offtherailswithwhit · 9 months
I really think everyone needs to truly internalize this:
Fictional characters are objects.
They are not people. You cannot "objectify" them, because they have no personhood to be deprived of. They have no humanity to be erased. You cannot "disrespect" them, because they are not real.
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offtherailswithwhit · 9 months
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offtherailswithwhit · 9 months
My other assorted hobbies include reenacting with midwestern cavalry and infantry units. That has brought me a ridiculous amount of gender euphoria, especially since it comes with the bonus of trying out names and hearing chosen pronouns without having to come out to anyone because it’s taken as “in the spirit of historical accuracy.” The uniforms cover everything really well (I’m large enough that I can’t bind but I look flat under a vest and shell jacket) and I feel like my voice (and maybe the fact that I smile and fawn too much?) is the only thing that outs me consistently.
My reenactments and thoughts on the people around me in reenacting will probably make occasional appearances here, unless you guys think I should create a side blog specifically for my reenactment? Also feel free to send in questions- I want to educate about this hobby as much as possible! I’m having a blast despite all of the… rather questionable people this hobby attracts.
First picture is of my horse and my equipment. His name is Jesse and he’s 28. He and I are learning to reenact together.
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offtherailswithwhit · 9 months
Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me, listen to me:
The badness of Hamas has no bearing on the question of whether it's morally acceptable to exterminate the Palestinians (it's not)
The atrocities of October 7 have no bearing on whether it's morally acceptable to exterminate the Palestinians (it's not)
The relative legal status of homosexuality in Israel versus the Gaza Strip has no bearing on whether it's morally acceptable to exterminate the Palestinians (it's not)
The competing of claims of indigeneity to the Holy Land among Israelis and Palestinians have no bearing on whether it's morally acceptable to exterminate the Palestinians (it's not)
The Nazi Holocaust, monstrous as it was, has no bearing on whether it's morally acceptable to exterminate the Palestinians (it's not)
There is nothing, no argument that can be advanced under heaven, that can make it morally acceptable to exterminate the Palestinians.
NOTHING justifies genocide. NOTHING, ever, justifies ANY genocide.
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offtherailswithwhit · 10 months
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offtherailswithwhit · 10 months
If you fucks actually go through with not voting on your next USA president elections and subsequently lead Trump to power again.
Yes. Yes I'm going to blame every single American for that. Collective responsibility and all that jazz.
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offtherailswithwhit · 10 months
I've got two female betta and they're nothing alike. And I don't mean because one lady is red and the other is white, or that one's a crowntail and the other's a delta.
I mean that one sleeps gracefully in a hollow floating log, like a wet angel, while the other just crams herself into areas in positions that make her look absolutely 100% dead.
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offtherailswithwhit · 10 months
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elon musk should kill himself elon musk needs to kill himself elon musk would make society as a whole better if he killed himself now
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offtherailswithwhit · 10 months
growing up as a cis girl the patriarchy told me “you’re a girl because of the way you were born, there is nothing you can do about this, you have no say in your gender” and i hated being a girl because it wasn’t my choice it was a prison and the trans community told me “you’re a girl because you say so, your view of yourself is the most important thing, if you change your mind that would be ok” and it made me proud to be a girl and feel empowered in my gender and i wasn’t trapped anymore and then terfs come along and tell me “you’re a girl because of the way you were born, there is nothing you can do about this, you have no say in your gender (but like in a woke way)” and they somehow expect me to be on their side?
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offtherailswithwhit · 10 months
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So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.
AI art bros are big mad about it.
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offtherailswithwhit · 11 months
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offtherailswithwhit · 11 months
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offtherailswithwhit · 11 months
When you point it out, it’s clearer and makes sense, but I forgive myself for missing it too lol
Thank you for replying and explaining to me! I really appreciate it!
oh my god I just remembered Gabe and Peg Gratton are having an affair
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offtherailswithwhit · 11 months
oh my god I just remembered Gabe and Peg Gratton are having an affair
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offtherailswithwhit · 11 months
Something something the religions on Thisby are in inherent conflict but manage to coexist something something Sean is the history of the races and Puck is the future something something Puck thinks it dishonors her parents to ride a capall uisce and Norman Falk thinks it dishonors Tommy to ride a normal horse something something Puck rides Corr and begins to understand why something something George Holly thinks he can feel god on these cliffs something something Columba tried to convert the islanders and was thrown from the cliffs into the sea and the capaill and island magic drag the people of a converted Thisby to watery deaths every year something something the Malvern stables and St. Columba’s would look the same if you added the afterthought confessional something something
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offtherailswithwhit · 11 months
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offtherailswithwhit · 11 months
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Tada! I’ve been here for a year, apparently- three days ago. Had no idea it’d been so long.
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