randomchineselady · 8 years
Fine fish and fun at Kødbyens Fiskebar
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Kødbyens Fiskebar just sits back and waits for you to come and enjoy its fine fish and fun. It’s big, has a jellyfish tank and is in the awesome old meat packing district of Copenhagen. It also has succulent food and delectable drinks served to you by attentive, informed, efficient and (some) very creatively tattooed staff. It’s the perfect place to go with friends who want to take time out and chat about nothing and everything over fabulous food.
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Two of my friends got sick and couldn’t make it but I was left with three delightful individuals. One American guy who I met for the first time looked exactly like Tom Hanks to me. But, nope, he was the husband of my girlfriend. He had the same endearing humour though and worked for AARP, the American Association for Retired People.
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Call me crazy but I love AARP Magazine! I don’t think I’ll ever be retired or living in the US, but at least the publication cuts through the crap and gives you practical advice on health, money, food, scams and ... when you need to find out what happened to Bo Derek or Sinbad or even if Gordon Ramsay has turned 50 and Christoph Waltz 60, you’ll find it in AARP!
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I’m pretty sure I expressed my enthusiastic support for my girlfriend’s husband’s job to scare him sufficiently (choose your own emoji here). Fortunately, that’s when the last of our party came in and saved the situation. Well, sort of. He’s tall so I had to make fun of him since I’m short. Listen, a lower center of gravity will always topple after the higher one goes down ... I'll double google that later to confirm.
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This guy is also Danish so I can’t understand anything he says. No, of course he speaks perfect English, pretty good French and so many other languages. So, my girlfriend rightly ignored my Danish language rant and asked him to translate and pronounce some of the words she had enjoyed identifying in the city. He seemed to get them all correct but I would get a second opinion just to be sure!
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The evening was so lighthearted and lovely that we stayed there until staff began cleaning up and closing. I think they even started winding everything down by playing the seemingly ever-present 80s tunes I also heard before at Bror. Maybe this musical decade is just a Copenhagen chef community thing. Don’t know, I’ll have to go back, eat more and investigate!
Kødbyens Fiskebar Flæsketorvet 100 1711 København V DENMARK Web: http://fiskebaren.dk/en/fiskebaren/ Tel: +45 32155656
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randomchineselady · 8 years
A Bror love story: Champagne and bulls’ balls
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Bror started with a glass of champagne and bulls’ balls … if that’s not the beginning of a perfect love story, I don’t know what is!
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As I walked in, I also spotted hard copies of the Swedish publication Fool Magazine whose cover was adorned with Iñaki Aizpitarte, the-chef-who’s-never-going-to-get-a-michelin-star-according-to-everybody-but-who-really-gives-a-rat’s-ass-because-he’s-a-chevalier-de-l’ordre-des-Arts-et-des-Lettres-and-kickass-anyways.
So – one! two! three! – the magical food signs all indicated a big love feast that night. Full table, friends, exceptional food in a warm, cozy and relaxed setting. I want to go back!
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What was most beautiful about the whole experience was food and the obvious respect and adoration the two chef-owners, Samuel Nutter and Victor Wågman, clearly had for Nordic ingredients and cuisine.
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I know they’re part of the whole Copenhagen culinary revolution, especially inspired by René Redzepi and his Noma incubator, but they made their own unique mark with Bror.
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They combined together ingredients, tastes and textures you think should never be put together (bone marrow crème brulée - love you!) and, consequently, make you realize that you’ve been a complete idiot and should grow, raise, prepare, catch and forage for these things, putting them together for the rest of your life.
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And then the purity of the peas! How can anyone be so excited about peas?? I never thought I would. I was in a state of ecstasy over the peas. I’ve never tasted such peasy peas before! Thanks to Bror, I now know the true nature of peas and it is good.
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I also have to mention that everyone working there was very friendly. It was a bit unnerving at first. Arriving from Paris and then coming face to face with the happiest people on earth (see UN World Happiness Reports) was severe culture shock. The first question that popped into my mind was: “What the hell is wrong with these people?!”
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However, after coming to terms with my own distorted crustiness, cynicism and general distrust of everything, as well as some odd choices of certain 80s tunes on the Bror playlist, I was finally able to appreciate the genuine Danish joy on display.
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The passion everyone had for what they were creating and supporting was ultimately contagious and enveloped me in a swirl of unfiltered happiness by dinner’s end. I highly recommend this sensation to anyone who happens to be in Copenhagen!
Bror Sankt Peders Straede 24A 1453 København K DENMARK Tel: +45 32 17 59 99 Web: www.restaurantbror.dk
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randomchineselady · 8 years
In the heart of Copenhagen I: Hija de Sanchez
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I really cannot express the complete and utter delight I felt every time I ate in Copenhagen, Denmark. I was only there for five days but was fortunate enough to try some of the world’s best cuisine. From street food to fine dining, the experience was totally mind-blowing. The creativity, profound respect for culinary heritage(s) and commitment to the freshest local seasonal produce possible were everywhere!
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Where did I go first? I got off the plane, dropped my bags at the hotel and went straight to a Mexican taquería. Of course, makes perfect sense! I had read about Hija de Sanchez and the chef/owner, Rosio Sanchéz, beforehand and follow both (while drooling) on Instagram. I also learned Sanchéz grew up in Chicago - like my mom - so yo! R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
That last phrase is just one of many examples of why I’m not a professional food blogger (smiley emoji). That, and deadlines, and grammar, and someone to answer to, no experience in the food business or professional cooking, no industry contacts and I have to do one thing in life that’s not about the €money$ or the ratings or the number of followers or something other than my pure enjoyment of eating really good food with awesome friends and family! I suppose you could just stop reading now - haha!
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Getting back to Hija de Sanchez ... I swear, the tacos on offer that day - pork carnitas, crispy fish skin and queso fresco - were the best I’ve ever tasted, even compared to those I’ve had in Mexico (I admit though, I need to try many more taquerías in Mexico)! The combination of flavours burst into delectable mini fireworks all over the palate. Then the textures - especially of the crispy fish skins - were spectacular. There is perfection in crispiness and those fish skins are proof!
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After the tacos, I had to try the paletas (ice pops) on the other side of the taco stand. I’ve been dreaming of trying them for awhile because they look so beautiful and seem so tasty! Finally on site, the very kind and helpful staff described each one in detail and I chose the avocado variety - although I would have tried every one if I had room! I never knew that avocado could transform so deliciously and gorgeously into an ice pop but it can and it did and I ate it all!
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On top of the tacos and the avocado paleta, I also spotted they had churros and - despite my tightening mid-section - ordered more! Really, when would I be getting back here?? I had no idea, so I had to eat right then! They were made on the spot, sprinkled with sugar, licorice and dried rasperries. The friend with me didn’t like the licorice so I got to eat the whole plate. Woh! All I can say is go there if you’re ever in Copenhagen and experience it for yourselves. I’ll be there with you in spirit!
Hija de Sanchez taquería and market Address: Torvehallerne, Frederiksborggade 21, Copenhagen, Denmark Metro: Nørreport Website: http://www.hijadesanchez.dk/ Hours: Monday - Thursday 12.00-19.00, Friday 12.00-20.00 Saturday 12.00-18.00, Sunday 12.00-17.00
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randomchineselady · 8 years
Arpège Restaurant
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If the world loved the way Alain Passard crafts vegetables, wars would end and happiness would reign. I have never met vegetables like these before and probably never will again. I am at a loss for words! I have to let the plates speak for themselves this time.
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randomchineselady · 9 years
A New Lease On Life: Le Papillon
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I have this one group of friends who I get to have dinner with about once every three months. Unfortunately, our recent meetings have been in the wake of tragedy, the Paris and Brussels attacks. In a way though, these are the perfect occasions to be with these friends because they are all such beautiful, sensitive, resilient and caring people. Nothing breaks their hopeful spirits and love for life, humanity and – of course! - good food. So, for our last dinner, we decided to try Le Papillon, a new restaurant that just opened in January 2016 by chef/owner Christophe Saintagne. The whole evening re-affirmed our appreciation for the simplest and best pleasures of life.
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Chef Saintagne has a massive list of accomplishments behind him already. He served Président Chirac at the Palais de l’Élysée, worked with Jean-François Piège at l’Hôtel de Crillon, and was head chef for Alain Ducasse at Plaza Athénée and then Le Meurice. He finally broke off on his own this year and opened Le Papillon in Paris’s 17th Arrondissement. Thank goodness, because my Plaza Athénée and Le Meurice objectives have been constantly challenged by a handful of obstructive forces, notably Le Ministère des Finances et des Comptes (taxes) and kids - the ideal left-hook/right-hook combination for budget/social life control.
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In other words, I was completely content to be sitting with my friends at Le Papillon and eating the superb cuisine of Chef Saintagne. Every plate was spectacular, from starters to dessert. I could go on and on about each and every culinary creation, but you can get an idea with the pictures included here. What was really unanticipated and impressive to me was the chef’s disposition. He was so happy! 
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I haven’t seen many French chefs moving around their restaurants being genuinely happy and relaxed. It was so surprising and enjoyable to see. He was smiling, looking at the orders, figuring out what each table was eating and then he visited every table to chat or even take orders. No one can be this happy every day, but that meal and the whole atmosphere was so uplifting that we all felt transformed for one lovely evening. Thank you, Le Papillon!
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Here is a list of what we ate (in French and not all dishes, unfortunately, are pictured): Calamar, oursin, pomme Anna; asperges vertes rôties, comté, estragon; Boulgour et légumes d’hiver, herbes potagères; saumon fumé, betteraves et crème aigre; cochon fermier en promenade à Utah Beach; barbue rôtie sur canapé, herbes amères à l’olive; pigeonneau rôti, sauce salmis, navets; gâteau au chocolat, crème épicée.
Le Papillon 8, rue Meissonier 75017 Paris France Website: www.papillonparis.fr Tel: 01 56 79 81 88 Email: [email protected]
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Polyamory and Porn at Café Gratitude
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It’s not what you think! Haha! I can’t say it enough, true friends and healthy food are good for the soul. Some are traditional, some are rebels, some are creatively brilliant and others escape definition. I recently dined with the latter at Café Gratitude, a cleansing, organic, vegan (except for honey) restaurant in San Diego, California. 
First, I had to rethink ordering and eating. Instead of saying something like “I’d like your red beans and rice ...”, I declared “I am healthy!” for a pressed juice of kale, celery, cucumber, lemon, “I am resolved!” for the southern soul food sampler entrée and a concluding “I am cozy” for a relaxing tea of lemon, ginger, honey and cayenne. When the waiter returned with the goods, he reaffirmed to me, “You are healthy!,” “You are resolved!” and “You are cozy.” Whew, it did take some readjusting but it was well worth it.
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Between the affirmations, my friends updated me on their not-your-run-of-the-mill relationships. One friend pursues a polyamorous lifestyle at the moment and the other one is dating a porn star. With my snore-inducing love life, all I could really do was listen in awe. My polyamorous friend did not decide to go down that road herself. Her first boyfriend actually suggested it. Going online, she met someone immediately and now dates her first boyfriend and second one - both of whom are aware of each other and supportive of the situation. My other friend with the porn star – well, what can one say? He’s big, he’s hot and he knows how to please. He’s also sweet, vulnerable and kind to her so I’m happy that she’s happy (and practicing safe sex!).
At the end of the meal, I got up feeling internally purified thanks to Café Gratitude and was then handed a gift bag with a lace-trim slip and sleep mask (that, I was told, can double as an erotic blindfold) from my friends. Ahhhh, the joys of friendship and food - I will never take these precious moments for granted!
Café Gratitude 1980 Kettner Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 USA Tel: (619) 736-5077 Website: cafegratitude.com Hours: 8:00-22:00
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Jean Hwang Carrant: True Love is a Chocolate Cookie
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Jean Hwang Carrant makes awesome cookies. She is a superwoman as well. She was born in Kansas to Taiwanese parents, fell in love with a French man (Who wouldn’t? At least once!), raised three fabulous kids and is now a kick-ass cookie-baking-born-in-the-usa-businesswoman in Paris - probably one of the most competitive cities to succeed in food! Jean is also a truly kind and generous human being who makes you feel warm, welcome and happy to be living – just like her cookies! She was even kind enough to answer a few of my questions. Thank you, Jean!
1. First of all, what turns you on about the cookie?
For me, the cookie represents perfection. I’m a perfectionist and to me the cookie is the perfect dessert. You have the variety, that “hit-the-spot” feeling, and the quality of comfort food that makes you feel good whenever and wherever. I do love all kinds of pastries and sweets, but the cookie is the only one I could eat every day for the rest of my life.
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2. Do you have a favourite cookie?
Definitely my black sesame cookie because I love its taste and texture, and it’s part of my Taiwanese heritage. The idea for the cookie came about during a brainstorming session when I was working with Zenzoo, a Taiwanese salon de thé in the 2nd Arrondissement and the first place to offer bubble tea in Paris (they’re still there and they still make the best bubble tea in town!). I was working with them to create Asian cookies for their restaurant and that’s when the idea of using black sesame powder in a cookie was born. The powder can’t be sourced in Paris so even now I get it directly from Taiwan.
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3. Who have been your most memorable cookie customers?
I love all my clients. Everyone has a story to tell. That is one of the best things about this business. I even appreciate the negative people who complain about my slightly higher-than-average prices. One cookie usually costs about 3 euros for a number of reasons and I enjoy discussing this with anyone who asks. In the end, customers appreciate what kind of care, precision and attention are put into my products. I use bio (organic) ingredients, everything is hand-crafted and baked here in the shop, measurements and packaging are precise and I try to reduce waste to a minimum.
4. Do you listen/sing to music while making cookies?
Yes! Mostly rock. My cookie bar playlist is a mix of rock music, 80s music –early 80s rap and Madonna - and grunge bands like Nirvana and Alice in Chains. Currently, my favorite band is Ty Segall, a psychedelic garage rock band from San Francisco.
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Jean and her assistant Gaby with special Year of the Fire Monkey fortune cookies.
5. Which of your cookies would you suggest for the following? (In no particular order - haha!)
True love – Definitely any one with chocolate (Gwenola, Gwenola Kiss, Triple C, Sseb (RCL favorite!), Arthur and even Café, Domino or Super Goji – all have chocolate bits in them).
First date – Something classic of excellent quality, like my chocolate chip cookie, Arthur.
Divorce – Go for cookie gluttony, get every single cookie on the menu. It works both ways – in sadness or celebration!
Hangover – Jean asked her assistant, Gaby, for her opinion at this point. Gaby is Mexican and trained at the renowned French gastronomy school Ferrandi here in Paris. Gaby suggested following Mexican wisdom and gobbling down something spicy like Jean’s Sseb (dark chocolate with red hot Thai chili pepper) – although she would triple the chili pepper for herself (Viva Mexico!).
6. We all know baking can be challenging sometimes and there are moments when one must use the appropriate curse word. Do you have any favorite ones for those occasions?
I actually cuss a lot. I have a very foul mouth. I think it’s something about the cooking business. I don’t cuss in French but I cuss really well in English. On average, it’s usually the big three - “fuck,” “goddammit” and “fucking son of a bitch.”
On that note, I’m gonna get off my sorry ass and get a goddamn fucking awesome cookie at Jean Hwang Carrant’s cookie bar!
P.S. If you go on Valentine’s Day this year, Jean is setting up shop across the street at La Garconnière concept store (83 rue d’Aboukir 75002 Paris) from 13:30-18:00. Bon appetit and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Jean Hwang Carrant 84 rue d’Aboukir 75002 Paris France Website: http://www.jeanhwangcarrant.com/en/cookies/ Opening Times: Tuesday-Saturday, 11:00-19:00
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Fresh Fish Fantasy: Pescheria Mattiucci
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I haven’t published a blog post in a long time because of life and kids and work and holidays and … the list goes on and on. However! I’m happy to return because I’ve been back in Naples, Italy, this week and needed to share my most amazing fish dinner experience. I have of course been eating the best pizzas in the world (see also my past post on Da Michele), sfogliatella and babà and posting them on rclfoodlogue instagram.
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For my last night though, I had to have something lighter, something I wouldn’t have to run a marathon to work off! So, I set out to find some fish, another specialty of the city. Fortunately, I happened to stumble upon Pescheria Mattiucci, an amazing hole in the wall just a short walk from my hotel. It was a fantastic surprise for me but, as I learned afterwards, I was way behind others in this discovery.
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Upon approach, all I could see was this beautiful spread of fresh fish beaming out into the evening darkness - a fresh fish fantasy come to life. I could not walk away before I ate some of that fish! I strolled inside before the place was officially opened but one of the family owners (as I learned later), Luigi Mattiucci, was nice enough to let me sit at the bar, order and eat.
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I asked for a plate of mixed raw fish and then Luigi took over. White wine? Yes, thank you! Bread? Yes, thank you! A separate plate of oysters and clams? Yes, thank you! Haha! I should have opted for fish sooner during my visit. Luigi said his family has been in the fishing business for four generations so they clearly know their fish. They also preserve their original fishmonger service during the day if you want to buy and prepare your own fish at home.
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The family business has been so successful that they have also established restaurants in Milan (Via Vincenzo Monti, 56) and London (8 Blenheim Cres W11 1NN). I tried to convince Luigi to open a fish place in Paris too but he didn’t seem very keen about it. He said he preferred Lyon and, in his opinion, it had more of a gastronomic edge over Paris. Blasphemy! Haha! I’ve never been to Lyon but, hmmmm, I may have to check it out now.
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There is no question about this though - if you love fish and you’re in Naples, go to Pescheria Mattiucci. My whole feeding fest plus the wine was 33 Euros so it’s a bit pricey if you compare it to a 5 Euro pizza margherita and water, but I thought it was well worth it. Buon appetito!
Pescheria Mattiucci Vico Belledonne a Chiaia, 27 80121 Napoli Italy Tel: +39 (0)81 251 2215
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Kid in a Candy Store at Lickity Split
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I can't remember when I last enjoyed a traditional Americana candy/ice cream parlor. I actually completely forgot what a wonderful experience it was. Fortunately and without knowing, my mom's cousin transported my mom and I back in time with a visit to a neighborhood "yogurt place" in Chicago.
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I thought it would be one of those shiny, flourescent-blinding health yogurt bars where you choose a non-fat yogurt and your fiber toppings, and then the young bursting-with-positive-aura server mixes it all together, handing the final product to you with a generous bill and the hope of a healthy tip.
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It was, thankfully, not at all as I imagined. It wasn't even a yogurt place! It was called Lickity Split Frozen Custard & Sweets. So, yes, not a traditional ice cream parlor either, but customers are encouraged to "walk over and step back to a simpler time, where your biggest worry is whether or not you can eat your ice cream cone before it melts." The proprietors also declare, "We believe everyday is a candy day, frozen custard day, pastry day, and that everything tastes better with coffee!" Hallelujah!
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After much deliberation and being tempted by everything on display, we finally chose and ordered the seasonal pumpkin and apple pie custards, all topped with deliciously delightful whipping cream. I truly felt like a kid in a candy store, sitting there with my mom and her cousin listening to family stories and planning my next trip to Lickity Split!
Lickety Split Frozen Custard & Sweets 6056 N Broadway Chicago, IL 60660 Tel: +1 773 274-0830 Website: http://www.lickitysplitchicago.com/site/ Email: contactus@lickitysplitchicago
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Jimmy’s Pizza & Co. 2: Nothing like a good neighborhood pizzeria
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On my recent trip to Rome, I learned that the nephew of my ex sister-in-law (she’s actually divorced too, so does that make us doubly removed ex’s? It doesn’t really matter. We’re all one big functioning dysfunctional extended family, and it’s always great to get together with each other - at least for me! I probably shouldn’t speak for the others. This must be the longest parenthetical rambling ever ... sorry!) had become the proprietor of a top local pizzeria. I had to check it out!
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I got to know this twice removed ex-ex-nephew of mine when he was a teenager. He came over from Rome to stay with us in England so that he could learn English. As a tall, dark, handsome and very kind Italian kid, he never suffered from a lack of attention. It was inevitable that he would enjoy great social success. Unfortunately, other factors proved to be more challenging.
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The English weather was being itself - wet, dark and dreary, uninspiring for a Roman youth - and other factors such as too many late nights, disciplinary calls from home and money restrictions ultimately pulled him back to the motherland. It turned out to be the perfect move though. After a few years, he started working as a pizzaiolo and did so well at making pizza and profits that he ended up buying the whole place!
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He’s still there with a great team so go and try their fantastic pizza (and roasted chicken and bread!) if you find yourself in Torrevecchia, a northwest residential area of Rome (Municipio Roma XIV). It’s off the tourist track but it’s a great neighborhood pizzeria/rosticceria that takes care in getting the best ingredients and making the local community happy. It’s usually really busy on the weekends so get there early or late, not at pizza rush hour!
Jimmy’s Pizza & Co. 2 Via di Torrevecchia 339 00168 Roma Italia Tel: +39 06 307 0634 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimmyspizzaeco2
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Music & Food: Love Match at Croce’s Park West
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One of my favourite love songs is “Time in a Bottle” written in 1970 by Jim Croce for his soon-to-be-born son. Released in 1972 on the album You Don’t Mess Around With Jim, the song’s beautiful simplicity is soul-embracing and I weep like a baby every time I hear it. What is even more heart-wrenching, Croce died in a plane crash the year after the song was released. His son AJ (also a singer-songwriter now) was only two years old.
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Weeeeeeep! I’m not trying to be a downer. I just really respect the difficulty in trying to define that elusive thing called L-O-V-E. We can spell it, say it, sacrifice it, lose it, fear it, deny it, make it, break it, mend it, fall gloriously into it or run like mad away from it … but to talk about it or try to explain it - Ugh! Sometimes the more you try, the further away you’re swept out to sea.
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Credit: Picture above of Dave Scott is from the Croce’s Park West website.
In the right hands though, music and food seem to bring us back to shore and Croce’s Park West does just that. Ingrid Croce and her husband, Jimmy Rock, know how powerful and precious both of these experiences are, and they provide them to us every day of the week. Talented live music/culinary pairings are not too common anymore but Ingrid and Jimmy have struck the right chord and anyone visiting or living in San Diego should get out to their restaurant and love it!
Click here to listen to Jim Croce’s Time in a Bottle.
Croce’s Park West 2760 5th Ave, San Diego, CA 92103 USA Tel: +1 (619) 233-4355 Website: http://crocesparkwest.com Reservations: http://crocesparkwest.com/reservations
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Juniper & Ivy: A Toast to the Wonderful
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People clearly view Juniper & Ivy as a “go-to” restaurant in San Diego, California, where they can celebrate the most wonderful events in their lives. When I went with a friend for dinner, at least four tables were celebrating special occasions - 2.5 wedding anniversaries and 1 birthday.
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Along with the other two married couples, my friend should have been sitting with her husband celebrating an anniversary, their 22-year marriage. The other parties thought it was “our” party but we had to disappoint them and explain there was only a .5 anniversary between us.
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After we ordered our splendid cocktails - a gin-based Gaze Hound and a vodka-based Under the Rose - my friend’s husband had just landed at the airport after a week of work elsewhere. By the time we devoured the first delectable “snack” of deviled eggs, the poor guy was at home alone drinking a beer and trying to convince a very grumpy dog to eat.
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A bit of guilt did surface but my friend assured me, “Don’t be silly, this is probably why my marriage has lasted so long!” The other couples were in fact way behind her - only together for 4 and 6 years. With that issue quickly resolved, we proceeded to devour our way through plates of refreshing Baja stone crab, exquisite beef carpaccio, smooth Ensenada sea urchin and mouthwatering maple cured pork belly.
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It was definitely a dinner worthy of a 22-year marriage. It doesn’t happen too often nowadays but my friends seemed to have found the key to marital success. I had gone to elementary school with both of them but they didn’t meet each other until high school during a ski trip. I think I might have even introduced them!
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It was the first time I witnessed the spark of true love ignite - an exciting moment when a silent but palpable “BOOM!” could be detected by anyone standing nearby. They fell in love right there and then and have been together ever since. I never thought it would last a ski run, but it has so cynics (including myself!) begone!
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Taking our time to savour the final dessert plates of caramelized peach mousse and yodel (devil’s cake full of chocolate goodness), we definitely felt as if we came to the right place that night. Renovated, renewed, passionate, creative, respecting the past but adapting to the present and celebrating the best of life through food - we could not have asked for more. Well, I take that back. The .5 who was at home this year definitely needs to come out to make 1.0 next year!
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Juniper & Ivy 2228 Kettner Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 USA Tel: +1 (619) 269-9036 Website: http://www.juniperandivy.com/ Reservations: http://www.opentable.com/juniper-and-ivy?rid=114097&ref=1068
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Aprazível: An explosion of uncontainable life
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If you ever find yourself in Rio de Janeiro, do not miss eating at the restaurant Aprazível. In Portuguese, the name means "pleasant," "lovely" or "enchanted." My personal choice would be "enchanted," because that was exactly how I felt. Go with friends or loved ones because the experience is best shared!
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Perched on top of Santa Teresa hill overlooking the glittering city below, the restaurant's multi-level treehouse structure is surrounded by tropical trees (my favourite tree - the mango! - is pictured by day with the restaurant’s bar Barroco at the end of the post) that seem to nestle you into their beautiful branches for delicious dining.
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The restaurant and its menu encapsulate the spirit of the city - an explosion of uncontainable life that engulfs you in a unique blend of bold smells, colours, sounds, tastes, humidity and heat found only in Rio.
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A close friend and I had our first dinner here with two not-so-close acquaintances. During the course of the evening though, we had the immense pleasure in getting to know each other much better. The whole place inspires people to open their hearts, minds and appetites, and give birth to new friendships!
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Over homemade spinach ravioli, grilled octopus tentacles and duck with black rice and apple purée, our discussions ranged from rifle-toting teenagers, Jewish/Quaker couples, Scandinavian linguistics, monster truck rallies, lice, cherished internet dating disasters and brilliant Brazilian cuisine - uncontainable, free association conversation bubbling with life and laughter!
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It was a marvelous evening. One of those rare times when you know you're living life to the fullest in the moment you're living it. There was no thinking of doing something else, talking to someone else, texting someone else, going somewhere else or wanting to be anywhere else. It was absolute paradise.
Aprazível Restaurante Rua Aprazível, 62 - Santa Tereza Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20241-270, Brésil Tel: +55 21 2508-9174 Website: http://www.aprazivel.com.br
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Sweet Seduction
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Doing my best to ignore the children one gloomy weekend, I was surfing online and landed on the show Qui Sera Le Prochain Grand Pâtissier? (France 2). Settling into Season 1, I turned off the kids (one left with friends and the other was perfecting the art of vampire drawing) and sunk into the loveliness of all things sweet.
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The show’s judges are a few of the living gods of the French pastry world: Christophe Michalak and Pierre Marcolini, two Champions du Monde de la Pâtisserie; Christophe Adam, described as the most creative pâtissier of this generation; and Philippe Urraca, Président des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France Pâtissiers - un garant de l’excellence française. Wow!
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After binge-watching the first and second seasons, I had to go out and find something really good really fast! I had an overwhelming craving for éclairs so the obvious choice was Christophe Adam’s L’éclair de génie. He could not have chosen a more perfect name.
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Every éclair on display was clearly the result of an Adam flash of genius. Each one burst with passion and life and beauty and discovery and! and! and I wish I could wake up every morning in the middle of that splendour! Just looking at it strips away any sleepiness and makes the grumpiest human jump for joy.
I’m going out for more - no better way to prepare for Season 3 of Qui Sera Le Prochain Grand Pâtissier? on Tuesday, June 30th!
L’éclair de génie 14 rue Pavée 75004 Paris France Tel: 01 42 77 85 11 Website: http://leclairdegenie.com/
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randomchineselady · 9 years
David Toutain: Tous les goûts sont dans La Nature
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My dad would have deeply appreciated the dinner I had at Restaurant David Toutain in Paris’s 7th Arrondissement. Before he retired, he was a landscape architect with a limitless knowledge and passion for nature. I knew I had to channel him into my dining experience when I saw Toutain’s menu mantra, Tous les goûts sont dans La Nature. Each dish delivered was a unique micro-habitat with its own exquisite environment, tastes and textures.
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Unfortunately, my dad couldn’t join me in person because he’s in the advanced stages of Parkinson’s disease. No longer able to eat or drink, he gets his medications, nutrients and calories through a feeding tube. It’s a cruel reality especially since he loved to eat everything - from greasy, salty fast food to delicately prepared fine food. At one point, he understandably hit the wall and wanted to just let go. The day afterwards though, without explanation, he pulled himself back from the brink and is still blessing us with his jokes, loving eyes and warm hugs.
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Stripped of almost everything most of us think we can’t live without, my dad somehow found another goût de la vie dans la nature. As a diner, he would sadly put David Toutain, all the other exceptional chefs and basically the whole food industry out of business. As a human being, on the other hand, he is an inspiration for survival, family, friendship and our connection to the infinite beauty and diversity of life - everything you’ll also discover in David Toutain’s fascinating and delicious culinary landscapes.
Published simultaneously on the blog Martini. Shaken, not stirred.
Restaurant David Toutain 29 Rue Surcouf 75007 Paris France Tel: +33 1 45 50 11 10 Email: [email protected] Website: http://davidtoutain.com/restaurant.php
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Berthillon: Hot Chocolate Heaven
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I know it’s almost officially summer here, but it was chilly today in Paris so I’m posting this chocolat chaud craziness anyways!
Maison Berthillon is known for its ice cream and all things glacé, but they also serve the BEST hot chocolate in the universe. It’s a meal in itself so don’t think of adding anything else to the equation! The components you need are elegantly arranged for you on a shiny silver tray. This is how to proceed:
Note the ice cream of your choice and amaretti biscuit at the bottom of the cup.
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Add a bit of the chocolate if desired and steamed milk.
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Next gently scoop in the crème Chantilly with praline sprinkles.
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Drizzle the rest of the chocolate around the top.
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Be careful not to drizzle too much or the mix will overflow and turn scary!
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No worries, though, it still tastes like heaven! Final step: Enjoy!
Berthillon 31 rue Saint-Louis-en l’Île 75004 Paris France Tel: +33 (0)1 43 54 31 61 Website: http://www.berthillon.fr/
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randomchineselady · 9 years
Le Fooding: Guardians of La Galaxie Gastronomique
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Attending Le Fooding’s 15th Anniversary celebration (June 5-7, 2015) was like going to a magnificent royal ball. And the biggest plus? There was no pressure to get a gown, wear glass slippers, find prince charming or kiss a comatose princess. You just had to show up in streetwear (preferably expandable) and eat and drink mouth-watering magical creations. Oh! And pay an initial reasonable-for-Paris fee. Bibbidi bobbidi boo!
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Over an enchanting three-day fairytale event, Le Fooding guardians waved their magic wands and brought together some of the most brilliant and creative chefs in the world. The main objective was to feed the common villagers ... notably me and my Eurosport buddy (a partner with stamina)! We both missed the wand-sorting ceremony and were extremely grateful for our taste bud champions who definitely used their powers for Good.
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What absolute joy! They were called from near and far, the Old World and New, the Far East and Wild West, Northern and Southern climes - classically-schooled and self-trained chefs capable of taking a few raw ingredients and transforming them into flavours, smells and textures of love, hope and humanity. Each sip and bite taken spread another ray of sunshine through the tunnel of tragic darkness that seems to consume global society daily.
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Food should be a Force for Good and Le Fooding guardians make up one of the few elite groups who are spreading the word. To eat well, to know what we eat, to value what we eat, to respect those who grow, prepare and cook what we eat and to stop to eat with those we love all help to push the Dark Side of processed, packaged, polluting and fast industrialized food culture aside. May the Force stay with Le Fooding!
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Chefs at Le Fooding’s 15th Anniversary: Michael Greenwold & James Whelan (The Sunken Chip, Paris); Katsuaki Okiyami (Abri, Paris); Marc Grossman (Bob’s Bake Shop, Paris); Isaac McHale (The Clove Club, London, UK); Shay Ola (Death by Burrito, Paris & London), Iñaki Aizpitarte (Le Chateaubriand & Le Dauphin, Paris); Noah & Rae Bernamoff (Mile End Deli, New York City, USA); Danny Bowien (Mission Chinese Food, San Francisco, USA); Hugue Dufour (M. Wells, Queens, USA); 
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Bertrand Grébaut (Septime & Clamato, Paris); James Henry Bones (Bones, Paris); Bertrand Auboyneau (Le Paul Bert, L’Écailler & 6 Paul Bert, Paris); Ludo Lefebvre (Trois Mec & Petit Trois, Los Angeles, USA); Tatiana Levha (Le Servan, Paris); James Lowe (Lyle’s, London, UK); Hamid Miss (La Pente Douce, Toulouse); Mathieu Rostaing-Tayard (Café Sillon, Lyon); Dave Sclarow & Anna Viertel (Pizza Moto, Brooklyn, USA); Nicolas Scheidt (La Buvette, Brussels); Simone Tondo (Roseval, Paris); Dat Vuong (Monsieur Vuong, Berlin); Delphine Zampetti (CheZaline, Paris); Tom Trubshaw (St. John Bread and Wine, London, UK); and Marc Bretillot (Designer Culinaire, Paris).
Le Fooding Website: http://lefooding.com/fr
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