#but i do support detrans people
feferipeixes · 1 year
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emilnikos · 5 months
out of curiosity where'd you go/what did you have to do to get your T prescription? we're the same age but I have no idea where to go or what to do! :')
okay so. the way I got it might be different from yours bc of where I live. I'm from Scandinavia and started the process of pursuing medical transition around 5 years ago. I have no idea how things work outside of my own country sorry 😔
The first thing I did was talk to my GP who then referred me to a psychiatrist who I talked to for roughly 5-6 months. I believe I received a diagnosis of Gender Incongruence but idk if that's still required bc again. That was 5 years ago.
From surface level research it seems that it's still a diagnosis but doesn't mention anywhere if it's still required. so. shrugs. My psychiatrist then referred me to the only clinic in the country who helps you with this kind of stuff (there is one alternative you can use if you have a postal adress in the capital, which I don't) And then I had meetings with a professional there twice a year (if I was lucky the waiting lists are loong. but on average it should be twice a year) until I turned 18.
When I turned 18 I was transferred from the kids unit to the one for adults. Then I had to have a conversation with Two More psychiatrists (with a half year gap in-between yes still only biyearly meetings) who would then discern if I was ready and prepared for medical transition (though sometimes it felt like they were testing if I was "trans enough" lmao) and then after that they finally referred me to an endocrinologist, who I met with to discuss the side effects and risks of testosterone. and then I got my prescription.
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hypnodyke · 1 month
I like to think that trans doms doing detrans are so much better than cis doms. On top of not being legit transphobes or maga supporters, we have a deeper understanding of what being trans means and can make it hit that much harder.
Like calling all trans men women? Yawn.
But the way girls clench around you when you tell them that trans people exist, you're just not one of them? Amazing.
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terra-feminarum · 10 months
When I took my first steps towards detransition, I never would've imagined other women could accept me as one of their own again. I used to pass a man very well, even to the extent other trans people sometimes were surprised I'm trans.
It has taken many years, and I've had to build a lot of courage, but if I dare to act like I belong, other women are welcoming. And it's not like I look how a woman is expected to look like. My voice is still deep, I have severe hair loss, I don't have breasts.
But it seems like a lot of people can recognize my femaleness, no matter how unusual I look. Not everybody, but enough. I've never made any serious attempt to "pass" as a female, because I feel like I'm done with performing gender roles, and so I do what is comfortable and for me that means looking "manly". My face and body have changed but I've never wanted to rely on wearing "women's clothes" or make-up. Health professionals have asked me several times if I'd want a wig but I don't. Many people recognize me as a woman despite all this.
I wanted to share this because a lot of detrans peer support is from those who are newly detransitioned. It takes time for your body to do it's thing, several years rather than months. If other women can recognize a woman like me as one of their own, I believe most detrans women can hope the same.
I've realized I don't have to look like I never went through medical transition. I did. That's a thing some women go through. The great thing about detransition is that I've been able to stop pretending my past doesn't exist. All parts of my history are part of me. No more deadnames, no more hiding, no more trying to pass, no more secrets.
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ohara-n-brown · 7 months
Hey everyone,
'The New ThoughtCrime' is an anti-trans community detransitioner essay
Just wanted to give a heads up to the FTM community on here that a user named @mewthoughtcrime is trying to repost the 'New ThoughtCrime' think piece from 2017 - tagging it with this such as 'trans man', 'nonbinary' and 'transandrophobia'.
However this blog fails to mention that the main author of said piece is a lesbian who considers herself a detransitioner. While there is nothing at all wrong with that -
the problem more comes from the fact that said author also believes the trans community is a cult.
Tumblr media
This quote comes from the author's interview with Genspec - an organization that pretends to be trans supportive, while also believing trans kids are a myth, trans men are just confused teen girls, and pushing the book Irreversible Damage.
The author also believe in the idea of 'cotton-cieling' - a terf dog whistle that implies trans women intend to force lesbians to sleep with 'males who identify as lesbians'.
The think piece is NOT at all about trans men or transandrophobia.
It's about detransitioning from a woman who believes the trans community engages in 'thought reform' - in a way akin to cults.
The piece reads largely inspired by 'Irreversible Damage' - an anti-FTM shred-piece. This is basically J.K Rowling ideology.
They're in their right to repost whatever they want, especially if that piece of writing specifically spoke to them and other detransitioning folk.
However I do think it's incredibly disingenuous and sneaky to not include this information - or the true nature and intention of the work - in the Tumblr post, as the original author was very clear in stating so.
To post such a piece without tagging the detrans community is a disservice to them and a deliberate choice towards us.
The piece is not at all about transandrophobia - the OP is simply mistagging it to target particular groups - mainly, actively transitioning FTM who are looking for community.
This isn't to say you can't read and enjoy the piece, or connect to it. You absolutely can, it's about someones valid personal experience (well - some parts.) that's eloquently written.
What I do not support however is posting such material, purposely and vaguely mistagging it, while not explaining the contents, the context, and the intent of the author clearly.
I believe readers should always be informed about the source and intention of the writers of the information they received.
People should be allowed to make informed choices about what they read and involve themselves in - whether that be trans politics, or reading think pieces online.
That's why I am making this post.
'The New ThoughtCrime' is an Anti-Trans Community think-piece that targets trans men and lesbians by supporting TERF ideology.
Read with that information in mind. With the situation going on now with staff, I think it's important to be on high alert for indoctrination or misleading literature like this.
By all means, read if you like. I was just not at all impressed with the lack of transparency from @mewthoughtcrime when it comes to detailing the actual contents and source of that information.
It's one thing to call the trans community a cult - before turning around and releasing anonymous faceless think-pieces that you spread around without sources or actively informing others of its contents, in order to purposely get a demographic of people who do not wish to interact with you to unwillingly engage in your rhetoric.
As a essay that calls for 'transparency in the trans community' we can first start by lending some transparency to THIS essay.
Stay safe and stay informed y'all ✌🏾
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floral-ashes · 3 months
Do you really think that the needs of detransitioners aren't being centered or talked about enough? I refer you to the people under your post engaging in conspiracy theories about how trans healthcare is being pushed on poor innocent children by evil doctors. This stuff is the basis for legislation currently being passed in what is likely to soon be a majority of US states, not to mention the UK. I just feel like maybe detransition is a little too much in focus, idk.
The first thing to point out is that I didn’t even call for ‘more’ talking about detransitioners. I wrote one paper where I talked about detransitioners (among other folks). Then someone got pissed about it. Then I wrote a post about how treating detransitioners and those who talk about them like ‘traitors’ isn’t helpful. Also… intra-community discussions on Tumblr are very much not a comparable context to anti-trans newsmedia or legislatures?
Second, you could say the same about trans people; why do we need to talk about their needs, aren’t they being talked about all the time in the media.
Which brings us to the central issue, namely that volume isn’t quality. The media weaponizing detransitioners for anti-trans agendas isn’t actually ‘centring the needs of detranstioners’. It’s centring the interests of anti-trans movements. None of the discussions actually include expanding mental healthcare and medical support for detransitioners, for instance, even though that’s constantly reported by detransitioners as core needs in research.
Staying silent and letting the media platform anti-trans activists as ‘the voice of detransitioners’ won’t counter anti-trans narratives. By contrast, an important part of countering those anti-trans narratives involves building solidarity and community with pro-trans detrans folks.
Do I like that the media has put such a spotlight on detransitioners in pursuit of transphobic agendas? No, but that’s the reality we’re working under and I don’t think letting anti-trans detrans narratives roam free and define detransitioners in the public eye is going to turn out well for trans folks.
It’s also worth emphasizing that detrans folks are real people with real needs, so the implicit idea that we just shouldn’t talk or care about them because transphobes talk about them enough already just doesn’t sit right with me.
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genderqueerdykes · 24 days
Hello 👋
I'm wondering if you (or anyone else who sees this) has any advice/resources about detransitioning/retransitioning? I've been living as a trans guy since I was a kid and I'm a young adult now, but I recently I realized that I really miss being a girl and I think I want to socially detransition? And it's really lonely, because the vast majority of people I see talk about detransition online at least are anti-trans and I really don't want to involve myself with them.
I just don't know how to tell my family and friends. I know it's silly because they've always been super supportive, but I just feel like I'm being a burden for wanting to change my name and pronouns yet again. I can't help but worry that they think I'm indecisive or this is just another phase or something.
you know, that's a good suggestion, i really should compile resources for de/retransitioning people, because it's so hard to find good information that isn't clogged with terve nonsense. it deeply bothers me how hard it is for detrans people to find safe community amongst one another without so much violence and hatred. theres absolutely nothing wrong with detransitioning, you can't know if something is for you until you try it. you shouldnt have to involve yourself with transphobic people just because you want to socially detransition
i would say wait to tell your family until you know for sure this is right for you to eliminate those "it's a phase" moments. you don't have to tell family and friends if you're questioning something, it's alright to have that to yourself for a bit. its something deeply personal to you, and it's about you first. you can tell other folks whenever you feel like you're ready to go ahead with things. i would also like to say try to present and feel like yourself in your alone time to boost confidence. if youre able to dress the way you want in private, it can at least help you figure out if you're on the right path or if you're unsure. its okay to be the person you are in private before you show the world.
i will do my best to try to compile some resources for detrans & retrans people that are actually helpful. thank you for bringing this to my attention, it's been bothering me for years that detrans people can't talk to each other because of the state of the tags on this website. if anyone else has any advice feel free to chip in. take care of yourself for now, feel free to reach out again any time
EDIT: someone was nice enough to leave some reddit communities for detrans people who aren't terves: r/actual_detrans, and r/detransition_support both do not allow terves and terf rhetoric. i hope these can be of some help to you!
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old-school-butch · 5 months
Hello again <3
I sent you an anon that you replied to on April 1st, which was me asking how ex-TIFs are received back into womanhood. Your reply gave me a little foothold which ended up very comforting as I started coming out rapid-fire to all my friends as detrans. this is primarily a message for other people in my situation, who are afraid and might want a template of what you might expect will happen once you do come out with it.
Predictably, most of my friends dropped me; I've 3 friends left. Two of which continue to support trans people but can accept that i have different opinions (as long as i'm "not mean") and one of which has seen the gender critical arguments, accepted them, and agrees. So, heavy losses, but not total losses. My two siblings seemed to sigh in relief and reveal that they never believed in genderism at all, which is odd, because in my 10 years of being trans not one of them challenged me on it. my mom fell into heavy guilt over "letting me" do all this, although i was 18 when i took testo and 19 when i got surgery, so she really could not have stopped me, legally. i suppose she mainly grieves knowing that had she had the right arguments she could have saved her kid this, but i've told her she is not to blame and i hope she recognizes that.
i haven't received any real harassment, not from anyone that i PERSONALLY know, though my family has received... harassment targeted at me? my sister had a classmate begin sending her copious pro-trans propaganda (contrapoints videos) which she instructed should be sent onward to me (sis did not comply). hilarious how my 10 years of direct experience is suddenly null and void and i'm assumed to know nothing about transness.... 6 months ago i was helping people sensitivity-write trans characters. now, i'm told i can't speak for the trans experience at all, and that i do not know what it's like to be a transmasc person. told that i need to listen to the arguments more carefully, that i don't LISTEN, when i literally lived this for 10 whole years. girl, on god? they tell me i don't get it and need to educate myself. and have empathy of course.
but in general, detransing, i've discovered that there are PLENTY of people who do not actually believe in genderism but who will play along simply out of fear or social pressure. my friends aside, who i knew through "queer" circles, everyone in my family (expect my mom) has revealed they never actually believed in it. i think this might contribute to why trans people bully dissenters so badly. they know this is the truth, that no one really buys it. i think, subconsciously, i have known that too. i never downloaded grindr, i never went into the men's bathrooms. i knew that despite testo and surgery and pronouns i could never challenge men as an equal in their eyes.
interestingly, making new friends is not that hard. I lead with the fact i'm detrans and "don't believe in all that shit" and people are VERY eager to be able to, suddenly, voice their real opinions without being called transphobic. they begin with probing questions, uncontroversial statements like "i agree they shouldn't put males in women's sports..." but if you continue to agree and not punish this daring on their part, they will reveal, with much relief and enthusiasm, what they really think. most people, normal people, really do not believe it all? i'm a brash person and can take irl confrontations quite well, hence i feel safe putting myself up as a transphobe off the bat. and people are very into this. so. the old ass saying, just be yourself.... normal people will not volunteer anti-genderist opinions on their own but when i continue to state thing after thing they open up and agree and eventually feel safe enough to admit their own thoughts. making friends, especially with non-gendie women, hasn't been that hard.
i'm going to write another message about same-sex attraction in the genderverse, but it's also a can of worms so i will make it separate from this one. again, thank you so much, for having anon on and listening, and letting us listen to each other without fear. i would hug you. to be continued
Thanks for the follow up!
My only comment is that I think most people play along out of kindness, it's not all bullying and fear, but that does impose a silence on everyone so everyone feels quite alone with their doubts.
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
Hi, I'm really fond of your blog and the community you've created. I'm hoping someone might be able to give me a little community support?
I'm FtMtNtF^3 (that means, this is my third time going back to female 😭) and identify as a bigender detrans female. The thing is, is that even though I regret top surgery (male alter wanted it, I didn't), I still want bottom surgery. I've struggled with going off T due to bottom dysphoria, and I still have dreams about having "those parts" which I've been having since I was like 10. Is it.. okay? Is it okay for me to want both breast reconstruction and bottom surgery? Has anybody done this? I feel kind of alone and don't know if there's community or a term for people like me. I really am a girl, I've just.. wanted to transition to be physically more male, in some ways.
First off: you can do whatever you want forever. It's 1000000% okay to want both breast reconstruction and bottom surgery, and I wish you luck with pursuing those.
Personally, I relate a lot. I never got top surgery and don't plan to, but at one point I thought it's what I wanted; now I've realized I generally really like having breasts. But like you've, I've always wanted a penis. A lot of self-insert characters I made as a child had breasts and a penis, which looking back was because that was the body type I desperately wanted. I think the biggest barrier is medical exorsexism demanding people fit a certain narrative before being able to access transition surgeries, and if it weren't for that, we'd see a lot more people with "non-traditional" medical transition desires, across all kinds of gender identities. I remember seeing a tiktok of a nonbinary guy who was assigned male who got vaginoplasty. Sometimes your brain just really wants a penis and also really wants to be a girl. Such is life!
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manstrans · 1 year
Tw: pregnancy, detrans, misgendering
I appreciate the work you're doing to try to make clear the ways that being a man or masculine isn't always a privilege. Its something I've been struggling with the past year or so. I'm a trans masc person who got pregnant a year ago (intentionally). Over the course of my pregnancy, I had to change my gender marker back to female to get my insurance company to quit fighting me over covering pre-natal care. At the same time, I was fighting with various medical people who would misgender me. I had zero resources for pregnancy info that didn't assume I was a woman or a mom. I ended up having to have a c-section and again do not have access to support because almost all the groups are aggressively gendered. The one group I've found that doesn't off the bat assume I'm a woman is still unwelcoming to me as a masculine person. Women do not want to accept a pregnant man. Hell, society can barely tolerate a man who wants to be involved with his kid. And it gets even more complicated when you add different intersections to masculinity. Black fathers? Assumed to be deadbeats. Poor fathers? Why are they spending time with their children when they should be working harder to not be poor? Single fathers? Unimaginable.
I'm just so tired of the bullshit thrown at masculine people. I'm so tired of the problems faced by masculine people being erased because we're men who supposedly have all these privileges afforded to them. If I was supposed to get all of these amazing privileges when I transitioned, where the hell are they? I think my box of privileges got lost in the mail.
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butchpeace · 24 days
Begging you to stop assuming that trans people are just gay people who can't admit to being gay. I'm bi regardless of whether I'm the woman the body I was born into is supposed to make me or the man that I feel like I was supposed to be. I won't say that no one has ever transitioned to avoid homophobia, but there are better ways to address that than to stop genuinely transsexual people from transitioning.
I've been in therapy for 27 years. Since puberty sunk its teeth in me. NOTHING is going to make me feel like being a woman is the right fit for me and trying to force myself to fit into that box has made me suicidal for decades. Convincing myself I could just be a masculine woman barely soothed any of that. I'm sorry that transition wasn't the right fit for you, and you deserve all of the support you need for that, but it's no more fair to force me to be a woman just because of the body that I was born into than it would be to force you to keep identifying as a man and taking hormones.
I don’t know you and it’s none of my business how you live your life.
My opposition to transition is primarily due to the medical risks of testosterone therapy on women.
Testosterone causes our reproductive organs to atrophy, potentially irreversibly. I’ve heard stories of people who develop chronic pain, persisting even after stopping T. People whose ovaries no longer work correctly after only a few years on T, causing various problems from low hormone production. People with urinary incontinence and pelvic floor issues caused by T essentially putting them into early menopause. PCOS worsening. Ovaries twisting. People who have had unnecessary gynecological surgeries due to the effects of T. People with chronic chest pain after top surgery. People who developed arthritis in their joints, or autoimmune conditions while on T. People who had mental health crises triggered by being on testosterone. People with chronic debilitating vocal pain or clitoral pain due to the effect on those areas. People who developed cholesterol or blood pressure problems only after being on T, causing them to be at higher risk for heart health issues.
That’s just off the top of my head, and that’s just things I’ve personally witnessed in myself and friends, both trans and detrans.
Live your life, do what makes you happy. I’m not going to stop talking about this health crisis that’s currently affecting young women, many of whom are just gay or tomboys, and would eventually become fine with themselves if they were able to grow up with masculine female role models and actual feminist education.
Even if there was a small minority of “true transsexuals”, even if you are one of them, that doesn’t make what I’m saying wrong or unimportant. You can’t deny that women are getting harmed by transition.
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exeggcute · 2 years
reading the recent exposé about leaked emails from the south dakotan legislator and his cronies who've been building an anti-trans agenda for years now (which also makes an interesting contrast/complement with some of the fox news stuff I was speculating about on here the other day—like, to the extent that the trans panic culture war we're seeing is "organic" and not purely manufactured by the murdoch empire, it still seems like it came out of a really small but vocal minority and got amplified by the right people at the right time to really take off... but anyway.) and a couple paragraphs in particular caught my eye:
In 2019, Deutsch tweeted that he would try to criminalize doctors who followed the Endocrine Society’s clinical practice guidelines for treating people with gender dysphoria. He would later claim the idea for such a law had come from “children I saw on Twitter” who told him to read Reddit forums about detransitioning. By that summer, Deutsch had quietly assembled a group of advisers, including people who had once identified as trans only to reverse course and deny that anyone is truly transgender. They helped him workshop legislative language, supporting materials, and proponent testimony.
“It was like Deutsch assembled a team of Navy SEALs—we were all trained killers in a specialty,” says Elisa Rae Shupe, a retired US Army soldier who became a vocal anti-trans advocate and participated in Deutsch’s working group after detransitioning. Shupe has since retransitioned, disavowed much of her old activism, and shared her copies of the working group’s emails with reporters. Religious-right rhetoric about wanting to help children with gender dysphoria is “just a front for what they do behind the scenes,” she says. “It’s like they want to do as much damage to the trans community as they can.”
which, like, I can't say if this is the first piece of hard evidence that the "detrans" community isn't merely congregating in little hateful reddit communities but also actively working to make america less safe for trans people, or if this is simply the first time that I personally have seen hard evidence of such... but either way, here it is
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cvntboyneedsfixed · 10 months
im an adult trans man who's on hrt & living as a man but nothing gets me off harder than being treated like a slutty girl who needs corrected. so welcome to my blog! 💗💗
im open to all interactions 💗✨
please send me rapey asks telling me what you want to do to me 🙏 be as nasty as you can <3
all kinks are welcome!! but i especially love:
rape / cnc kink
forced detrans / feminication
mentioning cunt & tits/teats
using medical/anatomical terms for stuff
public humiliation
threats sent to me
unsolicited dick pics
DM me if you want to buy me something to force me to wear it for you, I'll wear anything
any interaction with minors
spreading this blog's contents to minor audiences
prefer no scat
i'm not into body shaming, i don't care if you do it but i won't reply because it's not hot to me 😅
other than that, online interactions arent able to hit any of my triggers/boundaries so go nuts :3
this is an adult-only fantasy kink blog & i respect trans people & consent at all times.
on that note, this is also a supportive & welcoming space for my fellow trans people, if you wanna chat (doesn't have to be kink) or want non-judgemental support, slide on into my dms <3
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painfulstretch · 6 months
hello there & welcome to my blog!
i'm a trans guy and very much into birth related kinks - important: birth kinks of the more... let's call it unpleasant kind. sadistic might be how others view it. so if you're only into wholesome, supportive births or orgasmic births, you're in the wrong place, sorry. speaking of in the wrong place.
!!! DNI if you're under the age of 18. PLEASE. seriously, this isn’t meant for minors.
ALSO DNI homophobes/transphobes, detrans, sexists, racists, etc., as well as people who take these things beyond fantasy and into real life. any content on here (from dubcon/sexual assault to torture) is pure fantasy, anyone actually doing this to something IRL against the other person's explicit will is disgusting, just FYI
now about what i'm into;
first up, i mostly prefer being the seeder/the one in control of the situation but every now and then i like to indulge in being pregnant & giving birth as well. don't really do rp but that might change at some point. you can shoot me asks and dms alike, tho i prefer asks.
it would be too long to list everything but here's a summary of my likes + dislikes
-long, inconvenient and PAINFUL births
-begging, screaming, writhing in agony
-birth denial, stuckage, anything that prolongs the labor and makes it harder on the pregnant person (sex/gender doesn't matter)
-non-human births (monster, oviposition, demons etc) -> aren't the primary focus but will definitely appear here as well
-public birth -> the humiliation of bearing down surrounded by strangers who stare and snicker and pull out their phones
-unassisted birth -> just as much as i enjoy someone intentionally making a birth harder, a pregnant person suffering through contraction after contraction completely on their own is also fucking brilliant
-clothing birth -> few things are hotter than a huge bulge in someone's pants
-death -> as much as i enjoy seeing the carrier in pain, i don't want them or the baby to actually die
that's it for now, tho i'll probably come back & edit this a bit at dome point
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crippled-peeper · 10 months
the 1% of detrans people who joyously take money to sell their story on Fox News and The Sun and lie about the trans community and our doctors and therapists etc are all equally guilty of being sellout piles of shit and no I don’t feel “kinship” with them nor do I feel sympathy for them nor will I support them in their personal vendetta against millions of total fucking strangers who’ve never hurt them
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dykeulous · 20 days
Twilight is the absolute opposite of your exclusionist views she's the literal princess of bringing people together no matter who they are or identify as.
We are supposed to be brothers and sisters, why do you shun your own family?
twilight is the princess of friendship. twilight is inclusive, yes, but she also fights against discrimination, she fights against oppression, she fights against evil– and if necessary– she uses force, and she uses justified violence. that is not the reason i always found myself relating to twilight, both as a child & now– she is generally the character i can relate to the most, out of all shows i watched. that is because she puts other people’s (well, pony’s in her case, lol!) needs above her own, because she fears failure, because she used to think academics were #1 & is/was introverted (tbh i think she remained quite an introvert despite leaving her “friends are not important” past behind), because she has a figure of authority she looks very highly up to, because of her sassy & sarcastic nature in s1 & s2– and also because she is rumored to be autistic. which, well, as an autistic person, i definitely can see.
i do not “shun my own family”. i love trans people. but the difference between you & me (most probably), i also love all dysphoric people, even those who aren’t trans-identified, and i do not believe they have any less of a say. i also love detrans people, i don’t mock their experiences, i don’t laugh at them & say “haha that’s what you get for being a cissie who made a mistake haha!”. i love detrans people who healed their dysphoria, and i love detrans people who still are dysphoric. but, unlike you, i do not think “my family” is above criticism. unlike you, i do not believe “my family” should be able to do whatever they want without consequences. in fact, i think the whole shtick about “family” is cringe to hell & back, because “my family” excommunicated, or, well, disowned me. i still love all trans people dearly, but i will not consider the trans community “my family”, because the trans community treated me with utter disdain & hatred, made me afraid and paranoid to voice my own opinions & feelings, and never allowed me to question anything. the trans community generally seems to refuse to acknowledge the fact that dysphoria (can) be neurological, and i do believe that the largest reason as to why they are acting like this is exactly because they have severe neurological/mental health issues, and they think simply acknowledging this fact is discriminatory, bigoted, offensive, violent, whatever. instead of recognizing that they have a neurological problem, they want to beautify their illness, and they do that with engaging in neurosexism, creating “gender souls” & spiritualizing the hell out of their illness. this is unhealthy, and allows them to simply lay comfortable with both their illness & with the way the system is. a lot of people with mental illnesses romanticize their illnesses, and they do this as a coping mechanism– but the bigger problem here is that the trans community not only romanticizes dysphoria, they also make it out to be inherently progressive & inherently status quo-breaking; which could not be more wrong, especially given the fact that their ill way of thinking & behaving also causes them to act exactly against progressivism.
dysphoric people feel immense pain daily, a lot of dysphoric people spent years wondering & pondering questions such as, “why am i like this?”, “why am i in pain every day?”, and, instead of joining support networks & doing therapy (non-affirming or affirming, and also not only therapy regarding their dysphoria, as many trans people have problems with mental health besides dysphoria, and a lot of them tend to develop other mental health issues because of their dysphoria), they come up with such conclusions that make the most sense to them, and that they seem to like & be happy with the most– “i am literally born in the wrong body”, “i have the brain of the opposite sex”, or even the extreme, “i am actually, truly, really fe/male, i just produce the wrong hormones and have the wrong body type”. this is unhealthy, and not only do they internalize such unhealthy & harmful ways of thinking, they label anyone who does not bend to their will as bigoted & transphobic. they beg the law to bend to their will, as well, and so anyone who doesn’t conform to them will be a perpetrator of hate crime. transitioning, in this way, becomes not only one solution to dysphoria, it becomes the only solution & is presented as such– which harms dysphoric/trans people the most, and which is why detrans people have such a hard time readjusting. the trans community encourages black-and-white thinking & discourages critical thinking, outcasting their own members for daring have differing opinions.
i believe that i have the right to speak up about the ways this community, or how you call yourselves, “my family” has treated me, and many other dysphoric & trans people. i believe i have the right to bring awareness to it, and i believe my voice deserves to be heard. i don’t care how you personally feel, because facts will always be above feelings, and law should never be based on someone’s feelings. so, yes, i am aware that my beliefs & views will hurt some trans people on a personal level, but it is not my fault that they believe anyone who doesn’t conform to their “happy shiny milk and honey” ill way of thinking, is an evil bigoted transphobe. something hurting someone ≠ something being wrong, something hurting someone ≠ something being inherently discriminatory, bigoted, and derogatory. i will be willing to engage with the trans community again, only when it stops barking “traitor 🤬🤬” every time i do try to engage.
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