ninathenope · 2 years
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finished version of my sketch! Her name is Arachnia and i love her :D
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ninathenope · 2 years
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ITS FINALLY TIME!! @undertalesecretsanta time!!!! :D @cherybeee I was your Secret Santa this year, and (coming from someone who, before seeing your prompt, had no clue these lads existed) i really hope i did them justice, and that you enjoy!!! :) (Click for better quality) They’re just chillin’ in a screensaver lol
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ninathenope · 2 years
OHHHH HE LOOKS SO GOOD!! Thank you so much :D I love the way you did his armor, and the scarf- THE GLOOWY EYES ARE SO FUNNN Absolutely amazing job!! Thank you so much :D
Happy holidays!!
UTSS Gift 2021
Surprise! It’s technically Christmas Eve where I am, so I was your UTSS! I loved drawing your AU Sans (despite my drawing tablet literally dying), and I hope you enjoy the art!! :D
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And here’s a funky watercolour-textured one I also made lol
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Hope you have a good holiday season! :D
- V (for Verbena)
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ninathenope · 2 years
Hey, it's your Secret Santa again.
Quick question - what does the text on Sans's armour say? I can't quite make it out.
- V
Hello there!! :D So it says "0 - R: KADV, GFG/Blade 3" on his left chest plate, and then it has a little flower with, kinda swirly parentheses around it on the right :) The meaning is: 0 (Zero, his name) - R(Rank): KADV(King’s ADVisor), GFG(Golden Flower Guard)/Blade 3(Trident Blade, section 3, a name for the war council spurring from the quote “Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”)
Hope that helped, and as always thank you so much for contacting me :D I hope your drawing is going great <3
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ninathenope · 3 years
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panel one of another comic im doing! really experimenting with my lighting style :)
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ninathenope · 3 years
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The Road Not Traveled, prologue, (Page 3)
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ninathenope · 3 years
Hey so I'm in a discord for an ut Secret Santa (@undertalesecretsanta) and I and others had been talking about stuff on that discord. We created a cat. Stripey. For Papyrus.
Here a link of a (real nice) art of Stripey by @ninathenope
Also they were several writings done as well, I'll add links as soon as I have them (if stuff get post on tumblr). However! Follow that link to read some of the writings on AO3 >:3
And I wanted to participate as well I guess so here's a lil' writing owo
Cat's nap
Papyrus had fractured his leg. A spiraling crack running down his right thigh bone. It wasn't that big of a crack but for a skeleton monster, a single crack left alone too long could have dire consequences. 
Papyrus knew that. 
So when the large boulder he had been trying to supplex -under a dare of Undyne- fell on his leg with a crushing noise...he had frowned (he may have also shouted but it had been only dignified words meant to show how much the proud skeleton loved the world). While such an injury would merely take days to heal up at the condition he took it easy and consumed a generous amount of healing complements, having to "laze around" for days didn't sit well in his mind.
It didn't sit well at all.
Having refused Undyne's help to wrap his leg despite her complaints, he hurried towards the house to carefully take care of the bothering wound. Soon his leg was wrapped and the first aid-kit discarded.
With his outfit put back on, the delicate bone was completely hidden to those who didn't know it was there at the first time. Another fine work for the great Papyrus ! 
And now... he just had to... relax...
He couldn't go to work anyway as his fishy friend all but ordered him to stay home to his big dismay.
The buzzy silence of an empty home confirmed what he already knew. He was currently alone in this house, sitting on the lumpy couch in front of a black screen. Sans warned him he would be busy for at least another hour after he managed to convince him that there was no need to interrupt whatever task he was doing to come home earlier. He was perfectly fine after all, just bored! Really bored.
His fingers played on his uninjured leg a steady rhythm as he wondered what he could do and if walking -just for a little while- would be safe. Surely everybody was merely overreacting and doing some house chores wouldn't kill him, would it? 
His decision taken, Papyrus raised his body to stand up, carefully putting pressure on his stiff leg. House chores, wait for the great Papyrus ! 
The song of the clatter of dishes together was fast to drown out his thoughts as a low tune escaped his teeth.
After cleaning the kitchen, his leg started tingling but he ignored that.
Balancing a few plates on his head, the stairs creaked as he went upstairs.
He filled the two bowls he left in a corner of each room of the house with pet food and water, letting his eyes wander around with the vain hope of catching sight of fleeting orange shape.
The tingling feeling spreading to the rest of his leg was starting to bother him. But he ignored it once again. Sighing he went downstairs to retrieve a book he remembered forgetting on the table.
The shigh shifted into a pained scream as a too fast move made his bad leg all but slam against a thick wooden door. Tears gathered in his eyes as he jumped around on one foot. Once the strange dance calmed down, with sheer reluctance, he went back to the couch for a, hopefully short, break. 
The pain in his leg throbbed as he tried to situate himself comfily. Realising he wasn't getting up anytime soon and that the only activity left was TV watching, which could be a great activity but not when the chores were not even half-done! Who was gonna take care of those? Sans? As if his brother wouldn't just do the bare minimum at most if he asked him. Speaking about him, Papyrus glanced at the clock. Still at least 30 minutes to spend alone.
His thin fingers covered his face as he groaned. He was just gonna wallow in his boredom until he'd hear the soft noise of a bony knuckle rattle the door. 
*Tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac…*
The noise of the time measuring tool found its way into his skull and seemed to be growing louder by the second while another other sound felt muffled and his thinking process sluggish.
*Tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, beep…*
"Beep"? What happened to the "tac"? Was it broken? Confusion made the skeleton get back control on his mind and put away his hands, allowing himself to see the room again as gears in his mind bolted in an attempt to solve the mystery. The room looked normal. The clock seemed fine from what he could see from his spot. But something felt definitively wrong. As if he wasn't alone-alone there. Which was impossible as there was obviously nothing there other than himself, his injured leg and boredom. But still... He felt kind of squeezy and continued to inspect every corner from afar, meticulously glaring at each thing out of place, silently noting them for a later clean-up that he wished he could take care of right now. The inspection had been almost finished when a loud "mrrrawww" resonated right next to his head. 
And there. Right on the backrest was sitting a cat staring at him with innocent blue eyes. 
Not just a cat.
An orange and well-fed cat. 
Papyrus extended his arm to gently scratch the chin of the animal once he recovered from the startle.
The cat did not react to the loud greeting outside of purring and rubbing his soft cheek against his phalanges, yawning and exposing tiny fangs and pink tongue to his view. The purring beast was grabbed with the delicacy someone would give to a newborn and set on bony knees. Instantly, Stripey melted against the warmless limbs and the engine noise grew so big Papyrus was starting to worry the cat would just start to fly like a plane. Thankfully the animal kept his paws right there and just started to fall into a deep slumber until the skeleton was forced to recognize that as much as he wanted to go... the weight on his lap was more than enough to anchor him here for a while.
When Sans finally went home -1 hour late- he was surprised to not be greeted by his overzealous brother. Was the injury worse than what he thought? Enough to keep him from greeting him home like he almost always did? Already frowning at the thought, he switched on the light to glance around the main room with the hope he would find something to calm down his worry.
He did find something.
In the shape of a lanky skeleton slumped in the couch, arms gently but firmly put around the very cat who was named "Stripey '' not so long ago. The cat was stretched across Papyrus's lap, twisted in a way his fluffy belly was exposed, defenseless. Sans switched off the light without a word and brought a blanket to recover the sleeping pile. He then walked away to join his bedroom but not before sending his brother's way a small:
"goodnigh' papyrus"
And not before promising himself to annoy his brother with cat and nap-related jokes in the morning.
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ninathenope · 3 years
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probably the most wholesome thing ive ever drawn Meet Stripey the cat!!! Created in the UnderTale Secret Santa Discord
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ninathenope · 3 years
Hey there! Nice to meet you! Turns out that I'm your Undertale Secret Santa this year, so nice to meet you!
If you need a name for me, you can just call me V.
Just a quick question today: Do you have any concepts/art/ideas for the colour scheme of Zero's armour? If not then that's fine ^^
- V
oh my gosh hello there!! its very nice to hear from you :) To your question: i don't really have one i've done in color myself. I do have some art that's been done for it by people who have also drawn Zero!!
1: https://ninathenope.tumblr.com/post/664090492873621504/there-was-the-sound-of-something-shifting-from 2: https://ninathenope.tumblr.com/post/182410729258/but-this-time-im-dead-so-heres-some-art-for 3: https://ninathenope.tumblr.com/post/182095935228/itspanictree-ninathenope-i-just-finished but if those arent enough I can definitely throw something more together to help you out!! And feel free to change things up and play with the design!! <3 be creative!!! most importantly HAVE FUN <3
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ninathenope · 3 years
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The Road Not Traveled, prologue, Page 2
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ninathenope · 3 years
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The Road Not Traveled, Prologue. Part 1
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ninathenope · 3 years
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Really loving this WIP so far✌️
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ninathenope · 3 years
this is such a cool concept!! i’m so stoked :D
Undertale Secret Santa 2021
Snow poffs, and Gyftrots, and skeletons, oh my! Are you ready to gather around the Gyftmas tree in Snowdin Town?
That's right, the Undertale winter exchange has returned this year after a much needed hiatus due to the pandemic. Let's spread some joy this winter season with human and monster friends alike. In order to participate, all you need to do is:
Read the Rules and FAQ first!
Complete this initial contact form. Please allow 24-48 hours for the mods to process your contact information.
When your initial sign-up has been accepted, fill out the questionnaire emailed to you.
-Nov. 15th - 20th: Sign-ups.             Sign-ups close on the 20th at 11:59 pm (CST)
-Nov. 21st - 29th: Mods will take hopefully about a week to sort the assignments. Assignments will be emailed out a week after sign-ups close. If you have not received your assignment by then, please let us know!!!
-Dec. 24th: Submission Day (according to your time zone)
Please post your entries then! Besides posting your gifts to your blog and @ mentioning your recipient and this blog, we will also be providing a Google form for you to link us your entry (because Tumblr is a flaming dumpster and many of the @ mentions go to the void).
-Dec. 25th-31st: Gift showcasing
Best wishes and joy to all of you!
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ninathenope · 3 years
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a little tutorial I made for myself on how to draw Sans :)
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ninathenope · 3 years
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The stars have played their part The past is gone and done Have more faith in love The best is yet to come
New Day For You, by Basia
So i feel like its in some fine-print somewhere that, if you’re gonna do art for the UnderTale universe, you HAVE TO draw the Judgement Hall fight; so here’s mine lol!
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ninathenope · 3 years
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ninathenope · 3 years
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(Chapter 42 - Royal Blue)
A flash brings memories- the wave of a clean-pressed lab-coat, a skeletal hand holding a purple-inked pen, rolls of blueprints and schematics. A friend in a bright world filled with excitement and motion, muttering gibberish tech-words that mesh with static.
The sun is bright in the sky, they’re in the castle serving tea. Asriel bounces in his booster-seat, he’s just a baby; his yellow bib is smeared with snail goo from the pie.
A skeletal hand cleans the smears off the baby’s fur with a napkin. Asriel fusses, and tries to eat it.
Toriel laughs, the sound is sweet and warm; filled with love. The world smells like cinnamon and mint and butterscotch, and-
Asgore momentarily feels like his mind has been swallowed by a fog. He blinks and lifts a hand to rub at his eyes. It clears.
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