rosecloud90 · 3 years
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✅ Chloe Ting
✅ Lose It! App (with Apple Watch tracking)
✅ 8 Months Alcohol-FREE
I’m so proud and happy!! Stick with it and see results, guys! 🥰
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rosecloud90 · 3 years
It’s been so long since I’ve posted, BUT I’m still sticking with my workouts!
Some personal issues got in the way this past month. I had a death in the family and it hit really hard. 😓
In terms of fitness, I’m halfway through Chloe Ting’s most recent weight-loss program, but I feel like I need more of a challenge. I’m hitting a bit of a plateau. Adjusting my eating habits, however, is definitely the #1 fix for that.
I’m still tracking everything on Lose It! I have a 266-day streak! Plus, my Apple Watch is doing its calorie-counting job.
Let’s keep this going! 💪
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rosecloud90 · 3 years
That is all.
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rosecloud90 · 3 years
No one loves you drunk.
They love having an excuse to be drunk themselves.
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rosecloud90 · 3 years
4 months sober, guys!
I kinda can’t believe it. My urges to drink are practically gone, but I do keep getting this sinking feeling that I’ll go back to my olds ways once the pandemic is over. But I like myself sooo much better sober.
I like remembering things.
I like not having hangovers.
I like my improved mood.
I like my clear skin.
I like my subsequent weightloss.
My 20’s went by in a haze, and now I feel like I’ve gained back all the time in the world. I’m entering my 30’s healthier than I’ve ever been, both mentally and physically. ♥️
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rosecloud90 · 3 years
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6+ Months of Progress!!
I seriously can’t believe these photos!! You can actually TELL my forearm is smaller and that my upper arm has firmed up. I’m so proud!
💪 Proof that you CAN target arms and get results!
🔻 Officially down 23LBS since 2019.
Here’s what I’m doing:
1. Tracking my food, exercise, and sleep with Lose It!
2. Wearing my Apple Watch to track daily movement.
3. Doing Chloe Ting workouts (right now, I’m on the Lean Arm Challenge) - full-body exercises are key, especially focused on back and core.
4. Weight training (any free Body Pump classes online I can find) and using resistance bands when my arms are sore.
5. Doing yoga (30 Days with Adriene is a great start).
6. NOT eating too little (low-calorie days actually messed up my progress) and NOT depriving myself of food I like. I stick to my calorie goal and that’s that.
7. Getting enough SLEEP and WATER.
8. No more DRINKING!! Alcohol has been out of my life for the last 4 months and I’m much happier for it.
BONUS: This is silly, but I like to listen to fast-paced game shows while I’m working out to keep my mind busy 😋 I just mute my workout video and throw on old videos of The Weakest Link or something. Makes things less boring and more educational!
Can you even imagine what another 6 months will look like?! I can’t wait to find out.
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rosecloud90 · 3 years
I haven’t posted in forever, BUT that’s good news because I’ve been working out like a CHAMP 💪
I’ve been doing Chloe Ting’s Lean Arm Challenge at my own pace (because I tend to have shoulder issues) and I am already seeing a difference!! Going too hard too fast has been an issue for me, but not anymore, especially after results like this!
A bit contributer to my success - NOT DRINKING.
I still can’t decide if I wanna go back to drinking (or if maybe I should see a therapist and work some stuff out first). Drinking isn’t the problem, it’s HOW I drink. Same with eating. Same with a lot of things... 😅
Starting Weight: 173 LBS
-22 LBS (over about a year)
Current Weight: 151 LBS
Here’s my progress since I got an Apple Watch and started using the Lose It! App just 4.5 months ago:
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rosecloud90 · 3 years
I’m officially on Xmas vacation... time to do a Chloe Ting workout challenge!! ☺️🔥
I’m taking on Chloe’s Lean Arm Challenge! It’s 3 weeks and I have 10 days off to get into the flow before I’m back to work. Let’s DO this!!!
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rosecloud90 · 3 years
I FINALLY beat my weight loss plateau... AND I’m 2.5 months sober!
Progress, progress, progress!!!
Started at 172lbs last February-ish and now I’m at 154lbs!! I’m still loving the Lose It! app and my Chloe Ting workouts. 🙌
Not drinking is, of course, a HUGE benefit. None of those extra calories means all that energy gets used effectively! I can wake up without a problem (or a hangover) and it makes literally everything easier.
Also, the people in this community have been SO sweet! I’ve gotten messages from kind strangers and it’s been incredibly heartwarming. I never expected that on social media! 😝
Let’s keep the quarantine routine GOING!
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rosecloud90 · 4 years
Two months of sobriety: Done. ✅
Two months gone and not a drop of liquor!!! I’m so proud of myself and, honestly, I feel amazing. I have much more energy and my mind is clear.
It’s been tempting to drink lately, especially during the holidays, but then I see my friends take a shot or a sip and it just looks unpleasant. I didn’t realize how much of a drinker I was before this, though. I know a lot of people who drink alcohol like it’s water, and I can feel them pull away when I say I don’t want to do the same. That’s okay, though. That’s on them.
I’m gonna keep going. When will I drink again? Who knows!! For now, I’m happy staying dry.
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rosecloud90 · 4 years
I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted on Thanksgiving (and the day after) and I LOVED it. Now I’m back to my workout routine!
✅ 45 minute Chloe Ting Full Body Workout
✅ 15 minute Chloe Ting Shredded Abs Workout
Branching out to new YouTubers like MadFit and XHIT. Any suggestions for the at-home fitnessourie?
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rosecloud90 · 4 years
Didn’t do an amazing job eating healthy this week, BUT this is a new week!! Time to try again. 🙌
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rosecloud90 · 4 years
Okay, this is working REALLY well for me. I simplified the way I track my workouts. Here’s what I keep in my phone:
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Each week, I change the dates and refresh my check marks. When I’ve completed the max # of workouts, I strikethrough for a sense of accomplishment. If I go over the max, I just add more checkmarks. That’s it!
Bonus: I always turn the workout app on in my Apple Watch and adjust the setting to the type of exercise I’m doing (in case I want to see my progress over time).
I’ll check-in if this stops workout, but so far, I’m loving the simplicity!! 🥰
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rosecloud90 · 4 years
⏰ Time for measurements again!
Last Measurement: September 13
Today’s Measurement: November 6
🔻STOMACH: 37.75 (-0)
🔻BUST: 37.25 (-.5)
🔻WAIST: 31 (-.5)
🔻HIPS: 40.75 (-.25)
🔻UPPER ARM: 13.75 (-.25)
🔻FOREARM: 10 (-0)
🔻THIGH: 24 (-.5)
🔻CALF: 15.5 (-0)
So far, that’s a total of 5.5 inches lost since July! Might be a little bloated today, hence the same stomach measurement. What do I care?! Progress is progress! 😋
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rosecloud90 · 4 years
Just finished a workout!! My November time is wide open and I’m ready to implement NEW fitness goals!
Weekly Goals:
💪 Arm Workout 3-4x/week
💢 Core Workout 3-4x/week
🍑 Peachy Workout 2-3x/week
🦵 Leg Workout 1-2x/week
🏃‍♀️ Cardio Workout 3-4x/week
Let’s DO THIS!!
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rosecloud90 · 4 years
One Month Sober!!
It’s been a full MONTH since I’ve had a drink!! It was hard at first, but got much easier over time.
Now that Sober October is over, do I really want to go back to drinking?
Well, it might be hard NOT to drink on election night, but then again... it’s just a matter of not doing it.
I’m enjoying my better skin, better sleep, and lack of hangovers. I’m enjoying how easy it is to stick to my calorie goal and see the number on the scale go down.
I think I’m gonna see how long I can hold out. 😋
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rosecloud90 · 4 years
Finally seeing the scale budge! Zero Drinking + Exercise = ACTUAL Results. Who knew? 💪
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