pocketsizedsweetie · 3 years
I found a funny sound and had to give it to Dib
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pocketsizedsweetie · 4 years
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More ZADR content to feed your soul
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pocketsizedsweetie · 4 years
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Mmm ZADR angst. Delicious.
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pocketsizedsweetie · 4 years
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I literally love this angry little alien so fucking much somebody smite me.
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pocketsizedsweetie · 4 years
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A fluffy ZaDr drawing because its my new obsession apperently
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pocketsizedsweetie · 5 years
For the People Who Need to Hear It
You are beautiful, no matter what you have done, or what you believe. You are wonderful. You are a life that has purpose and you always will. No matter who you are, you are glorious, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. If you have guilt you're holding on to, I forgive you. If you're in darkness and you need a bit of light, take whatever I have left. If no one has told you this, then I will.
I believe in you.
I forgive you.
I love you.
And no matter what you're going through, absolutely everything is going to be alright.
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pocketsizedsweetie · 5 years
Ya know that moment where you just sob over a bowl of Mac n' Cheese? I feel that.
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pocketsizedsweetie · 5 years
A couple and their child were looking over our Marvel Characters plush at my work, right? And the dad turns to his little girl and asks, “Which Marvel character do you want?”
His little girl, maybe 9, replies, “Mmm, I think I want Captain Marvel.”
Dad makes a face, and says, “How about you choose a real super hero and not a little princess?”
Me and my coworkers were about to smack down on this man when his wife makes a FACE and says, “Honey, you get Captain Marvel.” Then she turns to her husband. “Shut the fuck up, Greg.”
And that has become our new motto for dealings with mysogenists at work.
Shut the fuck up, Greg.
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pocketsizedsweetie · 5 years
Star Gazing is for Saps (Symbrock)
Autumn nights were always Eddie's favorite. He never really was a daylight person, and summer nights were always too hot, winter nights were too cold.
He found that autumn was graceful with the weather's power though, and set a perfect balance in climate. Cold enough to wear a sweater, and warm enough to not be freezing in it. He could stay outside for hours on a peaceful autumn night, and if he were lucky, the stars would be peaking out from the thick clouds that normally gathered in the sky.
Tonight was one of those nights, and the midnight blue sky was coated in a extravagant display of stars that twinkled like small specks of glitter.
He sat up on the roof of his apartment building, exhaling softly and seeing a puff of frost leave his lips in the chilled air. Venom was quiet in his head for awhile, and Eddie didn't mind. It just gave him a chance to look.
But the silence didnt last for long, and Eddie shivered a little as he heard a heavy sigh wrack through his body from within.
"Getting bored, Vee?" Eddie asked, lightly patting the spot on his chest where Venom was currently huddled within him. Venom was always close to his heart, Eddie thought that was kind of cute. Venom purred at the touch.
"You are so impressed with the star's, Eddie," Venom states. Eddie shrugs and the silence returned, making Eddie a bit uneasy. Venom felt this and continued on. "If you ever wonder what is up there, you must know you are not missing much. Humans are not the best creatures, but I have seen much worse. Hostile, Eddie. Much safer here. Better. With you." Eddie's heart swells at the words, and a small grin graces his lips for a moment.
Venom pools from Eddies skin, forming a head and keeping close to him, following his gaze up. More silence, and then Venom feels a strange sensation from within them. Like a weight being lifted, and he cant help but ask.
"Eddie, do you ever miss Annie?" The symbiote is reluctant at first, but figures maybe it might be better to ask and face whatever the consequences.
He thought that he would feel Eddie's stomach flip like it usually did at the mention of Anne. He expected the wave of pain to flood through their spine like he always felt when she was brought up.
But he didn't. There was nothing. There was only the calming peace inside that Eddie had maintained for most of the night. It was different. And somehow, Venom already knew what Eddie's answer would be, but they wanted to hear it anyways.
"No, she's happier now, and Dan seems like a good guy." Eddie sighs softly, and Venom thinks he's so pretty in the moonlight. "I used to miss her. I used to be lonely too. But then there was you, and it all changed. Sometimes you can get on my nerves, but I don't know what I would do if you werent around." Images of Venom during the rocket explosion filled Eddie's head. He tenses and shivers, fear flooding through him at an alarming rate. He remembers the loneliness, the worry, and sadness he felt without Venom, and it makes his chest ache.
Venom turns, so he's in front of Eddie, and all Eddie can see now are Venom's eyes staring into his. He's suddenly away from the scene and he knows they are safe now. He relaxes, and is glad to have Venom here with him.
The man smiles at the black goo that is his love, placing a hand on the smooth black surface of his symbiotes strange skin, before placing a kiss gently on Venom's forehead. Venom purrs, like a cat almost, and lays his head on Eddie's shoulder.
"Love you, Eddie," Venom says in his deep voice, but Eddie finds that it calms him more than anything now. Eddie nods.
"Love you too, Vee." There's a comfortable moment where it felt like just them, and no one else in the world existed. Then Venom snorts slightly and catches Eddie's attention.
"We sound like losers Eddie," he said with a grimace, making Eddie laugh a little in amusement.
"I suppose star gazing and romantic words is kind of sappy, isnt it?" Eddie agreed. Venom nods beside him and he tilts his head.
"Are we saps, Eddie?" Venom asks curiously. Eddie shrugs, turning his head to his lovers white, opal eyes and admiring how his skin reminded him of a galaxy sometimes, or magic that looked like it was coursing through the symbiotes veins.
"Maybe we are." Venom looks at him, and smiles a crooked smile that Eddie can't help but find adorable. Eddie turns around and begins to head back to their apartment, patting Venoms head. "I think that's enough for tonight. Lets go make some tater tots." Venom happily agrees, sinking back into Eddie's skin as they head back.
Before Eddie leaves the roof, he turns and gives the stars one last glance.
Eddie was happy, and Venom was happy. He had finally found peace with himself. He couldnt ask for anything more.
Just a couple saps staring up at the stars.
'What a wonderful life that is,' Eddie thinks.
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pocketsizedsweetie · 5 years
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Wow, my blog and I like- died for a little bit there.
Anyway here's a sketch of Sherlock I did at 3 in the morning. This was supposed to be a drawing of Dr.Strange but it didnt go as planned. I'm tired but proud.
I stan this curly haired king.
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pocketsizedsweetie · 6 years
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Symbrock cuddles~
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pocketsizedsweetie · 6 years
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I fell into the abyss that is the Vemon fandom. Here is panic, soft boi and his bean of an alien boyfriend :3
I love my gay babes.
Original text post was made by @skiplo-wave
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