raidingyourheart · 6 years
(I might potentially be coming back to this blog ! )
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
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am I doing this right
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
(A little blog maintenance;;  I plan to have a navigation page up for mobile users once I have the time, but currently some links that may be helpful-- my masterlist can be found here, and the list of characters I’m open to writing for is here. I can do more than just the standard companions! 
+ When requesting, the fewer characters there are the quicker I can complete the post and the more I can dedicate to each. Adding specifics also helps me build off something rather than set the scene myself. I don’t mind it either way ♡ just thought it should be noted. Likewise, requests and my askbox are currently open.)
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
Companions react to the SS going full Assassin's Creed on the city of Boston .
(I kept Gage within Nuka World because Cappy’s Treehouse looks like a fun thing to attempt to climb)
Companions react to the Sole Survivor scaling Boston. 
◖   Dogmeat gave a whine of discontent the moment the survivor mounted the side of a wall, unable to follow them across the eroded edge, which they skillfully stalked across as though balance were merely an afterthought. He trotted along the length of it, sticking close to where the other walked overhead, the hesitant beginning of a bark sounding in his throat. He may not like the separation much, but he’d follow as far as he could; as long as he could.
◖   Throwing her hands up indignantly, Piper watched Blue make it to the second floor of the near collapsed apartment complex with little more trouble than a slightly slip of their boot against crumbling brick. ❝Damn it…❞ it wasn’t meant as much as it was a habit of frustration, the reporter cupping a hand near her mouth so she could make herself heard. ❝At least wait for me! Some of us still have to use the stairs, you know. If there are any left intact–❞
◖   Codsworth teetered to a halt at the ledge, programming mimicking shock the moment that the survivor didn’t stop at all, smoothly kicking off the ground and rolling when they landed to the lower level, jumping back up effortlessly. ❝By Jove, when did you learn to do a thing like that?❞ It would have made a good party trick at the neighborhood barbecues, if it had been… two centuries prior.
◖   He could appreciate the skill, but scaling the wooden exterior of the Minutemen posted church for a potential view ( if one could see past the fog that was collecting around the ruins of the city ) seemed a bit of a falling risk. Preston tipped his hat up to keep the General in sight, the blue of their jacket against the stagnant, grey sky making a stark contrast, and though their eyes were turned to the horizon in the distance, he could feel the gleam they always carried. Despite the childish eagerness of it, he flashed a smile and motioned a wide wave of his hand when they turned his way again. 
◖   Cait grinned at the display, swiping out her hand to catch the vault dweller by their ankle when they went to climb the banister to reach the second floor. A quick, playful tug was all it took to throw them off balance. Watching them flail was almost worth getting slammed by their falling body, both parties ending up on the floor in an awkward tangle of limbs, one laughing hysterically. 
◖   ❝If you go plunging into that water, I can’t say how reliable this old bucket of bolts would be in fishing you back out,❞ Nick rested his arms on the short wall of the bridge, peering down at the other party, who was making their way up from where they had been standing on the shore, trapped in by the canal’s stone sides. ❝Steady,❞ the synth advised lightly, offering his good hand out on merit. Gloved fingers clasped across warm skin, the two ending up on level ground. With a nod of affirmation, he dropped his hand from theirs, ❝After all this traveling together, I almost thought you were out of surprises. Guess not.❞
◖   ❝I could raise you one better,❞ MacCready spoke between a boast and a bluff, sure of himself in being able to make the gap that his employer had just vaulted across, but unsure if he’d be able to stop short enough to keep from plummeting off the one that came directly after, ❝if I felt reckless enough. Lucky for you, I’m erring on the side of caution today. Almost getting shot half an hour ago really helped that decision.❞
◖   It was a game of point–climb. Deacon took his time looking over the tops of his sunglasses, finger waving back and forth in the air in indecision until he settled with a decorative ledge on one of the lower floors of an office building. ❝Can you make it up there without busting your ass?❞ he clapped Charmer on their back, urging them forward. ❝God… Glory is going to think I’m lying through my teeth when I tell her this– Bright side! Setting up MILAs just got easier, yeah?❞
◖   Fresh off Jet, it didn’t appear difficult. Hancock eyed the path that the vault dweller had just taken, gauging it up to be two quick steps and a kick off. He was fast on the first, slow on the second, and on what was supposed to be a triumphant launch ( he already had his best smile in place ), the tail of his coat caught on a jagged piece of railing. His fall from grace was literal, ending with him face first on the cracked sidewalk and a worried survivor knelt by his side. 
◖   There was little chance that beam would hold a full set of power armor and the soldier within it. Danse looked on stiffly from the floor of the warehouse, hands occasionally moving at his sides as though he wanted to reach out and catch them, especially when their footwork wavered dangerously. ❝If you haven’t scouted anything useful by now, it may be wise to return to the ground floor. I hope I don’t find you attempting to climb the interior of the Prydwen, soldier…❞ Nervous was an understatement to his tone. 
◖   Curie gave a polite round of applause, face lit up. ❝Oh? How fun!❞ she cheered from her spot at the base of the building, content with watching from below. She wasn’t sure if activity like that was even in her new body’s programming. ❝I believe that this would be when it’s appropriate to ask… What was it? How is the weather up there?❞
◖   ❝I’ve severely underestimated how capable you really are,❞ X6-88 caught up with his charge, taking a similar route up the wall onto the landing. In comparison, their movements made his look heavy and rashly coordinated, and behind his shades, the courser’s eyes glinted, impressed yet guarded. ❝But Father wouldn’t have allowed you this much access if you hadn’t been, I suppose.❞
◖   ❝I bet ya that we could find a Pack member dumb enough to try to get up there,❞ Gage drawled behind a cigarette, ❝or an Operator to fix the lift… but the first one sounds more fun, don’t it, boss?❞ He hadn’t expected an answer, the Overboss’ gaze being focused and near distant, but he also hadn’t expected them to draw their knife and plunge it into the ❛trunk❜ of the Safari Adventure’s center attraction. 
       ❝Eh– won’t lie here, if you fall, I’m willin’ to laugh before hauling you back to Nuka-Town to get you patched up,❞ he was stuck staring at their backside ( he hadn’t a verdict on it just yet ) as they made slow and steady progress up the base. Gnarled spots in the wood, probably meant for decoration, served as footholds, but the raider wouldn’t trust it if his life depended on it. He could say the same about his boss, especially if they were this fanatic over– what was it? A dull little medallion? Christ’s sake…
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
(OOC;; After completely blanking on my log in information for two weeks, I’ve returned. I’m going to update the masterlist and requests page and work from there!)
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
Companions react to the (Female) Sole Survivor impressing them. // Part 2
◖   Hancock assumed he was going to have to step in. He had already dispatched Finn on account of this woman, what were two more? Still, Nora tended to call the shots in their little arrangement, and not once had she turned around looking for his help. His fingers had found the hilt of his knife regardless, something that made one of the men standing opposite of him shift nervously. Good.
     He watched her set on hand on her hip, the other animate in gesturing to the pair of scavengers just where they could ❝bug off❞ to. All he could see was her backside ( it wasn’t a complaint ), but he pictured the fire she must have in her eyes. Her tone alone was scalding. He liked it, and even more so when it caused the less-than-pleasant duo to turn and scatter, proverbial tails between their legs in defeat.
     ❝Well, goddamn, sister,❞ he made a show of giving her a mock round of applause, finally stepping forward. ❝You handled your own and then some. Where have you been hiding those teeth all this time?❞
◖   Danse dropped two screws into Nora’s hand upon request. It had been like this for the past half hour. Hand over parts, engage in small talk, and examine the weapons she was modifying. Her movements were deft, with little error. The few times she slipped up, and a screw or coil of copper would hit the floor, he would be there to retrieve it. In return he was given a little smile, and he found he was looking forward to the sound of metal bouncing against the concrete below them. 
     ❝Outstanding,❞ he hadn’t meant to say it, and he wasn’t even sure why he did. It had become a force of habit, almost like programming. Nora blinked, standing back from the workbench. Her silence demanded some sort of follow-up, and he swallowed thickly. ❝Your capability, soldier. I’m pleased to see someone excel at such a. . . useful craft.❞
      ❝Oh? Would you like me to build you something pretty next?❞ she joked, mirth in her tone and a glimmer to her eyes. 
      ❝I wouldn’t be opposed if you’d like to make some adjustments to my power armor, by Brotherhood regulation, of course,❞ he coughed to clear his throat, noting how her shoulders shrugged as she seemed to sigh, the glimmer replaced with a light roll of her eyes. He had apparently failed at the ‘wooing’ portion of this interaction. 
◖   Generosity was fleeting in the Commonwealth. The mindset of taking as much as given and then some, never blinking back, was triggered by survival instinct. But Curie hadn’t been made to rely on selfishness, or see the practicality of it in others. Nora walked like a saint in the synth’s eyes on virtue alone.
      One ragged plea from the scavenger propped up weakly in the dunes of the beach was all it took for Nora to scrounge up a stimpack from her bag, offering it out with only a few seconds of hesitation. Occasionally raiders played the game of baiting, and she’d prefer not to fall into that trap. Hardware Town was enough of a lesson. The man she had helped took to his knees, hunching forward to keep the needle of the stim balanced against his side, managing a grated but grateful, ❝Bless your soul.❞
      [Curie liked that.]
      Nora turned to meet her companion, whose hands were folded in front of her in a fairly nervous fashion. Synths seemed to pick up habits from humans without even realizing it. The survivor gave her a smile in return, one brow arched to prompt an explanation from the other. 
      [Curie idolizes you.]
      ❝Madame, when we’ve returned to safety, may I have a moment, please?❞
◖   Pursuit was simply a natural desire-- and a programmed one. X6-88 was created for it, modeled to feel rewarded after a hunt, but he supposed the respect he had for others ( the ones that got away, the apex predators, the fighters ) was something not initially meant to be. Respect for Father was necessary. Respect for Nora was. . . Earned. 
      If that’s all it was. 
      Again and again, she would complete the task assigned, inevitably having him at her side, and each time she would look to him with a tilted head as though she were waiting for approval. He was the subordinate. His opinion should be of little value outside of ❝yes❞ or ❝no❞ to an order, and yet she asked his thoughts as though conversation meant something. 
      Nora was peering down at her Pip-Boy, scrolling through the DATA section with furrowed brows. Normally he would assure her that everything had been completed, but he knew she preferred to sure twice over. On some whim, the courser reached out, fingers briefly touching under the bold 111 of her vault suit, quickly dropping as though he’d done something wrong. If it had meant to be a pat on the back for a job well done; it hadn’t looked like it. 
      ❝You were. . . effective, ma’am.❞
◖   There she went again. Overboss, indeed. Gage shifted, trying to keep his presence known to the Disciple Scavvers in case one of them decided to get bright and take a swing at Nora. 
     It was no surprise. Less parks given out to a certain gang meant less holding back when something snappy came to mind. He’d heard enough of it the first day-- Death threats, mocking, a few of the Disciple girls even hissed. Apparently, Nora was a creature of patience until today. 
      Here was a woman he could get behind. In his own words, a ❝take-no-shit kinda gal.❞ And so when she got them to cower back, he grinned. It was the first thing she saw when she turned back around, followed promptly with, ❝Watching you work is becoming my new favorite hobby, boss.❞
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
(OOC;; I really appreciate the 200+ followers! I wasn’t expecting to get here so quickly. Thank you all for being patient  ♡ )
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
Companions with a crush react to a fem!SS doing something that impresses them (BTW Your writing is so amazing 💘)
(Thank you so much! I made this a mix of physical actions and general admiration for character. Part 2 with the rest of the companions is slightly delayed because I still have a few to do, but it will follow shortly!)
Companions react to the (Female) Sole Survivor impressing them. // Part 1
◖   ❝Do you need me to get that?❞ Piper’s head tilted to the side, trying to get a better view of how Nora was doing with the lock to the safe. Two bobby pins snapped already, the current one bending under the strain of being forced this way and that. There was no answer, but the silence read as one, big ❝no.❞
      The journalist’s hands went to her pockets, eyes glancing back at Nora’s face, which was etched with concentration and… frustration. Piper liked to read people just like she read books, only the latter was more accepted since it didn’t involve a constant staring. But Nora didn’t seem to notice her habit, that was until Piper found herself chest-to-chest with the vault dweller, who had finished the lock and raided the contents of the safe already. 
      ❝All done?❞ the question was rhetoric, but Nora still nodded, giving her companion the smallest hint of a smile. ❝Color me impressed, Blue. You may just end up teaching me a thing or two. And I’m supposed to be the nosy one.❞
◖   Preston made his third round across the street of Sanctuary Hills. Again, his footfalls slowed, boots becoming quiet as they pressed to the asphalt. Nora had her back to him, leaned up against the post that supported the awning of her old home. Sturges was to her right, hammer loosely gripped as he paused from putting a metal plate back in place on the wall, and in front of her was Mama Murphy. The conversation was casual, but every few moments Nora laughed, and the sound alone pulled a smile onto the Minuteman’s face. 
      He’d like to join them ( to at least join Nora ), but obligation called and the turrets weren’t yet set up, and he’d fight tooth and nail to keep Sanctuary safe. After Quincy, this was what he had– It’s what he had built, with the rest of the Minutemen, with Nora, and that alone was reason to hold on to it. He supposed they were more similar than he thought, both working up from past wreckage, and he admired it. Admired her. 
      And suddenly she was looking at him, bright eyes and arched brows, as though she was welcoming him forward. He faltered, tipping the brim of his hat down, managing a reserved, ❝Just passing by, General. Maybe I can stop to chat on my next round.❞ Fourth time’s the charm, hopefully. 
◖   Adrenaline wasn’t the only thing keeping her blood hot. Cait flashed a Cheshire grin, focus partly on Nora and mainly on not taking a pipe wrench to the face. Another raider taunted the two from behind the busted wall, head appearing for mere seconds before Nora took a shot, missing but successfully sending him running for cover. 
      Cait’s knuckles cracked again the jaw of the waster who swung at her, knocking them off their feet and into a table where they stayed. She made a show of flexing her arm, leg posed out in a broad stance as though she had just won a ring fight. Nora rolled her eyes, going back to peering down the sights of her rifle. 
      ❝Damn, do I love watchin’ ya fight,❞ the redhead beamed. ❝Makes me wish you’d take me up on that sparring offer. But we can talk that after we’re somewhere bullet-free, yeah?❞
◖   The glow of the terminal was harsh, bringing out the sharpness of Nora’s eyes. They narrowed once again, and Nick heard the quiet sound of a guessed password being incorrect. She exhaled in frustration, tugging on her own lip between her teeth. ❝I’ll get it,❞ she insisted, more to herself than him, but he found himself nodding nonetheless. 
      ❝There aren’t many machines you can’t charm, so my bets are on you, doll,❞ the synth answered idly. ❝But if I can lend a hand–❞
      The password accepted, and in a few moments there was a click of the door being unbolted by command. Nora leaned back in triumph, shutting off the terminal with a satisfying ‘click’. ❝My offer still stands,❞ Nick reached out, pushing the door open for her. For a brief second they were side to side, and if there wasn’t anything pumping in him other than coolant he was sure his heart would be pounding, but they hadn’t the time to linger, and so he let her pass without a word. 
◖   Holed up in a rickety sniper’s nest wasn’t ideal, but MacCready wasn’t about to risk moving out when he didn’t know how many they were up against. He could hear Nora shift behind him, his own body still as he tried to steady his sights. 
      ❝I can make this shot,❞ she whispered, ❝just stay put.❞
     Her body pressed against his back, and in that moment he could feel every breath she took, even and planned to avoid leading the bullet astray when fired. She was using him as a stand. A complaint found its way to the tip of his tongue out of habit, the discomfort of the gun bearing down on his shoulder provoking an expression of annoyance. It silenced as a sigh brushed past his ear, a pleasant shiver running down his spine. 
      And then she fired. 
      A hit. He felt her shift, tension easing as she instead rested against him, her rifle lowering to the side. ❝If you manage to do that a few more times, I’d say we have a good chance of getting out of here,❞ the ex-gunner tried to speak over his shoulder, head turned only to be met with a closeness he hadn’t anticipated. He paused, accidentally sucking air in through his teeth, prompting an awkward cough and quick retreat towards the front of the stand, ears burning. ❝And let’s try not to get distracted.❞ 
◖   Desdemona was an intimidating woman, lightly put. She commanded respect, and honesty. Deacon could lie to her only because it was second nature, and even then she had a good chance of picking it apart. 
      But, Charmer had chosen her name for a reason, and that reason had her lying through her teeth to the Railroad’s boss. 
      It was a lie for the greater good. His greater good. It’d spare him a scolding on ‘unnecessary risks’, and have him and Nora one step closer to being back in the field. The sweetest thing about that thought was that they’d be alone ( and away from Carrington’s nagging or god forbid, Tinker Tom trying to shove another MILA into their arms ), and he could finally relax. 
      ❝Look at you,❞ he kept his expression neutral, but his eyes gleamed from behind his sunglasses as Nora passed by him. ❝Should I be worried you’re going to put me out of business as the company’s favorite silver tongue?❞
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
More Piper?
(I wasn’t exactly sure what content you were looking for, so I went with a little drabble as I have a Piper Headcanons post also coming out shortly. Feel free to request specifics!)
Cynosure // a person or thing that is the center of attention or admiration 
      It was enthralling, how someone could command an area without even opening their mouth. Burdened shoulders bent beneath the blue vault suit, accommodating the barrel of a rifle as the Sole Survivor worked to dismantle and clean the weapon. Piper watched as the stock drug itself across the ground, making another line the dust, forcefully returned to its original position seconds after. There were four lines in the dirt now– she predicted the job would be done at six. 
      Sanctuary Hills moved around the two, settlers tending to crops and water pumps, and Minutemen guards tipping their militia hats at the brims to their General ( and by extension, her, though she knew she wouldn’t be given the time of day if not for her constant spot at the vault dweller’s side ). There was a mechanical aspect to the settlement’s schedule– supply, prepare, repeat. Having grown up on a settlement herself, Piper knew that threats came as quickly as sunset. 
      And the survivor knew it too. 
      The journalist assumed that was why they seemed so unapproachable, distant, when they busied themselves like this. With other tasks, they smiled, like when they had built a chair for Mama Murphy, or finally succeeded at getting a large generator running. But this was methodical, pure survival, not social–
      ❝You’ve gotten quicker,❞ she commented as they stood, slinging the rifle over their back with the leather strap attached pressed tightly into their chest. ❝More… systematic.❞ It had taken them five lines, not six. 
      ❝It becomes easier,❞ was the weary reply, one followed by a short shrug. ❝And not just the gun cleaning.❞
      ❝Adapting, it’s how you… we get by,❞ Piper’s eyes darted to the side, tracing the faint outline of a print, no doubt from Dogmeat when he had bounded laps around the settlement earlier, before they found their way back to their preferred target. ❝And I think we get by just fine, you and me.❞
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      There was the smile, the pre-war smile, the one that left her at a loss for words, something she viewed as an achievement. The Sole Survivor laughed through their teeth, an eyebrow arching, ❝We’re a dynamic duo now, huh?❞
      ❝I think we were the moment I got you into Diamond City.❞
      ❝Piper– I got you into Diamond City, if I remember correctly.❞
      She threw her hands up in defeat, ❝Back in, actually, but alright, Blue, alright. Fair enough. However we’re going to look at it, I’m just,❞ a pause, ❝glad it happened. I forgot how much I needed someone to watch my back, and how nice it feels to watch someone else’s– That sounded wrong, and it’s not what I meant, I promise-❞
      ❝Vault suits do wonders for the figure, right?❞ they relented in their teasing slightly, throwing one arm around her shoulders. Whether they didn’t notice, or chose to ignore, the flush of her skin all the way up to the tips of her ears, she was grateful regardless. 
      ❝All I wanted to say is that we’re doing good out here, real good, and,❞ you’re ❝that’s important to me. Okay, that’s that, uh… Is it hot suddenly? I think I may go pay Buddy a visit and see if he has anything cold stored up, if you’d like to join me. I still want that exclusive on how the Minutemen are doing these days.❞
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
Romanced Nick Valentine hcs? (Love your blog!)
Romanced Nick Valentine Headcanons ( ⅰ. )
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❥ ) Nick is a sucker for hand holding. The simplicity of it, the timelessness, the innocent romance and implication that there is someone to walk besides is infinitely comforting to him. He may never be able to feel flesh upon flesh, not like he recalls in his memories, but the pressure of fingers hooked between his own is as close as he’ll get, and likewise, good enough. He prefers it to be his left hand, and will insist on it almost fanatically. His right hand is cold, skeletal, more proof that he isn’t human, and further doubt that he can’t actually feel– that everything is just habit from the the old Nick. 
❥ ) He’s quick to offer his coat to his partner, whether at the first breeze across the wasteland or a draft in an old building. If bunking down for the night away from home, he prefers they use it as a makeshift blanket or pillow. 
❥ ) Hubflower bouquets. 
❥ ) He’s not all soft edges and warmth, so hugging/cuddling is something he has to work on accepting without initial hesitation. 
❥ ) Nick believes in date nights– planning, dressing up, taking the time. It’s an idea that he’s slow to propose, because while he may be Nick the Detective, he’s still, and will always be, Nick the Synth in the eyes of Diamond City. Though, he’s willing to endure a few edged glares from Myrna for the chance to make his partner smile. 
❥ ) Affectionate terms include ❝sweetheart,❞ ❝doll,❞ and ❝honey,❞ as well as ❝little lady❞ or ❝mister❞ depending.
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
You should do someMacCready and Hancock head canons! :0 Btw, you’re writing is amazing??? And the detail is stellar! Love ya!!
(Aaaah– Thank you so much, lovely! I take the compliments to heart ♡ )
MacCready Headcanons ( ⅰ. )
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✯ ) MacCready ( canonly ) has damaged teeth. They bother him more than he lets on, and he’s learned to smile mostly with his lips and eyes instead. His full grin is a little lopsided. 
✯ ) He doesn’t like dog-earring pages of comic books when he’s reading them. He prefers to use a thin, worn strip of leather as a makeshift bookmark instead. 
✯ ) He’ll never use the bullets on his hat. It’s a strange sentiment to have, but he’s never taken them off before, and with everything changing so rapidly, he’d like to have something that doesn’t, even if it’s a small detail. 
✯ ) MacCready has attempted to learn to sew so he can save his jacket from becoming complete tatters, but he just ends up with bloody fingers and loose threads. He’ll forever be one sleeve down. 
✯/❥ ) When settling down for the night outside of a secure location/settlement, he prefers to sleep sitting propped up against something, preferably with his gun in reach. If romanced, he can be convinced to curl up next to his partner. He enjoys the shared body heat. 
 ❥ ) He likes being kissed on his jaw and neck, but shies away from pressure on his actual throat. 
 ❥ ) He’s confident that he can carry you bridal style. Trust his word at your own discretion, as there’s a chance he’ll accidentally drop you. He’s trying his best. 
Hancock Headcanons ( ⅰ. )
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✯ ) John Hancock is extremely paranoid about people changing. It goes beyond the Commonwealth fear of your loved ones being replaced by a synth, although he has reason for that as well. There’s something daunting about not recognizing a familiar face, not just in expression, but in the way their eyes are set, or their mouth curves, that signals some shift in personality– and in his case, this usually isn’t a positive thing. 
✯ ) He’s befriended the majority of Goodneighbor’s Neighborhood Watch, especially the ones that set up their posts inside the Old State House. Despite the people of Goodneighbor often being out for themselves and protecting solely what’s theirs, the Watch has an impressive amount of loyalty to their Mayor. Sometimes Hancock will drink with them in the Third Rail. He’s tried to have Ham tag along, but the bouncer bluntly refused. Duty first, right? 
✯ ) Hancock used to have his ears pierced, but when his ghoulification started, they did more harm than good. He has an appreciation for piercings and tattoos, even if he himself can’t get them for the sake of saving some skin. 
 ❥ ) He dreads the day that his partner falls out of love with him, because he can’t see it not happening. 
 ❥ ) At this point it’s almost instinctive, but he bites. Take that as you will. 
 ❥ ) He does have pupils, but they’re faint and opalescent. When he looks at someone he loves, his eyes become glittery as a result of it expanding, much like how a human’s pupil dilates in the same situation. 
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
Fallout Holiday Headcanons : Diamond City
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✧ ) Hawthorne stops his travelling to stay with his grandmother in the Upper Stands, something that took a fair bit of convincing on Eustace’s part. He manages to slip away to see how the festivities are in the Dugout Inn. One year in particular, one of his grandmother’s housecats had a litter of kittens, and he ended up gifting them to the children of Diamond City ( and Travis ) with the help of Miss Edna. 
✧ ) Travis Miles has a few Christmas recordings on standby for the holidays. Among them are pre-war songs, choir carols, and even short tellings of classic Christmas stories. His supply is severely limited, which means constant repeats, something that can drive certain Diamond City residents to come knocking at the radio station door with a lack of holiday cheer. 
✧ ) Someone best correct Moe Cronin’s spelling of ❝Santa Claus❞, because replacing the ‘u’ with a ‘w’ is scaring the local children. He’s created some horrifying mixture of Krampus and an all-knowing, all-watching Institute spy. Arturo Rodriguez can only do so much to reassure everyone that the mythical jolly man in red means well.  
✧ ) Some makeshift Christmas decorations include salvaged Nuka-Cola posters that were used as holiday promotions. They feature Saint Nick himself, rosy cheeked and beady eyed, insisting that he ❝knows what you want❞, with a bottle of Nuka-Cola Cherry in an outstretched hand. Out of context, it’s undeniably unnerving. 
✧ ) Ellie Perkins leaves briefly for the holidays, making the trip with a trustworthy caravan to a nearby settlement where her mother lives. They never have seen eye to eye, but Ellie has obligation to family and tradition. She doesn’t like leaving Nick alone in his office during Christmas, knowing he’ll brood about old memories that aren’t his, but he insists she spend it with her family while she still can. She always comes back with some sort of gift for him, and he leaves her a new scarf to find on her desk. She has a bad habit of picking at the threads in the one she’s wearing, so by the time the year comes to a close, she’s due for a new one anyway. 
✧ ) Holidays are a strange time for Nick Valentine, especially Christmas. He finds he goes through more cigarettes this time of year, and digs through old case files to keep himself occupied. As much as he’d like to give into the sheer nostalgia that the colorful lights bring about, the fact that he can never achieve that familiarity again makes him feel. . . cold. There’s no Jenny to kiss beneath the mistletoe, there’s no flesh and blood family to welcome him into a warm house filled with laughter. But he knows that he never actually had Jenny, or a family, and that they all died away along with the old Nick. Still, he can’t say that he doesn’t sit next to the radio with Travis’ Christmas special playing and pretend, here and there. The Dugout Inn always extends an invitation for him to spend the evening on Christmas Eve, but he finds the crowds unpleasant and the stares of the visiting newcomers to make him dip the brim of his fedora a little bit lower. 
✧ ) Piper Wright tries to make Christmas as. . . normal as possible for Nat. Wrapping paper is easily replaced with outdated issues of Publick Occurrences, which is how Nat’s new jacket ended up wrapped with a past issue titled Power Noodles or Power Hungry?, a report that accused Mayor McDonough’s schedule of eating at the noodle stand a cover up for eavesdropping on other citizens. 
✧ ) Natalie Wright somehow persuaded a merchant to sell her a functioning and fairly undamaged typewriter for an incredibly low price, and it’s currently waiting for Piper to unwrap it on Christmas Day. It seems the ❝gift of gab❞ runs in the Wright family, and Nat may be more like Piper than Piper would ever want to acknowledge. 
✧ ) Vadim Bobrov’s goal every year is to somehow get Travis and Scarlett under the mistletoe. He has yet to be successful. 
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
Dogmeat Headcanons ( ⅰ. )
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♥ ) Dogmeat is a synthetic animal of unknown intent and purpose. 
♥ ) The pooch is incredibly wary, if not downright terrified, of heights. 
♥ ) He loves you. 
♥ ) Like he really loves you. 
♥ ) Bath time is a big no from him. There is at least an hour of chasing him about Sanctuary Hills required. You’ll probably have to employ the help of Preston and Sturges to catch him. 
♥ ) He’s incredibly patient with people touching him, especially children. When taken within the occupied vaults, it is common that he’s swarmed with the younger vault dwellers wanting to pet him, and by extension, they accidentally tug on his ears and tail. He’s never once growled or bitten at them. 
♥ ) He has expressive ears, as in they move constantly, accompanied by head tilts and a thumping tail. 
♥ ) On occasion he has dug through the trashcans in Goodneighbor and Diamond City. The latter city’s security is less fond of his habit. 
♥ ) The end of MacCready’s jacket was less tattered before Dogmeat took a liking to it. Now it’s a constant game of tug-of-war whenever the two are in close proximity. Robert doesn’t find it as entertaining as the canine does. 
♥ ) If the Sole Survivor has the Classical Radio tuned in on the Pipboy, there are multiple instances where he’ll howl nonstop. Perhaps he doesn’t appreciate Beethoven, or maybe there’s something about the ulterior frequencies that set him off. . .
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
Can you do the companion's favorite parks in nuka-world since there weren't any comments in the game
Companions’ favorite Nuka World parks/locations.
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◖   Dogmeat is indisputably in a puppy love with the Safari Zone. Eventually, the new smells will have lost his curiosity, but that won’t stop his tail from wagging the first few times he’s taken there. 
◖   Piper found the prospect of the parks and their respective dangers to not be her taste, and she’d rather spend hours trying to get straight answers from the Hubologists in the Hubologist’s Camp. Preferably, without having to decipher any cryptic religious phrases. 
◖   Codsworth doesn’t terribly mind the Galactic Zone, notably only after Star Control has been activated to set the other robots off their initial hostility. Though, he finds the Mr. Frosty units to be a tad ridiculous, and the Robco Battlezone to be highly demeaning. 
◖   Preston humors the modified Protectrons in Dry Rock Gulch after they became insistent that he was a working actor there ( he assumes his hat is responsible ). His ‘cowboy’ accent is atrocious, but he’s trying his best. 
◖   Cait doesn’t have much of a positive opinion on any particular park. They’re either too hot, stink, or are downright ❝loony❞. She supposes that she wouldn’t complain, much, on reclining on the roof of the Bottling Plant with a bottle of Nuka-Cola Dark in hand and an incredibly dead Mirelurk Queen sitting in the yard. 
◖   Nick enjoys the concept of the Grandchester Mystery Mansion, though now that it’s filled with to the brim with traps he’s less keen on entry. 
◖   Maccready refuses to go anywhere near Kiddie Kingdom, understandably, and therefore ended up wandering Dry Rock Gulch. The Protectrons are endearing in their own clumsy, naive way, but the chances of him admitting it are slim. He’d like to think that Duncan would have enjoyed a place like this when it was fully functional and… bloodworm free. 
◖   Deacon has run off to play an impromptu hide-and-seek game in the Bottling Plant’s World of Refreshment. It’s pinned on the Sole Survivor to distinguish him from the animatronic mannequins throughout the dark tunnels, and it’s no help he has the oufits and repetitive hand movements down perfectly. 
◖   Hancock got stuck on the teacups in Kiddie Kingdom for a good ten minutes. He can’t say he didn’t enjoy it to an extent, though his attempts at walking straight after were laughable. The Hall of Mirrors in the Fun House was a whole other ordeal, despite his claims that he could finally see all his ❝best angles.❞
◖   Danse would like a Brotherhood recon team in the Galactic Zone as soon as possible. There’s too much functioning tech there for it not to be scoured. He’ll never admit that he finds Nuka-Girl to be a little cute. 
◖   Curie thought Kiddie Kingdom was simply adorable… from the pre-war pamphlets. Its current state is less than ideal, but maybe one day she can have a proper ride on the Ferris Wheel. 
◖   X6-88 has a morbid fascination with the Grandchester Mystery Mansion’s lore and the story of Lucy’s possession ( which he relates to human malfunction ), one that runs a little too deep. Despite this, he passes off the ghost of Lucy as a trick of lights and nothing more. 
◖   Gage prefers to stay out of the parks aside from aiding the Overboss in clearing them. Nuka-Town USA is home, plain and simple. And sure, the gangs might add their own less-than-pleasant touches to the atmosphere, such as the smell of rot or uncleaned cages, and the glaring side eye from Operator scavvers, but he’d prefer that to Dry Rock Gulch filled with bloodworms, or worse, piked bodies under the reign of the Disciples, any day. 
◖   Strong manages a few good conversations with Cito in the Safari Zone. They aren’t particularly profound, but they suit the two just fine. 
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raidingyourheart · 7 years
Companions react to sole wanting to jump off trinity tower in power armor?
Companions react to the Sole Survivor wanting to make the jump from Trinity Tower in power armor.
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◖   Ears prickling every time the wind dipped through the dilapidated architecture of one of the Commonwealth’s most imposing structures, Dogmeat almost shook. With each cautious step he made across the uneven flooring, his nails went ‘click’, ‘click’, ‘click’. He never passed within five feet of the edge, unable to stand beside the survivor, who so confidently peered over at the expanse of broken city. Their suit hissed as one foot bravely hung out over nothing. It returned shortly, heel grinding back into a fairly solid foundation, lest the building finally decide to give in to its aches and creaking.
     A steady whine left the dog, head tilting insistently to one side. He’d like to follow this human everywhere, but off the side of the tower was somewhere he could not go.
◖   ❝It’ll make headlines,❞ the joke was in good nature, but did nothing to stop Piper’s nervous habit. Her fingers curled and released in repetition, fingernails pressing tightly to her palm to the point of discomfort before dropping. ❝’Vault Dweller dares gravity!’ Gravity accepts, and… Well, wins.❞
    ❝Come on, Blue. We both know you’re not serious. You can’t be serious.❞
◖   The shutters on Codsworth’s optic lenses retracted, giving him the equivalent of a human’s wide-eyed expression. An indignant ❝You’re doing what?❞ left the Mr. Handy, chassis spinning to fully face the power armor clad daredevil.
     ❝While my programming insists I remain encouraging and as optimistic as possible, I dare say you’ve gone mad! And that’s coming from a place of concern,❞ one metal arm extended, the one with the claw attached, and the pincers opened and closed as though the robot was beckoning the other away from the ledge. ❝You put quite a bit of trust in that suit, but now I almost regret even uttering the word ‘unstoppable’. Smashing into the concrete below is a bit of a hard stop, don’t you agree?❞
◖   A nervous chuckle left his mouth, which two seconds prior, had been pressed in a firm purse. Preston shook his head, hand pulling on the collar of his duster. ❝Be careful,❞ were the only words he could manage, eyes trained intently on the proximity of the General to the side of the tower. Another step on their part elicited a following ❝Wait.❞
     ❝The roof of the Museum back in Concord and here are, well, very different. I won’t say that’s not the quickest way down, but we’re not in a rush, right? The Commonwealth can wait on us taking the safer route to the ground. No need to damage your power armor… or yourself.❞
◖   ❝Oh, sure! Why not?❞ Cait snapped, sarcasm bladed. ❝Those tin cans look mighty fun when you’re chargin’ into a fight, guns ablazin’, but the appeal is lost in this. S’not like you haven’t already jumped off every other building in this damned city… But those are lackin’ a few stories. Makes a difference, yeah?❞
     Her hip cocked to the side, hand finding its place atop it so she could send an uninterested glance at the person who currently held her contract. ❝If you’re tryin’ to impress me, it ain’t going to work. Now, if you want’a go bash a few heads together, that’s somethin’ I can get behind.❞
◖   ❝Was getting up here not enough of a thrill for you? It almost wore this old bot out,❞ Nick commented idly, unsure if his case partner was serious. He had a knack for reading expressions, but with the stoic, and slightly glaring, helmet of the power armor being the only thing to greet him in conversation, he was left turning to body language. There was no hesitation in the approach to the ledge, which made his teeth grit anxiously, something he was sure was a habit of the past Nick’s. He felt his good hand twitch, wanting for a cigarette to hold.
     ❝You sure? I know I can stamp the fun with my worrying sometimes, but here and there I’ve scrounged up some sound advice, like that breaking your fall with pavement isn’t the smartest move. You’re better off being a good liar than ending up with some shattered bones and a busted up suit if things go south.❞
◖   Maccready always had a routine when finding himself in a high place. His eyes would sweep the area, lock onto any covered spots with a good lookout, and store them in the back of his mind in case he needed to drop into a position to shoot. It had him so caught up that he barely heard the muffled voice of his employer suggest the stunt.
     The sharpshooter squinted, two fingers pinching the brim of his hat and pulling it off so his free hand could run through his hair, pulling strands out of his face. ❝You’re not paying me enough to do it with you, you know that, right?❞ A few seconds of silence went by before he started up again, jaw dropping open and closing as he tried to find some argument other than ‘this is stupid’.
     ❝Running with you has been one of the best gigs I’ve had in a while. Can we not risk it coming to an end like this? There’s enough people shooting at us as is.❞
◖   Deacon whistled lowly at the prospect, whether from being wowed by the bravo or taken aback by the cockiness. ❝You know,❞ he began, gesturing with his hand to the open space around them, ❝this one time…❞
     He had their attention, their shoulder turning to him slightly, head tilted in inclination that they were listening. ❝I made this exact jump,❞ the Railroad agent paused, trying to draw out the suspense as far as he could, ❝with no armor whatsoever.❞
     There was a heavy pause and then a stifled ❝Bullshit,❞ from Charmer, who didn’t even dignify him with a ‘you’re lying’ this time.
     ❝No! Honest,❞ he insisted, familiar smirk plastered on his face, as laughter threatened to interrupt him. ❝You can’t top my performance so why even try, right?❞
◖   It wasn’t the funniest joke, but it got a fair snort out of him. That was, until it wasn’t a joke. If the cruel ways of radiation hadn’t taken away any semblance of eyebrows, then they would have been bunched up, surveying the scene before him. ❝Alright, alright,❞ Hancock started, hands up almost in surrender, ❝I got’cha now.❞
     ❝But hear me out,❞ he proposed, mouth tugged into a grin. ❝Come out of that. Take a huff of this,❞ the ghoul’s hand disappeared within his jacket, momentarily digging in one of the inner pockets for a Jet canister, half-empty, or rather, half-full ( he did like to be optimistic from time to time ). ❝Then, stand near the edge, I’ll shimmy up behind you, hold under your arms, and you say something like… ‘I’m flying, John, I’m flying!’. That’s some pre-war stuff, ain’t it? I promise it’ll be a hell of a lot better than falling.❞
◖   ❝Careless and improper use of a Brotherhood issued suit is grounds for suspension, soldier,❞ Danse tread a fair distance behind the survivor, unsure of the building’s ability to withstand their combined weight in one spot, occasionally calling out for them to keep alert and safe. ❝If any of the initiates told you of some challenge involving this, I regret to inform you that bragging rights, or even the caps if this is a bet, isn’t worth the trip to see the Proctor and explain to her why you’ve damaged your armor.❞
     He exhaled sharply through his nose when offered the chance to jump off with the vault dweller, in which he replied with furrowed eyebrows and a firm shake of his head. ❝Absolutely not! Next you’ll be wanting to take on the Prydwen deck–❞
◖   Curie was delighted by the vantage point of the skyline, hands clasped together. ❝Is this what they would call a picture-perfect view?❞ she turned, smile wavering slightly as she watched the power armor helmet tilt downwards, the person within it clearly considering the distance down. ❝We are very high up, yes?❞ her tone had taken on a warning, mind racing with images of scattered pieces of metal dashed against the city streets, and a crumpled body laying motionless amidst them. Had some color left her face? She certainly felt colder, and not from the draftiness of their location.
     ❝You must be careful with heights. This would be quite the fall, and while I do have advanced medical capabilities, I’m afraid that… that I would be rendered useless in aiding you. Perhaps you would like to enjoy the sunrise with me instead?❞
◖   ❝I’d highly advise against it.❞ That had easily been the fourth time the phrase had been said. X6-88 stood behind his charge, arms defaulting to folding behind his back. ❝We’re already exposed up here as easy targets, so it is my suggestion that we move back down.❞
     ❝While I am just as eager as you to see the suspension capabilities of your armor, the recklessness of this impromptu testing is both unwise and impulsive. Can we not both agree that it’s more trouble than it’s worth?❞
◖   ❝You’re the Overboss,❞ the reply was almost robotic at this point, more of an excuse to justify to himself why they chose to do the things they did than to reassure them that they could. Gage grimaced, ❝But ya know, I wouldn’t necessarily say ‘go for it’.❞
     ❝Ain’t no one here to impress. Maybe jumpin’ off Fizztop would get you some credit from the Pack, but–❞ he paused, giving one shoulder a shrug, ❝is that really what you’re aiming for, boss? I’m s’posed to be watching your back out here, and if I head home saying that you died doing this, then they’ll, I don’t know, think I pushed you or somethin’. Consider this me looking our for your neck and mine.❞
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