purbsi · 4 hours
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purbsi · 4 hours
… did Jonny just say Spider-Man's web formula has asbestos in it
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purbsi · 5 hours
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*bleeding to death because the paramedics can’t break the windows to get me out of my stupid fucking truck* heha well at least i dont have to worry about the friggin Zombie Apocalypse… awesomesauce 😎
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purbsi · 6 hours
burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
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purbsi · 9 hours
agreed but I do have to add that if specifically *Jason* punched him that I would have Dick dodge and then punch back, without a blink nor heartbeat between punches. Jason can do what he wants between being on the ground or catching Dick's fist, but Dick speaks coolly into the pause:
"I at least expected *you* to understand what it's like to have circumstance be forced on you. Guess I was wrong."
and then he disengages and leaves.
everytime i read a post spyral fic where the family treats dick horribly and he doesn’t stand up for himself, choosing to become a doormat instead, I GET SO ENRAGED!!! why the fuck is he crying and not fighting back?? he didnt choose any of this. he was beaten right after he woke up from a coma, he was forced into it??? why is he taking all of their shit lying down?? jason punches him? PUNCH HIM BACK???? tim is indifferent?? return the fucking favour???? ffs he’s not a pathetic sobbing mess, he’s dick fucking grayson!?
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purbsi · 18 hours
You're not more angry/violent/bitchy/stubborn since you've started HRT.
You've just stopped ceding to everyone else's demands. You've made with yourself the same covenant that I have since being on T and seeing my body finally becoming mine. You - whether silently or not - have told yourself that you will live as the more authentic version of yourself that you see in the mirror. Your personality has not changed. You are simply taking mental space that other people are not used to you taking. Do not stop taking that space. It is - and was always - yours. If the people around you can't accept that you are claiming the space that you should have always had, then you should not force yourself to be in a room where you do not fit.
I can't promise it will get better if you're suffering, but I can promise that pursuing your true inner self (as long as you're not harming anyone else) is worth the experience.
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purbsi · 23 hours
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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purbsi · 1 day
okay but also the teacher just outed himself as a Neko Atsume enjoyers and that's super cute
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purbsi · 1 day
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everyone say it with me: THANK YOU TRAVIS MOORE!
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purbsi · 1 day
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purbsi · 1 day
To summarise:
Satine Kryze did nothing wrong ever and I love her
Bo-Katan Kryze did everything wrong ever and I love her
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purbsi · 1 day
”batman isnt emotional” he sobbed on the top of a building because he knew everyone in his city was safe
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purbsi · 1 day
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realized I can draw whatever I want
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purbsi · 1 day
but he notices that it's not stiff or decayed. it does look a bit pale, but… it looks a bit pale in the same way a white person who just did yarkword for 6 hours in the rain might. Bruce is shaken a little. He touches the body. It's real but… it has a little warmth to it. He takes off his Bat watch and puts it on Jason for more data. A temperature that's slightly cold but not entirely unhealthy, a healthy blood pressure… a pulse.
Holy shit he's alive.
He turns quickly to see if anyone else is there, if there is a witness, but… he turns back around and Jason is gone. Putting the watch on him had woken him up but he pretended to be asleep still because he wasn't in a condition for whatever being concious in front of Bruce would mean.
Bruce chalks it up to having been some kind of dream.
If he had just looked behind the couch he would have found Jason.
Jason comes back from the dead and, as he's still a bit out of it, heads to the manor.
Crawling straight up through six feet of compacted earth is hard, especially after waking up suddenly in a coffin, so after he makes it inside, he sits down to rest on the couch.
And immediately falls asleep.
Hours later, Bruce returns home to find Jason's body, covered in dirt, dug up from the grave and left on his couch.
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purbsi · 2 days
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Dogs have had many jobs throughout history, in this case: Revenge.
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purbsi · 2 days
People who insist on shipping Obi-Wan with every Mandalorian (and clone) EXCEPT the one he canonically had romance with: I think maybe you don't respect this character you claim to love.
You're like the mom who keeps trying to set up their kid with the daughter of one of the nice ladies from church while he keeps TELLING YOU he already has a girlfriend. Strong r/justnoMIL vibes.
I mean, you don't have to love her, just respect that he actually does?
EDIT: to be clear, this is very much intertwined with the issue of refusing to respect Obi-Wan's own perspective on Satine's politics and Mandalorian culture. They bicker, yes, but respect and understanding are baked into their discussions and it's aggravating to see people write Obi-Wan dismissing her as a naive idealist who doesn't understand or respect her own people.
This post isn't really about shipping so much as the way that people's dislike of Satine results in them butchering not only her, but Obi-Wan too.
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purbsi · 2 days
you’re not any less transphobic if you’re just bigoted towards non binary people.
non binary people are no less trans than anyone else and i’m pretty sick of people attempting to justify harassing kids for “making up genders”, please go away and get caught in a bramble bush
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