scripturientdelight · 3 months
Once again, I've forgotten what it feels like to not be constantly overwhelmed.
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As a tree or a cloud I could be alright.
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scripturientdelight · 10 months
Is a single line poetry?
What if I then translate it into every language I'm attempting to learn?
I love the warm kiss of the sun on my skin beneath the cool breeze
Αγαπώ τo ζεστό φιλί του ήλιου στο δέρμα μου κάτω από το δροσερό αεράκι
Dw i'n caru'r cusan yr haul ar fy nghroen o dan yr awel oer
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scripturientdelight · 11 months
As I sit outside in my morning sunshine time,
While the autumn sun is still a warm caress upon my skin
I am reminded anew of everything glorious about him,
And the depth of my love draws me back to the idea of making his name mine as well,
In the deepest act of devotion I can conceive of.
All I want in life Is to be loved like all heliotropes - Myself included - Love the sun.
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scripturientdelight · 11 months
The Tdick Paradox:
Compared to before testosterone?
Compared to perisex men?
Not so much...
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scripturientdelight · 3 years
I'm a grown-ass man, but also a work in progress. I'm old enough to decide for myself - with sufficient professional agreement as to make it possible - to decide I deserve to spend my late thirties finally going through The Right Puberty.
I'll assimilate a weekly shot into my routine and eventually look in a mirror and see Myself reflected comfortably, when I'm no longer obsessing over every potential sign that my body's starting to change. I've only just started, but I'm finally on my way
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scripturientdelight · 3 years
I wanna be a dryad.
Or I'd settle for just a tree.
Trees don't get bored,
or have hyperactive ADD.
I wouldn't be depressed in winter,
Just undressed, if not evergreen.
In fact, a cactus would do as well, I suppose.
Then birds could still hug me.
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scripturientdelight · 3 years
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I watch the clouds float by and implore they take me with them
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
Hints of Spring
It's so nice outside I want it to inspire page after page of story scrawled in vines of ink across the blank sheets, but a breeze passed and the leaves quiver and I'm lost in the loveliness of spring, all peace and no words. Just the warm kiss of sunlight and the tender caress of the cool breeze and a sense of surety that I am a part of it all.
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
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I am him and he is me. With time my form will fit properly.
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
I am the fire reborn;
and my flames grow
ever brighter.
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A little #selfaffirmation #oneminutepoem to cope with #genderdysphoria atop all this year’s chaos! My chosen name is Not Subtle 🔥☀️
#transmascwitch #queermagic #queerwitch #firewitch #iamthephoenix #transmasc #forapollo #thanksares #solarwitch #actuallyautistic #wordspractice #atleastaresisproudofme https://www.instagram.com/p/CIFJoxuHaJz/?igshid=1iaausnd98mwc
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
Sometimes I still get so tired/ I can't silence the hate inside
Sometimes I have to listen/ As it makes me want to die
How can I grow stronger/ If I'm too exhausted to try
I feel so weak and hopeless/ As I just rock and cry
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
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Small devotional acts.
Take a self-defense class
Adopt an “unwanted” animal
Learn first aid
Have a bonfire
Physically destroy reminders of harmful things
Go to protests, fight for what you believe in
Go on the massive rides at fairs/amusement parks
Educate yourself on PTSD
Wear more leather
Join a debate team
Look at war critically, without glorifying it
Delete contacts who were negative influences
Eat spicy foods
Wear clothes that make you feel confident and badass
Keep a pocket knife/multi-tool on you
Have multiple shots of coffee
Stand up against racists, sexists, and the like
Find small ways to build your endurance each day
Inspire others
Donate to charities that support abuse victims
Wear metal jewelry
Use writing or art to channel your feelings (it doesn’t have to be pretty and light)
Learn more about war history
Follow through with tasks you are given
Listen to music that makes you feel a little chaotic 
Drive on roads you can go fast on
Explore alternatives to the systems and paths you were told to follow
Play a competitive and physical game/sport
Help your friends clean up after a party (or fight)
Fuel your hate into productive energy
Wear darker makeup
Don’t be afraid to have opinionated conversations
Know the best ways to get rid of blood stains
Many, many, many other things not said here
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
I love the haikus
They are so chill and pretty
Can I stay forever
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
transmasc dysphoria
The softest curves have the sharpest edges where they dig deep into and through my soul
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
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Fire boy
Earth man
He can let his
Brilliant caress
Dazzle in pleasure
Without burning his beloved
Dirt would become
Steel and gold
Borne of the blaze
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
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I found my old magnetic poetry...
It's not high quality, but I rushed because dinner time.
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scripturientdelight · 4 years
A Sunshine Prayer
I tilt my face into the sun,
His warm caress pressing down,
Against my forehead,
Down my nose,
Across my heat-flushed cheeks,
Onto my waiting lips.
A blessed kiss of radiant warmth,
My submission to the light that feeds all life,
My admission of love to the one providing it,
My morning prayer to Apollo.
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