#dbh conner
toadplatypus · 2 years
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Conner eyebrows appreciation post
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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If a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent.
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mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
Dirty cop
Summary: You're a deviant, and conner gets aggressive interrogating you. You shouldn't be turned on by this, but you are. He's so intimidating. Sexual tension rises once he realizes you're aroused by this. As a final interrogation tactic, he gets you two somewhere more... private.
Content: aggressive conner, small spaces, choking (kind of), degrading kink, mentions of murder, reader explains their crimes while getting fucked, I'm bad at pacing so just read slowly
Holy fuck
Holy fuck
I'm in a lot of trouble
I stand uncomfortably in the room I was instructed to wait in. I could run. I should run but I don't want to risk it, guards and guns everywhere. I don't want to risk that yet.
Suddenly the door clicked open. "Thank you, officer " I heard a husky voice say before entering. Another android, it looked like he worked for the police, strange. He was fairly tall, six feet even, brown clean cut hair, nice jaw, freckles peppered across the face, doe brown eyes. He seemed to be fairly kind looking on exception for his expression. Stiff and neutral, not the most welcoming.
"Android number 618 725 210-43 you are under investigation for the murder of Daniel Lane." I swallowed hard. I knew what I did was wrong, but something inside of me snapped. I was doing my regular deliveries when I saw that man mug a poor woman. I just couldn't let him do that. I didn't mean to kill him. It was an accident.
He slowly walked in front of me, he was uncomfortably close, I could practically feel him breathing on me. His stare was burning into my face. "Do you have no mercy, Deviant? Do you not realize what you've done?"
Holy shit.
He's really leaning into me now. God, he's close. I can't help but feel a blush on my cheeks. "What? Not gonna say anything? Hm? " Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm. Don't say anything. Maybe he'll think im not a Deviant.
He doesn't back away. Not even blinking. He's just burning a hole into me. "Say something. I know what you are. I know what you did." His voice rumbled into my ear, he was sturn and terrifying. Suddenly I felt hot. My ears were burning.
No way. I can't. I can't get aroused by this. I can't. not right now... oh my God, this is hot.
Suddenly, I was pushed against the wall. The force in his strength was no laughing matter, I was I'm deep shit. But God, somehow, it made me more aroused.
Hurt me
"Do you know what they'll do to you when you're convicted? They'll tear you apart! You're begging to be torn apart, aren't you?" I tried to control my breath, tried to calm down, but it wasn't working. My nerves were high and won't go down. Fear was muddied with lust, leaving me helpless.
He slammed me against the wall again, this time holding me by the throat. We both knew we didn't breathe. Not really. Sure, androids have faux lungs, but really, it's just to give the illusion of breath to humans, make them look more life like. Not that he cared. It was the intimidation tactic that he wanted. The fact was I could barely move with him holding me like this. I tried to struggle around his grasp but it only made him grip harder. My heart rate escolated. "Arn't you??" He repeated, more aggressive, yelling now. My knees buckled. Holy shit no I shouldn't be aroused by this.
He leaned closer, his breath was rough against my faux skin. His eyes dug into mine for a moment, and they shifted. Analyzing. Then his brows twitched. And realization sunk in. His expression was something in-between smug and disgust. "You're aroused by this Arn't you?" He questioned, his voice the same mood as his face.
My heart dropped when he said it. He was so loud too, surely anyone in the next two rooms could hear it. Shame, fear, lust all bubbled up inside me. Everything he did further drove my lust, and it was making me crazy.
He had no response to my silence. It seemed he was still processing. Assessing his next move.
After a moment, he squinted at me. Then, I grabbed a fist full of my shirt by the collar, dragging me with him. He pushed open the door of the interrogation office and dragged me with him.
"Connor, where the fuck are you going?" A call from an older man immigrated from behind us. "They clearly don't want to talk with an audience. I'll try to see what I can get out of them when we're alone." He stated flatly.
Before I knew it I was thrown past a whirl wind of doors and next thing I know I'm somewhere isolated. A cramped and dim room. My breath was heavy and out of control, my heart thumping against my plastic shell. What is happening??
"Clearly, traditional intimidation doesn't work on you." He droned, creeping closer to me.
Oh my God. Is this happening?
"So let's see what will get you to speak." He pulled his tie loose, draping around his shoulders. His slow movement never faltered from getting closer to me. I was instinctively backing away, but I wanted this. I knew whatever this was, it was going to get me in trouble, but I may as well die like a champ.
His jacket and shirt were un buttoned. He didn't bother to take them off. It seemed he knew the conservation was a tease, further causing me yern for him. My butt hit something hard. I quickly turned my head to see it was a countertop of sorts. It was cool against my fingertips. Just as my gaze focused in front of me again, he was pressed against me. The fabric of his clothes rubbing against mine. His hips rolling roughly against my core. I pressed my lips together, suppressing a moan. Holy shit this was really happening!
One of his hands gripped my neck again, pressing my head against the cold wall behind me. His eyes stared unbreakingly into mine as he continued to grind. I could feel myself getting hot, my heart beat growing quicker. Fuck. Whatever he was doing was working, and it made it hard to focus.
The pressure suddenly alleviated from my Groin when I suddenly heard a zip and the sound of more fabric shifting. Suddenly, his hands were on my pants, he roughly unzipped them and pulled them down. "Is this what you wanted?" his tone was more impatient than lustful, not to say lust wasn't there. "Answer me." He firmly stated. I let out a wine, trying to press myself against him, but he swiftly gripped my hips to render further movement, causing me to let out a more desperate wine. "Y-yes." I whispered desperately. "Then tell me what happened."
I tried to push myself against him, but it was no use. He was too strong. "I-i was delivering. I was assigned an address to drop off a pizza." His stare continued, urging me to continue. "I... I was on route until I heard screaming. I... I looked around, trying to assess any danger when I saw a man mugging someone. A woman. She was crying. " I looked desperately at him. Give me something. Please. He didn't budge. "T-then something inside of me changed. I knew I had to help her. I couldn't just let it happen."
Suddenly, something pushed inside of me, causing me to gasp. His hips slowly pressed against mine, streching me out. He was big. Dear Lord, he was big. It was overwhelming, and I was beginning to lose track.
"Good. Now tell me what happened." He rumbled. I began to clinch around him, trying to adjust. The led on the side of his head began to wildly flash yellow, his jaw clinching, eyes fluttering for a moment. Only a moment. But I caught my attention. "Something in me b-broke. I broke from my programming, I guess. Next thing I know, I dropped the pizza box, and I'm sprinting at the man." I swallowed hard, trying to keep my thoughts in one place. "I had to protect her. I attacked him." Keep cool. Keep cool.
"How exactly did you attack him?" His hips teasingly rolling against my core before stopping. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan. His led flased yellow for a split second. "I... I started by throwing him off balance... then I threw a punch. He fell back but managed to catch himself, and he sprinted at me... He was able to get a few good hits in."
A movement began to happen between my thighs. His dick was slowly pumping inside of me. Not by the movement of his hips, no, not like a person. It was robotic. It was the base of his shaft. "Keep going." He demanded firmly. I gripped the countertop, suppressing whimpers as I tried to keep my train of thought, but it was getting harder and harder to keep grasp on it. "I-i ended up using... his weapon as my own. Not to kill him. I just needed to... to weaken him." A whimper slipped from my lips but I continued "eventually I tried to shove him away again, much harder than before. I tried to tell the lady to run but she seemed to badly injured to do so. Next think I know he... he's dead. He must have hit his head. I didn't mean to kill him swear. I- I swear I just wanted to help someone."
Conner trusted much faster now. As well as taking his hand that was on my hips and using it to press against my clit. His fingers began to vibrate. I couldn't contain my moans anymore. It's mutch. "Then you fled with the woman to the hospital and hid. Why did you hide?" He grew aggressive again. His hand tightened around my throat. "I felt guilty. I panicked. I had to mutch to explain to the nurses. No matter what I said, I felt I couldn't do it right. I ran because I was scared."
Fuck his whole body waight was pressed against mine. I melted into him. He could do whatever he wanted with me at that moment, and I would have been fine with it. I just had a need for him. I was desperate. "See what happens when you cooperate well?" He teased half coldly. Leaning in to place a sloppy kiss on my shoulder, and that was my breaking point. Everything in my system ran into overdrive as I reached a climax. Visual systems flashing in and out of function He seemed to let out a few pants and moans, too, which let me plumet deeper into pleasure. He began to rhutt against me desperately, his whining growing more frequent. My heavy lids slid open, trying to observe him. His led flash changing from yellow to red temporarily before going back to yellow.
I don't know how much time had passed. But it seemed he was collecting himself. It took a few minutes for his led to return to blue. For my systems to return to normal. But once we were all collected, he quickly redressed himself, combing out his hair. I tried to as well. I wasn't sure what else to do. "That's what it took for you to tell the truth?" He finally stated, coldly. My heart dropped. I wasn't sure what I expected but I wasn't that.
I didn't even know how to respond. I softly shook my head "I suppose so." I whispers back, defeated. "Is that what it took for you to complete the mission?" I quipped back. I felt awkward as hell, but it was the first thing that came to mind. He stiffened for a moment, clinched his jaw and then continued to fix his tie "it seems we're both desperate party's."
There was a heavy awkwardness in the air before he finally grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room, walking me back to the interrogation room. "It seems you enjoyed it too." I offered. Not sure why, but I couldn't stop thinking it. He stopped suddenly, looking at me. "I enjoyed nothing. I simply did what I needed to complete my assignment." "We both know that is a lie. I heard the sounds you made. I saw your led." Something in his expression shifted for a moment, calculating. "What matters is that you confessed. We're done here." He demanded sternly. I need to get out of here. Before they destroy me. "Connor." I squeezed out. "What?" He asked, irritated. "How many miles from here to the movie theater?" It was a dumb question, I know but that's what I needed. I needed to throw him off. Plus, the theater was close to the busses. If I can get on the busses, I can escape this. "What?" His stern and flat expression quickly became confused. I repeated the question "one and a half miles -" I ripped my wrist from his hand and ran.
To be honest I knew he can catch me. He's more agile than I am but I had a shot and that's what mattered. I sprinted down the hall twords the glass doors, throwing them open. And darting into the snow "HANK" I heard conner call behind me. Fuck.
I must have blacked out, but somehow, I made it to the bus on time. Just barely avoiding them.
Hank and connor stood in the snow. "Shit!" Hank cried, kicking a pile of snow. "I'm sorry Hank, I wasn't fast enough. " Hank took a moment to catch his breath, looking around agrivatedly and finally turned to conner "what the fuck were you doing mingling with the Deviant?" "What?" "Don't play dumb, Connor, Jesus christ!"
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wiickian · 2 months
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Robot teaparty
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marksbear · 2 years
Hii papa bear! It's my birthday today and all i could think about was your amazing writing and Connor from dbh. So I'd kike to ask of you could write something where it's y/n's birthday but he has to be at work. So when y/n comes back from work he's frustrated and angry. Connor notices y/n's mood so he tells y/n to sit down and get comfortable and than he gives him a show. Which leads to y/n fucking Connor senseless? (And maybe some cock warming cuddling at the end)
Please and thank you!
Have a good day/night!
- Day 🦔
Hey Day! Happy birthday my love! I hope you have the best birthday ever and you get lots of gifts! 🎂 🍾
Waring! Birthday boy reader, Y/n having a rough day, SMUT, couch sex, cock warming, birthday sex, rough sex.
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*Buzz* *Buzz* Y/n's phone begins to vibrate on the night stand.
Y/n lets out a muffled groan into his pillow before turning his head to the dresser picking up his phone. Y/n holds his phone to his face. "Annoying prick." Says the id name and Y/n already knows who it is.
Y/n looks at his sleeping boyfriend before answering the phone.
It was Reed calling him. Every year on his birthday Gavin is the first to call him and tell him happy birthday. Y/n clicks on the answer letting it go on speaker.
"Happy birthday fuck face. Maybe this year you'll die." Reed says with a teasing tone.
Y/n was too tired to say a comeback since he was way too tired and exhausted. "Thanks Gav, lets go to the club like last time maybe on Sunday to celebrate."
"Why not today?" Gavin says back.
"I have to work. Then I plan to be with my family and boyfriend. So y'know only free this Sunday." Y/n answers back before saying a bye before hanging up.
Y/n turns his body around to face the power of android staring at him. A little while later the led on Conner's head slowly becomes blue signaling that he's waking up.
Y/n sits up from the bed laying his back on the headboard watching Conner get up.
"Good morning Y/n." Conner states looking up at his boyfriend. "Good morning con." Y/n says before leaning in kissing him on the lips. Conner automatically kisses back with a tiny smile. Conner is first to pull away looking Y/n in his eyes before saying.
"Happy birthday! You're a/n starting from today." Conner wishes also adding in a little reminder. "Thanks baby~" Y/n says resting his head against Conner's for a while enjoying the peace.
Conner begins to ramble on about the history of birthdays. "the Egyptians were the first ones to get the party started. When Egyptian pharaohs were crowned gods, they were “birthed.” That means the first birthday celebration wasn't marking the birth of a human, but rather the birth of a god.----"
Y/n cuts Conner off by kissing him deeply. "Thank you again." Y/n thanks before getting up from the bed with Conner following him shortly.
Y/n is all set ready for work, but Conner stops him before he could leave the house.
Conner wraps his arms around Y/n's shoulders standing on his tippy toes. "Bye Y/n, I love you and again happy birthday."Conner says resting his head on Y/n's.
Y/n moves his hand on both sides of his boyfriend's hips holding him tightly. "I love you too. And thanks." Y/n responds back with a deep kiss. The two stay in the other's arms kissing and slowly rocking back and forth until Y/n needs air.
"Alright, bye love you!" Y/n says before letting go of Conner and walking out the door.
"Love you!"
After work Y/n drives home in total silence. He has a tight grip on the wheel with his jaw clenched tight with his hands trembling in anger. Y/n leg bounced and shacked as he thought.
Y/n didn't know how his day went from good to bad so fast in only a few hours.
Maybe because it started to rain hard when he was going to work. No... Maybe because his co-workers were being annoying rude shits to him. No that's not it. Maybe because his female co-worker was pressing up against him and flirting. God that's not it either. Maybe he had piles of paperwork to do and it was overwhelming.
Y/n couldn't pick a reason to feel this way. Maybe it was just everything in general. Yeah. That sounded right.
Y/n drove his car to the drive way and turned off the car taking his keys out holding them tight as he just stared at the wheel. Y/n felt like he was losing his mind.
The male stayed in the car for almost an hour alone with his thoughts before leaving the car.
Y/n unlocked the front door to his house walking inside before shutting and locking it behind him. Y/n took off the extra things he had like his shoes, jackets, and etc. Y/n walks through the house with a clear frustrated and angry face.
Conner stood from afar staring at Y/n with a puzzled look. He scanned Y/n. He saw how his heart was beating faster and also his blood pressure was high. Conner thought for a while before acting on his thoughts. He walked up from behind Y/n and hugged him from behind.
Conner saw how Y/n body had tensed up and relaxed. Before Y/n could say something Conner dragged Y/n's body to the couch before sitting him down on it. "Get comfortable." Conner says watching Y/n look at him with confusion, but does what he's told. Once Y/n was comfortable Conner began to slowly strip out of his clothes giving Y/n a show. Conner slowly begins to unbutton his shirt revealing his bare stomach and chest.
Conner rolls off the shirt with his shoulders before spreading open Y/n's legs open before crawling down in his lap. Y/n watches Conner's movements fully enchanted by him.
Conner kissed the side of Y/n's jaw peppering it with kisses before sucking and biting Y/n's neck that was revealed. Conner moved and grinned his hips on Y/n's crotch. Conner felt Y/n's members slowly grew under him. He moved his hips around until Y/n's cock was fully hard.
The android finally gets up from Y/n's lap before standing back on the floor unbuckling hid pants before slowly taking them off leaving him only him in his underwear.
Conner crawls back into Y/n's lap, but this time Y/n wraps his arms around his boyfriend with a smirk before pressing his lips into Conner's own kissing him deeply. Y/n moves his arms to the right swinging down Conner on the couch getting on top of him as they makeout. Y/n moves his hands off of Conner and moves them to his clothes taking off his shirt. Conner watches looking at Y/n with lust in his eyes.
Once Y/n's shirt was off he goes back down kissing and biting Conner's neck leaving love bites on his skin making them a light blue.
Conner wraps his legs around Y/n as Y/n grinds his clothed hard cock into Conner's clothed hole. Conner hard cock throbbed and ached as Y/n grinned on him.
Y/n felt his anger and frustration slowly drift away and be replaced by lust and pleasure. Conner's hands fumbled around the waistband of Y/n's underwear tugging and pulling on them clearing wanting the hard thing inside it.
Y/n pulled away from the android's neck before moving his hands to Conner's underwear pulling them off of him slowly as Conner unwraps his legs so Y/n can take them fully off. Conner's hard cock flies out once it's completely free.
To not leave his boyfriend behind Y/n takes off his own boxers with ease letting his hard member fly free.
Conner spreads his legs wider giving Y/n access to his body. Y/n moves his hand to his cock lining it up to Conner's hole. Y/n begins to slowly push his tip inside staring at his boyfriend for any sign of discomfort. Once Y/n's cock was inside half way he began to snap his hips back and forth at a fast pace.
Y/n's thrust was hard and deep no doubt some of the harshness is from the frustration he had at work. Y/n held Conner's wrist tight as he fucks him deep. "S-slow down! ss-slow down Y/n!"
Conner's walls clenching around Y/n's cock as he moans and screams from pleasure.Y/n begins to pick up his speed even more fucking the android ruthlessly.
Y/n's cock goes deeper and deeper inside Conner causing his led light to begin to flash colors. Conner's eyes couldn't even keep focus on Y/n anymore.
The android's legs shook and trembled from the rough thrust his boyfriend was doing. Conner's hands flared around as he tried to hold on to anything. Y/n rocked his hips deep inside.
Finally Conner found a place to keep his hands on. Right on Y/n's back holding onto him tight as well as some light scratches.
Y/n's cock began to twitch signalling to the android that he was close. Y/n picked up his thrust even faster hold down Conner's waist as he fucks him deep.
After a while Y/n hoist Conner off his back and to his lap fucking him messily. Thrust after thrust Y/n felt the knot in his stomach tighten. Y/n gripped onto Conner's hips as Conner wrapped his arms around Y/n's shoulders holding onto him tightening and moaning nonsense into his ear.
"Y-Y/n! Y/n!~ I'm i'm..." Conner couldn't even finish his sentence as he came hard all over himself and Y/n's chest. It wasn't the first time the android had an orgasm, but every time he does it feels new to him. Every time felt like a new experience that he loved. "h~ Hah... Happy birthday!~" Conner moans out his whole body feeling more and more sensitive with every thrust.
Not too shortly Y/n reaches his peak as well cumming deep inside Conner. The android desperately begins to ride Y/n's cock as he cums inside him. Conner bounces and bounces making sure Y/n has nothing left to give him. Y/n breathed heavy into the crook of Conner's neck calming down from his high. Conner felt full and he loved the feeling of Y/n's cum buried deep inside him.
Y/n wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist bringing him close cuddling him into his lap. Conner curls into Y/n's lap with his cock still buried deep inside.
"Happy birthday. Also Hank stopped by with cake for you to eat." Conner says into Y/n's ear.
"Perhaps I should sing you happy birthday?"
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lieutenantbiscute · 7 months
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Heheheh DBH pony/anthro au go brrrrrrrr
No but in all seriousness drawing furry shit is helping me get out of my art funk rn! Hope you don’t mind the pony’s guys ;;
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wither-shadow · 6 months
do you think you could do some headcannons with dbh connor x reader where (reader) is really stressed about something (your choice!) and Connor comforts them? :)
Ofccc I've been waiting for this one!
He doesn't notice much because of his time with hank but when he does notice he wants to know what is making you upset (let's say you work in the dpd with them and you have a tricky case that is stressing you out)
"What is wrong dear?" Connor asked you curiously as he watched you hunch over your desk, looking at the files once again to see if you missed anything as you groan from the growing pain in your back
"It's this case. It's untraceable. I can't find a single crack in it" you say before stretching out your back hearing the pops in your spine. You hunch back over, feeling better already
"Perhaps I can help?" He said carefully to not make you upset. "I'd appreciate that" you said with a small smile as he rubbed your back to help sooth you
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starandcloud · 7 months
Conner and Hank interaction
Connor: finds hank in an alcohol coma Liutenant?
Hank: Still knocked the fuck out
Conner: Gently taps his face Wake up Liutentant
Hank: Groans and moves his head
Conner: Absolutely smacks the shit out of hank Liutenant! It's me, Conner!
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notfernintheslighest · 5 months
love playing Detroit Become Human because you can tell exactly who made it. it’s as though he had an oppression bingo card he was trying to fill: the holocaust, segregation, slavery, immigration, etc. yet, he still manages to make the only female character still have motherly urges when she breaks free. why does Kara still feel the need to take of Alice when Markus is also a care taker robot 🤨 OH AND HE CLEARLY HAS THE MALCOLM X WAS BAD MINDSET BECAUSE HE PUNISHES YOU FOR LETTING MARKUS USE VIOLENCE?! EVEN THO HIS GIRLFRIEND CONSTANTLY WANTS HIM TOO!? DBH would be so much better if characters other than Conner (white male cop 🤨) were actually thought out. i don’t think david cage had met a women or someone out side of his own racial group when he came up with dbh.
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tempestuous-tempest · 3 months
Formal Attire
Multi-Fandom Headcanons. Main Characters. Short list.
Includes: Watch_Dogs, Assassin's Creed, Deus Ex, and Detroit Become Human
Aiden Pearce wearing a tux, always trying to loosen his bow tie because he feels like it's choking him. Halfway through the night the little fabric accessory disappears. Despises the fact he can't wear his usual cap and that he had to fix his hair with gel. Gets home and immediately takes it off and hops in the shower, feeling relief in discarding the restricting fabrics and the ichy hair products. Was a one time only thing that he rented and gave back the second he had the chance. Very uncomfortable.
Marcus Holloway doesnt mind wearing tuxes or suits. Something simpler like a formal vest or just a dress shirt is fine too. He thinks he looks good and he owns that. Will look in the mirror after putting on an outfit and whistle. He looks sharp and he feels amazing. Confidence Boost.
Desmond Miles doesnt get more formal than a t-shirt with a picture of a tux on it and black pants. There's no convincing him to wear more than that. He thinks wearing tuxes or suits is just stupid. Too many layers, too hot, takes forever to put on and take off, and too damn expensive. Besides, he doesn't know how to tie a tie. Not interested.
Adam Jensen wears what I like to call 'simplistic formal attire'. A nice dress shirt, a tie, a pair of dress pants, some formal shoes. Whether or not he does anything with his hair depends on how formal the event is. More times than not, his sleeves are rolled up half-way. Nothing fancy.
Conner wears his uniform more times than not. Though if he has to blend in, he'd wear a suit or the right level of formal attire to not stand out. He doesnt have a preference for fashion. No interest.
Kara would wear whatever Alice asked her to. If she gets to see her little girl smile, she'll be happy to dress up. Even if it's to just wear a dress around the house. She even lets Alice do her makeup. Even if she probably doesnt need it. Quite content.
Markus is another simplistic formal type but the polo shirt variation. To him clothing is another way of self expression, like art. Makes him appear more 'human'. So wearing clothes that he likes matters to him. In the end it's a simple idea of choice. A freedom.
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jacklikestos216 · 3 months
Nines and conner are 2 different ppl
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thepikal0pie · 11 months
Conner x ftm Reader
Apologies if this isn't the best, I'm still new to posting! If you have any tips lmk I. The comments 🙏
You haven't shown up to the station for a few days so Conner goes to check on you...
Warnings: angst, body dysmorphia,
Conner noticed the station was a bit different as of late,as this was the 5th day in a row that you had missed work. He tapped his fingers anxiously on the desk, looking up at Hank sitting across from him. The sunlight that filter through the window made Hank's pale hair shimmer as he moved his head. A loud drawn out sigh came from the older detective in front of him.
"Conner what's wrong? Your tapping is starting to piss me the fuck off" Hank growled out, but Conner could hear the concern in his voice. "I'm worried about y/n...he hasn't reported in for work for 5 days now." The android's fingers drummed on the edge of his desk faster and more aggressively. His mind raced as a feeling of worry pooled in his gut, afraid something had happened to you. Hank did a double take looking at the Android in front of him his eyebrows creasing and his lips creasing into a thin line. "Five days? Jesus, I didn't realize it had been that long... The last case must have fucked with my sense of time or some shit"
The drumming of fingers stopped as he made eye contact with Hank. "Where is his file? I could go check in on him at his home" Hank rolled his eyes and smirked nodding to the file cabinet behind him. "Yeah Conner and the last time you came to "check in" on someone you broke a window to get in, so make sure to be careful this time". Conner rolled his eyes flipping through the different manilla folders in the cabinet,pulling one out. "Well I hope the circumstances aren't as dire as last time lieutenant" Hank nodded and went back to his paperwork shuffling through files on his desk grumbling.
Your pov
You can't remember how many days it had been since you've been to work, let alone outside of your apartment. The air was stagnant, musty in a way, there were piles of clothing on the floor clean and dirty mingling together. You had lately been hit with a wave of dysphoria, one of your worst ones yet. You had woken up on Monday to go to work, but had a glance of yourself in the mirror, it was just a check that you were nice and tidy for work but it turned into something worse.
You clenched your fingers as you laid in bed looking out the window, still being able to feel the small shards of the mirror still embedded in your right hand. Your stomach grumbled but you couldn't be bothered to get up, you weren't in the mood to eat. Rolling over to the other side of the bed you sigh and groan into your pillow,just feeling absolutely horrible about yourself.
A quick glance at your nightstand showed your phone had blown up and notifications, from friends, work, and a couple from your family. You hadn't felt like talking but you had let your family know you were at least alive and breathing. The reflection of yourself in the window caught you off guard that's another way of dysphoria hit you, your heart ached at that, hurting at the fact you were born in the wrong body. About to fall asleep something broke the silence in your apartment.
*knock knock knock*
Three loud knocks reverberated on the door of your apartment. You turned away pulling the covers tighter, ignoring the knocking, hoping the person would go away. You flinched as the three loud knocks rang out again, this time accompanied by a voice, a familiar one at that. "Y/n? Are you alright?" It was Conner,the Android you had become fond with ever since he joined the station. Connor and you had gotten along quite well, you two are even gone as far as to go get lunch with Hank together.
A loud crash was heard from your living room, accompanied by footsteps, light but convective. You sat up in your bed pulling the covers up to your chest looking at the door as it flung open, Connor was standing there panting as he finally made eye contact with you. "Y/n your alri-" Connor Paused as he looked around your room, noticing the state it was in, then noticing the state you were in. Immediately came rushing to the side of your bed looking you over, you could tell he was scanning you for your vitals to make sure you were in good health. "What...why are you even here Conner?" He paused looking at you again pulling himself closer "I came to check on you you haven't shown up or answered any calls or text for days... I was worried there was something wrong... And clearly I'm correct..." He looked you up and down his brows furrowing.
"what's wrong?" His voice was so gentle and calming, it made you break. Tears spilled out of your eyes as you grip the sheets around your tighter and letting out a choked sob. "I-i just... I don't feel..." You had a hard time finding your words trying to explain your feelings to the Android in front of you. He wrapped his arms around you resting his chin on your shoulder. "It's alright y/n you don't have to say anything..." You hugged him, wrapping your arms around his back feeling his surprisingly warm body.
Once you finally calm down you sat down with Connor and tried to explain what you were feeling. "It's called dysphoria... It's... Sometimes I just don't feel good in my body and I like- freak out on myself..." Your eyes meet Connor's as he nods. "If there's anything I can ever do to help you please let me know... All right?" You nod and smile as you hold his hand tighter.
He notices the shards of glass Infinity in your hand picking it up with gentle ease."where can I find your first aid? If your okay with me taking care of this" he gestures to the wounds on your hand. You smile and tilt your head towards the bathroom "bottom left cabinet".
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wiickian · 2 months
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Lmao this was on Pinterest so I drew it
Hello plug one weed please 🥺
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puckleberryfinnie · 6 months
my favorite part of girlhood is finding the most obscure characters attractive, and still somehow finding fanfics for them
like??? the android from a video game made several years ago??? surely no one else… OMG THERE ARE WHOLE SERIES ABOUT HIM AHHH YAYAYY
thank you to everyone who makes me feel a little more normal with their writing ❤️❤️
love ya!!
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graveyardxoxo · 5 months
hehee, i came back to my break on dbh only to find out i was on Zlakto’s thingy it’s soo stressful!!ヘ(;´Д`ヘ)
butt!! i got out so my Alice and Kara r safee ᰔ
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arlos-warm-drpepper · 1 month
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Connor and Kara or Conner and Kara
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