The fact that it’s almost Christmas, Here is a playlist of Christmas songs sung by bands/arists to ROCK your Christmas :)
My Chemical Romance - All I want for Christmas is you (Cover)
Blink 182 - I won’t be home for Christmas
All Time Low - Merry Christmas, Kiss my ass
Fall Out Boy - Yule shoot your eye out
Dallon Weekes - Please don’t jump (It’s Christmas)
Panic! At The Disco - White Christmas (Cover)
Green Day - Xmas time of the year
The Brobecks - Christmas Drag
Dallon Weekes - Sickly sweet holidays
All Time Low - Fool’s Holiday
Sleeping With Sirens - Christmas on the Road
Tyler Joseph - Oh come, Oh come, Emmanuel
Patrick Stump - This Christmas
Simple Plan - My Christmas wish list
New Found Glory - Nothing For Christmas
My Chemical Romance - Every Snowflakes different (Just like you)
Panic! At The Disco - Feels like christmas
And a bonus Christmas song of Fall Out Boy singing “What’s this” lip synced by Phil Lester!
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well, what if I want more people to read it?!
how's about a compromise: you'll stop and I'll publicly admit that not all of my art is bad? that good enough for you?
So, still mad at me for spreading the word about your amazing art?
can you not bring any more attention to it than it’s absolutely necessary please and thanks asjhdaksfdfhh and I’m not mad, just,,,, /why/ 
but I’ll shut up about it not being good enough if you promise not to physically fight me, deal?
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oh shit
I didn’t expect it to be this heavy... and I knew it wasn’t going to be nice.
I’m so fucking glad you got out STILL that was a horrible situation and I’m sorry you had to go through it  >:(((
you’re right, you really have to watch out for the small things... if something seems off about a person, it’s best to watch out and ~trust your gut~
the guy you based Ricardo on?? tell tell tell
Fair warning, it’s not as bad as Annika’s time, but according to what everyone said about him, I’m glad I got out of there.Now, before I continue with this story, please know something: Sweet little Jewels here is OBLIVIOUS AS ALL FUCK!!!
I technically knew the dude since my sophomore year, but I only talked to him here or there, and then he just kinda ignored me until my senior year. When he did, I was confused, but I thought he was friendly, and he was popular for a reason, so it had to be because he was friendly. In my mind anyways.
Anyways, I gave him my number, and he just texts me nonstop. I was fine with it, it made my mom happy that I was interacting with people instead of being a hermit that hid in my room. But, everyone at school seemed to have different thoughts on him interacting with me.
One of my friends had dated him in the past (which I didn’t know until she said it) and she actually encouraged me to pursue a relationship, but gave me a heads up about a few quirks of him. The way she said it just made it sound like he was awkward. But, I was starting to get a weird feeling about it.
People came up to me and told me that he had a history of girls, hell, his FRIEND came and warned me. Now, my ace ass figured “Well, then this will be a test, if he’s nice, he’ll wait, if he pressures, bye”, but no, life isn’t that simple.
I know people say to just ignore small things, BUT DON’T. SERIOUSLY, DON’T. Anytime we were together, he had a hand on me, usually my waist. I was okay with it, sometimes, but every once in a while, I just don’t want anyone touching me. So, I would step away, usually while giggling to show that it wasn’t because I was angry. So what would he do? He pulled me back.
He would come up behind me and hug me and hold me.
He would stay in my homeroom with me, even if I warned him he would be late.
He would text me, and told me about his cats.
And he did all of this in front of other people.
I didn’t realize until afterwards that he did this on purpose. He was counting on the fact that I never wanted to make a scene and say no. He put on such a nice guy act that even I fell for it, the girl who will say no to every guy or girl that asks her out.
When the sick feeling in my gut got too much, I broke it off, and he flipped out. He cursed me out, blamed me, refused to listen to my explanation, and made himself the victim. He would tell me not to text him while he continued to text me.
I was shocked. I was used to the sweet guy that kissed my cheek, and hugged me, even if it made me feel a little off. He tried to apologize later, but all I did was quietly say how it was fine and scurried off. One of his ex-girlfriends who had dated him long term came to talk to me about him, and asked if he did anything.
At the end of the year, I was working with a friend, and when he asked about who I dated, I told him about the guy. At this point, I had been the one to feel guilty and felt I had been the one at fault, so I was confused when he looked horrified. He started telling me how that wasn’t right, how what he did was bad, and manipulative, and how it was good that I had broken it off.
So, don’t ignore the small things. Because small things are signals to bigger things. And from the rumors I heard, the bigger things with him would have been bad news for me.
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Annika is a fucking badass and I’m here for it although SHE NEEDS TO LEARN TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF HERSELF! good thing she has the punks to help her out they are such good, supportive friends
also I feel like there is very little angst here compared to your other fics, I’m shook?? it’s certainly there but there’s less of it? not that I don’t like that, or this fic in general. (I LOVE IT) It’s nice to read something a little lighter but I feel like it’s all fun and games until you make up for it with extra dose of angst in the future ;o; 
oh ps I don’t think I know of anyone who writes Remy better than you, he’s so in character in the best way possible when you do him and i mean do him as in write him not do him as in DO him i’m not suggesting that- you know what i think it’s about time for me to go to sleep. yeah. it’ll be for the best.
5 Times The Punks Helped Annika, and the 1 Time They Didn’t Need To
Seeing as Virgil could work himself into a panic attack 5 times a day, Logan was already used to dealing with people ranting in an anxious frenzy. But while Virgil could usually be soothed with short words and a quick reality check, Annika ALWAYS had a new angle to throw at him.
“I can’t turn this into the teacher, why did I think I could turn this in, this is utter garbage, do I have time to re-write this, maybe I can ask for-”
“Annika, you have been putting this off for a week, just turn it in, and get it over with. Your anxiety will calm down once you do so.”
Annika, who had a mess of papers in front of her, just HAD to argue. “But what if she doesn’t like my sources, and why do I have to present it, I can’t speak in front of people, and what if-WHERE’S MY TITLE PAPER, DID I NOT PRINT IT?!”
Another difference was that while Virgil could at least LOOK calm, Annika quite literally acted like she needed to be checked into a mental hospital. Logan rolled his eyes as Annika almost destroyed her binder in search for the title paper for her psychology project. He glanced at the mess of papers, and spotted it amongst the graphs and charts she had organized. 
A quick glanced showed her now searching her backpack for the title paper, and Logan quickly stacked the papers in order, and put them in the small binder Patton had given her so she could put her project in one place. Well, save for the title paper. “Annika, I found it, it fell on the floor.”
She really must have been panicked, because the bell rang and she jumped. She quickly thanked him and grabbed it, putting it with the rest of the project, and ran out the door. Logan barely had time to slide her psychology book in before she ran. “Annika, your backpack is open.”
Annika ran, closing it, and not even realizing Logan had basically put together her entire project for her. Oh well, as long as it made her calm down. Plus, Patton would make sure she didn’t pass out from fear.
For some reason, Annika would just have days where she just did not want to eat. Nothing sounded appealing, her stomach wouldn’t rumble, and she would even deny sweets. The days were far apart, but even on a normal day, she didn’t eat much. And Patton? Well, considering his family had pride in their food, that just didn’t sit well with him.
The only problem was that Annika never took food on her Hunger Days, so Patton had to get creative.
So when lunch came around, and Annika shrugged when asked why she didn’t have food, the Pastel Punk was absolutely prepared.
“What is all this?”
“Oh, well, this is a chicken tamale, and this is an empanada, and this is sopaipillas that I’m not sure I made correctly, but this is why you’re taste testing it!”
Annika went wide eyed. “What?! But Patton, I can’t-“
“Annika, you have to, if I can’t prove to my mom that I can make our family recipes, then she’ll make me have to sit through a cooking class that make the most BORING stuff, and you like Mexican food, so PLEASE!”
Annika glanced at the food, and at Patton. She REALLY wasn’t hungry, but not even she could resist Patton’s puppy eyes. It was at least amusing to the other punks, who had to stifle their laughs as Patton encouraged and pleaded with Annika to eat more and more, until she had eaten enough food to last her until dinner.
And if Patton had told just a small lie, and didn’t actually have to take a cooking class, well….
At least Annika was eating. And she liked his tamale.
“Roman, you are literally the last person here, can we go now?”
“I have to make sure everything is okay! I AM the one in charge after all!”
Annika groaned from where she was sitting on the edge of the stage, kicking her legs, watching as Roman carried who knows how many props. “Roman, if you keep running like that, you’re gonna-”
“….trip. You idiot.”
Roman grumbled as he picked up the props, frowning when he couldn’t find half of them. “Um, Annika? Did you see where the rest of them went?”
Annika shrugged, before glancing at the wooden stand that would soon be a radio tower for the play they were putting on. “Did they roll under the radio tower thing?”
Roman didn’t answer her, but his dramatic flopping over after looking under it told her they were. “Ugh, I can’t fit under there!” He sulked for a moment before smirking at her. “But you can.”
Annika glared. “It is dusty as all hell under there, my sinuses are not gonna put up with that!”
“Annika, please! I’ll buy you dinner on the way home.”
“…..I want McDonald’s.”
“Done! Thank you, my Lady in Ace-ing!”
Annika kept complaining about the dust as she crawled under the wood. Roman was about to brush off her concerns until he noticed a loose board on the side…..that happened to be holding up a corner of the prop.
That Annika was currently under.
The punk had about 5 seconds to react when the board came loose, almost bringing down the entire prop. He luckily grabbed it, hating how heavy it was, but he couldn’t let Annika get hurt! Straining, he called out to Annika. “You okay under there?”
“I can already feel my nose clogging up!”
Roman faked a laugh, desperately looking for a hammer or a screwdriver, any tool really. His eyes landed on the blue one that hadn’t been put up with the props, a few feet away. Oh, he had to reach it.
He used his foot to reach as far as he could, still talking to Annika. “Uh, you get them all?”
“I’m getting the last one now, why were you carrying so many of them?”
Got it! Roman quickly dragged it to him and picked it up. He rested the tower on his shoulder (oh, he was gonna regret that in the morning…), and quickly fixed the board. Shakily letting it go, he sighed in relief as it stayed firm.
At that moment, Annika crawled out from under it, completely oblivious to the danger she had been in, covered in dust. “Oh, god, I hate it under there! Don’t drop anything under there, no one deserves that torture…..Are you okay? Your face is red.”
Roman waved it off. “I’m fine, I just….had to run to stop another prop from rolling away.“
Annika rolled her eyes, “Roman, please grab a bucket next time, you can’t hold 50 pounds of props by yourself.”
Okay, Roman was sure that corner of the tower weighed at least 60 pounds, maybe 70 if he really pushed it, since it was made with the firm wood since people had to stand on it. But, well, Annika didn’t need to be unnecessarily scared.
Virgil honestly didn’t understand how Annika acted at times. Most of the time, she was way too aware of how her body moved and looked, and went to great lengths to keep herself covered and modest.
And then there were times she was so distracted looking in her backpack, she didn’t realize she had 6 guys looking at her bent over backside.
Virgil rolled his eyes, confused, but also slightly amused.
Until he noticed Ricardo looking at Annika. 
Virgil raised an eyebrow. Surely, Ricardo couldn’t be stupid enough to think he could still get with Annika? She’d said no before, he’d almost violated her, AND got the worst beatdown of his life afterwards. But as Ricardo slicked back his hair, put on his ‘apology smile’, Virgil realized the dude was actually going to try.
Ricardo took two steps towards the girl, but Virgil was much faster. The emo punk leaned against the lockers as he glared down Ricardo, who apparently hadn’t seen him yet. “Hey, Annika, what are you doing?”
The girl didn’t even look at him, still rifling through her bag. “I’m trying to find my English notes for class, but I don’t know where they are. I KNOW I put them in here.”
The crowd was starting to disappear, and Ricardo froze when he noticed Virgil next to Annika. The punk narrowed his eyes and resisted the urge to hiss. “Have you checked your locker?”
“Yes! If I can’t find these notes, I might not pass the test!”
Virgil could see the sleaze ball debate between talking to Annika with Virgil there. He smirked. “Just ask Logan, he’ll have some he’ll let you borrow.”
Ricardo could feel his soul leave his body as Virgil gave him an almost psychotic smile, and spoke just loud enough for him to hear. “After all, we wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you. Whether that be failing a test, or someone hurting you. No matter the risks.”
The threat was clear. Get near her, and you won’t live to regret it.
Ricardo practically set the hallway on fire with how fast he ran, and Annika finally stood up. Virgil dropped his intimidation and smiled at her. She had some papers in her hand. “Here they are! I forgot I had put them in my notebook instead of my binder. I appreciate that Logan would help me though. I’ll tell him I said thank you when I see him.”
Virgil nodded, “If it helps, the test really isn’t that hard?”
“Oh, shut up, you were anxious about it too.”
“Unlike you, I have it first block, when I’m still a sleep-deprived zombie.”
Annika rolled her eyes, before glancing at her phone. “I have to go! Later, Virgil!”
She ran down the hallway, and Virgil watched her leave.
Just to make sure everyone knew not to fuck with her. Like Ricardo.
Remy strolled into the school with two coffees in hands, one of which they were sipping on. It was currently the end of the semester, which meant final exams, essays, tons of studying, and pulling all nighters.
Yea, no, they preferred a different type of all nighter. One with drinking, and dancing, and good music.
Remy usually visited their dad first, then went to annoy Roman, but this time, they headed straight to the library to drop off a caramel latte to their favorite girl. Not that she had asked or even knew she was getting coffee this morning.
Also, because life apparently had to be stupid, they couldn’t just hand her the coffee.
Honestly, this was all Logan’s fault. Why the hell had the nerd decided to cut off Annika’s coffee intake RIGHT when she needed it? Something about addiction or some shit. Whatever. The girl didn’t just drink coffee for caffeine, oh no, she liked it the way she acted, which was sweet as hell. It cheered her up, made mornings a little more bearable, and according to Virgil, she had been grumpier than him ever since Logan started his Coffee Ban, snapping and demanding to be alone. And that was not good when it was Hell Season for school. Banning coffee should be a sin, right up there with murder, since some people’s souls died when they couldn’t get it.
Honestly, if Logan ever tried to pull that shit on Remy, his next tattoo is getting fucked up on damn purpose because of it. With a wrong quote to go with it.
Remy got to the entrance of the library and immediately found Annika. She was easy to find when she had bright blue and purple hair, and was sitting by herself in the corner.
Poor girl looked about to cry. Oh no, not on Big Sis Remy’s watch.
Okay, yea, Remy made the right decision to pick up a coffee her. Now, how to go about this?
Looking at their drink, they quickly set it on a bookshelf (very carefully, they’re not losing their drink, no matter how much they love Annika, sorry girl) where she couldn’t see it, and strolled over. “Girl, am I glad to have found you.”
Annika looked up, the bags under her eyes way too big for Remy’s taste. “Remy? What are you doing here?”
They set the coffee in front of her, putting on the anger act. “Plotting my damn revenge over the stupid ass barista that fucked up my order. You like caramel lattes, take it, honestly, I am pissed!”
Annika hesitantly took the coffee. “How’d they mess it up?”
Remy took the chair next to her, “They did not just mess it, they FUCKED it up! Like, I asked for a macchiato. A macchiato! And the damn blonde gave me a latte! They’re not even CLOSE to being the same!”
To Remy’s relief, Annika had taken a sip of the coffee, which meant it wouldn’t go to waste. She also giggled. “I’m so damn glad my suffering is funny to you.”
“No, it’s not that- Well, it is funny, but why are you insulting her because she’s blonde?”
“Because blonde’s are stupid.”
“Didn’t you say you cut your hair and went blonde when you were younger?”
“Yea, and I cut my damn IQ when I cut my hair. Speaking of IQ, what in the name of hell are these charts and graphs for?”
Annika took a long gulp of the coffee, and Remy is incredibly glad they had let it cool down, or they’re sure she would’ve been okay with burning her tongue. Eh, well nothing is more painful than Hell Week.
Annika pointed to the paper. “I have my psychology final coming up, and part of the test focuses on the relationship between genetic history and the different capacities for intelligence, such as creativity, physical intelligence, memory, info perceiving, and applying it to adaptive behaviors in your environment.”
Remy blinked. “Honey, my IQ didn’t grow back with my hair, translate that into Remy.”
“Well, you apparently didn’t get your dad’s intelligence. I’ll add that to the results.”
She took a quick sip of her coffee as Remy gave an offended gasp. “Damn, girl, Virgil wasn’t kidding when he said you were snapping!”
Remy spent the next few minutes just making Annika laugh. When she seemed sufficiently cheered up, they said bye, gave a side hug, and snuck their coffee out of the library.
Their mug had left a stain on the bookshelf, but, oh well, not their problem.
Annika wanted nothing more than to go home. She was mentally exhausted, stressed out, and wasn’t looking forward to dealing with whatever her grandmother wanted her to do. She knew because a random $100 had gotten dropped to her bank account. Her grandmother always did nice things before guilt-tripping her into doing something.
Unfortunately, it seemed the universe decided to make this a bad day. The girl at the locker next to Annika’s regarded her with a sneer before retuning to her makeup, which Annika first ignored. She’s seen her before, she was nothing but a petty bully who wasn’t worth anyone’s time. Upon seeing her sneer got no reaction, the girl then snottily whispered, “Slut.”
Okay, that got Annika’s attention. She glanced over, recognizing her as, she thinks, Tara. Oh, her, epitome of the stereotypical Alpha Bitch. “I’m sorry, were you talking to me?”
Tara scoffed before turning to her. “Hell yea I was. You’re so obvious.”
“And just how am I a slut?”
Tara had the nerve to shut Annika’s locker. “Don’t think no one realizes you hanging around those boys. How many times a week do you fuck them?”
Annika rolled her eyes. “I don’t. They’re my friends.”
Tara gave her mocking pity eyes. “Oh, honey, as if they would actually want to be friends with you.”
Bitch, only Remy can get away with calling her ‘honey’. “Well, I’d hope Patton and Logan would, considering they’re both incredibly gay.”
Now it was Tara’s turn to scoff, and this time, she looked away, as if trying to think of a come back. Annika used the moment to look her up and down. She was wearing heels and a tight skirt, which meant she couldn’t fight. Just in case it got physical.
Tara put her hand on her hip as she glared at Annika. “So, you actually like hanging out with them?”
“Yea, I do, they’re cool.”
“Even the emo freak and the drama bitch?”
Annika’s jaw tightened. “Don’t insult Virgil and Roman.”
“They deserve it, they’re the lowest of the damn class.”
“And yet, they still won’t waste time on your ass, even when Roman personally told you how horrific your singing and acting was.”
Tara’s eyes flared with anger upon being reminded of her failed audition, and how she had only gotten a note to tell her she didn’t get the part. Sharp talons for nails almost slapped Annika, but she’d grabbed her wrist and used her other hand to slap Tara. And because of Tara’s heels, she couldn’t regain her balance, and fell to the floor with a rather ungraceful and painful looking fall.
Annika suddenly realized the crowd of student’s around her, with plenty of phones out. Of course, no one in school could resist a fight. Tara suddenly whined, and Annika looked to see her still lying on the ground, a red handprint incredibly visible on her cheek.
The punk glared at her. “Try and slap me again, bitch, I’ll use your own nails to tear your fucking throat out!”
Roman came running through the crowd, pushing his way through. “What happened?!”
Annika leaned against the lockers. “Bitch tried to start some petty shit. Come on, let’s go.”
As Roman glanced at the other girl clutching her cheek, he wondered if he and the others had rubbed off on Annika a little too much.
Eh, well, it clearly wasn’t a bad thing.
“Roman! Now!”
Okay, almost not a bad thing.
AN: I don’t know why this popped into my head, but 5 punks, so 5 Times format (or whatever the hell this format is called). Also, my apologies to all blondes (I’m blonde myself, as well as my mom) and anyone named Tara (I’m sure your name does not dictate your personality).
Tag List: @asofterfan @imthemaja @alurea-actually @sardelleterushan @the-gay-weirdo @theotherella @generalfandomfabulousness @iamsilentwolf @doodler200 @ironwoman359 @rptheturk @sanspie122 @peachie-keeen @logicallyanxious-morallyromantic @justanotherpurplebutterfly @toujours-fidele @a-whole-lot-of-screaming @haileybubble @bring-it-on-perra @caffeinated-casper @entitydark @sheeparecutest
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first of all I'm not crying, I did not cry and I wouldn't ever cry reading this. YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING!
I'm not even going to. talk about THE THING. because I'd end up malfunctioning again. but I love you.
second of all..
You've told me about the grandmother stuff when you were still writing. I knew the whole story. and yet, reading this part.. wow. it felt like a hit to the stomach. The way Annika told it.. which was very realistic and Annika-like too. then Remy being silent for a good while before he could comment it - I can relate. despite that we've been over this I'm still shocked at how horrible it was. and I agree with Remy. it's better to cut out toxic and abusive people out of your life, even if they are a part of your family.
I have to say that the way you write Remy is absolutely f l a w l e s s 👌 👌 👌 it's just on heckin point okay it's perfect
also I must've mentioned that before, but Annika getting that tattoo with the money from her grandmother is g r e a t
oh and the thought of the punks telling Remy about Annika is heartwarming, honestly
I love that this part is a perfect balance of funny as fuck Remy/Annika action and the very serious parts of Annika opening up about what that summer and her abuse a bit. I read every fic you write at least twice but I must have re-read this one at least 4 times
btw if anyone who's read this would look at my username, that'd be the only time in the history of ever that it (my un) made any sense.
well. lastly, can I just
"Remy, he's gay."
"Oh, tell him to swing my way sometime."
"He has a boyfriend."
"Never fucking mind."
this killed me
"You know, with what Virgil says about you, I wasn't expecting you to be this mature."
"The fuck does that little bitch say about me?!"
"And never mind."
and this brought me back to life
“AH! Roman, knock it off!”
“I just need a few more pictures!“
Annika growled and leaned to hide behind Virgil. Roman apparently considered that photo-worthy, because she saw the flash again, and then Virgil was cursing Roman out. “Roman, Remy isn’t even here, and Annika hasn’t moved! Why are you taking so many damn pictures?!”
Roman gasped and put his hand on his chest. “Are you daft?! Our dear Annika is finally taking the last step to pure punkness and getting her first tattoo! She’s growing up!”
The steampunk dramatically wiped away a fake tear. Well, Annika figured it was fake, but she wouldn’t be shocked if he did start crying. She’d asked Virgil to draw up her tattoo, and somehow, that led to all of the guys coming with her to the tattoo shop to support her. If only her tattoo artist wasn’t late to the damn appointment.
Annika huffed as she checked her phone. Remy, as she had been told, should have been there 15 minutes ago. “Isn’t he the one who insisted on me being on time?”
“Remy’s always late. Don’t….Don’t ever hope he’ll ever be on time.”
“Look, this tattoo is gonna take a while, so if he isn’t showing up soon, I’m leaving.”
As if the universe knew she needed this tattoo, a heavily tattooed, long haired, late as all fuck bitch walked through the door…..sipping on a Starbucks drink. “What’s up, bitches? Hey, girl, you ready?”
Annika crossed her arms. “You’re late.”
“Look, hon, I had stuff to do. Come on, let’s get you set up.”
Annika followed Remy as he talked to Virgil about the tattoo design. Well, followed was a vague word. Roman had decided he was too happy, so he picked her up and spun her around the entire way to Remy’s area. “Wha- Roman, put me down!”
Remy huffed as he glanced over. “Red, put her down, I deal with too many damn drunks to have another sick client.”
Roman frowned, but set Annika in the tattoo chair. Annika took a moment to glance around. It was shaped like an office cubicle, but it had more décor. Tattoo stuff was everywhere, and there was a picture of Remy and some man there too. Wait….was that the guidance counselor?
“Alright, now, sweetie, Remy will take good care of you, even though you went to Virgil before even bothering to look at my work.”
Virgil frowned. “You would have had me draw it either ways.”
“Shush, hon, you still ain’t legal to tattoo yet.”
“I can still draw.”
Remy and Virgil continued their banter, and so Patton and Logan took the time to get near Annika, since Roman wasn’t hounding her for two seconds. Patton held her hand. “You nervous?”
“Eh, I don’t think nervous is the right word.”
“Apprehensive, perhaps? You have been waiting a rather long time for this tattoo.”
“Yea, apprehensive. Thanks, Logan.”
Patton tilted his head. “So, why now? You’ve wanted this tattoo since at least we met you.”
Oh, shit. How the fuck was she supposed to tell them? It had been over two weeks, and she still hadn’t figured out how to tell them without them freaking out and going to kill-
“Alright, away from my client, we need to start talking.”
Both boys backed away, and Remy basically just confirmed everything they had talked about over the phone. Left shoulder blade, a rose and daisy, yes, she wants it in color, and no, she is not drunk. She can’t drink anyways.
“I’m not even old enough to drink.”
“You hang around these guys, I have to check.”
Annika rolled her eyes as Remy took a sip from his drink, and Roman decided to take another 500 pictures. The tattoo artist finished making the sticker, and grabbed some lotion. “Alright, babe, shirt off.”
Remy immediately recognized the flash of terror in her eyes, and to keep from rolling his as he swiveled in his chair to face the boys that wanted to support their friend. “Alright, boys, it’s girls’ time now. Get out, you’re crowding my space.”
Logan nodded, Virgil squeezed her shoulder in support before following Lo, and Patton happily said bye, saying they would be back in a few hours. But Roman weren’t leaving just yet. He aimed his camera yet again. “Aw, c’mon, I just need one picture of her actually getting her tattoo.”
“Ro, you have until the count of three before I-”
“Before you what, try and fight? You wouldn’t dare, not at work.”
Remy took another sip. “Actually, I was just gonna call up your folks and tell them about that little late night ‘rehearsal’ I had to go pick you up from.”
Annika smirked as Roman’s eyes went wide. “Um, bye, my Lady in Ace-ing! I’ll get that picture afterwards!”
Remy shook his head as Roman ran out the shop. When he spun back around, Annika was already facing the back of the chair and unbuttoning her shirt. “I swear, that boy sometimes.”
“What rehearsal? The theatre is closed.”
“He got in trouble with the cops, and Big Sis Remy had to go rescue him.”
Annika finally finished getting her shirt off, and she used it to cover her front. Remy hummed. “Fair warning, I might need to unhook your bra.”
“That’s fine.”
Remy did so, moving the left strap so he could actually get to the shoulder blade, and smirked. “Cute bra, bee tee dubs.”
“Please don’t.”
“What? I’m just saying. Not to mention, that figure-”
“I will fight you.”
“Girl, you’re hot, just own it.”
Remy laughed as Annika blushed, and started rubbing lotion on her shoulder. “So, Roman know you wear this?”
Annika turned her head as much as she could without moving her body. “Huh?”
“You guys are dating, right?”
He raised an eyebrow. Okay, yea, he’s gonna have some fun with this client. “Well, y’all act like it. I was confused as to why you wanted him kicked out too.”
“Wha- We’re not dating! And even if we were, what makes you think he would see me without my shirt?”
“Um, because y’all are teenagers and hormones are a bitch?”
“…..Okay, true. But, we’re not. And I’m ace as fuck, anyways.”
“Girl, same.”
Annika giggled again. Okay, good, Remy really hated dealing with bitchy clients. He gets it, tattoos are a big deal, but if he’s doing your tattoo, you will not treat him like shit. Annika heard the buzz of the gun, and…..wow, that actually didn’t hurt as much as she thought it did. She started to relax more.
“Now, because it’s dangerous for me to be left alone with my thoughts, I’m gonna be talking nonstop, so you better talk, sweetie.”
Annika nodded. “Okay, but first, are you using female pronouns?”
“What? No, why do you-”
“Your necklace.”
Remy glanced down and groaned when he saw it was still on ‘She’. “Aw, fuck. Eh, I’ll change it later. But nah, it’s a masc day for me.”
“Ah. Switched the flavors of your Genderade today?”
Remy raised an eyebrow. “Genderade?”
“Yea, like Gatorade. Elliott says people drink too much Hatorade and Genderade every morning.”
“If that ain’t the damn truth of the world, and also my new saying. Now, I have been stalking you since the beginning of the year, when you’re trespassing in drama, so why have you just now decided to come see your amazing punk artist, Remy?”
Annika went silent, and Remy waited a few seconds before pulling the tattoo gun away. “Um, Hello? Did you pass out on me, hon?”
“What? No. It’s, um, kind of a crazy story, and I still haven’t told the guys yet.”
“Darling, I have seen a LOT of crazy shit. Just try me.”
“Alright, so my grandmother tried to marry me off to her friend’s gay son so that she could get some money, and so me and him tried to figure out what to do because we were in Tennessee in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, and his dad had turned off the signal or some shit the night before we were supposed to get married, so I had to hike down the mountain in the middle of the night in order to get to the nearest town and call my moms to come pick me up, so now I’m getting this tattoo to tell my grandmother to go fuck herself.”
For a good minute, the only sound in the room was the buzz of the gun. Annika finally turned around, only to see Remy staring at her. “Um, Remy?”
“Well, shit.”
“Yea, that’s one way to sum it up.”
“You almost got married against your will?!”
Annika really wished she could shrug. “Well, yea.”
“Why didn’t you call the police?”
“I couldn’t! His dad did something so we had no service and couldn’t call anyone.”
“I just- I honestly can’t wrap my brain around this.”
“What brain?”
“Well, you’re good enough to still be a snarky brat.”
“I mean, I didn’t get hurt.”
For some reason, she had a feeling Remy was giving her that look that Virgil usually gave her when she talked down how bad her abuse was. “Hon, you almost got married to some stranger! What if he would have raped you?!”
“Remy, he’s gay.”
“Oh, tell him to swing my way sometime.”
“He has a boyfriend.”
“Never fucking mind.”
Annika laughed as her thoughts drifted to her…. fiancée? She wasn’t really sure at this point. “I thought you were ace too.”
“I might be, but sex is a great tool for when you need free drinks.” He heard her gasp. “Girl, chill out, I haven’t done anything that bad. But if they’re offering, hell, I’m taking it. Got three drinks two nights ago from some guy who thought he would get some.”
“You must get called a tease a lot.”
“Hon, with those hips, you probably do too.”
“1, my hips are not that great, and 2, you’ve given me more nicknames than Roman.”
Remy shrugged as he finished up the outline. “Eh, I do it to everyone. So, back to your incredibly traumatic story. Why’d you hike down the mountain? You couldn’t get a ride or something?”
Annika sighed as her thoughts flashed back to that night. “No. His dad hid the keys to the cars, and we couldn’t call anyone. And, well, it was either hike down the mountain, or get married. So, I walked.”
“I don’t get it, just say no.”
“It doesn’t work like that. I tried, and my grandma scared me into it. And if he had said no, his dad would have…..It was just our only option. I had to play the role of a runaway bride to keep him safe.”
Remy frowned. He’s dealt with real assholes in his life, but that was a lot, especially since she was so young. “Sweetie, you shouldn’t have gone through that. Your grandma sounds like a real bitch.” “She is.”
“Do the guys know?”
“That she’s a bitch? Yea, totally.”
Annika wanted to cringe at the tone of Remy’s voice. It sounded weirdly stern, in contrast to the way he had been speaking before. “Um, yea?”
“You know what I mean.”
“……They don’t know. But, it’s only been two weeks, and I don’t know how to tell them. They’ll flip out, especially Virgil.”
“Why would he?”
“He….kinda warned me to not go with my grandma to Tennessee. I should have listened to him.”
“Sweetie, you didn’t know your grandma would do that. Personally, I’m just glad you’re safe.”
“Me too. I’m just happy I don’t have to deal with my grandma anymore.”
“You’re sure nothing happened that hurt you? Nothing at all?”
Annika thought for a second. “Physically? Only the seizure. Or, it would have, if I hadn’t laid down.”
“Seizure? When did that happen?”
“When I was walking down the mountain.”
Remy groaned. “The more you tell me about this story, the more angry and concerned I get. Where is your grandma now?”
Remy wiped away some ink, and Annika took the opportunity to shrug. “Dunno. Momma threatened her, and I haven’t seen or heard from her since.”
Remy hummed, “Good, maybe she’ll leave you alone now.”
“Great, I’ve been disowned.”
“Annika……it’s better to be alone than to be in a toxic relationship. That unfortunately includes family, sometimes.”
Memories of her grandma came to mind. She was a much nicer person when Annika had been little. More patient, less judgmental, and just so full of love. Nothing like the monster she had been dealing with for years now. “I guess. It’s hard though.”
Remy gave a grim smile that Annika couldn’t see. “I know it is.”
“……You’re not talking about your dad, right?”
Remy almost shot back with how shocked he was. “What?! No! I love my dad! He’s why I visit the school in the first place! I just- There’s been a lot of assholes in my life. One of whom I had to tattoo. Fucking hate that lying ass bitch snake.”
Annika frowned. “Are you talking about Declyn?”
“Oh, you know him?”
“I got him arrested by my uncle.”
Silence fell again…..before Remy’s rather loud laughter broke though. “You- You got him ARRESTED?! Oh, this is the greatest thing since Starbucks started selling Pumpkin Spice Lattes!”
Annika shook her head. “I guess. Still haven’t talked to him.”
“And you didn’t talk to him?! Honey, you are the greatest person to exist.”
Remy didn’t miss the blush she had, though it wasn’t quite like the blush she had earlier. It was almost endearing. “How’d you get him arrested?”
“He was threatening the boys, and I got pissed, so I called my uncle to speed up his patrol.”
“Alright, that’s badass.”
Annika hummed. Remy thought to himself for a moment. “You really care about those boys.”
“They helped me a lot this year. I’d like to think they like having me around too.”
Remy couldn’t help but think about the many times they had come to him, talking about this new girl who was so quiet, yet so argumentative, that could rival Roman in creativity, and Virgil in snark, and was willing to argue with Logan, but love like Patton.
“Yea….I think they like having you around.”
“But I’ve only known them for a year.”
“Time doesn’t define friendship. The best friendships sometimes form in two weeks.”
“You know, with what Virgil says about you, I wasn’t expecting you to be this mature.”
“The fuck does that little bitch say about me?!”
“And never mind.”
Remy huffed, muttering about how he would talk to Virgil. Annika almost felt bad for him. Almost. Remy kept the conversation going. “So, if you’ve only known them for a year, who did you hang out with before?”
“No one. I usually stayed on Tumblr and talked to Maja.”
“Um, who?”
“Maja. She was the first person to ever read my stories and comment and talk to me on Tumblr. She’s Polish, but she lives in Germany right now. And she’s so smart, she speaks 4 languages!”
“Bitch needs to get a job as a translator, damn.”
“But really, she is amazing, and she actually understands about me and my grandma. I really wish I could meet her. She’s so important to me, but she doesn’t realize it.”
Remy couldn’t help but notice that for a girl who dealt with a demon for a grandmother, from what he had heard, she sure seemed to like to reach out to people more than she realized. “Maybe you will, and I can tattoo her.”
“I don’t know if she wants any tattoos.”
“You better convince her ass then, when y’all finally meet.”
Annika giggled. “You said this had to be done in two sessions, right?”
“Yea, I’m almost done with this. I wanna wait a few weeks for this to heal, and then I’ll finish it up. And bitch, you better fucking take care of my work of art, or I will personally kick your ass myself!”
“Isn’t it technically Virgil’s art, since he drew it?”
“Last I fucking checked, it ain’t him sitting in this chair and talking to you for the past few hours!”
“Okay, okay, it’s your work.”
“You know it fucking is.”
Remy finally finished up, wiping away one last time before putting on the gel and wrapping it up. “Remember, keep it moist, be very careful with it, don’t be a dumbass and expose it to air once you walk out of here, and it’ll look really ugly as it scabs, but then it’ll turn as pretty as you.”
Annika rolled her eyes, but she blushed yet again. “Anything else?”
“Yea, you sure you’re not dating Roman?”
“Oh my god, no!”
“I mean, just throwing it out there, it would be so cute-”
“Remy, stop, or you’re not getting a good tip.”
“You playing a dangerous game now, hon, and I don’t think you’re gonna win.”
Annika huffed, but did pay up. Remy smirked. “Where the hell did you get this much money from?”
“Oh, it was a gift from my grandmother.”
Remy looked at her. “You’re paying for this tattoo that your grandmother would hate, with money that your grandmother gave you?”
Remy hugged her. “Oh, you are petty, and I love it! Hey, come see your new sis Remy from time to time, I like you.”
Annika agreed, and didn’t make it two steps out the shop before Roman practically flew at her. Remy could hear her shouting at him to not mess up her tattoo, and could see the other three approaching from the window. He could see her punch Roman, and Virgil laughing, while Logan had that snarky look on his face, and Patton tried to calm them all down. He really cared for them, even Annika-
Shit. He cared for Annika after only talking to her for a few hours. Fuck.
Remy grabbed the small notebook hidden under his table and flipped to the right page. Across the top was a scribble of “People I Care About”, but there were only 5 names in the list. The first was his dad. Then the four boys. Grabbing a nearby pen, he scribbled another name down at the bottom. 
Annika Archer
Great. At this rate, he’ll have to kidnap them and adopt them. And parenting really cut into party time.
Eh, they’ll be old enough to drink soon, then he can drag them to party with him.
Tag List: @asofterfan @imthemaja @alurea-actually @sardelleterushan @the-gay-weirdo @theotherella @generalfandomfabulousness @iamsilentwolf @doodler200 @rptheturk @sanspie122 @ironwoman359 @peachie-keeen @ogicallyanxious-morallyromantic @justanotherpurplebutterfly @toujours-fidele @a-whole-lot-of-screaming @haileybubble @bring-it-on-perra @caffeinated-casper
241 notes · View notes
why did I not read this earlier extreme anxiety that's why what? anyways this was amazing and an emotional rollercoaster
as always, the way you write Annika's internal monologue is freaking magical
also I live for Virgil/Logan banter it's A++ 👌
Go To Hell
“You finish your weekly book already?”
Annika glanced up from her phone. It was only her and Logan today in the library. Patton had to work on a psychology project (technically, Annika should be doing so also, but she was a chronic procrastinator), Roman was working on something for the theatre, and Virgil was sick. At least, that’s what he said. Annika had a feeling he was hiding something else, but Logan insisted he was just sick and would get better, and she’d rather not push it. 
“Yea, it was shorter than I thought. I didn’t like the ending.”
It wasn’t the complete truth. Okay, she actually didn’t finish it, but halfway through the book, it took a religious turn, and demons started appearing, and then one of them mentioned Lucifer, and she was feeling sick while reading it. 
Logan set his history book down, and Annika resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She already knew what was coming. Ever since she passed out in school from lack of sleep, Logan had taken it upon himself to lecture her on healthy sleeping habits, not that he listed anything that she hadn’t tried herself. 
And then he found out about her nightmares. And it had been frustrating ever since.
“Let me guess, it wasn’t scary enough?”
Annika frowned. “No, it was……horrifying enough. Just really stupid.” ‘Horrifying like my grandma, and stupid like me.‘
“How horrifying?”
“Logan, I appreciate the concern, but I didn’t get any nightmares.”
The punk glared. “To my knowledge, you’ve lied about that quite a few times.”
‘It’s habit. My grandma makes fun of me, so I lie. It spilled over on you by accident.’
“I promise, no nightmares.”
“You really should stop reading horror novels though. They seem to be making you more anxious.”
Annika rolled her eyes. “They do not. It’s not like I’m reading Stephen King, it’s just a bunch of ghost stories.”
“That also involve psychological horror.”
“…….You read them?”
Logan shook his head. “No, merely read summaries. The internet is quite useful when you need to research how your friend is slowly killing herself.”
Now it was Annika’s turn to glare, trying to ignore the turning in her stomach. It had been a really bad day, with a voice suspiciously like her grandmother’s popping up at random, and she had no idea why.
‘Maybe if you actually listened to her every once in a while, you’d know.’
“Logan, I eat, I sleep, and I finish my schoolwork. I’m fine, really.” 
‘Stop being so mean, you ALWAYS act so ungrateful! He’s trying to help you!‘
Her stomach was still flipping. Not good.
“Annika, these stories are messing with you psychologically, even your writing reflects this!”
“Are you saying I’m fucked up?”
“You’re beyond fucked up.”
‘He’s not wrong there.’
“So if I’m beyond fucked up, then what are you?”
“Oh, go to hell.”
Annika isn’t sure how she got there, but she was throwing up what little Patton had given her to eat in the trash can, along with her bile. She vaguely felt her hair being pulled back, but she couldn’t focus on anything. Not with the voices in her head.
‘Why can’t you be a good girl?’
‘Oh, just behave for once!’
‘After everything I have ever done for you, you do this to me?’
‘Oh, I see, you don’t love me. That’s fine.’
‘God will punish you when you die!’
‘You’ll end up in Hell with how you are!’
Images of crosses, an evil smile, and being forced to sit and hear of how she’d be ripped apart to be punished for her sins were all she could see. When she came to, she was still kneeling next to the trash can, but now the librarian was there. Upon seeing how dazed Annika was, she instead turned to Logan, who was now rubbing her back and still holding her hair.
“Can you please take her down to the nurse?”
Logan must have nodded, because now he was gently lifting her up to stand, and slowly walking her out of the library. He never let go of her once, which was probably a good thing considering how blurry her vision was. She also felt like she was about to pass out.
Soon, she was laying on the cot in the nurse’s office. Her head stopped spinning, and now she could hear, mostly hearing her mother being called.
Logan looked mildly confused, but mostly worried. He said something to the nurse, who went and grabbed some crackers and a water bottle, placing them next to the girl.
Her Momma came to pick her up, and thanked Logan for taking care of her. Logan just looked away and mumbled about how he had to.
“One minute, she was fine, the next, she just threw up.”
“Damn, how bad was she?”
“She was throwing up her bile! I made the nurses give her crackers and water at least.” Virgil nodded from where he was laying on Logan’s bed. He’d been hiding there since last night, and he had healed enough to where the bruises on his ribs didn’t bother him as much. Maybe if he was careful, he could go to school tomorrow.
“I knew she wasn’t being healthy. Ironic she threw up while telling me how healthy she was.”
“Why do you lecture her so much? She must be used to it by now.”
“She is. She just throws it right back, telling me I must be more fucked up than her. I blame that psychology horror book she was reading.”
Virgil carefully shifted so he was facing Logan. “What was she reading this time?”
“Some book about demons and religious horror.”
Virgil froze for half a second. Luckily, Logan had his eyes closed, so he didn’t notice. “Huh, I thought she was reading a crime novel. Anyways, when did she throw up? When you guys were bantering back and forth?”
“Yea, I said for her to go to hell, and then she threw up.”
This time, Logan looked up at him, and could see the panic in his best friend’s eyes. “……Virgil? Are you okay?”
Virgil couldn’t tell Logan. That would be breaking the promise he made to Annika. Plus, Logan would be guilty. But if he didn’t say something, then one of the other guys might say it and make Annika sick again.
Son of a bitch.
A vague idea came to Virgil and he glanced at Logan. “Uh, it’s dangerous for Annika to be sick like that, right? Like life threatening?”
Logan frowned. “Well, if she was sick for multiple days, yes. She doesn’t eat much. Why? Her moms texted that she would feel better by tomorrow.”
“Because I need a loophole so that Annika doesn’t kill me.”
“Annika is religiously abused by her grandmother in addition to being emotionally abused, and she called Annika a demon when she got diagnosed with epilepsy, and almost made her go through an exorcism, so phrases like ‘go to hell’ make her physically sick, but you didn’t know, so it’s not your- LOGAN, GET BACK HERE!”
As soon as Virgil mentioned religion, Logan was sitting up, and by the time Virgil mentioned Annika getting sick, Logan was pacing to the door. Virgil got up, ignoring the pain in his ribs. “Logan, you didn’t know!”
“I made her throw up! I should have noticed, or pieced it together!”
“I didn’t know until a while ago either. It’s not like you meant for her to get sick.”
“I still made her sick.”
“Stop being a stubborn jackass. It’s not your fault, and Annika doesn’t blame you.”
“…….Sit down, I need to check your bandages.”
Logan still felt guilty. He had gotten Annika sick, and he had been too much of a jerk to pay attention to whenever religion was mentioned. She hadn’t been overly secretive about it, and judging by what Virgil said, if he had just ASKED, Annika would divulge. Maybe not all, but enough to know about her triggers.
For 3 days, he avoided her. He didn’t answer her texts, he didn’t meet her in the hall, and during English class, he gave curt, snide comments, to try and give off the impression that he was mad at her. He ran when she saw him, only hummed when she tried to talk to him, and avoided talking about her when Roman and Patton brought up his behavior around her. All in all, she should have hated him and gone out of her way to avoid him.
Except for the fact that he had forgotten Annika was as stubborn as Roman, cared as much as Patton, had Virgil’s protectiveness and worry, and, worst of all, had his bravery to argue and persist and just all out FIGHT when she was pissed.
It made his life a lot harder, when all he was doing was just keeping her safe from him.
At the moment, he saw her all the way on the other end of the hallway, and, even though she was lost in the crowd, he could almost feel the glare she wore. Oh well, she was a small girl who got lost in a crowd easily, and unlike Patton or Roman, she didn’t particularly like screaming down the hallway to get someone’s attention.
If Logan had been paying attention, he would have seen Annika talking to a student carrying a stack of chairs, and said student handing one to her. Instead, he focused on his English book, re-reading Mercutio’s death (and getting his argument ready for the ignorant dumbass that thought Mercutio was straight; he was obviously a homoromantic asexual), until he heard people talking and saw them pointing down the hall.
Where Annika was now standing on a chair.
She wouldn’t.
Logan knew exactly why he was being threatened. Annika did not like being ignored. However, he was almost 6 feet tall, while Annika was a short, incredibly nonthreatening girl, who, while she knew how to defend herself (her uncle had trained her, along with her mom, and the guys obviously panicked and taught her basic defense moves), she had never actually been in a fight. He had been in a few. So, Logan obviously did the only logical thing in that moment.
He grabbed his shit and ran to his next class as if he was on fire.
Meanwhile, as Annika returned the chair, the hallway was talking about what Logan knew that they didn’t that made him run from one of the sweetest-looking girls in school wearing a pastel ace sweater.
Saturday came, and Logan had managed to avoid Annika for an entire week. Virgil, his utter bitch of a best friend, had NO sympathy, and even had the nerve to laugh when he found out about what Annika did.
“Stop laughing, you son of a bitch!”
Virgil didn’t listen, but he did get a bit of karma when he accidentally pressed the nozzle, and a spray of black paint coated his purple sleeve. Logan laughed in return as Virgil growled. Realizing it would stain, Virgil gave up on his attempts to clean it, and looked at Logan. “Why are you acting so stupid? You know Annika won’t stop until you talk to her.”
“She’s smart, she’ll realize it was a bad idea to be friends with me soon enough.”
Virgil gave him a look, and Logan gave him one right back, knowing Virgil couldn’t say anything without sounding like a hypocrite. Virgil eventually caved and went back to painting as Logan sat against the wall. “I am worried about what her grandmother has done to her, and will do to her in the future.”
“I’m worried about what Annika thinks. She thinks because it isn’t physical, it isn’t that bad.”
“To my knowledge, exorcisms require physically manhandling the victim.”
“Annika’s moms stepped in, so her grandma couldn’t call a priest. At least according to Annika.” “Annika has lied before.”
“So have we. Hand me the blue.”
Logan handed it to him. “Have you finally gotten over your silly fear of painting in daylight?”
“……Why the fuck did you remind me of that?”
“My apologies.”
“You’re not fucking sorry!”
“You’re right, I’m not, but I figured it was the polite thing to say.”
Virgil scoffed. “Name one damn time you’ve been polite.”
“He certainly hasn’t been this past week.”
Virgil spun around as Logan jumped up, both met with a glare from Annika. Virgil wasn’t sure if his fear showed as she stalked towards the both of them, but even if he had, his voice very much betrayed him. “W-What are you doing here?”
Annika crossed her arms. “Roman paid me to write a story for his recent painting, and told me I had to come here instead of just showing me the damn picture. Said some shit about how it would make the story ‘more authentic’.”
“He’s paying you to write stories now? That’s how desperate Princey’s gotten? Damn.”
“Look, your bitch is broke and needs some cash.”
Logan had been trying to slowly head to the other end of the alley to hide, which was ruined when she spun around to face him. “Bitch, get your stubborn ass back here so I can rip into you for acting like a jackass this past week!”
Logan rolled his eyes but did walk back. “As appealing as that sounds, I’m afraid you’re not my type, Annika.”
“Yea, you’re gay, we get it, now tell me what the hell I did to make you so mad.”
Logan frowned, and Virgil looked confused. “What?”
“Tell me what I did to-”
“No, I heard you, but what makes you think you did anything?”
Annika shrugged. “You act this way whenever one of the guys presses the wrong button, so I figured it was just time until I fucked up. Patton’s been pushing me to talk to you, and Roman told me you’d ignore me so I would have to get creative to get your attention. So, yea. What did I do? Did I say the wrong thing?”
Shit, Annika thought this was her fault. Virgil was currently giving him the ‘you fucked up’ look combined with the ‘I told you so’ look. Logan mentally told him to fuck off as he looked at Annika. “No, you didn’t do anything. I was acting that way so you wouldn’t want to be friends with me.”
“After all, I DID make you sick.”
“Logan, I had a bad day-”
“If I had known about your triggers that you developed from your grandmother’s religious abuse, I wouldn’t have…..Annika?”
Annika had gone silent as she processed what she had heard, and Logan, despite being a man of science, still swore he saw a vengeful spirit possess her at that moment.
Virgil went even paler than normal as Annika was red-faced and angry as she turned towards him. His back hit the very end of the alley, his want to get away from the angry girl overwhelming. Annika never screamed. Not like this. Not this angrily. And never at him.
Virgil was shaking, “U-Um, h-he didn’t know, a-and I didn’t want you to get s-sick again. I-I’m sorry, Annika.”
Logan picked up Annika, dragging her away from Virgil, who was on the cusp of an anxiety attack. Annika’s screams went to him, demanding he put her down, and threatening him if he ever told anyone. Logan did, pushing her when she got too close. She fell to the ground, her shouts stopping. Virgil was breathing, attempting to get control of his emotions. It seemed to be working, especially since Annika’s anger was quickly evaporating.
Annika slowly sat up, her breathing way too thin for either of their liking. Virgil hesitantly joined Logan, almost hiding behind him when Annika glanced at him. She quickly looked back down, not daring to meet his eyes. She was still sitting on the ground, and it took a minute before she spoke. “I’m sorry for shouting. I shouldn’t have. Are you okay, Virgil?”
Her voice as robotic, almost submissive, completely different to the usual sarcastic but genuine tone they were used to. In fact, the only genuine sentence was her asking if Virgil was okay. Virgil frowned. “Yea, I’m fine. Listen, I only told Logan in case he said something else that might get you sick.”
Logan nodded. “You getting sick like that is also dangerous. You don’t eat much, to where you were throwing up bile, you were unsteady as I helped you to the nurse, and you could barely speak. I understand you wouldn’t want to talk about it, but with how much time you spend with us, I think it’s important for us to know your triggers.”
Annika stayed silent, still looking at the same spot on the ground. Virgil eventually sighed and stretched out his hand. To both their dismay, she looked shocked, but did take the help off the ground. “I really am sorry for shouting at you. I was…angry, for a long time, and kinda snapped.” The genuine tone was starting to come back.
Virgil shrugged. “It’s fine, really. No harm done.”
Logan shot him a look, knowing better, but decided to wait until later. “And I’m sorry for making you sick, Annika.”
Annika crossed her arms, but this time it look she was hugging herself. “You really didn’t. It just happened to be a bad day. I don’t always throw up. It’s weird.”
“Triggers can change and vary constantly. There is nothing weird about it. Do you have any others we should know about?”
Annika thought for a moment. “It depends. Religion in general is kind of a broad one, but phrases like ‘oh my god’ don’t bother me.”
“So, basically, avoid talking about God as a person, but common phrases are okay?”
“Pretty much. I probably should have told you, but it just never came up.”
Logan coughed. “Well, it depends on your comfort. Anyways, we know now, and we will be careful. Would you be comfortable telling Roman and Patton?”
Annika frowned again. “Roman kinda knows, but not like Virgil does. Patton doesn’t know anything. Um, would you mind telling them?”
“Just to be clear, you are giving us express permission to tell Patton and Roman only about your triggers?” “Yea. And that my grandma caused them. Or, helped create them? Something like that. I’m sorry, I can tell them myself-”
Logan cut her off. “If it makes you more comfortable to have us tell them, we would be happy to.”
Annika smiled, and almost hugged him. Almost. She grabbed her hand at the last second. Logan rolled his eyes and pulled her into a side hug. She giggled and smiled up at him. “You know, this all would have been a lot simpler if you had just come to talk to me after Virgil told you. You didn’t have to avoid me.”
“Am I gonna have to listen to you both argue as I write Roman’s story? Because he needs to like it in order for me to get my money.”
AN: Hi, yes, does anyone wanna volunteer to be my reminder, who messages me to get the fucking chapter done? Anyways, Logan down, Remy is next! Get ready to see Annika get tattooed!
Tag List: @asofterfan @imthemaja @alurea-actually @sardelleterushan @the-gay-weirdo @theotherella @generalfandomfabulousness @iamsilentwolf @doodler200 @rptheturk @sanspie122 @ironwoman359 @peachie-keeen @logicallyanxious-morallyromantic @justanotherpurplebutterfly @toujours-fidele @a-whole-lot-of-screaming @haileybubble @bring-it-on-perra
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moxiety fusion
i’m too punk croc for this shit 
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When Thomas dropped Deceit on the Fanders
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Roman: I brought you frankincense.
Thomas: Thank you.
Deceit, disguised as Patton: And I brought you myrrh.
Thomas: Thank you.
Deceit: [pulls of glasses, revealing his true form] Myrrh-der!
Thomas: [gasp] Deceit, no!
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Logan comes across as cruel at times because he is blunt, not because he doesn’t care. He cares about the well-being of the self as a whole and acts accordingly. It has been established that he doesn’t understand emotions but when it is pointed out to him that his solution is not the correct one he adjusts accordingly. He is not cruel. It is just difficult for him to understand certain things that are figured out mainly through intuition.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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You are excited about this???
Ps I’m excited that you like it!!!
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@karaidemon I’M SORRY I KEEP FALLING ASLEEP WHEN WE TALK Here, have this sleepy Virgil (inspired by an old post by @sidewritings) ((it’s not my best but i’ve tried)) (open the pic for better quality)
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Ok first of all did I tell you I hate Ricardo? (maybe once or twice right 😂) Because I do, that bitch "you owe me" FFFFFFF also yes Annika tell him because you don't owe him a damn thing (I loved that she punched him as well yesss girl's got the right reflexes) but I'm so sorry she had to go through that >:( I was about to volunteer to fight him (ง'̀-'́)ง but the punks got to it before and let me tell you it was soooo satisfying to read
Not Her
WARNING: Attempted (implied) rape because of stupid ass Ricardo..
Roman didn’t really judge his fellow stage people for their love lives. It wasn’t any of his business, and as long as they didn’t let it interfere with the show, he couldn’t give two shits about it. He himself had a tendency to flirt, not that he meant to. It was just in his nature, and he meant nothing by it. It still led to a lot of rumors of who he was dating, and if he was cheating, and he totally flirted with that person after flirting with this other person.
He didn’t mean to! Honest!
It probably didn’t help that Annika almost appeared to be his girlfriend to outsiders. Such as when she brought him lunch during rehearsal, though she claims she was just playing deliveryman for Patton, who actually made the lunch. Roman jumped down from the stage with a smile when she walked through with a lunch bag. “Annika, my Lady in Ace-ing! How are you, my dear?”
Annika shrugged. “Good. Came to give you your lunch, courtesy of a pastel punk friend of ours.”
Roman frowned and glanced back. “I’m afraid I’m quite busy, but you’re more than welcome to stay and eat.”
Annika smiled and giggled. “No, that’s okay. I actually have stuff to do, so I was gonna skip lunch if you weren’t gonna eat.” She handed him the bag. “If Patton asks, I ate lunch with you, and I’ll say you ate lunch with me. Later!”
Roman frowned and set the lunch down. “Wait, you’re not eating? But you didn’t eat breakfast!”
Annika shrugged, walking towards the exit. “It’s an off-day. I’ll eat a big dinner tonight.”
Roman huffed and speed-walked towards her, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. “Never mind, my schedule is suddenly clear, so lunch time!”
What he couldn’t see was Annika’s smirk. The boys always seemed to forget that she studied psychology. Annika allowed herself to be carried back to the stage, where the lunch bag still sat, and Roman sat her on the edge. Annika grabbed her ham sandwich out of the bag (with pickles in it too, thanks Patton!) and munched on it, pulling out her phone. Roman grabbed his own turkey sandwich and devoured it. “Play some music, I have dance fever.”
Annika smirked as she hit a playlist, but Roman didn’t notice as he hit a dance pose. He almost started dancing until he listened to the first few beats, and then growled when the lyrics started. 
“Kelly won’t kiss my friend Cassandra Jessica won’t play ball”
“Turn that off! Virgil has corrupted you!”
Rather than turn it off, Annika just stood up and started sip-syncing to the song, rolling her hips to the beat. Roman growled, before noticing a techie gesturing for him. “I have to go check on something, I’ll be back.”
Annika nodded, and sat back down to eat her sandwich while Roman went back stage. She turned the music off right before it got to the chorus, only for someone behind her to sing it anyway.
“She wraps her hands around that pole She licks those lips and off we go She takes it off nice and slow ‘cause that’s pornstar dancing!”
The girl raised an eyebrow as a suave-looking, Hispanic guy sat next to her. “My apologies for interrupting, but I’m a sucker for My Darkest Days.”
Annika nodded. “It’s fine.”
“I’m Ricardo.”
“I think Roman’s mentioned you. I’m Annika.”
Ricardo shook her hand. “I’ve seen you around before, you’re Roman’s girlfriend, right?”
Annika shook her head. “Nope, not dating.”
Ricardo went wide-eyed, making Annika smirk. “Oh, I just thought…..with the way he acts around you…”
“He acts that way with everyone. In case you haven’t noticed, he’s a flirty and dramatic bitch.”
Ricardo rolled his eyes. “You’re telling me, especially when he has the lead. Drama Queen to the fullest extent.”
“You work with him?”
“I’m part of the tech crew. I work audio and sounds.”
“Explains the music, you must listen to it often for all the plays.”
Ricardo smirked and brought out his phone, and ‘Casual Sex’ started playing. “Speaking of music, would you like to dance?”
Roman left for 5 minutes. 5 fucking minutes. And he comes back to Ricardo dancing with Annika to a provocative song with mildly suggestive dancing.
The punk took back what he said about not judging people’s love lives. He hated how Ricardo treated women. The damn techie would be all sweet, all nice, romance and flirt, and then slowly get more and more suggestive in what he wanted them to do. The minute he got what he wanted, he tossed those poor women aside like they were rags.
He’s lost the lead female to a play once because of this fuckboy who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.
And Roman knew when Ricardo had a new target, because he always got a look in his eyes. And right now, that look was aimed at Annika.
Without thinking, the fake sword in his hand went flying towards Ricardo’s head, ending the dance. Annika gasped as Ricardo held his head, and they both turned to see him. Roman immediately put on a sympathetic face, “Oh my god, I am SO sorry, Ricardo! It just slipped out of my hand!”
Annika frowned, “Ricardo, are you okay?”
To Roman’s dismay, the techie just smiled. “Yea, I’m fine. At least it wasn’t a real sword.”
Roman laughed, but his eyes held a threat. Don’t even think about her the wrong way, you motherfucker.
As if to challenge him, Ricardo gave Annika elevator eyes, looking her up and down. Luckily, Annika was facing Roman, so she missed it. Roman smiled at her, “Annika, my dear, can I ask a favor? Lora needs help organizing all the props. Ricardo, you’re needed in the green room. They’re setting up microphones.”
Before Ricardo could protest, Annika spoke up. “Sure thing, Roman. Where do I need to be?”
“Storage room. Thank you so much.”
When both people had left, with Roman making Ricardo take the path that avoided the storage room, the punk pulled out his phone. He went to the group chat, and sent a warning message about who their next target was.
If there was one thing Ricardo liked, it was a challenge. This time was different though, because the chick seemed pretty damn interested in him. Only problem was she had 4 bodyguards who were keeping an eye on him whenever he got too close to her. It didn’t help that he worked with one of them, but Annika visited often enough that he could somewhat get around it.
It was utter torture though. She was hot as hell, and she flirted back! Ricardo was 110% sure he could have had her within a week. But no, he couldn’t even say one nice thing without Roman sending him to do some stupid task.
Annika, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to everything Ricardo said. She thought he was pretty nice, and found it disappointing that Roman always had work for him to do whenever they tried to talk. Then again, Roman had her doing stuff too, mostly organizing stuff. Her moms kept kicking her out the house, and since it was Roman, they made her go with him.
At the moment, she was helping the wardrobe department organize buttons. She was on her knees, shifting through a pile of what must have been hundreds of buttons. Why did they need this many?
“Hey, Nicky, have you seen- Oh, hey, Annika.”
Annika smiled. “Hi, Ricardo. Nicky had to go do something.”
Ricardo nodded, before noticing how she was positioned. Damn, she looked good on her knees. He desperately wanted to close the door, but that would tip Roman off. They were still the only two in the room though, so if he could just get her behind the costume rack in the far corner….
He carefully stepped closer. She was still on her knees, carefully organizing buttons by size and color. “I can’t believe Roman put you on button duty. All the wardrobe people hate it.”
“I volunteered.”
He stepped closer, still standing. He was only a few feet away. “Well, they could have at least put the buttons on the table. You’re probably sore, being on your knees like that.”
Annika scoffed, “I’m really not. I’m not fragile.”
He was right next to her, not that she was looking at him. She was searching through the pile for any black buttons. He was right there….
“Annika, Patton is here to take you home. Don’t worry about the buttons, Nicky will take care of that.”
Ricardo kept his scream to himself as he reluctantly stepped away from her. She finally stood up. “If you’re sure, but I feel bad for leaving this mess.”
“Oh, it’ll get taken care of, Ricardo can handle it since he seems to be doing nothing. Right, Ricardo?”
Ricardo had been gritting his teeth, but managed to speak with an even tone. “Of course. Well, it was nice to talk to you, Annika.”
Annika smiled at him. “Nice talking to you too!”
Oh hell no, he’s getting revenge on Roman. Ricardo smiled. “Roman’s right, you really do have a beautiful smile.”
Annika blushed and looked away, and Roman wished for more than ever that he had heat vision.
“If you’re not gonna beat his ass, I will.”
“I’ll help.”
Roman groaned. “I want to, but he hasn’t done anything, so it would just look like I attacked him for no reason. And I can’t get suspended, not right before the play.”
Virgil threw up his arms. “I just offered to kill the dude for you, and I’m not worried about getting suspended.”
Logan looked up from his homework. “I’ll help hide the body.”
Patton tossed aside his math homework (that he hoped Logan hadn’t noticed), glad for the distraction. “Guys, murder isn’t the answer. Besides, it’s just flirting, and he’s not hurting Annika-”
Roman leaned his head back to look at him from where he was laying on his bed. “Annika was on her knees today to sort buttons, and he practically put his dick in her face with how close he was. Ricardo does not take no for an answer.”
Patton blinked and looked to the other two punks. “How are we killing him? Should I bring my knife?”
Roman sat up. “And I thought it would be a good idea to bring Annika into theatre.“
Virgil shrugged. “It’s no one’s fault the biggest fuckboy in school started hitting on her. However, it is your fault that flirting is essentially white noise to Annika.”
“Shut the fuck up, I’m just nice to her.”
“As you call her ;darling’ and your ‘Lady in Ace-ing’.”
Logan snapped. “Will you both shut up?! Roman, just keep an eye on Ricardo, and don’t leave them in the same room. We’ll watch over her on opening night.”
Patton smiled, “Logan’s right, we can keep her safe, and then she never has to see Ricardo again.” 
“Of course I’m right, now let’s go to math homework.”
Patton responded by throwing his math notebook into the hallway.
On opening night, Logan made sure that Annika was seated between Virgil and Patton, with him sitting on Virgil’s other side. Roman had promised that Ricardo would be too busy to get to her, but they kept watch anyways. Besides, what techie would walk through the audience during a play he’s supposed to be working?
Intermission came, right after Roman’s character was stabbed (Virgil did not appreciate how realistic the death looked, and Patton and Logan had to help calm him down), and Annika got up. Logan glanced at her. “Where are you heading?”
“Bathroom. I’ll be back before intermission is over.”
The punks could hear the techies running around, getting everything ready for the next act. Besides, the bathroom was pretty close, and Ricardo would be too busy.
Annika was humming as she exited the bathroom, rubbing the remaining droplets of water off on her jeans. She was about head back to her seat, when a familiar face ran up to her. “Oh, hey Ricardo.”
Ricardo nodded. “Hey, listen, sorry to bother you, but Roman needs you, like right now.”
Annika frowned. “Why? What’s wrong?”
Ricardo just grabbed her hand, pulling her down the aisle. “Just come on, I’ll explain when we get backstage.”
Annika let him lead her, not even taking her hand back. In her defense, she was a short girl and there was a crowd of people, and she didn’t want to lose Ricardo or get lost. Ricardo, on the other hand, was just thinking about how much fun he would have.
Annika was glancing around, trying to find Roman in the chaos that was backstage, when she was suddenly pushed into a room. She heard a door close, and then suddenly a pair of lips were on hers, and she could feel her sweater and shirt getting pushed up, exposing her stomach.
She was shocked, and immediately pushed Ricardo away, but was only able to back up a few feet when her back hit a wall. Annika gave him her nastiest glare. “What the hell was that?!”
Within seconds, Ricardo was next to her again, grabbing her waist. She pushed him again, and he gave her a look. “Come on, baby, I know you want to. We just gotta be a little quiet.”
The fuck? “Wha- No!”
Ricardo frowned. “No? You’ve been fucking flirting with me since the moment I met you!”
“At what point did I flirt with you?!”
“You danced like a damn slut within the first 5 minutes of talking with me!”
“I shook my hips, it happens when you dance!”
Annika hated to admit it, but she was a little scared when Ricardo growled. “Look here, you bitch, I wasted my damn time talking to you and avoiding your little guard dog fuck buddies. You fucking owe me.”
Annika swallowed her fear and glared back. “I don’t owe you a damn thing just because you pretended to be nice to me. And I thought you were actually my friend.”
Ricardo didn’t accept that and tried to get what he wanted again, marching closer to her. Annika panicked and punched him in the jaw. When he was turned away, shocked by what happened, she bolted for the door, glad he hadn’t thought to lock it. Ricardo ran after her…..
……and found himself facing down 4 punks, all who looked ready to kill.
Roman in particular had a glare that made him want to hide. He could see Annika running in the distance. Patton looked between him and her, before deciding that making sure Annika was okay was more important. He ran after her, leaving only three punks.
Roman glared at him. “Give me one reason I shouldn’t fucking murder you right now.”
Ricardo’s throat went dry, intimidated by the death glares the three most terrifying guys in school were currently giving him. Virgil was the first one to grab him, and Ricardo felt regret at that moment that he had even looked at Annika.
The next time Annika saw Ricardo, the Monday after the play, he couldn’t walk straight, had two black eyes, and he seemed sore every time he moved. Patton had run after her and offered to take her home. She had accepted, but it seemed Virgil, Logan, and Roman had left a warning on Ricardo. The minute he saw her, he bolted, looking ridiculous as he ran down the hall with the limp he had.
Good. She didn’t want a damn thing to do with him.
But throughout the day, she had noticed that no one even looked at Ricardo, or even said his name. She knows this because she asked Nicky about him, and she quickly changed the conversation, then left. As she stood at her locker in confusion, Patton walked up to her, waiting before giving her a hug. “Hey, Annika, you okay?”
“Yea, I’m fine. But, did news get around about Ricardo-”
Patton waved off her question. “Don’t worry about him, we took care of him.”
“……What did you do? What if you get in trouble with the police?”
“Well, then Ricardo will have to explain his actions. Really, don’t worry about it. We took care of it.”
Despite her concerns, Patton had a certain look to him that made her trust him. “Alright, if you say so.”
“Come on, let’s head to the library.”
Later that day, Roman couldn’t help but smirk as he saw Ricardo attempt to use his injuries to get sympathy from one of his ex-girlfriends. She just laughed in his face and walked away. The theatre nerd still wasn’t sure how Patton did it, but he managed to get the entire school to hate Ricardo.
It’s what the bastard deserved for targeting Annika.
AN:…….This went way darker than I intended, so my apologies.
Tag list: @asofterfan @imthemaja @alurea-actually @sardelleterushan @the-gay-weirdo @theotherella @generalfandomfabulousness @iamsilentwolf @rptheturk @sanspie122 @doodler200 @ironwoman359 @peachie-keeen @logicallyanxious-morallyromantic @toujours-fidele
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Everyone: ~uncontrollable laughter~
Virgil: ~recording~ What’d you say? What’d you say?
Logan: I said, “Whoever threw that paper, your mom’s a hoe.”
936 notes · View notes
@romanssippycup thank you so much omg I'm-!!!
Also I'm really sorry for the quality, I swear the pic was better until I uploaded it :/
Sander’s Sides Pool Party Headcannons
(Just went swimming and I had this adorable idea!)
Its been one year since Virgil’s Acceptance Video in July, so the sides decide to throw a huge pool party to celebrate.
At first Virgil doesnt wanna participate because he’s feeling embarrassed about showing his bare chest and stomach, but Patton talks him into it.
Everyone shows up! Dr. Picani, Elliot, Sleep, Thomas’s friends, and Thomas himself.
Roman has conjured everything!! Even the swim trunks! Pattons and Romans are both striped with their colors and Logan and Virgils are plaid with their colors.
There’s concessions, towels, diving boards and (much to Patton’s delight) pool noodles.
Of course Patton would take a running start first shouting “Cannonball!” before making a splash in the pool.
Roman follows next shouting “Cowabungai!” making Patton giggle.
Logan would huff and just sit on the side-lines, dipping his feet in the pool with a book like the fuddy-duddy he is.
Virgil (with Pattons encouragement) finally takes off his shirt, and slides in.
Princey gasps because…the emo has abs!! Better abs than his.
Virgil begins to feel a little better about his body because of Princey’s offended noises. “Jealous, Roman?”
“Ah!? How…how do you…?? You hardly work out!?”
“I have my ways…”
“Dispense them peasant!”
“Nah. I’m good.”
Patton watches their exchange and just giggles with delight at how much better his two kiddos are getting along.
Patton will then grab a pool noodle and ride it, sneakily up to where Logan is sitting. He’ll put his mouth to one end of the noodle and aim at Logan with the other end.
Roman and Virgil will cast knowing looks at each other as they watch Patton’s antics.
Logan will look just in time to see Patton about to douse him in water. “Oh Shi-!”
He narrowly escapes, raising his book above  Patton’s attack, but the rest of his body is all wet now.
The entire pool roars with laughter as the logical side retreats, pulls off his shirt, sets his book down, and plunges into the water getting them all wet.
“Aw. C'mon Logan. Are you worried your serious demeanor will be ruined by a little water?”
Logan would probably scowl and start a splash fight with Virgil after that remark.
Patton and Roman would definitely get involved somehow.
Remy would probably be sipping a Pina Colada off to the side before he decided to jump in the pool and join in on the splash fight. “Yo! Don’t have all the fun without me!”
“Then get in here Allstar!”
Roman would inevitably pick up a pool noodle and began to duel with the one Patton already had.
“Enguarde Patton!”
“Roman! Pool Noodles are not weapons!”
“Technically anythings a weapon if used like one, Logan”
“Fair point Virgil.”
Patton might let Roman win just so he can watch the prince celebrate his victory by doing tricks underwater. Maybe a flip or a handstand, just to prove his win.
Roman might even sneak behind Patton and lift him, giggling and squealing into the air onto his shoulders.
“Eheheheh! Chicken Fight!”
“Aha! They’ll never defeat us!”
Virgil and Logan glance at each other, each wearing matching smirks as Logan helps Virgil onto his shoulders.
“Don’t assume outcomes Roman.”
“Yeah…because I think through all of them. Who says you’re in control?”
Because it’s Patton against Virgil on top of both Roman and Logan, they both might go easy on the other until it begins to get real competitive.
“You’re going down Dad!”
“Well Dad doesn’t sound right, kiddo!”
Patton might let Virgil win or vice versa depending on how their feeling, either way the fight would end with both of them falling over backwards off of Roman and Logan.
Patton suggested they try a four-high side-stack the order going Roman, Logan, Patton, then Virgil. It was an utter failure.
Patton and Roman probably organized some pool activities before hand such as polo, volleyball, or Cannonball competitions. All of which Logan was dragged into. He won at the belly flop challenge though.
Remy would be that one person who brings his starbucks and food into the pool with him.
“Remy! You’re getting food in the pool!”
“Huh? I didn’t notice.” And doesn’t do anything about it.
At one point maybe a spider falls into the pool. Patton screams and just swims to the other side as fast as possible while the other sides do their best to capture the drowning spider and set it elsewhere.
Roman would be that one person to knock or shove unsuspecting people into the pool. He shoved Patton playfully first when Patton got up to grab a cookie. Ran up behind a protesting Virgil picking him up and chucking him into the pool. Roman even took a headstart to charge Logan into the water, but the logical aspect saw it coming and stepped aside right at the last second, so Roman basically threw himself in the pool. Roman got his revenge though, with the help of Patton.
Patton would probably be the one to push Roman in. He wanted an excuse to say “roMAN OVER BOARD!!”
After awhile of playing and romping around, Logan and Roman might retire to the Jacuzzi with Virgil tailing behind.
Patton would be too busy playing games with Thomas, Elliot, Thomas’s Friends, and Remy to join them for the moment.
Its so relaxing to Virgil that he has to be shaken awake every five minutes.
Dr. Picani might slip in next to them just to chat.
Patton probably would coax the others to come out and play more games in the water.
They might even play Marco Polo or a form of Water tag. 
After the water tires them out they might stand in the middle and play more word or guessing games.
It is an experience to hear Logan screaming “FALSEHOOD” Underwater.
Virgil laughed a grand total of seven times, much more than he ever had in years. His Acceptance Party would definitely be remembered.
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I was supposed to do School Things™ but has anyone ever seen me not procrastinating? I don’t think so. So here’s a doodle:
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As per usual, I have no idea how to force tumblr to not destroy it so open the pic for better quality. Edit: actually it doesn't work this time. I don't even know
Sander’s Sides Pool Party Headcannons
(Just went swimming and I had this adorable idea!)
Its been one year since Virgil’s Acceptance Video in July, so the sides decide to throw a huge pool party to celebrate.
At first Virgil doesnt wanna participate because he’s feeling embarrassed about showing his bare chest and stomach, but Patton talks him into it.
Everyone shows up! Dr. Picani, Elliot, Sleep, Thomas’s friends, and Thomas himself.
Roman has conjured everything!! Even the swim trunks! Pattons and Romans are both striped with their colors and Logan and Virgils are plaid with their colors.
There’s concessions, towels, diving boards and (much to Patton’s delight) pool noodles.
Of course Patton would take a running start first shouting “Cannonball!” before making a splash in the pool.
Roman follows next shouting “Cowabungai!” making Patton giggle.
Logan would huff and just sit on the side-lines, dipping his feet in the pool with a book like the fuddy-duddy he is.
Virgil (with Pattons encouragement) finally takes off his shirt, and slides in.
Princey gasps because…the emo has abs!! Better abs than his.
Virgil begins to feel a little better about his body because of Princey’s offended noises. “Jealous, Roman?”
“Ah!? How…how do you…?? You hardly work out!?”
“I have my ways…”
“Dispense them peasant!”
“Nah. I’m good.”
Patton watches their exchange and just giggles with delight at how much better his two kiddos are getting along.
Patton will then grab a pool noodle and ride it, sneakily up to where Logan is sitting. He’ll put his mouth to one end of the noodle and aim at Logan with the other end.
Roman and Virgil will cast knowing looks at each other as they watch Patton’s antics.
Logan will look just in time to see Patton about to douse him in water. “Oh Shi-!”
He narrowly escapes, raising his book above  Patton’s attack, but the rest of his body is all wet now.
The entire pool roars with laughter as the logical side retreats, pulls off his shirt, sets his book down, and plunges into the water getting them all wet.
“Aw. C'mon Logan. Are you worried your serious demeanor will be ruined by a little water?”
Logan would probably scowl and start a splash fight with Virgil after that remark.
Patton and Roman would definitely get involved somehow.
Remy would probably be sipping a Pina Colada off to the side before he decided to jump in the pool and join in on the splash fight. “Yo! Don’t have all the fun without me!”
“Then get in here Allstar!”
Roman would inevitably pick up a pool noodle and began to duel with the one Patton already had.
“Enguarde Patton!”
“Roman! Pool Noodles are not weapons!”
“Technically anythings a weapon if used like one, Logan”
“Fair point Virgil.”
Patton might let Roman win just so he can watch the prince celebrate his victory by doing tricks underwater. Maybe a flip or a handstand, just to prove his win.
Roman might even sneak behind Patton and lift him, giggling and squealing into the air onto his shoulders.
“Eheheheh! Chicken Fight!”
“Aha! They’ll never defeat us!”
Virgil and Logan glance at each other, each wearing matching smirks as Logan helps Virgil onto his shoulders.
“Don’t assume outcomes Roman.”
“Yeah…because I think through all of them. Who says you’re in control?”
Because it’s Patton against Virgil on top of both Roman and Logan, they both might go easy on the other until it begins to get real competitive.
“You’re going down Dad!”
“Well Dad doesn’t sound right, kiddo!”
Patton might let Virgil win or vice versa depending on how their feeling, either way the fight would end with both of them falling over backwards off of Roman and Logan.
Patton suggested they try a four-high side-stack the order going Roman, Logan, Patton, then Virgil. It was an utter failure.
Patton and Roman probably organized some pool activities before hand such as polo, volleyball, or Cannonball competitions. All of which Logan was dragged into. He won at the belly flop challenge though.
Remy would be that one person who brings his starbucks and food into the pool with him.
“Remy! You’re getting food in the pool!”
“Huh? I didn’t notice.” And doesn’t do anything about it.
At one point maybe a spider falls into the pool. Patton screams and just swims to the other side as fast as possible while the other sides do their best to capture the drowning spider and set it elsewhere.
Roman would be that one person to knock or shove unsuspecting people into the pool. He shoved Patton playfully first when Patton got up to grab a cookie. Ran up behind a protesting Virgil picking him up and chucking him into the pool. Roman even took a headstart to charge Logan into the water, but the logical aspect saw it coming and stepped aside right at the last second, so Roman basically threw himself in the pool. Roman got his revenge though, with the help of Patton.
Patton would probably be the one to push Roman in. He wanted an excuse to say “roMAN OVER BOARD!!”
After awhile of playing and romping around, Logan and Roman might retire to the Jacuzzi with Virgil tailing behind.
Patton would be too busy playing games with Thomas, Elliot, Thomas’s Friends, and Remy to join them for the moment.
Its so relaxing to Virgil that he has to be shaken awake every five minutes.
Dr. Picani might slip in next to them just to chat.
Patton probably would coax the others to come out and play more games in the water.
They might even play Marco Polo or a form of Water tag. 
After the water tires them out they might stand in the middle and play more word or guessing games.
It is an experience to hear Logan screaming “FALSEHOOD” Underwater.
Virgil laughed a grand total of seven times, much more than he ever had in years. His Acceptance Party would definitely be remembered.
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I’m very supportive but also moderately disturbed
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I have no regrets
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Virgil: this snek empty full of lies, YEET!
'Can LYING Be Good??': A Summary ft. Virgil
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