satan365 · 3 years
Can’t stop thinking bout that porn video of this lesbian domnitrix that at the end of fucking there was this little interview with her and the sub. And the domme was asking the sub what she liked and what’s she could improve on and what she thinks that she should do next time or something that could’ve been done just a little different. And I just think that gave me a different view on pornstars.
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satan365 · 4 years
A: go ahead say it!
B: Say what?!
A: that you don’t want me! You’ve been uninterested from the beginning!
B: No! I’ve wanted to be your everything from the moment I saw you! When I got to know you better I wanted so badly to just be yours that it made me weak and sick that I couldn’t haveyou!
A: Then why treat me like shit?
B: We are so different that even getting close to you was like to planets nearly hitting each other. Beautiful but catastrophic.
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satan365 · 4 years
It’s always weird to see post about being nice to people posted by people who are anything but nice.
Ex posted about always being the person who is nice to people who don’t deserve it when before we broke up she tried to justify flirting with someone by calling me psychotic and delusional then went and slept with the guy she flirted with the day before I broke up with her.
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satan365 · 5 years
If I was god and I wanted people to really listen to the fact that I was coming down to earth, I would freeze places that haven’t frozen in for fucking ever. And then turn the sun red. Because what he’s doing now with these earth quakes and floods and and plagues and what not is not working. He needs an attention grabber and I just think it would be hilarious if South America had so much snow that they started moving north for warmth. War.
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satan365 · 5 years
I had a dream that the person I’m upset with apologized and made it up to me and we were on a good page then I woke up and totally forgot that it didn’t happen and almost made a fool of myself when I talked to them because they in fact did not apologize so we are mad still.
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satan365 · 5 years
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-titti de Vinci
The new de Vinci strikes again!
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satan365 · 5 years
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-Titty da Vinci
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satan365 · 5 years
No my fair lady, I’m not an ordinary bottom!
I’m a brat.
So suck my “dick” and let’s see if you can make me do anything.
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satan365 · 5 years
“Peeing after sex is healthy and encouraged!” I say to myself after masturbating walking to the bathroom in my Star Wars underwear.
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satan365 · 5 years
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A foundling is in your care. By Creed, until it is of age or reunited with its own kind, you are as its father. You are a clan of two.
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satan365 · 5 years
He’s a dad?
earthsxprincess: How difficult was it to become a hot air balloon?
Check out the full Answer Time here. 
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satan365 · 5 years
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satan365 · 5 years
This one time when I was getting ready for school my dad was on the phone and I didn’t recognize the voice so I thought my dad was talking to a lady “friend” and so I was like damn my dad is finally moving on from my mom right? No turns out my groggy head didn’t recognize my grandmothers voice. Let me tell you that was very awkward. They were talking about church stuff and then started talking about how my dad needs to start dating.
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satan365 · 5 years
I cannot wait till those mornings in my future where I wake up early to go run or go lift. Then I come home take shower and then eat breakfast while watching tv or reading and just have the rest of the day to do everything like painting or even going to work in the afternoon. But I also can’t wait for those evening after work where I can come home and grab the meal prep I did and sit on the couch and watch a movie. I long for the part in my life where I no longer have to cram for tests or homework. I long for the times where I want to go into work instead of dreading it.
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satan365 · 5 years
I just want to be like mid 30s and trying to find a wife and have a steady doctor job rather than being stuck in my last year of high school which seems to go on for fucking ever and working at a fucking gas station.
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satan365 · 5 years
I want to die
I want to die
But the moon tonight was to pretty to disappoint.
I tried to hang myself but my dog walked in as I stood on the chair.
I didn’t want him to be sad, I stepped down.
Each time I tried to cut myself I never had the guts to go deep enough.
When I pulled the syringe up to my neck, my best friend sent me a meme, it was about best friends being for life.
How was I going to tell her that my life was shorter than hers? I threw the damn thing out.
When the darkness got to close, I hit myself. I would slap myself till I could feel that I was real. The black eyes I gave myself were “from slipping in the shower.”
My best friend would ask me if everything was fine? What she really meant was if I was being abused.
Finally I couldn’t take it, I grabbed my father pistol from the gun safe. I had loaded the gun so many times for shooting practice. I knew how it worked and which ammunition belonged to it.
I raised it to my temple, I couldn’t feel anything and I didn’t want to. Before I could pull the trigger my sister walked through the front door upstairs. I couldn’t let her be the one to find my body.
I waited, told myself that I had to wait till I graduated high school, turned 21, got my bachelors, my PhD. Now as I reach 50 I can say that postponing my death date, was the best thing because I’m married and live the life that I worked hard for even though I wanted to end it, I didn’t.
-I want to die- By the survivor from the future.
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satan365 · 5 years
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no nerds
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