shinowadh · 1 month
Inside Out 2: The characters.....were ok?
Hi there!
I have recently watched the Inside Out 2 movie and I must say, the writers really have out done themselves with the entire plotline.
Anxiety and Joy’s development was amazing. I mean, 2 different emotions, yet one same goal. Truly magnificent how the writers used them to convey the internal conflict of a young teenager.
A side focus on Anger was a little cherry on the top, his soft side is truly what got to me.
However, I do feel that some characters were clearly lacking. Sadness….was never really sad throughout the story. And Enui? I understand that that’s his character, yet I don’t know……..he seemed more as a plot device than anything.
Embarrassment was the emotion that confused me the most. Yes, he was the true hero of the story but what was his motive in the first place to support anxiety and then later on the main 5 (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear.)? I mean, he want the best for Riley but it could have been more clearer.
But overall, the movie did have a good focus on personal development. I must admit, my favourite character was Anxiety. And I am really intrested to know who was yours?
Thanks for reading! Let’s interact again about our favourite movies and series! I would genuinely love to engage with other disney fans like you!
Yours sincerly,
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shinowadh · 2 months
Welcome once again star sailors,..............
First of all, with immense regret I apologise for not delving further into the following panels. This was going to be perhaps the most important post of the entire series (up till the end of Giyuu Gaiden). Sorry for the inconvenience, as I know myself the pain of not reading analysis series in order.
Now not leaving the task on to-do, let's move on, shall we?
I once again ask you to look at this panel:
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(If you have not read the prequel part of this series, I strongly suggest doing that. Context will be needed in order to understand the further clues.)
As you remember, in the last episode of this series, I discussed Shinobu's intent with her quote on the top of the page. We discussed the sarcasm and the meaning behind it.
But now we are focusing on Giyuu. First of all, I would like to make the following statements.
This novella is set after the kamado massacre.
Giyuu is feeling guilt about letting Nezuko live (for reference, check the the second part of the Giyuu Gaiden novel)
Giyuu downplays himself, considering himself to be lower than anyone else.
Shinobu directly just made statement to her judgement on demons
Now.......I wonder how this all adds up.
Giyuu is feeling guilt for what he did. Or I would much rather say, what he chose to do. He most likely feels that another hashira would have made a better decision.
And now Shinobu directly states her reaction. This isn't a simple coincidence. The author is deliberately trying to show us that Giyuu's decision was something that Shinobu- and maybe any other hashira- would not have chosen.
Giyuu's reaction tells us about how he feels this guilt. When he realises what Shinobu would have done if she was in his place, he immediately starts thinking about his decsion.
It shows the most important part of the manga: What sets Giyuu apart from the other Hashiras. While I admit I analyse this as the 'Giyuu and Shinobu analysis series', this is the Giyuu Gaiden. This about Giyuu.
But this single page tells us more about Shinobu's reason to be here. Why wasn't someone like Sanemi placed in here? Yes, I know I am elaborating a single page, but the treasure it holds is far too vast to even be covered in this post.
So if you are a keen Shinobu fan like me, you might want to read my next blog post (yet too be released).
And so, this was it ladies and gentlemen and any other readers. I hope to venture deeper into Shinobu's position in this manga in the next post with you in the next post. Till then, don't forget to give up. Stay strong. We don't fight demons, but let's still commit to our responsibilities.
Let's make their sacrifices worth.
Yours Truly,
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shinowadh · 2 months
'Giyuu and Shinobu analysis series' is cringey:
Fellow star sea sailors, playful pilots and dream drivers, I need help.
It is come to my concern that this series needs a better name. While yes it's straightforward and plain like Giyuu's usual tone, I do want it to have a spark.
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shinowadh · 2 months
Giyuu and Shinobu series #2: These moments are hilarious! Yet so enlighting!
Welcome back my fellow story sealions, book bears and manga mice! Let's embark once again onto the journey of understanding our 2 beloved characters-- Giyuu and Shinbu---- together.
If one had to pass the next few pages of the Giyuu Gaiden, it would seem that apart from the stunning visuals, these beautifully illustrated pages hold no reflection of the present persona's of the 2 Hashiras. Yet if you look more closely, subtle hints show the enduring characteristics of the our 2 most beloved pillars.
Moving chronologically from the pages, let's discuss these aspects!
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'Don't complain and drink it.'
A quick flash of the well known 'Angry Smile' of Shinobu, showing that she had already developed her --excuse me for not elaborating on this... yet--coping mechanism.
And not forgeting Giyuu....
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Giyuu takes responsibility. Another characteristic still visibly in the present (Giyuu in the main series).
'I'm not getting attacked, I'm just fooling around.'
I found this line quite controversial. Would Giyuu ever say 'I am fooling around'? In this sole panel, Giyuu's character become incredibly inconsistent.
On a lighter note, Giyuu giving in (with an exasperated expression not a hurt or angry one) after Shinobu tells him to back away is simply.....refreshing. Furthermore it provides evidence that that Giyuu somewhat tolerates Shinobu.
Manga readers and spoiled anime-onlys will understand this. Please do not read on if you are not aware about the events in the Infinity Castle Arc.
'But you can't avenge anyone in that condition. Okay?'
Says someone who later on proceeds to harm themselves (I assume on a daily basis). Admittedly for revenge but I must still say this is rather ironic isn't it?
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A request
Deepest Apologies
I provide manga pages as evidence for my arguments but I admit, things did not go to plan when I realised that google would not provide me the evidence I need. So I concluded I would need to buy the novel. So if you recently read the 2nd edition (now third) of the series please note that you did not read it wrong, it was my mistake. Apologies for that.
And so, this was it for the second edition of the series! I do hope that you enjoyed it. I am glad to have such great readers like you! Feel free to discuss, pose questions or correct some of my statements in comments. After all, this series is for debates and for working together to unravel the hidden strands of hints in this short novel.
I wish you great health! Please join us next time in the 4 edition (the 3rd is already published so check that out as well!)
Yours truly,
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shinowadh · 2 months
The Giyuu and Shinobu Analysis series #3: Shinobu says she would accept a non-human eating demon?!!!
(Continuation of Giyuu Gaiden analysis)
First of all, welcome back to the series!! If this is your first time, I strongly recommend checking the first part of the series as I guarantee that it provides more insight to the following parts of the series. To view that please click this to be redirected to the post: Shinobu and Giyuu Analysis #1
Now I could could go on and on about every single page where Shinobu jokes about Giyuu but I find that there are more important secrets hidden in this short novella.
So firstly, I want you to look at this:
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Firstly look at this:
'I will give them my cherished love until I die'.
Shinobu says this at the top of the page yet her expression tells the opposite. And even if we say she is being solem--observing that she only drops her smile in cases of shock or in earnestness-- why would she not simply say ' I would accept the demon'? Instead she uses exaggerations; 'Cherished love' and 'Until I die'. This leads to 2 possible conclusions:
Shinobu had an intention of being sarcastic
Shinobu was trying to fake a belief in a humane demon yet it isn't being very convincing
Please help me out, which one seems more reasonable and realistic. Join the discussion, you and me are the fandom, so me and you are the detectives. And only together, can we unveil the secrets of our beloved characters.
Admittedly, this singly page contains far more than you think. We left Giyuu out of the scene in this discussion, yet his expression shows us the unveiled complexity and plotting of this novel. To find out more, please join me next time as we dive deeper into the hidden gems of the Giyuu Gaiden.
P.S. Unfortunately I do not posses the Giyuu Gaiden .... yet. So this post is not chronically ordered as it should be. Fear not, this will be changed quickly so please note this post might be labeled to 8 or another number.
Yours Truly,
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shinowadh · 2 months
The Giyuu and Shinobu analysis series is back!
Long time no sea Star Sailors! You may (or may not) have noticed I haven't posted for a long while. Please accept my deepest apologies for that. I would like to announce to my non-existing audience (are you actually reading this?) that my analysis series on Giyuu and Shinobu is returning.
See you there my fellow sailors!
P.S: Our souls are all sailors voyaging on our physical ships through the thrashing tides of reality. And in such a vast ocean, it is only fortune and fate which has brought us to cross paths. And so, for only this interaction I remain grateful. May your sails never tear as the sea gets rough and brutal. Till our next meeting fellow sailors!
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shinowadh · 3 months
Hello my fellow earth dwellers, greetings to one's from up above and a warm welcome to the dwellers of the underground. I know I have been not writing for a while.
Well I have good reasons for it. You see, I need to study for my tests, make cards for my teachers and somehow balance my hobbies in just 15 min per day. However after 5 of July, posting will have my daily attention. And I will survive by then. No matter what. I will survive.
I do not just survive,
I thrive,
Every day is not keeping it the same,
It's progressing
And even when my concentration dips,
I pull it back up,
And progress.
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shinowadh · 3 months
Anger surges through me,
And my knuckles turn white,
When she turns around and says
'Oh look, it's only just 10 euros'
Only just 10 euros!!!!!
In only just 10 euros,
A starving family in Uganda,
Would be able to eat well for a week!!!
In only just 10 euros!!!
A toy could be bought,
Could teach a lonely, neglected, traumatise pup,
How to be happy again.
In only just 10 euros,
A vaccination can save,
Another life on another day.
Only just 10 euros
Can make a huge difference!
I pull out my phone,
Search up 'be a donor',
I shove the screen into her face.
And I say
'Only just 10 euros'
Please, the next time you buy something, ask yourself, won't this much money help someone?What is small for you is a big help for others.
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shinowadh · 4 months
A person has the energy from carns, fats and water.
But the soul..... oh the beautiful soul,
It needs art to feed on, to not only survive another day but dance through it.
It's made up of emotions, waiting to be converted into the most efficient tool of all, art.
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shinowadh · 4 months
Hello, witches and wizards, stargazers and underground explorers. Here we are, with out giyuu and shinobu Anaylsis series.
But before I would like to move forward with analysing the other aspects of the Giyuu Gaiden (link to #1 here:......). I find it incredibly important to ask:
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shinowadh · 4 months
Shinobu can beat Mitsuri in a 1v1.
An obvious truth many fail to understand.
Right. Now I know I should be busy writing my Giyuu and Shinobu Anaylsis series but I just wanted to address something.
I bet you there is a 50/50 chance that Shinobu will win or Mitsuri will win in a 1v1 battle.
In fact Shinobu has chances of killing mitsuri.
Many people have argued that Shinobu cannot slice heads off so she can't do any damage to Mitsuri.
Well, you do know that there are many ways of killing people (Shinobu's method being stabbing and poison)
You may think I am calm here. But oh, just you wait...... This is just a little teaser. My real wrath is about to come.
Shoot all your unreasonable underestimations of Shinobu at me, I am ready.
Till next post!
Yours dearly,
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shinowadh · 4 months
It pleads, confusing me.
Why is my tortured soul screaming to run away?
'From where?' I ask helplessly,
'From when! Not where!' It cries.
'Run away from the cruel past'
Oh it's giving a solution!
I collapse, dizzy with relief
But then, suddenly.
Panick hits me hard as boat.
Racing thoughts come to a stop.
'What's the matter?' My soul whines.
Dead silence.
My trembling voice slices the tense air,
'The only way to escape is towards the future. But what happens if the future is no safer than our hell past?'
I recieve no reply.
- Shinowadh
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shinowadh · 4 months
When you work on it, seconds, minutes, hours flash by. Thoughts race and you can't stop improving the pace. Your passion ignites, burning strongly as it ever did. Your eyes become focused, not being able to look away from it. All you can think about is it. When will you get to it? What will you improve? Frustration itches are life stands away from your most loved pastime in the world. But all you need is a spark of creativity, a bundle of enthusiasm and a box of motivation was all you needed, and before you know it, you are lost in it. But what is it?
What did you imagine as it when you were reading this? Which activity makes your goosebumps rise and muscles tense with readiness? What is it?
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shinowadh · 4 months
Giyuu and Shinobu anaylsis series:  #1
Welcome to the first anaylsis blog of my Giyuu and Shinobu anaylsis series. Hold your horses, pigs, cows for this first edition featuring the Giyuu Tomoika Gaiden(from The Stories of Water and Flame)!
In case you do not know, the manga begins as Giyuu makes his down a mountain, just after slaying a demon. It is chronologically right after the Kamado massacre. In a village, he encounters Yae, a girl who's father has been murdered by a bear. But Yae has her suspicions, bears hiberate in winter after all. When some villagers notice Giyuu having a sword, Giyuu is immedieatly arrested. This when our beloved Shinobu sweeps in. After helping Giyuu escape, they and unconscious Yae take shelter in a house. This leads me to the first scene in my anaylsis
Side Note:
Giyuu= 19 years old
Shinobu= Giyuu's age - 3= 16 years old= after Kanae's death
Small jokes made by Shinobu
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Throughout this short story, Shinobu occasionally makes jokes about Giyuu which shows how their friendship is one of light teasing, even when they were younger. There have been several instances, for example the one above where Shinobu has joked about Giyuu in one way or another. Giyuu is not affected by these light teasing, or at least he ignores it. The reason why he does retaliate or complain is that either he doesn't mind it or it is 'bearable' for him. If it truly was an insult for him, it would be hard to see them cooperating better than Sanemi and Giyuu. So all of people who complain Shinobu 'bullies' (or those who joke about it), the fact that this teasing has been going on for 3 years and Giyuu has no complaints proves that since the beginning the friendship Giyuu and Shinobu have is healthy, or at least not toxic.
Phew! That was a lot! See you next post! Until then....
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shinowadh · 4 months
I can't take it anymore!
It hurts, it burns!
But it's too late now.
I lit the fire.
And now I can feel its flames,
Growing, blazing inside of me,
The heat scorching my lungs.
And vital air now feels like acid,
Burning down my heart.
My heart, my cruel heart.
In this ache of yours,
You shine somehow brighter than your flames.
Why do you enjoy this,
Tormenting flame?
- Shinowadh
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shinowadh · 4 months
Right....... so last post was meant to be an outline but I somehow lost the rest of it. Well, here is a quick plan of my analysis series on Shinobu and Giyuu.
We shall start from the very beginning and continue on till the end of the manga. It shall take, I estimate, 3 months to even cover till the mugen train arc (since I will be going into detail and occasionally adding summaries and other little add ons)
1. Giyuu Gaiden:
What where the younger Shinobu and Giyuu like?
Where their interactions different?
What does this tell about their character growth as well as friendship?
And much more topics forcefully stuffed away in the back of mind (4 words: no one gets your interests)
How does Shinobu's behaviour show how
she wants to interact with Giyuu?
What does Giyuu's response tell us about his way of living and his character?
3. Mountain SCENE: fight
What are common misconceptions ( this will be my favourite !😍 )
Why they were actually not fighting?
Why did they choose these actions.
PROOF that they were not trying to hurt each other.
4. Small interactions:
What were Giyuu's thoughts on 'spoiler'?
What impact did it have on the both of them?
What could have been?
A silent farewell, an unfulfilled wish, a never said good bye.
Phew! That was long. But I have so many more analysis ideas on the SAME topic. Well, I lit the fire of my own obsession. Let it burn
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shinowadh · 4 months
Hello, slayers and demons, flame breathers and water breathers, swordsmen and gun users! In this first analysis series of mine, we shall be looking deeper into the interactions of the beloved insect hashira and water hashira.
A true delight for giyuushino shippers as we might be finding some cute clues of a romance. But whoever you ship, this will mainly be focusing on character development, so join!
Analysis of Shinobu and Giyuu's interactions, please answer what you think on their interactions below:
1. First scene we see them talking together on the mountain:
Shinobu says it's best that they get along:
Shows that she truly cares about having fun. with Giyuu
Giyuu answers ' I am only here to fight demons:
Shows how little value he gives to socalising for fun.
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