pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
why do ghosts and demons respond to fake Latin chanting?
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
There are 800,000 notes on this.
You're not forgotten love.
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
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34K notes · View notes
pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
Do you ever remember a time so fondly,
But then when you think back to it,
You remember how anxious you were?
Tf is up with that.
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
Have You Seen Me?
A milk carton mystery: pale skin and moon eyes, lazy and defiant. Silver tongue: you slay my hope, wrap the rope, around my throat. But we spar like rooster mornings, like rising suns, on rotating planets. Who are you to seep under my skin, and dip in? Who am I to sit and spin? Tell me again: that fairy story, with the knight in all his glory. You are not him, you are living sin, so I take you in. With your shadowy hair, and indifferent stare, and hard up glare.
I know you're there.
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
An Angry Love Poem
This is my affection for you:
Leaving poems like muddy footprints on the floor.
Rebellion: a mad smile as I flip you the bird.
I-love-you like someone told me I can't.
I-love-you is not in the sweet songs we sing
It's a screaming-studded-jacket-tone, the fighting-fear of being alone:
The heart is a bird which thinks itself a stone.
The top lip curls; defiant.
A simple smile; the baring of teeth
Never expected to be compliant.
There is nothing which brings us relief:
To my heart, your name is Thief
And you, you know me as Grief.
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
"I dreamed of Crusades, voyages of discovery that nobody had heard of, republics without histories, religious wars stamped out, revolutions in morals, movements of races and continents; I used to believe in every kind of magic." -Rimbaud (en anglais)
So we take heathen, heretic, and pagan, and twist them into something neutral. Something we are. Not just a slur that was given to our souls, seen as defective, inferior. Yup. Still mad. ✋✋✋
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Hands up if you’re still mad that Christianity took over most of the world, displacing the ancient local religions and destroying records of them so we’ll never know the details about them
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
I don’t have paranormal experiences, I AM a paranormal experience.
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
I just unfollowed roughly 100 blogs
For being inactive for over 6 months, and I’ve also noticed a lack of info on my dash. Like/reblog if you post:
🌙 Divination
🌙 Spells
🌙 Correspondences
🌙 Spirit Work
🌙 Dream interpretations
🌙 Deities/religions/mythologies
🌙 More info than aesthetics
Annd if you wanna be extra helpful, comment what kind of stuff you post for a quick follow!
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
I have made the modern equivalent of a mixtape:
Rosey Music for Romantics
Bath Salt - River Whyless
Vagabond - Honeysuckle
Of All the Dreams - The Wild Reeds
I Know Places - Lykke Li
Cypress Avenue - Van Morrison
Magenta - Josephine Foster
Belly of June - Horse Feathers
Rockport Sunday - Michael Chapman
When You're Around - From Indian Lakes
Laundry Room - Avett Brothers
Sweet Thing - Hozier (Van Morrison)
I Will Follow You - Toulouse
Sea of Love - Lily & Madeleine
Sugar Magnolia - Grateful Dead
Suzanne - Bridget St. John
The Keeper - Cicada Rhythm
River Come Down - Dave Van Ronk
Miles of Skyline - River Whyless
Love Letter - The Wild Reeds
Honey Bee - Mountain Man
Our House - Crosby, Stills, Nash &Young
Dreadful Wind and Rain - Jerry Garcia and David Grisman
Bedouin Dress - Fleet Foxes
Michicant - Bon Iver
Dog Song - Mountain Man
First Love Never Dies - SOKO
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes - Crosby, Stills, and Nash
Balance - Future Islands
Green Rocky Road - Oscar Isaac (Dave Van Ronk
Curs in the Weeds - Horse Feathers
A Dream of You and Me - Future Islands
House Carpenter - Bob Dylan
Keep Me - Secret Player's Society
I've Been Alone Too Long - SOKO
Possibility - Lykke Li
Animal Tracks - Mountain Man
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
Also if you have an allergy to ragweed.
But hello I smoke it as a means of exploring the astral.
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It can! Some people (like me) have great luck with it. Others, well, not so much.
If you grind it up, you can burn it in a fireproof container as incense. You’d need quite a bit of it and it flares up pretty quick in my experience. You can also smoke it (no, seriously, google ‘mugwort smoking’ if that’s your thing).
I personally use it in a tea alongside cinnamon, nutmeg, and honey. (Large amounts of cinnamon, nutmeg, and some forms of honey can be used as trance inducers as well.) Herbal teas usually brew for four minutes or so. A single teacup does it for me, but I’m a lightweight when it comes to trance drugs.
Some folks experience something similar to a hangover after using mugwort (or any trance inducing herb, actually).
Mugwort’s mild and is still used herbally to treat a whole host of afflictions and is used in food, especially in East Asia.
Mugwort makes me fall asleep, which from what I understand isn’t a normal reaction. (Actually, there’s some folklore that states that chewing it relieves fatigue and clears the mind but I can’t remember where I heard that right now but others say it’s calming. YMMV). Even if you do fall asleep, I wouldn’t worry about it. Mugwort can induce lucid dreaming. I’d recommend making sure you’re in a place where if you do fall asleep you won’t smack your head on a table or the floor.
Mugwort’s an allergen. It may also be topically allergenic.
Don’t use mugwort if you’re pregnant or lactating. Seriously, don’t. Mugwort was once and still is used for abortion.
It’s not recommended to use mugwort for longer than a week. One or twice a week is just fine. I actually switch up what I use if and when I use them.
The best tip most of all is to start small (a pinch or so) and work your way up. It won’t be immediate results but you’ll have a more controlled environment.
A recommendation in general for all followers and readers is that you write down what you’re taking, the mixture, dosage you’re taking, the time you’re taking it with, and leave a little bit of the mixture aside. Maybe a little explanation of what and why you’re taking it might be a good idea too but in general, writing down what you’re taking can save your life if something goes wrong or you have an allergic reaction.
I keep records for what I my reactions to each sampling, similar to how a scientist would record their experiments. You may wish to do that too.
Feel free to ask questions. I’ll help in any way I can.
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
Boost on this thing I'm writing here on one of my side blogs! I would really like to teach people astrology, I think it will help people understand themselves and others.
So please spread this thing around! I dont have many followers on there, and I would really appreciate your help!
Follow @povertytaurus for completely free casual astrology lessons!
Astrology Lessons🌌
Alrighty guys. So I’ve noticed there are not too many astrology resources on this website, but the pagan and witchcraft community is huge, and hungry for information. This is by far the happiest and most thriving community I’ve had the pleasure to be a part of. However I noticed the astrology community is a tiny bit lacking. Nothing against the people on here trying to put the information out there, you guys are amazing for that and I love you to bits. But I want to help!
So I’ve decided to make a series of posts to teach about astrology. I’ve been studying it forever, and have found it to be a major passion of mine. As I was trying to learn it alone I ran into a lot of dead ends which made me stop my practicing. Like wtf aspects. But I was lucky, and quickly fell into an astrology community where I found myself a mentor. Working along with someone is a huge benefit to your learning. Those places you’d get stopped up on normally, have some structure and guidance (get you some saturn and jupiter in there). What I’m saying now is, I would like to help you personally. Anyone out there who would like to learn astrology, I got you. If you have any questions about any of it, I will explain in detail, just ask. You can even just private message me. Literally just reach out about any of it.
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So what I’ll be doing here:
Every few days or so, I’ll post up a new lesson in astrology. I’ll number them and everything. I’m going to give you some information, put up some links and resources, and I’m going to give you some homework. Don’t worry, it sounds super cereal guys, but I’m sure it’ll be fun. I want you to learn that material, and do the practice. You don’t have to turn the assignment into me, but you can if you want to, I’ll give you feedback! If you want you can reblog the lesson with your findings attached. I’ll reblog it on here, and give you feedback. And of course, if you have questions about any of the lessons just hit me up. I already said it, I got you!
So wtf is a natal chart anyway?
A natal chart is a map of the sky in the instant you were born. It is symbolic of all of the energies within you. It can tell you all sorts of things about yourself, from the obvious to the obscure. A natal chart goes into the fine details of your personality, from conflicts to talents, things you will have to learn yourself, and through others. Even the direction you will end up going through your life.
A natal chart is made up of various layers, ogres are like onions. Yas bitch I just pulled that shrek quote out of my back pocket. And people, like ogres, like onions, also have layers. So a natal chart is an interpretation of the little moving parts of our personalities. First there is the wheel of the zodiac, the constellations in the sky, Then the house system, which depends on the time of birth, which tells us what areas of life we’re looking at. Then there are the planets which show us a pull of influence, and the planets are in conversation! The planets interact with each other in aspects.
In short, what you know about astrology is quite possibly just the tip of the iceberg. Many go off of only their sun sign, but this is not right. I want to teach you how to truly read charts, in all their fine detail. Worry not if you’re not yet convinced of astrology’s validity. I was not, until I learned it complete! What is there to lose? It’s quite an experiment! It can only teach you about the human condition, and I’d argue that knowing yourself is a great advantage! Here you will start a dialogue with yourself, about yourself.
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This is an example of a natal chart, yours will look similar, but still quite different.
And what will you need to start?
A handy dandy notebook of course, to take notes and to write out your assignment (Evernote notebook or Google Docs folder is fine, just have a place to keep your work.
A quill pen, or, you know, a pencil if that’s how you roll.
Your own natal chart! This is the best thing to practice on, as well as the natal charts of others you know. You will be able to see these traits as you learn them, and believe me, that helps!
And that’s it my friend. That’s all you need. Easy right?
How do you get your natal chart?
Make sure you go to astro dienst instead of astrology cafe, astrology cafe is not reliable with their birth charts. Sometimes their tables are off, and you most definitely want an accurate chart. This is a precise art. If the chart is wrong I can tell, but it won’t be so easy if you’re only just learning.
You will need the following information:
Your full birthday: month, day, and year
Your birth city
Your birth time. This is important, you can generate a chart without it, but you will not know your rising sign, and the chart will have no orientation, no house system.
Game Plan:
You’re on it! Basically just read through this, get yourself set up with all the materials. Doing good so far!
Lesson One: The Zodiac
Lesson Two: Ascendants and Descendants
Lesson Four: Midheaven and Imum Coeli
Lesson Five: House Systems
Lesson Three: Chart Rulers
Lesson Six: Sun Signs! (You probably thought we’d never get here)
Lesson Seven: Moon Placements
Lesson Eight: Mercury Placements
Lesson Nine: Venus Placements
Lesson Ten: Mars Placements
Lesson Eleven: Jupiter Placements
Lesson Twelve: Saturn Placements
Lesson Thirteen: Uranus Placements
Lesson Fourteen: Neptune Placements
Lesson Fifteen: Pluto Placements
Review: Summing it all up!
Midterm! Surprise! Look how much you can do now.
Lesson Sixteen: Major Aspects
Lesson Seventeen: Minor Aspects
Lesson Eighteen: Sun in Aspect
Lesson Nineteen: Moon in Aspect
Lesson Twenty: Mercury in Aspect
Lesson Twenty One: Venus in Aspect
Lesson Twenty Two: Mars in Aspect
Lesson Twenty Three: Jupiter in Aspect
Lesson Twenty Four: Saturn in Aspect
Lesson Twenty Five: Uranus in Aspect
Lesson Twenty Six: Neptune in Aspect
Lesson Twenty Seven: Pluto in Aspect
Lesson Twenty Eight: Whole Chart Interpretations
Review: Summing it all up!
Good job, when you’ve got all of this down, you’ll be fully able to read a natal chart! Go wild! Psychoanalyze all your friends!
I will make this a master list, and link each post to the lesson listed above.
Wooooooh Party! ~
What Next?
After I am finished writing for this course, the party doesn’t end there. I have plans to continue writing courses for all facets of astrology. So courses to come will be:
Synastry Charts
Composite Charts
Draconic Charts
If you have ideas for more, hit me up and I’ll add it to the list. How’s that sound?
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My Saturnian Boundaries:
Please don’t ask me to read your chart for you. I will answer any of your questions, but I charge for chart readings. You can inquire about that though.
Don’t be rude. If you’re rude I will simply ignore you. Ruthless I know.
Enjoy yourself! And ask if you need help!
There is no fourth rule
See? That wasn’t so bad!
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Now let’s get started! Don’t forget to follow and opt for notifications so you can be kept up to date with all your lessons!
~Poverty Taurus
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world. 👁
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
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Alright, so I want to talk a little bit about the chakra system. In this post I'll only be talking about the western perspective, as it's much less complex. Really, there are hundreds of little energy centers in your body, but right now, let's just talk about the main energy vortexes.
There are seven chakra centers: The Root Chakra, The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, and The Crown Chakra. Each one has it's own function physically in the body, and spiritually in the energetic body. Each one has potential to over or under produce, depending on what's happening with the others.
The Root Chakra:
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This one is survival based. It's the foundation on which the rest are supported. If one has a weak root chakra, the rest are sure to be unstable as they are compensating for this one. The root grounds us to our bodies, to this physical reality. If someone has an unstable root chakra, they will not seem grounded. If the energy center is over compensating for the others then the person will seem aggressive. Really, this is our will to survive. It rules the adrenal glands, and governs our fight or flight instinct. The energy from this vortex is very animal in nature, it is food, water, safety.
To help build this energy center you must feel safe. Practicing self care, and taking care of your body are both essential to this vortex. If one is having issues with blockage here, grounding stones are a helpful tool to manipulate energy flow if you cannot. Tigers eye, black tourmaline, jet, obsidian, red jasper, essentially most black or red stones will have an effect on this center. I have found black tourmaline helps me personally for blockages, and jet helps for building. However our energetic bodies will be different, and I must remind you to experiment for yourself.
The Sacral Chakra:
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This is the center of joy and pleasure in the body. If it is blocked then there will be depression, if it's over active there will be manias. Balance, my friends. The energy of this one is the enjoyment of life. This is also a very physical chakra. More without than within like the root chakra. It rules over sexuality, creativity, and physical activities like dancing and swimming. This is where our wonder comes from!
If this chakra is under functioning I recommend spending some time in nature appreciating its beauty, seeing yourself in it. I recommend looking at art, dancing, listening to or making music! Go to the beach, and play in the water. This chakra is ruled by water, and so finding a connection there is crucial. If it is over functioning, this is likely due to the sacral chakra under functioning, and so this one will try to compensate for it. You see someone who is insecure, and so they party a lot, or just concentrate wholly on pleasure of whatever kind; that's what this is. You can manipulate the energy of this chakra with golden orange stones, like amber or carnelian.
Solar Plexus Chakra(Damn tumblr why no yellow?):
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This center rules over your sense of self, self worth, and self expression. If someone has a really strong solar plexus chakra then they're really confident, they know who they are and they're proud of themselves! They curate their lives and usually radiate confidence. Someone with an unstable solar plexus will want constant reassurance that doesn't seem to help them. They will seem uncertain in who they are.
To stimulate this chakra, you must come to know yourself. No one else can do that for you. This is a lesson you must learn. So to help stimulate this chakra, as always, I recommend stones. For me lemon quartz and sunstone work best, but you can experiment with different kinds of yellow stones.
Okay guys. Now this is where is starts getting a little complicated. Those were the physical chakras, all three of the above are what connect us to this physical state, they are essentially the human condition. Then there is the heart chakra, which connects body to spirit, and then there are three vortexes of the spirit.
The Heart Chakra:
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This is the essence of universal love! Of which, I will tell you a grand secret: Humanity has yet to perfect the concept of love. It is difficult for us. We are only missing one piece though. That piece is empathy. When you hone your sense of empathy, brilliant, pure, unconditional love will come to you, and from you. It teaches us a lesson in connecting the physical to the etheric: we are all divine. Love yourself, and love others. Come to realize that there is nothing but love, that is the only emotion, every other emotion is just love in disguise. It is really no more complicated than that. You must come to trust the universe with your heart, after that, everything falls in line.
Usually the heart chakra isn't over active, usually it is blocked. In order to unblock it, you must exercise your trust, and empathy. It sounds simple, but it can be quite the journey. Be patient with yourself, and keep in mind that love has to be reinvented from how we think of it now.
I have found paridot and moldavite to be my favorite stones while working with this energy.
The Throat Chakra:
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In essence the throat chakra should be very simple. It is the pure expression of ourselves. How do we sing our songs? If this chakra is under functioning the person may not express themselves as they need to, they may feel insecure in their expression. It is not often found to be over active, but if it was, the person might have a desperation in the way they communicate, they might talk as though their trying to leave their body. To open this chakra I recommend any kind of expression, from journaling, to writing music, or or making art with the purpose of expression.
You must learn your song, and sing it! Do not worry if others listen or not, the universe is listening.
The Third Eye or Brow Chakra:
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This energy center rules or second sight, and psychic ability. Linked to the pineal gland. This is your passage into understanding, in both a physical sense, and a spiritual sense. This is true understanding in its purest state. Usually this chakra isn't quite an under or over actor, but it can happen sometimes. It will cause people an air of confusion or misunderstanding. Most of the time, the problem is that the chakra is inactive, and in this case spiritual clarity or psychic ability will not come. One must open up, using all of the below vortexes, especially trust! You have to trust the universe, and then you will come to understand it.
Many have found amethyst a good stone for this purpose, but my favorite is elestial quartz. And be curious, learn about the things you wonder at 4am on Tuesday nights! Learn astrology, talk to ghosts! All of it. The more you seek the more you are sought.
The Crown Chakra:
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This is the last major chakra center, and the one that brings it all together. This is your connection to the divine, because, guess what my friend: you are divine! This is your point of transcendence, where you finally come into contact with your true and complete self. This one you have to work to open. You have to explore life's mysteries and discover for yourself what it all means!
For this I work with spirit quartz, but there are no real tools that will help you with this. The knowledge is already there, you just have to reach out and grab it. Just use your fully capable and beautiful mind.
In Conclusion:
Your energetic body, your aura, your soul, is made up of all of these different energies. This is essentially a head-shoulders-knees-and-toes anatomy lesion for the spirit. You are a wonderfully complex creature, and you need to take care of all your parts. Knowledge of how these parts function will teach us more about how we can interact with this world, as well as the world of spirit.
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
For me I've noticed it's a spirit trying to talk to me, but the information is getting garbled out, or I'm just not ready to hear it. Or it happens when a spirit is trying to talk to me but overly emotional.
quick take: ringing in the ears
my mother always taught me that ringing in the ears means the weather is going to change soon, but she also told me that it’s different for every witch.
for me, my ears ring when a deity or spirit wishes to speak with me, or when there’s something about to happen that I need to pay attention to, and they’re warning me about it
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
i love my solitude but i was meant to be a lover
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pissedoffpaganbitch · 6 years
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psyche revived by cupid’s kiss, antonio canova (c. 1787) | musée du louvre, paris
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