pupyr0arz · 14 minutes
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Random notes to self.
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pupyr0arz · 1 hour
I acknowledge shuro’s reasons to dislike Laois and that he’s a complex character, I still hate him, and I hate meshi fans who hate on him for stupid reasons (and racism) so I have to defend him. Stop making me defend him!!!
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pupyr0arz · 1 hour
the real difference between falin and Laois is that she’s quieter! She’s also weird! Shuro specifically said he enjoyed how she found beauty in the weirdness of things and Laois canonically hid his want for eating monsters a lot before so they probably showed similar levels of interest!!! And pointing this out isn’t fabricating misandary it’s discussing ableism and misogyny! Weird people are only weird when I can’t fuck them then they’re perfect dolls who shouldn’t show any more interests in the things they like or they’ll be too weird!!
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pupyr0arz · 3 hours
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Alejandro Zambra, Ways of Going Home (translated by Megan McDowell)
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pupyr0arz · 3 hours
No one told me there were weird gays in the sonic movies!!!
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pupyr0arz · 4 hours
king price/assassin gaz speaks to me. Do you see my vision.
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pupyr0arz · 6 hours
How Price Actually looks
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How Price looks according to the fandom
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pupyr0arz · 7 hours
anyways king/soldier au. Roachghoap
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pupyr0arz · 7 hours
That one jdm gif of him jacking off in that bathtub.
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pupyr0arz · 7 hours
write bad fanfic. write mediocre fanfic. write fanfic that a thousand people before you have already written. write niche fanfic. write fanfic that only a few people will read or understand. write fanfic just for you. write fanfic just for a friend. write ocs. write self-inserts. the fact that you’re taking the time and energy to put your ideas into the world is amazing and people who shame you for it need to find better ways to spend their time.
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pupyr0arz · 19 hours
sorry I’ve been rlly busy irl and while I did meet my week goal of 4k a day after that I rlly did naught have time or a load of motivation 2 write hm.
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pupyr0arz · 6 days
He is SO jealous of that baby
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pupyr0arz · 6 days
I missed kripke’s music cues man
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pupyr0arz · 7 days
finished beastars (manga). The first gun pull, goddamn. What a wild ride! I loved the ending. The Komodo dragon clan guys were super cute. I like Haru a lot and I will defend Kyuu to my dying breath. It was super interesting I’d recommend it
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pupyr0arz · 8 days
note: am v aware i have horrible taste lol
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pupyr0arz · 8 days
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Broke: having König instead of Gaz in the 141
Woke: König and Gaz are both there and become besties
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pupyr0arz · 9 days
’It’s taking pride in the absolute bare minimum, and really you shouldn’t be considering yourself on such a pedestal for so little. But realistically, how many alphas actually follow through with it? In the military, no less? Really, you respect Price to hell and back for working through it and all the issues he must’ve swamped through. Bowing your head and tucking your chin for orders with no fuss is the least you can do. And if you’re taking a minute too long when scenting him after a mission, you’re just making sure he settles properly. ‘Megas need special care and you just want your captain to be happy and healthy. But if your eyes wander a bit during training, you’re only a man.’
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