psychtrainee · 3 years
I handed in my lanyard today (and accidentally left my brain badge on it) - but that's it. A level and GCSE results days were the last reasons for me to go into school. I helped out the trainee (or now NQT) with her classroom layout and said goodbye.
In the last few weeks, I've finally understood IB (after reading the wrong version specification for weeks) and I've made a detailed plan for the year. I just need to plan the lessons and move my stuff into the classroom, but I'll do that after the induction days at the end of August.
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psychtrainee · 3 years
1 month left
TAGs are finally over, and despite being organised the exams officers decided to dispute my grades 3 days before the deadline and asked for evidence from the exams board that said I could award the chosen grades. Evidence found and ignored, because it would prove her wrong and she happily CC'd in SLT with her demands. I can't wait to be rid of this drama, although I know there will be new drama in September.
Tomorrow, I'm officially 'handing over' to my replacement and I have one more day in the new school before the induction days in August. It's slowly becoming real - One month left and mocks to mark, coursework to mark, UCAS references to write and online taster days to host. I really can't be bothered.
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psychtrainee · 3 years
Last week I was officially replaced by not one, but two teachers. I find this funny for two reasons, firstly they denied my pay increase because they couldn't afford it but are now paying a lot more to hire these two people instead, and secondly, I said I would get my trainee a job but didn't think it would be mine.
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psychtrainee · 3 years
The longest wait.
So, in the last month, I've applied for a Head of Psychology job at a school that I enquired about starting the subject in Jan 2020. They finally advertised this month, and I applied immediately, then waited 2 weeks for the vacancy to close, then another week to be invited to interview and a whole two days to be called on a Sunday evening and offered the job. It hasn't quite sunk in but wow, that was a stressful month of waiting and psyching my self in and out of the job.
From September, I will be starting a new department in an Independent School, where I'll teach A level and IB Psychology to students who pay nearly as much to attend the school in one year, as I get paid.
I'm not looking forward to telling Year 12 students, but know that they will move on and adapt.
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psychtrainee · 3 years
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2. https://visualwisdom.substack.com/p/the-dunning-kruger-effect-the-taste
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psychtrainee · 3 years
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psychtrainee · 3 years
Teachers are the worst students
I want to vent. Firstly, the M.Ed is going great, I got a first on my presentation and I'm pretty sure my assignment will score highly too considering it's been used as a model throughout our video sessions and I've submitted 4 weeks early. What annoys me is the other 'students' on the course, who are all teachers, who are using every excuse to explain why they're behind or unable to do as well - worse than students, pity party. Anyway, I’m now considering self-funding a PhD after this and have asked my Lecturer about routes and guidance after my course! 
Secondly, we’ve been online teaching for 4 weeks now, yet some people are still crying and complaining on Twitter. We expect students to adapt faster than this, yet grown ass adults are struggling to use the internet and search for guidance on how to use Teams. What’s more annoying is when you offer support or solutions and these people are refusing to accept it - you can only help those who are willing to be helped. 
Lastly, the colleague who was absent in September is absent again. He was back for one term and is on mental health leave, but is blaming his car breaking down and many other situational factors as a reason for not online teaching - you don’t need a car to deliver lessons from your own house? 
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psychtrainee · 3 years
To sum up the last few months; printing out my slides for students has to be the most expensive, time saving idea I've had; I'm 100% invested in teaching students cognitive science prior any learning takes place; I'll definitely get my promotion or TLR next year and my trainee is sassy when she doesn't get her own way and had to self-isolate, ending her placement early. A lesson for all trainees - you're a trainee, your mentor is there to help you learn for a reason.
I have no idea how January will go, despite the announcement yesterday. Still unsure if I'm teaching next week and who/how. But that's Mondays problem I guess.
Will I find a new job for September? Unsure. Let's seek if the school I've had my eye on recruits.
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psychtrainee · 4 years
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psychtrainee · 4 years
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psychtrainee · 4 years
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psych dump.
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psychtrainee · 4 years
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psychtrainee · 4 years
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psychtrainee · 4 years
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psychtrainee · 4 years
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psychtrainee · 4 years
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psychtrainee · 4 years
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