randomreshiram · 6 months
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☠️☠️☠️ wow! that’s so funny!
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randomreshiram · 6 months
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Yall i literally haven’t used tumblr in five ever and like everytime i say “ill come back more often!” i don’t☠️☠️☠️ so like idk just here to show some recent art ive done in the past few months and provide links to where im more active on (instagram and twitter)
insta: @/randomreshiram
Twitter: @/randomresh
(tired to add links but they wouldn’t work) feel free to check those out💥
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randomreshiram · 1 year
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randomreshiram · 1 year
What if..
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I almost forgot that I wanted to edit this for long time
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randomreshiram · 2 years
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me forgetting to post my art on tumblr for the umpteenth time
it’s not even halloween anymore fuck this shit🙁
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randomreshiram · 2 years
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They know what obama is but they don’t even know what a reshiram is💀💀👹🌞
enter your tumblr username in the ai pokémon generator:
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randomreshiram · 2 years
Hey, have you seen Cyclizar yet?
(Aka Koraidon and Miraidon's kid)
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this was my exact thought process with when cyclizar was revealed. it was at it being a representation of the present as they’re past and future, but since there’s multiple, it went to children then yeah🧏‍♀️
but just thinking about cyclizar alone, they’re alright ig. next🥱
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randomreshiram · 2 years
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Do not ask where I get these Ideas from💀😭💔 let me draw him in funny enstars outfits just💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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randomreshiram · 2 years
Me liking all the posts under the miraidon and koraidon tags
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randomreshiram · 2 years
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these two are slowly becoming my favorites❤️
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randomreshiram · 2 years
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The new gay legendaries the line art took FOREVER😭😭😭😭
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randomreshiram · 2 years
To the person who just sent porn in my ask box
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randomreshiram · 2 years
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these insufferable zekester drawings from the past few weeks…
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randomreshiram · 2 years
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new pfp for my birth
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randomreshiram · 2 years
Another comic based on first anniversary of Danganronpa fan made, Pokeronpa: Legendary Killings by @thisrandomreshiram on Instagram! Go check it out!😁
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randomreshiram · 2 years
will you be posting pokeronpa anywhere else besides Instagram like here or continue the yt account? since Instagram wont let people see shit unless they have an account
Ok, to answer you question the best way possible:
The youtube version has been on a hiatus because i haven’t been able to find a good editor that won’t glitch out on me (as my previous one did and now won’t let me save files). I might have a solution but i haven’t had time to test it or work on that. So a possibility could be in the summer i work on that a bit? Idk exactly but i do feel bad for leaving it off at the prologue m.
And in regards to posting it on another social platform, probably not? The format here especially is kinda weird and other socials also seem to have a weird format. (Also i’m currently at the end of the second trial and having to post all of the prologue and chapter one and what i have of chapter two would probably be a day worth of a project, which i haven’t had time for).
I mean ignoring the format here, or just figuring out ways to post here, I could try and make something but again, if i did decide to do that, it wouldn’t be for a while as i need to post all the previous chapter(s).
So yeah, sorry if y’all don’t have a instagram account and can’t view chapter 1 and 2😭😭😭 I really want y’all to see it! I’ll definitely think about a solution in the mean time. If you have any suggestions feel free to tell me!
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randomreshiram · 2 years
Can we know about personalities of the legendaries pokemon in your AU if you are not busy?
Yeah! Ok before i get into detail i’ve had made multiple different personalities for different pokémon in different au kind of things, anyway for the sake of answering i’ll just go of my most recent Pokeronpa LK AU set with brief descriptions
Mewtwo: Taciturn, serious, doesn’t take jokes too well, especially on a serious issue, can come if as rude because of it.
Lugia: Nice and outgoing, kinda have written him to act fatherly to most and especially to those who need it. He’ll almost get along with anyone, so if you find you aren’t…might want to check that attitude then. So if you ever need a guide for anything, Lugia’s your guy! Though he can also get chaotic.
Ho-oh: Ho-oh can be nice, a bit more serious than his counterpart. One thing is his temper, he can get angered and jealous easily and can be seen acting a bit petty because of it. Seeing Lugia help others as much as he doesn’t want to admit it annoys him. Also has a flirtatious side, but only seen with Lugia.
Latias: Sweet, very outgoing and talkative. She can get chaotic and usually has to be calmed down by her brother (Latios). I’ve also written her using a lot of modern slang so “Girlboss” and “Slay” are things you’d hear her typically say.
Latios: Quite the opposite of his sister. He’s nice, but overly cautious and a bit reserved to people he first meets. The paranoia of people out there to get them, mainly worried about Latias, usually drives him to get hostile. He can appear kinda ticked off but it’s all for good reason.
Kyogre: Just a encouraging friendly whale. But around Groudon it’s basically a turn for a sadist type. She can get competitive and do some reckless things when it comes to the classic land and sea debate.
Groudon: OH BOY, basically any frat boy or typical player type you’ve seen can accurately describe him. Just a guy trying to pick up a few ladies. Kyogre, despite being a girl, annoys the fuck out of him and he’ll do anything to keep his status as the “better of the two” (as there’s never been a status established). Also cue a lot of vulgar humor.
Rayquaza: I’d say on his own, he can be a bit of a daredevil, but with the previous two he’s the more responsible compared to them. He’s may look intimidating but he won’t bite, just looking for fun to distract his eternal pain.
Dialga: Introverted, she doesn’t enjoy talking to others too much and rather be playing some video game. Has an affinity for speaking the harsh truth and insulting others that annoy her at the slightest. She might of had some moments of loneliness, but no one can know about that.
Palkia: Have any nerd stereotypes, apply here, Palkia’s basically the definition of a teachers pet. He finds the study of just about anything compelling and interesting as it’s stimulating. He can be nervous about sharing his stuff sometimes though as Dialga never gave a fuck about it and kept insulting him. If he finds someone willing to listen, it might be a while. He’s a good tutor though.
Giratina: Oh Arceus, literally the spawn of distortion itself. He’s very egocentric and prideful about his work, and will often try to explain the benefits of manipulating others. He does look for “prey” to pick off on and use any factor from them to control them for his benefits. He can also be found with the occasional inappropriate remark. Not so surprising why he’s in the distortion world now, huh.
Reshiram: Pretty well educated and aware. She usually can easily tell if something is wrong and instantly tell if you’re lying as she’s seen a lot of peoples behavior when it comes to lying. If she finds out there’s an issue, she’s most likely to be the one to do something about it. Though as aware as she is, she still doesn’t know about the feud between Zekrom and Kyurem. Quite comical how she misses that.
Zekrom: He’s a party person, jokester, more optimistic and looks on the bright side of things, but with that he’s also not the brightest. Also any friend that agrees with him about anything he says about Kyurem is a friend for life, basically say that he [Zekerom] is meant for Reshiram and he’ll be your best friend. He can also be seen as a “simp”. Bonus: He’s a talented cook.
Kyurem: Cold (yes both figuratively and literally), reserved and prefers isolation, well except for Reshiram of course. Kyurem will literally do anything to make Zekrom mad and present himself as a better option. Kyurem also pretty sarcastic and enjoys hearing the creative insults others make, might be taking notes for later use. Besides that it’s hard to get him to open up, so don’t count on that if you try.
Xerneas: Nice, literally a saint. She’s pretty pure and will help pretty much anyone that’s not a psychopathic war criminal. She’s pretty calm and angelic most of the time, enjoys taking care of the ones in the forests of Kalos. She never gets mad, but if she does, hide.
Yveltal: Evil? No, quite the opposite. Yveltal’s pretty shy and introverted, not cause he doesn’t want friends but is scared of hurting them. He’s scared his power, or life draining aura, will hurt others and isolates himself for everyone’s sake. As much as he keeps a lot of his feelings and thoughts to himself, anger is his enemy. If he gets angry he’ll lash out as his emotions can get the best of him. Don’t worry, he’ll immediately apologize and hide away.
Zygarde: Zygarde’s a nice fellow, they just try to be supportive of his friends. He often worries about Yveltal along with Xerneas, but also don’t know how to help and end up leaving him alone. Zygarde also can be hard to understand as he speaks really formal, like the equivalent of reading something from the 1800’s. This also means he’s unfamiliar with modern social patterns and often described as disconnected.
Solgaleo: A jolly lad, very friendly and enjoys the company of others. He’s pretty calm but enjoys the thrill of adventure. When he gets upset, scared, or nervous he calms himself either by hanging around people or singing. Also HC, he speaks with an australian accent and slang.
Lunala: The best friend of Latias, total girl queen barb slay material girl. She’s nice and enjoys hanging out with her friends just about 24/7. Though if anyone bothers her or her friends you’re about to catch her hands, er, wings.
Zacian: The sister to Zamazenta, the more levelheaded one. Her respect is earned, and only those who know justice are likely to get it. She’s pretty serious but if you catch her in the right mood she can be found enjoying things, usually enjoying the karma that people receive (especially the karma for Giratina).
Zamazenta: The more laid back brother of Zacian, he’s known as a hero in Galar, and as much as he prides it he’s more laid back when it comes to duties. He likes to joke around and just have fun, and despite being a defense based pokémon when it comes to strangers he lets his guard down a bit too much.
That was a lot to type, but here ya go!
(Bound to have typos, sorry)
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