smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
been gone from tumblr a while and now that i’ve returned all i see is dust and wacky new rules
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
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me irl
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
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This thread is so so good. Part 2/3 contains my favorite — “If Your Sex Life Were Real.”
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
Unpopular opinion : the full acronym is LGBT.
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
What do you think about racism and white privilege?
Before I say anything about racism or white privilege, I need to clarify that I don't live in America. I honestly don't know how things are there - that's why I'm basing my answer off of Europe, more specifically Northern and Northwestern Europe.
I do believe that in Western Europe white privilege exists on some levels, but I'd say it's more common in Eastern Europe (at least racism is). I haven't encountered that much racism where I live, but I'd say I'm not the best to judge, since, despite being South Asian, I'm still fair-skinned (darker than the average Northern European, but like compared to other South Asians).
I don't think I've been denied opportunities for being non-white, so I haven't encountered oppression in that kind of way. Of course, I have encountered other kinds of racism, but only in small amounts when I was a kid. The "racists" were other kids, but I'm not saying that they're necesserally bad people, and I think most of their racist behaviour was due to me being the first non-white person they'd met irl (bare in mind, when I moved to Europe the first town I lived in was a really remote, small village and the school I went to had less than 60 students). I think it would better be described as lack of knowledge rather than blatant racism.
After that I've only heard critisism about immigration, not about different races in general. And if someone is anti-immigration, they have a right to think so and I wouldn't say that being anti-immigration makes a person automatically racist. Though, of course, it depends on why they're against immigration. If the reasons are economial/financial/regarding to national security, then I think it's acceptable, but if a person is against immigration because they don't want non-white people in the country then of course it's racist.
Also, about white privilege. It sure can exist in the parts of the world where most of the population is white, but I wouldn't say that it exists in every country (especially in some predominantly non-white countries). For example, in India, one of the oppressed groups are Northeastern Indians, thus making other Indians the "oppressers", aka the more privileged group. And Indians aren't white.
In Afghanistan, Pashtuns are the most privileged group. In America or elsewhere in the Western world I might not be privileged, I might even be oppressed (who knows?), but in Afghanistan I'd be privileged based on my ethnicity.
In China, a lot of the minority groups are oppressed, therefore the Han Chinese are the "oppressers". Han Chinese people aren't white.
Also, I keep putting the word oppressers in the brackets since I really dislike the term in this context. In most cases, it's the government who oppresses the minorities, not the regular civilians of the majority group. Obviously, in some cases the regular people in the majority group can be taking part in the oppression of minorities, but since that's not always the case, I'm putting it in brackets for now.
So, in conclusion, what do I think about racism and white privilege? Racism is obviously wrong and it's horrible that even in the 21st century we're dealing with this shit. There are no excuses for blatant racism. White privilege is also wrong, no group should be better than the other, and while I do believe it's going on in some/most parts of the Western world I disagree with it being universal.
These are just my personal opinions though, and if I am completely wrong about something, educate me.
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
Note to Conservatives
Not everyone who disagrees with you is automatically an sjw.
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
My opinions on fruit
mandarins are tasty small friends but oranges are fucking nasty
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
Reblogging for my 4 followers and also myself so i'll find it when i need it.
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Anti anxiety.
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
So apperantly I sound like a kazoo when i sleep.
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
I understand where you're coming from, and out of all the three I meantioned otherkin is the least harmful. "Transage" people shouldn't be allowed near children, because that isn't normal and I could bet my head that they're most likely a pedophile, and thus extremely harmful. "Transracial" people are claiming to be actually part of another race, which is absolutely stupid, because 1) it's usually based on stereotypes/fetishization and 2) race is determined by ancestors (differing therefore from transgenderism, because gender is assigned at birth. Also theres the whole science thing behind transgenderism, and science cannot back up "transracialism").
In fact, I don't think otherkin are harmful at all, as long as they don't claim to be oppressed or trans/part of the LGBT+ community. I wasn't trying to shit on otherkins, only trying to explain how the three differ from transgenderism (for example, when I see comments saying "if a man can become a woman, why cant a white person become a black person?!?1!!1?").
So yeah, transracialism and transageism are toxic, but in my opinion otherkin isn't as long as otherkins don't claim to be oppressed or LGBT+.
Just a PSA
Remember that transracialism, transageism and transspeciesm aren’t real things, and they differ from transgenderism because one is a scientificly proven condition while the others are not!! You can’t just “feel” like an Asian person if you are actually white, you can’t “feel” like you’re 6yo when you’re actually 57, and you can’t “feel” like wolf when you’re just a human. Imma say it again, transgenderism has science backing it up, while those other things are just either trying to be special, trying to be “oppressed”, being a fucking pedophile or some other kind of sick shit.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
Just a PSA
Remember that transracialism, transageism and transspeciesm aren't real things, and they differ from transgenderism because one is a scientificly proven condition while the others are not!! You can't just "feel" like an Asian person if you are actually white, you can't "feel" like you're 6yo when you're actually 57, and you can't "feel" like wolf when you're just a human. Imma say it again, transgenderism has science backing it up, while those other things are just either trying to be special, trying to be "oppressed", being a fucking pedophile or some other kind of sick shit.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
My childhood crush
Like, yall know that usually kids have crushes on celebs or fictional characters like fucking Edward Cullen or something? Well when i was a kid i had a crush on Swiper from Dora the Explorer and yeah that basically sums up the kinda person i am
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
send me bobs and vegana pics
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
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Fricking mood
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smolpakistani-blog · 6 years
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