shuddervayne-plays · 1 year
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many places to clip things to,,
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So, fatui harbingers 🛐🛐
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Kaeya, Zhongli, Yelan y Pierro
By chachatea01
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shuddervayne-plays · 1 year
Dottore: I'm wanted in a few states.
Dottore: Fifty... actually.
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shuddervayne-plays · 1 year
Chapter 3: Examination
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Drama
Relationships: Dottore/Female Reader
Warnings: Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Violence
Mind The Tags!
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The Doctor takes his first step toward the woman, and she notices his way of walking has changed from what it was before. He almost seems to float forward. Each step he takes seems to glide several feet, as though he is pushing off an invisible force. As he reaches the small woman, he rips his fist back and swings forward nailing Y/N square in the gut. His fist comes in with considerable force, but it is the speed of it all that surprises her. He easily knocks the woman backward and she stumbles back off the steppingstone. The water churns around her feet as she tries to keep her balance. The pain is like a brand on her stomach, and she gasps. 'If this is just the first hit, it's going to be a really long day.' If that's how it feels now, with the serum singing in her veins, she can't imagine what it would have been like before.
"I-I think that went well. I've never been hit like that before though, so I really have nothing to compare it to. A-Again?" Y/N braces the best she can for the next strike. She is frightened of what he has in store for her and swallows nervously, tightening her fists at her sides.
The Doctor moves back in front of her and in fluid motions sends a series of rapid punches into the woman's chest. These are stronger than the one previously and he forces the air out of her lungs with each impact. This time, though, Y/N feels the rush of the serum increase dramatically. Her heart rate picks up and her blood is surging in her ears. She feels the strength flow through her and she smiles gratefully. The woman stumbles and tries to lock her knees to prevent her falling. Gasping, she attempts to fill her suddenly empty lungs. She regains her balance once again and looks at the man before her expectantly. The small woman notices that as quickly as the pain came, it also seemed to fade rather swiftly.
'Good, It must mean the serum is working,' she thinks. She is still sore, but that is to be expected seeing how hard he had hit her.
"Okay, okay. Again? I'm ready." She hates this and hopes it doesn’t go on for too long.
The Doctor takes in the woman's stance, which has only become stronger now in the wake of his second set of punches. The strength Y/N gained from the serum is quite high. He's impressed. The man begins sending strike after strike targeting her arms and shoulders. His punches are precise, strong, and extremely quick, but the woman manages to stand her ground under the hail of his strikes. She takes them with little issue, if only because of the serum. The concoction is certainly making her body more capable of enduring the punishment he throws at it, but it's still not enough.
"Improvements still need to be made." He speaks as she takes a deep shaky breath and raises her head to meet his face again.
It still hurts, but the pain fades to a dull ache quickly enough. The woman wonders what would happen if he really let loose on her. 'I most definitely wouldn't be standing, possibly not even breathing.' She shivers at the thought.
"I'm ready."
The Doctor lets out a loud chuckle and that unhinged smile finds its way back to his face. He approaches her again. His strikes are now even stronger, though his speed remains the same. It is obvious that he is still holding back, but his strikes now carry significant force behind them, and he does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. His left hand suddenly lunges forward to grab ahold of the woman's neck.
She feels a strange rush of adrenaline and her heart and mind feel more in sync than ever. Y/N rips her body back out of his reach. She moves with almost inhuman speed to dodge his continuing onslaught and before she realizes it, she has swung her fist out straight at his face. She doesn't know what she is doing or even if she is using anything close to a proper technique. She just suddenly, really wanted to hit him. He had hit her enough. Surely, she is allowed at least one strike. She hopes so, she wonders if her fist will even make contact at all.
She is shocked when he just stands there and lets her hit him. He saw it coming, but didn't bother to dodge. She watches his face contort slightly when her fist comes into contact with his jaw. It didn't knock him down, but it did stagger him back. Y/N feels slightly more confident in her strength and begins throwing blow after blow. The woman is riding high on the victory of her first hit landing. Her strikes are now coming from both her arms and legs. She is afraid to slow down and just throws everything she has at him.
'Maybe I can keep the momentum going...' She hopes she can.
She knows that her combat technique is way worse than sloppy, never having any previous training of any kind. ...and she knows deep down that he is holding back. If he were to take this seriously, he would overpower her instantly. 'He's the Second Harbinger for Archon's sake.' As the woman continues to throw strikes, she hears him suddenly exhale loudly...and everything changes.
"Let's test your stamina, shall we?"
The Doctor is grinning from ear to ear as they fight, his sharp teeth are on display for all to see. The woman's blows begin to bounce off his body as though she is trying to pummel a wall. He shifts his stance and begins matching her hit for hit. Every punch and kick from the man hits just as strong and fast as before. This continues for several minutes before he grows bored and begins to pick up the pace.
Y/N gasps at the sudden change in his demeanor and attack patterns. The woman continues to throw numerous strikes, not letting herself slow down but now every hit just seems to glance off him like it never happened. He is forcing her back farther into the river now. One step, two steps, three steps. She can't keep up. His strength and speed are mind-numbing. 'How can he move like this, Is he even Human?' She wonders desperately.
The woman can't keep up this pace for much longer. Yes, the serum is most definitely helping. She never would have been able to do this before, but the man was quickly overwhelming her.
The Doctor does not slow down in the slightest as they move through the river. Instead, his punches and kicks are now coming even faster, if that was even possible.
The woman feels like she has been thrown into a tempest of flesh and bone. His strength and speed are truly beyond mortal capabilities, and she is continually forced back. The Doctor continues to come after her, his strikes now flying like the fury of a hurricane. The water churns around her waist as she is forced to retreat.
'This is going nowhere, I can't win. I never could. What more does he want?' Oh yea...this was her examination. He had wanted to push her to her limits, and he was very assuredly doing that. Well over her limits in fact. His blows hurt and they kept raining down on the woman's tiny body at the speed of lightning. 'How much longer can I keep this up? Not much longer.' She was losing her balance. ‘Good, this is what I want. I want him to see that I’m not unique after all.’ Y/N is satisfied.
In one swift motion, The Doctor stops. He has been watching her closely this entire time, trying to see how far she can push herself with the serum in her blood. He stands completely still, the only indication of his previous activity being the quick rise and fall of his chest.
It was over, or at least it seemed to be. She quietly whispers a thank you to the Archons. The woman really couldn't have stood under the gale of his attacks any longer. A few seconds more and she simply would have collapsed back into the water that surrounded her.
After a few moments, he speaks out with that deep and rich voice of his.
"You are above the ability of most mortals. Your strength and speed are far beyond any normal individual. To put this in perspective for you, most humans are barely capable of a small fraction of what you just displayed, even under the influence of the serum's power."
She balked at him. "You must be j-joking. There is n-no way." She stood gasping, trying to fill her heaving lungs. Raising her head, she looked at him from under her curtain of H/C hair. Her body hurt but she knew without the serum it would have been monumentally worse.
"...and yet, here you are proving my point."
"W-what makes me so d-different from every other h-human that allows me to perform so much b-better under the serum's influence?"
The Doctor takes a single step forward and places his hand on her shoulder, the woman flinches. She can fill his immense strength through his fingers alone. His strong grip holds her tightly, almost painfully.
"Every individual has a different body and a different mind. They each have their own levels of vitality. You possess a level of vitality that dwarfs many others, that is why the serum affects you so much stronger. Your base strength far surpasses that of what you thought your body was capable of."
Y/N opts to simply stare at him for a few moments desperately trying to process his words. The woman never once felt any different from any other human she had ever been around. She is stronger than most? This came as a huge shock to her. She always believed herself to be rather frail in comparison to those around her. But she had also never fought before...so really, what did she have to compare it to?
"This is...a lot to process. What exactly does this mean, and... ...the examination?"
The Doctor smiles at her, it's a strange mix of friendliness and menace. "You passed your exam quite flawlessly; it was more than enough for me to deem you as a proper specimen for my serum experiments and tests. You are the first that has managed to complete this test with complete success, for that, you have my congratulations. Your reward will be two days of rest before we begin my schedule of experiments. Is that satisfactory to you?"
Despair crashes over her and she crosses her arms across her chest almost as if she is hugging herself. 'No. No, that is not what I wanted. I wanted to fail. I wanted to fail horribly! He's...never going to let me go now…' In juxtaposition to her inner thoughts, she simply responds with, "I...I suppose so. As I recall, I don't have a choice in the matter anyway. Did you know about me? That I was different before this? Is that why you sent the Agent after me?"
"You are correct in assuming that I knew of your exceptionalism. It was my colleague, the lady named Arlecchino that first discovered you, you should feel indebted to her for being selected as a specimen under my project. I am more than happy to accept you after all." He pauses and tilts his head. "I have some errands to run over the next couple of days but after that, once we start the official tests, you shall be placed under strict surveillance until I can determine what the exact properties and abilities the serum awakens in you are. ...and then from there, we will work on improving it."
She sighs heavily. 'The serum, is it still working?' She was beginning to feel heavy with fatigue and her ears were starting to ring. 'When it wears off completely, will the pain increase?'
"So...what happens now?" Y/N asks hesitantly as she begins wading back out of the river watching The Doctor out of the corner of her eye carefully the whole way.
The man also made his way to the bank. He was watching her just as closely. "It seems that the serum is losing its effects. Early if I'm being honest. However, with the way you just fought, it doesn't surprise me. I would expect you to be feeling an incredible sense of fatigue right about now, followed by a deep sense of pain from every point in your body that was struck during the exam. You should rest, you will need it. I shall be checking on you tomorrow afternoon. Be ready at the strike of noon."
"I do feel very tired, and my pain is ...definitely increasing.” She groans and leans forward wrapping her arms more tightly around herself. A few thoughts suddenly occur to her and she is quick to voice them in her confusion. “ Wait, where am I sleeping? What about my guard? You said I would be supervised?" The woman winces at the pain radiating through her body. 'Oh, Archons...it's only going to get worse, isn't it?' This situation, both physically and emotionally, is taxing her a great deal and she is anxious to crawl into a bed. HER bed. Not some bed provided for her in a cell. Because that’s what this place was, a cell. And he had just slammed the door shut.
As if on cue, the elevator on the opposite side of the room slid open and in strode the Fatui Agent from earlier. "A room has been provided and furnished for your use. It is close to the main lab." The Doctor responded.
The woman is confused and it shows on her face. "Wait...how did he know to come now? You haven't left to inform anyone of anything yet."
"Correct, I haven't left. However, I did inform him to come."
"I don't...understand."
"You will." The smile on the man's face turned eerie.
The woman shudders at The Doctor's expression and turns to head toward the elevator where the other Fatuus stood impassively. 'I am so screwed. How am I going to get out of this?'
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