securitynotebook · 2 years
"Answer. That you are here-" HalcyonxJason Highlight Reel Part 1
Hal jumped back as she realized that she wasn’t alone. A few feet beyond the park bench was a person sprawled out on the ground. It appeared to be a young man. He had a leather jacket, a pair of jeans, and a streak of white in otherwise jet black hair. Was he… oh god not another body… but just as Hal began to think he was dead too, he rolled his head to the side and snored through his nose. Oh… well… Hal quickly decided that it wasn’t any of her business. 
Hal was about to turn and leave when she saw something…. emanating from him. A green aura spread from him like ripples of water in a pond. Rings pulsed through the air, coming from him. 
Hal didn’t know a lot about the supernatural, about as much as anyone else, but she could tell it was bad. Whatever it was, Hal felt goosebumps raise on her skin as she looked at the aura glide through the air, pulsing off his body.
She stepped around the bench slowly, squirting at the young man and wondering what exactly she should do. Like a switch in her brain, an extra sense, a muscle she didn’t know she had, her eyes lit up blue as she reached into herself for that… power she’d used when she saw what happened to the woman. 
She could see a blue outline around the young man. That blue outline glowed around Hal too, and she looked at her hand with a curious frown as she appraised it. Somehow, she knew. It was the soul. 
But that outline that was smooth around Hal’s hand and arm was crooked and jagged around the man’s body. It didn’t seem to fit right. The blue glow was stretching and pulling at itself, trying to fit around his body. Hal blinked slowly, reaching her hand out on instinct. 
She nudged the soul a little inward, and then pulled it out in another spot. She reached out both hands and held them over the man. 
The soul snapped into place so suddenly it made her jump. The green aura dispelled like a dam breaking, fresh air flowing into the space around the man. 
He bumped his fist on the doorframe of the room Tim was in. “Hey, Alfred. Does Timmy know his girlfriend is getting interrogated by the big bad bats?” Jason projected his voice into the room, grinning even though Alfred gave him a scolding look. 
Tim, in fact, groaned. “I know. Somebody tell him to stop.” He complained, the teenager pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes. One of them had an IV tube in it. Ah, those post abduction fluids. Jason raised an eyebrow. Tim gave him an annoyed look, but didn’t make to move and do it himself. Jason gathered that Alfred had enforced that he stay in bed. 
“Heard that Alfie handcuffed her.” Jason added, leaning against the wall just inside the room. 
Tim shot Jason a glare. What? He didn’t do it. “I’m just saying. She got the honest Wayne Manor welcome.”
Jason didn’t know how to say: ‘Dick wants us to bond because I tried to kill you a few years ago after I was brought back from the dead and was a little mad from the Lazarus Effect, and you still seem kinda uncomfortable around me because of that.’ So instead he said:
“So, she is your girlfriend?” 
Tim glared at him. So maybe the tone came out a little wrong. Jason shrugged, what was he gonna do about it? “No. But she’s a good person. She doesn’t deserve to be handcuffed and interrogated for saving me.” Tim insisted, watching Alfred as he gathered together some supplies from around the room. 
Jason watched the butler too. “Yeah well, this is Gotham. Where rich kids get abducted and held for ransom and good Samaritans get shaken down by the Batman. She’ll live.” Jason reasoned, watching too as Alfred gathered the supplies together into a first aid bag and walked to the door frame.
“Why are you following me?” She hissed out, her shoulders raised as she set her feet in the proper stance. 
The man held his hands up. “Hey, now. You’ve got the wrong idea. Red Robin is uh… well, he asked me to make sure you got home okay.” The man seemed at a loss for words and his voice was muffled by the helmet, but there was a definitive annoyance to his tone. 
Hal blinked, not sure what she should do. The Red Hood was a villain… right? That’s what she’d read online. Was he lying? 
Marco didn’t seem perturbed, though. The cat took one look at the man and relaxed, licking his paw and dragging it behind his ear. Hal glanced from the cat to the man a few times. 
“Yeah, uh. Okay.” Hal’s voice was clumsy, awkward. “You can stop now.”
The man snorted. He scratched the back of his head, just underneath the mask. “Fine, what do I care?” The man turned to leave, and then paused. “Hey. Listen, what’s he to you, anyway?” Red Hood asked, a bit of an accent to his voice. 
She jumped as the door to the bathroom busted open. 
“Woah!” Hal whipped around, exclaiming at the same time a man in the door shouted, “Shit!”
He scrambled back and slammed the door shut. Hal was gripping the towel hard, eyebrows furrowed together. She sent out her senses and looked at the soul on the other side of the door. 
Red Hood?
Oh, right. His name was Jason. She hadn’t ever really gotten a good look at his face. 
Hal folded the towel and opened the door slowly, peeking out with hesitance. The young man was standing in the hallway, facing away and rubbing the back of his neck. He was dressed normal– not in his Red Hood outfit. 
He turned as she stepped out of the bathroom. “Sorry.” She said softly, gesturing to the door. 
His face was wide and boxy, with a sharp jawline. He had black hair with a tuft of white hair right at the top of his forehead, at his hairline. 
“Don’t you know how to use a lock?” Jason snarked, looking her up and down with a frown. 
Hal twitched an eyebrow. “About as well as you know how to knock, it seems.” She snarked right back. 
“Huh. You okay?” He asked, looking a little uncomfortable as he did. Hal was caught off guard. “Dick and Tim ambushed you, didn’t they?”
Hal shifted her stance. “No, I’m fine.” She protested. “I just washed my face.” God, how many people came through this manor? 
The man shrugged. “None of my business.” He looked to the bathroom. Hal began to step away, unsure if it was the end of the conversation or not, when he spoke again. “I’m sorry, by the way.” Hal stopped, blinking as he turned to face her, his expression suddenly serious. “I wasn’t much help the other night. Are you alright, after all that?” He asked, his expression genuinely concerned this time. 
Hal shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. I nearly got you killed. I thought you were a goner, after you were shot.” She told him earnestly. To her surprise, he laughed at this. 
“It’ll take more than that to kill me again.” He told her. Hal smiled, a little unsure, but glad he was alright at least. 
Wait a second. Again?
Jason smirked, like he knew what she was thinking. 
“Uh… you were killed before?” She asked slowly, not sure if she should engage any further or just back away slowly. 
“Thanks for playing.” Jason smiled like he won something. “You should probably get back before Dick’s assumes you're lost and sends the bloodhounds after you.” The way Jason spoke, Hal was 65% sure he was joking about the bloodhounds. 
“Uh, right. Bye, then.” She waved a stiff goodbye, backing up and turning around after a few steps. 
Hal held out the motorcycle helmet. “I will take your word for it.” She decided. “Thank you.” Marco, who’d clung to her shoulder the whole time with ease, due to the incorporeality, jumped off and headed toward the dorms.  
“You already said that.” Jason took the helmet. “Go study or something, kid. You don’t want to get wrapped up in this anymore than you already are. Trust me.” He told her, leveling her with a steady look of stoicism before popping on the helmet and speeding away. 
Wow. Practice that look in the mirror? 
Hal watched him go, eyes narrowed in disbelief. What a Super Cool Guy. She hoped he swallowed a few bugs on the ride. 
She thought about the way he said it, you already said that , all the way back up to her dorm. Hal shut the door behind her. 
“Super Cool Guy.” She muttered mockingly. “I am going to study, but not because he said so.” She told Marco, walking over to her desk chair and putting a hand on it. “I’m going to study.” She repeated in a whisper, “So I shouldn’t cry, or anything.” 
Jason pointed a finger at her. “You owe me a bike.” He accused. 
“Your soul was misaligned from your body.” The girl explained, bringing her hands up from the rail to cup them in front of her. “I just pushed it back in, and it snapped back into place. That’s all.” She told him, dropping her hands back to the metal railing. “I didn’t do anything else.”
Jason frowned. That was it?
A hardware issue?
And she fixed it with a tap of her magic-fucking-wand?
“Fuck you.” Jason breathed out, stepping back from the railing and shaking his head. Hal’s eyes widened, like a kicked puppy, and Jason rolled his eyes. “Are you really that stupid? You just forgot about it? It was just an accident?” He demanded, crossing his arms and leveling her with his own form of bat-glare. Hood-glare? Todd-glare? Jason would figure it out later. 
“Yes?” She said, cringing as she did. 
Hal blinked. “Uh… check?” She asked hesitantly. 
“My soul.” He looked back to her, and for a second she received the full force of his glare. Hal had thought he seemed angry last time, but this… This wasn’t just anger. 
He looked away, flattening his expression as he ran a hand over his face. He seemed to take slow, deliberate breaths for a few moments. 
The cold wind pulled some strands of Hal’s wet hair from her face. 
The moon was already up and out, even as the sun was only just setting. It cast a scarlet, orange glow over the back of the manor. The sunset reflected off the glass of all the balcony doors, and it flooded them with a wash of amber light.
He was scared. 
It made sense. He had… god. He had died. 
“I can take a quick peak.” Hal offered carefully. 
“No. I mean–” Jason cut himself off, taking another breath. “I want to be absolutely sure… Please?” He asked, looking over at her again. 
Hal straightened her back and nodded. “I’ll do everything I can.” She assured him, a low, serious tenor to her voice. 
Jason held her gaze for a few seconds before nodding. 
“Do you need me to come over there?” He asked, and Hal shook her head. 
“I think… let me try from here.” She offered, gripping the balcony railing and letting her eyes light up as she called on her powers. 
His soul was gleaming in front of her. It burned like a hearth, a fire contained in a body. She felt like she could lift her hands and warm her cold fingers, if she wanted.
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securitynotebook · 2 years
“Answer, That You Are Here...” Chapter 3 Preview
“Alright. So where we stand is you’re Kid Flash, whatever that means. I asked around today and nobody had heard of a Kid Flash superhero. But guess what happened? No one knew, and on top of that everyone had this weird reaction when I asked. Exactly like what happened last night when I searched it. I still can’t think about it without getting a bit of a headache.” She rambled off, pulling her notepad out and jotting things down as she spoke. “So today, we’ll try to get past that and do some actual internet digging. Did you remember anything?” She asked, looking up to find Spector frowning at her. “What?”
 He shook his head. “I know I said I needed your help but I’m starting to wonder if this is the right thing to do. You’re just 16, you shouldn’t be getting headaches doing this for me.” He sat forward, his elbows on his knees as he frowned at the floor.
 Hal didn’t know what to say. “A bit. A bit of a headache. Besides,” she sighed as she paused, frustration seeping from her, “Like you said, I need your help as much as you need mine.” She reminded him.
 He looked up at her and sat up, smiling after a moment. “Sure. You’re the ghost girl.” He teased, thought the trouble still lingered on his face.
 “What is it?” She pressed, leaning forward. “Something’s still bothering you.”
 Spector nodded. “I remembered something last night. When we found that woman’s body… she reminded me of someone I knew. Something came back to me, something about the Speed Force.” He told her, his face completely serious, his tone even and unwavering.
 It struck Hal as significant, even though she hadn’t known him for very long at all. Less than a day and… he was important to her. She swallowed thickly, wondering if there was a reason he was starting to worry about her involvement. Superheroes were vigilantes, and their lives were dangerous. Was she cut out for this? No matter how much she wanted to help, would he be better off with someone else?
 “Speed Force. Okay. What about it?” Hal wrote the two words in her notebook. The words looked strange, so she put a question mark beside them.
 “It has to do with speedsters.” He told her, and she nodded. She found that term while researching the Flash in relation to him last night. “Our powers, more specifically. And when you get pulled into the speed force, strange things can happen. Things like-“
 “Like everyone forgetting about you?” Hal interrupted, her jaw dropping as she put the pieces together.
 “Yeah.” Spector flicked his eyebrows up in acknowledgment. He looked down at his translucent hands. “And me forgetting about myself.”
 Hal swallowed thickly, shutting her mouth. “How do you get pulled into the speed force?”
 Spector shrugged. “There are loads of different ways, actually. I’m pretty sure I ran too fast, and the speed force sort of consumed me because of it.” He explained, the lines in his ghostly face draw together.
 Wait. Ghost. Was that even the right term? Was he…
 “Spector, does that mean you’re alive?” Hal asked, sitting forward on the bed. “Like, we can get you out of the speed force and you’d be alive.”
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securitynotebook · 2 years
“Answer, That You Are Here...” Chapter 2 Preview
She tried to be as rational as she could about everything in her life. Hal had spent a long time determining her application to the Gotham Academy scholarship, and the decision to jump had been equally considered. So naturally, she spent a few hours pacing in circles in her dorm room and debating the relevant logic.  
 So far she had deduced several things. One, it didn’t matter whether it was real or not. She was already blatantly suicidal, so she really didn’t give a rats ass whether she was sane or not. In the event she was sane and it was real, she’d like to give this her best go. Two, he was a speedster. It had taken a little research to find that term. Even as a ghost this guy moved fast. The Flash was a speedster, and this guy obviously had some relation to him, so everything checked out there. Three, she could see him, and that was not normal, according to him. Maybe it had something to do with him... interrupting her? Or maybe it was a coincidence that they crossed paths? Hal had never experienced anything like this before, she really didn’t have any clue what to make of this.
 And that leaves deduction four, she was woefully unequipped to deal with this. This guy said he needed her help remembering his name. If he was some kind of superhero, which it was looking like he was, how was she supposed to ask superheroes about him?
 His memories complicated everything. Some things he remembered, other things he didn’t. It seemed like anything pertaining to his identity was cut off. He remembered his friends and large swatches of his life, but his mother’s name was a blank. There were some things he forgot on the spot, like his hometown, that he seemed so sure he knew until he had to tell her.
 It was a cluster fuck and Hal had an algebra test tomorrow that she hadn’t even planned on studying for so…that’s that.
 Pausing in her pacing, she ran a hand through her hair, looking at him as he looked around her room. He couldn’t do much at all, the only thing he seemed to be corporeal to was Hal.
 “You have superhero friends, you’re dressed like a superhero, and you have superhero powers.” Hal repeated the same argument she had used five minutes ago. “You’re a superhero.”
 Spector turned around and sighed. “I just don’t feel it, you know? I feel like I would know if I was a superhero.” He argued, tapping his foot restlessly.
 Hal frowned. “Maybe being a superhero is so linked to your identity that whatever is afflicting you is making you forget?” She suggested, snapping as it came to her. That had to be it. “Which is going to make this a hell of a lot harder!” She said in mock cheeriness.
 Spector groaned, sitting in her desk chair. Don’t ask her how he could sit— she didn’t know.
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securitynotebook · 2 years
In light of the new Gotham Knights gameplay trailer here’s a compilation of my favorite Jason Todd reveal tweets
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Honorable mentions + Dick Grayson and Tim Drake
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securitynotebook · 2 years
Halcyon Myles could see ghosts. She could talk to them, see their past, and help them move on. She could look into the memories of objects and, on occasion, turn invisible.
Hal moved to Gotham a few months ago, transferring to Gotham Academy on a scholarship. She didn't know she had powers at all until she very nearly died. After an amnesiac ghost saved her life, however begrudgingly, she had to help him. What they have: his face, a few memories, and a flash symbol on his chest. What they don't have: literally everything else.
One friend in danger leads to another, and things spin out of control. Hal fights against Gotham born serial killers, a meta-human run organization set on world domination, the Lazarus Pits and those that control them, a mind-control apocalypse, and the traumas of her own past. The broken pieces of her family lead her to a new one, her world expands, and soon she's come face to face with the question everyone has to answer.
What are you willing to die for, and, more importantly, what are you willing to live for?
May include but not limited to: eventual batfam fluff, teen titan shenanigans, unlikely vigilante justice, and hopeless gay best friends
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securitynotebook · 2 years
Jason Todd centric, Dick Grayson kidnapped by Talon fanfic. Pride and joy of mine.
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securitynotebook · 2 years
Another fanfiction of mine:
Dick Grayson angst one shot.
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securitynotebook · 2 years
Friend suggested I put this on here!
This is a fanfiction I’ve been working on for a while. Halcyon is a DC comics oc that interacts a lot with the batfamily and Titans. Her character is the main focus of the story but there is a ton of interaction with canon characters.
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