personalplanchette · 17 days
Auras Oracle Cards: Asteroid
Hello everyone,
Last year I created a deck of oracle cards called Auras, and I will be going through the deck alphabetically to introduce the cards. First up is ASTEROID.
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At last count, there are more than a million asteroids whizzing around between Mars and Jupiter, where the majority of them are located. And ever since we started naming them (the first was Ceres, after the Roman goddess of agriculture, in 1801) it seems that we come closer to discovering the power and influence that naming has on us in our own Earthly orbit. Consider how asteroids are used in astrology!
The first thing that comes to mind with the Asteroid card is the concept of Nominative Determinism. This is when a person's name is linked to their hobbies or careers, like a dentist called Dr. Paine or an electrician whose last name is Sparks (I know that one personally). This card could also be a call for us to explore our passions. Pay attention to synchronicities with names, dates, and events.
The Asteroid card can signify something about to be amped up. It's like a guitar getting plugged into an amplifier. Things get really loud, excited, and electrified. By things, we mean situations, and even people.
And because the Universe loves puns and wordplay, this can be literally read into as “a steroid”, injecting a specific energy into something, or is imbued with a certain energy that is very of the moment.
On another note, this card could be challenging you to push past your comfort zones or accept the reality of outside powers that shape and influence our lives.
Thank you for reading. Auras is available on The Gamecrafter.
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personalplanchette · 20 days
MAYDAY! MAYDAY! The Asteroid Astrology of Thomas Morton and Merrymount's Maypole
Happy May Day, everyone, even those who are actually experiencing May 2nd because you are in a different time zone!
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Thomas Morton was a lawyer, writer, and social reformer from Devonshire, England. He first arrived for a visit in what is now Quincy, Massachusetts in 1622 and found the Puritans to be, well...puritanical.
Thomas returned to the UK and two years later, he came back to the New World with a business partner, Captain Richard Wollaston, along with thirty indentured servants. Right away he began trading furs and selling liquor and guns to his new friends, the Algonquins.
This infuriated Plymouth (Plimoth) Colony as it went against their laws and beliefs. By the way, I'll be using the modern spelling of Plymouth throughout.
Liberal minded and tolerant, Thomas much preferred the company of the Algonquin People to that of his own peers, because they were much kinder, friendlier and "more full of humanity" as he put it, than the religious zealots next door.
Thomas and Richard with the servants set up their own colony and called it Mount Wollaston, until Richard sold some of the servants into slavery to a Virginia tobacco plantation. Thomas encouraged the rest of the servants to rebel against Wollaston. Soon he and Richard split ways and Richard moved to Virginia. Thomas renamed Mount Wollaston to Merrymount.
Merrymount was attractive to anybody who did not wish to be a part of repressive, authoritarian Puritan society. It sent Plymouth Plantation into a tizzy. Rumors flew. And Thomas carried on trading and welcoming new consociates, as they were called, and generally doing as he pleased.
The Puritans became even more enraged with Thomas, who called himself the host of the free-spirited colony. They reviled his so-called "heathen" religious views and accused him of having drunken orgies with Indigenous women. His nickname: The Lord of Misrule.
On May 1st, 1627, Thomas and his Merrymount consociates threw a party in the style of Merrie Olde England. Maybe they'd even attract Indigenous brides for the Merrymount utopia's bachelors, as Thomas and the bachelors hoped would happen.
Thomas and the Bachelors sounds like a band name.
Thomas wrote that they brewed "a barrell of excellent beer" and that a "goodly pine tree of 80 foot was reared up". They brought the Maypole with "drums, guns, pistols, and other fitting instruments" to the appointed spot where everyone would be able to see it.
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This was an outrage to the Plymouth leaders, who hated a good party, especially one with an 80 foot high symbolic penis. Which reminds me...I forgot to include asteroid Pecker.
This is what they said about it:
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Onto the astro!
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I don't know the exact time so it defaults to 12:00PM which is as good a time as any to erect a Maypole (tee hee)
A Yod is formed between two planets that are sextile to each other and are quincunx, or inconjunct, to a third planet. Quincunxes are five signs apart and naturally have a weird or uncomfortable energy. The Yod here is made up of Venus in Pisces, Uranus in Leo, and Neptune in Libra.
Usually we'd be talking about people with Yods but this is an event chart. It still represents an unusual, restless, and somewhat incomprehensible energy. This is a chart aspect that has fate written all over it.
To me putting up a Maypole in the middle of Puritan territory in 1627 is pretty avant garde, definitely Yod territory.
The Asteroids
2555 Thomas the name asteroid sits at 1 degree in Cancer. The first degree of a sign encompasses an Aries energy, Aries being the first sign of the zodiac. This means action, initiative, assertiveness. Thomas took matters into his own hands, literally, by thumbing his nose at the Puritans' repressive religious mores and embracing old pagan traditions with the Maypole.
Asteroid Thomas falls in Cancer in the eleventh house of friends, groups, and the collective. Cancer is home, clan, nurturing energy, and yes, the United States of America too! The eleventh house is Aquarius's domain, which represents progressive values and humanitarianism. Thomas was a social reformer, a provocative figure in all the best ways, while giving refuge to those who wanted to escape strict Puritan society.
20106 Morton the surname asteroid sits in Virgo in the second house of values, principles, and material possessions. Asteroid Morton is in retrograde, which means the energy turns inwardly rather than externally. Virgo is practical, analytical, and reliable. Together they make a person who finds safety and comfort in financial stability and routine. This person is also refined.
But the thing about Virgo is that they can be freaks in the sheets. I mean that as a compliment! That, mixed in with the second house's sexy, sensual Taurean overlay (so to speak). It is no wonder they accused him of being a libertine.
4547 Massachusetts is in Sagittarius in the fourth house. This is where it all took place. Sagittarius = religion, philosophy, adventure. Fourth house = home, family, ancestors, roots. This asteroid also happened to be retrograde. The spirit of Massachusetts had yet to blossom into the most progressive state in the U.S. But it was still there.
348 May The month this event took place, on the first day of the month. It is in Cancer, not at all coincidentally at the first degree right next to asteroid Thomas.
4372 Quincy This event took place in modern-day Quincy. It is in Capricorn in the Sun-ruled fifth house of passions, pleasures, love. And that was the aim of Merrymount- to be a place where one had the freedom to be oneself, a place that was free from restrictive rules of religiosity.
Now, what about the Capricorn part? The sign that everyone loves to say is all business suits and cold showers? Well, let me remind you that Capricorn was originally the seagoat. Some Capricorns are ruled by Saturn. Some are ruled by Enki. And some are ruled by Pan. Guess which one this is? My money is on the satyr-god. By the way, I read that on Mystic Medusa first.
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90703 Indulgentia This asteroid seemed appropriate. It is anything to do with indulgences, except perhaps the ones that the Church bestowed upon sinners in centuries past. The Puritans weren't into granting mercy or forgiveness to the citizens of Merrymount, though. It falls in Taurus (how fitting!) in the ninth house of philosophy, religion, and truths.
How you feel about indulgences depends on what side of the aisle you sit on-- whether you are pro-revelry or anti-fun.
2063 Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and revelry, who represented creativity and free-thinking associated with ecstatic drunkenness, is in adventurous Sagittarius in the fifth house of pleasure and amusements. Bacchus is also retrograde, facing a challenge from the rigid religious order.
3596 Meriones I used this as a stand in for "Merry Ones" and as a matter of fact, it wanted to autocorrect to "Merriness". It is in Capricorn in the fifth house. More play, joy, and creative self-expression. Merrymount boldly clashing against austerity and restriction.
8 Flora, named for the Roman goddess of vegetation and gardens, is in retrograde in Scorpio in the fourth house. Fourth house = nurturing, roots, heritage. I think this goddess is at home here, so to speak. With Scorpio, it's loyalties and secrets. It is a closely knit family unit filled with change and uncertainty. Sadly, Merrymount was not destined to last.
Bonus Extra Credit Astro:
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Vertex is a point that indicates fated encounters or significant events. Vertex is triggered by transits and this is just the snapshot of the day, so we are just describing the energy.
Vertex falls in Capricorn in the fifth house. It was a big party, a raucous occasion in the sign of the authority figure. One side's culture and tradition clashing with another side's of culture and tradition. Joyous and carefree celebrations versus callous institutions.
1629 Pecker You know I had to. For the Maypole! It is in family matters Cancer in the twelfth house. The twelfth house is the house of the collective unconscious, dreams, fantasy, escape, things that are repressed. I'm sure Freud would have something to say about this placement.
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I like to think this tune would have been playing at their party
Whatever became of Thomas Morton? The next year, he hosted a second May Day party, which ended with the Maypole getting chopped down by Myles Standish. Thomas was taken away in chains. Later, he was marooned on the Isles of Shoals, off the coast of New Hampshire. Thankfully he was rescued by an English ship. Merrymount lasted about another year and then disbanded.
Thomas was arrested again and again, imprisoned, but finally released. In 1737, he published The New English Canaan, a three volume series denouncing Puritan culture. Unsurprisingly, the Puritans banned it, making Thomas among many literary greats to have the honor and distinction of being on a banned book list. You can read it on Project Gutenberg for free at the above link.
He eventually went up to York, Maine for the remainder of his life, and died at the age of 71.
This originally appeared on PersonalPlanchette.com. This for entertainment purposes. I am not a professional astrologer.
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personalplanchette · 26 days
Asteroid Penghu 🐧
The other day while out on a drive, I realized that those spacers on high voltage power lines are kind of penguin shaped. Later on that day, I spotted a sign with a penguin on it on someone's front lawn.
Right on schedule, without me even mentioning it for the algorithm to overhear, penguin imagery began appearing.
Asteroid 239071 Penghu, which is named for the Taiwanese archipelago, is what I decided to use for a penguin stand-in. There is no official penguin-related asteroid that I know of.
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This isn't to be confused for the highly questionable unit of measurement, 22 Emperor penguins, to be exact, that was used to describe the size of asteroids flying by Earth recently.
Penguins are said to represent adaptability, persistence, and hardiness since they thrive in environmentally difficult conditions in their natural habitat. They're incredibly social birds with a strong sense of community.
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Asteroid 239071 falls in my fourth house (home, family, ancestors) Pisces (sensitive, artistic, intuitive water sign). It trines my ninth house (philosophy, higher learning) Mercury (communication, siblings & neighborhoods) in Cancer (water sign ruler of fourth house) and squares Neptune (ruler of Pisces and god of the ocean) in fiery Sagittarius (ruler of ninth house) in my second house (values & possessions).
That's a lot of water for a sea bird!
What does this mean? The interpretation I pull from this is that I come from a big family, with seven siblings. It was a lot easier to cooperate than go against the group. My late mom, a fellow Gemini sun with whom I share a birthday, was incredibly social which goes hand in hand with the Cancer (mothers) and Mercury. Our house was where everyone's friends congregated. We hosted a lot of holidays and parties. There was lots of conversation, humor, and affection. My ancestors also had lots of children.
Where does Penghu fall in your chart? Do you relate to it at all?
This is for entertainment only and was originally posted on PersonalPlanchette.com
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personalplanchette · 3 months
Hey Virgo Moons
Do you keep all your cleaning stuff out or do you put it all away when you're done?
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because I always have a roll of paper towels out and whatever cleaning spray I'm using at the moment is on the counter, tucked away but always accessible.
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personalplanchette · 3 months
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personalplanchette · 3 months
"The 6th house puts a lot of strain on people. There are often fears surrounding continuity of employment, health, and uncertainty. Self-perception can be negative because of the individual’s perfectionist qualities and high self expectation. The 6th house is ruled by Virgo, so whatever planet(s) is expressed through the 6th House will be anchored by intelligence and reason."
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personalplanchette · 3 months
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personalplanchette · 5 months
Asteroid 16794: North American Asteroid Moth 🌌
Some time ago I found out about a moth called the North American Asteroid Moth. This was at the same time I found out that there's an asteroid named for it-- number 16794 Cucullia.
They're also called owlet moths.
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image from iNaturalist
16794 Cucullia is in my Cancer (family, ancestors, homebody, imagination) ninth house (long journeys, philosophy, higher learning, travels in your mind). It's conjunct Mercury (communication, learning, language, mental activities)
Throughout human history, moths have been associated with death and rebirth, are regarded as messengers from the spirit world, deeply connected to intuition. This is interesting because this asteroid is in the sign ruled by the Moon.
Cucullia also forms three minor aspects: a biquintile (144 degrees) to fourth house (family, home, emotional wisdom, instinct) Jupiter (luck, belief, expansion). Biquintiles show talent, creativity, and gifts.
There's a quincunx (which can show incompatible, contradictory energies) with second house (possessions, material things, assets, security, self-worth) Neptune (dreams, illusion, fantasy, mysticism, beyond reality).
The other is a semi-sextile to Leo (sunny, bold, confident, will) Midheaven (status, public image, ambition, career). Semi-sextiles can indicate potentials.
What does this all mean? I think part of it is wanting to share with the world but feeling very comfortable in my introspective Moon-ruled realm, feeling a connection to ancestors, and possessing a strong sense of nostalgia.
Where is 16794 Cucullia in your chart?
This post originally appeared on personalplanchette.com. I am not a professional astrologer.
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personalplanchette · 5 months
Asteroid Astrology of Kevin McCallister
I started writing this months ago but now that the holidays have crept upon us like Krampus on unsuspecting little shits children, I bring you the asteroid astrology of Kevin McCallister.
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Without knowing a birth time, the chart defaults to 12:00 PM. We don't know Kevin's Rising sign or the houses, and the moon sign isn't set in stone. But we can still look at the way these asteroids translate in the signs they reside in.There are over 600,000 asteroids, but I'm starting off with seven I thought were relevant. Perhaps there will be a part 2.
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Chiron (wounded healer) Chiron is retrograde in Taurus. Typically this denotes a wound of lack in terms of money or possessions. But here it is an unstable home life. Although Kevin's family seems to be of some means, he does not have the assurance of knowing he is safe at home, and he must rely on himself and his wits as he defends himself not only against his family's bullying, but against Harry and Marv's attempts to break in.
Chiron is sextile (easy aspect with high potential for growth) Kevin's Pisces Moon (childhood, adaptability, needs) and his surname asteroid McAllister, which shows difficulty getting needs met with the family. It's trine Capricorn Mercury (logic, reasoning) which shows Kevin's astute mental powers at work with this challenging Chironic energy. Consider the booby traps he set to foil the burglars.
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Might I add that Pisces is feet.
Toro 1685 (bullying, intimidation, endurance) Toro is in Scorpio (power, healing, transformation).
Prey 6157 (areas that show where you could be someone's or something's prey) Prey is in Sagittarius (mayhem, forgetfulness, unlucky).
Nemesis 128 (enemies) Nemesis is in Leo (domineering, bossy, dramatic).
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Buzzi 6517 This is the closest to Buzz, Kevin's older brother. Buzzi is also in Sagittarius, square Kevin's moon (emotional center).
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Kevin 23739 Another name asteroid, Kevin is in Aries (fighter, action, independent). Aries is a fire sign. Kevin literally fought fire with fire.
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and caused head injuries. The head is associated with Aries.
McAllister 5673 slightly different spelling but it still very much counts! McAllister is in Aquarius (aloof, scattered, chaotic). This symbolizes the family unit.
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I hope you enjoyed the asteroid astrology of Kevin McCallister and that you're having a screamingly good holiday season so far 🎄💀
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personalplanchette · 5 months
Quickie Astro of Napoleon Bonaparte featuring a few asteroids
Astrodienst says Napoleon was born at 11:00 AM on August 15, 1769.
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I just got back from watching Ridley Scott's Napoleon, starring Joaquin Phoenix as the Corsican military leader who became Emperor of France.
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Asteroid Corsica is in second house Scorpio (transformation), at 29 degrees, an anaretic degree = point of transitional energy, lessons learned, karma wrapped up. The island of Corsica was Napoleon's birthplace and he returned there several times early in his career. Corsica had been annexed to and occupied by France during the time of his birth.
Asteroid Napolitania, which is what I used as a stand in as a name asteroid for Napoleon, is in Virgo (service, attention to detail, diligence) eleventh house (groups, friends, humanitarian ideals).
Asteroid EMP I used as another stand in, for emperor. It is in second house (values, material possessions, love) in Sagittarius (philosophy, religion, higher learning).
He also has two lovely Grand Trines and his chart pattern looks like an envelope, and my guy loved writing letters to his beloved Josephine. He also liked to push the envelope.
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Whoops almost forgot asteroid Josephina. It is in tenth house (popularity, public image, status) in Leo (fame, passions, children, royalty) conjunct his Sun. Would honestly not have expected anything else.
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personalplanchette · 5 months
Asteroid Astro of WKRP in Cincinnati
I've been watching comedy series WKRP in Cincinnati on DVD and realized that it was ripe for asteroid astro.
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WKRP is about the crazy adventures of a struggling AM radio station in Cincinnati Ohio that suddenly goes rock and roll when a new station manager joins the team.
It premiered on September 18, 1978, a Monday, meaning it was ruled by the Moon.
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The Cast-eroids
1373 Cincinnati This eponymous asteroid is named for the Cincinnati Observatory, and was discovered by American astronomer Edwin Hubble of the likewise eponymously named telescope.
Cincinnati is situated at the chart's Midheaven in Capricorn (responsibility, integrity), ruler of this house. Capricorn = I Achieve. The Midheaven is where you find public recognition or image, social status, career path, reputation.
No wonder Cincinnati is placed there.
5195 Andry for Andy Travis. Portrayed by Gary Sandy, Andy is the charming, good-natured program director brought on to turn around the lagging ratings after helping several other stations, but spends a lot of time trying to maintain control of the comical shenanigans the rest of the team often drag him into.
It is in the ninth house (journeys, faraway places, philosophy, higher education, communication of ideas) in Sagittarius, its ruling sign.
Andy is the subject of the series' theme:
Baby, if you've ever wondered, Wondered whatever became of me, I'm livin' on the air in Cincinnati, Cincinnati, WKRP Got kinda tired of packin' and unpackin', Town to town, up and down the dial Maybe you and me were never meant to be, Just maybe think of me once in awhile. I'm at WKRP in Cincinnati
source: https://www.lyricsondemand.com/tvthemes/wkrpincincinnatilyrics.html
According to the series creator, Hugh Wilson, Andy was supposed to be the male answer to Mary Tyler Moore, a "Gary Tyler Moore" as he put it. There is an asteroid Gary (4735), but that is a different story. Mystic Medusa talks about it.
Although I don't know if Andy's birthday is ever mentioned, he seems to embody Sadge traits. Station manager Mr. Carlson describes him as a "cowboy", wears tight jeans, and even says "With denim, I feel comfortable and relaxed. I feel as though I can work better."
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Fringed clothing, plaid shirts, and a shearling jacket also make their way into Andy's wardrobe.
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His hair is feathered. Everyone comments on it. Intern Bailey Quarters asks him to imagine his hair "flowing in the wind -- now, that stuff will flow!" for a promotion.
Andy describes himself as "an easy-going guy with a natural ability to lead." He loses his temper from time to time but it takes a lot to get him to that point.
Actually, this got kinda big, so I decided to split it up. Part II coming soon.
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personalplanchette · 6 months
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personalplanchette · 6 months
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personalplanchette · 6 months
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personalplanchette · 6 months
Signs of Hekate
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Many years ago, I bought this from an antiques dealer who told me it was to hold keys and perhaps spare change as people entered the home. As far as I know, it it made of iron and appears to be Art Nouveau style (if somebody wants to kindly correct me on this please do!)
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I really like the door and windows motif depicted on it, being liminal spaces and sacred to Hekate. The floral designs in the center that remind me of Eyes of Ra (light, strength, the sun) and Horus (healing and protection, the moon).
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Window and half moon shape
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The triangles remind me of the statue where she is depicted with her rays (the spikes). Also, triangles = 3 sides. There are a couple of sets of three on this piece.
The floral design continued on the bottom is reminiscent of her association with medicinal herbs.
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personalplanchette · 7 months
Egyptologists digging in Abusir, have discovered the tomb of a previously unknown scribe. Not only was this burial decorated with gods and goddesses, but it was enchanted with magic spells associated with snake bites.
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personalplanchette · 7 months
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VENUS/EROS at 12, 24° = Pisces degree points 2 someone being sexually attracted 2 "lost souls", they want someone who's willing 2 let them be their saviour✨. They could also hold deep thoughts about being saved by a lover themselves, and the idea of "escaping" 2 their "happily ever after". Sex them up with how artistic/poetic u can be. That shit always works. They need someone who's willing 2 show them a kind heart, while also fulfilling their deepest desires/sexual urges.
VENUS/EROS at 8, 20° = Scorpio degree points 2 someone wanting a lover that's more sexually charged in private, and someone who's willing 2 give up their "thought patterns", as they can be a little "obsessive" with wanting to know everything, or them investigating when they feel the other persons sexual attraction "dying down a little bit"🧯🔥. These people can easily find your weak spots, so they won't disappoint. They need someone who's willing2 give them their soul, as they do the same💀😍.
VENUS/EROS at 5, 17, 29° = Leo degree points 2 wanting 2 be praised all the time, and a need 2 praise, if the other person does good🐕. They want someone who worships them, puts them on a pedestal👑. They need someone who knows that they're not 2nd place, but always 1st place. They put passion, & sexual attraction/admiration at the top of the list, of things they NEED, 2want to get sexual with somebody. They need platonic, romantic, &sexual flirting from people all around, 2 get that "confidence in", people telling them how fine they look/how sexy they are🌟🌟.
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Moira asteroid (638) conjunct 5th house can show fated romances/affairs throughout life, or with one special person💜.
A MAN’S Venus in Leo/1st house is mostly all about themselves in bed, they want 2 get off first and then maybe, if you're lucky, they'll finish u off2. No hate, I just don't fuck with it 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨.
Black Moon Lilith conjunct Vertex in a MAN’S chart shows that he's meant 2 have fated experiences, that puts him out of the "conventional". Like him dating/seeing younger women&getting shit4it, or him being "thrown" into situations where he has 2 "defend himself", because of the women he's in a sexual relationship/relationship with🙄. These fated connections/experiences is what turns him into who he's supposed 2 be - someone who doesn't give a fuck about anyone else's opinion - BML energy🖕🖕💜.
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Medusa asteroid (149) conjunct ASC in a WOMAN’S chart will make herself look "tempting", or "available" in front of a man, but as soon as he looks or tries 2 hit on her, she'll degrade him. "U disgusting man, or "u pig"!! "I didn't look at u, or made any attempt 2 flirt with u, whatsoever"😂. They won't admit it, most of the time. I've seen this multiple times - live2)🌹.
A MAN WITH Venus, Mars and Saturn in Capricorn = Ultimate dom. They'll make you scream their name over, and over again, & won't stop until he made you cum multiple times. He's REALLY sexually experienced, when he reach his older years, like from 30&up.
Lust asteroid : 4386 conjunct Jupiter = crazy sexual needs. Even if they've had crazy sex all night = they can go again the next day, all day😵‍💫😲🤣🤣 Mars in Virgo/8th house in a MAN'S chart typically finds "younger people" 2 be way more sexual attractive, than people at their own age. They're attracted 2 the feeling of "feeling young", while being with a young woman/man❤️. They want someone they can have an insane sexual attraction2, while also being able 2 "teach" the other person a lot in the sexual department. Them wanting young/inexperienced women.
Neptune conjunct Black moon Lilith can make you so damn ethereal, especially if you got Mars or Venus aspecting it 2. people want 2 rip your clothes off but r afraid 2 even say hi 2 u😭😭😭. Afraid you'll reject/embarrass them.
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💜💜💜💜 Look at aspects from Venus (the planet of love&attraction), & Mars (the planet of sex), 2c what u like, & what u need sexually. Look at EVERYTHING!!!
👅👅👅 Mars in Gemini changes their mind a lot when it comes 2 sex. One day they like 2 dominate, & the next they like 2 be submissive. It really comes down to how they feel on that particular day. &it makes sense. Mars (planet of sex&) in Gemini - Duality. A MAN’S Venus/Mars in Leo wants praises from u. They want 2 hear how good they are, and amazing they are in bed. If u don't, they can get bored of u, and seek somebody else - get their "needs" taken care of by another person👀 👀.
If your 8th house ruler is in your 8th house, sex is so transformative for u but you'll probably only hookup with a few people throughout your life tho. Only having sex with people you feel a deep soul connection with.
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🍆🍆 A MAN'S Mars/Venus/in 11th house in Aquarius is FREAKYYYYY, they'll try anything with their partner. MOSTLY ON VIDEO/cam🙃🙃🙃 PERIOD.
A WOMAN'S Venus in Pisces/8th/12th house is the "I'll do anything I can 2 satisfy your needs, before my own". I love these placements, they want their partner 2 feel all the pleasure and doesn't even think about their own.
Taurus Mercury/Mars LOVES 2 be neck kissed, damn. Just go wild there and they'll go crazy 4 u, I promise 👄👅. MEN with Mars in Taurus/Taurus in 8th house = attracted 2 women that always looks "beautiful", "sexy, but classy", "ocd around looks", "model looking". They want a gorgeous woman, that can "cater" 2 their most sensual needs 🫦💦. Find some whipped cream/ice cream + your tongue&his body = go loca. If he doesn't go crazy, (u probably have the wrong chart😂🤡). Webb asteroid (3041) conjunct/trine/sextile/quintile BML can indicate doing "Web porn", "only fans", "showing yourself off, in a "sexual, provocative way online"🧯💨🔥.
Mars/Venus in Gemini/3rd house loves using toys! But they especially love2 use their hands&fingers!! They can also love oral👅.
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THANKS4READING💘 Appreciate u, always!
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