plushdownyfeathers · 3 months
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Y’all, I hope you’re okay
Ive just been busy, swear I’m still writing. It’s been a vibe. I got mad 🥺✨💦 energy and wrote a hint of smut yesterday, like a thousand words. Literally the most I’ve written since last month.
Send thoughts and prayers. I need some wins
Anyway, link to the latest chapter.
Side note, I have a cousin who makes the same expression as Drake in the picture above haha
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plushdownyfeathers · 6 months
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God, I love old Nigerian movies 😫✨✨
Anyway, I don’t think this needs explaining. You probably get it.
Also, I’m still alive. Suffering? Yes. Alive and trying? Also yes.
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plushdownyfeathers · 8 months
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Ain't this right ahaha Tiya could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right noooow 🎵 Please tell me you get the reference haha anyway Thanks Lovey ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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plushdownyfeathers · 9 months
So y’all just let me get away with this? 💀😩
Anyway, it’s a good thing I’ve previously mentioned that I use square brackets to organise my thoughts.
But still 😩
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
could you give us more spoilers of the hottest scenes?
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Hey, hi and hello! 😅 Apologies for taking so long. As you may have noticed, I've been a little MIA for a while. I'm coming back soon, don't worry. As requested, here's a little spoiler. Hope it's not too much of spoiler. Enjoy, dearest Anon! 💖💖💖
(It's also unedited so bear with me. What's in square brackets is just raw material for me to build on when I'm polishing the chapter. I'll likely add/subtract some stuff when I update the story)
...Tiya held out their daughter. “Take her. Her brother still needs to eat.” Qadir complied, taking the sleeping child in his arms. Tiya observed them as her son suckled. The look on Qadir’s face told her he cared about the child he  was holding, gently rocking her in his strong arms. “Why did you come here?” Tiya asked, her fingers lightly running over her son’s curly hair. “Because you want me here, sweet girl.” He smiled at her, his eyes softer than she’d ever seen them. It made her stomach flutter. “You wanted me to believe you and now I do.” “But you…” she scoffed, a little taken aback by his words. She didn’t think she wanted him there with her. She had wanted him to trust her when she told him she was pregnant with their children. So why didn’t this feel right? Wasn’t this what she wanted? “You called me a liar. You broke my leg.” *redacted line lol 😉* “Be reasonable, Tiya.” He looked at her, his grey eyes searching her soul. “If you were me, knowing you couldn’t have kids and your lover tells you she’s pregnant, would you believe her?” That shook Tiya. When he put it like that, it made perfect sense. She wouldn’t believe herself either. But there was something missing, something she wasn’t taking into consideration. “I… I guess I wouldn’t.” “See? I’m here now and I believe you. How couldn’t I? They look just like me.” Tiya looked at her children, starting with the one she was currently feeding. Now that she looked at him, he did resemble Qadir and so did their daughter. Their hair, eyes, the shape of their lips, everything about their children said Qadir was their father. She perhaps hadn’t seen the resemblance before because Qadir hadn’t been around. Then the things she was missing came back to her. Sure, Tiya becoming pregnant had been unbelievable… “But you hurt me. All those things you said to me, all the hell you put my family through, all the things you did to me, Qadir, I can’t just forget that.” “I’m sorry. I really am.” his grey eyes searched her face for something, maybe sympathy, maybe forgiveness. “But think of our children. You don’t want them to grow up without a father, do you? And I know you feel bad about your family having to take care of not just you, but of our children. Doesn’t the guilt just kill you?” [She’s emotionally flooded. The baby at her breast starts crying and she can’t calm him down. Qadir holds out a hand. He’s standing.] “Come back home. End this madness. Let’s be that happy, white picket fence family you talked about.” [She’s breathing hard, freaking out. She can’t choose. She has a twisted version of love for him but she knows it’s false… at least that’s what she hopes.  She’s scared of Qadir and the harm she knows he can do to her and her family.]
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Haha see ya when I see ya 🥰✌️
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
“Writing is the art of repeating oneself without anyone noticing.”
— Nassim Nicholas Taleb
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
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I don't think this is a spoiler because the tags kinda spelled it out already. Anyway, it's down below if you want to read it or dodge it:
 “I thought I lost you,” he told her, whispering the words into her ear before he sat upright. He closed his eyes and sighed. “I really thought you were gone. But you wanted me to find you, didn’t you? That’s why you took off your veil where someone could see you. You didn’t really plan to get home, I know. I think you just wanted to teach me a lesson; I shouldn’t act so rash.” He ran a thumb over her bottom lip and let out a shuddering exhale. “You like playing hard to get. I admit, I enjoy the chase. It makes f*cking you into submission even better.” He leaned over her and pressed a kiss on her lips again, this time lingering a little longer. Then he spoke, his lips brushing hers. “Not even all those people on that plane could deter me. I honestly don’t care what they think or what they’ll say for so long as I have you,” His hand drifted to her belly, feeling the subtle roundness there. “And them, if they’re mine. Especially if they’re mine.”
Anyway, bye again lol ✌️
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
Body language cheat sheet for writers
As a writer, understanding and incorporating body language into your storytelling can greatly enhance your characters and their interactions. Here's a cheat sheet to help you describe body language effectively:
Facial Expressions:
* Raised eyebrows: Surprise, disbelief, or curiosity.
* Furrowed brow: Concentration, confusion, or frustration.
* Smiling: Happiness, amusement, or friendliness.
* Frowning: Disapproval, sadness, or concern.
* Lip biting: Nervousness, anticipation, or tension.
Eye Movements:
* Eye contact: Confidence, interest, or honesty.
* Avoiding eye contact: Shyness, guilt, or deception.
* Narrowed eyes: Suspicion, skepticism, or concentration.
* Wide eyes: Shock, fear, or surprise.
* Rolling eyes: Exasperation, annoyance, or disbelief.
* Crossing arms: Defensiveness, disagreement, or discomfort.
* Nervous fidgeting: Anxiety, restlessness, or impatience.
* Pointing: Assertiveness, emphasis, or accusation.
* Open palms: Honesty, openness, or sincerity.
* Hand on chin: Deep thought, contemplation, or evaluation.
Posture and Movement:
* Slumped shoulders: Defeat, sadness, or fatigue.
* Upright posture: Confidence, attentiveness, or authority.
* Pacing: Restlessness, agitation, or contemplation.
* Tapping foot: Impatience, annoyance, or frustration.
* Leaning in: Interest, engagement, or curiosity.
* Hugging: Affection, comfort, or warmth.
* Handshake: Greeting, introduction, or agreement.
* Patting on the back: Encouragement, praise, or camaraderie.
* Clenched fists: Anger, determination, or frustration.
* Brushing hair behind the ear: Nervousness, coyness, or flirtation.
* When two characters unconsciously mimic each other's body language, it indicates rapport, connection, or empathy.
* A subtle nod can convey agreement, understanding, or encouragement.
Crossed legs:
* Crossed legs can indicate relaxation or a casual, nonchalant attitude.
Tapping fingers:
* Impatience, anticipation, or nervousness can be expressed through rhythmic finger tapping.
Hand on the chest:
* Placing a hand on the chest can convey sincerity, empathy, or a heartfelt emotion.
- Tilting the head:
* Tilting the head to the side can suggest curiosity, attentiveness, or interest.
Rubbing the temples:
* Rubbing the temples can indicate stress, fatigue, or a headache.
Chin stroking:
* Stroking the chin while in thought can portray contemplation, decision-making, or intellectual curiosity.
Arms crossed behind the back:
* This posture can indicate authority, confidence, or a composed demeanor.
Tilted body posture:
* Leaning slightly towards someone can suggest interest, attraction, or engagement in a conversation.
Biting nails:
* Nail-biting can reveal anxiety, nervousness, or tension.
Foot tapping:
* Rapid or impatient foot tapping can show agitation, restlessness, or eagerness.
* Squinting the eyes can signal suspicion, doubt, or an attempt to focus on something.
Shifting weight from foot to foot:
* Shifting weight can imply discomfort, unease, or anticipation.
Covering the mouth while speaking:
* This gesture can indicate hesitation, embarrassment, or the desire to hide something.
Remember that body language can vary across different cultures and individuals, so consider your character's background and personality while describing their movements. Additionally, body language is best used in combination with dialogue and internal thoughts to create a more nuanced portrayal of your characters.
Happy writing!
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
I’ve contributed 0.00000909% of that 11M to date 🥰
Apparently ao3 just hit 11M fanworks. I’m proud to have contributed 100+ to that massive number.
Writers, give yourself a pat on the back!
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
Big man Qadir realised he made a mistake by giving Tiya the boot🥺
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
Qadir whenever Ammar or Saadiq question him ☺️
Anyway, I’m relatively sure this from a Nigerian movie, dunno which though
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plushdownyfeathers · 1 year
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Chapter 35 is here! 🤩
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plushdownyfeathers · 2 years
do you ever reread your own work and have no recollection of ever writing such sentences. when did i write this? how did i come up with it? where is that energy now?
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plushdownyfeathers · 2 years
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plushdownyfeathers · 2 years
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Anyway, new chapter alert 🥳
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