love story with you. He reminisces about it like it was ages ago saying things like “I remember when we first met back then” or “you remember when I asked you out? It feels like so long ago” then he tries to re-enact it with you.
Expect your dates to be fun, fun, fun! This guy’s full of energy and he wants to spend it having fun with you. But if you’re the type to like quiet dates, he’s not going to pass up just because it’s not his style. He just wants to spend time with you.
Even before you two start going out, he’s gonna be super attached, often wanting some contact with you like a hand to your shoulder or maybe just your shoulder against his.
He’s the type of guy to make friends with other people easily and flirt here and there, but once he starts dating you, he’s gonna be fiercely loyal. He trusts you and he hopes you trust him even though girls might want to get closer to him sometimes.
He doesn’t mind if you’re taller or shorter than him as long as you don’t mention his height or tease him about it too much. If you go too far, he’s probably going to sulk about it until you apologize or surprise him with gifts like a kiss on the cheek.
His style of courting you is persistently trying to talk to you, offer to walk you home, or invite you to buy snacks after school when he’s done with practice.
Prepare to receive random texts throughout the day if he can’t spend time by your side, even during classes. He’d send something like “class is boring. how r u doing?” or “r u good at kanji? tutor me sometime!!!” or maybe just “r u gonna watch me practice later? i always get pumped whenever u’re there so cheer me on!!!”
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nightimagines · 6 years
Hey there, question about the boosting event, we are supposed to choose only 1 fandom right? I just read your rules but for match ups it say you can choose up until three and I'm sorry I'm just a bit confused cause I'm silly like that. Thanks for answering 😫
Yes, we only take 1 fandom for the boosting event, but match-ups can have 3. But that's because the boosting event with 1 fandom is different from our regular match-ups with 3 fandoms.
For the boosting event, we ask for only 1 fandom because we're going to include a scenario/imagine with it.
For regular match-ups, we ask for 3 fandoms but there's no scenario included with it.
Hope that clears things up!
— Mod Blue ☾
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nightimagines · 6 years
Hello to old and new followers alike!
Please make sure to read our rules page for the what we write for and what we’re looking for in each request. And since we’ve have varying taste in fandoms, please make sure to check our individual fandoms lists (Mod Red’s / Mod Blue’s) and see whether we write for your fandom and your specific request.
Also we’d just like to apologize for the inconvenience regarding our boosting event, so we’ve updated the original post to include links to all the necessary information you might need. Remember we’re accepting 10 requests each! But in the case we don’t get as many, we’ll just close up the event by the end of the month and answer what we have then.
For regular requests, we’re very much accepting them along with the boosting event. Make sure you’re as detailed as possible so we know exactly what you want from the request. If it’s too vague, we might not get any inspiration to write for it, thus rejecting the request entirely.
If you’re confused about anything, please send us an ask or IM! We’d be glad to help you out or just to chat with you guys!
Thank you for the support!
— Mod Blue & Mod Red
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