reaping-raven · 6 months
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manhandling your manservant
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reaping-raven · 1 year
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Happy Stranger Things day, y’all. ILU. 💖
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reaping-raven · 2 years
Okay am I crazy or did the elves in the Santa clause (1994) have glitter on them. Like you could see specks of glitter shine. I feel like I'm losing my mind because everything I have seen doesn't show it and I think in the second one they didn't have it. If they did or didn't they should have it or kept it (if they did have it).
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reaping-raven · 2 years
I want Billy's return in stranger things season 4.5 to be with Steve and Nancy stuck in the upside down and for them to be walking around trying to find a way out and then they hear something and get scared and cautious. Maybe they will hide and then they see someone walking towards them from the red fog and they recognize that walk and that hair and Steve will come out and be like "Hargrove?" And Billy will fully come out if the fog so the audience can see him and be like "yeah it's me Harrington don't cream your pants." And my little ship heart wants Steve to run to him and they like hug or kiss and then Billy begins to fret over Steve and his bruised next and bat bites. I don't think it will happen but a girl can dream.
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reaping-raven · 3 years
Jalim headcanon (mostly)
Jason loves to kisses Salim's knuckles.
Well actually he really loves anything about his hands, loves to hold them, look at his palm like he is reading his future, when he is holding them he will be rubbing them either with his thumb or his other hand is rubbing it.
Salim loves Jason's warmth.
I feel like Jason is a furnace and Salim absolutely loves it. Like is can be hot as fuck and Salim is snuggled up to Jason like it's in the negatives.
When they are in iraq Jason loves to look at the stars.
Like after HOA and Jason is in quarantine for who knows how long, Jason would go stay with Salim until they went back to the states. And almost every night he would go look at the stars. Either he would do it until he fell asleep or after he woke up from a nightmare he would just go sit outside.
And yes Salim has had to carry him in the house when he falls asleep outside.
Salim can cook but has always hated it.
Salim can make really good food but has never enjoyed doing it. And Jason will but the house down just by looking at the stove to long. But he learns because he knows Salim hates cooking. And Salim is so greatful and happy that Jason is thinking about him and realize he didn't like something so he tried to help him so he wouldn't have to do it.
Jason's family is strictly religious. Like they go to church every Sunday and holiday and if they are having a gathering.
With that being said they didn't approve of homosexuality and they let Jason know at a very young age that it was a sin and that if he thought it or acted on these thoughts he would be sent to hell, most likely by his own father's hands.
When Jason got older there was speculation that he was gay (which they were right) so they sent him to camps and church groups and made him work extra hard to make him normal and push the devilish thoughts out of his head. After that he began to work extra hard in everything. An unhealthy amount. He would only stop until his thoughts were clear of sinful thoughts and most of the time it didn't work. He was pushing on the limits of self harm.
Salim was apart of a very expecting family of course he had to be careful of other people that did not share the same thoughts as his family but he knew that he was fully accepted by his family.
When Salim had wanted to introduce Jason to his family he was confused as to why Jason was so against it until he meet Jason's father when they were at the base once.
Jason's father is apart of the military he was proud of his son for doing something with his life for once. That was until he was called to 'talk' with his son and ask why he teamed up with the enemy and why he continued to lie about vampire aliens. Lets just say when the other 3 saw him they thought he was captured by the enemy and beaten.
When Salim got home from HOA he held Zain until he fell asleep in his arms. Zain was okay with because he knew his father needed this and to be honest it felt good to be held and feel safe like this.
After Salim's wife left them Zain would sleep in Salim's bed and hold onto him because he was scared that he was going to leave him to.
Salim loves to paint and Jason likes to do wood work. So Jason will make something and after will give it to Salim to paint. Or Salim will make a request on what he wants to paint and Jason will tell him no but will always set it next to him a few days later without a word said with a smirk on his face.
Salim is the messy one and Jason is the organized one.
Jason wakes up early but likes to take naps throughout the day.
They both think that the other could do better and that they are just place holder for each other.
Salim loves to read. I feel like he loves fantasy novels, like the Lord of the rings, the Witcher, game of thrones, and many more.
Jason is more of the movie and tv show person.
In the beginning when would Jason learn that Salim read a book that has a movie or show adaptation he would watch it and talk to Salim about it like he read the book because he didn't want Salim to think he was stupid since he didn't like to read.
But once they got closer and Salim found out the Jason was watching the movies instead he would start to watch them with him and then they would talk about the differences.
Salim has always wanted a fireplace so when they moved to America and got their own place Jason made sure it had a fireplace so Salim could sit in front of it and read his books or they could.sut and talk about they're day or just cuddle.
That's all I can think of as of know and I mean there is more in depth detail for some of them but some were already getting long. So yeah enjoy.
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reaping-raven · 3 years
I just listened to Hailey's comet from Billie Eilish and all I could think of is jalim. Just Jason being in love with Salim and being scared to go for it and Salim being in love with Jason but doesn't want to push him.
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reaping-raven · 3 years
I had this thought the other day and now I can't get it out of my head. But we all know how Jason is like really gay and in love with Salim but let's be honest here he is was born in the 70's or 80's and even in the time of the game being gay was not approved of and he was born in the south , I believe Louisiana, so I'm just going off feelings and shit but his family was most likely religious and most likely didn't approve of being gay so when they started to suspect that Jason was gay maybe by looking at a guy to long or him talking about his guy friend a little to much and never talking about a girl, like ever. And after they gave the speech about how being gay is a sin blah blah blah and how you have to repent for your sins and somewhere they brought up how he needed to be punished, and I think his dad was a class asshole, but that Jason need to punish himself for the sins he was doing added on to whatever his dad was doing as punishment as well. And I'm not saying like self harm or anything but maybe like pushing himself to far and over the edge or maybe not eating for awhile or something along those lines. And he was doing well and he thought that the work he put into it made him "normal" until house of ashes happened and he meet Salim and it all came crashing down around him. So he pushed himself hoping that it would fix it that he was just having a minor set back and the 4 other survivors started to notices him doing things that aren't normal for him and him being tired or saying he wasn't hungry even though he was doing shit before even the sun came up and they don't remember him eating last night or this morning. I have alot more ideas after that but this is already long as is. So maybe if you want to add on or if someone wants to hear more...
But yeah just a thought.
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reaping-raven · 3 years
Will someone please make an edit of seungcheol in a skirt? I would really appreciate it like a whole fucking lot.
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reaping-raven · 4 years
"Ope caught dinner!"
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reaping-raven · 5 years
"Goodbye" said the Moon to the sun as the world began to grow dark, atleast in the place that the Sun moved from and that the Moon replaced. "Hello." said the Sky to the Moon as it could finally see the beautiful Moon. "Hello." Said the Moon back to the Sky. Hellos came from all over just quite enough that you can hear them as the Stars said to the Moon, with it being there oldest friend, as they also can be seen when the Sun is not there. "Hello my dear friends" replied Moon to the Stars. "Hello" said the Creatures that take cover in the darkness. "Hello" said the Moon. Then a beautiful voice came and questioned "Are we going to play again Moon?" The Moon answered as they always did. "Why of course my Ocean." With a delighted wave the Moon and the Ocean played the same game that they do every night as the Sky, Stars, and the Creatures watched as the Ocean and Moon played a game older them all. And they would play until one of them are gone.
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reaping-raven · 5 years
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reaping-raven · 5 years
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reaping-raven · 5 years
Conner didn't know what to do. He was in the red zone of stress. All that was going through he's mind is that Hank was going to kick him out and that he was going to hate him for blowing the case.
He didn't know where he went wrong. He remembers one minute being at the bar as Hank questioned the bartender and then the next hes waking up in some old motel down the street from the bar a few hours later.
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reaping-raven · 5 years
Okay people of Tumblr I'm trying to get into reading but I'm having trouble getting into books. I have not found one that has sparked my interest. So if you can suggest some for me. You can either repost this with the suggestion or you can message me or something. I feel like I would be into Syfy or fanasty books as I have read some of this genre and injoy movies if this genre.
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reaping-raven · 5 years
I read jeans and not Jesus. So I thought it was going to be a story about how a Grandma just really wanting their grandchild to keep their fucking clothes in their room during and not all over the house. But then i seen the picture and had to reread it.
every year around christmas me and my grandma play this fun family game called “maybe you want to put jesus in your room instead, sweetie? :)”. now, it’s important to note that the jesus referred to in our game is not actually the real jesus christ, but instead a wooden figure i made in 2011 that has an uncanny resemblance to the lord and savior himself
so what happens is that i place jesus in our living room, and my grandma smiles and asks me if i don’t want to decorate my room with him instead. i ask her in return if she thinks my jesus figure is ugly (which he is), but she reassures me that this is not the case. however, a couple of days later jesus mysteriously disappears from our living room, and appear in my room instead
now, the real jesus christ might have been able to perform a miracle like this, but please remember that the jesus in our story is only a figure made out of wood. he can not move on his own, so i think we can safely say that my grandma is the prime suspect here
the first year i would often confront my grandma about this, but she would always make up an excuse and never straight up tell me she moved him because he’s so ugly it’s an embarrassment to the family
eventually i grew tired of her lies, so now we only move jesus around in silence. one second he’s in the living room, the next he’s back in my room. in a way i think this adds an extra element of excitement to the holiday season, because you never know for sure when jesus is going to be moved again
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reaping-raven · 5 years
I don't understand how some people just have the confidence to slide into someone's dm's. Like damn sometimes I'm afraid to say something to my family, then there are some people who can just talk to strangers, like what?
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reaping-raven · 5 years
Okay I was just watching Vanossgaming and the one titled 'Fortnight creative mode - raging in a COD map! (Funny moments and fails) is so funny and cute, with vanoss saying "soarry" almost all the time that he kills someone is so cute and him with his little hamster back bling just argh. My heart ❤️❤️
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