poemsonghurt · 9 months
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Too sick to be normal, not enough to be Ill. No matter what, people will always say they’ve had worse.
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poemsonghurt · 11 months
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Perhaps a child failed by their parents has their own failure ordained.
original writing by @traumacure | do not repost
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
In terms of bonding- stuffed animals? Like, we crave affection so much that we make little fake animals to cuddle with. We use them for comfort when we're young and can even get distressed when we don't have them with us. As well as the fact that we save them and pass them on to younger generations. Even when their eyes have fallen out and all the fur is loved off, we love them, in fact, they may become even more precious at that point.
Yes, that is a mass-produced piece of cloth, stuffing and buttons. Yes, it is identical to thousands of other items. No, you can not get the human a new mass-produced piece of cloth, stuffing and buttons to fill the same function. Only this mass-produced item can fill the function.
The function is somewhat unclear.
The mass-produced piece of clothing, stuffing and buttons must always be in a place of honor in the living quarters. The mass-produced item is not allowed to be covered with other items or fall over. That is bad for the mass-produced piece of clothing, stuffing and buttons even though it is not physically harmed. Items indicating actual honors, such as certificates or medals, can be covered or fall down. That is acceptable.
If the mass-produced piece of clothing, stuffing and buttons has unacceptably fallen on the ground where it may be inadvertently nudged with one’s mobility appendages, that is very bad and disrespectful to the item. Apologies are required, but should be directed at both item and human. The item will not reply.
The human may engage the mass-produced piece of clothing, stuffing and buttons in conversation. Most mass-produced items lack the capability to make any sound, and those that were produced with the capability are limited to prerecorded generic comments not indicative of sentience. Furthermore, the mass-produced item is incapable of any other response type, including movement, radio wave transmission, or temperature manipulation. The human will not appear to notice. 
Further study is being done to determine if there is another dimension of life humans are attuned to but have not recorded in the scientific literature.
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
What to read/watch that has big "humans are space orcs" vibes? Something wholesome and funny?
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
The feminine urge
The masculine urge
The human urge
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
Hebrew is very gender specific
But it has a lot of gender neutral names
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
I have only two moods
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
На опухших от воды лицах
На замерших в муке губах
Миллион недосказанных слов
На стертых верёвкой запястьях
В сломанных с мясом ногтях
Исполнение отчаянных снов
Холодных наших тел покинет дрожь
И навсегда уйдёт боль
Что так похожа у нас двоих
Пусть другие несут её вместо нас
Мы не смогли бы понять
Друг друга
Не смогли бы разделить жизнь
И мы разделим с тобою смерть
В смерти мы вместе
Я хотела любить
Ты хотел быть любимым
Но мир был для нас не готов
Давай признаем что это конец
Обними меня ещё раз
Пусть хотят волны
Нас остановить
Но мы дойдём до конца
Страх много раз заставлял меня передумать
Но теперь мы вместе и всё решено
Просто черновик. На вряд ли я буду это дописывать.
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
Funny how I am not friends with those two anymore. How the relationships just fade.
Two of my friends had a friend who killed themselves.
I don't have one.
Maybe I'm that friend?
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
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What if I am not valid if I have never attempted? What if my suffering is not valid unless I do?
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
The ironic thing about CPTSD is that it made me hate anything which needs long-term effort and dedication, but recovering from CPTSD is something that needs a lot of long time effort.
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
If parents were treating their children right
With love, care, respect, and dignity
There would not be crimes
There would not be rapists
There would not be serial killers
There would not be suicides
There would not be self hate
There would not be loneliness
I like to believe
There would not be hate in the world
And possibly, no jealousy
Maybe the biggest sin,
Which exiled us from the Paradise,
Was this.
Child abuse.
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
I want to see my blood gurgling and gushing out.. I really crave to try and cut my neck open. I want to sharpen a knife and to take it to my throat. To press it to my skin. To slice it open. To not stop. To continue cutting. Through the instinctive reaction and anxiety. To cut the arteries. Let life rush out. Experience the terror of dying, step over it and continue wounding myself until the damage is irreversible.
To go blind, numb and dissappear into the sea of silence.
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
Что такое Star Trek?
Посмотрю-ка оригинальный сериал
Что за хуйня
Не так уж и плохо
Что, блять
Люди шиперят Спока и Кирка?
Есть в этом что-то...
Ааа Спирк ааааааааа
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
Why this so cute 😭😭😭 why is this soul crushingly cute
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Pansies like rabbits
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
How do people play hard games, life is hard enough.
I play games to escape misery not to challenge it
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poemsonghurt · 2 years
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