ss-astrology · 6 months
Venus in houses
Venus signifies love, beauty, relationships, art, aesthetics, and harmony in astrology. It also represents how we express affection and what we're attracted to.
These post are general and won't resonate 100% because we have to consider other aspects too.
For entertainment purposes only!
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Venus in the 1st house
People with Venus in the 1st house tend to be naturally charming and attractive. They have a friendly, approachable vibe that draws others in. People often find them physically appealing, even if they're not aware of it. These individuals have a certain grace and poise about them. They carry themselves with elegance and may have a good sense of fashion and style. They know how to make a positive first impression. Venus represents beauty, and when it's in the 1st house, these folks have a deep appreciation for all things beautiful. They may have a keen interest in art, fashion, or design. Socializing comes naturally to them. They enjoy being around people and are often the life of the party. They make friends easily and can adapt to different social situations with ease. Relationships play a significant role in their lives. They are often focused on creating harmonious and loving connections with others. They may fall in love quickly and enjoy the romantic aspects of life. In conversations, they tend to be diplomatic and tactful. They have a way of saying things that doesn't ruffle feathers, which makes them excellent mediators in conflicts. People with Venus in the 1st house are generally well-liked and popular. They have a magnetic quality that draws others to them, and they can often get what they want through their charm and charisma. Many of them have artistic talents, whether it's in music, visual arts, or any other creative endeavor. They may find joy and fulfillment in expressing themselves artistically. On the downside, they may have a tendency to indulge themselves a bit too much. This could manifest in overeating, overspending, or other forms of self-gratification. They often have strong preferences when it comes to aesthetics. They know what they like and don't like, whether it's in their home decor, clothing, or personal grooming. They value harmony and balance in their lives. Disruptions or conflicts can be particularly distressing for them, and they may go to great lengths to restore peace. Their personal values are very important to them. They are likely to stand up for what they believe in, and they seek partners and friends who share similar values.
Venus in the 2nd house
Having Venus here often means you appreciate the finer things in life. You might have a knack for making money and enjoy spending it on beautiful stuff – whether it's a fancy car, a stylish wardrobe, or a cozy home. You're likely drawn to luxurious and high-quality items. Quality over quantity is your mantra. You'd rather have one exquisite piece than a bunch of cheap stuff. Venus in the 2nd house can bring a touch of charm and grace to your financial dealings. People might find it hard to say no to you when you're asking for a loan or negotiating a deal. Your values play a significant role in your relationships. You're attracted to partners who share your values, especially when it comes to money and possessions. Harmony in these areas is important to you. You tend to be generous with your loved ones, showering them with gifts and treats. It's your way of showing affection. You usually have a good sense of how to manage your money. Financial stability is essential for your peace of mind, and you work to achieve it. Venus also rules beauty and art, so you might have a keen eye for design and aesthetics. You could excel in professions related to art, fashion, or interior decorating.You find pleasure in the sensory experiences of life – good food, beautiful surroundings, and physical comfort. This can also extend to your romantic life, where physical intimacy is essential. if Venus isn't well-aspected here, it could lead to overindulgence in spending or a tendency to be materialistic. Be mindful of not equating your self-worth with your possessions.
Venus in the 3rd house
Venus in the 3rd house blesses you with a silver tongue. You have a natural charm in the way you speak and interact with others. Your words are like sweet melodies, making it easy for you to connect with people on a personal level. You're a great conversationalist and can easily win people over with your pleasant demeanor. Venus is the planet of beauty and creativity, and in the 3rd house, it infuses your communication with a touch of artistry. You may have a talent for writing, public speaking, or storytelling. Your creative ideas flow effortlessly into your conversations, making them engaging and memorable. You're socially adept and thrive on building relationships with those in your immediate environment. This placement often indicates a strong bond with siblings, making you a friendly and supportive sibling or enjoying close relationships with your brothers and sisters. You may also have a knack for forming close friendships with your neighbors or people you encounter in your day-to-day life. Venus in the 3rd house can make you a lifelong learner. You have a curiosity about the world and a love for acquiring knowledge, especially in subjects related to art, culture, and aesthetics. This placement can encourage you to pursue studies or hobbies that involve beauty, such as literature, music, or the visual arts. While you're charming, your interactions with others may sometimes be perceived as flirtatious, even if that's not your intention. You enjoy the playful side of communication and may engage in witty banter or playful teasing. This can make you quite popular and fun to be around. In relationships, you express your affection through words and gestures. Love letters, sweet text messages, and small romantic surprises come naturally to you. You appreciate the beauty of love and use your communication skills to strengthen your romantic connections. Your relationship with siblings tends to be harmonious and supportive. You're there for them when they need you, and you bring a sense of ease and understanding to your family dynamics. The 3rd house also relates to short journeys. With Venus here, you may have a fondness for weekend getaways, road trips, or other short adventures, often with loved ones.
Venus in the 4th house
You find a deep sense of emotional security and comfort within the confines of your home and family. There's a strong need for a harmonious and loving domestic environment. You have a strong attachment to your home and might enjoy decorating and making it aesthetically pleasing. Your home is often a place of comfort, love, and artistic expression. Family plays a significant role in your life. You may have a close and loving relationship with your family members, particularly your mother or maternal figures. You attach sentimental value to family heirlooms, traditions, and memories. Your family's history and heritage are important to you. Your approach to love and relationships is nurturing and caring. You may express love through taking care of your loved ones, especially within the home environment. You seek a harmonious and peaceful home life, and you might go to great lengths to maintain a loving atmosphere. You enjoy entertaining at home and often find happiness in hosting gatherings. Venus in the 4th house can grant a good sense of style and design for home decoration. You may enjoy collecting art, antiques, or items of beauty for your living space. Your early childhood experiences, especially in your family, can strongly influence your attitudes and behaviors in love and relationships as an adult. There can be a strong interest in real estate, and you might invest in properties or find a career related to homes and interior design. Striving for balance and emotional security is crucial for your happiness. You seek relationships that provide a sense of comfort and emotional well-being.
Venus in the 5th house
With Venus in the 5th house, you have a magnetic charm that makes you naturally attractive and romantic. You seek love and pleasure in creative and playful ways. You enjoy the excitement of romance, and your relationships tend to be passionate and full of affection. This placement enhances your artistic and creative abilities. You may have a talent for music, art, or any form of self-expression. You find joy and fulfillment in creative pursuits and often use them as a means of showcasing your love and affection. Your inner child is very much alive, and you enjoy fun and playfulness. You may have a special connection with children and might excel in roles involving teaching or working with young people. Your love life often resembles a romantic fairy tale. You have a love for entertainment, whether it's through the arts, sports, or other leisure activities. You enjoy the finer things in life and are willing to invest in experiences that bring pleasure and luxury. Your charm and charisma are accentuated, making you a natural flirt. You tend to be social and love attention, often becoming the center of attraction in social settings. This can be a positive trait in your love life and personal relationships. You may be more willing to take risks in matters of the heart. This can lead to exciting and passionate relationships, but it may also involve some ups and downs. Love and creativity often go hand in hand for you, and you're not afraid to pursue your passions. If you become a parent, your love for children will shine through. You're likely to be a warm, affectionate, and creative parent who encourages your children to explore their own creative talents. Venus in the 5th house can bring out your dramatic side. You enjoy being in the spotlight and expressing yourself with flair, whether on stage or in everyday life. You may have a wide range of hobbies and interests that allow you to express your creativity and love. Your interests can become a big part of your identity and how you attract and connect with others.
Venus in the 6th house
You have a natural flair for bringing beauty and creativity into your job. You tend to enjoy work that involves art, aesthetics, or social interactions. You are likely to be diplomatic and pleasant in your interactions with colleagues and clients, making you a valuable team member. Venus in the 6th house often bestows good physical health. You are inclined to take care of your body and may be drawn to activities like yoga or other forms of exercise that are not only beneficial but enjoyable too.You are charming and diplomatic in your interactions with co-workers. This can create a harmonious work environment, but be cautious of overindulgence in office gossip or drama This placement can signify a love for helping others. You may be drawn to careers in healthcare, social work, or any field that involves assisting and nurturing people. You have a strong need for beauty and aesthetics in your daily life. You might decorate your workspace, have a well-organized and visually pleasing schedule, and appreciate the finer things in your daily routines. Your creative talents can be expressed through your work. You may find ways to infuse artistry into even the most mundane tasks, making your daily routines more enjoyable and fulfilling.Be cautious about romantic involvements in the workplace, as Venus in the 6th house can lead to romantic attractions with colleagues. It's essential to maintain professionalism in such situations. You may struggle to find a balance between work and personal life, as you can become so absorbed in your job or daily tasks that you forget to take breaks for self-care and enjoyment.
Venus in the 7th house
Venus in the 7th house indicates a deep need for harmonious relationships. You are drawn to partners who are attractive, charming, and cultured. You seek equilibrium and balance in your partnerships and may avoid conflict whenever possible. You have a natural ability to attract people and form meaningful connections. You may be seen as diplomatic, charming, and well-liked in social situations. Your charisma can be a significant asset in your personal and professional life.This placement often signifies a strong desire for committed and long-lasting partnerships. You are likely to value the institution of marriage and may dream of a fairy-tale romance. Venus in the 7th house can enhance your artistic and creative talents, as the 7th house represents partnerships, and Venus is the planet of aesthetics. You might find artistic expression through collaboration or partnerships. You have a refined sense of beauty and may be drawn to artistic or visually appealing partners. You appreciate art, fashion, and all things aesthetically pleasing. In your relationships, you tend to be diplomatic and value compromise. You may go to great lengths to maintain peace and harmony, sometimes at the cost of expressing your true feelings. This placement can influence not only your personal relationships but also your business partnerships. You're likely to have a good sense of business and can form lucrative partnerships, particularly in ventures related to beauty, art, or design. While Venus in the 7th house brings a lot of positive attributes, there can be challenges too. You may struggle with being overly dependent on your partner for emotional well-being, and at times, you might fear being alone. People with Venus in the 7th house often attract love into their lives. However, the challenge lies in maintaining that love over the long term, as you may idealize your partners. Your ability to negotiate and find common ground with others is a significant strength. You're skilled at resolving conflicts peacefully.
Venus in the 8th house
You possess an intense and deep emotional nature. Your feelings are not superficial; they run profound and can often be veiled, even to yourself. In your romantic relationships, you seek deep, passionate, and transformative connections. You're drawn to intense, soulful bonds with your partners. Your desires and pleasures are deeply rooted in the physical realm. Sensuality plays a significant role in your life, and you may have strong sexual appetites. The 8th house is also associated with shared resources and joint finances. You may have financial dealings with others, such as business partnerships or shared assets with a spouse. Venus in the 8th house can give you a magnetic and alluring presence. People may be naturally drawn to you because of your intense charm and charisma. You are inclined towards personal transformation and growth. You're not afraid to confront the darker aspects of life and explore the mysteries of the human psyche. You take your relationships seriously and are willing to invest a lot of emotional energy into them. Loyalty is crucial to you, and you may have a tendency to hold onto relationships longer than most. Financially, you may experience highs and lows. Joint financial matters can be a source of both gain and loss. It's essential to be cautious in financial partnerships. The 8th house is associated with the occult, mysteries, and hidden knowledge. You might have a natural inclination towards astrology, tarot, or other mystical subjects. Venus in the 8th house can also lead to a desire for control in relationships and financial matters. You may find it challenging to trust others completely. Your love life is often transformative. Relationships have the power to change you, and you may go through periods of intense emotional growth and change through love. On the downside, you might struggle with jealousy and possessiveness in relationships. It's important to work on trust and open communication. Venus adds an element of grace and elegance to your personality. You have a refined taste and may enjoy indulging in luxurious and beautiful things.
Venus in the 9th house
You possess a deep love for exploring new horizons, whether through travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits. The desire to expand your worldview through these means is a significant part of your life.Venus brings harmony to your beliefs and values. You seek a sense of unity and may find beauty in various cultural, philosophical, or religious traditions. This placement often indicates a person with a more liberal and open-minded approach to different belief systems. You're attracted to intellectual and philosophical subjects. Learning is not just a duty but a pleasure for you. You may excel in fields related to higher education, publishing, or teaching. Venus in the 9th house encourages an appreciation for art, culture, and aesthetics from around the world. You might have a love for foreign languages, literature, or art. In relationships, you may be drawn to partners from diverse cultural or educational backgrounds. Romantic relationships often have a touch of adventure and exploration. Travel can be a source of pleasure and learning for you. You may have the opportunity to travel for pleasure and education. These experiences can be pivotal in your personal growth. Your ability to express your beliefs is marked by diplomacy and charm. You can discuss sensitive topics without causing offense and might even be a mediator in philosophical or religious debates. You seek deeper, spiritual truths and might explore various belief systems to find your own path. This placement often indicates a person on a lifelong journey of self-discovery. Your sense of aesthetics is influenced by your exposure to different cultures. You appreciate the beauty in diversity and may incorporate elements of various cultures into your personal style or home decor. At times, your strong desire for expansion and exploration can make you restless or commitment-averse in relationships. You may need to find a balance between your love for freedom and the stability of a long-term partnership.
Venus in the 10th house
You are likely to be quite focused on your career and public image. Venus in the 10th house suggests that you have a strong desire for success and recognition in your chosen field. You're drawn to professions that involve art, beauty, fashion, design, or anything that allows you to express your creative and aesthetic talents. You possess a natural charm and diplomacy that makes you adept at dealing with people in authority. This can be a valuable asset in your professional life, as you have the ability to network, negotiate, and create positive relationships with influential individuals. You have a refined sense of aesthetics, which can be applied to your career choices. Whether you are an artist, a fashion designer, or even in a corporate setting, you appreciate beauty and elegance. This can help you stand out in your profession. Your public image is important to you, and you are often seen as someone with a strong sense of style and grace. People may view you as a tastemaker or a person who embodies the ideal of beauty and harmony. Venus in the 10th house can also indicate an interest in social standing and a desire to be associated with those in higher social strata. You may feel comfortable in elite social circles and aspire to climb the social ladder. You tend to approach authority figures with diplomacy and grace. This can help you navigate your way through the corporate world or other hierarchical structures with finesse. There can be a connection between your career and your relationships. You may meet significant others through your professional endeavors or choose a partner who is supportive of your career goals. Careers in public relations, marketing, or any field that involves presenting an appealing public image may be particularly suitable for you. Your ability to make things look good is a valuable skill. You are likely to gain popularity and recognition in your career, which is influenced by your charm and your ability to win people over. However, be mindful of balancing your personal and professional life. With Venus in the 10th house, there can be a tendency to prioritize your career at the expense of your personal relationships, so it's important to find equilibrium.
Venus in the 11th house
Venus in the 11th house is like a social magnet. People with this placement often have a natural charm and are well-liked by their friends and acquaintances. They're the ones who make social gatherings more enjoyable. This placement fosters strong and meaningful friendships. Venus encourages harmonious connections, and in the 11th house, it means you're likely to have a wide circle of friends who genuinely care about you. The 11th house is associated with social causes and humanitarian efforts. With Venus here, you might be drawn to charity work or other activities that promote social well-being. Venus in the 11th house makes you great at networking. You easily connect with people who can help you professionally and personally, which can be a significant asset in your career. You're a team player by nature. Collaboration and group activities bring you joy, and you're likely to excel in team-based projects. You might find yourself involved in social or community events, and people often look up to you as a popular figure. Your charisma and appeal can lead to a high level of popularity. In matters of love, you're an idealist. You seek a partner who not only shares your goals and dreams but also someone who is your best friend. Your love life is often intertwined with your social circles. This placement can also bring creative friends into your life. You're drawn to artistic, musical, or creative individuals who inspire you. On the flip side, there can be a tendency to keep some emotional distance from friends. You might appear more aloof than you actually are, which could be misunderstood by some. The 11th house represents your hopes and dreams. With Venus here, you're likely to have artistic and aesthetic aspirations. You may want to make the world a more beautiful place. Venus is linked to money, and in the 11th house, it can bring financial opportunities through your network and friends. Your social connections might play a role in your financial success.
Venus in the 12th house
This placement often indicates secret or clandestine love affairs. You might find yourself drawn to relationships that aren't out in the open, maybe due to societal or personal reasons. You've got a vivid imagination and a strong creative streak. This could manifest in artistic talents or a penchant for daydreaming. You tend to keep your emotions hidden, even from yourself. It can take a while for you to truly understand what you want and need in love and relationships. The 12th house is about self-sacrifice, and with Venus here, you might find yourself giving a lot in your relationships, sometimes to the detriment of your own needs. You have a deep well of compassion and empathy for others. You might be drawn to help those who are less fortunate or in need. Venus in the 12th can inspire artistic pursuits in seclusion. You might excel in creative fields where you can work behind the scenes. This placement can also indicate a strong connection between love and spirituality. You might seek a partner who shares your spiritual beliefs or find love in places of worship. On the flip side, relationships can be a source of inner turmoil. You might attract partners who are emotionally complex or who bring hidden issues to the surface. Your idea of romance can be dreamy and idealistic. You might have high expectations in love and may need to learn to balance these with reality. The 12th house is often associated with past life issues and karma. You might feel a strong karmic connection with some of your partners. Privacy is essential to you when it comes to love. You might not be one to flaunt your relationships on social media or in public. Your desires in love can be somewhat unconscious, and you may not always understand why you're attracted to certain people or situations.
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ss-astrology · 6 months
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Studio After Cigs aka St.Aftercigs -My inner beast has had enough hibernation. New year, new risk, crazier, better me, Paintings: Acrylic on Linen Canvas
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ss-astrology · 6 months
I updated and expanded this post. It's scheduled on my blog, and I'll update this with the link when it's available. <3
Venus in Love
Venus plays the role in the actual act of love between you and your partner. It explains how we want to be loved and how we love. Venus is our eyes as well as our heart, and she is what we value in a partner. She is our warmth, and a partner with the same or similar Venus and Mars understands our romantic and sexual needs.
Fire Venus: Excitement and new experiences is what you crave from a relationship. A partner discovering the world and taking you somewhere new every so often is what you crave. You quickly jump into relationships with people you are interested in which can be a blessing or a curse. Love always feels fresh and incredible to you.
Water Venus: Settling into a relationship is where you feel most comfortable; when you and your partner truly connect in love and emotions. You are attracted to hearts and emotions, and you usually find yourself gravitating toward emotionally vulnerable people.
Earth Venus: A lover who lets you take care of them is the most appealing for you. You are easily lured in through the eyes, and a partner who is generous and romantic appeals most to you. You’d rather take things slow and truly get to know your partner before considering love, but you can be an intense, gracious, and loyal lover. You tend to gravitate towards well rounded and put-together people.
Air Venus: The type to fall in love with a laugh, you love as easily as a fire sign. If you find the right one, it’s as if nothing else matters. You can’t stop thinking or talking about the; they’re always on your mind. You may find yourself talking to them or about them at all times.
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ss-astrology · 6 months
I updated and expanded this post. It's currently scheduled on my official blog, and I'll post the link when it's available. <3
The Moon in Love
Our moon sign displays our needs, maternal instinct, and emotions toward our partner. It is our conscience, our inner monologue toward other people, and it is how we choose to love someone. We emotionally connect to people with the same or similar moon signs to ours. Emotional connection to our partner is a crucial aspect to maintaining a relationship.
Fire Moon: Intense, new love excites you. You want a partner who enjoys going out with you. You want an active person with a similar mindset when it comes to fun. You see holding grudges after an argument as pointless. You want someone who can let go and be the rawest versions of each other with.
Water Moon: A sensitive partner who listens to your troubles and solves them with you; that’s what you have in mind. You want someone who understands who you are and what you need, and they need to make it clear that they aren’t wasting your time from the start.
Earth Moon: You need to go slow and find the right partner for you, someone who isn’t too aggressive or pushy. You want someone to be gentle, maybe even romantic, and to ease you gradually into feeling the relationship.
Air Moon: You need intellectual connection with a partner. Someone you can talk to and really understands what you mean when you come up with a crazy theory. You can fall in love easily if you truly connect to someone, and a partner that understands that laughter is the best medicine is your goal.
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ss-astrology · 6 months
The Wandering Moon in Sagittarius - SS-Astrology
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ss-astrology · 6 months
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ss-astrology · 6 months
Calling all astrology bloggers!
I started accepting guest posts on my blog. I'd love to introduce different perspectives, share knowledge, and network with others who have the same fun hobby as me.
If you love to write about astrology too, feel free to inquire here.
The guest post can go on my blog, and it will be shared on this Tumblr account. Fresh points of view are always welcome here.
And if you have a blog that you'd like for me to guest post on, I'd be happy to. <3
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ss-astrology · 6 months
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Fullmoon over Stockholm, january 2019.
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ss-astrology · 6 months
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ss-astrology · 6 months
Sun in leo 3rd house, mecury leo 4th house and Taurus ascendent second decan?
The Sun in Leo in the 3rd House indicates a highly expressive personality, and they'll most often express themselves through words. Their curiosity and ability to learn are directly tied to their self-esteem and ego.
It's an honest and straightforward placement, and they grasp a lot of attention with the things that they say. Their words may hold more power, especially in creative spaces. When people validate the things that they say, it boosts this confidence even more.
Mercury in Leo in the 4th House makes these traits even more powerful. Rather than in the context of the 3rd House (speech, learning, curiosity), the 4th House shows that these traits come from their roots. They learned to express themselves verbally from their roots.
This could be anything from experiences in their hometown to their parents. If Mercury and the Sun have healthy aspects, I can see their confidence being nurtured at an early age, and them being taught to speak their mind.
I'd think that these traits make them a strong speaker for their family. They'd be the verbal leaders and speak for everyone within the family unit.
The Taurus in the 1st House placement shows some separate traits, unless any of the previous planets are connected to Venus by aspects.
Taurus is the ruler of your birth chart's 1st House, so looking at the House that holds Venus and combining all of these traits would give me the best reading for that. Empty Houses don't have a lot of energy to them until you combine the Lord of that House into the interpretation.
Some Taurus traits that might affect your 1st House, without taking Venus into consideration:
Attractive to others
A "constant" look that doesn't change often
When people meet you, they feel comfortable or relaxed
You give off an air of patience
Seems like a stable person
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ss-astrology · 6 months
What do you think of when I say Jupiter in the 11th house?key words and expression?
A bountiful planet in the House of connections.
The Planet Jupiter:
Good fortune and luck
The 11th House:
"The collective"
Friends and connections
Multiples, especially in the context of people
Jupiter in the 11th House is a great placement for making connections with people and expanding your knowledge of others. Whether this is a personality trait depends on the planets that make up your personality (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury).
But, one thing's for certain, the 11th House Jupiter is "lucky" when it comes to people. They're likely to meet a new friend at the perfect time, make positive connections in the workplace, etc. They know a guy, who knows a guy lol.
If a Jupiter 11th House person is able to use their network to their advantage, they'll benefit 1000 times over.
Jupiter in Pisces, Sagittarius, and Cancer might get the most benefit from the 11th House.
Jupiter in Virgo, Gemini, or Capricorn might experience the most challenges with this placement.
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ss-astrology · 6 months
idk if you do this kind of questions but what do you think about me and my bf, im aqua sun/moon, libra rising, aries venus, pisces mars, aqua mercury and he is cancer sun/libra moon, aries rising, cancer venus, leo mercury and taurus mars :D saw i follow your blog happy i found it again, thank you for sharing your knowledge 😍✨💫 you seem to be a lovely soul 🌸
Omg you're sweet <3 <3 Thank you!
These are a lot of placements to talk about at once lol, so I'll just give you a general feel for the energy.
Seems challenging! But, I see a lot of good communication and that "new" type of love that makes things fresh and exciting. You two definitely have a lot of attraction towards each other to the point that it's magnetic.
I see a lot of playfulness, not taking life too seriously, just enjoying each other as you are.
It might be hard for the two of you to be driven towards actively solving problems in the relationship. Instead, things might be talked out, but taking action after the communication might be the biggest challenge.
It's an interesting match, and I'm happy that the two of you found each other <3 I just glossed over these placements and didn't go very in-depth. It's hard for me to get a good reading without looking at your charts or drawing a Synastry chart, and that stuff takes time that I don't have lol. I hope it was at least somewhat accurate!
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ss-astrology · 6 months
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Bruce Pennington
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ss-astrology · 6 months
Energy of the Day - Astrology Transits and Horoscopes
Expect the traits of transiting planets to affect:
Whatever birth/natal planet is connected to the transiting planet via aspects (trine, square, sextile, etc.)
Whatever house in your birth chart the transiting planet is currently in. (i.e. transitting sun in your natal 2nd house).
The same thing should apply to all other transiting placements.
Transiting Sun Sign in Scorpio
Happy birthday, Scorpios!
Such a transformative sign might mean that those with an aspect connecting to the transiting Sun in Scorpio will experience change. This change might revolve around Sun traits, like impulse, energy, artistic drive, confidence, etc.
Transformations will be swift, seemingly coming out of nowhere.
Transit Moon Sign in Virgo
It's time to heal internally and help others with their inner turmoil.
Any planet connected to the transiting Moon in Virgo might need a mental health break or feel a sudden shift that revolves around helping others with their emotional problems.
Try not to actively avoid your own problems by focusing on the problems of others.
Transiting Mercury Sign in Scorpio
Much like the Sun in Scorpio, Mercury's energy in this Zodiac sign revolves around sudden change and transformations. However, instead of it revolving around Sun traits, it'll include Mercury traits as well.
Expect conversations that will change your way of thinking, and being more able to influence others with your words. Your curiosity for the unknown will be higher at this time.
Venus Sign in Virgo
Same with the Moon in Virgo, the transit Venus Sign will adopt some Virgo traits. Virgo's energy revolves around being service-oriented, healing others, day-to-day routine, health issues, etc.
Combining this with Venus, anyone whose birth chart this applies to might find themselves to be in the middle of couple's arguments, trying to be the mediator.
They're likely to attract people with Virgo traits if the aspects connecting Venus to their birth chart are strong. It might also be a great time to find a new job (or ask for that raise), if that applies to you specifically, because opportunities will come to you.
You'll find the most pleasure and physical comfort in your day-to-day routine at this time (ironic with the ever-changing Scorpio shaking things up so much).
Mars Sign in Scorpio
Like Mercury and the Sun, Mars will adopt the traits of Scorpio. However, since Mars is a particularly strong sign for Scorpio to be in (as its modern ruler before the discovery of Pluto), its traits will be even stronger.
Protective, but not for others; instead, a strong leaning towards self-protection. Expect to be extra perceptive, and your trust for others outside of your circle will be low.
This is a highly transformative placement. So, if there was ever a good time to make a permanent positive change in your life, it's now.
Jupiter Sign in Taurus
A highly generous planet paired with a Zodiac sign that loves life's pleasures. I think that anyone whose birth placements are aspecting the transit Jupiter in Taurus are in for a treat.
Hopefully, this means that anyone lucky enough to benefit from this combo gets to catch a break and experience some "abundance" of something in their life. It might pertain to Taurus-like things, such as history, money, possessions, food; anything material and valuable.
I read in a few places that Jupiter will continue to be in Taurus until May 2024.
Saturn Sign in Pisces
While Saturn seems to be an inherently negative planet in some peoples' eyes, they seem to forget that it's also an object of permanence, stability, discipline, and law.
Being in Pisces means that these + the other Saturn traits are dissolved. By dissolved, I mean that Pisces' tendency to water down boundaries makes such a solid planet more fluid.
What does this mean for an individual who's affected by this placement?
Things that were once set in stone might be movable now. As an example, a lifelong pattern that a person might have followed is starting to seem like those hard rules can be bent a little.
Use this as an opportunity
I read that Saturn will be in Pisces until May 2025, and then we should expect a retrograde from the end of 2025 into 2026. We have a lot of old and outdated patterns that need to be dissolved in these next 3 years, it seems.
Some extra notes for clarity. <3
The difference in the words "transiting planet" vs. "natal or birth planet":
Transit means the planet's current position. Think of the absolute present, and where the placements are in the sky now.
A birth or natal planet refers to where the placements were when you were born.
By referring to the transits and comparing them to your birth chart, you can get a read on how their energy will affect you. Interpretations will probably be a little "off" until you apply them to your specific birth chart.
Transiting planets aspecting other transiting planets will also affect their energies on a day-to-day basis.
Chart drawn on November 7, 2023 at noon. Interpretations for slower moving planets may stay the same on a daily/weekly basis, and faster moving planets can be used for daily/weekly horoscopes.
The slowest planets like Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto don't move much and don't need general interpretations except when looking at a specific person's birth chart.
I go in depth on each placement on my blog and answer questions in full detail here.
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ss-astrology · 6 months
Just a reminder!
I no longer offer birth chart readings or synastry readings. I don't have the time with my career, but I appreciate the support so much.
I talk in depth about what to expect during the return of SS-Astrology on my official blog. (Plus, there's a little rant LOL. This is my positive space and hopefully a welcoming space to others, so I wanted to address that BS before it got out of hand.)
If you want details, check it out here.
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ss-astrology · 6 months
I'm a cancer with my moon in Scorpio yet I am really not that emotional of a person? Do you think that may because of the fact that I have a Virgo ascendent?
You're an individual with your own thoughts and feelings <3 Plus, how you perceive yourself may not be how others perceive you? But, idk you personally lol, so I'm just throwing that out there lol.
Moon is in fall in Scorpio, meaning that the traits of the moon would be weaker in a Zodiac sign that doesn't compliment it.
I wouldn't look at the Virgo ascendant for emotions unless Mercury is also connected to the moon by aspects (trine, square, sextile, etc.)
Plus, keep in mind that anger is an emotion. So is happiness, sadness, jealousy, love, frustration, love. You don't feel those emotions strongly?
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ss-astrology · 6 months
i can't find your original post but i think someone asked you about having pluto in the fourth and you responded about it being very important--can you explain that?
That was probably years ago, so my opinions and personal experiences with people with that placement may have changed.
I see Pluto as the planet of transformation. The family dynamic is simultaneously unstable and intensely bonded. They may have moved around a lot or been unable to "grow roots" without them being torn up and transformed yet again. Sudden change is a big part of their upbringing.
Familial deaths and births would have a stronger-than-usual impact on this person's chart as well.
Any planets connected to Pluto via the aspects (trine, square, sextile, etc.) or the Lord of that house (Zodiac sign in the 4th House + that Zodiac sign's planetary ruler = Lord of the 4th House) could shed some more light on how the Pluto 4th House affects other parts of the person's life.
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