requiem-if · 3 years
The Archangels
Ariel (Liza Soberano)
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Raphael (Toni Mahfud)
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Remiel (Jasmine Tookes)
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Uriel (Jon Kortajarena)
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Azrael (Scarlett Leithold)
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Michael (Jorge Del Rio Romero)
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Gabriel (Chris Evans/Emilia Clarke)
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requiem-if · 3 years
Can I please get number 7 "a song lyric that would comfort them when they’re sad" for Luci(fer)?
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If the MC sang them this song? You’d have a very happy Devil on your hands.
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requiem-if · 3 years
Let me ask you where are the ro's favourites places to do the thing 👀
Lucifer: Anywhere that’s comfortable or semi-horizontal (though they’re not against using a wall).
Gabriel: The bed. That way they can take their time with you and know that you’re as comfortable as can be.
Syrus/Selene: A wall— is the usual place not necessarily their favorite— as it gives an excellent vantage point for them. Especially for quickies.
Cole/Cora: They usually use a bed but don’t mind having some fun on the couch or a counter.
Nathan/Natasha: The bed. They wouldn’t want to be caught anywhere else with you (plus they could use the covers as something to hide behind if someone walked in).
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requiem-if · 3 years
oc ask game: song lyric edition
1. a song lyric that makes you think of them 2. a song lyric to describe their love life 3. a song lyric to describe their family life 4. a song lyric to describe their personality 5. a song lyric to describe their physical appearance 6. a song lyric to describe their personal style 7. a song lyric that would comfort them when they’re sad 8. a song lyric that would make them feel Seen 9. a song lyric to make them cry 10. a song lyric to make them happy
tip: if you include a reminder of your OCs’ names in the tags, people will be more likely to send in asks!
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requiem-if · 3 years
oc ask game: food edition
1. their favorite food 2. a food they could eat for the rest of their lives 3. a food they’re allergic to, if any 4. a food they avoid at all costs 5. a food they dislike but will still eat 6. their comfort food 7. their favorite alcoholic drink, if any 8. do they have a sweet tooth? 9. their favorite food to make 10. any specific dietary restrictions, like veganism or fasting
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requiem-if · 3 years
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The Threads That Bind is a free to play interactive novel set within the magical world of Harry Potter. Wherein you play as a wizard that’s been transported back into the Founder’s Era of Hogwarts. Will you find your way back? Will you want to?
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The Magical World is filled a variety of creatures— from fire breathing dragons to shrieking plants— that vary in terms of deadliness. The creatures, however, aren’t the only things one needed to watch out for; other magic users, the one’s with an affinity to the Dark Arts, still roamed even after years of Voldemort’s defeat.
That’s where you come in.
You’re an Auror— a police officer for the Magical World— that makes sure the innocent people of Diagon Alley, and beyond, are kept safe.
It was during one of these chases— having been tipped off about a suspected straggler from Voldemort’s Army— that your life changed forever.
Having crashed through one of the seedier stores within Knockturn Alley, you were blinded by a flash of light before appearing in a world that seemed like your own but was completely different all the same.
Not only were you stuck in the past— centuries before you were ever borne— you had no idea how to return to the present.
Nor did the people who came with you…
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This story will be rated 18+ later on for profanity, alcohol consumption, violence, sexual themes, and mentions of torture.
Customizable MC: name, nickname, appearance, magical leanings, sexuality, gender, and various other things.
Choose your Patronus (when it crops up)!
Choose which House you had been apart of! Allowing for amusing dialogue with the Founder’s (especially the one that you choose the romance).
Romance 1 of 6 options that will offer unique experiences for your MCs.
Find your way through a world that is so familiar but so alien all the same.
Discover Hogwarts as you’ve never seen it and interact with a whole new cast of characters.
Play Qudditch— possibly with one of the Founder’s— and learn how the game might have changed.
Figure out a way to get back to your own time— if you even want to— while trying not to hurt one of the people who had come with you.
Interact with a variety of magical creatures.
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The Founder of House Gryffindor; Godric/Godria is exactly as the stories have spoken of. Standing tall and proud, auburn hair falling in gentle waves, as their green eyes observe their surroundings. Their famous sword always on their hip as they traverse through the halls of Hogwarts.
Will you tame their lion heart? Or will you get nothing but heartache for your troubles?
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The Founder of House Hufflepuff; Helge/Helga is a kind hearted being that wants nothing but the best for their students— and for the other Founders to stop bickering— with encouraging words always leaving their lips. Dark brown hair, paired with hazel eyes, giving off a gentle aura that they always try to maintain.
Will you show them the loyalty they’ve always given others? Or will you leave them like the many before?
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The Founder of House Ravenclaw; Rowen/Rowena is an intelligent individual that always has an air of detachment surrounding them. Raven black hair, crystalline blue eyes, and fair skin, gives them an intimidating stature that they don’t dispute. However, it’s with a select few of their students that they let their guard down. Letting their true identity to appear. Will you ever become lucky enough to see it?
Will you be able to temper their talons? Or will you only end up getting cut?
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The Founder of House Slytherin; Salazar/Salazara is not what you were expecting when you met them for the first time. Pale blonde hair, slate grey eyes, and alabaster skin were not things you’ve ever heard them be described with. Their cunning mind, quick wit, and silver tongue doing well to detract from peoples attention on their looks.
Will you be able to withstand their venom? Or will you fall prey to it like many before you?
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Your partner— one of the people that had been unfortunately pulled with you— for over two years. They may not have the most practical ideas but they’re more likely to work than one may think. Their dark brown eyes filled with nothing but warmth towards you— pairing well with their onyx black curls and medium brown skin tone— as they’ve often mentioned they could have never asked for a better partner.
Will you become more? Or is that all you will ever be?
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The other person that was pulled along— unfortunately for you— who also happens to be the very person you had been chasing. One of the last stragglers of Voldemort’s army; Kieran/Kiera’s dark blue eyes are sharper than the simple lackeys you’ve met before. Paired with their flirtatious smile and quips, you know you have quite the time ahead of you. Especially now that you don’t technically have the jurisdiction to detain them.
Will you find out what hides underneath the mark on their arm? Or will they forever remain an enigma to you?
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requiem-if · 3 years
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You’re next…
It was among a thousand other comments— you had only seen it briefly in passing— but you couldn’t help the chill that wracked your spine because of it. Even through the screen you could feel the malicious air exuding from those words. The omniscient air clogging your lungs as you try to fight through the emotions that rise because of the message.
You’re able to shake it off after a few moments— people on the internet are weird after all— and get back to doing your daily routine. Your attention shifting to other things; causing the message to be forgotten.
That is until a sharp rapping on your day awakens you at close to midnight; your bleary eyes barely taking in the flashing of a badge before you’re asking to come with them. Your ears barely being able to comprehend what it was they were hearing.
You were being targeted by a person that had already killed a dozen other people— all of them holding some presence online— and nothing would stop them from getting to their thirteenth; to you.
Will you be able to survive long enough to see the victims before you get justice? Or will you just be another number on a list that wasn’t able to be saved?
This story is 18+ for depictions of murder, violence, gore, sexual themes, profanity, and alcohol use. The demo will be added at a later date.
Customizable MC: name, nickname, username, appearance, gender, sexuality, and a smattering of vices/hobbies.
Choose what type of videos your MC has posted to get so popular: gaming, commentary, home health, cooking, etc.
Always be mindful that someone is out to get you but don’t forget how to live too. You don’t want them to win before they ever get to you.
Fall in love, or back in love, with 1 of the 5 romance options.
Figure out who could be trying to kill you— was your last video really that bad?
Figure out if the people in your life are truly who they say they are.
And, most importantly, figure out your connection with the twelve victims before you.
Damien/Diana Carrington 28, [M/F]
-The Roommate-
One of your roommates— the one that actually owns the house you’re living in— who doesn’t really interact with you all that much. Aloof to everyone but their cat, D makes it a point to stay within their room— more than likely sleeping through the day— before disappearing to their job at random hours; not that they needed to work. Being part of one of the richest families in America.
However, with everything that’s happening with you, you’re about to see a side of D that you’ve never even thought possible.
Gray/Grace Anders 27, [M/F]
-The Best Friend-
Your second roommate, and the one you were closest to, who also happens to be your best friend since childhood. With a sunny smile, compassionate demeanor, and giving spirit; you don’t know what you’d do without them by your side. Having them in the house brings a lot of cheer— plus their homemade meals— that you’ll desperately need in the coming weeks.
Will things transition into something more? Or will they stay the same?
Ethan/Emily Ward 32, [M/F]
-The Ex-Con-
The suave, and slightly egocentric, ex criminal that has agreed to help the police with the investigation— sort of like Silence of the Lambs— as they have the skills, and the connections, to help with the investigation; while the authorities have the capacity to give them a get out of jail free card for good behavior.
Will you fall under their silken words? Helping them turn over a new leaf? Or will everything be left to the unknown?
Oliver/Olivia Deveraux 31, [M/F]
-The Detective-
The lead investigator sent to protect you— as the FBI try other angles— with a cool demeanor that tells you of someone that’s seen too much. Will they let you get closer? Or will they push you away like they have everyone else in their life? Will you be their saving grace, like they’ll be to you, or will they be left to drown within themselves?
Will you see through their mask?
Fallon Beckett 29, [M/F]
-The Ex-
The person you thought you were going to marry; spend the rest of your life but misunderstandings broke the two of your apart. Someone who you used to share a bed with, who used to hold your heart and you theirs, becoming nothing but a stranger to you. So, you were surprised when you opened your door and they were standing on the other side. The same soulful gaze, the one you had fallen in love with, being right in front of you once more.
Will you forget your past to set your sights on a brighter future? Or will you always be stuck on that night everything ended?
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requiem-if · 3 years
How about demon x angel or nephilim x angel? Lmao, I'm sorry Fay I'm curious!
Are you talking about the chance of having children? Angels aren’t truly designed to procreate. They’re more like thought babies (like Athena), when they’re needed they sort of just appear but they don’t have any parents. The only ones who do are the Archangels because they were created for God and his Wife (shown within Lucifer).
As for demons? They can have children but celestial and demonic entities can’t mesh (like that). So it would more than likely kill the host parent. However, demon children with humans are rare too because mortals don’t mesh well with celestial/demonic entities either.
There’s been many fail safes put into place to make sure things that aren’t meant to procreate don’t do so.
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requiem-if · 3 years
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The Spark of Hope is a free to play interactive novel set within the world of Star Wars. Wherein you’ll take the role of a young Jedi trying to find their way in a galaxy that has turned on its head; some liberties have been taken with the lore but that’s all for the sake of the story.
May the Force be with you…
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The Empire…
It’s synonymous with everything that has gone wrong within the known galaxy; taking life as if they were a simple inconvenience. Many know it as the dark cloud— the dark force— constantly hovering over them. Just waiting for a time when it’s suitable to strike.
You, however, know it a bit more intimately than the other inhabitants of the galaxy. To them the Empire, and subsequently the Emperor, was a faceless tyrant. An entity that needed no physical form for them to feel its presence.
To you he was father…
And to him you were a pawn that he could use to tighten his hold on those he thought lesser. To ensure that he would stay in power.
The only thing in your favor? You were able to escape the Empire’s hold but it’s only a matter of time before he tracks you down.
Even if you wouldn’t be able to stop him, you only needed to get people to see that they had a fighting chance.
That rebelling was the only way to survive.
And that you weren’t the enemy.
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This story is 18+ for violence, depictions of torture, sexual themes, profanity, and alcohol consumption.
The lore, as I’ve mentioned previously, is shifted primarily around two things; that Jedi aren’t allowed to fall in love and that Palpatine is known (meaning his face). Palpatine is an ambiguous entity that can look a bit different then how you remember him. I hope that doesn’t upset anyone too much.
This is set before the original movies but after the prequels. Where the Rebellion was first starting out.
Customizable MC: name, nickname, appearance, gender, sexuality, fighting style, and more.
Choose your lightsaber color— that will boost your stats appropriately— from blue to green to purple to yellow.
Romance 1 of 5 options that will show you what you’ve been missing in life. Or choose to stay single.
Visit different planets as you try to recruit allies— while going under the Empire’s radar— and meet interesting people in the process.
Make sure that you don’t crash the Tempest too much, alright? Her captain won’t be too pleased with you.
Toe the line between the Light and Dark side as you try to sever your bond with the Empire. Don’t lose your way…
Have fun down time with your companions— namely your small droid friend— and get to learn more about them as you travel through the depths of space.
Practice the force and hone your skills with your lightsaber— just make sure you don’t blow anything up— as you never know who may show up.
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Anehsi/Anehsa Kaa [M/F] - The Warrior
[5’8” | Sky Blue Eyes]
Species: Togruta
You meet the empathetic individual on one of your first stops after escaping the Empire. With kind eyes, a fighting spirit, and a genuine want to help, you know that you have an ally that you can trust. But maybe you’ve found something more too.
Rhen/Rhea Solace [M/F] - The Mechanic
[5’10 | Silver Eyes | Dark Brown Hair]
Species: Human
The other half of the Tempests modest crew; a flirt that has a way with the machinery of any spacecraft. With sly words, a saccharine smile, and innuendos exuding from them, you know your time aboard the ship has just gotten a lot more interesting. Especially when you notice the softer edge they have when they think no one is looking.
Castor/Celeste Ekiam - The Anchor
[5’6 | Hazel Eyes | Auburn Hair]
Species: Human
The only person that you trusted enough to tell your plan— about how you needed to leave everything behind— and who, without hesitation, came with you. With a gentle demeanor and soft words most would assume they were harmless; they’d be wrong. You don’t know what you’d do without them by your side.
Elaire/Elaira Amadis [M/F] - The Captain
[6’3” | Green Eyes | Golden-White Hair]
Species: Human
The captain of the Tempest that has sarcasm exuding from every word; their guard up around you even if they don’t know where you’re truly from. Will you be able to show them that you’re not a threat? Soothe the years pain from their eyes as you get to know them aboard their ship? Or will it all crumble before your eyes?
Kit'alo'nuruodo (Kit) [M/F] - The Bounty Hunter
[6’0” | Red Eyes | Jet Black Hair]
Species: Chiss
A pragmatic individual that has a cunning intellect— you were able to see that the moment you met their gaze— which makes their prowess in battle that much more deadly. You may not be sure if they’re on your side completely but you’re glad they’re not actively trying to kill you anymore too.
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requiem-if · 3 years
Can angels have kids? Be it with their power mixing with another angel or archangel or the human way?
It’s very, very rare for an Angel to have a child— it’s more likely to happen with an Archangel because of their connection with the mortal realm but it’s possible(ish) for a normal Angel to do so too— and, because of various complications, the child may not make it to full term (if it’s a human/angel pairing).
Angel x Angel children don’t happen. Angels don’t really mesh like that; it’d cause issues.
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requiem-if · 3 years
Ohhh, "🎁 ~ something they really want" for all the ROs, please?
Lucifer: You in their bed. They really want people to realize they’re not some big bad. That they just want to live their life and punish the people who deserve to be punished.
Gabriel: They’ve never shared this with anyone, as many would look down at them for it, but they want Samael to come back home. To part of the family again and not feel like they’re unloved.
Syrus/Selene: They want a soul. They want to feel like they’re actually alive and what it means to have the added benefits of having one. It’s not something they’ve ever really shared though.
Cole/Cora: For Lucifer to stop prank calling them whenever they’re at their desk. They just want their son to be happy and feel like he’s loved. That’s so important for them to maintain.
Nathan/Natasha: They want one of their interns to actually listen to them, but they also want to find someone that’ll understand them. That won’t ignore their needs and wants for their own.
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requiem-if · 3 years
OC questions :) you can do several in one post. Just give the desired characters name for the answer
Reblog if you want your followers to ask you these questions! :D
🎵 ~ song for said oc
🍓 ~ favorite fruit
🏀 ~ sports they play (or would if they could)
🎤 ~ favorite hobbies
🍟 ~ favorite place to eat out
👖 ~ favorite clothes to wear
🎷 ~ instruments they play (or listen too)
🍿 ~ favorite snack
☀️ ~ favorite season
🎂 ~ birthday date
🧸 ~ favorite animal
🎁 ~ something they really want
☕️ ~ favorite drink
📚 ~ favorite school subject
🍩 ~ favorite sweet treat
🌼 ~ favorite flower
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requiem-if · 3 years
Nathan - The Doctor
Face Claim: Rohit Khandelwal
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Body Inspiration:
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Outfit Inspiration:
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requiem-if · 3 years
Natasha - The Doctor
Face Claim: Freida Pinto
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Body Inspiration:
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Outfit Inspiration:
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requiem-if · 3 years
What sort of powers does the mc and the other angels have? Are they specific to each Angel like in the show or will there be more baseline power for them all? The freezing/slowing down time power in the Lucifer show was always so cool
Powers like that are usually kept to the Archangels (and they do have a their own individually, yes).
However, Angels as a whole are strong, agile, and immune to mortal injuries, and you have the ability of flight. Archangels, again, being the toughest of the lot; as the only thing that can kill/scar them is a celestial weapon. Normal Angels can be “killed” if enough trauma is placed onto them (which will be explained more fully within the game).
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requiem-if · 3 years
I'm so sorry if I come off as rude, but I wonder would it be okay to ask you if maybe you could add who of the ROs have kids in the main post, if it's not too troublesome?😅
Only C does and it’s something that’ll be revealed within the game (sort of like the show)…
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requiem-if · 3 years
Does C have a child? Like Chloe does on the show?
Yes. They have a son named Theodore (or Theo for short).
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