smooth-lizard · 12 days
Nightmare/Rose Quartz
I bought her a bracelet in my dreams,
Made of soft pink stones, cool to the touch.
They froze her skin like cold metal cuffs,
Leaving her wrist with a fiery purple blush.
Around her arm, I tied the thread,
Into a double knot, pulling the ends tight,
And in that moment, I knew it bound
Her soul to mine and fizzled out her dying light.
I could blame it on my family,
Or maybe on how I was raised—
I could let excuses fall from my liquor-clad lips
Like gentle, thundering rain.
But excuses only mean so much.
They don't take away from how my mind is lined:
"She should be grateful for all I give,"
Like that bracelet and all the things I made her leave behind.
A potion falls from my tongue,
Red wine beginning to drip—
And though it’s only a nightmare,
I see how easily I could slip
From morality's loose grip.
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smooth-lizard · 21 days
I still feel your presence inside me, even when I’ve never felt you before.
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smooth-lizard · 22 days
I will pray at your feet every time you allow me to feast upon you, every time you allow me to consume you like you are the sweetest fruit I have ever tasted, a dribbling cherry red
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smooth-lizard · 24 days
Sometimes I think I’m more him than he is me, because I can feel the way his lips fit so perfectly with yours. I feel the way his teeth graze your collar bone as it they were my own
And then I wonder if he’s just me, in a universe where the circumstances were in our favor
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smooth-lizard · 25 days
In the summer, you find them everywhere—
The black hum and the pestering rub
Of their tiny stick-like limbs.
Creatures that haunt the warmth of decay,
Days wasted on keeping a mind sedated,
They come to feed off the trash that is my time.
The endless annoyance of an unwanted pest,
Clacking paws chasing, clear wings racing,
Black speckles we can't seem to escape.
Bring out the redwood crosses,
Exorcize these little demons, bring out the cold evenings,
Anything to make this constant ringing leave.
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smooth-lizard · 27 days
Tumblr media
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smooth-lizard · 29 days
Sometimes I wonder if it was him that ruined me or all the people who told me that he did
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smooth-lizard · 1 month
Rib Cage.
Oh, my beautiful feathered prisoner,
My little living locket,
Fluttering beneath my chest,
Avian essence in my pocket.
Wings brush the dry bone bars,
Lungs torn and turned to nest.
The rustle of life inside me,
A remnant of a beat that's been laid to rest.
Caged freedom is a lovely sound,
The soft sting of secrecy.
I'll keep you in my dying cage,
Till my breath grows to tranquility.
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smooth-lizard · 1 month
Red Circle’s.
The hearth is gray and smoky,
The couch is laid with comfy clothes.
Pleading for the memories,
The blue sky is filled with crows.
The ashes warm my soul,
They spill out onto the soil.
Beneath the dying desert bushes,
Dry bones are buried, left to spoil.
The rich buzz of yellow critters,
Skin swollen and bruised.
The rumbling makes my legs go numb.
At the sight, how could you refuse?
The tile is frozen, hair dripping with water,
A music box playing the false memories on repeat.
I have to remember
What causes the bruises on my feet.
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smooth-lizard · 1 month
To love art as an artist is too love the beautiful mind that created such a masterpiece.
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smooth-lizard · 1 month
Nothing has a purpose and nothing in my life in real.
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smooth-lizard · 2 months
Just posted so many poems cuz what else do I have to do it my life
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smooth-lizard · 2 months
Stormy eyes
The rain forms, and we begin to scatter,
The sky drizzling despite the sun.
Pouring tears only growing harsher,
As the clouds begin to question why we run.
The water comes from blue rivers,
Still water, both rich and regal.
It's brought right to our doorsteps,
Though we still curse the storm with evil.
She has hidden our sun.
The approaching villains attack.
Though what it is you still do not see,
The vision of beauty most may lack.
You may not have known her,
The equal to the burning star.
And although she's dark and glooming,
She'll still take you just as far.
She may be unpredictable,
Like fate or demise.
Though if you take the time to love her,
You may find it returned in her stormy eyes.
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smooth-lizard · 2 months
In the reflection of the mirror,
Have you ever seen me looking back at you?
Creeping over your shoulder,
Or standing in the corner of the bathroom?
Does my face frighten you?
Or is it nice to have a visitor?
Someone to stand in the cold steam,
To make you feel sick, we look so similar.
Admit that you need me,
And that would be enough.
You can't get rid of me,
So you exploit me for my touch.
We aren't different people,
Can't you see?
Standing underneath the frigid water,
Do you not realize you are me?
You need me to care,
Because I'm the only one who will.
In the reflection in the mirror,
Do you see me still?
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smooth-lizard · 2 months
Rock Elm St.
Pennies line the bottom,
Copper tokens sinking.
The well dry and empty,
No water left worth drinking.
The last of the moisture,
Soaked into the stone.
Cobbles collapsing down,
Cracking a distinct tone.
Grass overgrown,
Our monument left behind.
With no beverage to collect,
As the water dries with wasted time.
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smooth-lizard · 2 months
Juices taint skin,
Nature's sugar still sticky.
Warm fruit against cold lips—
When it comes to fruit, I've never been picky.
Your basket in my lap,
115 down the highway,
Peach skin black and blue,
Aroma tainted by the smoldering ashtray.
Wrapping up in a blanket
Will not stop your skin from growing plum.
Mistake irreversible,
Produce left in the sun.
Bees swarm and sting
Those who come near,
Attracted by the sugary insides.
My memory's unclear.
Beneath the car's blankets,
Start to spring those citrus tears.
The steering wheel is baked,
From the hot summer sun, the sky growing clear.
Someday someone will come,
The bees will gather and send me away.
Fruits of harvest
Will always escape me one day.
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smooth-lizard · 2 months
Run Rabbit
To the streets, he starts to scream,
Pattering feet mock the rain,
A bright light growing closer,
Soon will pass the train.
Straight but winding roads,
Shadowed ground beneath the trees,
Moonlight growing brighter,
Does he start to feel the breeze?
Rushing, running,
Leaping rabbits can't escape,
The road lit for crossing,
Shoes begin to scrape.
Onward through the cold,
Something in his sight,
Water glimmers yellow,
Reflections glowing bright.
He can't sit, he can't stand,
He's stumbling about,
The water pouring down,
Has him wishing for a drought.
Burning trees, sprouting fires,
The grass starts to ignite,
Smoking tires coming,
To provide the blinding light.
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