skauni · 8 hours
………. Mass Murder and War Crimes—
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skauni · 8 hours
It’s just Me, Myself, and I…
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skauni · 1 day
Ghost: “I accidentally took my cat’s medicine last night.”
Price: “You have a cat?”
Soap: *Knows it’s a joke.*
Gaz: “How did you—???”
Ghost: “Don’t ask me-ow.”
Price: *Dies laughing like the old smoker he is.*
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skauni · 1 day
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skauni · 1 day
Dying rn💀
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Take it off ?
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skauni · 1 day
Are you ugly?
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Take it off ?
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skauni · 2 days
Yes sir.
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Take it off ?
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skauni · 4 days
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skauni · 5 days
Love the art. Really do. But if I see this fucking 6’10 Austrian beast in the doorway to my 5’3 gremlin ass’s room looking at me like that I’m going to fucking throw my fan, TV, and night stand at him. That’s fucking terrifying to me😭
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stupid girl very sloppy post </3
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skauni · 6 days
Why Did It Have To Be Us…?
!!WARNINGS!!: Miscarriage, BPD, Mentions of Depression, Mentions of Alcoholism, Arguing, False Accusations, No Happy Ending.
It’s been 3 weeks since you lost the baby.
You don’t understand what you did wrong, you listened to the doctors every word. Why did you have to lose the baby?
You and your husband, John, had been trying for 6 months to have kids. And when you finally got pregnant, it only lasted a month and a half before you lost the baby. That was 3 weeks ago, and John was on a mission where he had no contact with you. Since you lost the baby, you fell into depression and simple things started making you angrier than they would.
You started drowning your sorrows over the loss of yours and John’s baby that neither of you got to meet in alcohol and staring at walls, zoning out as you imagined what could have been. What you would have named the baby. Maybe Jasper if it was a boy, like John wanted to name him. Or Maya if it was a girl, like you’d wanted to name her. You didn’t know the gender of the baby, neither of you wanted to. Wanting to keep it a surprise for the baby shower/gender reveal party.
John had come home during you zoning out on the couch, it’d been 4 weeks after the miscarriage by then. You were snapped out of it when you felt him lay between your legs to place his ear on your abdomen. Listening for the heartbeat that he was unaware would no longer be there. You started crying as soon as he had, startling him and making him sit up. “Love, what’s wrong? Is it the pregnancy hormones-?” He asked in alarm, you put your face in your hands as you cried.
“I lost it… I lost the baby John, I’m sorry…-” you finally managed to hiccup out. His expression visibly tinged with sadness before he gently pulled you into his arms. “Don’t touch me!” You yelled before pushing him off and crying more as you stormed to the bathroom to weep in the tub since your favorite candle you often lit to calm down was in there.
It was a few hours before you came back out. When you did, John was on his computer searching up ways to make you feel better about losing the baby.
After a mental battle, you shuffled over to him and planted your face in his back with a soft whine. Afraid you’d react like you had earlier, he didn’t return the touch. “How are y’feelin’ love…?” He asked quietly. “What can I get f’ya?” He added. You just shook your head silently and he understood. You didn’t want anything. Not right now. Not after losing what had been your everything for only a few months. “Why did it have to be us…?” You finally managed to mumble out after a struggle to make your voice more easily heard. You felt like something was stuck in your throat. Or something was constricting it. Making it impossible to speak, breathe, or swallow.
John sighed quietly. “These things just happen love, we can always try again when you’re ready…” he tried to comfort. You simply nodded. Eventually, getting tired of standing, you sat in his lap. Cuddling him for comfort. Sniffling out quiet apologies for losing the baby. He just held you and gently rocked you, rubbing your back in hopes you’d calm down eventually.
As weeks passed on, the arguments started. John watched as you brought home yet another cheap wine bottle to drown your sorrows in. He clenched his jaw. “You should stop drinking like that. It’ll ruin our chances at trying for a baby again. Y’know what alcohol does to you love.” He said. And it made you snap. “I don’t want to try again!” You yelled. His face broke into a scowl as he got up. “Don’t want to? Why? Because you think it’s one of your stupid signs from the universe?” He retorted. You put the wine down before slapping him. The argument broke out from there.
It was about one in the morning when John had enough of it. “WELL MAYBE IT WAS YOUR FAULT! FOR ALL I KNOW, YOU COULD HAVE KILLED OUR BABY!” He yelled. You froze. Your anger turning to dread. “Y-You don’t mean th—” he cut you off. “I DO! You have always had a self destructive mindset towards the idea of trying for a baby! And the second I leave after we successfully have one growing, you miscarriage! How am I supposed to believe you didn’t kill our baby!?” John snapped. You staggered back. You couldn’t believe his words.
After a long silence he realized what he’d said and tried to take it back. “Love I—” he tried but you pushed past him sobbing. Slamming the door to your shared room and locking him out. Stuffing some belongings into a small-ish travel trunk after calling your mother if you can go stay with her for a while. When you came out he was about to knock on the door. “I want a divorce, Johnathan.” You sniffle out. John freezes. You only use his legal name when you mean what you say when you’re sad or angry. His shoulders sagged and he staggered back. Watching you in stunned silence as you walk out the front door. John knows you’re never coming back. He knows he’s messed up. He messed up big time… and now he couldn’t take it back…
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skauni · 6 days
Thank you @jesliey for finally telling them if someone didn’t I would have😂
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skauni · 7 days
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skauni · 7 days
…….. sounds like Bat Man throwing Kryptonite at Super Man/a Kryptonian—
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skauni · 7 days
(Gonna add to this, hope you don’t mind!<3)
Yes. Why? Because he’s had so many people walk out on him and you’re the only one who took the time to understand how demanding his job is and stayed anyways. He’s not giving you any chances to leave him. Not like he has in the past. He wants to marry you, so he’s not letting you say no. Hell, might even have a sign saying “Right answers only” in the free hand just so you DONT say no.
When ghost proposes, he does get down in one knee, but he doesn’t ask “will you marry me?” No.
He looks up at you, opening that little black box to reveal the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen.
“Marry me.”
His voice was soft but it wasn’t a sweet little question, nor a nervous ask.
It was an order.
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skauni · 9 days
Someone show this to the @konigsblog haters cuz I think they need humbling😂
people bullying other people on tumblr is crazy like babe you’re a fucking loser too why else would you be here
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skauni · 9 days
Looks like something from out of How To Train Your Dragon❤️✨
Everybody give it up for columnar jointing
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skauni · 9 days
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Just got a sponsor add. Looks like some Ghoap shit from an AU of if they never were in the army and if Ghost never had trauma to me :p
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