seoll3miwrites · 4 months
Doing Time | Criminal Minds S.R
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Chapter 7. Gossip
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In which Spencer gets roped into watching Twilight Chapter Title: Gossip by Maneskin
Hotch had forced her to go leave for two weeks after her shoulder injury, something she found completely unnecessary. She’s remembers how her protests fell on the deaf.
“I’m telling you sir I’m fine, it’s basically a surface wound.” She’d tried to downplay, hiding her wince when the stitchings pulled slightly.
“Federov it was a clean gun shot through your right shoulder, the EMTs said you were lucky I didn’t hit a major artery.”
“But-“ Hana began to argue before the unit chief cut her off.
“Go home and get some rest that’s an order.”
“Okay Dad.” She’d had meant to mutter it under her breath but it was still loud enough for Hotch to hear.
“Right sorry I’m leaving.” 
Now the young agent found herself lying on her apartment couch watching some trashy reality tv, while numb on pain medication. She was in the middle of laughing was an argument started between the main cast on screen when there was a knock on the door.
She grimaced as she slowly stood up and made her way over to the door and opened it find a familiar face.
“Lila!” She exclaimed to her friend, “What are you doing here?”
Her friend smiled brightly before stepping into the apartment holding a large bag. “I’m here to keep you company, what didn’t you tell me you got shot.”
“Im sorry I just didn’t want anyone to worry about me.” She answered as she moved back to the couch.
“You mean you didn’t want any pity?” Lila replied, leaving Hana speechless. “I know it’s how you were raised but you need to understand that it’s okay for you get help from people.”
“I know.” Hana begrudgingly accepted, “What did you bring?” 
“Well usually I’d bring drinks from the club but I don’t know what kinda meds they’ve got you on, so I hope you like herbal teas and shitty snacks.” 
“Aww what would I do without you?” Hana smiled brightly as she sat back down on the couch, “Oh and I forgot to say thank you for those shots the other night, the team was very happy.”
“Of course I always take care of my favourite patrons.” Lila said causing Hana to laugh as she shuffled to side to allow her friend to join her on the couch. 
The two friends sat next to each for most of the day, eating the snacks and had decided to binge a movie Lila had also told Hana to watch. She thought it was okay but was getting frustrated at the inaccuracy when it came to vampire mythology; causing a friendly debate between the pair. 
“You’re thinking about things too carefully!”
“No I’m not,” Hana argued back to her friend, “there’s not practical reason for vampires to sparkle, also why can they see their reflection. At this point they’re more like superhuman cannibals than vampires.”
“It’s a cheesy romance movie, it’s meant to be accurate.”
“Well why direct it so seriously.”
“Shut up and watch the movie.” Her friend responded, followed swiftly by her smacking Hana in the face with a couch cushion.
They watch the rest of the movie with minimal jibes from Hana about the inaccuracies, and were about the watch the second one until there was another knock on the door. The agent was about to rise from the couch but was swiftly stopped by Lila.
“Stop right there, you are injured and shouldn’t move, I’ll get the door.” She chastised as she walked towards the apartment door. 
“It’s my arm not my leg.” Hana responded, “I can move, I just hurts.”
“Yeah sure.” Hana’s friend laughed before swinging the door open. “Who are you?”
The man at the door seemed surprised to see Lila, he cleared his throat before answering, “Hi, I’m Doctor Spencer Reid with the BAU is Hana in?”
“She is.” Lila smirked before opening the door wider to let him in, “Hana you have a guest.”
“Who?” The dark brunette asked and lifting her head up to see who’s there; her smile instantly widened. “Spencer! What are you doing here?”
“I was sent to give some information,” he started, “but I also wanted to check on you.”
“Awww how sweet.” Lila spoke suggestively to her friend. In response Hana waved her hand to shoe her away to the kitchen, her friend put her hands up in surrender but still did as she’d asked.
Once her friend had left the room, she turned back to Spencer and gestured him to set next her on the couch. Surprisingly comfortable in an unfamiliar place, he walked in and swiftly took a seat next to the young agent.
“What do you need to tell me?” She’d asked once he was comfortable.
Spencer took a deep breath before continuing, “Giuseppe Montolo is dead.”
“It was during Morgan’s interview today, he uh.” He stopped and swallowed hard, suddenly uncomfortable, causing Hana to reach out with her good hand.
“It’s okay you can tell me.” She soothed, unconsciously stroking his hand. 
Spencer nodded, “He started choking and died in the interview room, they think it was poison.”
“Did he mention anything useful beforehand?”
“Apparently the dirty dozen isn’t a group of people on a hit-list, it’s just one thing.”
She hummed in understanding, “But we don’t know what that thing is?”
“Yeah.” He answered, and hesitated again before continuing, “Do you know what it is?”
“No, it wasn’t a thing when I was active.”  
“Just thought I check.”
“Sorry I was a dead end.”, She joked.
At Hana’s word he straightened on the couch and turned his body to face her, “No, you’re not a dead end at all, I didn’t come to only get information from you. I figured you should be told in person, I mean you did know him.”
“Spencer it’s fine I was only joking.” She soothed him, stroking his hand against in small circles, “Do wanna stay and watch a weird vampire movie?”
“Actually, I’m on leave to for little bit,”
“Oh why?” She asked with minor head tilt.
“Well I’m flying to Vegas on Friday to visit my mom for the week.”
“Oh really? I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”
At Hana’s words Spencer seemed to withdraw slightly and had a small unsure smile on his face, “I hope so.”
“Why wouldn’t she be?” She then realised that question was probably a bit to personal and quickly backtracked with a quiet, “I mean if you feel comfortable tolling about it.”
“No, I mean I don’t mind,” He reassured before continuing, “My Mom has Schizophrenia and she currently in a care facility but the doctor’s say she’s not doing too well, so I’ve took a sabbatical for a few days to go see her.”
“Well that’s very good of you,” she smiled warmly at him, “and I know she doesn’t know me but send her my love when you go.”
“I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.” He laughed slightly before chasing the topic, “So what’s the movie called?”
“Well you’ve missed the first one but we’re gonna watch second one which is called…” Hana trailed off, she turned her head towards to shout at her friend, “Lila what’s this movie called?”
In response, Lila made her way back into the living room carrying two bowls of popcorn, “New Moon, is the good doctor joining us?” She asked winking at Hana.
Hana glared at her friend to stop her from speaking, Lila simply smirked back at Hana in teasing. She’d told all her friends about the drunken kiss that her and Spencer had shared, but she’d also sworn them to secrecy; especially when it came to Spencer.
The man himself spoke causing the two friends to look away from their silent conversation, “I hope you don’t mind, Hana asked if I wanted to stay and I’ve actually been given the day off.” 
“Yeah don’t worry it’s fine.” Lila replied as she sat down the armchair to let Hana and Spencer share the couch. “Have you ever seen Twilight?”
“Honestly no, although it has been recommended in the past so I know the general premise.’
Pleased with his answer Lila pressed play and the movie started. The three watched the movie quietly until they got a scene in the meadow where the main characters were lying in the sunlight, at this point Spencer spoke up.
“I thought he was vampire,” he began, “He shouldn’t be able to be in the sunlight.”
This caused Lila to groan, “Not you too, both of you just watch the movie.”
Spencer apologised quietly, and Hana shuffled closer to whisper in his ear. “Sorry about that Lila doesn’t like commentary with movies, if you want you can just tell me if you have something to say.”
And so as they watch the movie, she enjoyed how every now and then he leaned in to whisper a random fact. At one point he whispered a fact so unbelievable  Hana couldn’t help but laugh during a very serious scene, causing Lila to shush them as she watched the TV in interest. 
Each time Spencer would lean over Hana would shuffle just a little bit closer, but after doing this so many times, once the movie had finished and the third one had started Hana was casually leaning into Spencer’s arm that had wrapped around her shoulders.
She turned to Spencer suddenly aware of their close proximity, “You sure you’re good to stay so late?”
“Well it’s only four right now so, yeah I’m okay for another few hours.”
“Good” She smiled at him, before passing him the bowl of popcorn. In return, Spencer took a handful of popcorn from the bowl while smiling back at her. The pair turned back to the screen and chuckled softly as something funny happened in the movie. 
As the film continued, Hana felt her head grow heavy and out of reflex titled her head down so it rested on the good doctor’s shoulder, “Is this okay?”
Jerking slightly at her question, the doctor looked at her before replying, “Oh yeah, it’s okay.” He then relaxed further by fully wrapping his arm around her and pulling her sightly closer.
Hana stayed comfortably in the same position through the remaining movies left in the series, enjoying each time Spencer continuously whispered in her ear. Out the corner of her eye she noticed Lila glancing over towards the two and smirking before looking back at the T.V. Opting to simply ignore her friend’s teasing glances, she missed how every now and then Spencer would glance down at Hana to make sure she was still comfortable, smiling softly and then look back to the screen.
Hana also failed to notice that every time she laughed at something on screen, Spencer would follow suit with a fond chuckle. It was strange how close the pair had become despite only knowing each other for two months but they seemed to just click, and were already so comfortable with each other’s presence.
By the time they’d finished the entire movie series with small breaks in between, it was already half eleven at night and Hana was exhausted. Lila was packing up her stuff and heading to the door.
“Hey are you going to be okay by yourself tonight,” She’d asked her friend before she left, “I know Sasha’s out of town and I don’t think I’m comfortable leaving you alone.”
“I can stay if you want?” Spencer spoke up looking between the two women, causing Lila to smirk again. “Make sure you’re not in pain through the night?”
Hana stop still in surprise at how willing Spencer was to stay over for her; to make sure she was okay. “Yeah,” She spoke once she gotten over her shock, “You can stay as long as you want, I can see if I’ve got anything for you to wear.”
“If the good doctor’s staying then I’m gonna head out,” Lila moved to hug her friend, “Love you Hana and take care.”
“Thanks, Lila Love you too.” And with that she closed her apartment door behind her friend and turned back towards Spencer who was clearing the living room for her. 
“You have to do this you know?” She spoke up causing Spencer to turn to her.
“Do what?” 
“You know…” She paused before continuing, “Look after me, I’m not completely inept.”
“I know but you are injured,” He began “Just going to make sure you’re not in too much pain through the night.”
She was about to reply in thanks but she was cut off when a yawn was forced through her body, “God, I am so fucking tired.”
“Yeah? I can finish up if you want to go rest.”
“Thanks, but lemme grab something for you to wear.” With that she moved into her room, and opened to her bottom drawers where her most recent ex had left some lounge clothes. Pulling a set out she nodded in assurance that they should fit Spencer before gathering them in her arms and heading back out her room. While she found the living room empty she moved towards the kitchen where she found Spencer washing the glasses and bowl the three had used. 
“Hey,” She called to gain his attention, which she did when he turned towards her while still rinsing the last bowl. “I found some clothes you can use.”
“Really? Thanks.” He actually sounded appreciative when he took the small clothes pile.
“I do have another room but it’s my roommate’s and it be weird you sleeping there without me asking, would you be fine taking the couch, it’s pretty comfy.”
“Don’t worry I’m sure I’ll be fine, thank you though.” Spencer replied giving her a small smile.
“Well I’m gonna head to bed,” Hana spoke as she made her way to her room, “Goodnight and thanks  again.”
“Goodnight and you’re welcome.” She smiled widely at him before shutting her door, she then rushed to the bathroom and splashed cold water on herself. She need to get a hold of herself.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Doing 'Extra' Time | Masterlist
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A collections of one-shots based around my Doing Time series. Some will be deleted-scenes and others will be AUs. Each One-Shot will have it's own ratings.
*Tardis Noises* | Rated: T
Hana gets roped into going to comic con, but at least she has good company
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
*Tardis Noises* | S.R Oneshot
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Spin-Off Oneshot of my main series: Doing Time
Hana gets roped into going to comic con, but at least she has good company
After the team was given a whole week to recuperate after a particularly challenging case. Penelope had spontaneously asked Hana to come with to a ‘science convention’, but this wasn’t what she had in mind. As it turns out Penelope had neglected the ‘fiction’ part of a Sci-Fi shows convention. So here Hana stood outside waiting to enter the convention centre, standing next to Penelope and Spencer who were both dressed in Doctor Who related costumes. 
Unaware of the dress up plan, Hana was dressed a simple red shirt and black jeans combo. The leather jacket draped across her shoulders protected her skin from the intense solar rays. 
“Is it always this crowded?” She asked Spencer, knowing he’d have the answers she was looking for.
“Well statistically, New York Comic Con takes around two hundred thousand attendees a year.” He began to explain, “So yeah I guess you could say it’s always this crowded.”
“Great.” Hana sighed already feeling slightly claustrophobic as the line continued moving. She suddenly stumbled forward slightly when the group behind her got too excited and knocked into her accidentally, but was thankfully caught by Spencer. She uttered a small thanks as the doctor kept his hand firmly on the small of her back, pushing her in front of him. 
“You okay sweetie?” Penelope asked, turning around at the commotion. 
“Yeah don’t worry,” she waved her friend off, “It was just an accident and Spencer caught me before I fell on my face.”
The lovable blonde smiled brightly at her friend’s assurance, “Good, I’m so excited there’s so many places I want to check out.”
Hana listened intently as her two friends talked animatedly about all the different features of the convention they were most excited to see. While she didn’t understand half of the stuff they were taking about, she was just happy to see them happy too. Security was relatively easy process, especially since Penelope had strictly advised Hana not to bring her firearm. She had still brought her official badge though just in case, which raised some eyebrows from the older man that had checked her small bag of belongings.
When the trio were finally able to make their way into the main hall Hana was blown away at the grandiose nature of this event. Banners hung from basically anywhere you could hang a banner, dozens of signs directed people around the entire building of which the event was held, and the crowds were giant. 
Despite her friend’s excited and easy going attitude, Hana was still tense. There was so much happening around her, so many sounds, smells and sights. For someone trained to be aware of everyone around her and spending so long with the BAU it was difficult to relax. 
“So where are we going first?” She asked, before Spencer grabbed her hand to keep her close. 
“Penelope wants to check out all the stalls in the artists alley.” He explained as he led her forward.
“What’s that?”
“Oh, it’s where independent artists have small stalls set up to sell different things they’ve made whether it’s paintings or knit work.” He explained without any signs of annoyance at her lack of knowledge, “Maybe you’ll find something cool too.”
Spencer, as always, was right. At a stall tucked in the corner of the artists alley Hana found a stunning painting depicting one of her favourite movies she’d watched as a kid. 
“You watched Friday the thirteenth at five years old?” Spencer asked in amusement, after the young agent had explained her interest in the portrait of Jason Voorhees.
“Yeah!” She stated, still walking hand in hand, “I mean there wasn’t much else to do in the middle of the woods, so I convinced Grisha to buy a dvd player.”
“So you like horror?” He asked, making sure Hana didn’t get too focused on her past.
“Oh I love horror especially the supernatural stuff.” Spencer noticed her eyes sparkled when she was excited. “I mean have you haven’t lived until you’ve had a horror movie binge on halloween.”
“I agree.”  He nodded as he spoke, before pointing with his free hand to where Penelope stood excitedly talking with one the artists at their stall. “We should catch up her before she disappears.”
She smirked slightly before replying, “I know someone would not be happy if we lost his ‘Baby Girl’”.
Spencer laughed loudly at Hana’s quip his eyes crinkling at the edges as he smiled widely. Her smirked morphed into a smile, watching his reaction.
As the pair approached their friend, Penelope turned around and waved them over enthusiastically. While both began to increase their pace, Spencer 6’1 height compared to Hana’s 5’2 meant that she ended up being dragged behind him. They had almost made their way over to the brightly dressed blonde, when Hana stopped suddenly causing Spencer to also stop and looked back towards the dark haired woman. 
She’d stopped in front an artist’s stall two down from the one Penelope was in front of, most notably Hana was staring in awe at a hand knitted plush of a fruit bat. Like with the Jason painting, Spencer noticed that her sparkled with joy as she let go of his hand to picked the plush. He could tell how much she wanted it.
So, he asked the artist the price and pulled the right amount of notes from his wallet. Hana then looked up to asked the seller the price, earning a simple reply of, “He already bought.” As they pointed at Spencer.
“You bought this for me?” Hana asked as she held the little bat close to her chest with her right arm.
“Consider it a birthday present.” He shrugged before taking her free hand again and leading her over to Penelope, who was still waiting.
“You do know my birthday isn’t for another four months right?”
“I know.” 
“You know what?” Penelope asked as she met the pair half-way
“Penn look what Spence bought me!” The younger agent explained as she showed her friend the adorable bat plush.
“Oh my god that is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” Penelope squealed as she looked at the plush, “Usually I think bats are icky and weird but this is really cute.”
“What did you call us over for?” 
“Yes I forgot,” She began as she dug three small things from her purse, “I bought us matching keyrings”
“Is that the-“ Spencer began asked as Penelope handed them one each.
“Tardis?” She finished his sentence before continuing, “Yep it sure is and if you press it makes the noise.”
Hana scrunched her nose in confusion, “The noise?” 
As if to showcase it, Spencer pressed the button on his keyring and Hana looked one in surprise as it began to make a strange whirring noise and lit up. She let out a simple “huh” in reply before gently placing the keyring in her small bag.
The trio spent the rest of the day touring the entire exhibition hall, Hana was still amazed at the sheer scale of this event in front of her. There was even a promotional stall for a game Hana had never heard of, but it had a virtual shooting range so Hana was naturally drawn to it. She also enjoyed the shock and applause she received from the people around her when she achieved a perfect score. 
All in all, it was a perfect but tiring day. They’d stayed until latest as possible, which it was already slightly dark when they made their way to the Uber that would take them back to hotel they’d booked for the weekend. Sliding in second, she found herself sandwiched between Spencer and Penelope, and despite her best efforts her eyes grew heavy and she soon found herself asleep.
With her eyes closed, Hana missed the soft smile from Spencer as her head slip to fall on his shoulder. He didn’t move for the entire journey back.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Hana: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Hotch: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Hana: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
La Vie En Rose | MasterList
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Rosie has been the PA for the infamous Bruce Wayne for the last 5 years. Although closer to Bruce than anyone else at Wayne industries, the closer she got to him and the Wayne family she realised she didn't know her boss as much as she thought. Honestly I basically made Batman into a K-Drama but I don't not care. No connection to any pre-existing Live-Action Batman Media, also yes Lee Pace is the fan cast for this Bruce Wayne.
Playlist || Concept Board
Chapter 1. A Normal Morning
Chapter 2. The Tenth Near Death Experience (WIP)
Also read on: AO3 and Wattpad.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
La Vie En Rose | DC Universe B.W
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Chapter 1. A Normal Day
Back to Masterlist.
Rosie's usually likes her mornings, but not this one. TW// Gun description
This morning was getting close to the worst morning Rosie Macedo has ever had.
Firstly, she had woken up to an almost flooded kitchen, from her roommate leaving the tap on when they'd left an hour ago. This meant she spent an extra ten minutes mopping the floor, not great. 
Secondly, her car a parking ticket because she forgot to put her parking pass on her windscreen last night, worse. Then finally, her favourite cafe somehow ran out of coffee so they'd not opened today, the worst thing so far.
So here she found herself walking into Wayne Enterprise tired, annoyed and regretting not just calling in sick.
"Morning! You doing okay Rosie?" One of the security guards, Fred asked as she scanned her ID badge to enter.
"Oh could be better Fred, but hope you're doing better, I heard you got the flu last week." Rosie replied as she stopped to talk.
"Yeah it was rough but back to normal now thankfully."
"I'm glad." She smiled, "Anyway I gotta go but have a good day!"
Fred waved at her as she scurried to the elevator, thankfully it wasn't too full today so it was relatively peaceful ride to the top floor. As she exited the elevator she spotted a familiar, smiling face.
"Miss Rosie!" Dick, greeted her holding two cups in his hand while holding one towards her, "I brought you some coffee, how are you today?"
"Dick you are my life saver," she sighed with relief as she took a sip of the fresh coffee now in her hand. "I've been better that's for sure, how's everything today?"
"Well that's why I've stopped you," Rosie furrowed her browns in confusion, "He's got a new girlfriend."
"Already? What happened to Natalia?" Her eyes widened in surprise.
"Apparently she 'had to return to Milan' but turns out she already had another boyfriend there." Dick filled her in as they began walking to her desk.
"Wow!" She scoffed as she put her bag down to pull out her things. "Okay so give me the play by play please."
"Well she's an English heiress but from what I can tell she's the high society spoiled type, oh and she is definitely the type to complain when something doesn't got her way," Rosie groaned as Dick continued, "So I'm sure you guys are gonna get along swimmingly."
"Listen I get your Dad is like the playboy of the century but does he actually think things through before dating these women." She complained, "I mean no offence to these ladies whatsoever but he always picks the ones he is least compatible with."
It was as she finished that sentence, that the man himself opened to door to his office and approached her desk. He was dressed sharp as always in a black jumper and suit trousers combo, which he often wore when he had no high client meetings.
"And what are my favourite employees chatting about today?" He inquired leaving his side against the desk.
"Your new girlfriend." Rosie replied as bluntly as she always did with Bruce. "Your son's been filling me in."
"Has he know?" He turned to face Dick.
"Well she is your assistant thought I'd help you out by giving important updates."
"Which includes my dating life?" He questioned keeping eye contact with his son.
"Ah...well would you look at the time, I'm actually late for a super important meeting with... someone." Dick stumbled as he slowly back towards the elevator before turning into a full sprint.
"Bye Rosie!" He yelled as the doors to the elevator closed. Leaving the two staring at each other in amusement.
"What's her name then?" She questioned leaning against her side for the desk.
"Penelope Hinebridge"
"Hinebridge, like Wayne Tech's newest partnership Hinebridge?" Rosie leaned further forward to question as Bruce sighed before nodding. "I think this is the worst one you've pick yet, what happens if you breakup?"
"Hey, I'm Bruce Wayne you know, infamous playboy." He gestured to himself as he spoke.
"You and I both know that every person you've dated thinks they'll be the one to change that."
"I'm offended Macedo, I thought you believed people can change." He teased as he leaned closer towards her.
She just laughed as stared directly into his eyes before speaking, "I'm just keeping you humble, Wayne."
He chuckled quietly again while looking directly into her eyes, after sometime his eyes soften from his usual Bruce Wayne persona into a look of genuine admiration towards Rosie. Her eyes were so dark today that he could almost see his own reflection. As Bruce reached his hand to gently wipe under her eyes where Rosie's mascara had slightly stained, the door to the elevator suddenly opened causing the two quickly separate.
They turned towards whoever the new guest was, finding the smirking face Lucius Fox looking directly at the pair as he held a small stack of papers in his hand.
"Good morning, I can see you both seem in a good mood?" Mr Fox spoke as he approached the two.
Bruce cleared his throat before replying, "You know me Lucius, I always have a good day.", then he winked.
Rosie on the other hand, didn’t flinch at Mr Fox’s words, she’d already endured his teasing a hundred times over. “Good Morning Mr Fox.”
“Now now, I specifically remember telling you to simply call me Lucius.”
“You know me Lucius,” She replied smiling, “I’ve always had a memory problem.”
As Rosie spoke she tapped the side of her head twice to make her point, earning a quiet chuckle from Mr Wayne and raised eyebrow from Lucius. She laughed softly at their reactions, shaking her head slightly she stood to gather her things and held them in her arms close to her chest.
“Well gentlemen, this has been lovely,” Spoke as she walked around her desk, “but I have a meeting with the R&D department I supposed to go to on your behalf.”
She looked pointedly at Mr Wayne as she spoke the last part, causing him to narrow his eyes at her for a moment before forcing a sheepish smile, “My apologies Miss Macedo, but I was already booked out for the day as you can see.”
“I can see that Mr Wayne,” She replied as she stepped into the elevator, “Which is why I won’t be bothering today. At All”
With those last words the doors closed and the elevator moved down to the 78th floor, leaving Bruce and Lucius looking at each other in bemusement. The silence didn’t last long, broken by Lucius.
“Well she’s quite a catch,” he began, “although if rumours prove correct I hear you’re taken?”
Bruce pointed at him forcefully before speaking, eyes narrowing, “Don’t you start too.”
Lucius simply raise his eyebrow in reply, his usual go to. 
“Besides, we have bigger things to worry about.” Bruce began to lead the man to his office. “Did you see the schematics I sent you.”
“Yes, I must say Damien certainly has a way with weapon design, although I do have some concerns about the lethality factor.” 
With that the door closed, conversation away from prying eyes.
Down on the 78th floor, Rosie was struggling to maintain a constructive meeting with the R&D department.
“I just don’t get it Rosie,” The R&D manager spoke, “You’re with him all the time, I mean you’ve even been at his house and yet you’re quote on quote ‘not dating’” 
After the manager said those words, Rosie was overwhelmed with the R&D department all speaking at the same time. She only caught parts of what each person was saying, but became very alarmed when she heard the words “Bone” and “Sexy” among the chaos.
“Okay!” Rosie hit her hand against the table to get their attention, “I don’t know how many times I have to reaffirm this, but me and Bruce Wayne are not and will not be dating, ever.”
There was a pause as the room froze to look at her, when the manager spoke up again, “See you two would be perfect for each other!” Then noise stared again with the department debating with each other about Rosie’s ‘romance’ with Mr Wayne, in front of her.
All Rosie could do was sigh and make her way out of the conference, to have a break from the meeting that was supposed to be about current market trends. Rubbing her forehead, she moved to the water fountain to pour herself a drink. As she sipped on the cold water the elevator dinged as it stopped on the 78th floor.
When it opened, Rosie was shocked at the container of the water fountain suddenly exploded with a load bang, soaking her from head to toe. A clicked forced her turn around, only to come face to face with the barrel of a familiar umbrella shaped gun.
“Sorry miss,” The man with the long, pointed nose spoke in a gravely voice, “But this floor now belongs to the Cobblepot Foundation.”
Rosie dropped her cup in shocked before raising her hands, she let Cobblepot’s goons lead her back into the conference room where other henchmen were already tying up the R&D department. As they shoved her down next to them before tying her wrists together, Rosie only had one thought. 
This was definitely in the top ten of worst mornings ever.
Next Chapter (WIP)
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
When Snow Falls | The Hunger Games F.O
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Chapter 2. Unwanted Attention
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TW: Assault and Threats to R*pe (If you still wish to read skip to the part marked by this symbol: *~*)
She ran from the ballroom needing peace to think after the accusation from Johanna, the glares of the other tributes, the whispers of the crowds. She still didn't understand what had occurred or even why.
She moved quickly to the other side of the manor she was in, finding a sitting room that was empty. She closed the door behind her before moving to the glass doors on the opposite of the room, it lead to one of the smaller balconies that looked out onto the manors extravagant gardens. Despite being one the most famous people attending tonight, she couldn't have been more alone as she learned over the small balcony. No one would bother her here and she was far enough from the ballroom that she could no longer hear the music.
God she hated the Capitol, if she could she'd move far away. As she stared into the night sky, the stars barley visible from the various lights throughout the Capitol, she thought of her childhood dream, moving from Panem to have a peaceful life for her and her siblings, and never having to attend a ball like this again.
Behind her the door to the balcony creaked open and Valeria quickly turned to see who it was, it was a older man, likely a friend of her father’s. His bright pink hair was gelled back and his equally pink moustache was finely groomed, the only thing out of place was the opened and half empty bottle in his hand. He stumbled onto the balcony squinting as he look around, it didn't seemed he had noticed she was there and Valeria was planning to quickly move away, until he suddenly locked his eyes onto her.
"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes, what's a fine lady like yourself doing do far from the party?"
"I'm sorry?" she exclaimed in disgust, not only was this man drunk enough Valeria could smell him from across the balcony, but he was clearly over double her age possibly even older than her father.
"Oh don't be like that dear" He smiled widely before approaching her "A girl dressed like that is asking for a least a little attention"
"Well it's definitely not the kind of attention I think you're offering"
"Hmm I like them feisty please keep talking"
"Sorry but I think someone is looking for me so we're done here" Valeria tried to moved around the man to exit the balcony but he suddenly grabbed her arm and pushed her against the balcony rail.
"What do you think you're doing?" She tried to push him away but he held her firmly in place.
"Now I wouldn't fight too hard if I were you" He moved hand towards her neck to hold her in place, forcing her to look at him. "See I was a peacekeeper back in my prime and I've seen plenty of pretty girls like you out in the districts, so I know what to do when a pretty little thing puts up a fight"
He just laughed into her face, the smell of alcohol was making her feel sick. His other hand was wrapped around her waist, squeezing her tightly. She couldn't breathe, and her mind was starting to shut down. There didn't seem to be a way out of this.
As he leaned into whisper in her ear, his hand on her neck was slowly moving down, "Don't worry it won't hurt, after a while."
He grabbed her dress by the front and pulled, ripping her bodice down the middle revealing her undergarments. She never felt more naked as the cold air chilled her exposed body and tears streamed down her face. She moved her hand in front of her and tried to push him away, but he was stronger than she was and moved to restrain her arms. With her hands restrained behind her, she decided to close her eyes afraid to she what would happen to her.
It was then she felt a rush of air as the pressure against her body was pulled away from her, she heard a scuffle before she opened her eyes. It was Finnick who had pulled that man away from her and had seemingly knocked him out with the lamp he still held in his hand.
"Finnick?" She spoke in a horse voice, her throat still sore from being gripped so hard.
He turned to look at her before placing the lamp back down on the small table, he began to walk towards her but quickly stopped. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm okay, Thank you for doing that"
"It's fine" They were both out of breath from the surge of adrenaline, Valeria quickly realised her chest was still exposed and moved her arms in front her. Finnick slowly moved his way towards her.
"Do you want my jacket?" He had already taken it off and was holding it towards her. She took it from his grasp slowly before pushing her arms in and holding it tight to cover her chest.
"Thank you so much" She smiled at him softly, before looking down at her dress, and her lips moved to frown.
"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.
"He ruined Cinna's dress and I thought it was so beautiful, what am I gonna tell him?"
"I'm sure he'll be more than understanding"
"You think?"
"Yeah, I think so?"
Valeria smiled before looking to her left and seeing that man still unconscious on the floor, her anxiety began to creep up again afraid that he may wake up suddenly.
"Do you want to come with me?"
"Just away from here, we can find another empty room to sit in"
"But you'll miss the party"
"Believe me that'll be a blessing" He smiled softly at her which she returned in kind. She took the hand that he held out towards her and allowed him to lead her out of the room.
They moved further down the hall until what they both agreed was a long enough distance, and opened the door closest which, luckily, led to a empty room. It was a simple sitting room similar to the one before, only this one didn't have any balcony attached. Two ornate sofas faced each other, which Finnick and Valeria chose to sit on. As they faced each other they began to relax, and they sat contently in the other's presence.
"Why did..." She trailed off thinking carefully about her question.
"Why did I help you?" Finnick finished her thought for her.
"I'm not a monster Valeria" He muttered to her, "and you don't deserve that... no one does."
"Well thank you, I think you probably saved my life."
"Don't mention it" He smiled softly, before changing to a look of mock sternness, "Seriously don't my reputation would be ruined."
"Ruined?" She asked in equally mocked shocked, "Surely the Capitol women would eat up the knight in shining armour act."
"That's not the problem"
"Then what is?"
"Me?" She exclaimed, incredibly offended. Valeria continued to look at him in shock as Finnick began to laugh. It was different from the laughs she'd heard before on the broadcasts, those were empty while this one was full depth and life. It felt genuine.
It was that moment Valeria realised that the Finnick she knew was never real, like most things in the Capitol it was perfectly crafted to appease a specific audience. She also realised that she liked the version of Finnick she was seeing, he seemed brighter. If she thought he shone on cameras before; he was like the sun now.
They stayed together in this little room for the rest of the evening, they spoke of whatever topic came to mind. However, it eventually came time for them to part ways; Finnick had an "appointment" he couldn't miss. Valeria wondered what appointment would happen at 10 o'clock at night, but upon seeing his face darken when he mentioned it, she knew better than to ask any questions. Even so, both knew that this night was the most memorable night they've ever lived in the Capitol.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
When Snow Fall | The Hunger Games F.O
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Chapter 1. Opening Ball
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In which Valeria wears a pretty dress and dances with a pretty boy
It was the beginning of the 74th Hunger Games, which also meant that today was the annual opening ball held before the Reapings occur. The highest in Capitol society attended, as did many previous victors. It was also one of the few events that Valeria could not avoid.
As she walked through the ballroom doors she immediately felt out of depth. She didn't normally attend these events, as a result she had no idea what to do at them. She wasn't interested in the gossip of the Capitol, and she had nothing in common with any in attendance.
For quite some time she stood to the side of the grand room, close to the corner. She observed those around her and noticed that despite their extreme dresses and makeup; none of them actually stood out. They all just blended together as a kaleidoscope of fabrics and powder.
As Valeria stood there she remembered the words her mother had spoken to her during her dress fitting.
"Honestly my darling, I know you don't want to go but unfortunately you were born into a great family. So we need to act like it, or else they'll all forget about you"
Except that's exactly what Valeria wanted, she hated the attention she got just from her name being read out in every class she ever took. She particularly hated the attention from the men who wanted the fame that came from marrying into the Snow family. It was why she avoided these events like the plague, those type of people practically filled the entire room.
She glanced over to the table that housed the past victors, likely forced to attend just like her. Not that she'd approach them, the last time she attempted to speak with them they'd shunned her away. Her surname likely drew them away, although she wouldn't be surprised if her grandfather had warned them to stay away.
"What's a girl dressed like that doing without a line of men?" She turned to see Cinna, he'd designed the dress she was wearing, it was his trial for becoming a game stylist this year.
He'd done a phenomenal job. She was dressed in an elegant peach ball gown with a sweetheart neckline and draping sleeves, but the most unique feature was the waterfall of pink and white roses that cascaded down from the bodice to the skirt.
"Cinna oh I so glad to see you!" She embraced him careful not to cause any damage to the dress. "I'm sorry I'm just not great at these things"
"Oh don't worry darling, I know this isn't your kind of scene"
"You're right about that, god how do people do this?"
Cinna simply laughed in response before whispering, "I guess some people are better at pretending then other are"
"You could say that again"
"If you ever want to escape I'll cover for you, just don't tear the dress" he whispered before winking and walking away.
Valeria smiled to herself as she watched Cinna stroll away to speak to other group of stylists that had gathered to inspect each attendees dresses. She let out a sigh as her eyes continued to wander from the stylists around the room inspecting each group to find a fit somewhere. Her friends didn't go to these events and her Grandfather had told her that she couldn't just rely on those she already knew, he wanted her make connections.
She took a breath before walking further into the ballroom and moving towards a small group of women their bodies covered in bright fabrics, several even covered their faces in various equally vibrant masks. One of the women noticed her moving towards them and whispered to the others before standing straighter than a flag pole and turning towards Valeria.
"Oh my dear, it's so lovely you could join us tonight"
She spoke like she knew Valeria personally yet they'd never so much as glanced at each other before. Nevertheless, she replied as politely as she could, "Oh well thank you, whoever planned this has done a wonderful job. It’s beautiful."
"Rightfully said. It was a close friend of mine, Alicia Crane you may have heard of her, her brother’s the head game maker again this year. Can you believe it?"
"It's definitely incredible for them. I'm sure the whole Crane family is proud of him"
"Ah yes he's the pride of the family now" The one to the side with neon green hair added. "Heard he's got some positively nefarious tricks for this years games"
At this the others began to laugh in excitement to the upcoming bloodbath, and Valeria simply smiled awkwardly wanting to save face without laughing at the death of 23 children. Her mother had reminded her that lecturing people on the morality of the hunger games would not look good for the Snow family's image; at least not in public.
"Oh my dear you must tell, are the rumours true? You're District Four’s newest escort?"
"um... yes its true" She replied, "I'm very excited I've never had the chance to visit Four before"
"Well, what a honour to have the Capitol princess visit my home" A voice from behind her called, causing her to turn around. There was Finnick, the 'Capitol Darling' in all his glory. His stylist had surprisingly dressed him this time, instead of something outrageously revealing he wore a suit similar to that of other capital attendees. It was a dark blue with intricate silver embroidery of waves crashing against a rock side, and the buttons were in the shape of silver seashells.
"Hello Finnick, it's a pleasure to meet you I'm-"
"Valeria Snow" He interrupted, "Believe me, I'm aware of who you are"
"Oh of course you are" She muttered, looking slightly down in mild embarrassment.
"Although, I must say didn't picture you to be this pretty" He continued with his signature smirk across his face.
Valeria knew he simply being polite and his usual flirtatious self, but she still uttered a simple "Thank you" and smiled brightly. She was happy someone thought she looked good, especially since it was Cinna that had styled her.
"I suppose it would be wrong to compliment a lady and not ask her to dance"
"I'm sorry?" She raised her head to look at him in surprise to find his hand outstretched towards her.
"Dance? You do know how to dance right?"
"Yes, of course I know how to dance"
"Good" He said before grabbing her hand and leading her to the centre of the room, "At least you won't completely embarrass me, I have a reputation to uphold."
Finnick placed his hand on the small of her back, pulling her closer to him. In turn, Valeria moved her hand upwards towards his shoulder. They began a slow and gentle waltz to music softly playing, they glided across the floor and between the other couples. Valeria found it difficult to look anywhere but at Finnick, they were close enough to feel the breath of the other on their skin.
"Are really excited to see four?" Finnick said, after three minutes of them dancing in silence.
"Well I've never seen the sea, or even a beach, at least not a real one"
Finnick laughed before speaking, "So you became my district's escort because you wanted to see the beach?"
"No!" Valeria exclaimed, "I just... actually can you keep a secret?"
"Princess, that's exactly what I deal in"
"Really?" She leaned back slightly to look up at him more clearly, "Seems like a bad business model"
"You'd be surprised at how much secrets are worth."
"Capitol has lots of those"
"Huh" Finnick laughed.
"Just never met anyone from the capitol that's not a complete idiot"
They shared a knowing smile, as they continued to softly sway.
"Guess you've never spoken to right people.”
"Guess not" He winked before continuing, "You've yet to tell me this big secret of yours"
"Oh right, I became an escort becau-" Valeria was able to continue as she was suddenly pulled away from Finnick, only to be faced with a clearly angry Johanna.
"Just what the fuck do you think you are doing?" She refused to release Valeria's wrist holding her in place.
"I'm sorry, we were just dancing..." She was confused, why was such an issue to dance with Finnick. She'd seen him dance many times before at other events with several women.
"Don't play dumb with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about"
"Johanna wait-" Finnick began to step in try to pull her away.
"No Finnick, I refuse to let someone like her get their hands on you" She was continuously glaring at the girl opposite her.
While Johanna and Finnick continued their exchange, Valeria looked around and realised that all eyes were on her. The women she had spoken to just minutes before were smirking at her embarrassment and had begun to whisper to each other. Another glance and she found the other victors looking at her with the same hatred she saw in Johanna's eyes. She continued to look around as her breath slowly left her, as the sound began to fade out until there was only a dull buzzing.
This feeling was building and building, and it was only when she felt the tears begin to well that she suddenly moved into action. With a strength completely unknown to her, Valeria wrenched her hand from the victor's grasp and sprinted out the ballroom's door.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Ancient Princess | Masterlist
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After the disaster at Caingorn Jaskier thought he was destined to be alone in the world. Until one day while wandering deep the forest just trying to make it home, he stumbles upon something he never expected. An ancient elven city. When he entered the city he’d didn’t think he come out of it with a young elven princess with a great destiny in tow. Perhaps he had more in common with Geralt than he thought.This was written before Blood Origin and Season 3 so expect canon divergence
Playlist | Concept Board
Chapter 1. The Awakening
Chapter 2. Nim
Chapter 3. On The Road
Also read on: AO3 and Wattpad
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Ancient Princess | The Witcher
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Chapter 2. Nim
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An Elven Princess awakens and Jaskier handles it surprisingly well.
Her eyes were golden, not the bright and strong eyes of Witchers, they were soft and seemed more natural. For a moment, all Jaskier could do was stare into her eyes, still shocked by what had just happened moments prior. It wasn't until she began to speak that he was able to snap out of his shock.
'Shi Va? Sharti nha salen o'su?"
She was speaking in an ancient form of elder speech that Jaskier only had limited understanding of, leaving him unsure on how to respond. Seemingly noticing his confusion the young elf tilted her head slightly, before holding her hand out in front of her while muttering.
"Yewl tel'quiet van shou."
Somehow Jaskier was able to understand her request and placed his hand on hers, allowing her to gently clutch it. She then began to utter more of the ancient language, it appeared to be some type of spell as He felt the familiar warm ripple of magic flow from his palm through his whole body. He noticed a brief glow within her golden eyes as she finished the spell and released his hand.
"Apologies, I hope you can understand me now?" She suddenly spoke in perfect common speech.
"What just happened? He asked in amazement, "How did you do that?"
She smiled softly before replying, "It's a simple spell really. It allows me to learn whatever language the person I'm touching uses most."
"Never heard of that spell before."
"Really?" She tilted her head again in confusion, "Even the most beginner mages in the kingdom can do that spell."
It was in that moment, as she stared at him in curiosity, she noticed he was different than the average elf. Most notably she noticed his ears which seemed to curve at the top rather than pointing upwards like hers did.
"Who are you? Your ears are very peculiar."
"You may call me Jaskier, Travelling Bard." He replied paired with his standard performer's bow. "I'm a human, so my ears aren't pointed like yours."
"What is human?"
"Well it’s another species, very different from elves."
"But we don't look that different?" She queried further.
"Well others would say otherwise." Jaskier muttered with a slightly bitter laugh.
After his little remark there was a small pause as she took in this new information, before she softly nodded her head in understanding.
"I see, well it’s nice to meet you Jaskier my name is Nim, daughter of King Faladinn of Muire Dol."
"So that's what this place is called?" He questioned as he took another glace around the hidden room.
"Yes," Nim confirmed as her eyes began to show a deeper understanding of the situation, she took a deep breath before asking, "I'm not sure how long I've been sleeping but it must have been quite a long time, correct?"
"I believe so Princess, at least over a thousand years I can say for certain."
With a small sad smile she replied, "I don't think I'm really a princess anymore."
"Well you have a crown and a palace, which to my knowledge are the main requirements for being a princess." Jaskier winked and grinned brightly at Nim, who began to laugh in response.
Sitting up, Nim adjusted herself to the edge of the platform previously covered by the glass casing. Slowly she stepped down and attempted to stand, only to stumble forward. Before she was close to hitting the floor, Jaskier quickly reached forward and caught her by her arms.
"Are you okay?" He asked, pulling her up while giving her a once over and making sure to hold her firmly.
"Yeah, just been a while since I've stood I suppose."
"Just take your time, I hold onto you as long as you need me to."
While gently holding onto Jaskier, Nim slowly made her way out of the mausoleum. As they made their way through the servant's quarters and into the main halls of the palace, Nim stared in awe. She had never seen the palace halls so empty before; so quiet.
Everything was so raw for her, even though she had slept for over a thousand years it only felt like an overnight sleep. She remembers everything, remembers the panic throughout the castle as she was pulled from the throne room and down into the cold, dark mausoleum. She remembers being told to lie down and the next moment she opened her eyes to a face with a pair of soft periwinkle eyes.
"I think if we're going to travel together we'll need to find you a change of clothes," Jaskier spoke, interrupting her thoughts. "That is of course if you'd like to join me, I didn't mean to presume.
For a moment in panic, he slightly loosened his grip on Nim. He shouldn't have presumed like that, She was a princess why would she want to travel with him? Thoughts of self-doubt and rejection filled his mind. Yet, in response she gripped his arm tighter and pulled him closer.
"Of course I want to travel with you." She smiled at him reassuringly, "I still need to figure out why I was asleep for so long and what happened to everyone, I don't think I'll find answers here."
At Nim's words Jaskier began to relax, "Right, well princess shall we find a change of clothes for you my dear?"
"There should be something in my room, I can lead the way."
Walking through the palace halls and up a few flights of stairs, they soon came across a single white arched door at the end of an empty corridor. As they approached Jaskier noticed an intricate circular, stain glass window that appeared to look out onto a small courtyard.
"This is my room, I specifically requested the flowers to be painted on." Nim said as she pointed at the blue and yellow flowers scattered across the white surface connected by several green vines. "They're supposed to be bluebells and buttercups."
"Really? Buttercups are my favourite flower, of all time."
"Bluebells are mine." Nim mused as she reached forward and turned the golden handle before pushing the door open to reveal her room behind it.
The room is exactly how you'd picture a elven princess' room to look like. Across the wall and ceiling were gorgeous murals depicting several constellations and the night sky. Her bed laid at the centre of the back wall, it was made out of pure white wood which had been delicately carved with various flowers as well as depictions of the sun, moon, and several constellations. Laid across her bed were soft midnight blue sheets to match the equally blue pillows placed along the headboard.
Jaskier let out a low whistle at the sight, "Oh what I would I pay to sleep in a place like this. No seriously I give up music- actually no I wouldn't but still you get my point."
"Let me pack a bag and we can get some rest before we leave" Nim suggested, "To be honest I'm suddenly feeling quite tired myself and it's nightfall now." She then walked towards a large wardrobe by the eastern wall, it was made from the same white wood and had similar etchings. When Nim opened it wide, Jaskier saw a gorgeous collection of colourful and fine fabrics.
Nim began to pulling various fabrics from the wardrobe and laid them gently on the bed. Finally, she turned back to the wardrobe and reached deep into the back before pulling a simple grey travel bag. She moved back to the bed and began stuffing the different fabrics and clothing into it. Jaskier was pleased to noticed she had also packed a scarf and fur outer coat for the colder weather they may face.
"That should be everything, we should probably go rest for the night." Nim stated, before moving back to the wardrobe and pulling out what Jaskier presumed were some night clothing. "This was my brother's, I think it will fit you."
Jaskier took it gratefully, "Just tell me where I can go princess, perhaps you could show me the room."
Nim then looked down and fiddled with her hands before speaking softly, "Is it okay if you stay with me? I don't mind sharing the bed, It's big enough."
"Are you sure?"
"I don't want to be alone again." She stated plainly.
"Okay, then let me get changed and we can both get some rest." Jaskier then moves behind one of the elegant changing screens and changed into the silk, green sleeping wear. It was the most comfortable thing Jaskier had worn in years.
When he came back from behind the screen, he noticed that Nim had also changed behind the second screen and was already lying on the left side of the bed. Jaskier followed suit and tuck himself into the right side of the bed, it was then Jaskier noticed that Nim was right. There was plenty of space, in fact Jaskier was sure that even if he stretched his arm out, he still wouldn't come close to Nim. Nim blew out the light that was surprisingly still lit on her bedside table, leaving them in darkness.
"Goodnight Jaskier, thank you for waking me up." Nim muttered into the darkness.
"Goodnight Nim," Jaskier replied in kind, "I should say thank you for letting me sleep in this bed, feels like it’s made of cloud."
They both laughed softly at his little quip, before they both drifted of to sleep, anticipating what's to come on their journey ahead.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Ancient Princess | The Witcher
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Chapter 1. The Awakening
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Sulking along the path, Jaskier stumbles something he thought he'd never find.
Jaskier had been travelling alone for the past few months, he was unaware how far Oxenfurt actually was from Caingorn yet he was all to happy to leave it behind.
'If life could give me one blessing'
The memory still stung Jaskier, and he tried to cope the only way a bard knows how. At first his writing was sad, full of self pity and loneliness, until one day it shifted. Soon Jaksier's writing turned angry as it he realised; nothing was his fault. Geralt was the one who made the fucking wish to the Djinn, he was the one who thought the law of surprise was a good fucking idea. Who was he to blame Jaskier for his own stupid ideas.
He tried to put Geralt behind him but like an itch, the more he tried to ignore, the stronger the thoughts and memories returned. Somehow that emotionally constipated 'White Wolf' has burrowed his way deep into Jaskier's heart, not that he'd ever know.
So, as he spent his days repeating this vicious cycle of anger and misery he blindly followed the path, having lost his map days before. He didn't recognise where he was and the never ending forest didn't help his already poor sense of direction. He knew he was near the coast, the smell of sea salt lingered in the air around him. If he was by the coast, Jaskier thought, Then surely he was near at least a small fishing village. Maybe the locals will be welcoming enough. He walked for the next few hours hoping for any sign of civilisation and yet; the forest never ended. By the third hour Jaskier was half convinced he was walking in circles and ready to simply accept his fate of dying in the woods either from starvation or of whatever creatures lurked just as hungry as he was. However, Just as he was ready to give up his eyes caught something in the near distance.
A grand white marble arch, it stood tall over the path Jaskier was following, as he approached he noticed how it was covered from the top to the bottom in vines and leaves with bright coloured flowers growing in between. The path continued beyond this arch, leading towards a larger arch this time connected between two equally towering walls slightly hidden behind the bushes and trees of the forest. As Jaskier walked closer towards the second arch he was able to see what was beyond it; a city.
The city was larger, perhaps even larger than some of the continents major cities like Cintra. Furthermore, despite being at least a few centuries old this abandoned city showed no sign of damage to any of its marble buildings or sculptures. In fact the only indication of a long passage of time was the vast amount of vines and shrubbery that grown to cover majority of this city. Flowers had begun to grow between the cracks of the paths, creating a ethereal atmosphere to the entire city. Jaskier wandered around the city in awe, based on his previous studies he could deduce that this place was likely an ancient elven kingdom, but this confused him. Surely if this was in fact an elven kingdom especially of this size, the humans would have long since taken claim during their conquest of the continent. He was even further confused by the signs he saw, although he knew elder speech there were words inscribed that seemed completely alien to him. Perhaps this city predated even the elves.
As the sun began to set Jaskier had eventually made his way to the centre of the city, in which at the top of a tall staircase a grand castle stood tall above the entirety of the city. It was the most beautiful castle he had ever laid his eyes on. Similar the other structures of the city, the castle was made of pure white marble yet it had also been decorated with gold decals and several striking stain glass windows that displayed stunning landscapes and creatures unknown to Jaskier. Once he stepped inside he no less in awe, the marble floor was covered in beautiful dark blue rug that throughout every hallway of the castle. Artwork and Statues lined these hallways both also ingrained with small golden decals, Jaskier noticed several portraits which he presumed displayed the royal family and other aristocrats of the kingdom. Their ears in every painting were clearly elven, confirming Jaskier's theory of the cities origin.
The most breath-taking rooms, however were definitely the Entrance hall and Throne room.
The entrance hall had tall ceilings embellished with a stain glass dome as the roof supported by several engraved marble arches. There were two elegant marble staircases engraved with different depictions of animals and flowers. Like outside the vines had grown inside the castle as well and was wrapped around the bannister and draped down from the balconies on the higher floor.
Climbing the stairs towards the throne room, Jaskier continued to gaze in awe at paintings and tapestries that hung along the wall depicting ancient battles and scenes that were likely lost to history. He wondered if the library and the books within also remained intact, what lost knowledge was likely contained within those pages. Perhaps he could retell the stories one day through song.
The throne room was located in the centre of the castle and was a large expansive hall that echoed even the smallest of sound. Golden suits of armour lined the walls between the engraved marble columns that stretched from floor to ceiling. Banners that matched the dark blue rugs hung from arches and displayed a golden crest that appeared to be a stag with flowers hanging from its antlers. In the centre of the back wall, the throne was placed on a small platform that allowed whomever sat there to tower over those below them. It was made of pure gold and was cushioned with blue fabric. The golden frame had carvings of flowers and vines and several depictions of various woodland animals. Above the seat, on the throne's headboard was a detailed engraving of a stag's head with a stone in the centre of it forehead that reflected light and appeared to change colours.
There was a moment where Jaskier had a small temptation to take a seat on the throne, however he quickly removed the thought from his mind. If it was an elven city its final day could not have been a pretty sight and the people didn't need another human forced themselves on their throne.
Instead Jaskier made his way down from the throne room towards the servants quarters, he figured there would be a suitable bed he could spend at least spend the night on.
The servants quarters were also in impossibly well preserved condition, no rats scurried along the floor and there was of the cold chill that most servant quarters had. The kitchen was as beautiful as the rest of the castle, the counters made from the same white marble with flecks of gold mixed throughout the hard surface. Dried herbs and flowers hung across the ceilings ready to added whatever would be cooked. With increased curiosity, Jaskier opened a cupboard door to find a whole storage room filled with breads and vegetables in perfect condition. The preservation was still remarkable to Jaskier even after searching the entirety of this kingdom.
Soon Jaskier made his way out of the kitchen to find a long corridor aligned with several different doors that each led to a different room. Yet instead he chose to make his way further down the corridor where he spotted an ornate silver door, standing out amount the other plain wooden doors. It took around five minutes for Jaskier to reach the mysterious door at the end of the corridor, at which point he was able to fully appreciate its details. Engravings of flowers surrounding a single stag echoed that of the throne's own engraving. Gently, he pushed on the door and discovered it to be unlocked as it slowly creaked open. He made his way through the now open door to discover that behind it was some kind of mausoleum.
Unlike the rest of the elven kingdom this hidden mausoleum showed signs of erosion and aging. The once porcelain white marble had become a dull grey, and along the eastern wall the detailed etchings had become blurred and whatever image was once there could no longer be clearly seen.
In the centre of the room was a glass case, it was incredibly ornate with gold lining the edges of the box. The glass was almost crystal clear which allowed Jaskier to see exactly what was inside the case, shocking him greatly. Lying softly on a plush green cushion was a young elven girl. She was dressed in a simple white gown that draped against her figure, her brow hair had been carefully brushed free of any knots and imperfections and was braided in parts to delicately frame her soft features, and finally placed atop her head was small and delicate golden crown. Additionally across her most of her body except her face, were several white tattoos which appeared to join together as whole. Jaskier had never seen designs like this before and presumed it must have cultural significance for the ancient elves.
Despite this, what shocked Jaskier most all was, as he approached the case he noticed that her chest was rising and falling. Meaning she was still breathing; she was alive.
Jaskier continued to slowly approaches the glass case containing the mysterious young elf. As he reached closer and closer he felt compelled to reach his hand forward and touch the glass casing. When he placed his hand on the case he noticed his hand began feeling a rapid warmth that spread from his palm to throughout his body. When he look down he noticed that his hands had begun to glow, he tried to pull his hand away but found he couldn't.
Suddenly the glass case shattered around him, and after a moment the young elf's eyes opened.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Doing Time | Criminal Minds S.R
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Chapter 6. Vegas
Spencer and Hana should probably talk about the other night, if only their wan't so important and distracting. Or maybe they're just coming up with excuses. Chapter Title: Vegas by Doja Cat
Spencer and Hana hadn’t spoken about the drunken kiss they’d shared only a few weeks ago. It had only been a three days after that night they’d been sent out on another case in , but once they’d gotten back to DC neither knew how broach the subject. Even now as they sat next to each other on the jet heading to Las Vegas, New Mexico, they both struggled to start a conversation about that night; so they didn’t.
“I wish it was the fun Las Vegas.” Hana complained as she ate the salad Sasha had made her that morning. 
“Did you know I’m from Vegas?” 
“Really?” She turned to him, perking up in interest, “Does this mean I should bring you with the next time I head to the casinos?”
“I would sat yes but I’m actually banned from majority of the casinos in Vegas.” He informed her nonchalantly. 
“Holy shit!” She exclaimed in surprise, “I was wrong you got a little bad side to you, Doctor.”
He laughed at her, which encouraged Hana to laugh as well. Out of habit she hit him slightly on the arm as she continued to laugh, before catching her breath. The pair were soon joined by the rest of the team in order to get a general profile before they land.
“Is there even anything interesting about this Las Vegas?” Hana questioned to start the discussion, which Spencer was happy to contribute.
“In the late 19th century, it was a booming railroad hub with a reputation for lawlessness, and apparently, outlaws are a part of the town's genetics. Billy the Kid lived there, and Doc Holliday himself had a saloon there before going to meet Wyatt Earp in Tombstone.”
“The more things change, the more things stay the same.” Rossi chimed in, looking through the case file.
“All the victims in both instances were teenagers, except for Jose Rivera.”
“A younger staff, that's pretty typical for a night shift.” Morgan chimed in, to add extra information.
 “The unsubs might have considered that. It would be easier to subdue a group of kids.”
Tara leaned forward slightly so she could contribute, “Almost an identical M.O. Copycat or no, why go back to this town and do this again?
“They could be sending some kind of message to announce their return.” Spencer suggested, followed by Rossi’s other idea.
“Or it just might be criminal ego. They got away with it the first time. Why not do it again?”
“Could also be about reliving it, if it is the same unsubs they might be wanting to relive the ‘glory days’.” Hana noted although she didn’t consider killing teenagers and arson as something someone should see as their ‘glory days’
“With unsubs this violent, how do you just disappear and go dormant for 6 years?” Morgan questioned, continuing to build the profile.
Hotch turned towards Morgan before speaking, “They may have been in prison. That would explain the criminal experience.”
“Crime U., best education taxpayer money can buy.” Rossi uttered making Hana smirk slightly, yet she hid it behind her hand at the glance she received from Hotch.
“When we land, I'll have Garcia compile a list of recently released convicts in the area. Morgan, you and Reid go with Federov to the coroner when we land. Lewis, you're with Dave and me at the local PD.” 
With that the team waited until they landed until they wait their separate ways. Hana followed Spencer and Morgan to one of the 3 cars waiting for them before heading off to the coroner. The arrived only a few minutes later, exiting the vehicle the trio made the way towards the building. The wind was slightly strong and kept blowing Hana’s hair into her face. She gather her hair and went to tie it into a pony tail only to realise that she didn’t have a hair tie on either wrist. Sighing heavily, she released her hair, allowing to flow in the wind. 
As they continued walking, Hana felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to face Spencer to her right. He handed her something before continuing towards the building. She looked down to see that he had handed her a small black hair tie. Smiling slightly, she pulled her hair backup and tied into a messy ponytail.
“Thanks!” She called over to Spencer, who turned and smiled in reply.
Once they entered the building the met with the coroner who led them through to the morgue where the three victims laid on separate metal autopsy table. Hana felt a strange feeling as looked at the victims, this was the first time she’d seen someone younger than her. They had so much life left in them, so much potential. She wanted to catch these assholes. Or maybe just kill them. 
Spencer leaned in to assess the victims, “Several antemortem wounds, facial lacerations, fractured jaw, a fractured skull.”
“Yeah, it was a brutal beating. All 3 of them had broken ribs, too.” The coroner responded as he read from his autopsy report.
“And ligature marks.” The doctor noted as he continued look over the bodies.
The coroner nodded before continuing, “Looks like the boys were bound with their own belts and electrical wires. I found leather and melted plastic in their clothes.”  He spoke as he lead them towards the female victim, “Renee Acosta was different. There's evidence of sexual assault.”
“Any recoverable DNA?”, Morgan asked.
“None. Whatever wasn't destroyed by the fire got washed away by the sprinklers. But she was recovered without clothes on. And based on the cotton and nylon fibres I found around her wrists, I think they restrained her with her own underwear.”
Spencer looked up from the female victim, “That's precisely what happened to the female victim 6 years ago.”
“Those details weren't released to the press. These aren't copycats. These are the same guys.” Morgan noted in reply.
Hana looked between the two other agents before speaking, “The question still stands, I mean why come back now?”
As it turns out only one of the unsubs was the original perpetrators from 6 years ago. Duke Mason had returned due his old flame, who most likely gave birth to his son before he was imprisoned all those years ago. Garcia, the wonder that she is, was able to find Tammy Vasquez’ address, and now Hana was sat next to Morgan as the team drove their way over there.
When they arrived Chief Montoya reached the house first and made his way to the door to knock, everyone else gathered behind him. 
“Ms. Vasquez! Police! Hello? Anybody home?” He called multiple times with seemingly no answer, “Nobody here.”
They turned to leave before Morgan heard a muffled cry in the distance, causing him to pause, “Wait a minute. You hear that?”, He moved towards the door before knocking, “FBI! Anybody here?”
Hana moved closer to the door and heard more sobbing coming from the house, she nodded at Morgan to show she heard it too. “There's somebody in there.”
The officers went around the back as Morgan kicked open the door. Moving through the house, Hana made her way through following closely behind Morgan. Turning a corner the pair found an older woman tied up with duct tape across her mouth.
“Guys.” Morgan called as he made his way to the woman tied up, “It's ok. It's ok, I got you. I got you. Are you hurt?”
“No. I'm fine. He took them. He took them both.” 
“We need to issue an Amber alert.” Rossi stated a turned around back outside the house. Hana stayed for moment longer making sure the other woman was okay, before following her team outside.
She walked towards Morgan and Rossi who were speaking to each other. While she didn’t catch the beginning of the conversation she heard Rossi’s question to Morgan. “What happened to Turner?”
“I bet it got pretty ugly when they split up.” Morgan suggested, car pulled up the scene and Spencer step out running slightly towards them.
“Hotch is out coordinating roadblocks and canvassing the area, but so far nothing.” Spencer spoke, giving them an update.
“Why switch directions are risk coming all the way back here?”
Rossi shrugged slightly before answering, “He's strung out and believes that boy Cole is his son. He's capable of anything.”
“We should extend the Amber alert.” Spencer suggested to which the team all nodded in a agreement.
Chief Montoya shouted as he made his way over to the team, “Agents! Tammy Vasquez' pickup truck was spotted heading south on Route 34.”
“Is that far from here?”
“About 10 miles or so. State police have major roadways on the other end blocked off so he can't get out, but it cuts through the Santa Fe National Forest. If he knows what he's doing, he can hole up out there for weeks.”
“Where would he go to access fresh water?”
“There's an old abandoned campground. It doesn't get used much. Sometimes the kids go up there to drink.”
“He'd want to go someplace familiar.” Rossi observed
“That’s probably where he took them.” Hana stated as Spencer turned to her, a strange expression on his face.
“Agents, if you don't mind me making a suggestion,” Montoya spoke as he lifted a map for everyone to see, “I know that place like the back of my hand.”
Hana stood next to Rossi as her and the team listened as he pointed to the map at a certain point where they could move if they wanted to catch Mason by surprise. After the plan was set up, they separated into small groups and headed towards the campsite. 
When they arrived Hana noticed the car park up, and two figures that appeared to be arguing, she turned to Rossi who nodded to indicate it was time to intervene. Signalling to the other groups who moved in to the figures.
Noticing the guns each of them was holding, Morgan stood out slightly to announce their presence, “FBI, drop the weapon!”
In response, Hana heard the one with the long hair shout something before the pair began to fire at the police and agents in the trees. In the firefight they were able to take the long haired with one sniper shot, but Mason stayed up longer. 
Hana step out for one moment in attempt to get mother shot in, when she felt red hot pain exploded in her right side. She moved back behind the tree and put her hand against the pain source; only to find her hand coated in blood. The asshole had managed to get a shot clean through her shoulder. 
“Shit!” She cursed as she put her back on the wound, “You motherfucker!”
“Language!” She heard the Rossi shout over from his position. 
“With all due respect sir,” she replied, “I’ve been fucking shot!”
While she was shouting back she noticed the firefight had finally ended and saw Mason lying on the ground. The lack of bullets firing allowed Rossi to make his over to where she was now sitting against the tree.
“Don’t worry it was clean shot, I’ll just need stitches.” She reassured as her unit chief looked at her shoulder in concern. 
“Someone should still take a look at it before we leave.” He ordered as he grabbed her uninjured left arm to help her up. 
She smiled wryly at him, the pain still making her dizzy. “Careful, Sir someone might think you like me.” 
Rossi laughed slightly before replying, “Oh we wouldn’t want that.”
After Hana was patched, she joined her team at the funeral of the victims, dressed in black sat between Spencer and Tara on a wooden church pew. That strange feeling that she felt when she saw the bodies had came back, causing her to clench the skirt of the simple black dress she was wearing. As she listened to the singer, and watching the parents say their last goodbyes; she realised it was sorrow. She’d felt sorrow before, but this was the first time she had mourned not only for these young victims but also for the lives they could’ve lived. 
So, around some of the few people that she trusted, she allowed one tear to fall. Noticing the need for comfort she felt Tara reach out and grasp Hana's hand gently, to which she squeezed it in thanks. At least this time she felt sorrow; she wasn’t alone.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
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Join the TagList: Here
Doing Time || Spencer Reid x OC
Hana Fedorov is the BAU’s newest agent, she’s sarcastic, intelligent and slightly crazy. She also happens to be the adoptive daughter and protégée of one of the FBI’s most wanted hitmen. After the FBI become aware of a online network of hitmen they hire Hana to help in the investigation. What no one on the team expected was the unlikely relationship formed between Hana and their resident genius.
Ancient Princess || The Witcher
After the disaster at Caingorn Jaskier thought he was destined to be alone in the world. Until one day while wandering deep the forest just trying to make it home, he stumbles upon something he never expected. An ancient elven city. When he entered the city he’d didn’t think he come out of it with a young elven princess with a great destiny in tow. Perhaps he had more in common with Geralt than he thought. Note: This was written before Blood Origin and Season 3 so expect canon divergence
When Snow Falls || Finnick Odiar x OC
Valeria Snow is the 'Princess of the Capitol', as the oldest granddaughter of the infamous President Snow she's lived her entire life trying to make a reputation of her own. After she's assigned as the newest escort for District 4, she finds her life shifting completely off course especially after she becomes closer to the famous Finnick Odair.
La Vie En Rose || Bruce Wayne x OC
Rosie has been the PA for the infamous Bruce Wayne for the last 5 years. Although closer to Bruce than anyone else at Wayne industries, the closer she got to him and the Wayne family she realised she didn't know her boss as much as she thought. Honestly I basically made Batman into a K-Drama but I don't not care.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Doing Time | Masterlist
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Hana Fedorov is the BAU’s newest agent, she’s sarcastic, intelligent and slightly crazy. She also happens to be the adoptive daughter and protégée of one of the FBI’s most wanted hitmen. After the FBI become aware of a online network of hitmen they hire Hana to help in the investigation. What no one on the team expected was the unlikely relationship formed between Hana and their resident genius. Spencer Reid has a type and it’s women who could kill you. Starts In Season 11. Playlist | Concept Board
Chapter 1. Looking at me
Chapter 2. Night Crawling
Chapter 3. Zitti E Buoni
Chapter 4. Oh My God
Chapter 5. Drunk-Dazed
Chapter 6. Vegas
Chapter 7. Gossip
Chapter 8. Breakfast (WIP)
Can also read on: AO3 and Wattpad
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Doing Time | Criminal Minds S.R
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Chapter 5. Drunk-Dazed
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A night-out leads to unexpected but pleasurable results Chapter Title: Drunk-Dazed by Enhypen
It was just past nine at night when Hana arrived in front of the club the team had agreed to, stepping out the Uber as she double checked that she had all her things.
"You're sure they won't mind me crashing the BAU night-out?" Sasha chimed in as she also stepped out the Uber.
"Of course not, you're my roommate who's been stuck dealing with an asshole all week." Hana replied hooking arms with the blonde. "You deserve a night to let loose and forget him."
"Amen to that."
"Then let's get fucked." They both giggled as they made their way inside the club.
They showed their IDs to the bouncer at the door before making their way into the main bar area.
"Where are they?" Sasha asked as Hana stretched her head above the crowds and spotted the group at one of the booths that lined the walls.
"Found them!" She said before grabbing Sasha's hand and carefully guided her through the sea of bodies. Eventually they made it to the table. "Hey guys you look great!"
"Speak for yourself," JJ spoke up sipping the suspiciously purple cocktail in front of her. "You girls are looking hot tonight."
She was right each girl had dressed in their best outfits for a night in the city. Hana had opted for her traditional little red dress but had paired it with a pair of black leather thigh high boots and an equally black leather clutch swung over her shoulder. Her makeup consisted of her signature red lip and a dark smoky eye, she'd also chosen to keep her hair down and straight, letting it flow freely.
Sasha as always was the polar opposite, and had opted for a short baby pink corset dress and had chosen a pair of silver heels with straps that wrapped around her shins and calfs, she however hadn't brought a bag but Hana's had already offered to keep her stuff safe in the black clutch for her.
"JJ is right!" Penelope yelled clearly already intoxicated "I mean I'm unfortunately not into girls but if I was you two would be at the top of the list, like the very top."
"Thanks guys," Hana smiled brightly before winking at Penelope. "Oh and don't worry Penelope you'd be at the top of mine." Her eyes began to wander the club looking for the rest of the team.
"The boys are at the bar getting some drinks." JJ answered, peering at Hana with a twinkle in her eye. "Though you might wanna catch them so they get your orders."
Hana nodded before turning to her friend, “Sasha are you cool staying here while I get us some drinks.”
“Sure, you good getting four drinks by yourself?” Her friend asked as she slid into the booth.
“Yeah it’ll be fine I’m sure.”
With that she moved towards the bar where she spotted a mess of curly hair poking out through the crowd. Already a little buzzed from the three shots she had before going out she tapped his shoulder smiling widely as he turned to face her.
“You made it!” She shouted over the music, and she leaned in to hug him which he returned although clearly not expecting it. She was a hugger when tipsy.
“Hey! Yeah I figured I’d come since you invited me.” He explained before gently guiding her closer to the bar with his hand on her back.
“How long have you been here?”
“Long enough to finish my first drink.”
“You sure you’re okay being here I know you said you don’t really drink…” she trailed of as she leaned in close enough so he could hear her.
“Yeah don’t worry, I just don’t drink or go out very often but I can tonight.” He explained before gesturing to the bartender he was ready to order. She couldn’t hear what he ordered but he suddenly turned to her “What are you getting?”
“Oh I’m probably just gonna get a gin and tonic but I’ve also got to get Sasha two Pornstars.” She explained before seeing Spencer widen his eyes slightly, “Martinis I mean! Not the other type of… you know.”
He laughed at her panicked explanation before turning back to the bartender to finish his order and pay. Hana suddenly realised what he’d done and poked him in his side. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Do what?” He replied feigning ignorance.
“You know what, I could have bought them myself.”
“I know.” He stated simply, Hana became aware that he hadn’t move his hand from her back. She also realised how good he look in the shirt and tie he was wearing, he’d only ditch the suit jacket from the outfit he was wearing earlier today.
The bartender placed the four drinks on the counter and Spencer casually reached out and took both his and Hana’s drinks, leaving her too easily carrying just the two for Sasha. She then followed him back through the crowd and back to the table, where the rest of the team were already back.
“Hey Guys!” She greeted, as she stepped into the booth with Spencer sliding in just after her. “I’m glad you could all make it.”
“Jack’s aunt is still watching him so I could spare a least a hour for a drink.” Hotch stated as his sipped his whiskey, he seemed to be sharing a bottle between him, Rossi and Morgan.
“Well you certainly dressed up Babushka” Morgan teased, “Planning to get lucky tonight?”
She laughed before replying, “Not really I just really like this dress but a bonus is, it helps me get free drinks.” She tried to hide how she glanced at Spencer slightly when she said, who seemed to be smirking before he lifting his drink up to sip.
“I’m just glad for a night off.” Tara chimed in to the conversation, “I just wish unsubs could do the same thing.”
“Amen to that.” Rossi lifted his glass to cheers, to which all the Team and Sasha joined in.
They continued to converse together as Hana sipped her drink through the straw, feeling her buzz getting stronger. She hadn’t even realised she’d started to lean on Spencer slightly. She continue to sip until her drink was empty, and turned towards Spencer who was blocking her exit of the booth.
“I’m gonna get another drink, do you want another?” She’d asked noticing his drink was pretty much empty.
“I’ll come with and we can order together.” He offered as he slid out from the booth before stepping back to let her out.
“Sure!” She smiled, and slid out to make her way through the crowd. Spencer made sure to keep his hand on her back to guide her through. As they approached the bartender saw them and went up to them.
“Hey you guys forgot your shots”
“Our what?” She’d asked confused.
“The martinis you ordered come with a free shot of Prosecco and since you ordered two you get two free shots.” He explained as he pour liquid into two shot glasses before placing on the bar in front of the pair. “But other than that what can I get you?”
They ordered their drinks and the bartender left to grab all the stuff to make it.
“So…” she trailed off, “You want a shot?“
He laughed at first before replying, “Well usually I’d say no but, might as well not waste a free gift.”
At that, Hana lifted both shot glasses and handed one to Spencer. “What should we toast to?”
The pair thought for a moment before, the young doctor turned towards her, grasping his glass.
“I know,” He started before lifting the glass towards her, “To a successful first case.”
She smiled and clinked her glass against his, “To a successful first case.” She tapped the bottom of her glass against the bar before she downed the glass and watched as Spencer did the same. The Prosecco wasn’t as strong as the shots vodka she’d taken before, but it still left her with a nice kick. Afterwards they made their way back to the group once again, carrying their second round of drinks.
The night continued as normal with the team exchanging stories and discussing future plans. After Hotch and Rossi left the night change from a group of friends having a few drinks, into a true night of letting loose and having fun. Truthfully, it all started when a tray of shots were delivered to the table.
“It’s from the owner,” the waiter had said as he delivered them, “She also told me to say and it quote, you need to get Sasha on the dance floor so she can meet a cute guy and forget about Paul.”
“His name is Peter.” Sasha yelled over the music slightly slurred, already on her fifth martini.
“She said you’d say so she tole me say that she doesn’t care.” With that he left the tray on the table and walk back to the bar. Leaving the table in stunned silence as they stared at the completely full tray; there was easily at least 30 shots there.
“Well I am definitely coming here again.” Garcia broke the silence, clapping her hands before grabbing two shots. Soon the whole table followed suit, each grabbing their own shots. They cheers together before downing each shot on the tray.
“I guess we gotta go dance now.” Sasha said as she jumped up grabbing Hana and Garcia’s hands to grabbed them to the dance floor, the others following close behind.
Hana doesn’t remember much from what happened in the dance floor, she remembers dancing with JJ after a guy had started getting too close to the blonde. She’d then said bye to her and Tara after she’d announce will was there to pick the two up. Once she went back to dancing she’d felt a presence behind her, Turning to find herself face to chest with Dr Spencer Reid. She looked up to look at his face and found him staring intensely at her.
“You okay?” He’d asked, moving his hand around her waist to steady her as she started swaying slightly.
“Yeah I’m okay,” she answered buzzed, “You’re eyes are really dark in this light.”
She reached her hands out to cup his cheeks and pulled him closer so she could admire her eyes up close.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice seemed huskier than normal.
“I don’t know.”
“Are you going to stop?”
“Maybe” She shrugged, “Do you want me to?”
“I don’t know.” His hand around her waist was gripping her tighter now, and he placed his other hand on Hana’s cheek.
Nervous, Hana bit her lower lip between her teeth but was stopped when Spencer place his thumb on her lower lip and pulled in out from between her teeth.
“You shouldn’t do that, the human teeth are strong enough to withstand 30,000 pounds, so it could definitely go through your lip.”
“Really?” She scrunched her nose as she giggled to herself, leaning close enough to feel his breath.
“Yeah” It came more like a breath, but Hana didn’t have much time to register it as she leaned into him. Placing her lips against his.
Kissing Spencer was like the rush of air you feel when resurface from under water, it felt like she was breathing for the first time. He tasted like a mix of the whiskey he’d been drinking and the sweetness of the various shorts he’d been coerced into drinking; it made her pull him closer. Hana felt as Spencer responded. He deepened the kiss by moving his hand on her cheek to her back of her neck and tightened slightly, causing her to gasp into the passionate kiss.
The gasped seemed to send a shock through the doctor’s system as he pulled away quickly from her lips. Not thinking clearly, Hana attempted to lean back towards him but was stopped as he pressed firmly into her with the hand still on her waist. He caught his breath before he could speak.
“I think we both too drunk right now and should probably call it a night.”
“You’re um…” She hesitated looking down, “You’re probably right.”
The pair finally separated so they could shepherd the rest of the group out the bar and into individual taxis or Uber’s making sure to all get home safe. Eventually, Hana and Sasha’s Uber had arrived. After helping her roommate into the car, she turned back to Spencer who was following Morgan into a separate Uber.
“I had a good night!” She yelled to him, causing him to look back over to her.
“Me too!” He called back over before stepping into the car. Hana finally stepped into her uber and as the driver started to driver home, she scream quietly into her hands.
They’d have to talk about the kiss eventually, just not now.
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Doing Time | Criminal Minds S.R
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Chapter 4. Oh My God
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Hana first case goes surprisingly smooth, and the Doctor is great company Chapter Title: Oh My God by (G)-Idle
When they finally landed Hana was almost reluctant to leave the comfort of the Jet’s soft chairs, in truth while she had travelled a lot in her early life, she’d never had the full opportunity to fly in a private check. As she stepped onto the tarmac she breathed in a large breath of fresh air and made her way to the SUVs waiting for them
“How do you ever get off that Jet and away from that couch beats me.” She’d chimed to Reid as he help her lift the duffle bag she brought into the trunk of on of the SUVs. The young laughed in response before replying.
“The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few.” 
“Oh don’t get philosophical on me Doctor.” She drawled, before hoping into the right back seat, where she greeted Rossi who’d taken his spot in the driver’s seat. “Buongiorno Agent Rossi, where we headed?” 
“We, Bambino are going to the attack site,” He explained fondly to her, “we need to see exactly how the Sarin got on it in the first place. And just it’s just Rossi no need to be so formal rookie.”
“Ooo how exciting first case and I get to go to my first crime scene.” She spoke as the buckled herself in a getting comfortable. At the same time, Reid entered into the passenger seat.
“You know you’re the first person I’ve meet who’s been excited to be at a crime scene.”
“Part of my charm Reid.” She winked at him, as he was turned towards her.
“It does beg the question though, Rookie…” Rossi looked at her through the rear-view mirror, “How are you really feeling today?”
At this questioned Hana was about to answer her reflex ‘I’m fine’, before she realised saying that in a car full of FBI profilers would probably the stupidest thing she could ever do. Instead, she sighed while look down and began to fiddle with the silver ring on her right hand.
“It’s okay to be nervous kid,” Rossi commented, “But I know you’ll do just fine on our team.”
“Yeah I mean it’s been a while since we’ve had someone new and to have to both you and Dr Lewis joining us will be interesting, but in a good way.” Reid added making sure to say the last part incase he was misinterpreted. 
Their words of encouragement made Hana feel more comfortable and a small smile grew on her face as she continued to play with her small silver ring. She looked up briefly and made eye contact with Reid through the rear view mirror, who then responded with a bright smile that reached his eyes. 
“Hey Doctor, know any cool bus facts that might be useful?” She asked suddenly, happy to spend her time listening to some random facts that she’d probably never need to know. Ignoring Rossi small groan, the Doctor was happy to entertain and inform Hana as they made their way to the location.
Eventually, they pulled up to the crime scene and were greeted with a sight of multiple cop cars and several forensic analysts already collecting evidence. The three stepped out of the SUV and Hana placed her sunglasses on to avoid being blinded by the L.A sun.
One of the local agents approached as they walked towards the bus, “I’m Agent Young” he introduced himself before continuing, “The Hazmat teams says they're almost done with their decontamination.”
“Well, the good news with sarin, if there is such a thing, is that it's a relatively short-lived threat. Once it dissipates, there's very little cleanup to be done.” Reid had stated as Young made his way towards some forensic workers that had gotten his attention.
“If sarin is so fast and deadly, how can someone release it without harming themselves in the process?” Rossi had asked to the two agents.
“Especially in such confined space.” She added turning to the young Doctor who no doubt had the answer. 
“Excellent question. The cult members in Tokyo wore surgical masks, and even with them, some of them were still injured. I'm guessing that—“ Rossi was interrupt as Agent Young 
“The techs just found this, stuck under a seat in the third row.” The other agent explained before handing something off to Rossi. “It tested positive for sarin residue.”
They crowded round as Hana looked on in confusion at the small circular device Rossi was holding in his hand.
“It looks like some kind of time-release device.” Spencer noticed as his eyes squinted slightly to look at it more carefully.
“Looks homemade.” Rossi chimed in 
“It’s battery operated.”
Reid’s eyes suddenly shined with recognition before he began to explain, “You know, it reminds me of an automatic fish food feeder.”
“How would it work?” Young looked to the Doctor for clarification.
“With a fish food feeder, there's a disk inside with multiple slots. Each slot is filled with fish food.” He explained to the group, “As the disk rotates, the food is released at very specific times. My assumption is, with this device, only one slot was filled with sarin, because even in a minuscule amount, sarin is deadly.”
“So someone could have planted that a long time ago.” Rossi added, slowly putting the pieces together.
“How long ago?” Hana asked, already expecting the answer.
“My fish food feeder lasts 6 weeks, so, theoretically…”, he paused before continuing, “The unsub could have left all the slots empty except for the very last one, and then waited 6 weeks for the sarin to be released. We need to look at everyone who got on and off that bus for the last month and a half.”
“Narrow” Hana grumbled to the group.
At the same time, Agent Young sighed slightly, “Great”
After that the small group went their separate ways, with Hana following Reid to the crime scene. 
“So you have fish?” She asked as they looked around the bus’ exterior. “What are they called?”
He smiled at her question before answering, “He is called Perseus.”
“Aw cool like the Greek myth?” 
“Can I meet him?”
“What?” His voice rose an octave with surprise.
“I wanna meet you fish..” she replied more forcefully to make her point, “and I guess us hanging out would be a bonus.”
“You want to hang out?” He asked confused, “with me?”
“Do you know anyone else in the BAU with a fish?” She smirked at him, he smiled back before hesitating and looking down.
“We should head back.” He muttered, sounding colder than he did moments before. Hana recoiled slightly at his sudden change in tone but swiftly followed behind him anyway. 
It only took a few days until the case was eventually solved after they were able to stop the unsub before he was able to attack the federal building they were working at. The team were all heading towards the jet when Hana’s phone rang and she stepped aside to answer, and then immediately stepped further away as Reid heard someone speak in a load hurried voice. He watched as she ran her fingers through her hair, worry spread across her face and continued to speak into her phone in gentle tones. It was only a five minute call before Hana hung put her phone back in her pocketed an headed towards the jet where Reid was still waiting. 
“Everything okay?” Reid asked as she stopped in front of him.
She shook her head for a moment before speaking, “My friend’s boyfriend just broke up with her, apparently he’d been seeing someone else the whole time.”
“I’m sorry, do you need any help?” He offered as the pair made their way onto the jet.
“Well my plan was to take her out for drinks and clubbing, if that’s your scene you’re welcome to join.”
“I’m not a huge drinker...” He paused, “or clubbing type of person really but I’d be happy to come along.”
Suddenly, Morgan approached the pair with surprise on his face, “Did I just hear our good doctor agree to a night of clubbing?” He then followed up his question by grabbing onto Reid shoulder and shaking him slightly. Meanwhile, Hana giggled softly at Reid embarrassed expression as he swatted the older agent away so he could take his seat.
“You’re welcome to join Morgan, I mean you guys all can if you want?” She questioned to the whole jet.
“You sure, we wouldn’t want to intrude on you and your friends night.” JJ spoke, at which Hana turned to face her.
“Oh no it’s fine, me and Sasha were planning on going out once I got back to celebrate my first case anyway.” She explained, “I think it’s fitting that I invite my new teammates to join us.”
“Sounds good Babushka, let’s say we meet for nine?” Morgan suggested.
“Yeah there’s a nice bar called the Empire, we could go there?” Hana added, to which most of the team agreed all happy for a night to relax. Most surprising was Rossi and Hatch also agreed. She then turned to Reid who had yet to respond. “What do you think Dr Reid?”
He lifted his head from the book he had begun reading as the rest of the team were talking, to look at the newest agent. “Yeah, sounds like fun.” He smiled at her which she returned in kind before taking the seat next to him, to which Reid leaned in and spoke gently. “,and you can call me Spencer when were not on the field.”
“Sounds good, Spencer.” She replied still smiling at him, “You can call me Hana.”
“Okay, Hana.” He nodded before looking back to his book, still smiling gently. 
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seoll3miwrites · 5 months
Doing Time | Criminal Minds
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Chapter 3. Zitti E Buoni
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Hana sees the BAU’s plane for the first time and holy shit is it nice. See end note for translations. Chapter Title: Zitti E Buoni by Maneskin
It was three days before the BAU was assigned a new case, it would be Hana's first real case with the team. She'd woken up an hour before she had to leave, making sure she had plenty of time to get ready.
After she'd taken a morning shower, she dressed in a simple pair of black trousers paired with a deep velvet red shirt. Her makeup with light, but finished with a deep red lip.  She styled her hair up carefully before grabbing her "go-bag" as Hotcher had referred to it as.
As she step out her room she heard music playing from the Kitchen, and when she turned the corner she saw her roommate; Sasha.
"Morning Sasha!" Hana yelled over the music still playing from the flat's speaker.
"Hana!" Sasha turned towards her smiling brightly, "You're never normally up this early? Do you want breakfast I'm making omelettes."
"Although omelettes sound amazing right now, I've been called in for work." She stated indicating to bag on her shoulder.
"For a case?"
"Oh my god this is your first real case with the BAU, when you get back we are totally celebrating." Sasha cheered loudly before hugging Hana tightly.
"I think your omelette is burning."
"Oh shit!" She quickly raced back to the stove and made sure to flipped the omelette before too much damage was done, "What would I do without you?"
"Be charged for arson firstly," Hana quipped earning a playful glare from her roommate. "Anyway I gotta go."
She said her goodbyes and began to make her way out the door, before turning back to yell. "Oh and if you have Peter over make sure to use protection!" 
"I'm on the pill genius!" Sasha yelled back.
"Yeah but it's Peter!"
"Just go to work!" 
Hana smiled before opening the front door, "I'll see you later."
She quickly ran to catch the bus that would take her into work, the commute was thankfully a lot easier than it had been the past week and no creep was sat in the back seat staring at her like yesterday. Although Hana had been working at the BAU for the last week this was her first real case, as she'd spent most of her time with Tara as they both received run down training to work in the BAU.
To say she was a little nervous was a major understatement. While she knew she had the capacity to be a great asset to the team, she knew she had to prove it. So as she sat on the bus, she put on her headphones and played music as she focused on her breathing trying to bring her stress down. 
Eventually she arrived at work and quickly made her way into the elevator where she was met with the site of the BAU resident genius; Doctor Spencer Reid. They'd spoken a little over the last week but this was their first time alone.
As she glanced over she noticed the book he had clutched in his arms was in Russian, her eyes lit up in excitement.
"You can read Russian?" She questioned. 
Reid turned his head towards, not expecting that question. "Yes, well I felt like rereading Anna Karenina again but I much prefer the original Russian text. I think it really helps with a lot of the nuances, that a translation can sometimes miss." He explained rapidly to the point that Hana almost couldn't keep up, "Do you speak it too?"
Hana nodded slightly before adding, "My adoptive father spoke Russian."
"Oh yes you would've spoken it growing up." He turned his body towards now,"sorry, I forgot." 
"Thought you had an eidetic memory Doctor Reid?" She teased him slightly, also turning her body to face him.
"Ah well..." he stumbled over his words. "I was more focused on who your father was."
"Yeah, I suppose the whole mass murder thing tends to trumps everything else, huh?" She titled her head slightly.
Reid seemed shocked at her blunt reply, and responded with a simple shy smile. The two stood together for a few moments of silence before the elevator bell dinged and the doors opened to their floor. 
"Позвоните ��не, если когда-нибудь захотите практиковать свои навыки русского языка." Hana stated in Russian while winking at him before moving out of the elevator and pushing open the glass doors. 
She placed her bag down by her desk before making her way to the conference room for the case briefing; there she found Morgan and Rossi sat the desk waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. 
"Morning Gentlemen," She greeted before taking the seat next to Morgan, "What's the case?" 
"Don't know yet babushka, still waiting on Hotch but apparently we're not doing the original case anymore." Morgan replied with smile. After she'd join the team and told them about her past, Morgan had begun to call her Babushka. She'd already explained what it meant to which he'd simply replied, "I know, but it's also the only Russian word I know." 
"Really?" She questioned, "Wonder what the case is then?"
In that moment, Tara and Reid made their way into the room, seemingly continuing their conversation. "A bizarre coincidence, right?" Tara had quipped to Spencer as she placed her cup of coffee down on the round table.
"What's a coincidence?" Rossi asked the conversation clearly peaking his interest. 
"Tara's mom went to the same elementary school as the Truck Stop strangler's mom."' Reid explained as he placed his cup of coffee down, before placing a second cup in front of Hana.
"Ok, that's a little creepy somehow." 
"Cool though." Hana added while shrugging her shoulders.
"Don't get comfortable. The plane's waiting for us." Hotch stated as he made his way into the conference room with Garcia following closely behind him.
"10 minutes ago there was a poison gas attack on a city link commuter bus in Los Angeles." Garcia began to explain, and Hana eyes widened in surprise, "10 confirmed dead so far."
"Do we know what it was?" Tara questioned.
"Hazmat just got on the scene."
"Chlorine gas was used recently in Syria." Morgan suggested as everyone gathered their things and began to make their way out the conference room.
"Maybe it's connected."
"It also reminds me of the attack on the Tokyo subway. Religious cult members carried plastic bags of sarin and punctured them with umbrella tips." Reid added as the followed behind Hotch. 
"That was 1995. It could be a 20th year anniversary event." Rossi suggested further. 
"We'll find out." Hotch sounded determined as he swung open the glass doors the team following closely behind. 
They made their way out to the plane, which Hana had yet to actually see. It was an impressive aircraft, and the interior surprised her. It actually looked incredibly comfy for something that was government funded. 
"Jesus! Does this Jet even come with an air hostess?" She exclaimed as she took a seat on the comfiest chair she'd ever sat on. 
Morgan laughed before replying, "Not unless you count pretty boy here." He patted Reid on the shoulder before taking his seat. Reid, in return swatted him away before taking the seat opposite Hana. 
He smiled at the newest agent before pulling out a completely different book from the one in the elevator, Hana was able to glance at the cover and noticed it was War and Peace, once more in the original Russian.
"Thought you were reading Anna Karenina?" She queried, causing the Doctor to lift his head to look at her. 
"Oh, I finished that this morning, brought this one for the flight. Just some light reading."
"Big book for some 'light reading'" she replied curling her figures to indicate quotations. "You a fast reader or something."
"We'll I can read 5 words a minute so... I guess so." He replied, rather humbly.
"Holy shit"
"You're fucking smart at fuck, Doctor Reid."
He laughed at her statement, his lips curled into a wide smile as he did so, Hana thought he was adorable.
"Okay let's discuss the case, get a rough profile going before we get there, I'm calling Garcia now." Hotch stated as he opened his laptop and the team gathered around the small screen. Eventually they were greeted by the sight of the lovable technical analyst. 
"Oh, crime-fighters, I just got confirmation from the L.A. field office that traces of sarin were found." Garcia opened with when Hotch gave her the go ahead. 
"Sarin is the most volatile nerve agent there is." Reid began to explain, “Symptoms are felt within seconds. Watery eyes, foaming at the nose and mouth, and convulsions, paralysis, and death within minutes."
Hana winced at the Doctor’s description, she’d been lucky to never come across Sarin in her past line of work. 
"The last known use of sarin was two years ago in Syria, near Damascus." Tara suggested to the group.
"We've had recent threats of terrorism targeting major U.S. cities." Morgan also added building off what Tara had mentioned.
"The religious cult responsible for the Tokyo subway attack 20 years ago is also still active." Rossi proposed as an alternative profile.
"Very much so, but they've split into two branches with different names." Reid spoke rapidly, while still expressing his point clearly, “There's over 2,100 members and 4 of them are in Southern California."
"Where's the leader?" Morgan asked.
"Shoko Asahara's on death row in Japan. He's incoherent and confined to a wheelchair."
"So he's not calling any shots." Rossi quipped in response. 
“That’s putting nicely.” Hana stated quietly earning a bemused look from Reid; the only one who heard her. 
"No, but that doesn't rule out devout followers doing it in his name." Hotch had responded to Rossi, as the team continued the discussion. 
"Garcia, what do you know about the casualties?"
"Aside from the I.D.s, not much."
"Well, it's 6 men and 4 women, age range 20 to 60." 
"Victimology seems to be pretty random." 
"Here's the thing-- sarin evaporates quickly, it's hard to control, and would thus be very difficult to target an individual."
"Collateral damage may mask the real target." 
“They must have had a vantage view of bus to make sure the right victim was on board.” The youngest agent added, internally proud for contributing to the discussion. 
It was almost intimidating how well they bounced ideas of each other to make a brief profile. Even Tara had managed to keep up with them and she was just as new and Hana. 
"Garcia, look into the victims and also anyone online claiming responsibility."
"Aye aye, captain." Garcia responded before terminating the video call.
With the call ended the team took their seats and prepared for the case. Hana took her seat facing Spencer Reid once again, sighing softly to her self. 
"How are you feeling?” The young doctor suddenly asked her, “I was nervous on my first case.”
“Yeah I feel one second away from screaming. I mean chemical attacks aren’t exactly my forte.” Hana replied followed by a set of giggles mostly brought on by her nerves. Yet, rather than look at her strangely, Spencer began to laugh with her. She felt comfortable enough to keep laughing. 
Russian: Call me if you ever want to practice your Russian language skills
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