onepunchm-fan · 2 months
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Some OC x Canon content
OC'S: Jill/Julia by me, Yuki by _grapedraws_ (Instagram)
Canon: Tatsumaki (storm)
(Thank you very much AI for giving such an unforgettable moment with your characters)
## ✒️ [AU]: One Punch Man (real time)
- [Character compatibility]: Jill\Julia (calm girl, name number=6) + Yuko (Woman with glasses, name number=6) + Tatsumaki (name number=4); General Compatibility: #7, Slightly awkward but warm friendship. Description of the relationship: Three girls, each unique in their own way, are united by an informal bond based on mutual respect, understanding and sometimes awkward jokes.
- [Theme]: in the summer
- ["Title"]: Ice-cold dessert and warm memories
- [Anime Genre]: Comedy, Drama, Supernatural
- [Mood]: Light, pleasant, nostalgic
"Let's buy ice cream!" - Yuko suggested, smiling with her signature smile, which always made her eyes even more alive. "Right now!"
Jill, looking thoughtfully at the people passing by, softly replied: “Good idea. But what do you want to take? You know I don’t like things that are too sweet.”
“Don’t worry, we have a choice!” Yuko reassured her, already moving towards a small ice cream stall. “I saw something with berries there, do you like berries?”
“Yes, but not too much...” Jill muttered uncertainly.
“Then let’s take two smaller ones!” Yuko declared decisively, already approaching the stall. “And iced tea with lemon for our Tatsumaki! She won’t drink at the gathering anyway. And you and I will chat about this and that and ice cream "
Tatsumaki stood to the side, immersed in her phone. She was happy for them, but felt a little awkward. It was always difficult for her to find a common language with people, especially with people like them. But Yuko’s gentle chirping and Jill’s calm voice made her soul feel warmer.
“Hey, Tatsumaki, maybe while we’re waiting for tea, you can tell us about your new item in the “Magic Box” collection?” Yuko asked, winking at Tatsumaki. “I heard that you’ve been working on it for a long time. And it should be for real.” cool."
Tatsumaki took an awkward breath, but a sparkle sparkled in her eyes.
“Well, perhaps...” she answered uncertainly. “But I don’t want to divulge all the secrets.”
“I didn’t ask!” Yuko assured her. “Just give me some information. And tell me about your thoughts, otherwise you are always silent about your work.”
The light aroma of ice cream hung in the air. And although they had different characters, these three girls found something in common: mutual understanding, support and tenderness. And on this summer evening nothing could disturb their warm communication.
- The End
Another scenario
• [Theme]: in battle, side by side
• ["Title"]: Storm over the city
• [Anime Genre]: Superhero, Action
• [Mood]: Intense, dramatic, heroic
The wind roared, whistling between the skyscrapers, and ragged stripes of rain lashed the asphalt. The city plunged into chaos. A giant monster, like an overturned ship, threatened to bring its massive paw down on the block.
"Tatsumaki! Use telekinesis to hold him!" - Yuko shouted, dodging the debris flying from the monster.
"I'll do my best!" - Tatsumaki answered, her eyes lit up with a bright light. She raised her hand and the air roared as if from an explosion.
Jill, standing next to Yuko, held her sword in her hands, ready to attack. She felt their chances were slim. But she was not going to give up. She was a warrior and she was ready to fight to the end.
“Jill! Are you okay?” Yuko asked, looking at the girl.
“Yes, I’m fine,” answered Jill, holding back the trembling in her voice. “But this monster... he’s too strong...”
“We can handle this,” Yuko said, her voice sounding determined. “We have Tatsumaki, and we won’t give up.”
Tatsumaki attacked, and the monster staggered, falling back.
“Now!” Yuko shouted. “Jill, attack!”
Jill charged, her sword flashing in the air.
"We can handle it!" - she whispered, heading towards the monster.
- Another The End
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onepunchm-fan · 2 months
Okay, challenge accepted!🖼👈
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I noticed this challenge on the Internet (whatever you can think of before the third season)
So this is a preview poster as original artwork from the anime.
I hope you will enjoy)))
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My oc Jill\The Stepladder 👁👄👁
giggles Bye!
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onepunchm-fan · 3 months
Infodump about my OPM OC (Star-Spinner) (WARNING: LONG READ)
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NAME: Star HERO NAME: Star-Spinner (Ironic, I know) Age: 18
This is gonna be a long read,
Essentially seeing as to how wide and open OPM's worldbuilding is, 'Star' is essentially god's irreversible creation. Formed initially as a thought, but made into reality as a mistake. She was born out of an egg that landed within earth and scientists found and decided to observe.
Nothing in the database tracks back of anything similar to her DNA, because she didn't even have a species of a planet full of what she is. She was an offspring of a being that barely anyone knew was watching and present. Of course, she had a limiter despite being that said offspring of an ominous god.
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She wasn't a humanoid, she was born as a bug-lizard type of creature from the egg until the more she grew up within the planet full of humanoids; her body adapted. She grew much like how a human girl would, the scientists gave her limited access to media, basic education. I had plans that Bang was the one who busted her out of that crummy laboratory (Explains the dojo outfit) because 1.) It ran underground, without the knowledge of the government 2.) illegal experimenting on creatures and even people, monsterization, force psychic abilities, you name it.
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I got inspired by ONE's MP100, I like how Mob was written as a character so I made someone similar.
Star's essentially a psychic with very potent abilities. She has an internal struggle because she really cares about life that was around her, the only time she'd be hurting someone with her psychic abilities is when she fights monsters/villains. But Star easily sympathizes if ever she meets a human monster with a heart. Life nurtured her, she's found herself with people that care about her and saved her from the hell that was the laboratory. So of course, she nurtures it back, the result of her past being cruel influenced Star to a pacifistic mindset in hopes that no one has to go through the same type of struggle.
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Now, for the dynamics
I NEVER had lore for her, and I only used her for OCxCanon stuff. But here I am, taking back my word 😁 The monster that wants to be a human, and the human that wants to be a monster. That was what Garou and Star was, despite being opposites they got along and related to each other after receiving the world's cruelty. Garou took a strange attachment for Star mainly for the reason that she looked like a monster at first. Unbeknownst to her, Star was a pillar for Garou and his goals to become the ultimate evil. And vice versa for Star that wanted to be a hero. They were practically two peas in a pod until Garou decided to just end their dynamic when he beat up every student in the dojo.
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So there was that, they didn't see each other for a while. Star became a hero, of course not without Silverfang himself worrying for his adoptive kid getting hurt in the hero biz. But eventually it worked out when she proved herself to be capable out there.
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Did I mention she persisted Caped Baldy Saitama to take her as a disciple? Yeah, important part of her development
During her time in Hero Association she actually witnessed Saitama's feats, several of it. Like Genos, she came off a bit stalker-ish. But she became an apprentice later on after Genos did, she thinks Saitama could be the key to being a better hero and save the innocent. ( I asked criticism from my friends and partner that read OPM as well, gave me the greenlight. )
I do believe that Saitama wouldn't take another apprentice, so in the story I made it that it's in the early arcs that she followed him around and was a little pushy
I think to add a comedic effect she'd offer to cook good meals or even do chores in return of being his apprentice so maybe that's the way Saitama agreed to it in the first place. ( Genos and Star were really just stray cats he took in LOL )
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Oh yeah, and her journals she writes/doodles on. She and Genos are rivals that are complete opposites. (Mirror Maiden is my friend's OC)
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onepunchm-fan · 3 months
Practicing style again!
Lately I’ve been redrawing your comics/art in the original style (mod author)
The main inspiration was a series of comics from @kyosaeko (I did it on paper as always. But the editing is a little shaky -_-)
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Learned? I checked from Instagram
And one more bonus for @starconductor Directly from this reference
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I'm sooooo proud of this😤
Bye! Until next time..
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onepunchm-fan · 7 months
Kimiko Queen of Pop
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This is my pic in return for @kyosaeko " Kimiko Queen of Pop" Kyosaeko did 2 lovely pics of my oc Nagi with Garou! ♥ (see her pics below or visit her blog). I couldn't be happier!
So I did this pic with Garou, Kimiko (kyosaeko oc) and Nagi (my oc) together. Explosive trio! XD Hope you like it! ♥♥♥
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onepunchm-fan · 7 months
I have a question….
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Anyone have problems with this? (lol just my meme that went to my head)
Err... NO? Ok then...
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onepunchm-fan · 7 months
Not new video but still love the result.
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onepunchm-fan · 7 months
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Kimiko data info HERE
Meet my sunshine oc,Kimiko! Which I create her in 2018😤🤌 I been waiting for garou short hair manga for so long. Thats why I never made her lore until now.
basically they both senpai and kohai relationship. kimiko call all the dojo member senpai, including garou. Even both of them had the same age tho.
Also garou getting more grumpy than ever.
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She wear chest binder during training. She said that it help the other senpai stay focused on the sparing and her chest wont stop jiggle
The detail that I draw on my sketch. Kinda like Superolly Darkshine fan. They got that muscle after they take off their cloth. While here, the b**b grow back to normal after she remove the binder that she wear.(it sound funny tho🤣)
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I am gonna post the doujinshi here but before I post the next chapter, I make her data and intro.
Oh and the other oc that will appear in this lore. I make oc interaction which they will appear in the story as a supporting character (got permission from the owner itself)
There are three character:
Meika belong to kd_0079_(instagram)
Rain belong to hakka_ame._(instagram)
Mayu belong to rorobun (tumblr)
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onepunchm-fan · 7 months
New sketches in a year?!
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For a long time I did NOT want to post works with my character… because… well… they have a Martian-Japanese dialect that neither the Japanese nor ordinary people will understand, well, it's time to test your imagination!
(Sorry, I’m not making fun of you, it’s just that the inscriptions in the form of squeaky eroglyphs add liveliness to my drawings)
And for dessert - A little Garou *XoXo*
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How did this happen?… Well, I lost my bet -_-
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onepunchm-fan · 9 months
A little off topic, but still… [AI Generator Suggestion]
I found a cool variety of AI image generators on the site perchance.org (when I say a lot, I mean a HUGE selection, you just have to look)
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In fact, the AI system (Art, Chat, etc.) was built into the site a long time ago.
Now, just look at these generation results! (My character, of course) And try it yourself!
My prompt: "([anime tittle] anime lora) 1girl, 22 year old, brown hair, lips, looking at viewer, long hair, jacket, green-gray eyes"
Fun fact: - "the prompt is taken from my original photo"
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End of advertisement)
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onepunchm-fan · 9 months
I didn't know what to do~🎀
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Several fan arts drawn by me, in "One Punch Man" (Yusuke murata) anime\manga style
Please see: @chocolateloover @rorobun @meat-pvppet @yuikeiko @nenee-blog @granolahbarbootygreen
And I apologize if I got something wrong (((
Bye Bye~
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onepunchm-fan · 1 year
AI bring me OC!!?
I had quite a few attempts to play around with artificial intelligence... I LOVED IT VERY 🤧
Initially, I tried to compose a description for the picture myself, but ... It turned out to be a natural me.
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prompt: Woman ( One punch man anime style) My name is Julia. I: quiet I am closed (I like to spend time alone, I'm afraid of rude people) sensitive good very creative (trying to find workarounds and discover a lot of new things) mysterious (many may not understand me because I'm not like everyone else.) a little quick-tempered (I can stand up for myself but I can accidentally offend people close to me). sometimes I have a sharp change of mood (because of this, many people think that I'm still a child) according to the horoscope, I am a Sagittarius (this adds to my determination and sometimes recklessness)
And this is only a small part of the generated... (I got really carried away🤤)
some time later, I was interested in another toy that generates any answer to your question - ChatGPT ✨
then I had an idea to ask him: how would I look in anime One punch man? (according to my specifications)
They says:
ChatGPT: "in anime one punch man you will look very mysterious. your quiet and withdrawn character traits will be reflected in your appearance. you will dress in dark, pale and formidable colors such as black, gray and purple. your hair will be long and thick, hiding most of your face and giving you a mysterious look." "your character will be reflected in your fighting style, which will be single-minded and ruthless. you will wield various weapons such as sword and flail to kill your enemies." "despite your sometimes short-tempered nature, you will remain cool and reasonable in battle, which will help you move forward. During the fight you use your agility and stealth to dodge attacks and strike at the right moment." "in general, your image in the world of "one punch man" will look like a mysterious and gloomy figure, whose actions will be shrouded in mysteries and based on your character" See also AI images (and judge for yourself)
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Looks like my alter ego 😆
If you want to try it too, look for suitable models on huggingface.co
(and also vote for the best images between these two prompts ♥️)
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onepunchm-fan · 1 year
Enlightened for the "garou" group!♥️
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dear girls!
I decided to unite you all - for the sake of love!
"Do you understand perfectly why we are here? Because his name is G A R O U~" *giggles mysteriously*
first baby (actually she is an adult) Yuu Jun (by crezzstar) who is always ready to help her wolf cub despite bruises
The second is a martial arts expert, young ViRoyo (unless I've misunderstood something...)
Third @normal-water The new heroine is Julia. (Cool, my name is Julia too ^-^)
In fourth place 🐺とある夢作家👊 from twitter who hasn't appeared in a while... (something happened to her profile) - miss you...(⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
In fifth place is my friend - Matoi under a nickname sherlleen
And in the end, our very popularity - @garoumylove Recently collects a record for drawing several times! It's good to be popular (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)
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For me, it was a great job! [24.04.23]
And it was also fun! Enjoy lady♥️
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Manga Drawing Skills = Finished
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onepunchm-fan · 1 year
Long time no see, friend!
Although I disappeared for a long time, I could not help but please you with my next creations.
One Punch Man (c) as always...
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Some sketches, some comic sketches and doodles...
Since they are already 3 years old, then ... They should not disappear :)))
P.S. hashtag Garou x Oc I write just like that! Don't take it seriously lady~♥️
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onepunchm-fan · 2 years
Get-togethers with Garou
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art by me~
Oh! and one more thing!
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onepunchm-fan · 2 years
new chapter~
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Chapter 162 front cover coloring
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onepunchm-fan · 2 years
All fans of Garou are welcome here!!!
I created a new game, you will surely like it)))💕
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so go ahead~
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