socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (god, prayer and miracles)
now let me begin by saying i am not religious in any capacity excluding taking holidays for the christian faith (but who wouldn't?). as a kid i went to a christian school that held services and prayers several times a week, had to memorize over a dozen hymns and had to have prayer and be respectful to this other faith. 
i am atheist or as i prefer to think of it as a very strong agnostic, now there is a difference, but ill leave it for the professionals to argue the finer points. Simply put i i don't believe in a deity or deity's, i cannot believe that there is a figure up in the sky or space or out of the solar system or out of the Kuiper belt or out of the Oort cloud or out of the Galaxy or even the Universe, or whichever one we have got up to in disproving. A being that is neither male or female and has no beginning and no end and can hear and change things for us. Someone responsible for everything. UNLESS he will show himself and tell everyone how he does it.  GET REAL, now the only option from science is to suggest that this God, this deity is energy. Which would explain the everywhere and always impacting things and always changing. But that's getting into some philosophical and physics shit that is rather confusing.
now if your still following me then i shall get down to business, that's if your not so sentimental or phobic of having your faith questioned that you stopped reading. Then again you wouldn't be reading this if you had... moving on.
now people come from all around in times of hardship to pray for forgiveness for health for a loved one, for advice on just about everything. However most people only resort to this when times are bad. they come to bitch about their problems and ask for a faceless mythical spirit or alien to fix their shit. 
miracles dont make sense either i mean they basically work like this:  if you are really really good and santa always puts toys in your stockings you can be a dick once and get it fixed by a magic wish if you ask really hard. in the event that you receive what appears to be a miracle you thank god because he is totally listening and then you move right along. Nobody ever asks why? or how? that's where a scientist can usually use their skills with a bullshit alarm and work out the real reason. i will be the first to admit that there are things unexplained by science, but that is why science exists, to learn and to develop. 
now prayer everyday is nonsensical but if you really believe that you are contacting god then why would he want to know about your shit, and moreover if he controls all then he made things shit for you in the first place, why would he go around fixing things if he is responsible in the first place. 
additionally why would he leave 12 stone tablets that would be turned into a book that would cause so many conflicts in the time it was around. how many innocents have died because of gods plan?
you can simply write them off as infidels or traitors or blasphemers or the devils children but this is a load of bullshit - are they not influenced by god also. are there really people that god "created" that are not part of his plan (- a quite obvious catch 22). So is god merely the guy placing objects in Gary's Mod ? 
Is he the creator and sole player of a sandbox game of humongous proportions. If so then he is one sadistic bastard, so many wars so much death, disease and injustice in the world. i bet he loves turning people into cows.
some might argue that god left us alone and we must make him proud, my question is why would he give a shit about all the microbes living on one of his marbles that is his enormous sandbox. Also if we are to make him proud then that is to say to act in his refection which is to say we must mass murder, poison and destroy things for the fun of it. 
DISCLAIMER: i claim no responsibility for the outcome of your reading or readings of this post and i hope you think about this ridiculous and most popular lie told to people. 
seriously though don't go and massacre people leave that to god or COD or other video games.
i  might as well tell you that the cake is a lie and that half-life 3 is announced 2015 and you would believe me without question because i am the one true messiah of video games. 
NO SOUP FOR YOU lovely and clueless people
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (Inappropriate Television Advertisements )
Ok now here is a pet peeve of mine that rings really close to home.
Here in the 21st century i don't watch much tv i watch tv shows sure but those pesky ads are avoided like the plague. there are very good reasons for this and one such reason is unwanted and terrible ads. For a man the worst thing you can see advertised on tv is female hygiene products. now i have never met a woman who openly talks about her choice of personal hygiene, and if i do i will NEVER care more than knowing what i need to pick up from the supermarket. its only excelled by the requirement to be on the tv at literally every opportunity, at any hour, its like not enough people are using tampons for fuck sake. 
Another example of stupid and annoying advertising is advertising toilet paper. Now let me ask who doesn't use toilet paper with the exception of people with bidet's, screw those guys. so why would i need to know that yours feels like puppies rather than ducks. im going to wipe my ass with it, literally! and tbh my ass doesn't like sandpaper so if it works then stop advertising and undercut your competitor with your advertising budget because the only thing making the difference in sales is the price of a 24 roll pack. 
another thing of that drives me mad is the pathological need for toothpaste companies telling me that there is something special about their specific tube. some have slight anesthetics to prevent or reduce the pain of sensitive and exposed roots, others say they have whitening components that bleach your teeth sometimes literally most of the time its due to a more abrasive grit. unlike the other two at least the advertisements for this are a laugh as they attempt to explain science, with so many flaws that it doesn't even represent science anymore.
these are just three that i have noticed in the last 5 minutes between watching the voice and master-chef. its not hard and its not warranted. 
NO SOUP FOR YOU and reconsider your business model before you harass me further!!
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (People Wont Finish a Drink Because of Backwash Myth)
I know people who will down 5 beers leaving around 1/6th of it because its backwash, and moan about being out of beer. Bloody idiots.
Am i right? There are still people out there who think that the last 15ml of their beverage is somehow worse than the other (insert volume here). It makes no sense that the bottom of you drink would be more polluted that the rest of your drink. Let me take you to school, your saliva is made of 99.5% water, yes water! The other 0.5% is bacteria that helps maintain your mouths hygiene.  If you are drinking soft-drink the sugar syrup that its made from is more dense than water, so it would be at the bottom. and any trace amounts of saliva would be on the SURFACE. This is the same for any spirit or beer. They are primarily water (not primarily alcohol (ever wondered why is says 5% alcohol? its because its 5%)) so it is suspended anyway. Water is well water so its sort of explains itself you cant contaminate significantly it with the same thing. So really you have been drinking what little saliva you transferred into your drink the WHOLE time. In addition to this you are drinking a FUCKING drink its going in your mouth to mix with your saliva and then go down. "Awww it tastes different" no your just an uneducated moron. Your taste is dependent on what you mix with your saliva so it makes sense that you couldn't tell if it was there because it ALWAYS there.  
The most logical thing to do if you want to avoid backwash is to open a bottle and never ever drink anything again. Take one sip and your fucked.
Now moving right along in this masterclass,
Unless you decided to start a spitting competition or chew tobacco, then you have no reason to have more than normal levels of saliva in your drink. Thinking as such either confirms your status as a drooling brain-dead amoeba (that's saying something) or you clearly haven't been consuming liquids properly.
Its not an excuse, its not a reason and most importantly it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
What would I know i'm just a 2nd Year College/University Chemistry Major
Either dont drink liquid ever again and go die in a desert, or get it in your heads!
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (desire of fake tits)
I've done clothes and no i'm doing tits so sit back and relax and enjoy the moment and realize the truth in what i'm saying:
let me begin by stating that this is strictly referring to the breast size of women. No man boobs are in anyway are to be thought of in this post.
This has been coming up for several years and there are plenty of comedians who have commented on this phenomenon. Despite that it is still happening and business is booming.
There is a considerable amount of interest in getting fake boobs, now let me begin by asking what is the reason you want fake boobs? why would you ever want them. 
If Kim Kardashian has taught us anything -  god forbid,  then its that big fits does not an appealing woman make. (don't worry I doubt she could decipher this sentence structure.)  
 - are you an A cup and self conscious?
-easy to say but not a great reason because there is nothing wrong and you will be able to have fulfilling relationships regardless (trust me explained below). 
- are you trying to impress people?
- people are already looking at you and if you really need everyone's approval you are doing life wrong.
- do you want to do porn?, Stripper? or bikini bar?
- maybe but you know what your getting into.
- is it because of breast cancer?( or any other disease requiring drastic measures)
- probably one of the only reasons that i accept is a viable reason, it does return some self confidence after Mastectomy tumor removal.
- does your man want you to get them? (i does happen don't lie)
- seriously? its your choice and you shouldn't be doing it for somebody else.
- do you want to be bigger than the next girl?
- so you can have girls tell you, look at you and think how slutty you are and hate you for it?
is it a fetish?
kinky but not my business. And probably not good for your back.
OR is there another medical or mental reason that is more impacting.
Let me be totally honest, most men don't care if you have a huge rack they don't care if you have a pair of  double D's, you will have men looking at you they are interested and you have nothing to worry about.
stop with it, there is no reason to have bigger boobs that cause back pain than more self confidence but you shouldn't need to alter yourself to gain respect. if anything by getting implants you will lose respect (this is contrary to what people who get implants usually think before getting them).
the biggest enemy is doubt in yourself.
Don't be afraid its not an issue deal. Never and i do mean never has a man said "i don't want to go out with a girl with such small tits", never has a man said " i didn't go to second base because she had small tits". IT DOESN'T HAPPEN ...EVER
Regardless of what every magazine says regardless of social standards. You are a girl and you are hot to somebody and more likely a lot of somebody's. Be yourself and if you think body mutation is going to make things better. It never will unless it's for the right reasons.
your beautiful, you don't need it, and if you think you do... NO SOUP FOR YOU!
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (Hot or Just Slutty)
So today i was watching some old movies (James Bond's from the Sean Connery and Roger Moore era) and afterwards i flipped onto the TV Perhaps being a guy i was looking where guys look in bond movies. Know what i'm sayin' ;) well after flipping through channels i realize that there is something wrong with women in today's era. i'm a fuckin' 90's kid and im thinking this crap. 
Hot or just slutty?
Anyway it came to my attention that there is a problem that i find quite annoying and naturally (due to the events around the idea) its related to women because its so much easier to genralise about one sex rather than jump through hoops to make it fit more than one.
i have always wondered why it is the pre-programming of almost every woman i have encountered that they must dress up for everything, i personally find a woman most attractive when they are themselves wearing something nice and they feel confident in themselves having a great time. Not to mention their guard is down!
perhaps its the magazines or the stereotypes from media or pressure or any number of other things i can't possibly understand fully.
by no means does wearing a pair of short shorts that show your underwear and are 2 sizes too small and chafe make you ATTRACTIVE, slutty yes attractive NO, the only men you are going to catch with that lure are people you shouldn't be letting on the line. (fishing analogies i just had to revert to fishing analogies) do not lose the circulation in your legs from skinny jeans or leggings or crazy tight belts. 
leggings are a different story and if done well i can appreciate but when girls buy leggings with the intention of running around showing their whole butt to the world i draw the line. if done right they can be sexy. this is acceptable in my eyes when a girl is happy to wear them and walk around normally and just looks natural. (there is no clear set of rules or things to consider when it is done well so its a case by case method) but more often than not it is done in the most slutty way possible. it just looks BAD. while i'm hear i might as well go on to mention patterned leggings are a flip a coin event and by that i mean they can be amazing showing your individuality and unintentional hot and quirky personality. But get it wrong then there is no going back, people will look A LOT and maybe you get a good catch but more often than not there will be nothing but losers. 
i could go into details about showing off your titties but i cant be bothered opening that can of worms right now so it will be separate and raged at on a more personal or rather direct level.
each guy has differences and preferences some including the ones listed below, but almost all accept that the really slutty ones with way too much makeup and *insert option here: smoking, glitter lipstick, huge amounts of eye-shadow, poor clothes for the temperature, highlights in the hair, and revealing tops* are generally not worth the time.
now i'm the sucker for a tights and miniskirt kind of girl who is happy wearing jeans and a shirt but also a nice dress, i'm rather simple, i like women if they're happy with themselves i'm happy as well. but give me a woman who is dressed so slutty in public i can't help but gawk and look where i shouldn't (can't help it still male). Sure it's nice to look at but i go and look from a distance. not because i am weird but because i don't want to think about every guy breaking his neck to look up their skirt.
Some might call me a pig when i write this and say this is just as bad but, me and some mates at Uni sit down and observe the scenery and sometimes rate (when bored- which is all the time) what we see (its passing the time and having a little fun at the same time), there are several things to compare, there are the:
slut rating
mystery rating
hot rating
style rating and or quirky factor
personality rating
and the overall: worth it? rating
and relationship potential.
not always done with numbers but making it quantitative is better than qualitative. i mean how far do you get with "would bang"?
you would be surprised how low the ratings are, rarely you will see more than a couple above 7-8, most below. i will admit you need to be considering where you are looking. what the net group of people study. Generally we observe the side where the supposed better looking chicks and where the smarter chicks go, naturally its hard to get a seat.
and before you ask yes i have  ranked all of women that i know personally and are good friends with using the same system and criteria. I have rated each and everyone of them each time i see them both casually and at parties and gatherings. (all guys do it and i'm sure the girls do something similar)
so in summary:
i  have to disclaim that i don't speak for the entire populous of men in the 18-30  age group but i can say that for many men they don't mind (or in the words of men " don't care") what you wear. By all means wear something you want to wear but don't sacrifice comfort and piece of mind trying to fit into some ridiculous skinny jeans or some obscene high heels.
dressing slutty isn't and nor will it ever be hot. the best a guy will get from it is a shame boner and that's rare to never. Maybe i'm weird maybe i shouldn't be so open. Men don't care, as long as you have your personality and are contempt to live there is little that can make you better than you already are. i have to admit all people are different but for this guy, be yourself, your whole self... just let loose and have a good time.
men aren't picky, i REPEAT MEN AREN'T PICKY
maybe i've shared too much, maybe i wont even post this but,
chicks who over-do it NO SOUP FOR YOU
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (I said then she said then I said one sided conversations)
Now here’s the thing girlfriend, I don’t give a DAMN what you were taking ‘bout I don’t care what you doin’. you get it? Maybe this helps: http://fearless-selling.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/I-dont-care.jpg
 I don’t care if you were perving on some guys at the local mall. - (yes I used perving because I don’t think it’s fair that only guys are perv’s just sayin’) Sure I want to know about it if anything came of it! But its fine to look! When people recount every detail of a conversation line for line, its unnecessary and quite frankly a pain in the ass to listen too. I don’t need every FUCKING WORD told to me in chronological order. I am quite satisfied with a brief summary of the main points lasting no longer that 5 minutes. Any time after that I am not listening I might nod my head or respond to a sentence but I couldn’t care less.  You could be telling me you are converting to another religion or taking up knitting or deciding to join a radical group and I would respond with the one of these responses: “uhuh” /“that sounds good”/ “how dare they”/”I can see that”/ or the eternally overused cliché used “that’s interesting”. (then ask a completely unrelated question - this works so well)
I know it’s a cliché, but its true.
 I know it’s the only way you know how to tell me things but is fucking terrible. Learn a fucking skill. Please! On that note how do people cope with you when you are working? Personally when im talking to someone I would rather have a short brief chat or a long heated debate or share some views than listen to a conversation that literally makes me want to cleave my own eyes and ears off. Maybe it’s the BS that I cant get around, maybe I hate ongoing nature of it. Tell your girlfriends about it, tell them the 10000 word essay you want to tell me and give me a plot summary. Tell them all in minute detail but I don’t want to hear about it because it doesn’t affect me. (unless it does and even so, tell me short sharp and to the point)
I don’t want to know why you couldn’t convince a friend (whose name I don’t care to remember) to buy a pair of bright orange stiletto’s that were fuck ugly.
Stepping me through the never-ending decision-making process is unacceptable.  
Talk about anything, tell me about some random fact or why a clock goes clockwise and not anti- clockwise think about it what is clockwise? Where did it come from? Anything to get away from the drawl of boring crap.
Maybe you tell me im being insensitive that’s not it, that’s not it at all! There are things that concern me and this isn’t one of them.
Come up with something good to tell me, or don’t complain when I turn into a zombie who will tell you whatever you want to hear just to shut you up. Or if I turn on the TV don’t get mad because I would rather watch desperate housewives or jersey shore than try to follow the rapidly spewing vomit coming out of your gob.
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
I hate it when: (boring lecture)
You get all excited for a lecture (it could happen) and you think it will be really entertaining (ha yea right) then you sit down and you are faced with an old man (or woman with facial hair) who is so boring you would rather canvas the wall for signs of the previous lectures notes no matter the subject.( even particle physics or economics) you look at all the cracks in the ceilings and you examine what website the guy is looking at in the row infront of you and if your feeling desperate you begin trying to decipher the 20 years of bored uni students thoughts and doodles on the desk. maybe you make some grammatical corrections or you add a dick drawing somewhere. anything to pass the time.
thanks to modern media and the mobile phone there are now so many more outlets. you can post things (like this - which is what i'm doing right now) you can snap-chat the person next to you for kicks or you can procrastinate on twitter or stalk someone on facebook, its fantastic!!!. there are endless possibilities and i have only scratched the surface i haven't even mentioned our beloved tumblr or the fiery hell that is reddit addiction.
so naturally you look up once every 10 minutes out of guilt or wondering if the BUILDING IS ON FIRE!! in some hope that one day it actually happens.(im still holding out)
maybe you ask what the friend next to you is doing to stave off insanity. naturally you hear the casual reply "nuthin" and if you are like me you respond that sounds great can you tell me more? then you check on the guy with the laptop in front of you again. (same guy as paragraph 1)(maybe he found a good cat meme?)
and so it continues for what seems like eternity.
after around 3/4 of the lecture you realize that its nearly over and we all start gazing at the clock to see if it will go faster BUT IT NEVER FUCKING DOES. Clocks are such PRICKS!!!
then the lecture is finally over and you race to pack up you books and hurry out the door questioning why you even turned up and what you gained from it. Then once outside you have a moment of clarity, you couldn't care less, for the next 5 minutes you're free to do whatever you want before you turn up late for your next lecture.
  I HATE THEM AND NO SOUP FOR........oh fuck yea the lecture is over time for FUN!
(yes i realize that it's a huge cliché)
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
I hate it when: (self checkouts)
Now Far be it for me to complain about peoples incompetence but this one is really fucking annoying.(as i endeavour to complain about peoples incompetence)
So your entering a supermarket and you have spent half an hour looking for your groceries. Then you walk to the checkout with twice as much stuff as you need and 20 items you thought you might try. You realise that there are only 2 people working checkouts, but that's ok because there are self- checkouts. The bad news is that there is a line and not just any line but a line full of people who have lived in the dark ages and don't know how a checkout works. Now if acne riddled 17 year old with the intelligence of an orange can work out one of these why not you? Are you really that hopeless? So your standing in line waiting and these idiots who cannot work out how  to scan a barcode. Its on a corner of the box its not hard its there is a big FUCKING black and white striped sequence of numbers! It fucking stands out!!!!
So usually there are 4 -8 of these, on this Particular day all are taken up by these fools. I shit you not I waited for 40 minutes for a self checkout to be free. Now this might seem like complaining for the sake of it. However this was so infuriating. Now sure I make a big deal about it, but there was nothing to do. I mean I had my phone but it was on 20% battery so it was no good for games or music or even to text someone out of sheer boredom. So I stood there wanting to scream.  i saw this woman try to scan a bag of chips and. a few tins of fruit for at least 15 minutes and what's more the attendant came over to her after about 5 min and asked if she needed assistance and she sent them away
We have had these things for years how have you never had to use one before. More than that how did you think they worked before you had to get off your ass and do it yourself?
For once in my life I miss that fuck-ugly cliché teen that can't speak English who is by all reasonable examination brain-dead. This is mortifying, I can't even begin to imagine how people who lost their jobs and were replaced by machines feel about this.
  They are supposed to speed up checkouts, they are supposed to make it more efficient, but you just end up with frustrated customers who either can't function at a less than vegetated state or people who have to wait for idiots. There is no excuse either bring back mister 17 year old acne face or get these people some fucking help!
NO SOUP FOR YOU - fucking supermarket cues are killer
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (pirating DVD's is unacceptable , but recording is fine)
How moving past all the "pirating dvd's prevents people in a multi-billion dollar industry from getting paid" claim, even though they don't get paid on commission they get paid based on predetermined wages, and looking at how parents view torrent-ing/ripping movies. Ok so i don't speak for everyone, but in the last 5 years i don't know how many times my folks have said to me its bad to rip dvd's and you get a shit quality film. Bullshit! these days you can get a better film than what the corporate stations are showing on the tv. 
This does not stop them asking if you can work the digital recorder and record the movie on the local tv station in shit quality with ads because they want to watch it later and are too stupid or ignorant of technology to do it themselves. 
More importantly when you get a torrented movie it doesnt have the piracy warning, but when you buy a DVD legit you have to sit through a 4 minute bullshit fest about stealing files. now who's the sucker?
So, usually these two conversations happen at the same time and it drives me nuts how stupid it is. oh you dont want me to copy it but you are fine to do so off the tv. fucking backwards ass thinking is why nothing drastic happens each year in politics(in Australia anyway).
Every time its the same think what if you get caught torrenting a movie? and then i say:
We better arrest facebook for child pornography and every parent ever for naked photos of their babies.
We should arrest all the school kids for ripping music
We better arrest every person that has access to a piece of home recording software/ hardware.
We better arrest everyone with a security camera for breach of privacy.
We better arrest everyone with a car who has ever exceeded the speed limit.
We should arrest everyone who has told a lie and falsified their information in a form.
We should arrest every 17 year old who has a fake id.
We should arrest every person who j-walks.
Where does it stop?
Pull your fucking finger out, you backwards arseholes.
I don't think there is a person alive who hasn't committed a crime to some degree. If you have an internet connection and you haven't downloaded a file/song/movie/picture that's a fucking lie.
I hate the fucking stupidity of it all,
this is bloody ludicrous and has just gone too far. 
that's my two cents for today,
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (Impossible Equality + Femi-Nazi's)
Ok, so this is a well known affliction affecting people in the most over exaggerated form, claiming one thing but wanting so much more and it really grinds my gears.
i never thought i would need a disclaimer but here is one these are my opinions and are subject to debate and dispute but by no means are they a right to know better its just what i feel to be correct and factual. don't like what i have to say don't read it, it makes you mad and hate me i don't care!
Now lets begin: not unlike prince the artist formerly known as prince, feminism has blown up! 
now hold the phone i'm not taking a gun to my head and saying equality isn't important and i'm not going to say that its un-achievable but,   (gotta love those "but" sentences,) i cannot and will not support the femi-nazi approach to feminism, for too long has there been a radical group trying to achieve the impossible.
go ahead and dont shave your legs, dont dye your hair, dont do your nails but FFS once you start wanting the benefits of being a woman and all of the benefits of being a man as well then go fuck yourself. 
you have to take the good with the bad, you cant have all the good and no bad it doesn't work that way. 
you claim equal rights and respect and you are slowly getting it but the radical people (in my opinion) are trying to do so much more.
im not going to even take the scientific approach and say that men and women AREN'T physically the same creatures.
you want equal rights start by getting rid of women only gym's get rid of girls' school's, i'm sure all of the boys schools will integrate the girls seamlessly. Have equal job opportunities both is the fields men dominate and the fields women dominate, yes! they exist open your eyes. 
Have mixed sex school sports teams, oh you don't want little miss sally to get hurt by the boys, should have thought of that before wanting total equality. you don't get to be selective and pick and choose what you want to equal in. your core argument is that feminists want full equality. so if you got equality, you also want a safety blanket, sorry take it or leave it sista,
 oh well if you don't want equality then the people so hard done by a lack of equality and throwing down the sexism card are sexist. 
no more showering with gifts, flowers, no more rape only applies to women, don't play the pregnancy is worse than everything you could understand card, don't get pissed when they forget an anniversary, don't expect your sex appeal to get you anywhere, because you wanted to be treated like a man in a woman's body so go to the football, live in filth and enjoy a beer and don't be surprised when you get angry at the idiotic bullshit that occurs daily around you. 
i have no problem with people being treated right i just see what some are trying to reach for. A society where women have men chained up and make all the decisions but say they are equal. at least when men held all the sway they were pampered and cared for in 95% of cases. (excuse the old fashioned beat your wife mentality - that was just archaic idiocy)
DONT ACT SO UNGRATEFUL near perfect equality will happen but it is not all good things, and that is often overlooked,
a bit like ying and yang but you get the idea, radical feminists beware im sick of you shit!
NO SOUP FOR YOU, i'm done here... (mic drop)
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: ('organic' food)
there is no such thing as inorganic food period. 
all food is by DEFINITION 'organic' it is related to and made in part by carbon. 
as a food is defined as something of plant or animal origin that provides nutrients, fats and proteins it contains as it is living containing carbon it is ORGANIC.
now many people cannot accept that every living thing is organic (for some stupid reason probably corporate brainwashing) but it's true it's a fact! a scientific fact.
to all those organic farmers and organic hippies yes they still exist as a plague on this world you cant use it you cant have it and you should be stripped of using organic as a word because its terrible and wrong.
now i can understand that 'organic activists' want and need to justify the insane price of vegetables and meats that are 'organically' produced more correctly and acceptably you could use 'naturally' produced.  not to mention that its full of holes has a low yield harvest and is terribly inefficient. 
first and foremost i'm not going to argue why i think people who swear by organic food are idiots, or why their backwards thinking that caused famines is better. i can accept that their is a benefit and potentially more nutrients and health benefits of these natural or commercialized foods.
looking at this website where they argue that organic food puts conventional food to shame, i can accept some of their points as i read through UNTIL i get to this argument:
"Irradiation kills bacteria and extends food life."(u-huh i agree) "But, it also alters the molecular structure and life force of the food." ( my god are you serious, the author of this article is an idiot.)
first of all radiation occurs all the time its in the soil, its sunlight its also radiating from you just because you cant see it doesn't mean it isn't there you ignorant hippy prude. 
then i get down to this:
"Organic food stores don't sell genetically modified (GM) food. It's suspected that GM food causes allergies and decreases your immune system. Government is being secret - at least vague - about the health consequences of GMO food. I've read enough to not want to take a chance. Do you?" 
my god you start the article being serious and using factual information and then turn it into a fluff piece with nothing to support it. we can clone animals we can grow organs but make my grapes less susceptible to frost damage potentially ruining a whole seasons crop.AND EVERYONE LOSES THEIR FREAKING MINDS (yes im talking about the Joker meme lvl stupidity) 
now whilst i have nothing against the 'organic' lifestyle or the natural production of food within the means to support a community. i can't get past the use of the word. never have i ever found an inorganic banana. 
by the way things that are inorganic are dead or more correctly contain no carbon component.  yes i'm talking of a banana made out of dirt. 
honestly how can people be lea down this path, when these people are broadcasting lies and bullshit. be convincing yes but do not lie or misrepresent something to do it. 
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
I hate it when: (pep talks)
much like the illustrious motivational speech or speaker i have to say pep talks are frustrating at a whole new level. Not only do you have to listen to the diatribe coming out of their mouth but you have to pay attention to it. Because it's usually one on one and pulling your phone out to play flappy bird isn't socially acceptable. unfortunately. 
i've already covered most of the conversation side of this problem in the motivational speeches rant so this one will focus on the user side of the problem. rather than the server side that has countless examples to bore you to death.
so when getting a pep talk you need to maintain interest and pretend to be taking in what the person is saying. this is the hardest bit because you cant just smile and go to your happy place you need to actually react, i try to do this in a number of ways.
option 1 : the head nod - this is a moderately slow motion with your head like you are agreeing with something they said like they understand. this is similar to the head bobble from the Indian culture where it is like saying yea, maybe as a response. this is a way of agreeing with the person but not taking full responsibility for it. its a get out of jail card that makes the person talking to you feel good whilst trying to shut them up.
option 2: the smile - this is a more dangerous strategy as you need to be subtle, you cant have a Cheshire cat grin but you cant have  a smirk like you are full of shit. 
option 3: the ahuh - this is a bad idea as it all depends on your tone of voice. more than 70% of communication is through tone and body language. 
option 4: the alright - much like the ahuh it is dangerous territory as people think you know what your talking about and will probably ask you a question. bad move if you want to slip under the radar.
my personal favorite is the first option but it requires the most work to perfect. and until it's perfected you are very obviously full of shit. 
getting back to pep talks, so you are sitting there with someone telling you how to suck eggs and you wonder when they will shut up, you also have to be ready for the question they will ask you so they know your on the right track if you have pulled of one or more of the above techniques then you are likely to skip this part and return to buying a chocolate bar or coffee and procrastinating to the bros.
when coming from family its harder because they have had time to learn most of your techniques and tells for ignoring them, this is where you need to be caught when you are drinking or eating and avoid them when you have things to do.
claim to be busy or not in the mood and say we can discuss it over dinner lunch or some other activity. The best time happens when you come to them when they are clearly busy so they shoo you away, but then you have the i came to talk to you earlier card.
all in all pep talks are a great way to perfect your craft and develop what i call the "bullshit expression / action". but once mastered or confident they are the most excruciating and boring things to be a part of. 
this ended up being more of  a how to guide to avoiding questions from boring conversations.
sometimes you need to be serious and listen and obviously more so when it involves a girlfriend or wife, but honestly they will repeat the problem over and over and once you have heard it twice or more you stop listening. 
pep talks, no thank you!
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (Grandstanding LoL - League of Legends)
Now its not everyday that i rage about video games but today is different, i feel really committed to bring to light my experiences with the massive game with loads of popularity that really pushes my buttons.
First of all its a fucking game, don't take it so seriously, yes i love my k/d ratio i like my head-shot counter and i can understand the ferocity that occurs, when you lvl up or advance a tier from Silver to gold or platinum or whatever the lvl system is.
When you begin to obsess over the minute details of a game and try to tell people what you did last night in a game you have gone too far. i don't care, you tell me all about how you were blitz-crank and you raped their team by hooking them and how you trolled people with Teemo. i couldn't give a shit.
By all means enjoy a game and if you recorded the footage show off but don't insist on reenacting the whole thing like it was something spectacular. 
Now i accept that i might get alot of hatred from this but i don't care, i know some people play video games because they are socially awkward and use video games to deflect from that but there is nothing more boring than sitting around listening to someone tell me about how they got ACE in League and pwn3d them n00bs.
Yes i am a gamer, yes i own more than one fucking video game, yes they are across consoles and pc, yes i like alot of genres
Yes i have League (because LoL was too confusing), yes i have played it, do i feel the need to tell the world how i went on every game, no. whilst i will admit i am a fps and RPG gamer and not really entertained by the RTS environment, i still cannot fully understand the hype. maybe its like Call of Duty back when it was good (cod 4 - 7 era) but its so much bigger and i dont know why.  Simply put if you want to share your experiences go get a capture card and post that shit on youtube with some good voice-overs, where all the people who like watching that shit go to watch it. 
This isn't the last rant about the wonder child League of Legends and i have already thought of something else that pisses me off but i've vented for today.
League of Legends Grandstanding, you do it, NO SOUP FOR YOU
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (filters anywhere and everything)
Ok let me begin by saying i have used and messed around with many filters but i cannot for the life of me understand why most of them exist and why people love them so much.
There are so many variations of filters that change so little. there is something for everything and a million things that are unused and un-necessary. some have such subtle differences it's almost like nail polish and as a guy, the mystery is the size of a parallel universe where the difference between shellac, jelly and creme makes sense. 
Sure you can edit photos to remove certain imperfections but it's these imperfections that make it memorable, sure you don't want some china-man walking in front of you when you take a photo (i'm not racist at the moment it happened to me recently)
Now i have come to understand that the main use for filters is to make an ugly photo less ugly or just for fun. Now you can tell when its a cover up by looking simply at the type of photo and particularly how close a shot is.
The cover up
Its usually a photo that you think is fine but may have a slight imperfection. So like a super conservative exhibitionist you have to hide it, so you add a ridiculous filter.
For funzies
Now this is a category reserved almost entirely by teenage girls. Whilst the brain chemistry of these strange creatures could keep NASA in business for several decades its not the best business plan (but who are we kidding they need the ideas). It must be noted that this category is a grey one i can accept some things easier than others. A black and white photo can look good if done sparingly and  to show depth or sophistication. However your gurl-friends duck-facing is not one such spectacle. i could even begin to query why the duck-face exists at all, but that is delving deep into NASA's future. 
For the life of me, i cant even begin to fathom why you would want an x-ray filter because not only does it not work but it has little to no purpose. What beautiful Phalanges, what sharp jaw bones.
Whilst it doesn't piss me off unless your uploading 100 sepia photos from your phone, in which case it pisses me off immensely.. A phone capable of sending astronauts to space. honestly why?
I don't want to be sifting through a mountain of sepia bullshit for that one hot photo of a girl i like or am interested in, its a waste of your time and a waste of mine. for shame.. for making my Facebook Staking and Instagram stalking harder.
Though in hindsight i should probably avoid people with tonnes of edited and photo-shopped photos because you don't want a woman's gossip magazine as your girlfriend, you want to know what your getting not what they are showing you in their poor editing skills. BAM!
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (Conversations for Conversation's Sake)
Ok so this one is something everyone can understand and appreciate,
Conversations that are conversations for the sake of it, there is no easy way to introduce and analyse these kinds of conversation so i will just run a dialogue as then rant as it comes to mind: savvy?
P1 :hey its been such a long time! how are you? 
P2 :really good i've been keeping busy, how about you?
P1 :good too, i have had a lot of work to do lately but its manageable.
P2 :awkward silence.........................................
P1 :that's good to hear! 
P2 :thanks!
P1 :so where are you working/studying/sleeping with/dating/ married to/ doing at the moment?
P2 :same places as before
P1 :im so sorry i dont remember much, i feel really bad (because you dont really give a shit and will forget in 5 minutes time if you haven't already)
P2 :that's ok im married to mark and working for a little accounting BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Satisfied? i struggled through a boring conversation with myself like i was at a BBQ or high school reunion because i felt obligated to show up... i hope it was worth it!
this conversation is then repeated with everyone around the room before you and everyone in the room doing the same has had enough booze that they start cracking jokes or talking about reality tv or whatever garbage they can think of... this is also about the time when the music is cranked up and people start singing along because your all a little too inebriated. 
its at this point after the music has be blaring out for an hour or so where everyone starts to get bored and checks their phone realizes that it is getting late has one more drink, texting someone/ playing angry birds/ candy crush or whatever the latest and greatest piece of shit mobile phone video game is sweeping social trends and then decides to leave and go home or the elusive club march getting pissed.
But the trick is everyone is thinking the same thing so as not to all get up and leave at once like the sheep you are,  you have to now be strategic, this is where you need to pick a chance to get inconspicuously close to the host of the party and thank them about 2-5 minutes after the previous person. now here is the art you have to wait long enough that it isn't obvious that you really want to leave immediately and not too long that that someone jumps the cue and beat you to it and leave you waiting for another 2 min to leave when its safe, the smart person tells the host at the beginning that they need to be somewhere at a specific time and then you dont need to worry about the aforementioned time delay, they know your coming so its not weird.  
yay what a great party!! then thanks for having us i had lots of fun!
then as calmly as possible GTFO!, get to your car and get as far away as humanly possible. 
this started off as an "i hate bullshit conversations" then swung more into a "how to GTFO parties" after plan. 
either way it was "great to catch up", "interesting" and "it should be done again soon"  
i can't stand these conversations and feel the inexplicable need to ask more prying questions to stay my boredom, so watch out i might just ask you what you think of game of thrones or how contemporary art theory is even a subject. 
NO SOUP FOR YOU and have a nice day, im off to a party, oh joy!
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (LOL in all its glory - a modern interpritation)
Ok, lets get started because this is going to take some time, possibly some examples and definitely alot of profanity...
You've been warned it starts...
so if you want to skip this bit fine by me, just head on down to where it says "HERE".
So in the event that you have had your head in the sand for the last 10 or so years there is this thing and it's called the internet and it's popular now... and you're using it... right NOW
Considering the path that Facebook took as an example of the progression youth slang and expressionism, FACEY has taken off! Starting from a crazy idea that college students should have profiles and hit on each other. It then blew up, became huge and successful with the youth of the world to post immature and personal data online, this was the honeymoon period where everyone thought it would be fine with no repercussions. sadly this did not last. Facebook became popular with the kiddies and the greater public. This was the mainstream period where there was huge exposure and everyone wanted to customize and personalize their won  pages, then businesses started to get involved posting pages for their restaurants. But with this there was the introduction of adults using Facebook it began with the late 20's and 30 year olds the 40's and older were reluctant and avoided it like the plague, however eventually through seeing their kids with Facebook and wanting them to be safe and see all the photos of their friends and children they joined the ranks. Many will argue that this is the beginning of the end of Facebook however it hangs on we manage by blocking our family from seeing everything and prevent all those relatives from seeing what we are posting. This forces many people to change their names because after its posted its there forever. Sadly its not what it once was. But now its different they are aware of Facebook and now it is something to check when looking for a job and suddenly that photo from 2009 where you are throwing up from a beer bong is no an accomplishment. 
So now after that short introduction:
There is a plague among us running rampant across the web, there is no treatment that is not severe there is no cream, topical lotion or spray that reduces it potency. its like HIV once you have it you are fucked if you don't acknowledge it. It is unforgiving, it is for lack of a more expressive example, like nails on a chalkboard, spliced together with a violin screeching out of tune through the overhead speakers of an aeroplane whilst a infant screams their lungs out on a 20+ hour flight.
Once popular and miss-used by the youth population to the extent of verbal suicide. The term LOL is defined as Lots of Love and is a symbolism of peoples commitment and good spirits. It can be utilized in in conversations and messages of all kinds as an appreciative statement. 
Naaa, just fucking with ya,
It means Laugh out Loud, and began as a way of quickly typing a response when something is funny/ amusing/ entertaining. This term became so popular that people forgot what it was about and began using it when something is mildly relevant and or giggly. (WTF is giggly anyway i don't even know and i typed it, maybe i should google it? )
Presently or rather for the last 2 years LOL has meant something different to the youth population. It is the thing you say in awkward situations it is the excuse you use when you have heard an especially lame joke. Regrettably it is used as a way of misleading, deliberately by men when they are hitting on a girl sometimes as a test to see how quirky she is, or when they don't know what to say. (you have to pick the scenario -generally both)
Sadly like with everything on the internet the older generations are slower to catch on and still haven't taken the hint that LOL has changed, and thank god they still don't understand memes. 
Now im the first person to accept that lol has turned into a shit storm and one that needs a final adeu! i have and sometimes use LOL for the aforementioned test and the lame joke lol however it is unacceptable to use LOL in EVERYTHING, just got the shopping LOL, just went for a run LOL, just baked a cake LOL http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/To_Love-RU_laugh_1215.jpg a prime example.
Now all of us who are aware of it know that the people that miss-use LOL the most are the older characters if you know what you mean. its the mothers primarily it is the mothers who insist that every moment they do something is hilarious. 
LOL.....LOL....LOL........ LOL
For shit sake lol is not a sentence completer, it is by no means a way to say your amused by something mundane and day to day,
If you MUST use LOL for something funny then use it for something hilarious something fantastic something that is a huge fail, just don't and i mean don't use it for that pic of your kids, or that old photo, its not a Laugh Out Loud moment nor will it ever be, that ridiculous costume that was hilarious back in 1980 maybe but not last night's dinner.
This is less of a pure rage that entices me to be angry and lash out but more of a frustrated and cringe worthy event.
But that aside i really do HATE it and it has gone on long enough 
Some might tell me that "its already a thing of the past and everyone knows", to them i say i was on my Facebook feed for less that 5 minutes yesterday before i saw 20, yes 20 examples of it being abused by people i know, not just family too, its still out there and is just like malaria, it spreads like wildfire and unless you bring the proper precautions namely a gun loaded with a single bullet you are going to have a bad day.
im out,
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socialtruthnazi-blog · 10 years
i hate it when: (Zoo's on Holidays)
so this is a more out there one and requires minimal firing of neurons to be effective,
i'll try my best to keep it simple for the modern brain dead generation,
So you're going on holidays and you're looking at things to do, go to the beach, go shopping, go sightseeing, kick back at a pool... and inevitably someone suggests going to a zoo. Now i will let off the hook anyone who has never gone to a zoo before or there is a special intrest animal like a panda, but they are almost all the same.
"Why do you say this?" you might ask
You have a bunch of different animals in cages fed until they die with little to nothing to do. its like animal jail. once you have seen a lion in a cage you have seen all the lions you will ever need to see in a cage.  
by all means if you would like to see a new animal great but i cannot and will not accept that emulating noah's ark with no flood or reason in every city is ridiculous. 
(for those lucky enough not to get the reference, apparently there was a guy who could fit all the animals of the world onto a boat and stopped them drowning when god had a tantrum) i'm not going to get into the bible because that is like attacking 3/4 of the worlds baby despite the faults. 
i'm not even going to mention how and why would animals from other continents come to this boat just to survive a flood?, if there is a displacement of water to one side of the planet the other is going to lose water mass, its like the tide it doesn't magically go up and down for no reason. (or for all intensive purposes it does (gravity and all that))
so where was i?
zoo's yea that's what this started off as,
once you have seen one you have seen almost all of them, maybe they have some rare animal elsewhere but it doesn't excuse the excessively overpriced gift shop you have to walk through on your way out. 
spend your holiday on your terms and if that includes a trip to the zoo, by all means. Go to a temple or a nice waterfall or a volcano or some ruins of a bygone civilization.
just don't be surprised if everyone is bored with it in 2 hours of seeing the same animals you could see a couple of hours from home at your local zoo. 
here is a catchy line: " come down to your local zoo today, see what crazy mutations have occurred to survive, its only the best of the best here," 
"come to the zoo for endless hours of the smell of animal feces and terrible food at outrageous prices"
i just love the idea of little kids asking questions,
"mommy, mommy why cant all the birds just fly away?"
"because Timmy they are trapped inside a big metal net and cant get free"
mommy mommy what is this hot-dog made out of?
"about 100 different animals and several million little ones you cant see!"
mommy mommy why are the animals so lazy and bored?
because they have nothing to do all day, except make baby animals, then they just lye there until they get old and die
all in all zoos are crap. they sell crap they smell like crap they look alright but then you realize the animals are in cages when they could be in better and bigger facilities or this place called THE WILD. you realize its all... you guessed it ... CRAP
i have had people tell me that they have gone to the zoo in every country and major city they can, when i ask why? they say i like animals and every zoo is different. my answer: what do you mean the only difference is that the zoo is written in a different language ,has a different name and floor plan.
go to a zoo once maybe twice but that's it i'm over it!
suggest a zoo on holidays,
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