smuttysmurf · 9 months
Darlings is a Dark Romance novel, this is the first book of the series and this book does not have HEA. This book is filled with trigger warnings including coercion, non-consent, trauma, abuse of various kinds and non-redeemable Male and Female leads. This is a completed novel that I hope to publish soon but I need to find an editor, while we wait for it to be published, here is the first chapter of the book~
++++++++++++++++++18+ Up Adult Content ++++++++++++++++
Chapter One
I study my nails, gently picking at my cuticles to ensure they are pristine, as I kneel delicately on a soft satin floor pillow. Sareth, positioned beside me, is knitting a scarf. Her slim fingers are maneuvering the yarn quickly, their movements swift and graceful. She throws a glance my way and smiles. “We have one more lesson before we get to be evaluated at the Selection Ceremony,” she informs. A hint of excitement causes her shoulders to hike up subtly beneath her small frame. I smile back at her, lifting my gaze from my nails. “We have been training since we were young,” I note, to which she nods in agreement. “Being a Darling is an honor that we have been graced with," I add, brushing a lock of my long brown hair over my shoulder.
Sareth and I have been companions since our early days. I remember standing in the town square at the age of eight, clutching Sareth's hand. Even as a little girl, she was striking, clad in a frilly dress with multiple bows adorning her raven-black hair. She flashes me a secret smile and pulls me closer as we shift our attention towards the podium that forms the center of our town. Duke Brian ascends to the stage, extracting a wand from his back pocket. A couple of taps sends a blaring sound echoing around us. He was well known around Labyri Town because he ran the town with a firm first, well organized but he ruled it with a sense of humpr and our people truly enjoyed it. Nervous anticipation bundles in my stomach as I watch him testing his microphone. After flashing a smile, he clears his throat. 
“Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! It's that time of the year when we announce the roles of our fledglings and what they can contribute to our community.”
 His gaze sweeps over the crowd, finally settling on Sareth and me. He winks in our direction, eliciting soft giggles as anticipation bubbles within us. This definitely meant that we got the position we have been hoping for. Playing pretend and rehearsing our acceptance speech had improved our glorious odds, I had no doubt. I pull Sareth closer, soon finding ourselves amidst a crowd of formally dressed people, parents with their young children tucked in by their sides. Some hold their hands clasped over their chests, the odd ones out, noticeable were Sareth and I, so instead of clutching our parents, we clutched each other. 
“I am delighted to see everyone gathered here today with such excitement. We will begin with Birth Mothers,” he declares, turning around to accept a pale blue scroll from a woman with green skin she bows her head and backs away from sight. 
He thanks her quietly before turning back towards us. As he starts reading the list, I glance around at the faces of the parents. The reactions are heartbreaking and confusing. 
"Rosalie from the Wood family." I turn to look at the beautiful young shimmery skinned girl. The young girl’s parents' faces fall. Her father raises a hand to his mouth, his face pale. Rosalie looks up at her parents, her soft blonde hair cascading over her shoulders. 
“Mommy, what does that mean?” The beautiful mother kneels and draws her daughter close, whispering words that bring tears to the girl's eyes. The position of a Birth Mother is the lowest rank a Fae can hold, but I didn't understand the depth of its implications at that time. Turning to Sareth, I quietly ask,
 “Why is she crying?” She shakes her head in response, “I have no idea.” A pit in my stomach began to grow.
The ceremony continues with more names being called, each announcement received with a similar reaction. Some fathers stand there, frozen, while others walk away, not to return until after the festival to retrieve his family. Through it all, the Duke remains unaffected by the quiet sobs as though he has seen it all before, decade after decade, hosting this ceremony for the  females who come of age to retrieve their positions. There were 15 girls in total assigned as Birth Mothers. Notably, positions are only ever granted to females. Males, in contrast, have the freedom to choose their desired position as early as 7 years old. Personally I didn’t see a problem with this, who needs to make choices? I felt that choices were cumbersome. I knew what I was destined to be, and the choice has already been made for me, as the Darlings before me. 
Soon, another scroll is handed to the  Duke. He continues to read the names of those assigned to different roles, from health care staff to nannies and teachers. With each passing role, Sareth and I exchange anxious glances, I suck in a breaht, daring to hold it, my hand gripping Sareths painfully as her little nails dig into the top of my heand. We clutch eachother for dear life.
Our names haven't been called yet, and a sense of unease settles in the pit of my stomach, the hole growing. In our society, not being chosen for a role in the grand spectacle meant one thing: automatic placement as a Birth Mother. The mere thought sends a shiver down my spine, as if I can already feel the weight of the responsibility pressing upon my young shoulders. It's not that being a Birth Mother is a dishonorable role, but it's certainly not what I had envisioned for myself. I wanted more. I yearned to be a Darling, just as my mother had been before me.
My mother was more than just a figure of elegance and grace. She embodied the epitome of beauty, adorned in gowns that whispered with every step, jewels that sparkled like stars against her skin, and a presence that commanded attention and respect. People would part like the Red Sea as she walked by, their eyes drawn to her radiance. But it wasn't just about the material trappings or the way she captivated a room with her charm. My mother held a position of immense significance as a Peace Keeper, responsible for maintaining harmony among our united nations. It was a dream job, one that I aspired to follow in her footsteps.
I couldn't help but daydream about the life of a Darling. The glamorous allure of it all, the privilege of being chosen to serve the elite, the power that came with being a trusted confidante. To wear the most exquisite gowns, dripping in jewels that would make a queen envious. To glide through the grand halls with poise and confidence, knowing that with each step, I commanded attention and admiration. It was a life of opulence and influence, a life I craved with every fiber of my being.
But as the ceremony continued, my hopes teetered on a delicate balance. The anticipation of my name being called grew with every passing moment. Would I be chosen to join the coveted ranks of the Darlings, or would I be relegated to the path of a Birth Mother? The uncertainty gnawed at me, my heart aching with the desire to fulfill my dreams.
Yet, even in the face of uncertainty, I held onto the memories of my mother's grace and strength. She had instilled in me the belief that I was capable of anything, that I could defy the odds and forge my own path. So, as the names were called one by one, and mine still remained unspoken, I clung to the hope that destiny had something grand in store for me.
Then, a golden, dazzling scroll is handed to Duke Brian. I bite my lip in anticipation, quickly shifting my gaze from the podium to Sareth every couple seconds. He clears his throat, “Last but not least, the Darling positions. This is the highest-ranking position a female Fae can hold, an honor that has ended wars, brought blessings onto our land, and stabilized our race.” The prestige of the role brings a sparkle to my eyes. My mother was a Darling, as was her mother before her. However, my mother fell from grace and was relegated to the role of a Birth Mother. I'm unsure of what transgression led to her downfall, but I am determined not to repeat her mistake. My chest swells with confidence because I know that I was destined to be a Darling and I will not fail! 
Sareth leans in so close our cheeks touch. We wait, our hearts beating in anticipation, for the next names to be announced.
 "The Darlings in training will be Sareth from the Babel family," and as time slows to a crawl, my name is called, "Tulip from the Nightdance family."
My mouth falls open, and a rush of emotions floods through me. The passion and hope I held shatter into a beautiful sensation of fireworks because deep down, I know my destiny will not fail me. The crowd erupts with applause and excitement. I can't contain my joy, clapping my hands and jumping up and down in place, gently bumping shoulders with Sareth. She vibrates with happiness, and girls from our year surround us, offering congratulations, high fives, hugs, and families waving their hands in support.
As the ecstatic crowd begins to disperse, I step back and gaze down at my black shoes, digging my toe into the dirt, tracing little lines as I await my own family's arrival. They stand at a distance, their expressions reflecting a sense of duty, of providing for and housing me. It's all I've ever known, and although my father views me as a unique possession, my brother genuinely cares for me, or at least, I hope to believe so.
The excitement is nearly unbearable, bordering on painful. After freeing herself from her family's embrace, Sareth claps and rushes over to me. My eyes dart around, searching for my father, who's watching me with approval, his nod warming my heart. My older brother, a few inches shorter than me with light brown hair and our father's twinkling eyes, approaches with a beaming smile. "Tulip, this is amazing! I’m so happy for you, you’ll be just like mom." I grin back at him, holding my head high with pride. Retrieving approval from those who matter is an uncommon and lovely experience.
My father strides over, his cold demeanor casting a shadow over my small frame. I shift uncomfortably, digging my heel into the dirt, and his gaze narrows. 
"Do not scuff those shoes; they were expensive." His words drain the warmth from my chest, and I halt my movements, nodding in obedience. His approval is fleeting, his next words sending a chill down my spine. He crouches down, gripping my shoulders, his tone devoid of any parental affection. 
"Listen carefully, Tulip. I need you to succeed; the Nightdance family's entire existence depends on you. Do you understand?"
My lower lip trembles as I look at him, his gaze far from loving. I shift and softly whisper,
 "What about George?" I nod toward my brother, and my father takes a step back, his hand going to rub the back of his head nervously. 
"He was never supposed to be born, a mistake if you will," he bites out. I flinch, catching the hurt that flashes across my brother's face before he quickly masks it. 
"He should be a Duke, Father," I murmur softly. He stands up abruptly. 
"Of course, the boy will be Duke; I will not have a child of mine work for a rank below him. It would be ghastly."
I stare up at my father's strikingly beautiful face, his eyes swirling with blue and green, filled with hostility and hatred for his own children. He pushes me forward, urging me to listen to the Duke. I glance to the side at Sareth, who offers me a gentle smile as her parents envelop her in a loving hold. Instead of jealousy or envy, I hold my head high and face Duke Brian.
Duke Brian's announcement hung heavy in the air; our lives would be forever changed when we turned 18. Becoming a Darling would demand years of rigorous training. "For those announced as future Darlings in training, you have until tomorrow evening to bid farewell to your families and gather your belongings. You will be summoned to reside within the king's court to commence your training. I hope you all enjoy your evening," he concluded. With a nod, he stepped off the stage, making way for a female speaker who droned on about the protocols of each position. Her words faded into background noise as the crowd began to disperse. I slid my hand into Sareth's, and she responded with a reassuring squeeze.
Shaking off the flood of memories, I looked at Sareth, who paused in her knitting, tilting her head and arching an eyebrow at me. My smile faltered for a moment, but I quickly shook my head.
 "Nothing. I was just admiring your beauty." She rolled her eyes playfully, a rare act of familiarity among us girls. Such gestures remained our secret, hidden from Lorelai, the striking Fae Darling with sapphire moon eyes. She was a petite yet curvaceous girl who deemed the rest of us as flawed. Lorelai would promptly report any inappropriate behavior or misconduct to the headmistress. Fortunately, we hadn't crossed paths in that way yet, but her aversion to Sareth was unmistakable, particularly as our training approached its end.
In just a week, the girls who successfully completed their training would participate in the Selection Ceremony. Wealthy and prominent individuals would choose their desired Darlings from among us. Only eight girls would be fortunate enough to be selected from our unit of 35. Those not chosen would be handed over to waiting Dukes and Duchesses, their titles demoted from Darlings to Sweeties, a rank a few notches below but still important and respected. Once selected, we would be imprinted, gifted, and sent off to our new homes to serve our new families.
With a sigh, I reached for the book resting on my lap, "The Perfect Darling." I had read it more than a dozen times; it was one of the few books allowed during our training. Lifting it, I scanned over its pages, filled with highlighted sentences from the Darlings before us. Despite its worn cover, it was well-loved, the scent of previous Darlings still lingering on each page. My fingers traced the rough paper when something poked my side. Looking up, I saw Sareth playfully nudging me with her hook. Batting her hand away, I giggled and asked, "What?"
She grinned and pointed to the clock on the wall, a cat-shaped timepiece marking 10:30.
I let out a breath and neatly set the book on the ground beside my pillow. With one hand on my knee and the other at my side, we all rose in unison from our pillows, eyes cast downward. Within seconds, the brown maple wood door opened with a soft creak, and Mistress Modella entered. The tapping of her heeled boots echoed on the marble floor as she scanned the room with a clipboard in hand. A proud smile tugged at the corners of her lips. 
"What a sight to behold," she mused, 
"I cannot believe the time is here, for you all." The girls hummed a response, the sound reminiscent of the tinkling of tiny bells. This form of communication was not easy and took years to perfect. Only the Darlings could make a single word sound so light and beautiful. It was our duty, after all, to embody perfection.
She began her rounds, starting from the end of the line of girls. A pen in hand, she used it to gently lift the chin of a girl named Annabelle. She was breathtaking, her hair long, red, and shining like silk, cascading down to her ankles like the feathers of a Phoenix. Annabelle offered a timid smile, looking up at Modella from beneath her lashes. Modella let out a thoughtful sigh.
Quickly, Annabelle lowered her gaze, her hands clasping together nervously. A misstep like this could result in a mark on her record, and accumulating enough of these would disqualify her from the upcoming ceremony, forcing her to begin Darling training from scratch next year. Modella moved from girl to girl, each one more beautiful than the last, until she finally stopped before me. A grin tugged at her lips as she lifted my chin with her pen, prompting me to look at her. 
"Tulip, look at me," she instructed, and I obeyed without hesitation, meeting her gaze.
A soft sigh escaped her lips. 
"I have trained many girls during my years at the Fae Court, but none as beautiful as you, especially with those eyes," she commented. Her words stirred up memories of my mother, whose eyes mirrored my own. She had been considered the most beautiful Darling in the kingdom due to her striking eyes. A faint smile of pride tugged at my lips – not too wide, but not too small – earning an approving nod from Modella. She then moved on to Sareth. Despite standing still, Sareth practically buzzed with nervous energy, something that did not go unnoticed by Modella, who had always had a soft spot for her. 
"Settle down, butterfly," Modella gently admonished.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lorelai staring at Sareth, her gaze burning with resentment. Lorelai was notorious for her strict adherence to the rules and bore a grudge against anyone who got away with breaking them. Either she was upset about Sareth's behavioral transgressions, or she was jealous that she hadn't been able to curry favor with Modella as Sareth did.
My attention returned to Modella just as she leaned in to whisper something in Sareth's ear, eliciting a soft sigh from her. I found myself wondering if Modella had plans to keep Sareth, a privilege in its own right, and one that Sareth would surely enjoy.
However, Sareth, like me, had a unique set of skills that set her apart from the rest. Could that be why we drew curious glances and whispers from the other girls? We had grown up and trained together, from the very first day until now. It amounted to twelve years of companionship and shared experiences – more than I had spent with my own family. The thought of being separated from Sareth sent a sharp pang through my heart. I placed a hand on my chest, turning to look at Sareth. She quirked an eyebrow in response, but I quickly redirected my gaze, eyes cast downward.
The sharp clap of Modella's hands cut through my thoughts. She began to scribble on her clipboard, announcing, 
"Darlings, it's time for your final lesson. Afterwards, you'll receive your ceremonial dresses. You may relax now!" A collective sigh of relief swept through the room as our shoulders relaxed ever so slightly. Girls turned towards each other, whispers of excited chatter starting to fill the room. 
"Now, now girls, it's not time for chit-chat. We'll have time for that at lunch. Follow me so we can begin," Modella corrected, turning on her heel and striding out of the room. We quickly fell into line behind her, like obedient ducklings following their mother.
0 notes
smuttysmurf · 2 years
Hello everyone, this is my first short story on tumblr that I’ve written and posted. I hope you enjoy it. I have to warn you, it is dark, so if you are looking for romance, flowers and a happy ending, you will not find it here. I hope you enjoy this. :) This is based of a character in My Hero Academia. 
______________________ ADULT CONTENT 18 +____________________
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It is an interesting place to work. A location between the villains and the heroes is called the beans. The Beans is a coffee place between Masutafu and the Kamino Ward District. I've been working here for almost a week. Heroes and Villains come here to grab a coffee or sweet cakes, and, Heroes prefer coffee, and Villains prefer sweet cakes with tea. Each day Sir Nighteye comes by and buys an expresso with mint tea leaves on top and hot cocoa for Bubble girl. He is a strange character. He often stares me in the eyes and goes on this spell about how important it is to laugh. I nod my head and agree and hand over his order. He makes a tsking sound with his mouth and turns and leaves.
Almight enjoys a Frappuccino. Endeavor orders his coffee black. His presence always puts me on edge. It feels like he stares into your soul and hates everything you are, standing right in front of me. He stares at me with annoyance. I blink up at him and shake my head. "Oh god, I'm sorry, I must have spaced off. What can I get you, Mr. Endeavor?" He rolls his eyes at me. "Are you new here? You should know my order." I shiver under his scrutiny and begin tapping rapidly on my iPad. Right, I do know his order. I was thinking about it, and I can't believe I didn't notice he walked in. I let out a sigh and raised my gaze to his. His eyebrow raises, and he scoffs. I shift from one leg to the other uncomfortably. "You can wait at the end of the bar if you'd like. "I will wait right here." I nod and stand there awkwardly, looking everywhere but him. His gaze does not leave me, and I let out a huff of breath, unsure what to do. Finally, one of the baristas handed me the drink, and I breathed relief and handed it to him. "Here you are." He glares at me and walks off.
I look down at my tablet, scrolling through all our receipts; it's almost the end of my shift, and I need to account for the money in my till.
The door dings indicating someone has entered the shop, a blasting aura, and a waft of cold air comes through. I look up and see that the owner of this dark, ominous atmosphere is none other than Chiseki. I suck in a breath. He makes his way to the cash register, the tail of his coat moving side to side. A blush creeps up my cheeks as I clear my throat. "Hello, what would you like to order?" He narrows his bright yellow eyes at me.
"I want to order a dark tea, perhaps Chai Kee Mun." I nod and shiver under his gaze. "Yes, I will get it right away." I turned to the barista to ensure she heard his order and turned back to Chiseki. He lifts a gloved hand toward me and presents me with cash for his order. I reach over to grab the cash, his glove hand touches me, and I quickly remove the money. A furious blush creeps across my cheeks, and I quickly punch in the keys to open the till and sloppily shove the money in with a nervous laugh. "H-how are you today?". His eyes narrowed on me, and I let out another nervous laugh. He leans in, the peak of his mask brushing the side of my face and lowers his voice. "Why are you so nervous?" He whispers, the baritone of his voice sending shivers up my spine. I lean back, startled by his closeness. "I mean, uh well..." I trail off, staring at him. He pulls back and lets out a harsh laugh. "Well, this is entertaining." I turn to see if his order is ready. "How about you and I meet up after work?" He asks, shoving his hands in his pocket and leaning back. My face flames, and I'm struck with confusion and awe. "I..." I stare at him; what looks like a smile under his mask shows, and his eyes crinkle. "I'll be right over here; he throws his thumb back and points at a table in the back by a window. I am dumbfounded as I fumble through the rest of my shift. People come and go and Chiseki never moves from his spot.
Finally, the shift is over, and I quickly give Rin my fellow barista my apron. “I’m sorry but I have to rush out of here, I have someone waiting for me.” She looks over my shoulder and bites her lip. “You do know who that is right? If so then you should know how dangerous he is. This isn’t a game.” She puts her hand on my shoulder and forces me to look at her. “I don’t think you should go.” I offer her a reassuring smile. “I will be fine Rin, I’m a big girl.” She slides her hand off me and clutches the apron. “Alright, call me when you get home tonight.” I nod at her before exiting the bar. Chiseki looks up from his book, he stands up. “Let’s go somewhere.” He then leads me out the door. I follow him. We walk in silence, and I fiddle with my hands, ever so often he would look down at me. My heart is beating so fast, and I feel like I could just die. Eventually we end up stopping at an alley way. There are no lights around so it’s dark. I know I should not go but…I look up at him, his yellow eyes examining every peace of me, heat floods me and without a second thought I follow him into the alleyway.
Suddenly his arms grab me, and he presses me up against the stone-cold wall, I let out a soft hiss and look up at him. “What are you doing?” I ask nervously, he reaches up with one hand and pulls off his mask. I inhale, I thought he was beautiful but now. “You were looking at me the entire time like you wanted to be fucked by me.” A blush crawls up my neck and I look away. “Or fuck me, either one.” I shake my head, “I just think you are beautiful.” He raises a brow at me. “Tell me no and I will stop.” I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. “Now is your chance to say no to me.” I stare into his yellow eyes and everything logical disappears. I shake my head, “Yes...” A dark smirk spreads across his lips and he leans down into the crook of my neck, inhaling me. “Good, because there is no escaping me now.”
Everything becomes a blur as he leads me further into the dark alley. My stomach makes little flips and before I know it, we are in a building. Inside the building there is low lighting. I look around expecting some sort of apartment. “Where are we?” I ask hesitantly. He walks ahead of me and slides off his coat and underneath it is a well-fitted black button up and it makes his white gloves stand out. I stand still. All around is concrete, as if we are in a garage. In the center of the room is a single over hanging light and underneath that light is a cross with cuffs on it. I clutch my bag to my chest. Off to the side is a black leather couch. He sets his coat down on it and besides the cross is a metal table, it looks like what doctors’ offices use. He stares at me, rolling up his sleeves. “Well? Isn’t this what you wanted?” A shiver runs down my spine as I look back toward the door. I turn back and he tilts his head. “You can’t back out now, you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into. I’m not a hero. I am a Villain, remember that.” Fear pricks my fingertips and toes, the desire to dart out the door is almost unbearable but I’ve played the good girl for far too long, I followed the rules, I respected my parents, I’ve never committed a crime. I inhale, straighten my back and begin to walk toward him, ignoring all the warning bells. I drop my purse halfway through onto the ground, my phone tumbles out but I ignore it. A cracked screen doesn’t bother me, as I make my way toward him, I begin to strip my clothing, peeling it from my body and litter the floor with it until I stand in front of him naked.
His piercing yellow gaze racks over my body and he inhales sharply. “I watched you watch me.” He whispers, closing the distance between us but never really touching me, my breath picks up as I stand there before him, the air pricks my skin and goosebumps spread across my arms and legs. “I watched the way your eyes dilated.” He blows air against my neck, his lips inches from my collar bone. “I know what you do in the bathroom, you can be pretty loud.” I pull back and cover my hand over my mouth. “Relieving stress from a hard shift?” He pulls back. “Get up on to the cross.” I hesitate, staring up at him. He narrows his eyes on me. “Do it or get out.” I stumble up on to the platform and press my back against the wood. “Arms up.” Without hesitation I put my arms up. He walks to my side and clasps my wrist into leather handcuffs, he does it to the other side and I am completely bound, naked and helpless and that sends a thrill down my spine. He takes a step back and observes my shivering body. “You look beautiful.” He states, his thumb goes over his chin. He’s observing me as he would a piece of art. “Thank you.” I whisper and he stares at me. “Don’t speak until I say you can.” I suck in a breath. I want to protest but I fear if I do, this all will end, and it hasn’t even started yet. I nod my head “Good girl.” He says and he turns to the metal table and now that I have a closer look a device with a bulb like head and a narrow body with a cord lay on the metal table along with a knife. My eyes widen. He grabs the device “Don’t speak.” He moves until he is directly in front of me, and due to the platform, I am slightly taller than him. His gaze drops to the junction between my legs. He grins. “Wet? Already?” I blush and look to the side, unable to meet his face. “What a cute little pussy, with a little tuff of hair?” He reaches over and tugs on it gently. I let out a squeak and attempt to pull back but there is no room to move much. He chuckles and slides a gloves finger over my wet folds. I let out a whimper and without thinking about it “you will get your gloves dirty!” He pulls his hand back and stares at me in silence. I shift under his gaze and look down at my bare feet. He stares at me for what feels like forever until he returns his hand to my pussy and circles a finger over my clit. I gasp, “Didn’t I tell you not to speak?” He asks as he begins to circle my clit faster. I wiggle under his finger, a moan escaping me. “Did you like touching yourself in a public bathroom?’ He whispers, his fingers sending relentless circles that send pleasure straight to my core. I whimper and he tilts his head, he slides a second finger inside of me and I almost loose it. He pulls his finger out and slowly back in, slowing the circles across my clit. “You are a dirty whore, what are you thinking about at work? Do you want to fuck everyone? The heroes and the villains?” He smirks, “I see the way your body responds to Endeavor. I bet you want him to fuck you.”  He begins to pick up pace, plunging his finger in and out of me. Another moan rips through me and I shake my head no in response. “Oh sweetie, you say no but the more I talk about it, the wetter your pussy gets.” My face flushes and I squeeze my eyes shut. “Were you touching yourself like this in the bathroom? At work no less?” I whimper softly, I squirm, and the chains connected to the wrist cuffs raddle. “Did you do this?” He asks as he pulls his finger out and begins to circle my clit with three fingers. I buck into his hand, the pressure between my legs building. I moan out, gasping and squirming. “You like it when I touch you here?” He asks. “Speak, tell me you want to get fucked by heroes and villains alike, what you want us to do to this slutty body.” I shake my head, I spread my legs for him, and he stops. “Tell me or I stop.” I open my eyes panting “I want the Villains and the Heroes to fuck me, I love it when you touch my clit.” He makes a tsking sound and pulls his hand away, I let out a defeated groan. “Please...” I whisper and he turns the device on and without warning he presses it against my clit and I see stars. I’m coming so hard that I can’t see straight, a scream rip through me. He keeps it pressed against me “that’s right, ride it out.” The orgasm hits it’s peak and I am squirming away from the vibrator. He keeps it there, his eyes narrowed in one me, I blink at him, his face is contorted darkly. He tilts his head and pulls it away. “I never remove these gloves, unless I have to” he says, and he shoves his fingers into my cunt. I groan and he removes them to hold his gloves hand up. “Look at how wet you are.” He says, rotating his hand slowly to show me my release. A blush covers my face and I look away. “No, don’t look away.” He states he grabs a hold of my hair with his free hand and forces me to look at it. “See how dirty and disgusting you are? Speak.” I stammer out “I’m sorry! You can take them off and give them to me, I can wash them...” He grins and returns his hand between my legs, flicking my clit. My eyes roll to the back of my head. “Cum again.” He demands and I cum violently on his fingers. “Again.” This time he plunges his fingers into my pussy and presses the vibrator against my clit. I shake and shiver, tensing my body up as another orgasm wracks my body. “Don’t stop.” He says, he flips something on the vibrator and the vibrations get stronger. I arch my back, pulling on the chains, sensation blacking out my vision as once again I cum violently against him, he keeps his fingers inside me and pulls the device from my sensitive bud. “Do you want me to take these off?” Speak.” I open my eyes and stare at him, drunk off the pleasure and I nod.
“Speak.” I bite my lip before softly whimpering. “Please take your gloves off.” He grins, and pulls back, he slides his glove off his right hand and holds it up to the light, my release soaks the fabric. I blush deeply and bite my lip harder. “Look how disgusting you are.” He states, he steps up onto the platform and leans in close. “Dirty disgusting.” Now that he’s closer the lighting doesn’t mute his facial features. My eyes widen and my heart thumps in my chest. He’s looking at me like I am a cockroach. I pull back, trying to create space between us. “Why the change in attitude?” He asks as he holds the glove up directly in front of my face. “Look at this, you were obviously enjoying yourself. You wanted me to take my glove off, didn’t you?” I shake my head no and he takes his gloved hand and presses my face against the wood, he leans in close his face inches from mine. “I told you; I was a Villain.” With that, he shoves the glove into my mouth and his bare hand touches my shoulder. The last thing I see is his grin and the last thing I hear is my phone as it goes off and then all I see is black.
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smuttysmurf · 2 years
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Sir Nighteye -  Very clean hero, wants to make everyone smile and laugh. He has a very selective and peculiar taste....
Enjoys punishing until you laugh
Judges and scrutinizes
favorite color - red and yellow. 
Hates - weakness
Loves - laughter 
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smuttysmurf · 2 years
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Chiseki - A handsome and calculated villain who is definitely a hard Dom. 
Loves the color red 
Hates to get dirty
Enjoys watching you suffer
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smuttysmurf · 2 years
Episode 68 - Sir NightEye
ChaiChat and NightEye  brought me back to the gutter, the depraved and nasty part of the gutter. I did my best to stay away, I was successful for so many years but don’t tell my kindle library that.... So here I am making an entire tumblr because apparently there is a community of smutty little passionate writers and I wanted to join, thanks Night eye. 
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