scallywagboy · 11 months
When I'm busy and take an hour to reply
My gf: are you in an orgy?
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scallywagboy · 11 months
If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you
This is my favourite quote by Nietzsche. It's so profoundly deep that I cannot explain.
The more headspace you give something, the more it consumes you; good or bad. For instance, when you hate something with a burning passion, it takes over you. It's all you can think about. You talk about it. You think about it. In your free time, you're overwhelmed by it. It shows up in your dreams. And the longer it's in your head rent-free, the more you become what you hate.
Personally, before I used to drink alcohol, I'd spend so much of my time preaching against it. I'd tell people how harmful it is, how it is against my morals. But on the back of my head, it had already taken it's place. And in no time, I began drinking.
The same goes to hating someone. Spending the time to gossip, building imaginary scenarios in your head, behaving in a toxic way - all of this only means they're in your head. The same goes to affairs or self-improvement too. More time you think about not doing something (or) doing something, the more counterproductive it will be.
Ideally, the better way is indifference. To just not care. To shrug your shoulder and not give it the headspace it demands. In other ways, to just let go.
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scallywagboy · 11 months
Why are people always in a hurry to interrupt you and make it about themselves when you're in the middle of sharing something?
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scallywagboy · 11 months
Everytime I'm anxious about something stupid and trivial, she says 'breathe with me' and shares this GIF. And she does the breathing exercise along with me and it makes my situation atleast 50% better.
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scallywagboy · 11 months
Tired of corporate life but also want job security.
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scallywagboy · 11 months
what’s this
i’m used to redditors being toxic af and playing the devil’s advocate to mess with your head
and i’m seeing people on tumblr being wholesome af
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scallywagboy · 11 months
I know we've progressed as a society and we have the whole narrative that we must have our shit together before we put that burden on our partner. But I feel like having a partner is essential to help you snap out of your spirals or simply be your reality-checker when you can't seem to help yourself. Or simply, they'll tell you they're hungry and your brain is occupied thinking of food as you drive to your favourite restaurant.
Ofcourse, it's not a necessity for them to be this way. But it sure helps.
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scallywagboy · 11 months
I feel like the older you grow, the more you start to live life on auto-pilot. You slowly stop appreciating little things like the smell of your favorite pancakes or the beauty of blushing trees when you go for a stroll. Is it because we’re so overwhelmed by a million things that need to be done or worries that take up our headspace? Idk.
I also feel like running life on auto-pilot mode is what causes us to feel numb in the first place. Growing up sucks. I did not sign up for this.   
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