reizrblade · 8 years
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Is it wrong for me to walk up to white girls and touch/ examine their hair and make statements such as "oh its so lifeless and so limp" "why does it look so stringy and smell like wet dog when wet"? "how come it just falls when your try to "add volume" etc?
Please comment opinions
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reizrblade · 8 years
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reizrblade · 8 years
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She just conducted a social experiment and they easily proved her point
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reizrblade · 8 years
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reizrblade · 8 years
Story of my life lol
So I Got A Question...
So you know how people go from ugly to gorgeous and how that’s called “glo’in up”, “glo up”, etc. Well what if you didn’t exactly get more attractive, but it like increased a small amount, like from “ugly” to “aight”?
Is the term for that like “dim escalation”? If not, I’m coining it now.
“My Dim Escalation goin’ in fam”
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reizrblade · 8 years
Elegance and grace
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“A woman was standing calmly, her long dress the only thing moving in the breeze, as two police officers in full riot gear confronted her in the middle of a roadway to arrest her. She had no facial expression at all. She just stood there.” ~ Jonathan Bachman, photographer
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reizrblade · 8 years
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reizrblade · 8 years
Questions I ask Myself Daily
Was the second amendment, for every legal citizen or just for white American citizens? 
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reizrblade · 8 years
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LISTEN and SILENT are spelled with the same words 
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reizrblade · 8 years
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Are black women bitter or are just disappointed?
Tell me, do you consider black women to be bitter? Do you label them as angry? Always having an attitude or always upset?  Do you call them out of their name like “bitches”, “hoes” and “nappy headed dark/light skin broad”? Why is that? What have black women done for you to call them those labels that you have attached to them for years? Many of them, no majority of them have fought tooth and nail for the information, technology and equipment that you so selfishly use today. But you have the audacity to curl your lips up and say something like “I don’t date black women because of (gives a horrible uneducated excuse)”.  Or even say I date black women but I can’t dark skin girls, letting the words roll off your lips in such a way that pierces the souls of the ones before you whose skin was dark like the midnight sky.
          So again tell me what has black women done to you?
I, being a black woman, come against obstacles daily. I was born (according to the people of USA) with 2 strikes against me. I am black and I am a woman. Yes, black men have it hard but they have the “benefit” of being a man. I and my fellow sisters like me, have it 10 times harder here in America. We have to work harder than any other race, just to get pulled down when we succeed, not only by outside races but we get pulled down by mainly our own. For example, Miss Deshauna Barber, an African American woman, who is a graduate from an HBCU (historically black college), an officer in the military and a member of Sigma Gama Rho Sorority, Inc., a historically black Greek-lettered organization, was just crowned Miss America. And what happened?  Not even 24 hours to her having the crown, the black community as well as other races (which was given since she is black) began to tear her down. But it wasn’t that fact that the other races tore her down, it’s the fact that her own community played a part. There were comments like “where are the Redz and the K’s?” For those who don’t know “redz” is a nickname for a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and a “K” is the nickname for a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. I have seen comments like “here come the dark skin girls trying to take over America”, “why couldn’t they have picked the “light skin” one?”. Comments like these and others make my skin boil.
          Why can’t black people be happy that she, a black woman, won Miss American?  Because if they would have chosen the European looking Miss. Hawaii, everyone would have had their lips poked out and saying “they never choose the black girl”, or “its rigged for the whites to always win”. But now that we have won we still can’t be happy. We still have to bring down the black women and cause a wedge in-between the shades of melanin.
          Are black women bitter or disappointed?
I would rule that we are more disappointed than bitter. I am not saying all black women are disappointed and not bitter because there are a few those are. But being a college educated black woman going to school at a PWI (predominately white institution) I can tell you from experience that those who I have encountered with are highly disappointed.
Our reasons….
1.)    Our black men don’t love us or even support us. Now again, this is not all black men but quite a few. We get turned down for the Caucasian and “foreign” girls. We get told that a Latina attitude is sexier than our attitude. (But I thought to have an attitude was a form of disrespect no matter what race it comes from.) Us black women get picked on for our hair because it is not “good”. (What exactly does good hair look like anyway?) We hear things like “ we are cute for a black girl”…as though our attractiveness must not come from our African side but more from an unknown foreign side. If we try to be successful and have the slightest self –confidence, it is then torn down by rude and snide comments from the other side. We gave life to the black man, how could you curl your lips and slander us the way you do? If it wasn’t for your black mother, you wouldn’t even be here. Why must you tear us down? It seems like you only support us if we are showing our bodies to you or acting a fool on television for the world to see. You claim you love us on social media but in person it is a totally different story.
2.)    We hear crude comments from others that make us question them daily. Such as, “you are so well spoken for a black girl” or “wow! You are a daddy’s girl, so you know your dad?” Or even as far as “you don’t have any children”? As if I’m supposed to have been 16 and pregnant, (by the way is a majority white casted television show).   We get comments on our hair like we are freaks of nature. Yes, I understand my hair has kinks and coils but no I don’t approve of you touching it. Yes, I understand my hair defies gravity but that doesn’t give you the excuse deny me of a job because of something that comes naturally from my head. We get called out and shamed for our hair styles but when a European woman (is. Kim Kardashian or Katy Perry) does the same exact thing they are labeled as trendsetters for styles that black women have been rocking for years. Style such as cornrolls (shamely once called the Kardashian braids or boxer braids), Bantu knots (or mini buns for those who have seen magazines call them that). It’s a disappointment. To make it even humiliating when looking on google for hairstyles for my hair texture for work I typed in the search bar “unprofessional hairstyles” and a bunch of African American female hair styles pop-up. None of them have extremely dyed bright and colorful hair, no off the wall designs but yet and still they are labeled “unprofessional”. And when I type in “professional hairstyles” pictures of white women with all kinds of hair styles pop up, even the bright and colorful ones.
3.) Lastly, we get shamed for things that come naturally to use while the other races are praised. I and many WOC like me were blessed with huge lips and wide hips with round country booty’s as the saying goes. Yet growing up I remember being made fun for having big lips and kinky hair. But when a girl from another race surgically enhances her lips or Photoshop’s her picture, people go crazy for it. Why is that? A few months ago there was a picture that was circulating around from MAC on social media. It was a picture of a dark skin model with natural big lips. The photo was used to help commercialize their new lipstick product. The comments from others including our own were degrading, calling the model a monkey/ape. Yet those same people will turn around and praise Kylie Jenner for the same feature that she store bought just last year. Why is that? And if the model was to make a statement she would have gotten backlash and most likely been called “angry and bitter”
Are black women bitter or are they just extremely disappointed?
I still say that we are disappointed. To be cast among the lowest of the lows is heart wrenching. Have you ever (if not imagine) been picked last during a game of kick ball? It like each captain purposely picked everyone besides you. And the captain who got stuck with you had attitude and was always sighing when you came near them. They would say something rude or out of line that was uncalled for when it was your turn to kick the ball. That same feeling is the tip of the iceberg of how WOC feel daily. We are the last ones to get picked, we are not cherished, we are degraded and not values. We are treated like scum on the bottom of a shoe by our own black men and people as well as other races. We work 10 times harder than everyone else but still are devalued.
So in your opinion are black women bitter or just extremely disappointed?
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reizrblade · 8 years
But black guys will still say they want a foreign
Guys watch this Please….😕
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reizrblade · 8 years
Questions I ask myself daily
I wonder if people realize we don't vote for the president, that our votes do not count towards who wins the election. I wonder how many people realize that WE VOTE FOR CONGRESS who place the person in office and who make our laws....but hey continue to be robots and "vote" for the president and not for those who are in Congress (Ps president's reigns for up to 2 terms where as congress has unlimited terms) But your to worried about what Kylie Jenner is doing or the NBA play offs. ..neither whom pay your bills are provide for your family #questioniaskmyselfdaily
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reizrblade · 9 years
I'm black and I'm proud
I love my chocolate skin. No I’m not pretty for a black girl. I’m pretty because I am a black girl.
I love my nappy hair. Because I can do all the styles you wish you could.
I love my full lips, simply because Kylie Jenner has to get lip injections to compete with my beauty.
I love my big ass because for no matter how many squats you do, you will ever have what I was blessed with naturally
I love my hour glass shape.
I love my dark skin because I’m blessed with the ability to block the suns harmful rays all while glowing in its presences.
So yes I’m black and proud
Rei ♡2016
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reizrblade · 9 years
Gonna get alot of gripe but this need to be said How can you sale poison to your own people but turn around and say black power or blame white people for problems you currently help cause? This also goes to you one who support those same people who sale poison for example male post and staments that say free pokie/deshquane/etc who was caught dealing drugs/ doing life for killing your own/ etc) #questionsiaskmyselfdaily
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reizrblade · 9 years
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reizrblade · 9 years
Why do black men put such high standards on black woman but not females from other races? #questionsiaskmyselfdaily
Many will answer this question saying that black women are ratchet. They only care about their experience, they have multiple babydaddies or get pregnant young, or they are reality hoes, etc.
For one Stop stereotyping black women. We are not all the same. Now some of us are ratchet, etc. But alot of us are extremely educated and goal oriented. So let me explain.
To use the examples from above; I guess we are the only ones who get pregnant young ( isn’t 16 and pregnant a majority white casted tv show), I guess us black women only worry about our outward appereance ( all I have to say is KIM KARDASHIAN KYLIE JENNER ), I could keep going.
My point of the post is, black men (not all but alot) will hold black women to such a high standard but will make every excuse in the book for a woman of another race who has the same flaws. Then you guys will get upset if us black women date men other than you. Why should we date you when you rather have the store bought copy? I get extremely uncomfortable when I see things like that on my time line. Or hear guys talking about how ghetto and ratchet black women are, but won’t give the girls whom they friend zoned chances. And it goes both ways for us girls too
From experience, me as a black woman it kills me when a black man will tell me he won’t date me bc of petty things but turn around and date a white woman who has all the qualifications he hate plus extra baggag. I’m not a stereotypical black woman, I have a job, I’m in college, I’m also in the army, I have my own car in my name, and I have not children but guys will quickly turn me down and go for the white girl with 3 kids and no job.
And I would really like to know why.
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reizrblade · 9 years
Who is going to be the next president? #questionsiaskmyselfdaily
Why are you even concerned about it because we as a people votes don’t really count. The electoral vote is who decides who is president. Our votes are only counted when it comes to the congressmen/women. and Congress is the body that created laws. Congress makes the laws, the president is just a face. Question, do you even know who your congressmen are/is, state/local/national? Why are you so worried about a president when congress has more power than the president due to their length in time in office.
hops off soap box
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