#then tells me to respect my elders bc the “adults” have adult things to do and belittles my experience with being talked over ALL THE TIME
novataleart · 6 months
Love how the person interviewing my transition at the gender health clinic while my dad was on the phone with us (he provided absolutely no info whatsoever) asked if he misgenders me constantly, and I was like-
... no :)
Yknow, like a liar
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
tw: vent
once again feeling like i just wanna give up bc i’m just constantly stuck— mentally, physically. i’m just never really happy anymore. i’m expected to pay for my siblings’ meals when i take them out, and can’t ask for it back because they’re younger than me and they don’t work. i was nearly at $200 in savings and somehow, without spending more than $30 on myself for the last week, I’m down to $95 in my savings. i’ve been scrimping and saving so i can take time off of work and ‘reality’ to go to hawaii for a few days but now im just so much further away from my savings goal that i just feel like it’s not worth it anymore. yes, i know i can just go to a neighbouring country but there’s nothing i wanna do there, the same stores are everywhere in this region and it’s like what’s the point? it’s a personal preference but a place i’ve been wanting to visit but never had the guts to even think about, to plan, to research to make sure i keep in mind that i respect the people, nature and wildlife. to make sure i stay within my budget, knowing where to go, where to eat, what to do, what i want to buy so i only buy those items and not extra things. i know life isn’t fair but why the hell does birth order have to decide what one has to do for family? when the more ‘grown’ adults in the family have nothing but terrible, terrible things to say about the choices i want to make? what i wear, what i eat, where i work, where i want to travel to, what i want to study, where i want to study, why i want to study? why I am always thinking about being anywhere but home??? i get that i owe my parents years and years worth of money and then some for bringing me up, but little things, ‘casual remarks’ stick with me and just ruin me day by day. i can barely remember the good.
i’m in a way fortunate to still live in this apartment with my family so i don’t have to worry about rent. but i pay for my own expenses at work, transportation and my phone bill. i also pay for whatever the hell kind of knick knacks, snacks, meals and even toys when we go out. because i know she doesn’t like to be home and being the target of my parents’ yelling, it sucks for them to talk shit about you right to your face, calling you burdens, telling you their lives stopped because of you. i didn’t choose to be here, i didn’t choose for us to be low-income if you yourselves don’t want to do anything but spew out your so-called ‘creative ideas for new job ventures and asking me to help you. you’re so vague, help with what? how do i help? what do you want me to do? why do i have to give up on my part time job to risk a new career with you that you’re starting from scratch with no clients/customers yet? why is the burden just on me like this even though it isn’t explicitly said? i’m not a bad person, but they’re making me out to be a horrible human being that disrespects family and elders even though i’m treated as less than just because ‘they’re my parents and know me best because they raised me?’ you have no idea how much of myself i had to hide in my 20 years of existence. i don’t even know who i am anymore, what i believe in, what i want in my life for myself.
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
modern AU levihan as kids: Kenny babysits Levi, and doesn't let him play with any kids after school bc he thinks all kids are brats, but he approves of Hange so he lets her come over to play with Levi. And Hange always brings dandelions that she picks from the ground for Kenny, Levi, and for Levi to give Kuchel whenever she comes home late from work
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"I'm going out," Levi announced, coming downstairs already dressed and with his backpack on.
From his place on a sofa, Kenny put down his beer and raised an eyebrow.
"May I ask where are you going?"
"You may not," Levi retorted, his face dark. Kenny had to admit - for a little boy, his nephew had an impressively fierce glare. Even some adults found the kid to be unnerving. Not Kenny, though.
"Oi, brat, you better tell me where you're going. Or," he smirked. "I'm going to call your mother."
At that, Levi pouted and stomped his feet. He continued to glare at Kenny for a little longer, before surrendering with an irritated 'tsk'.
"I'm going out with Hange," he said with a sulky pout. Of course, it was Hange, Kenny had no doubt that Levi was meeting with the bespectacled kid from across the street. He asked him simply to see that awkward and constipated look on his nephew's face.
"Is your curiosity satisfied? May I go already?"
"You may not," seeing Levi's wide-eyed expression, Kenny felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Teasing the kid was so much fun. "Wait for a bit, until I get my shit. We'll go together."
"What? No!" Levi protested, clutching hands into fists. "I'm going with Hange! Not with you!"
"Your mother asked me to look after you," Kenny reminded, putting on his best ‘stern adult’ expression. "So I'm going to chaperone you and Hange. I'm sure she won't mind."
"I will mind," Levi grunted stubbornly.
Kenny rolled his eyes. "C'mon, Levi, stop with that tantrum. I'll drive you two to the park, get you some ice-cream, let you have some fun."
"While you keep watching us like a creep?"
"While I keep an eye on you two to make sure you won't get into trouble."
Crossing hands on his chest, Levi considered him. "You won't let me go without you, right?"
"Levi!" Kenny slapped him on a back with a loud chuckle. "And here I thought you aren't sharp!"
It earned him another glare from his dear nephew, but then Levi sighed, accepting his defeat.
"Hurry up, old man. Hange is probably waiting for me already."
"I'll be quick as lighting," Kenny winked and dashed to get his keys and wallet.
Once he was dressed and ready to go, Levi opened the front door. Hange was standing on their porch, her arm raised to the doorbell.
"Oh." She gingerly lowered her hand to the side. "Hi, Levi. I was just going to call you."
"Sorry, it took me so long. My uncle decided to go with us and I had to wait for him."
"Mr. Ackerman is going with us?" Hange's eyes widened. "Awesome!"
"See?" Kenny walked out, patting Hange's head with a smile. "I told you Hange wouldn't object."
"Of course, I wouldn't," she smiled. "You're so cool, Mr. Ackerman!"
"That I am," Kenny grinned, looking at Levi's disgruntled expression. "But please, Hange, we've talked about this. You can just call me uncle Kenny. Mr. Ackerman sounds like I'm an old man."
"You are an old man," Levi argued, scowling.
"No respect for his elders," Kenny shook his head, feigning disappointment. "C'mon, kids, let's get into the car."
Once Hange and Levi were seated at the back of his car and once Kenny made sure that they put on their seatbelts - Kuchel would have his head, if they didn't - there was only one thing left.
"So, Hange?" Kenny met her eyes in the rear mirror. "Where do you want to go?"
"Huh?" she bit her lip. "Why don't you ask Levi?"
"You know him,” Kenny said flippantly. “He'll go wherever you want. So. Have you decided?"
"Um," Hange glanced at Levi and leaned closer, whispering something in his ear. Levi gave her a small nod, and Hange smiled broadly, showing her still missing tooth. She turned to Kenny, giving him thumbs up. "We want to go to the park, uncle Kenny!"
"Your wish is my command," he winked, starting the car.
"Here you go," Kenny pushed two plates of ice-creams - mint chocolate chip for Hange and lemon for Levi - towards the kids.
Hange accepted hers with a loud and genuine 'thank you' while Levi just grunted something under his breath. Instantly, children dove into their desserts.
Sitting across from them, Kenny sipped on his coffee and watched them eat. It was quite fascinating - how different they were. Levi ate slowly and carefully, wiping his face with napkin whenever ice-cream got on his face. Meanwhile, Hange noshed enthusiastically and messily, her cheeks already stained. 
As soon as he saw the state she was in, Levi paused and put the spoon down. With a barely audible sigh, he took the napkin and gripped Hange's chin between his fingers, making her look at him. Then he proceeded to thoroughly wipe her dirty face, cleaning the remnants of the ice-cream from her cheeks and nose.
"You're such a clean freak," Hange muttered when Levi was finished.
"It's not my fault you're such a pig, four-eyes," he shot back, making Hange throw her head and laugh.
Kenny watched their interaction with amused expression, regretting that his sister wasn't too busy with work to witness this.
He had a feeling, however, that she saw a fair share of this back at home.
Kenny put the hat lower, shielding his eyes from the blinding sun. It was quite boring, just sitting there, but at least Levi had calmed down a bit. After they arrived at the park, Hange had dragged him out somewhere, claiming that she wanted Levi to see a pretty butterfly she found when she had visited the park with her parents.
Kenny wanted to follow, but one glare from his nephew, and he surrendered, taking refuge at one of the benches.
He let them go, because as much as he enjoyed giving Levi shit, Kenny knew that he was smart. Careful too. He was confident that Levi wouldn't get in any trouble. Besides, the kid deserved to have some fun with his best friend. It was the reason he brought them there in the first place.
He wished the kids would come back sooner, though. The heat and bright sun were making him quite drowsy.
Kenny looked around the park, and when he noticed that there was no sign of his nephew or his friend, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting them rest for a short moment.
"Uncle Kenny! Uncle Kenny! Look what I've made!"
"Oi, old man, wake up," Kenny felt a sharp poke into his side and groaned, waving his hand to get rid of the source of pain.
"Wake up." Levi repeated, poking him again. "Hange wants to show you something." That was followed by another pock.
"Stop it," Kenny hissed. "I woke up, woke up! Just stop pocking me!"
He opened his eyes and was greeted with the too familiar scene - his nephew, glaring at him with all the fierceness a six-year old boy could master. Once he took a good look at him, however, Kenny had to rub his eyes, because he could not believe it.
His gloomy and grumpy nephew was standing in front of him, holding a long wooden branch in his right hand. And on his head, he wore a flower crown, made of weeds and poppies. Kenny clasped a palm over his mouth, stifling his laughter. He cursed himself for not taking his phone with him. He should have taken a picture, Kuchel had to see this.
"Uncle Kenny!" Hange's loud voice attracted his attention. Kenny turned away from Levi, facing the other kid. She was wearing the same flower crown as Levi. In her hands she held another one - this one made of dandelions. Smiling from ear to ear, she handed it to Kenny.
"I made it for you!" she exclaimed, and something deep inside Kenny's chest warmed at the sight of her. "Would you like to wear it?"
"You better wear it." Levi threatened quietly, giving him another pock. "Four-eyes put a lot of effort into making it."
Kenny smiled, endeared by Levi's protectiveness.
"Of course, I'll wear it," he said. How could he say no these bright eyes? He took off his hat and lowered his head, letting Hange put a flower crown on top of it.
"Ah!" she clasped her hands. "You look so handsome, uncle Kenny! Just so you know," she leaned in, lowering her voice to a whisper. "This flower crown is special."
"Oi!" Levi interfered, glaring at Hange. Despite his angry face, Kenny couldn't help but notice that Levi didn't pock her with his stick. Someone was clearly showing his favoritism. "You said that mine was special!"
"And yours is special!"
"A-ha," Levi shook his head. "There can't be two specials."
"Of course, there can be!" Hange flailed her arms around. "It's just different kinds of special! Your flower crown is a special best friend's crown, and your uncle has the coolest adult's crown!"
"He's not cool," Levi muttered, but he seemed to accept the explanation all the same.
"What's the stick for, kid?" Kenny asked, pointing at it with his chin.
"Levi was a knight!" Hange answered for him. "He was fighting a fierce dragon and to win this battle, he needed a magical weapon! It was forged by the forest gods!"
"A fight with a dragon?" Kenny whistled. "Were you s princess then, Hange?"
"Nope," she replied with a wide grin.
"She was a dragon," Levi muttered.
"Oh." Kenny should have anticipated something like that. "Did it mean that you lost, Levi?"
Instead of answering, Levi kicked him in the shin.
"We took a recess," Hange said, pushing the glasses up her nose. "The dragon was getting kinda tired."
"Right," Kenny looked up at the sky, the sun was already setting. "Let's go home then. Your mother is probably back from work by now."
"I have flowers for Mrs. Ackerman too!" Hange opened her backpack, showing a small bouquet of field flowers to Kenny. "You'll give them to her, right, uncle Kenny?"
"Why don't you give them yourself, Hange?" he offered. "You can join us for a dinner, I'm sure Kuchel won't mind."
"My mom's making pasta this evening," Levi added, looking a bit shy. "And if you want, we can watch cartoons after that. Have a sleepover."
"I would love that, Levi!" Hange pulled him into a hug. Levi made a face, but- didn't protest.
"Thanks for joining us today, uncle Kenny!" Hange told him after she let go of Levi. "It was the best day ever!"
"You're always welcome, my dear," Kenny's lips curled into a rare, sincere smile.
"Let's get back to the car," he said, standing up.
"The first one to they car chooses the cartoon!" Hange shouted and sprinted off. Levi rushed after her, but Kenny couldn't help but notice - his nephew was purposefully running slower than usual.
Soon Hange reached the car and started jump around in victory, while Levi made a show of looking defeated. 
Kenny chuckled, watching them. It was good to know that his nephew had a friend like that, the one who made him so happy. It made Kenny happy too.
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zvezdacito · 3 years
Lmao the weirdest thing just happened, So basically its 2 AM here and im sleeping right. So my dad just unlocks my room door and wakes me up. He tells me to help him reply back to my cousin because said cousin insulted him daw. I was like “lmao mom is way more well-versed and aggresive than me just make her help you fight this guy man i gotta sleep” but my mom apparently already sleeping and just told him to say whatever so now i have no choice but to help him or else he’ll either not leave me alone or he will leave but guilt trip me. 
So apparently my dad forwarded this random facebook post from a Pinoy in Germany to the family GC which was saying to not take this specific vaccine because side effects bad and stuff. And then my cousin replied with like multiple messages to disprove what dad sent, saying that these sources were more reliable and his tone was sort of snarky and rude. 
The rudeness was probably intentional because that cousin’s side of the family has beef with my parents, and that cousin’s parents have actually done a bunch of bad stuff to my parents before so yeah. But in this specific situation he was sorta right about not just sharing information without proof that could mislead and potentially harm people who believe it so i was conflicted on what to do.
My dad was basically like, “Uhhh tell this guy to not take what i sent too seriously since it was just a random forwarded message that i sent in my past time and also his article is also not 100% verified either so he should just stfu and respect elders” (the cousin’s tone was kinda snarky so my dad probably just assumed everything was done out of spite and intentional disrespect) So i tried to gently explain to my dad that even tho that cousin and his fam were usually horrible people 100% he was kinda right in this situation so maybe don’t say that/completely dissmiss them. But my dad is like senior citizen age so he’s very stubborn and he’s like “nah bruh fuck that fight him for disrespecting elders” 
but im like way too sleepy to make critical judgement so i just said what my dad wanted me to reply to him in better english and in a less aggressive way than he wanted so it might be obvious that it wasnt him who replied lmao oof. He didnt get mad at me for making it more apologetic bcs i think he wasnt actually reading what i was typing and just trusted me to say whatever so yeah i sorta feel bad about that lmao. But basically after i hit send he was like “omg thanks for helping me fight this dude for disrespecting me goodnight <3″ and he finally left. I honestly dont know what i should have done in this situation idk why i should have gotten dragged into it in the first place why do i  have to fight adults lmao. Also this was not explained very well since im sleepy lol brain not working but uhhh what dad said to defend himself was weirder irl lol. Boomers are weird sometimes lmao
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jhaernyl · 4 years
So my ninja taxes are predicated on a handful of concepts, one of which is a big straying away from canon bc I cannot rationalize why Konoha works the way it was if we don't change Hashirama and Madara's motivation for founding the village.
If they really had started their village So That Children Would Not Have To Fight And Die then there is no fucking way that Konoha would have ended up the way it did, not even from the beginning. 
Children would not have been allowed in the field, full stop.
My reasoning, instead, went that Hashirama and Madara looked at how hard life was for their older relatives, the ones that got injured too much to fight again but didn't die, the ones that went blind or deaf and had to be cared about from the rest of the Clan and possibly thought themselves a burden on the other members of their nomadic society, respected "Elders" who weren't necessarily old but who couldn't fight anymore and who dealt with a slew of PTSD complications that might have barred them from even interacting with children and teaching them, further making them feel inadequate or who possibly left the Clan to go into civilian careers where they could settle down in one place, get more or less regular medical care as needed and thus sort of 'left' the Clan behind.
(As a side rant I would like to add that the reason why Madara and Hashirama wouldn't focus on the 'children shouldn't be soldiers' is because that while child soldiers definitely do happen in the real world, in the contest of the Naruto framework it didn't make sense for the time Madara and Hashirama were in to send children as young as the manga told us they were to fight against full-grown adults the way the manga depicted them doing.
I can buy the occasional genius being put into battle way too young (cough Tobirama cough) as long as it came with other factions being anything in the range from impressed-but-somewhat-disapproving to downright appalled at the age the kid was thrown into the field but not it being a systematic thing, because the infant mortality rate would be too high and unsustainable so I think it would make more sense, especially given their ages when they meet, if Madara and Hashirama older brothers died rather than their younger ones.
Hashirama and Madara are supposed to be SEVEN YEARS OLD when they meet and yet somehow both of them are the eldest of their siblings, with Tobirama being the second eldest to Hashirama and Izuna being somewhere around Tobirama's age supposedly, and both have already lost three younger brothers to battle against the opposite faction? Huh huh, sure Kishi, whatever you tell yourself to feel edgy.
No, it makes more sense to me that they were middle children who both became Heir because their older siblings either died or were crippled too bad to continue fighting and that was followed by frustration/rage/depression/sense of being rejected / feeling of uselessness in relation to their war-like Clan whose tradition and Leader Are In The Field kind of leadership demanded an able-bodied shinobi to lead them and that shaped them and informed their ideas for and dreams of an ideal village where that wouldn't be the case and where their younger feelings shouldn't have to feel that was going to be the end they were going to one day meet unless they died in battle.)
So Hashirama and Madara looked at that and they went "That's not what I want for my brother/cousins/uncles/aunts/relatives / etc." and so their dream was to create a place where a shinobi would be supported (the way many self-made shinobi at the time weren't, unless they joined the Clan and, as said above, even joining a Clan didn't necessarily protect them in the long run, depending on their specific situation) beyond his or her or their utility in the field, where they wouldn't have to leave the Clan and their support network to settle somewhere safer, (Tobirama, in the background: where their health and minds could be looked after so that they would not snap and go insane and have to be mercy killed.)
Which allows for the focus of the village to be on a very Japanese-appropriate taking care of your Elders who have already contributed to your society and can still have more to contribute in the way of teaching young ones without having to die in the battlefield or feel themselves become 'burdens' (which they aren't but they might still feel like) and reducing the weight of care on the families by having a support system to person and families be something organically built into the Village’s structure, in more ways than taxing but also through the taxes levied.
It also allows for a spiralling effect being present towards having more people and time to devote to training the young and thus, especially once the Ninja Wars happen and create that sort of constraint on society, leading to younger graduation classes because that can happen as a slippery slope kind of situation where no one means to send young kids into battle before they are ready but if you are sending the older teens and adults into battle, then the younger kids can take over in-village missions that would otherwise be given to adults, right? And if they are doing in-village missions, why not missions right around the village, not too far from it, with their jonin sensei coming along to ensure their safety? They are not being put at risk, they are just being helpful to the system while still being safe.
And that slides into 'well they can do missive runs to safe places on safe routes, we are not putting them in danger, they are just covering for the kind of thing that the adults are too busy with the war front to do' and then slowly and slowly inch down until it becomes 'bring cargo to the back of the lines, far away from the front line, so that we are sure it gets there safely and then they can help the adults escort the wounded back, reduce the number of people we have to discharge from duties where they are needed and there are still enough adults around that it’s safe enough.'
As I said, a slippery slope. 
Starts small and over time it gets normalized and slides down inch by inch.
Back to topic, the focus is on looking after those who get injured and/or need to retire means that two of the main taxes being levied are the Injury Insurance Tax (IIT) and the Invalidity, Old Age & Survivors Tax (IOS) which works like the national funds do in Italy.
It's something that you invest in, just in case you will need it later. Almost all ninja end up needing the IIT funds, at some point during their career, while recovering from injuries and being unable to run missions (thus reducing the stress on ninja on the monetary side and sometimes making life easier for the medics, because patients who know that they will get paid while they work to get back to 100% are patients who might be less likely to book it out of a window at the first instance) and all ninja who are not on a suicidal bend and actually looks forward to managing to make it out and retire can look at the IOS as a support system that will one day help take care of them, should they be too damaged / too old / not able to be around children to make out a living by having a profession/teaching children, etc.
The IOS being something that they have put money in during their service to the village, this also avoids the mental trap of being seen as a charity because it's not you accepting charity from someone else. It's you reaping the reward of that money you sacrificed for so long and set aside exactly for this specific occurrence.
It's not a handout but rather one of your rights that you are expecting/requesting/demanding to be granted to you as promised, so it skips quite a few mental traps that might otherwise prevent them from accepting the help they are being offered.
There are fixed percentages for how much you get taxed depending on rank because the higher you get, the more money you make and the more danger you are exposed to so you both can afford to be taxed higher and you are undergoing higher risks, so you are more motivated to invest into taxes that will give a return when something happens.
Clan ninjas are especially invested in the system and joined under the clear assurance that the village would look out for them if they look out for the village and have a higher investment in wanting their retirees to be supported and looked after properly since that was one of the reasons Konoha got founded to begin with and they were attracted to the security it was supposed to offer.
They get taxed an extra on the IIT and an extra on the IOS in all categories because living in a Clan gives you all sort of advantages that people outside of a Clan don't have and thus you are expected to have the funds to be able to afford that extra and being part of a Clan you have plenty of people around you that are benefiting from the system which goes to show you that it's worth investing in it.
Everyone pays a not indifferent amount of their paycheck to the village in general, upfront, and that amount of money is part and parcel of being part of the Village.
The Village provides for you in many ways, including allowing you to be part of the village and take their missions at all along with things like the free healthcare, but for the village to be able to afford to provide for you, the Village needs the funds and so your missions get taxed and what you get taxed on is fed back into the natural circle of the village's economy.
That is especially important during wartime when funds are going to be depleted way faster than they would normally be and a lot of missions you would see during peacetime fall to the wayside / cannot be taken on by you so you wouldn't see an income from them so you have to be offered a different kind of Wartime Paycheck if you are deploying in the field on the frontline in one long stretch rather than on a mission-back-to-Village-have-time-off-to-train-and-relax-and-get-some-TLC-get-another-mission-back-to-Village-again-etc. basis.
So every ninja pays a specific tax amount to the Village and then Clan ninja give another cut to their Clan because of societal obligations to your Clan and because the Clan provides for you and all Clans pay a general tithe to the village in the form of being taxed based on the number of members they have, the space they occupy and what percentage of whatever it is they produce (poisons and antidotes for the Yamanaka, medicines for the Nara, preserved food for the Akimichi, insect-related products for the Aburame, etc.) gets handed over to the Village to be used for everyone (the rest they keep to store or sell as they prefer).
Being part of the Clan is a privilege and a duty and part of it is contributing to the Clan, which is both a remnant of before the Villages were formed and how the Clan maintains their specific level of independence from the Village. Some Clans will ask more of you, some Clans will ask less and leave more in your pocket, it depends from Clan to Clan.
It's not all detractions, tho, though there are a few more that go to hit non-Clan, non-Clan-affiliated ninja. The Village provides you with basic kits and as they get depleted you can just go to the quartermaster and get refills issued without paying. If you go out to shop, you get discounts (calculated monthly based on medium earnings, the family of origin, living situation, taxes paid, quality material, economical support you have or don't have, etc.) on goods that you might need to use as a ninja and, if you are from a Clan, you get discounts within your own Clan or allied clans.
Orphans, especially ones without Patrons to look after them who are still underage or who are of age but do not yet have a trade to fall back on / are unable to be at least chunin ranked, are given a base monthly stipend and then they receive extra money on top of that basic stipend depending on their needs. Food needs, training material needs, age, family situation, your rank, how long have you been your rank, clothing needs as identified by the wear and tear of your gear as witnessed by your rank's quartermaster, if you need feminine hygiene products, etc.
On top of a basic food allowance, there are also extra food categories are organized based on whether you are pre-pubescent, pubescent or adult (the amount of food a growing kid vs a growing teenager vs an adult needs varies), what kind of diet do you need for your, for civilians, apprenticeship or, for ninja, training and development.
Are you focusing on your physical skills rather than your chakra skills? Non-chakra intensive diet. Are you working with a lot of Jutsu / genjutsu / training to expand your pool of chakra? Chakra-intensive diet. Are you doing both? Okay, file for both. Your sensei needs to confirm and vouch for your request.
Depending on what you are doing, who your sensei is and what he has you doing and what brand of skills you are focusing on (which influences which kind of foods you will need), the 'very chakra-intensive' / 'very non-chakra intensive' and the 'extreme chakra-intensive' / 'extreme non-chakra-intensive' diets are something you might need to apply for.
Someone like orphaned teenager Maito Gai would definitely hit the 'extreme non-chakra intensive training diet' category because he is doing extreme taijutsu training but given that he also needs to develop and train the amount of chakra necessary for summoning, he'd also be able to apply for 'very chakra-intensive training diet' whereas someone like Kurenai, who is a genjutsu mistress and relies less on her physical abilities, would go for the 'extreme chakra-intensive training diet' box possibly with a side of 'chakra-intensive training diet' if she's keeping up with something more than the barest levels of physical conditioning.
Plus depending on what kind of things you are doing, you might qualify for more than one category of the same type. Let's say you are Minato and you are working on fuck off giant Jutsu (extreme chakra-intensive) but you are also working on finicky, control-based sealing work that requires a different use of your chakra but is also exhausting in its own way (chakra-intensive) but you also need to work your ass off on your speed and reflexes (extreme non-chakra intensive) to keep up with your in-development Jutsu technique without getting disoriented / splatter yourself against trees along with the general physical training you do (non-chakra intensive).
Depending on what your schedule is and what you are doing, you will eat different quantities of food and you will need different types of food as well so if you can convince your sensei to sign off on it, you just apply for whatever you think you need the most or you go big or bust and try to apply for all categories if you think you can get away with it.
And then there's the housing tax if you live in Village housing for ninjas (with the expected wear and tear for being somewhere ninja lives and thus often needing repairs that are given to you free of charge because you are already being taxed for occupying a ninja-specific living space with all that comes with it).
There’s also whatever you (if you are an orphan) owe to the orphanage and/or academy (calculated based upon the resources spent to house and feed and clothe and wash and train you accordingly to your potential). 
A lot of the housing thing and owed-to-orphanage/owed-to-Academy debts are predicated upon whether or not you have or not a Patron or a Clan sponsoring you or relatives who might not have been able to take you in (due to age of the relative or other issues) but could help pay for your upkeep and studies and if you do have someone which kind of person they are, what kind of agreement is in place and what kind of economical support they have been able to give you.
Aaand I'm going to stop there for right now because I've been typing about taxes for an hour and a half and I need a break XD
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femme-is-my-gender · 4 years
Lesbian ask game 5, with a twist 1-50 👀
OK BABE YOU CAN'T FOOL ME but you're cute and ily so
(I know you sent this like 5 days ago but this was a lot to answer and I wanted to get them all right because HAPPY 6 MONTHS BABE IF WE CANT GO ON A TRIP THEN THIS WHOLE DAMN MONTH IS OUR 6MO CELEBRATION 💕)
1. Their hair is fucking gorgeous I love the texture and its teal (I did the dye and cut!!!)
2. Their eyes are beautiful mid tone brown i love seeing the way the sun reflects off them 💕
3. Their age? Either a wise elder stuck in a teenagers mind stuck in an adults body or did you mean like in dog years?
4. We met on an app 🤷‍♀️ love finds you when you're not looking
5. S is very ticklish I don't even have to touch just wiggle my fingers in their direction and they fall over giggling
6. Their favorite song??? Idk if they have a #1 fave but their fav band is Mickey Darling
7. Their fave movie is avengers we watched it the other night at a drive in:)
8. Their fave book... idk babes a dork Harry Potter probably :P
9. Their fave TV show is She-ra honorable mentions for Avatar and My Hero
10. Their celebrity crush is........... me 😎
11. Babe wants a cat but allergies make that a uh problem (still trying to convince s to get a naked cat we will see how successful I am!!!)
12. There are SO MANY songs that make me think of them heres a whole Playlist but #1 is smother me and I'll follow you into the dark
13. Does s play sports.. well. Do you count the bedroom?
14. My favorite things about their body.. their dimples! Their hands! Their smile and the way their eyes crinkle when they do, the sound of a big belly laugh, their soft tummy and thighs to lay on, their butt is pretty cute too idk
15. My favorite personality traits! Don't get me started! The way they can uphold their boundaries firmly but not unkindly. The way they will get rude if needed to get someone to listen, the way they listen so intently when I talk about the Deep Stuff and the way they listen to my suggestions on the bad days even when they don't want to do what I suggest. The way they look at a new leaf unfurling on one of our house plants and the way they will talk and sing to my bird, the way they care so deeply for their loved ones and would do anything for them, the way they hold me almost every night bc its easier for me to fall asleep since I work early even though their work day ends right before I have to sleep. The way they rub my head and my back when I can't sleep and the way they absent mindedly rub their thumb on my hand or say I love you for the millionth time or do the arm jerk robot arm dance when they're excited or nervous and so many more i gotta go lay down....
16. Their style is emo boy/tacky 80s dad and I love it!
17. Our first date we went to a little vegan restaurant/bar then to an emo night at a bar! The bar double booked though so we didn't get the emo night we anticipated but thats okay!
18. A tiny detail they don't know I notice... idk I say most things I'm thinking outloud so if I notice something i say it lol no secrets here
19. Their talents! They are good at viddy James and they are good at cooking especially seasoning and just throwing random things into a meal, they are good at planning down to details, also the talents don't stop in the bedroom I'm just sayin
20. A tiny poem about S
Ways I say I love you that aren't outloud
Making sure you drink water
Scooting closer
Making you laugh
Asking how's your day been
Tracing my fingers on your skin
Giving us a clean place to spend our time
Encouraging you to try something new
Opening the blinds
Being your cheerleader
Baby you're my sunshine
You shine so bright and even on the cloudy days you're what warms my soul.
I love you.
Have you had any water today?
21. Do they have a tumblr? Yeah! Baby come off anon lol
22. What makes them laugh? Well any goofy noise or silly song i make up usually will get them, they're pretty ticklish so that works too also memes and cat videos
23. S is a Taurus sun with dominant Aries chart and im a sag sun with dominant Capricorn chart depends which app you ask but I say we are pretty damn compatible
24. Babe has always wanted to travel in general. I know Colorado was a plan for a while, Germany has come up before. I think as long as we are together and near a beach we both would be happy to go anywhere
25. Things that are interesting to baby are heros/magic people, babies, animals, romcoms and anything to do with live music
26. I realized I loved them like on our 2nd date! I was so stressed bc I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship and while I was totally over the romantic connection to that person I was still feeling alot of hurt and trying to recover and I met S while I was slutting it up on tinder and I was Not Ready to be in love again like I WAS but I was so scared of fucking things up between us by committing "too soon" but S was so patient and never pressured me but I could tell they had feelings and so did I but like I was better at hiding them. I love them so much I'm so glad we met.
27. Their favorite food group is comfort food/toddler menu: grilled cheese, nuggs, pizza, also their top fave is fideo
28. Babe hates alot of foods I don't know them all yet but bell peppers, onions, also new foods are scary but they will try something if I make it/want to eat somewhere they've never been which just makes me 🥰
29. Hogwarts house is slytherin!
30. Babes element? Well their chart is fire/earth heavy. I say earth is their element!
31. Something that makes baby angry is people being rude for seemingly no reason also people who don't respect boundaries
32. S is taller than me by like 5 inches i think
34. Idk if they want their name on here so
35. Their aesthetic is like kitchy/goth/boho vibes. Dark vibrant colors, lots of plants, lots of art, skulls, comfortable space with blankets and pillows that's pretty and interesting to look at
36. Well the first thing I bought them was a drink lol but the first proper gift was a stuffed sloth they had wanted for a long time bonus facts I had to snoop on their insta to find a picture of the sloth and zoom in/brighten the picture to read the tag and did some sleuthing online but I found it! His name is theo
37. Baby is def a night owl
38. I brag the most about babe's just general goodness. I tell anyone who will listen how good they make me feel and how they listen and give good advice even when I don't want to follow it, and their top priority is keeping me safe and secure and also they're really fucking hot but I can't say that normally.
39. S has some rings and a necklace they like to wear if they're looking Certified Fresh
40. I'm a vegetarian, babes not
41. Oh fuck idk what their fave school subject is I would have to guess lit/reading??
42. Their clique is skaters/emo/scene lol
43. We have been together 6 months almost exactly!! 😍
44. Describe their laugh. Oh my God, well there's the cute nervous/goofy laugh they do most the time, there's this snort/chortle they do when I'm being extra goofy that I love, and sometimes I get them to do the whole throw head back full belly deep laugh and my heart goes 🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!!!!!!!
45. Nah they don't wear makeup
46. Favorite art medium? Like to do? Painting I think.
47. Babe plucks around on bass and ukulele sometimes and they're a PRO at belly bongos
48. S identifies with cats the most
49. Babe likes the outdoors but it's not their comfort zone so there's resistance when I suggest it but if I insist they end up having a good time. Idk if s would like camping though.
50. This picture is my wallpaper I love them so much and bought this shirt for them!!! (Fun fact I left the store and went home and later decided to go back and get the shirt bc I LOVE them and their tacky 80s dad vibes)
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protectbrowngirls · 5 years
Hello, I'm a 17 yo Muslim girl living in Ireland. My entire life I've hidden my interests and things I've loved from my parents. I love music, gaming, makeup, art and am generally a big nerd. I want to grow up and become independent and do what I love. But my parents are very against me traveling or living alone. I'm even scared to talk to team mates when I play games bcs they'll say I'm talking with boys (my brother always does tho) if I try to argue they'll threaten to take me back home
It sounds like you’re struggling between your desire to live an independent life and your desire not to disappoint or upset your parents. This is a valid and normal struggle; however, the reality is that in the process of becoming independent, you will almost definitely end up upsetting your parents, even if only temporarily. 
There are few important things that are key to building an independent life: financial independence, setting boundaries, and giving yourself permission not to manage your parents’ emotions for them. ((This got long, unsurprisingly, so the rest of this answer is under a cut.))
Financial independence. Money is the easiest thing to hold over you and use as a guilt trip. As long as you are relying on your parents to finance your interests and travel, they will always be able to say, “Our money, our rules,” and you will always feel guilty that you’re using their money on things they disapprove of. If you’re able to start earning your own income, whether through saving up holiday money, picking up a part-time/freelance job, etc., you’ll be in a much better position to pursue the things you enjoy without feeling beholden to your parents. You also take away one of the tools they can use to control you, which makes it easier to set boundaries.
If you can start earning your own income, I would highly recommend keeping it secret from your parents. Granted, I don’t know your parents, and they might be okay with you using your own money on whatever you want. From the way you’ve described them, however, I’m inclined to believe they’ll try to control the money you’ve earned in addition to whatever support they’re giving you. Once you turn 18, set up a bank account and a debit card they don’t know about so you can indulge yourself without worrying about explaining yourself to them. I believe a lot of banks will waive the minimum monthly deposit requirement if you can show you’re a student. 
Unfortunately, as with most things surrounding the topic of living your own life, financial independence can be difficult to achieve until you become an adult and have the ability to pursue jobs and education and major life changes. However, please know things will become easier if you hang in there! 
Setting boundaries. I’ve found most brown parents are flagrantly disrespectful of their kids’ boundaries, usually because a) they think their kids’ boundaries are rude or stupid (aka don’t make sense to the parents), b) they perceive any sort of attempt to set a boundary as a challenge to their authority, and/or c) they just expect complete and total obedience from their kids because they’re elders and therefore should never be questioned. As a result, a lot of brown kids never learn to set boundaries, because they’re never taught that they can expect their boundaries to be respected.
This doesn’t mean boundaries can’t be set; it just means that the process of doing so takes time and will result in high tensions. In terms of gaining independence, the boundaries you set should ultimately amount to something like: “I am allowed to do things you disapprove of (within reason) without being unduly punished solely for wanting something you do not approve of.” The “within reason” part of this will change, both as you grow older and as you set firmer and firmer boundaries. Right now, since you’re a minor, “within reason” might mean “I am allowed to sleep over at my friend’s house so long as I call you before I go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning.” Over time, “within reason” may expand to mean “I am allowed to travel wherever I want and for however long I want, provided I am not going into debt, I give you my flight details so you know where I am, and I do my due diligence in researching how to be safe.”
In order to set that overarching boundary, you have to set a few smaller boundaries:
I am allowed to do things you disapprove of
I will, on occasion, disappoint you. Your disappointment is not my burden to bear
Your punishments should be reasonable, not a product of being upset that I’ve done something harmless that you don’t like
You are not entitled to knowing every single detail about every single aspect of my life
One way to set these boundaries is to talk with your parents and tell them you would like more independence, and you know they’re worried about you but you think their worries are stifling your happiness, and you’d like to find ways to address their fears so you can still do things you enjoy. They may be willing to work with you. 
However, it’s more like that you’ll have to set these boundaries by asking forgiveness instead of permission, in which case you’ll need to start small and work your way to larger boundaries. The best way I can think of to illustrate what I mean is by sharing my own examples: 
I started staying out with my friends for an hour longer than I’d said I would, which set the boundary of “I’ll be home by dinner/bedtime, but I won’t adhere to irrational and senseless curfews.” 
I started dyeing my hair and getting tattoos without telling them beforehand, setting the boundary of “I will do things you disapprove of, and that’s okay” as well as “The things I do with my own money are not yours to control.” 
Once I had my own car, I started going on road trips without permission, setting the boundary of “I am allowed to travel independently, so long as I am safe and don’t drive more than 6 hours a day.” 
Ultimately I started outright telling my parents, “I understand that you are upset, and you can yell and threaten and insult me all you want, but that won’t prevent me from doing this thing I want to do,” setting the boundary of “Your disappointment is not a valid reason for me to deprive myself of the things I enjoy.”
There are two crucial components of setting a boundary: sticking to your guns, and not letting your parents’ emotions change your mind (more on this in a second). In terms of sticking to your guns, you have to set boundaries you are capable of enforcing. For example, if you say “I’m getting coffee with a male friend after school,” and they say “well, we just won’t drive you home,” you have to be able to say “that’s fine, I can hitch a ride/take the bus.” If you have to rely on your parents to drive you home, this isn’t a boundary you can feasibly set or enforce, and you’ll end up giving in, which tells your parents that they can just threaten you to get their way. 
In terms of dealing with your parents’ emotions...
Your parents’ emotions are not your responsibility to manage. Your parents will 100% push back against you when you try to set any kind of boundary or challenge their control; it is important that you do not let their threats and shouting guilt you into going back on your words. Their anger and need to control you may stem from fear or worry or good intentions, but it is on them to learn how to cope with their fear in a healthy manner instead of taking it out on you. It is not your job to make them feel better about you doing the things you enjoy; you have enough on your plate already, what with overcoming your own guilt and apprehension in order to push your parents. 
Do not try to approach them in good faith, because they will not approach you in good faith. Don’t try to convince them that you’re being rational. Don’t try to get them to see your side. Acknowledge their feelings, and then refuse to engage with them. You have to train them to realize that their knee-jerk reaction of controlling you is no longer effective. 
It helps to have some scripts you can follow, and to practice them with yourself or with your friends. For example: “I understand that you’re upset. However, I don’t think it is productive to talk about this until you can speak without shouting. I’m going to my room now. Please let me know when you would like to discuss this issue so we can find a solution we’re both happy with.” And then go to your room. Shut the door. Don’t fight back when your parents inevitably start to insult you. Then push that same boundary a week or two later, and repeat this process until they get the message. 
Either they’ll kick you out (which is why I highly highly recommend waiting until you have some sort of independence before setting the most extreme boundaries), or they’ll eventually come to terms with you doing what you enjoy, even if it disappoints them in the process. 
In conclusion. It’s a delicate balance between living an independent life and showing your parents that you can still be a good daughter and person even if you don’t see eye-to-eye with them. It will take time, and it will hurt, and you might feel like it’s all hopeless. That’s normal, and you aren’t alone in feeling that way. But I promise it gets easier over time. I promise you’re allowed to lead your own life without being afraid of how your parents will react. 
Of course, please take this advice with caution, and don’t challenge your parents indiscriminately if you know they’ll send you away to boarding school or something. I trust you to employ your best judgment, since you know your parents best. I wish you the best of luck! Please let me know if I can offer any other advice or encouragement!
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icharchivist · 5 years
When you look at Allen and Lavi's dynamic how would you describe it? I feel like they sort of have a sibling like dynamic but it's a Intetesting one. Lavi is older by a few years and (maybe) legally an adult while Allen is still a minor. But Allen often acts like the older sibling (even his vicious retaliation to Lavi's pranks screams big bro getting back at little bro). Doesn't help Lavi admires him as a influence and relies on Allen's support. Allen also can order him around and Lavi -
2 takes it (lol. No respect for Lavi. Also like a big bro). But the Ark proved Allen takes responsibility for Lavi's welfare seriously and trying to kill Lavi is something he takes very personally. Many times Lavi has shown he's gotten very protective of Allen (both physically and emotionally). So it's kind of a different dynamic where Lavi acts childish and leans on Allen a lot while Allen treats Lavi like he's younger (Lavi getting annoyed when Allen tells Link to see Lavi like a child). -
3 but we see Lavi act more protective in a anxious way over Allen. Which is kind of funny because pre Suman, Lavi acted like the big bro teasing Allen but guiding him. It was only for a hot minute but it was there. XP
I kinda see your reasoning and ye I kinda get the idea you’re trying to get accross.
I mean lol it kinda feels funny to me to call Lavi an adult while he’s like. 2 and a half year older than Allen? And Allen had done far more fucked up things than he had, one of the major running joke is how he keeps shocking Lavi with things he shouldn’t be knowing about. And that Lavi can be super immature.
And that’s kinda what’s funny about their dynamic tbh? Like ye Lavi is older and he wents through his own sort of hardship and he kinda went directly with that angle with Allen of being like “so i’m your elder you should look up to me” only to then have Allen... Constantly shocking him, doing Things He Shouldn’t Have Done Before, and constantly have done through worse (like “oh ye y’know i have experience my closest buddy turned into an akum- what do you mean you made one and you survived when you were ten” or “what do you mean you had to cheat to poker so survive”. “what do you mean you lived in brothels most of your time away with Cross are you okay??”)
And that’s where the irony of Lavi being the one to look up on Allen to be kinda sweet and funny? Even more so while on the other hand, like you mention, Allen ends up seeing him as completely childish and keeps calling him a brat lmao.
It’s kinda funny that Lavi wanted to set up a “senpai” relationship and just... it failed before even starting bc Allen was already done with his antics. And like you say ye, like, it was maybe there for a Solid Minute before the Suman Arc but even there Allen kept challenging Lavi out of that ahah.
I mean they still taught a lot to each other (Lavi was the one who made Allen realize the hardship exorcists went through against the akuma and how much they had to keep their guards up, and i’m not touching what Allen taught Lavi, i’ve written enough thousands words about it) but i kinda love that it didn’t fall at all in a Senpai/Kohai dynamic?
To me Lavi and Allen are peers. “Bros”, like, fraternities/brotherhood stuff esp with elder looking up on their youngster, but with.. the younger one just constantly making it harder for the eldest one to be considered as such? Like that’s much more how i see it lmao. Not exactly “Senpai/Kohai”, really. Like, say, the elder who’s already planning all sort of jokes to pull on the young one and the young one who just wants to be done with his studies so he pulls them off, double them, turn them back on the elder, and just. Get done with them yaknow?so ye this sort of Bros type i see and ye lmao Lavi definitly tried to take advantage of his eldest statue for some respect and it barely remained for what. one chapter before Allen was done with him and Allen became so much Like That that they had to just bicker on the same level?
I guess i just can’t see them as direct siblings bc I have my own biases, but also bc i do like it much more in a bros’s dynamic. Ye I make the nuance but idk. Without the failed expectations it’s not as funny. 
tbh I just love the fact they’re peers? Like I mean. Lavi thought he was above humanity and Allen humbled him. And their companions in arms. And tbh I'm just a sucker for “companions in arms”? Bc Lavi didn’t mean to be one, and he officially became one the moment Allen’s death became this important to him (esp with how Bookman insisted that “do you think you’re an exorcist like them” yaknow). And companions with the banters and teasing that comes with having to travel with someone at all time. 
and I guess it kinda extends at how i keep seeing them as a pair in term of how their thematic interwinds, so seeing them more on an equal level is something that i find much more compeling in their dynamic. 
And they get quite childish around each other which is actually hilarious considering how serious their internal vision of te world is. Kinda love that they’re balancing that out.
idk. I love how their “age maturity” either means nothing with them being ultra childish, or makes them both Old Souls with how much horrors they’ve seen of the world and that kinship that get out of it. And usually because they drag each other in those moods they often stay on an equal footstep for me? 
I don’t even know if i make sense ahah, those are maybe nuances that are only specific to me but i’m very found of their dynamic, it’s my favorite of the manga, so i guess i can’t word it easily dkjhfd. 
so idk I guess i would more closely describe it as “failed Senpai lower to low levels and drags his more mature wannabe Kohai with him” and “Peers with similar experiences who challenges each other’s perception of those experiences and thus treasures each other”? 
idk it i make any sense ahah.
But i just really love their dynamic so ya o/
Take care!
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murdershegoat · 8 years
this whole Six Feet Under finale Supergirl thing is fucking rude... but also when and how do James and Winn die bc the friends who fight crime together definitely die together
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Winn is under the keep reading.
If you ask Winn, he’d tell you it was his fault that James died.
He’d tell you that he was stupid and not paying attention and that it should’ve been him.
He’d tell you that there was no poetic justice in James - Guardian - being killed by a speeding taxi. Being struck by a car was no way for a hero to die.
Winn doesn’t see it coming, too drunk and stumbly and loose. It takes a shove from James and the sickening sound of metal hitting a body to sober him instantly.
But for James, time stops as he sees Winn step into the way of the oncoming traffic. And right beside Winn, smiling at him with pride, stands Jack Olsen.
He’s taller than Winn (not that it’s hard), with broad shoulders and a toothy grin. Wire-framed glasses sit slightly askew on his face, his camera hangs around his neck, and James feels like he’s fifteen again, his father alive and happy.
“Dad,” he manages to get out, still staring at him in wonder.
“Hello, son,” Jack says, his voice deep and soothing, something James has been dreaming about for his entire adult life. “You’re… well, you’re all grown up.”
“I… I don’t - what are you doing here?” James asks, his brow furrowed, still unsure if he’s going insane or not.
“I’m here for you, son. To take you through.”
“Through to where?”
“Where your friends are waiting for you; they’ve been waiting for a while.”
Realisation hits James slowly, and he feels the air leave his lungs.
“I’m… I’m about to die?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Winn? Will he be okay?”
“Well, you’re about to save his life. He’ll be just fine.”
“Good… that’s good.”
“You’re allowed to be sad,” Jack tells him. “You’re allowed to be upset.”
“I’m, I’m not. I think I’m okay,” James says softly. He stops before a moment, hesitates before asking.
“Does it hurt?” he whispers to his father, unable to keep the tears at bay, unable to stop the fear that engulfs him. Jack smiles kindly, placing a hand on James’ shoulder.
“Only for a split second, bud.” James nods, and wipes away his tears.
“I’ve missed you, Dad,” he confesses, closing his eyes, and reveling in the warm touch of his father.
“I’m here now,” Jack replies with a smile.
Time resumes.
James dies a hero’s death.
Kara and Alex sit beside him, silent tears leaving wet tracks across their cheeks. Pam holds his hand, running her thumb up and down his, listening to his breathing get slower and weaker.
“Girls,” Pam says, “do you mind making me a cup of tea?” 
“Sure, Mom,” Alex says, pressing a kiss to her mother’s cheek before leaving the room. Kara follows suit, reluctant to go, but knowing that her mother needs some time alone. When they’re both gone, Pam turns to Winn’s body, and sighs.
“I can’t let them see their father die,” she whispers softly, running a hand through Winn’s grey, thinned out hair.
Winn Schott Jr. had lived a good life, with some bad bits mixed in. He had married Pam, a long time confidant and friend from the DEO. He had watched his friends die, mostly in the line of duty, protecting the city and the people they loved. He watched his wife give birth to two wonderful daughters, and he had named them after his own sisters. Kara and Alex Schott had grown up hearing stories of incredible people, all heroes, some with powers and some without. He told them stories of women who fought for justice and love and who gave their lives over to making the world a better place.
Winn had watched his children grow up and have children of their own. He regaled his adventures to his grandkids and children-in-law. He had lived comfortably, and fully, and been happy and content with everything in his world.
And now he takes his last breaths, not afraid of what comes next.
Time slows, and he opens his eyes slowly.
Kara walks towards him. Not Supergirl, but Kara, with her glasses sliding down her nose and a cardigan wrapped around her. She takes a seat on the end of his bed, her thousand-watt smile beaming just like it used to.
“Well I didn’t think I’d see you again,” Winn laughs, and Kara joins him.
“You look good,” she says. He rolls his eyes.
“Don’t lie to me, Danvers. You gotta respect your elders.”
“Oh, yeah. How old are you now? A hundred and ten? Twelve?”
“Ninety-seven, excuse you.”
“A good life?” Kara asks.
“A great one,” Winn confirms with a smile. “The best. And now… what comes next?”
“You’ll see soon enough.”
“You can’t give me any spoilers?”
“Sorry, bud.” They sit in silence for a moment, taking each other in; Winn had missed his best friend for far too long.
“I’m gonna miss Pam,” Winn sighs. “And my girls. And their families.”
“This isn’t the end, Winn. You’ll seem them again. I promise.” He nods softly, before looking up at Kara with a smile.
“Take me home, Kara,” he says.
“My pleasure,” she responds.
Time resumes once again.
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jumpingpools · 6 years
Money saving tips/hacks for broke hoes
Here’s what I’ve learned about saving money. From one new adult to another, from one broke hoe to another, let’s share the knowledge!
buy off brand over the counter drugs-cheaper and work just as well
Prescriptions (in the US) don’t cost the same everywhere (I didn’t know this at first). CVS might be more expensive than RITE Aid vise versa and etc. so compare prices first. My doctor told me about the app “GoodRX” it tells the price of your drugs at different places and has coupons!
If you can’t afford your medical bills, ask for a payment plan, hospitals/doctors’ offices usually will give one to you without interest (a bit difficult to get though).
I’m pretty sure you can stay on your parent’s medical insurance until you’re 25 in the US
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Food: Depending on where you live, food can be pricey:
Buy fresh food when it’s in season. check farmer’s markets, might be cheaper
Don’t go out to eat!! Cooking is a pain sometimes but you’ll save so much! (yes, even if you order off the dollar menu)
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Eat healthy on a budget:
Smoothies: bananas are cheap. Frozen berries in the grocery store are generally cheap along with other frozen fruits, and milk. BAM you got a smoothie AND vitamins
Rice: make some rice:  put cooked rice in a skillet with some olive oil and season with a sauce of some kind (soy etc). Add an egg or two and chopped onions (both cheap). BAM you got a filling dinner/lunch
Beans/other dry goods. Look I hate beans, I don’t eat them, but you could.
Tofu: You might be like “ew so squishy and gross” but like it’s like mushrooms where it absorbs flavors and pretty easy to cook. Google recipes. Tofu has a lot of protein and usually costs around a dollar. A hell of a lot cheaper than meat.
Eat less meat. Meat is expensive!! Depending on where you live, seafood may be a much cheaper option. or eggs (Or tofu!!)
Pasta sides: and other instant cheap foods. Pastasides is about a dollar and has lots of vitamins and fills you up. (not paid by them to advertise)
Grow your own food!!!  I know you’re like “bitch I’m not a farmer” or “I live in an apartment” but like trust me, you got a window you got some food. Peppers and tomatoes are generally easy to grow outside in a yard/deck/porch. Just water those thirsty hoes. Mint, cilantro and other spices are easy to grow inside. Make a food trade with family/friends that also grow their own things. Example: I give mint to my neighbor and they give me basil. A tomato plant is like generally ~$2 and makes around 15 tomatoes a season so you get a good deal.
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Microwave a kitchen sponge (completely wet) for 2 minutes to cleanse it.
Make your own bread/pasta/pasteries/cookies/soup. Homemade tastes better anyways and is cheaper than store bought. Ask an elder for their recipes (my grammy makes some DANK bread). Or google it. Youtube knows all.
Canned goods! They last a long time and are tasty. Canned pasta sauce is cheaper. Canned veggies and soups are a good idea too. Canned meat (ew) but cheap!
Pot luck with friends. Get a variety of foods!
Look yall, if you’re going to go out on the town, if you’re going to hit up the bars, pregame you dummies! Get drunk on liquor at your place or sneak that shit in in your purse like idk but bar drinks are expensive, like only buy one or two when you’re out.
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 Coupons! google coupons for things while you shop, screen shot those hoes and scan them at check out. There’s probably apps to help too idk.
Buy damaged foods (cans, boxes) make sure they’re still safe first. My grocery store has a section of damaged goods that’s much cheaper and still good!
Invest in a rice cooker and a crockpot. Both of which you can get used. They are very useful.
Furniture, appliances, kitchen supplies, washers, dryers, clothes, bags, outdoor supplies. Like anything you can think of they probably sell it. Habitat Restore and Goodwill are common, but local ones might be cheaper. Buying second hand lets you SAVE THAT MONEY. Also some places of worship sometimes have thrift stores so check those out too. Make Macklemore proud.
Look online like on FB for resale pages in your area! I got a couch for $30! I got a coffee table for free!!
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Cancel subscriptions. No Netflix, spotify, hulu etc. I know, it sucks, but in the long run it drains that money. Ask a friend to share one or ask someone with a cable subscription to have their login and password to watch things on the channel’s website like nbc or fox etc. You can usually watch a few free episodes on their sites anyways. Consider watching foreign shows on Dramafever or Viki (full seasons free and legal) bc of copy write laws and such.
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Put your toothbrush in the dishwasher to clean it
Hang dry clothes to save money on electric and keep the clothes in better condition
LED lightbulbs!! They last forever and save so so much on electric!
If the weather is nice, open windows and turn off AC/heat
If work/shops are close, BIKE! I bike 3 miles to work and I have great quads and save so much on gas, especially during rush hour.
Public transportation: not available in a lot of areas, but if it is, probably cheaper than driving.
If you can’t bike, MOPED! Invest in a moped. Mopeds are cheaper than cars and so so so much better on gas! Also fun. Much more common outside of the US
Just graduated college/highschool etc? Live at home if you can. I know it feels LAME but like you can save up so much! offer to pay rent/buy food/take care of siblings (a lot of parents will say not to). Leave the nest after a year if you can. Don’t stay too long.
Hydrogen Peroxide gets blood out of anything
Use bar soap instead of liquid (much cheaper)
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Leave a bar soap in closets to make them smell nice instead of using sprays etc.
Make your own laundry detergent!! HERE! Or HERE! There are so many recipes and options. You will save so much money! If you’re not down for that, buy liquid soap instead of pods bc it’s cheaper.
Make a list of wants and needs. Needs will be food etc. Make sure to prioritize.
Make your own furniture. You might be like “bitch what? I ain’t a carpenter.” like GURL neither am I but I can nail two things together and make a small table or shelves for a few bucks. Places that sell wood will usually cut it for you so like just nail those woods and make ya something good.
Side jobs: babysitting, dog walking, lawn mowing. Like do you have a skill? Sell it! Tutoring, rock carving, painting, like it doesn’t matter, sell it. Post yo skillz online like fb pages and such and make that dough gurl. (Meet only in public places, stay safe).
The dollar store pregnancy test works just as well as the expensive ones in CVS.
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When you travel stay in a hostel. They’re fun bc you meet lots of cool people and a hell of a lot cheaper than a hotel. Or camp. That’s cheap too and yay nature.
Use rags/old T-shirts instead of paper towels. Throw them in the wash and reuse. Also use them instead of Swiffer pads.
Dilute your dish and hand soaps.
Learn how to change your own car oil. Youtube guys, it’s great. Or find a friend that can and like give them food in return.
Library! Libraries sometimes have movies and TV shows you can rent! Or you know, just books too. If you want to keep the book, buy used online/locally
Go to your bank and make them explain EVERYTHING to you. Like do you have a credit card or debit card? Make them explain how it all works, every little thing about it. How to pay on time, how loans work, what a CD is, best ways to invest etc. You may need to make an appointment. Don’t feel dumb or shy, tell them you want to be responsible and they will respect that.
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Alright that’s all I got. Add your tips too so we can share that knowledge! Help out your fellow broke hoes!
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