prunetoo · 2 years
First Meal
Black coffee
53 g banana
104 g strawberries
30 g almond yogurt
2 ml Vanilla extract
Total 105 kcal
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Second Meal
( left a bite that’s why the measurements seem off)
34 g corn tortilla
30g roasted bell pepper
60g corn
15g pickles
5g cheese
24g meat substitute
69g tomato
5ml Lebanese sauce
Total 239 kcal
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And this lollipop which is 45 kcal
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That’s it for today (hopefully I don’t binge)
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prunetoo · 2 years
I haven’t checked in awhile
I have been binging every day for the past week or so.
This me taking my life back. I have rules set for the rest of this year, here there are :
1. No fasting for longer than 24 hours. It just doesn’t work for me, I end up binging 9 out of 10 times
2. Leave the kitchen/dining room as soon as I’m done eating (gotta work on that one 😀)
3. No chocolate/artificial candies
4. 6k steps a day AT LEAST
5. Work out every day, not matter how light the workout is
6. Go through the “things to do before eating” list (let me know if u guys want it, it’s pretty long)
7. Not buying food for myself
8. If people I’m with are not eating neither am I
9. If I don’t know the calories of something, I can’t eat it
10. Eating window is 12pm to 6pm
11. Stop restricting like crazy, I need to have actual meals and not 5 tiny different ones throughout the day.
I don’t wish to have more than 11 rules otherwise I just can’t keep up and give up
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prunetoo · 2 years
One of the many pros to AnA is getting better at maths lol
I can feel my dyscaculia slipping away
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prunetoo · 2 years
Wasn’t that fucking hard like why did I procrastinated it so much 😐
On the other hand though, I just looked up the calories of 1, ONE shot if vodka. It’s 97 wtf
Like how am I supposed to get wasted and forget about all my problems tonight ?
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prunetoo · 2 years
Broke my fast (36h) with the first picture, it came to a total of 144 kcals
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Later in the day I had a little snack, half an apple with cinnamon
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I always had calories to my daily intake so I guess I ate a little bit over 230 kcals today and burned of 70 by going on a walk after the first meal !
I did pretty good today :))
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prunetoo · 2 years
I have this party Friday night, I’ve been fasting for 20 hours so far and I intend to last 36+ hours. I’ll break my fast with 200 kcals max and on Friday I’ll have a monster and then at the party : Diet Coke and vodka
It’s my friend’s birthday party so I’m making a brookie (more like 2 since we’re 20+ people) I CANNOT EAT A PIECE !!!
Calories in alcohol should be a crime but since I won’t have food in my body I won’t need to drink a lot to be drunk.
Thank you AnA for making me save up money on alcohol <333
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prunetoo · 2 years
* Go on a walk
* Search for health/nutrition info on the net
* Turn up the music and dance
* Clean your house until everything looks untouched
* Read a book or magazine
* Find out about finances and investing
* Find out enough about a national issue to form a strong opinion
* Do that that you were meaning to do for so long
* Rent and follow a yoga or pilates video
* Express yourself creatively
* Wander and browse trough the library
* Read about the toxins and food that build up in the digestive system
* Start writing in a journal about things besides calories
* Make your own, original, unique website
* Have a movie fest
* Volunteer somewhere
* Get a job
* Master your self description
* Play with your pet, they’ll love you!
* Call your grandparents
* Go to howstuffworks.com and find out!
* Exfoliate your entire body
* Think about your life goals and how you’ll reach them
* Make someone a bracelet or neckless
* Read the newspaper, every word of it!
* Stop procrastinating
* look at Th1nsp0 or me4nsp0
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prunetoo · 2 years
Had a breakdown this morning when I saw 51.5kg on the scale
I was at 50kg 2 weeks ago.
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prunetoo · 2 years
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What can I say, it’s clementine season !
1. Rice with 1 boiled egg (without the yolk) cucumber and tomatoes with Diet Coke ≈ 158 kcal
2. 2 boiled eggs, cucumber and tomatoes and a clementine ≈ 97 kcal
3. Low fat raspberry yogurt, digestive biscuit crumbs, half a clementine with a Vichy candy ≈ 137 kcal
4. Clémentine, 2 boiled eggs (took out the yolks after), tiny bit of granola with 3 almonds and goat cheese that I didn’t eat ≈ 115
5. Tea with clementine ≈ 34 kcal
6. Tea with a whole banana, 1 boiled eggs (didn’t eat the yolk) and a clementine ≈ 185 kcal
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prunetoo · 2 years
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2 pictures I found on some 2017 edtumblr account lol
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prunetoo · 2 years
This past week has been so chaotic, had to leave my sister’s house in a hurry because of family issues (again) and now we’re all living together :)
I’ve been eating like shit and I weighted myself one night (I know you’re not supposed to) and saw 52kgs. Now I know that’s not my actual weight cuz it was at the end of the day right after I had eaten dinner but I’ve been obsessing over it like crazy.
I go on daily runs now and can last 15 minutes, I burn around 135cals every time and at night I go to my local park with my brother in law to work out. I’m *secretly* following the egg diet, swapping out the bananas for something lighter like a clementine or rice cakes so that I can still eat something at dinner without looking suspicious to my family
It’s hard and I’m tired of this but hey I’m trying my best
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prunetoo · 2 years
Took a long ass break my bad
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prunetoo · 2 years
Daily check in
Didn’t do quite good today…. i broke my 16/7 fast by eating 1/3 banana this morning. On the train I had my wrap (I made it super light; only 144cals) but then, it all went downhill.
Ate an entire banana, 3 boiled eggs, 2 granola bars, 1 sugar cookie, Diet Coke, the little chocolate they give u with coffee yk😐
When we got to my sister’s house I had kimchi rice noodles and another boiled egg and lastly the tiniest piece of frangipane tart 💀
I want to off myself
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prunetoo · 2 years
this is my motivation to not fuck up with food
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prunetoo · 2 years
Daily check in
I didn’t do good today :’( Started off with the wrap I posted yesterday, just added some diced tomatoes. Was planning on adding these vegan nuggets but didn’t in the end (good cuz otherwise it would have made the wrap over 300 cals) Ate 50g of tiny pickles (under 10 cals) and 2 rice cakes (each 25 cals) That rounds up to 300 cals but since it’s not an exact science let’s make that 350 cals.
I went on two walks today. A rather short one with my dog (2k steps) and another one by myself to go get a package, obviously took the long way there (3k steps) 5k steps ≈ 180 cals
Ate an apple (60 cals) and a granola bar (82 cals) before working out. I did a 45 minute walking workout, the one by Emi Wong. Apparently you burn off more than 200cals but I really don’t think I did. On Yazio it says I burned off 150 cals, that sounds a lot more "accurate".
Ending the day between 200-300 cals. I aimed for lower… I have so much to do tomorrow, I’ll be too distracted to think about food.
Anyway that’s pretty much it
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prunetoo · 2 years
Wanted to add all of this to my daily check in but I figured it would have made it too long :)
I’m leaving on Thursday to visit my sister (+brother in law and nephew) for 5 days, absolutely terrified rn lolll. They’re vegetarians like me but they eat lmaooo
No but seriously they eat so much food and their love language is DEFINITELY cooking for other people, don’t know how I’m gonna manage to lie to them. That’s why I gotta get down to 48.5kgs before I leave, that way it’s okay if I put on a bit of weight I guess. Good news is they have a scale so I can also keep track.
So if anyone has good excuses, please for the live of god let me know <333
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prunetoo · 2 years
Daily check in
Didn’t eat a whole lot today, first meal was the wrap that I posted and then half an apple + some biscuits. Probably rounded up to 330cals.
Went shopping with my mum, got past the urge to buy a cookie with her 💪🏻 I walked 3791 steps today (clearly not enough oh well) so about 110cals burned off. Under 300cals total is pretty good for the start of the year :)))
Tomorrow I’ll be all alone yayyyy
That means I can go on walks as many times as I want, can walk around the house for hours and most importantly not eat :)
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