shadowapus1 · 6 years
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My new personal photo.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
Listen to the radio for the day I sing our goodbye song
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
June writting prompt
In a world where everyone can read each other's thoughts you are the only one unable to communicate with your mind.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
You water my love and I grow to like you not knowing that for you I am just a weed.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
Hi! I've been lurking in your blog for awhile and i have to say it's wonderful... i have a weird blog lol so i dont heart thingies but still you're inspirational :3 xX
Awwwwwww. Thank you. I really don’t have a huge reception of my posts. But still I really appreciate it when people take some of their to see my posts. I hope you will still lurk around here. Keep being strange after all normal is boring.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
I am back😆😆. Sorry for the long wait but life happens sometimes. So yeah. Since I was away for so long I will try to make up for it with even more posts. See ya.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
I climb your expectations until I fall right back on your reality.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
Drawn by a blue marker that you hold in your hand, you smudge your own sketch.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
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A wall of flowers. I freaking love it. And in the midle a white rose bud. So cute. I hope you love it too.
Fun fact : There are over 100 species of the Rose. Quite a lot, isn’t it?
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
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Why do you have to pull my petals when the clear answer is that I l̷̙̥̝̭̖͚̪̙̲̳͕̠̤̠̊́̿̀͑̐̅̀͜͜ͅǫ̴̰̞̲̭͙̠̺̥͓̬̈͛͆̇̎̉v̶͚͈̜̗̰͉̫̔͋͊͘͜ę̵̢̡̨̮̝̱͍̺̙͍̺̲̗̫̫̫͙͋͗̅̊̅͛̓̽̈́̀́́̊͛̚͠ you.
I was inspired from Hanahaki disease that may have been getting more famous recently....or it may have been just my assumption. However, I was planning to make a small story about it when I saw these fake flowers lying around in my house.....and this was the result.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
Illuminating from the corner of your eyes a silver stream of truth passes by, unnoticed.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
The chastity of the memories is always tainted by today.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
The beginnig
Chapter one.
“Hector where are you?! Hector!” I’m yelling and yelling while running in the forest. The trees are tall and very close to each other, but I know this forest well enough I don’t need to worry of getting lost.
“Hector! This is not funny, come back!” he although knows it better having grown up in it. I am searching for him for a long time, I don’t know why. I know only that I have to find him. Pine needles and twigs are being crushed beneath my boots. For every minute passing and not finding him I can feel my agony magnifying. Out of the sudden my feet stop all by themselves. Where am I? I don’t recognize that place. I am alone. Where is Hector? He told me he would never leave me alone ever again. The landscape changed around without any warning. I am not in my forest any more. I am inside a dark and cold stony cave, big enough to allow me stand upright without even touching the ceiling. It is huge. I can feel the need to go deeper inside of it. I can hear a rhythmic sound, much like breathing but it is very deep to be human. It must be from an animal. A very big one I don’t know of. I am really afraid, my hands are freezing and drip cold sweat. I open my mouth and scream for Hector one more time, but there is no sound coming out. What is happening to me? I can’t understand. I must get out of here but can’t move my legs. They seem to have frozen there. I can hear a loud crawl coming from the depths of the cave, just like something big moved. It is too dark for me to see where the sound came from or what made it and I don’t want to move from where am at, even if something tells me to do so. After trying many times I finally find my voice.
“Is somebody there?” I sound scared, much like a child, even if I didn’t mean to.
“You are not ready yet… But I can wait for a little while… Not very much though… It has been too long… Rest Fire’s child and be afraid no more…everything is going to be ok, you have me now, and I am never letting you go…Don’t be afraid of me any more…” that voice… I have known it since forever. I can’t doubt it, even if I feel that it is dangerous to do so.
“Who are you?” I try to sound brave. At least my voice isn’t trembling this time.
“No, Fire’s child, you are not ready yet. But you are going to learn soon… Until then, sleep sweet and I will hold your nightmares away” I can’t resist the voice, so I fall into deep sleep.
I was thrown out of my bed. My breathing came out rough, like it does when I’m running. I slowly let myself fall back on the mattress and try to get calm. What was all that? Maybe just another dream… Even if it felt pretty real to me. My eyelids began to weight and I fell asleep into a dreamless sleep. Just like the voice had promised.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
It is so beautiful. I love it so much. But the patience to do it though....damn
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If you can’t be kind, be quiet. #art #school_life #drops #tears #quotes #doodles
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
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WATER FLOWERS. I am already in love with flowers but these ones....THEY GROW FROM THE DEPTHS OF THE LAKE. Again this is from my school trip but this one is from the big lake of Prespes. I was so in love with them that one of my friends had to drag me away..... threatening me. We were really in a rush. 
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
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This pretty bird just was meant to be a model. I was sightseeing by the lake of Kastoria with my friends during our school trip and we saw all kind of birds. We tried figuring out what most of them were but we failed….miserably. I really don’t know what this bird is….but it is really pretty. If you know please tell me.
Ps: Sorry for not posting for ….. a long time. But this trip happened, then I was tired and I have my exams coming up….so yeah. But I will be posting regularly again,starting today.
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shadowapus1 · 6 years
This is MY PEN. And also on the top left corner there is my book and my hand. We study hard bitches. Wish us good luck.
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Goddamn it RNA
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