🔹 You are allowed to write fiction in whatever style you want.
🔹 Your fiction writing does not have to conform to academic writing standards.
🔹 You are allowed to repeat words.
🔹 You are allowed to use dialects, incomplete phrases, slang etc, in dialogue or in the body of your prose.
🔹 You are allowed to have idiosyncratic phrasing.
🔹 You are allowed to be verbose.
🔹 You are allowed to be concise. 
🔹 You are damned well allowed to fucking swear, I shit you not.
🔹 You are allowed to use said tags liberally or to omit them as much as possible.
🔹 You are allowed to use adverbs liberally or to omit them as much as possible.
🔹 You are allowed to make mince-meat out of grammar rules for effect.
🔹 Your fiction is not bound or to be judged by academic writing standards.
🔹 You are allowed to write fiction any way you want, even if it is not ‘correct’ in terms of writing rules.
🔹 There are no absolute rules for writing fiction.
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I don’t know who might need to hear this announcement in this Virtual Chili’s tonight, but:
The goal of your first draft isn’t to make the story GOOD.
It’s to get the story TOLD.
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The Three Dreams:
There are three very specific dreams that I’ve always remembered since about 2014, I believe.
One dream is where I woke up in an all white room inside of what seemed to be a hospital, though I have no idea whether it was a mental or regular hospital. But I got up, and I went over to this door just across the room from my bed, which sat beside a window showing the outside world, and I opened it up, and I ended up inside of what was a bright, shiny white castle that was huge. It has these little intricate designs, and it reminded me of the Rococo era.
It was like stepping into another world. With long, slender windows the size of a giant which revealed thick, white clouds floating about in the sky like a distant painting, and the unknown for me to explore.
I also had a dream where I was in that same white castle, and I was being chased by a zombie, but I managed to get away, and ended up on a long, and narrow hallway which had many regular doors on both sides, and one led into this little room. I went right into the room, and it ended very strangely.
Another dream was me being dropped onto another planet where everything was pastel-colored, and I met giant, talking foods. Most of them breakfasts and sweets.
And then, I believe in the distance, I could see these large planets in the deep, and endless blackness of a starry space. One of them was a blue and purple fusion, and the rest looked very similar as well.
I ended up on that planet somehow, and on that blue and purple planet, there was this gigantic stacked parking system which was very tall, and created a long, and very wide aisle to explore. It was where many black vehicles were stacked up onto one another, with floors separating them, and it seemed as though I was on some sort of futuristic planet, I believe, from what I saw.
Another dream I had was of a dream where I was in this tall, slender little house that looked much like a vintage doll house, and was full of Victorian dolls, with a spiral staircase in the middle of a room going down many floors, and another room, which was a bedroom, with various other dolls as well. Everything look so much like it belonged in a playhouse, and there was this tall, lanky white man with short, black hair and clothes leading me there, and acting as though he trying to help me. As if he was trying to hide me from something. But I have no idea what.
Another thing, which was much more recent, was where I ended up at a humungous train station that was very Victorian and steampunk-inspired, but was mainly gothic-influenced, with all black coloring.
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The strong need to be a victorian/edwardian woman with huge glasses that make me look cute af, and who writes and reads a lot, and comes across books about the supernatural inside of a small local library, and is told, by an elderly person who owns the store, of all these mysterious happenings which took place in this abandoned castle before being warned to never travel there.
But then I get visited by a ghost one night while I’m reading in my bed, with my candle lit beside me on a night stand. And they’re telling me to visit the castle because it is vitally important that I do. That there’s something that I must know of. And I think I’m simply imagining things. And unfortunately, my curiosity gets the best of me, and I end up traveling to the abandoned castle to see what the fuss is all about, only to discover something unknown and ancient.
And I end up falling for the ghost who owns the castle, who is extremely charming and kind, and lovable, which is the most unexpected turn in the story.
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~ Hellow Earthlings,
I am a very passionate queer black writer who writes the following:
• Erotica
• Fantasy
• Slice of Life
• BDSM and Kink
• Sex positivity
• Love (Platonic, friendship, romantic, queerplatonic)
• Diversity (race, ethnicity, queer, disabled, different body types, body hair, etc)
• Body positivity and neutrality
• Interracial and Interspecies relationships
• Morbidity
I also love delving into serious topics, such as abuse, bigotry, recovery and healing, coping, etc. These are very, very important topics to me, and I use them as a way to heal, and as a way to bring awareness.
I write many different ethnicities, but I mainly center queer Black characters who are into alternative fashion and music (goth, punk, metal, etc).
Writing about sex and diversity also helps me to feel comfortable in my own body, and with sex, and allows me to control what I want to see.
I loath the male gaze, which is a product of white supremacy, and yearn to see bodies that actually look and feel real, and are respected whether naked or clothed.
People’s bodies belong to themselves. Their bodies have always belonged to themselves. Respect people’s bodily autonomy.
Nudity is not bad, nor is it taboo. Nudity is nudity. It is skin. Nothing more. It is a state of being.
Writing sex that’s actually sex, aka consensual and safe, allows me to feel safe, and to feel like there is hope in this world. That not everything and everyone disrespects afab bodies, or see afab bodies as these taboo things to assault.
But also I just really love writing erotica in general. There is so much to explore when it comes to erotica. So much. And to simply reduce erotica to this “lesser” genre is absolutely disrespectful, not to mention is a product of the “sex is sinful and therefore shameful” narrative.
Sex is absolutely wonderful, and should be respected, and treated as important as any other genre.
That is all I have to say! For now! ^-^
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THEME: violence, satire, dark comedy, dark fantasy, horror.
(So, this was originally going to be a small little joke about how black people love inviting white people to these non-existent cookouts for doing the bare minimum, but instead it escalated into something truly horrifying, but also thought-provoking in a way. At least to me. Black people are so obsessed with white acceptance, and whiteness as a whole, that they are willing to devour it at any chance they can get. And it truly says something about how we still idolize whiteness.)
Black person: *sneezes*
White person: “Oh, bless you!”
*Suddenly, they both hear a wave making its way towards them, even though they’re nowhere near the ocean at all. But as it begins to cast the biggest shadow, even on the buildings and houses nearby, they turn to look in the direction to see what’s going on, and why the hell there’s such a big shadow in the middle of a damn city!
They then come to find that it’s a literal wave of black people, and it’s getting bigger and bigger the closer that they get. The black person immediately runs away, but as the white person stands there to see what’s going on, he immediately runs in another direction. But before he could get far, he yelps as a giant boulder drops in front of him, and he frowns as he sees that there’s words that have been carved into it.
He peers at it, and it reads. ‘You’re invited to the cookout.’
“You’re invited to the cookout??” He repeated out loud. But before he could even ask himself any questions as to why a damn boulder was dropped in front of him, and in the middle of a city at that, he turns around, and almost scream as he’s instantly swallowed by the wave...
...And just like that... he’s never seen again...
A few hours later, however, he wakes up to find himself tied to a chair before a table, and he glanced around to find that he is, indeed, at a cookout...
But then he glances around once more, and finds that the atmosphere is very... very different. In fact, he glanced up to see that the sky is actually dark green with neon green clouds and a mist, and he ends up frowning as he glances around to see that everyone in the crowd was standing around like statues, looking at everything with dead eyes that appeared to be pitch-black, and refusing to blink...
Although now that he saw their faces, their eyes didn’t exactly look like regular eyes... In fact, they look as if they HAD no eyes... Wtf kind of cookout is this??
He then glanced down to see that he had these thick, white ropes tied around him, and rather thoroughly at that, as they were tied all around his arms and his legs, and made it so that he couldn’t move them at all!
He then glanced over at the table he’s sitting at unwillingly, and cringes once he sees that the food on the table consisted of a large beating heart, which had blood seeping out of it, and a pile of intestines on a large, oval-shaped plate on the middle. And on the other side of the table were a bowl of eyes that were still blinking, despite not having any eyelids, and a wider bowl full of random body parts that were still pulsating.
He then flinched as he felt something spray at his cheek, and slowly glanced up on his right side to see who was munching so loudly at the table, and spraying juice on him.
Only it wasn’t juice... It smelled of iron, and ran down his cheek much slower than juice ever could...
The person sitting in a chair next to him was busy holding in their hands what appeared to be the torso of what used to be a person, and was burying their entire face in the middle as they were busy devouring every single inch of skin, flesh, and even bone...
And as his eyes widened as he stared at them in horror, he flinched as more blood sprayed his face, and he instantly closed his eyes and his mouth before he turned away from them, and opened his eyes to glance around. And in that moment, he wondered how he could get himself out of this as soon as possible. This wasn’t a cookout! This was madness!
But as soon as he shook the chair with his whole body for a brief moment, attempt to move himself even slightly to the left, that’s when the munching stopped, and he swallowed as he glanced down, and realized that they heard him.
He then found himself turning back to look at them, and almost screamed as soon as he saw that they had no eyes. And as they slowly began to open their bloody mouth to smile, he watched as blood began to slowly drip down from there and onto the ground before he saw that their lips were incredibly thin, and stretched all the way towards their ears, making it look as though they had no mouth, and instead had a giant slit cut into their face.
Their teeth also appeared to all be short and razor-sharp, as well as covered in red blood. And not to there was raw flesh and skin in between them.
He instantly pissed himself, and they sniffed hard before glancing down to see piss now spilling down onto the ground through his trousers, and looked back up at him with that same smile of theirs. And instantly, they cackled at him.
He wanted to scream, but knowing very well that that would in fact attract even more attention to him, and he was certain that some of these people were already having their eyes set on him, he kept himself quiet.
But as soon as he decided to glance around the “cookout” once more, that’s when his heart nearly stopped.
Every single one of the crowd was now staring in his direction. Some of them were standing still, and some of them had their heads tilted rather far to the side, while others appeared to be twitching their heads from side to side, and as though they were some sort of strange glitch.
He immediately swallowed before he glanced back down at his chair, and began to grit his teeth as he shook himself once more, and wondered how the hell he was even suppose to get out of this damn chair of his to escape...
But as he heard hissing in the background, he found himself slowly glancing up once again before he saw them now baring their teeth at him, and with those same wide mouths as the one sitting right next to him. And some of them were, indeed, hissing right at him.
And as he glanced over at the person sitting next to him, they began to hiss as well...
And as he turned away to stare at nothing in front of him, that’s when he realized...
HE was the cookout...
(This escalated in a way that I originally did not intend for it to... but I ended up loving it.)
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🦇 ~(To be continued)~ 🦇
Part 5:
THEME: Erotica, romance, queer, vampires, interspecies relationships.
After some time, the two of them were now lying right beside one another naked underneath the blankets, and smiling softly as they were looking at each other, and Ana was now stroking her cheek with her thumb in the meantime.
“...You are so beautiful...”
Kwame looked away, and Ana chuckled softly.
“No need to be embarrassed...”
“I-I’m not, I’m just...” Kwame trailed off for some time, and Ana giggled softly.
“You are...”
Kwame then cleared her throat. “So that walk you mentioned earlier?”
Ana looked away for a moment, and then smirked. And as she looked back at her, she winked, causing Kwame to stifle a chuckle before she then turned away to slip herself out of bed, and made her way towards the door.
And as Kwame frowned, she then pulled herself up to sit herself on the bed, and held the blanket to her chest as she stared at her.
“Where are you going? Aren’t your clothes in here?”
“Some of them,” Ana said before turning to look at her. “But most of my better clothes are in another room. Now you just put your clothes on and wait in the library. I’ll be out in about an hour or so, okay?”
She smiled softly and nodded. “Absolutely.”
Afterwards, Ana winked at her, and turned to open the door before she then made her way out, and turned to close it behind her.
And afterwards, Kwame sighed softly.
After Kwame had her clothes back on, she was now waiting over on that same couch of hers, with one leg resting over the other as she had her satchel still beside her, and was gently shaking her foot as she waited for Ana to get back.
And after some time, that’s when she heard the door open, and turned to see her hair now parted in the middle, combed back, and placed into a tail.
And as she made her way through the door, Kwame immediately placed a hand over her mouth to muffle her snort as she saw that she now had a black cane with her, and was now wearing a pair of black trousers with some black dress shoes, and a black waistcoat with black buttons at the front, along with a white shirt underneath, which had a black bow tie under the pointed collar.
And covering her shoulders was a black trenchcoat, which reached her slender knees, and had black buttons as well.
And as she smirked and waggled her brows at her, Kwame couldn’t help but to stifle a chuckle before Ana then placed a hand at her hip, and watched as she allowed her cane to guide her towards the couch, and then stood there with that same look on her face before she then raised an eyebrow at her.
“Are you ready to go, madam?”
“Do you have to show off like that?” She said as she chuckled some more.
Ana chuckled softly, and moved her cane to her other hand before she reached out to her, and watched as she then grabbed it before she pulled her up, and slowly led her away from the couch, and towards the door.
And as they made their way outside, she then turned to close the door, and turned to face her before she pulled away, and went to place her hand through the sleeve of her coat.
And as she moved the cane to her other hand for a moment to slide her other arm through the other sleeve, she then placed her cane back in that same hand, and then turned to Kwame, and held her elbow out.
And as Kwame then grabbed her arm, she then smirked, and turned to face the corridor before them before she tilted her head up, and lead the way before Kwame then followed.
As they made their way halfway down the corridor, which would lead them back to where the front door was, Ana then glanced at her for a moment, and then in the distance.
“I was actually thinking about cutting my hair off above my ears, but that would’ve taken long... so I just put it in a braid instead.”
“Well... I would’ve liked it either way.”
Ana smiled softly. “Noted.”
“...What would you think if we just... suddenly went down to the village?”
“Um... I’d panic.”
Kwame chuckled softly, and so did she.
“Of course, I forgot about that part... the part where you said that you were frightened of humans... Is that not strange?” She asked as she glanced up at her. “To be afraid of something that you once were?”
“Well... if I was a newborn, perhaps it would be... but I’ve long forgotten what it felt like to... fully be a human... To interact with other people, and to taste human food, and... to be able to go outside without worrying about whether or not you have something to protect you with... so no... I don’t think that it’s strange... Not now, at least...”
“And... do you feel sad?”
Ana shook her head. “No... I’ve managed to adjust...”
Kwame nodded. “I see...”
“I would’ve loved to enjoy food with you, had I still been able to be a human, rather than... a monster... A soulless beast, even...”
“You’re not soulless... not to me, at least...”
She shrugged. “I’m glad that we met...”
She smiled wide. “So am I...”
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Part 4:
THEME: Erotica, romance, queer, vampires, interspecies relationships.
Kwame blushed deeply and blinked before she looked away for a moment.
“...I, um... I don’t know... I don’t suppose we have much in common. I mean... you... and I... we... are we not... different from one another?”
She tilted her head. “We’ll just have to see...”
“Well... when I mean different, I mean that you seem to be into much more... bigger things than I am. I mean, I don’t suppose you’re into traveling or... ballroom dancing, or...” She then shook her head and shrugged. “I don’t know.”
Ana stifled a chuckle again. “Just because I may look a certain way doesn’t mean that I’m looking down on you.”
“But you did when I first came into this castle...”
“I was merely teasing you... I didn’t actually mean what I said. I was only playing a part...”
She then licked her lips. “Although the blood on my face is real... But it was only to scare you away, which... I’m surprised that it didn’t. But now that I know the reason why it didn’t, I’m very intrigued...”
Kwame then paused. “So... when do you suppose we start?”
“The relationship?”
She nodded.
“Oh, right now!”
Kwame found herself smiling a bit, though she kept herself from grinning toothily as her nerves began to feel overwhelmed, and she felt as though she could explode with excitement. A date??? An actual date??? She couldn’t wait!!!
“So would you like to tell me more about yourself? Why you love to travel, for example?”
“Oh... well, it all started with my father, and I suppose I just became very curious of the world, and would often venture out into forests pretending that I was discovering new things, and just... pretending to be like my father. I’d also enjoy taking notes and examining everything I’d see, such as the flowers, the trees, and any other plants nearby. And I’d also study the frogs and other animals I’d see, and would just observe them.”
Ana nodded.
“And... I also adore dressing up... Like I said, I’d always dress up with my friend Elwin, and we’d often pretend to be different types of people, but it also grew with me as I got older... And I also love ballroom dancing, which we’d also do, and... I love all kinds of music, really... Especially the music that is native to my own country, Adwana...”
Ana smiled softly, thinking back on her own childhood, and how she did with her own siblings.
“...Hm... what else is there?” She asked herself. “Oh! I love to write... not only about animals and traveling, but also just writing down my thoughts, and how I feel... and just... what I observed that day, or night... I also write a bit of poetry, but not as much... I’m more focused on... traveling and discovering new things.”
Ana smirked softly. “I suppose we have a bit more in common than you think, Ms Kwame...”
Kwame raised her eyebrows at her. “What do you mean?”
“Well... as a child... before I was kidnapped and taken hostage, and... groomed to be a vampire... I too enjoyed exploring things with my own father... and sometimes my little sister, and we’d go and find lots of things, such as flowers, twigs, or even small animals such as squirrels, if they weren’t vicious, and we’d bring them back to each other to show them off and examine... And I just knew then that I’d always wanted to go traveling the world someday... To see things, and to learn more about the animals that I do dearly adored... and the plants as well... I wanted to explore it all...”
“...And have you?”
“...Well... I’ve traveled around only a little bit, but I’ve mostly had to stay inside because I was afraid of coming by humans, and I was also afraid that Agatha would one day catch me and try to kill me... so...” She sighed. “I haven’t seen much at all, to be honest... only the forests, and nearby lakes and streams... and perhaps a few stores as well, but... I got too close to anyone, and I never bought anything either... I wouldn’t want to accidentally brush my cold skin against anyone...”
Kwame nodded.
“...But over the years, although very briefly so, I’ve had another vampire teach me how to sword fight, which is another passion of mine, and I’ve also collected a few swords here and there as well, which I keep down in the basement...”
She then smiled a bit. “She was a very passionate woman, I tell you... very strict but also very much caring for my safety and making sure that I learned as much as she did...”
Kwame nodded. “She sounds like a wonderful teacher... we’re you two close?”
She glanced down. “...Not really. She was a teacher, and nothing more... And even though she was old, she wasn’t like a mother, or a grandmother or even an aunt... just a simple teacher.”
Kwame nodded. “I see...”
“Also... throughout the years, I’ve collected many... many suits and such, and I’ve also been dressing up in them and pretending I was someone else as well, so... perhaps we could do that sometime?”
Kwame smiled at the floor, and nodded.
“I also... spend most of my time either contemplating life, or writing about how I feel most of the time... though I also enjoy writing a bit of poetry, which I use to express myself and how I feel about life in general...”
Kwame felt her heart flutter.
“What do you write poetry about?”
“...I write about the same things that you do, but also about love... life and... animals and whatnot... just anything that I feel like writing... But mostly about love... And when I say love, I mean any type of love. It doesn’t have to be strictly romantic at all. It can be about my love for animals, my love for my father, my dearest friend Elwin... anything at all.”
Ana grinned.
“...Do you like any music as well?”
“...Yes... I enjoy all kinds, though I mostly gravitate to... like you said, ballroom music. Mostly because I just love dressing up and imagining myself waltzing with a woman in a ball-gown, and seeing that we’re the only two in the ballroom... Not to mention sharing a small kiss afterwards, and then going to walk around a small little field of flowers, and seeing her face light up as she glances around to look at all of the flowers, and a little frog happens to catch her eye along the way... And then we’d just sit down and... talk about anything and everything...”
She then smiled softly and looked away. “It doesn’t matter what, really... just...” She trailed off and shrugged. “Anything.”
“...I-I suppose you don’t mind we do that sometime as well?”
“...No, I don’t mind at all... But... I’ve been very lonely ever since Constantine died... Although to be honest, we didn’t really have much in common at all... She was just infatuated with me, but on a less... aggressive level than Agatha... She only liked me because of the fact that I was a vampire... Because vampires are often shown to be dangerous and mysterious, and... I suppose she gravitated to that... A little too much, I suppose... All we ever did was have sex, and she’d often talk about how cold my skin was, or how my features scared her, yet drew her towards me...”
“Did she know of you past?”
“Only a tiny bit... about the fact that I was kidnapped and turned into a vampire, and then forced to be like them... And the fact that I left afterwards... But even though we didn’t have much in common, we were still drawn to each other... She was my first lover, so... of course we were very passionate about our relationship, despite our differences... And that’s why I’ve thought about her for so long... even now.”
Kwame nodded.
“...So what of your nanny? What is she like?”
“Well she’s very kind and... much like a mother to me... She’s actually migrated from Adwana, as did my father, so... she knows much about her culture, and she’s very passionate about it... very... Although she loves children as well... and... puppies.” She said with a soft chuckle.
“...Hm... I wish I could meet your family...”
“...Perhaps you could?”
She shook her head. “No... they’d know something was wrong with me...”
“Well... for starters, I have very cold skin, and I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on any conversation without smelling blood, or concentrating on their heartbeat... And even though it’s easy for me to speak to you, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate if there were two or more people in the room... You included... Not to mention I’d feel nervous, so that would only make things worse, as I’d be trying to not focus too hard on the scents, and would end up doing so in the end.”
Kwame chuckled a bit. “They won’t know as long as you don’t shake hands with them... They’re very friendly, and they won’t suspect that you’re a vampire... They don’t even believe in them. But if you do happen to shake hands with them, the first thing that they’ll assume is that you just have a condition, so you could always wear gloves when doing so... You don’t have to use your bare hands...”
“Oh... Well I suppose so... I suppose I can meet them, then...”
“And what was your family like?”
She paused for a moment and smirked.
“Well, for starters... my father was very supportive in me wandering about wherever I pleased, and would sometimes even accompany whenever he could, but only because he was constantly bored of his job, and would often try to distract himself by focusing on what I was doing... But I knew that deep down... he didn’t like what he was doing... he didn’t want to stay trapped in one place for the rest of his life... And I could feel his suffering... because I suffered as well... and I knew that my little siblings would, had they’d gotten older... But luckily... they didn’t...”
Kwame nodded.
“Although I would’ve liked it if they’d been brought along with me, rather than slaughtered, and left to bleed out...”
Kwame stared at her. “...How did you feel when they... died?”
“...I was speechless... I didn’t know what to think or what to do, which allowed them to take me in, and do what they wanted... But the whole time I was there, I was wondering what to do... and I just wanted this to all be a nightmare... But of course it wasn’t...”
Kwame nodded. “I see...”
Ana then stared at her for a moment and cleared her throat.
“...Would you like to go outside for a walk?”
Kwame frowned.
“And before you ask anything, no I’m not scared to go outside... I’m just scared of humans... And I also have a small necklace that was given to me, which will keep me from burning up in the sun.”
Kwame nodded. “I figured...”
“So I will go to my little bedroom, and change into something else... And... would you mind staying here? Until I get back?”
Kwame smiled softly and nodded.
“Good.” She then stood up from her couch, and made her way around the small table of hers before approaching her, and standing before her.
“...Would you mind if I... kissed your cheek?”
Kwame shook her head before Ana then leaned over, and gave her a small kiss on her cheek, causing Kwame’s heart to flutter before she then pulled back to smile at her, and raised her hand up to waggle when fingers at her.
And afterwards, she turned away, and headed towards the double doors before she placed her hand on the handle, and turned back to look at her with heavy-lidded eyes before she pushed it open, and proceeded to make her way out.
And before she turned to close the door, she found herself stopping for a moment to look at her again, and glanced down for a moment before she looked at her, and swallowed.
“...Would you mind if you... came along with me?”
At that moment, Kwame realized that she may have been talking about something... intimate, but decided to ask her a question instead.
“To pick out your clothes for you?”
Ana immediately stifled a chuckle, and shook her head. “No...”
Her heart stopped for a moment, and she stared at her.
“...Something else...”
That’s when Kwame got up from the couch, and left her satchel where it was before she made her way over to her, and Ana then pulled the door open some more while taking a step back as well, and waited for her to make her way outside before closing it behind them.
And afterwards, she reached her hand out to her, and watched her grab it before she then led her further down the corridor, and towards another door which was on their right.
It was painted a bright blue color, and had white door handles on them. And as she went to approach it, she grabbed one of them, and grinned softly as she glanced back at her.
“Don’t mind the color... I know it doesn’t go with the... atmosphere, but I’m sure it won’t bother you too much... will it?”
Kwame stifled a chuckle and shook her head. “No. Not at all...”
Ana then nodded, and pulled the door open before she then stepped back to let her through first, and watched as she did before she went in behind her, and turned to close the door behind her.
And afterwards, they were met with a large, spacious room that already had a few torches hanging on the walls, and a large, wide bed that had a thick, maroon blanket placed on top of it, and multiple wide maroon pillows, as well as smaller, squared maroon and golden pillows placed before them for decoration.
And on one side, there was a wide window, which had thick, dark brown curtains reaching the floor, and preventing the light from entering the room, and a wide, dark brown wooden dresser, which stood right beside the window, had two doors, and almost reached the ceiling.
And on the other side, there was a small mirror sitting above a wide desk, which had four dressers in the middle, as well as on the sides, and a small, wooden chair that was placed right in the middle, in case anyone needed to sit down and tend to their faces, or their hair.
And as Kwame slowly approached the bed, that’s when she stopped to turn around and look at Ana, and watched as she wiped away the blood from her mouth as she approached her before she then wiped her hand on her gown, and reached up to cup her cheek, causing Kwame to immediately shiver at her touch.
And as Ana slowly stroked it with her thumb, she found herself staring into her deep, dark brown eyes for some time before she leaned in, and gently brushed her lips against hers, causing Kwame to gasp softly before Ana closed her eyes, and pulled her hand away to wrap her arm around her waist instead. And afterwards, she tilted her head.
And as she wrapped her other arm around her waist as well, and held her where she was, Kwame eventually closed her eyes, and went to place her hands over her shoulders before she found herself moaning a bit, and enjoying the moment.
And after some time, Ana decided to pull back, pick her up from the floor, and carry her over to the right side of the bed before laying her down, and pushing up her dress to see that she had on dark brown, low-heeled boots.
She then went to untie them, and pulled them right off before she went to place them on the floor, and moved to undo the buttons in her vest, and pulled it right off before moving to undo the rest of what was her outfit, and moving to put everything over on her desk before she was down to nothing but her white gown, which reached her shins, and had a straight neckline, and thin shoulder straps.
And afterwards, Ana made her way back over to where Kwame was, and proceeded to climb onto the bed before sitting beside her, and leaning over to gently kiss her on one side of her collarbone.
And afterwards, she went to kiss her on the other side, and then on her shoulder, and then on her neck before she stayed there for some time, and decided to tilt her head and gently suck there, causing Kwame to gasp softly before she deepened it, and caused her to whimper softly afterwards.
And as she stayed there for a while, she eventually pulled back afterwards to look at her, and gave a soft smile before she went to pull the skirt of her dress up.
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Part 3:
THEME: Erotica, romance, queer, vampires, interspecies relationships.
“And where do you usually hide?”
Ana raised an eyebrow at her. “I won’t tell... You might just give away my hiding spot and have me killed.”
“...I wouldn’t... have you killed.”
She smirked a bit.
“...So who was the one that painted your portrait?”
“Another vampire that I’d met sometime after leaving the place that I was being held hostage in.”
Kwame blinked. “Oh... well...”
Ana chuckled hard. “They thought that I had really beautiful features, so they decided to dress me up, and have me painted... And then they gave it to me for free...”
“Well they sound very nice...”
Ana nodded. “Indeed... So... would you mind telling me more about your relationship with... Elwin?”
Kwame nodded. “Yes, um... We were very close, and we’d always visit each other’s houses every other day... We’d also dress up, we’d play around, and we’d end up telling each other stories as well... stories that we’d often make up on a whim...”
“Well you two sound fun...”
“...And... He was also an orphan, so... he’d always have someone bring him over to see me, and I was his only friend... And I also overheard that, whenever he’d go back to the orphanage, he’d feel lonely... and bored...”
“...And did your father ever decide to adopt him?”
“No... someone else did, actually... when he was about twelve years old... That’s when someone finally adopted him... And he’d been happy ever since...”
Ana smiled softly. “Well... at least he was happy up until... what happened to him...”
Kwame nodded. “He may not ever visit me again, but... as long as he’s safe and away from the humans, that’s all that matters to me...”
Ana nodded. “Right...”
“...So... I hope that this isn’t inappropriate, but when did you meet Constantine?”
“Oh, we met when I was only twenty-five years old... four years after my transformation. She knew about vampires as well, and no matter what I’d say to her, she’d always been so pushy with wanting to be with me... It was as if she had a thing for vampires, or something, and... wanted to “try me out”, I suppose...” She said as she held her hands up, and made air quotes with her fingers.
“But then we ended up falling in love over the two years we’d been together... And when Agatha found out after she hadn’t seen me in a while... she was pissed... And that’s when Constantine died... Two days later into the third year of our relationship...”
“And... how old was she?”
“She was twenty-five as well...”
“And... what do you mean when you said you hardly knew Agatha? Did you two only just met when she asked you to marry her?”
“Absolutely... Agatha was infatuated with me.... and she still is... And when we first met, she was attempting to court me right then and there, but I was immediately turned off by her offer, due to the fact that I hardly knew her at all... But then she kept getting very pushy with me, and even threatened me when I said no for the one-hundredth time...”
Kwame frowned.
“But wasn’t Constantine pushy as well? What makes Agatha any different?”
“It was the fact that Constantine was being flirty with me. She was very playful and didn’t really seem like a threat to me at all... Whereas Agatha was very intimidating, and you could see it in her eyes that she meant harm...”
“...I’m not so sure that being pushy at all with someone is very... appropriate.”
“Well... I suppose I was just young at the time and didn’t know any better... but she never pushed me into having sex with her... We both wanted it...”
Kwame nodded. “I see...”
“As for Agatha... after years and years, I’m sure she’s still searching for me... trying to find out if I’m with someone or not. Which is why I’m all the way over here, rather than where she is...”
“...And where is Agatha?”
“...To be honest, I’m not so sure where she is... but she’s far away, as far as I know... and I never want to see her again... Ever... She scares me...”
Kwame nodded before she found Ana staring at her with a look that was no longer of sultry, but of fear...
“She really scares me...” She said again before she glanced away. “And if she nearly killed me back then... then I certainly don’t want to risk getting into another fight with her... I’d surely die this time if I did...”
“...What did Constantine look like? And... Agatha?”
“Well, Constantine is very short... and she’s also rather... frail... and with her freckled white skin... and with this light ginger hair that was always down to her waist in these thick, bushy curls... And she also had a narrow face with a very prominent hook nose that often stood out from the rest of her features... But she also had these small, bright blue eyes that could pierce your soul, if you looked a bit too long...”
Kwame slowly nodded. “I see.”
“Agatha, on the other hand... She towers over the both of us, and despite the fact that she has this... this round, chubby face that makes her look rather innocent, and these large, round bright green eyes, and this round nose of hers, and this pout that she has... she is absolutely terrifying, and I wouldn’t want to go anywhere near her... not at all.”
Kwame raised her eyebrows.
“She also has naturally white-blonde hair that’s straight, and hangs down to her buttocks, and is always in this simple braid... And she’s also very slender, and she also has freckles as well, but they’re only on her face...”
She then shook her head. “And do not let her fool you with the look that she often gives people... she is ruthless... If you ever happen to see her, and I hope to heaven that you never, ever do... do not acknowledge her or engage with her. Just turn the other way and leave... And if she sees you and tries to speak to you, just pretend that your deaf and leave...”
“...But what if she knows that I spoke to you?”
“She won’t... at least I hope not... I’ve never seen her for sometime, and nobody has ever even heard of her... And I hope that she never comes here for any reason at all... If she does... I may just feel sick...”
“...Well let’s hope that she doesn’t... I haven’t even started my own life yet, so... I’d be... terrified if she ever decided to just come and murder me for merely associating with you.”
“Well, if she does, then... you can hide somewhere in this castle of mine... Though I doubt that the scent of your blood will keep you hidden for long... It’s very strong...”
Kwame placed a hand over her cheek, and glanced down before Ana chuckled again.
“No, not that. Your blushing has nothing to do with how strong you scent is... It’s strong regardless of where your blood goes...”
Kwame then put her hand down, and wanted to frown at the fact that her heart was still throbbing. Why can’t she just behave properly! Why did she have to get all flustered right here, and right now??? She highly doubted that Ana would be interested in her. She was probably only messing around with her.
“So do you have any significant others that your sharing some of your time with, or do you just live with your nanny?”
Kwame stifled a chuckle and shook her head. “Oh no, I don’t... I don’t think I’m cut out for such... um... I’m just not... interested...”
She stared at her for a moment, and tilted her head. “Are you sure? You don’t sound so sure...”
“I-I mean... I just... I... don’t think that I’m cut out for such a thing...”
Ana slowly smirked. “...Have you ever been in a relationship before?”
Kwame shook her head and glanced down.
“...Would you like to?”
She looked up at her and frowned. “I... I don’t think anyone would want to court someone as awkward as me... And not only that, but I hardly know anyone down in that little village...”
Ana immediately stifled a chuckle and glanced away for a moment to shake her head, and Kwame frowned.
She then looked at her. “I mean with me...”
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Part 2:
THEME: Erotica, romance, queer, vampires, interspecies relationships.
“W-What is your name, by the way? You forgot to mention that.”
She gasped. “Oh, my apologies.” She then placed a hand on her chest. “My name is Anastasia...” She then placed her hand down. “And yours?”
“Kwame...” She said softly. “My father named me... He told me that it was actually a boy’s name, but he thought that it fit me quite well...”
Anastasia chuckled softly. “Well it certainly does suit you... Kwame...”
Kwame found herself blushing so much that she felt as if she’d have a fever by the time she was done interviewing this woman.
“Kwame...” She repeated.
She blushed even more, and slowly placed a hand over her cheek before she glanced over at the door, and then at her.
Anastasia stifled a chuckle and glanced down.
“I’m sorry, it’s just...” She looked at her. “Why didn’t you run away from me when I have blood on my face?”
Kwame put her hand down.
“...Well I’m certain you won’t believe me, but... I knew someone back when I was only seventeen years old who’d turned into a vampire.”
“And how old are you now?”
“I am twenty-seven years old...”
Anastasia slowly nodded.
“...And you?”
“Three-hundred...” She said before Kwame’s eyes widened for a moment. “I’ve lived for many... many years.”
She then looked at her eyes, and found herself chuckling some more.
“You have the cutest eyes, I swear...”
She immediately blinked and glanced away.
“...So would you mind telling me more about this... vampire that you once met?”
“...Well... we were friends ever since we were six years old, and he was the sweetest boy you’d ever met. But... one night, he’d came to my window and knocked on it, and I went to go see who it was, and then I opened the curtains to see him standing there with a large black scarf wrapped around his face and chest.
And then I went outside to see him, and he told me to promise him that I wouldn’t run away. Of course I agreed, I loved him like a brother and I would never want to run away from him for any reason at all... And that’s when he pulled the scarf down, and I saw blood stains all over his mouth, his neck, and his collar... I had no idea what to say, but he told me to not be afraid, and that he wouldn’t hurt me...”
She slowly nodded.
“And then I asked him why he had such sharp teeth... and that’s when he told me that he was a vampire... He was attacked by some random vampire in the middle of a forest, and now he can no longer be with me, or with any other human... And when I asked him why, it was because he just couldn’t... Once he was hungry again, he wouldn’t be able to control it until someone would teach him how... And he’d already attacked someone along the way, so... he knew he had to leave...”
“...And that’s when you last saw him?”
“...Yes... He gave me a hug, and a kiss on the forehead, and he told me that he’d always be with me in here...” She pointed around her chest. “And then he left...”
“...And when was it that you last saw him as a human?”
“On that night... it was about a week ago... I last met him when it was current the third night of the second week.”
“And were his eyes... different?”
She frowned softly. “Not really... were they not suppose to be dark brown?”
“...Hm... someone must’ve already taught him how to conceal his white eyes, then...”
“I suppose so...”
“What was his name, by the way?”
“Oh... his name was Elwin... He was a very scrawny boy, actually... And he also had dark brown skin like me, and hair that was short and thick... And he had these warm eyes that made him look so adorable. It was as if you were looking into the eyes of a puppy...”
Anastasia stifled a chuckle. “He does sound rather adorable...”
Kwame nodded. “Indeed...”
“...So what of your relationship with you father? Do you have any other relatives?”
“No. I grew up with my father, and he was very kind and adventurous, and... a little silly, I suppose... He’d always have maps and random pictures placed onto the walls, and he’s always talked about the outside world, and what was in it... He’s extremely passionate about travel and discovering new things...”
“And where is he now?”
“He’s out there somewhere with a small group of other travelers... and I’m still here with my nanny... She’s taken care of me since I was a baby... Since my mother died when I was born...”
Ana nodded. “Your father sounds like a very interesting man... and your nanny... you two must be very close...”
Kwame nodded. “We certainly are...”
“And I’m sorry that you never had the chance to... meet your mother...”
“It’s fine... I’m sure she’s resting peacefully... These things happen all of the time, so... there’s no need to... fret about it, really...”
Ana gave a sad smile to her.
“...So would you mind telling me more about... your family?”
“Oh yes, um... well... for starters, I’m the only one who’s left alive...”
Kwame frowned.
“And those people in those paintings? They aren’t my family... they just happen to have the same eyes, hair and skin as me...”
“But what about the painting of you?”
“Oh, that’s a recent one... someone painted it for me, and I decided to hang it up with the rest of the dead people...”
She blinked. “...Oh.”
Ana stifled a chuckle. “I grew up in a family of farmers. I had an eight year old sister named Alina, and a seven month old baby brother named Edward... And as for my father... I had no idea how old he was, nor his name, but I assume he was around his forties... His mid-forties, I assume...”
Kwame nodded. “And what of your mother?”
“She died when I was born as well... so I never got a chance to know her... My father also remarried to a woman who ended up having my little sister and my baby brother, but I hardly knew her either... She was very quiet and reserved, and only did what was expected of a peasant... Take care of the children and the house, and make sure everything was well... My father also took care of everything else, and I only handled the small things that I could... I was very small and frail, so... he only ever allowed me to do the small things, because he was concerned about me hurting myself if I ever tried to handle any of the large animals that he did... But I didn’t mind... just as long as I had something to do...”
Kwame nodded.
“And I was only twelve years old when three vampires slaughtered my family, and decided to take me in... I was scared for my life that night... I had no idea what they were going to do with me, but they ended up giving me different clothes that what I would usually wear as a peasant, they fed me, they took care of me, and I was very confused for so many years... And then when I turned twenty-one years old... that’s when they decided to tell me that they were going to change me, and have me become a vampire from then on...“
She then shook her head. “...I had no choice in the matter... None whatsoever. They held me down, and bit me on my neck before they forced me to drink their blood, and then I blacked out afterwards... And then... I woke up feeling completely different... and that’s when I knew my life had changed... I could no longer see the sun, nor could I eat human food... I was doomed to be what I am now... a monster...”
She then sighed. “So... I decided to leave... and then I found this little castle and... I realized that it was still full so I killed them all, and buried them in a hole... and now it’s mine...”
Kwame stared at her.
“That’s also how the rumors ended up spreading, after more and more people continued to go missing down in that little village of yours... But they’re too scared to even come to this castle, so now... I just live in it... At least until someone else decides to come here and... try to kill me... But I highly doubt that they can... I’m just stronger than they’ll ever be... And even if they did come here, I’d always be hiding somewhere... always...”
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(I wrote this from a little picture of a seductive-looking feminine vampire I saw on Facebook, and was utterly inspired!!!)
THEME: Erotica, romance, queer, vampires, interspecies relationships.
Part 1:
A young woman, who is also an anthropologist, is looking to learn about an old, and ancient castle that has been abandoned for centuries now.
She is dressed in a lovely cream-colored high-neck dress that reaches the floor, along with a creamy vest, and large puffy sleeves that end at the elbows, with slender ones ending at her dark brown knuckles. And she also has on large, round white glasses, and her thick, black locks tied up into a neat bun.
She is carrying her dark brown satchel towards the castle that she’d always been interested in learning of since she’d seen it years ago, and stands before a large, and intricate light-grey door, which appeared to have centuries of culture and elegance carved right into the two split stones.
And as the door proceeds to slowly open up, she takes a deep breath, preparing herself for what is about to come to her greatest adventure yet, and slowly enters through.
She then finds herself at a wide staircase, which is made entirely out of white marble, and appears to have two more staircases placed on both sides, leading towards more floors. And on both sides of the main staircase, she could see corridors, which had a few paintings of people and landscapes hanging on the walls, leading towards other large rooms within the castle.
And all around her, she could see many more beautiful paintings of various different landscapes, and various different strangers that she had no idea of. Strangers that looked as though they had a very interesting history, and were each connected, considering most of them had dark hair, pale skin and dark eyes, though some also had blonde hair and blue eyes.
And a few of them not only had dark hair and eyes like most of them, but also dark brown skin like hers. And clearly, they do not look related to the others with pale skin, but they appeared to have a history with them.
And as she found herself staring more-so at the paintings of the people, her eyes soon fell onto a woman who appeared to have a sullen look in her dark eyes, and straight hair that was split down the middle of her head, and pulled into a low bun.
She tilts her head for a moment, frowning softly as she wonders who she may be. But before she could think much longer, that’s when she heard footsteps coming towards her from the corridor behind her.
She immediately glanced back to see a young woman, who appeared to have the same exact appearance as the one in the painting, now making her way down the corridor from the right side of the castle as she now wore a black dress, which dragged right behind her, and had a deep v-neck that showed off the middle of her chest, and some of her breasts, and also had a blank look on her face. And even though it was blank, the woman in the creamy dress swears she could see a bit of a sultry look in her eyes.
She could also see that the woman had a fair amount of blood smeared on her face, and was feeling a little uneasy by that, as she had no idea where the blood had come from. But there was also something about the woman that ended up captivating her...
Perhaps it was her beauty. Yes... but there was still something more to her...
The traveling woman had known in her heart that vampires had always existed. She’d read the stories about them, heard about the rumors, and had even encountered one back when she was only seventeen years old.
A young man whom she’d known since childhood, who was kind-hearted and meek, and stayed that way even after he’d suddenly been changed into one at that same age, and before he could even have the chance to turn eighteen. He too had blood on his face when he decided to visit her for the very last time, after having realized that he must isolate himself from the human world, in order to keep himself from being harmed, and from harming others around her, though the blood was much heavier than the blood that she was seeing now.
And as she stood there as the woman slowly made her way towards her, she could feel a chill down her spine as she was getting closer to her, but still... there was something about this woman... something she wanted to know more about. Something she had to know more about...
The woman finally stopped once she was close enough to her, and as she looked the traveler up and down, she smirked a bit.
“Why has a beautiful damsel such as yourself come into this dark and dreadful castle...?” She asked in a low and sultry tone, causing the traveler to feel a warmth in her cheeks, and a bit of shallowness in breath. And she could feel her heart throbbing right in her chest.
“Have you come to die...?” The traveler could see a bit of her sharp, white fangs as she asked another question before smirking afterwards, and revealing a bit more of one of them.
“Have you not heard about the rumors of the creatures of the night roaming your little countryside? Or are you just desperate for a little... adventure?”
The woman cleared her throat, and attempted to ignore the fact that her cheeks were now burning, and that her heart was still throbbing before she opened her mouth to speak.
“I-I’ve come to...” She created her throat again. “Excuse me, I’ve come to learn more about this... castle, and, um... the people who are in the paintings...”
“My family?” The woman in the black dress asked as she continued to smirk, and look her up and down once more. “Yes, they’re rather... interesting...”
The traveler nodded before the woman found herself chuckling softly at her as her dark brown doe-like eyes widened a bit.
“Ahh, you silly little humans... So curious yet so... meek...”
She then turned herself around, and raised her hand up before motioning with her slender, white finger for the traveler to follow her, and proceeded to make her way back down the corridor before the traveler hesitated for a moment, and decided to follow her afterwards, now crossing her arms as she glanced around for a moment with her still wide eyes, and turned to face the corridor afterwards.
And as they both made their way down the corridor, the lady then turned to her left, and made her way down there before the traveler then followed, and found herself coming down yet another corridor that was much more open that the previous one. And on the right side of it we’re wide, tall windows that were covered up with dark brown curtains, which were thick enough to completely block out the brightness that was currently outside the castle.
And on the left side of the corridor were various torches hanging on the walls, in order to allow some light to flicker about, while a few other larger paintings were placed beside them.
Paintings of various landscapes, which consisted of rolling hills of the countryside, as well as random cottages, and farmhouses that stood in the distance.
And as she found herself staring at them, she couldn’t help but to smile a bit, as she found them quite lovely, despite them being in a castle that looked as though it were a little bit haunted...
She then cleared her throat.
“S-So, um... how long have you had these paintings? O-Of these lovely little landscapes?”
The woman before her chuckled softly. “Oh. For quite a while, actually... My last lover actually adored these, and I just... I have them still hanging up to remember her...”
“...W-What happened to her?”
“Oh... she died... She was only a human, and she was attacked by another vampire who basically wanted me to suffer... And... now I am...” She then sighed. “We have a very long history together... one that I absolutely hate.”
“...What is the vampire’s name?”
She then slowed down to a stop to reach the traveler, and watched as she stopped as well before she motioned for her to keep going, and proceeded to walk once again before she followed beside her.
She then placed her hands together.
“Her name is Agatha, and... she’s absolutely petty. She hates me because I rejected her request to marry her when I hardly knew her, and she ended up throwing a fit over it... And now, everytime she sees me with a woman, she ends up getting jealous and wanting to kill them... And it doesn’t even matter whether I’m romantically or sexually involved with them either. I could be their friend, or even an acquaintance, and she’ll still find a reason to want them dead...”
“...What did you do when she killed your lover?”
“...I confronted her and ended up getting into a brutal fight with her... but I ended up almost being strangled to death by her grip, and she decided to let me live after I was helpless against her... But I will never forget the night where I ended up having to bring my lover down from a tree, with her neck broken, and then bury her...”
“...And what was your lover’s name?”
The traveler smiled a bit. “That sounds like lovely name.”
She smiled softly. “Well thank you... I appreciate that.”
Afterwards, she eventually stopped at a reddish-brown wooden double door, and proceeded to approach it before she then grabbed a long, slender hand on the right door, and pulled it open before stepping to the side to let the travel in first, and bowing her head to her.
And as the traveler bowed as well, and proceeded to make her way into what was a rather small, yet spacious library filled with many torches hanging on the walls, and many shelves that were built right into those walls, and filled with various different books.
And in the middle of the room was a small fireplace that had already been lit, and was crackling softly, and with two couches placed before it, and sitting across from one another while a small, rectangular table, which was made of reddish-brown wood, sat right in between them.
She then glanced around, and heard the door closed before she glanced back to see her now making her way towards the couches, and taking a seat on the one that was on the left.
She then glanced around some more to see that the library also had about two small, round wooden tables that were sitting all the way at the corners of room, and with four chairs each for both of them.
Afterwards, she glanced back at the woman, and watched as she gestured to the couch before her before the woman went to take a seat there, and pulled her satchel off of her to place it beside her.
And afterwards, she crossed her ankles, and placed her hands together on her lap. And for a moment, she ended up staring at the traveler with those same eyes that she did just earlier, and found herself smirking in the process before the traveler immediately became flustered at this, and glanced away before clearing her throat.
0 notes
~ Hello, everyone!!! This is my writing blog where I talk about my stories, and my writing as a whole!!!
For starters, I am twenty-two years old, and I have been writing many stories for many years.
I’ve written my very first short story around eleven years old, I believe. And that story was about red riding hood and Goldilocks being friends, and them encountering something dangerous, scary, and fairly unknown and mysterious as the story progressed, though it ended there.
I also wrote a few very short stories about my version of Cinderella, as well as another longer story about red riding hood possibly suffering from psychosis and hallucinations of a giant wolf, as well as supernatural being from a different time period. She also suffered abuse from her mother, who she lived with inside of a two-story house somewhere secluded, and near a forest. The story was called Red Riding Horror. It was the longest story I’d ever written, and I was absolutely dedicated and loved it.
I’ve also written about other stories that have disturbing themes, and that focus on mental health, though they were discontinued very quickly.
I’ve also written very short stories about the whimsical dreams I’ve had back in 2014, and I still remember them to this day!!!
I’ve written many short stories until, after a while of setting them to the side for roleplaying with others, and for creating many different original characters, who never became official, except for two characters that have gone through a very big change, I eventually started writing my official novel, I believe, back in May of 2019.
For many years, I’ve struggled with what kind of genre I’d write, and felt shame that I couldn’t write any action or adventure stories, as romance is often made fun of or portrayed as being lesser due to it often being focused around women, and women liking it more. And that is wrong. Just because a genre is popular with women does not make it lesser. And we just unpack our biases against anything that women like, or that is deemed for women.
So I am a writer who enjoys mainly slice of life fantasy romance, as I love writing about people simply living their lives, rather than big, dramatic storylines. I love the simple things. Seeing how various different people go about their day, and what they do.
My themes often deal with mental health, abuse, love, as well as prejudice, and how that affects people, as well as society as a whole.
My themes tend to delve into disturbing and dark aspects as well, especially violence, so I will always create a trigger warning just in case I have a paragraph that is deemed worthy of such.
I also value diversity and representation very much, and enjoy writing about characters who are older, fat, stout, stocky, as well as other body types, disabled, sex-workers, poly, lgbt, etc. I also focus mainly on characters who are alternative (goth, punk, grunge, metalhead, etc), as well as other styles.
I also love writing about characters who are deeply disturbed and beyond strange. I also adore writing characters who are straight up horrifying and murderous, because for me, it tells us just how far people can go, and what damage they can do, as well as how they think, and how they go about their life on a daily basis. They don’t have to be good people to be worth writing, they just simply have to be interesting.
I will also write about characters of various different ethnicities, but the main characters that I always put at the forefront are unambiguous black women, and women-aligned characters with black skin, 4c hair, and heavily african features.
Because the media chooses to not represent women and women-aligned people who are unambiguously black, and black-skinned with such features, it is my duty to write them as characters who are important to the spotlight, and who matter, because no one else will, and because I want to.
I also want to represent black-skinned unambiguous black characters in various different ways, and as characters who are in many different romantic and sexual relationships with people who love and value them so much.
I’m not quite sure what my stories should be rated as, but I’m leaning towards adult, considering the amount of swearing, as well as violence, that it has.
However, any form of s**ual violence at all is cut out, as I am completely against showing s**ual violence at all, and would rather establish a sense of fear before quickly cutting away to another scene, and writing how the victims felt about what happened, and how they end up dealing with it.
And considering the fact that many writers do not give fictional stories about victims of s**ual violence the care and respect that they deserve, and treat such things as something that can simply be brushed off immediately, or like a tiny little cut that heals instantly, especially after writing a scene that is heavily exploitative and utterly careless, I would rather not be the millionth author who has treated such a theme with such carelessness and casualty.
S**ual violence is not like a small little cut that can be treated instantly. It is not something that can be brushed off and forgotten. It is traumatizing, and absolutely life-changing, and should be treated as such. Always. And if you continue to treat s**ual violence as a small thing, not only do you end up alienating many people who’ve gone through s**ual violence, but you end up triggering them all over again.
Please please PLEASE always add in a trigger warning for your stories, whether you’re showing the horrible situation or not. Spoiling the book is always better than traumatizing someone for life.
Speaking of S.A., I also write about many characters who’ve already dealt with such a thing in the past, and how much it had changed their life, and how they view the world now, and how it never leaves them. Because abuse does change your life. It truly does.
And as for consensual sexual situations, they are also skipped to the next scene, after sexual feelings are established between any characters involved.
I am very proud of how far I’ve come with my writing. And I hope to one day make someone happy to see people who look like them being represented in various different forms. As they should be. ~
~ Pinkie. ~
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