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oh damn so he was just window shopping for his future body? 😔
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literally no one is going to want to kill fyodor. not because it's hard but because ew then you become him. gross.
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Spoilers for Chapter 114.5
This confirms that Dazai is literally the only person who can kill Fyodor since he would nullify the possession. Which makes the "You can't kill me line" way funnier because Fyodor was really thinking
"please for the love of god do not be the one to kill me"
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Fukuzawa: you ever gaslight your son into having a God complex?
Mori: uh no....mine came with one
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BSD Chapter 114.5 Spoilers!
The thing that makes me so angry is this makes a lot of sense, Bram was way too powerful to stay aligned with the ADA so he needed to be taken out of the story. And this way it means the Vampireism will be undone since im assuming (big assumption but still) that Fyodor can't use the ability of the person he takes over.
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anyone know why there's some ginger kid on the wing of the plane im in lol should i be concerned
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Bsd but everyone speaks their native language part 2 (part 1)
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I think that we, as a fandom, moved on too quickly from this. Nevermind the fact that they came up with the idea to have Chuuya fake shoot Dazai with a gun (unsurprising), what kind of situations were they getting into for them to need Chuuya to fake shoot Dazai enough times for it to be "a thing"??
Did Chuuya have to pretend to accidentally shoot Dazai in the middle of a face-off? Or to purposefully shoot Dazai who was taken prisoner "so he wouldn't talk" and get everyone's eyes off him with a fight so Dazai could snoop around? Were they playing the betrayal/switching sides card regurlarly? Was Chuuya likely to be planted in the crowd as some enemy? Or perhaps the opposite, with Dazai infiltrated in order to intimidate their oponent? Did they run scams with it somehow?????
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This was the entire point of the story! Chuuya is human because he's Chuuya, it doesn't matter if he was the clone or the original he would still be human. its what Rimbaud says at the end of 15
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Chuuya is human not just because of the end of Stormbringer. It's not because of some scar he has that proves he was human all along. Chuuya is human because everything he says, does, and thinks is so human like that he automatically is human.
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you know he would have been one of Those kids
inspired by this pic:
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what's with this sassy, lost child. (jk i love her as well)
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the concept of skk having to practice any of their insane plans or signature moves is so funny but I can't see it. These guys are freaks. Dazai can set up crazy traps within a few days' notice, and Chuuya will face off against anything and find a way to outsmart and/or overwhelm it and win. They defeated Rimbaud with a plan Dazai came up with mid-battle and 2 minutes of communication (that was mostly about feelings). The first time Chuuya used Corruption happened a few minutes after Chuuya learned about "safely" activating it on purpose. Dazai got himself captured on purpose during the Dragon's Head Conflict and didn't tell Chuuya he had to come save him later, he just waited for him to connect the dots. Yes they came up with little strategies and gave them codenames to be cool and sneaky and that means they either sat down to suggest moves or have been coming up with names on the fly after doing something cool. That doesn't mean they practiced them thought.
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Chuuya just sitting there being peak idgafer is hilarious 😭 he's said im clocked OUT my job is DONE i'm not getting near that corpse if i don't have to
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Dazai, struggling to pull out Fyodor's (fake) corpse: i could use some help Chuuya, unmoving, watching him struggling: yeah i bet u could
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Don't forget about the Palestinians.
Don't forget about them now.
Don't forget about them tomorrow.
Don't forget about them in a week from now.
Don't forget about them in a month.
Don't forget them next year.
Don't forget them in 5 years.
When the history books start to update, don't let them put lies in there.
When documentaries come out, boycott the ones who call this a victory for Israel.
When books release talking about soldier's personal experiences with Palestine, remember the victims. Remember the truth.
Don't forget about what we've seen.
Don't forget about what we've heard.
Don't let them tell lies about Palestine.
Don't forget about the Palestinians when the world tries to make this go away.
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