Dude looking at the screenshots you are innocent of what you are being accused of. I dont think you should have to leave the fandom for the comfort of others, but i also understand that so many people blindly hate you (because the moment you get labelled as a pedo none of them are willing to listen to your side of the story which was a Great move by your accuser) that being in the fandom is no longer comfortable for YOU.
I wish you the best in all endeavours and i hope you can put this bullshit behind you. The hate campaign you got for a few slight missteps at worst was incredibly undeserved, and i will never stop wondering what warranted your accuser starting it.
I have my own beef with them and i really didnt want to discredit their accusations based on that alone, but seeing them unable to provide proper evidence (and being mad when people asked for it, because god forbid people want to at least see a screenshot before they agree that someone is a Pedophile, The Worst Thing You Can Ever Be) and you supplying context and messages where you Ask about their comfort level really confirmed my suspicions. Either it was malice or a massive overreaction.
Thank you for your support and kind words anon,I’ll take this opportunity to again acknowledge that I’m not free of wrongdoing. Obviously I did something that left a lasting and unpleasant impression on them. I do think this was a knowingly malicious attack of my character, since it started about a day after I joined The Hatchetfield Bang, a writing/ art event for Hatchetfield. I was reached out to by a mod of the community who initially allowed me to stay in the discord and collaborate with people until about a week later.
In all fairness, the bang kicking me out, as well as every other server I was a part of within the Hatchetfield universe, was the right thing to do. Pedophilia should always be treated this seriously when accused, but that also makes it a powerful weapon to use against someone else you don’t like. It actually brings me hope to see how quick and strong the reaction was, but I will NameDrop who is responsible for this false accusation.
Jay, also known as Vespirone. And Kitt. They live in the UK. Vespirone is a prolific Fanfiction writer on AO3, which is why I believe they may have been in the Hatchetfield bang server and started this whole thing off. Either way, those individuals have revealed themselves to be vengeful, untrustworthy, and completely manipulative in their high pressure tactics to get people to agree with them. I’ve seen conversations mostly from Ves/Jay hounding server owners and random tumbler users to be on their side instead of mine. Also Kitt is currently a part of some sort of team doing some bugger project in the Hatchetfield fan community that I’ve seen on instagram. So again, look out for those individuals because apparently if you piss them off, you’re a pedophile.
Yeah, that’s about I’ve got to say. Thank you again for your support anon, it’s nice to see someone actually bothered to read my counters and agreed with me.
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Hey, I just want to make a closing remark, as I am leaving the Hatchetfield fandom space. I understand that I’m simply no longer welcome here, and am simply choosing to leave for everyone’s comfort.
Firstly, Every screenshot that has reportedly been one of a conversation with me, has truly come from me. I have not seen one that has been doctored, or changed in any way.
Secondly, the screenshots as originally posted by those trying to out me as a pedophile and child predator, though truly my words, are void of all surrounding context . Context that I chose to provide in a series of screen shots that I posted on this blog.
Thirdly, I was a minor who roleplayed NSFW scenes happily, without confusion or issue between the divide of fictional of-age characters and the people writing those characters, and wrongly carried that mentality into my early adulthood.
Fourthly, I acknowledge that the roleplays and candid moments shared in the screenshots, were inappropriate for any adult to have with any minor in any context. Though I never directly engaged with ANY sexual talk, actions, or mere suggestions with my minor writing partner, the fact that the characters we were writing as were, is very disturbing for me to think back on. I do not stand by the choice I made to roleplay even a hit of sexualized roleplay with a minor. No, I never roleplayed a sex scene with this person, but that is hardly where the bar should be set. The tone of some of my messages in and out of roleplay, reciprocated or not, was strictly inappropriate.
Fifty: I am not a sexual predator. Despite these lapses in my judgement which occurred whilst I was transitioning from a minor into adulthood, I have no sexual urges to do with minors or others who are not of the mental soundness to properly consent to sexual acts, suggestions, or even writing. What I did was wrong, and it troubles me today that I did not understand that, but unfortunately I made those bad judgement calls, and I hurt people in the process, and made many others uncomfortable. I offer no further excuses or defences. I was 100% in the wrong and admit it. My crimes are not as appalling as they were made out to be, but those original claims were not half as unfounded as I’d like to think. I offer my sincere apologies to everyone in the community if I ever made you or a friend uncomfortable, and I wish nothing but the best to everyone in this community, be it old friends, newcomers, or anyone that I have brought pain and discomfort to. This community deserves nothing but safe, supportive people in it. Jay, Kitt, I don’t resent you, and as little as it might mean to you, I do feel bad. You both deserve nothing but the best, and that is all that I wish for you.
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My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $450
I am promoting this post, even though I have a STRONG SUSPICION that it is a scam. I do not feel secure donating to this person, but if anybody else would like to donate to them, do it at your own risk.
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Reblogging this because my accuser continues to reblog their final post, which is laden with lies and misrepresentation.
So I just heard that Vesperione actually left the tumbler fandom, that’s a big surprise to me. But in their last message about me and this situation, they mentioned a video of me begging to be collared in a hey Melissa type of situation. Can someone please get a copy of this video over to me? It’s only the second time I’ve heard about it, but it seems to be a big thing floating around, and I’d just love to put my face next to the video to prove that it’s not me in it, because I’ve never done that.
Also, as MY final statement to their final statement, I’ve now provided MORE context and evidence surrounding Ves’s specific accusations then they themselves provided, because they realized that if they shows as much as I had, it would reveal that we’d discussed boundaries, and that we stuck to those boundaries through our RP, and never once did I roleplay a sexual scene. We roleplayed before, and after, which again I’ve stated makes me uncomfortable now in retrospect, but we stayed within those boundaries we’d discussed, and I have absolute proof of that.
Anyways yeah, please send me that video if you can find it because I’m honestly very intrigued.
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So, they’re not really gone. They were inactive for a bit but then it seems they started posting again. Honestly I felt bad they felt they had to leave anyways. I don’t like making people unhappy, and especially uncomfortable, to the point they feel they have to distance themselves to a whole ass property. So I’m glad they’re back, I just want them to stop lying about me. I’m not a predator, I did not prey upon them, it’s as simple as that, and I’ve debunked everything they brought to the table. Anyways, don’t give them shit, just try and spread the full story if you can instead of just their part. I’m all for transparency, I acknowledge fully that they feel uncomfortable in retrospect. I also feel uncomfortable in retrospect, but at the time I followed the rules we’d agreed upon, and nothing I did could define me as a pedo, or a predator.
So I just heard that Vesperione actually left the tumbler fandom, that’s a big surprise to me. But in their last message about me and this situation, they mentioned a video of me begging to be collared in a hey Melissa type of situation. Can someone please get a copy of this video over to me? It’s only the second time I’ve heard about it, but it seems to be a big thing floating around, and I’d just love to put my face next to the video to prove that it’s not me in it, because I’ve never done that.
Also, as MY final statement to their final statement, I’ve now provided MORE context and evidence surrounding Ves’s specific accusations then they themselves provided, because they realized that if they shows as much as I had, it would reveal that we’d discussed boundaries, and that we stuck to those boundaries through our RP, and never once did I roleplay a sexual scene. We roleplayed before, and after, which again I’ve stated makes me uncomfortable now in retrospect, but we stayed within those boundaries we’d discussed, and I have absolute proof of that.
Anyways yeah, please send me that video if you can find it because I’m honestly very intrigued.
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This is how I see them now
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stephanie lauter, self-described sapiosexual,
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Just gonna refresh this to make sure ppl know I’m WILLING TO PAY for this.
I am 100% sure that the Hey Melissa inspired video people say I made, of me begging to be collared in some sort of real life roleplay situation, isn’t just a misappropriation of a real clip placed on me, but completely fabricated simply to make me sound even worse, on top of their other lies supported by their weak, cherry picked and out of context evidence, to all of which I have exposed it’s true much less dubious nature, and showed that we followed the rules we agreed upon before engaging with each other.
It is of course impossible to prove that something does not exist, but I am willing to put up a bounty for this supposed video, which will not be of me either way because I never filmed anything like it, or engaged in activities at all like that. BUT, if anyone can find this video of someone begging to be collared in a Hey Melissa scene, I will reward you with $50 CAD. That’s roughly 35 USD/Euros, or about 30 Pounds Sterling. If you have this video, and want to make some easy money, I promise you I will pay if you send me this clip or a link to it in my inbox or my asks. If I do not acknowledge you and he the money to you within 3 days, which I feel is reasonable, post all about how guilty I am u til the cows come home. But again, I am 100% sure that this video is a fabricated lie.
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I am 100% sure that the Hey Melissa inspired video people say I made, of me begging to be collared in some sort of real life roleplay situation, isn’t just a misappropriation of a real clip placed on me, but completely fabricated simply to make me sound even worse, on top of their other lies supported by their weak, cherry picked and out of context evidence, to all of which I have exposed it’s true much less dubious nature, and showed that we followed the rules we agreed upon before engaging with each other.
It is of course impossible to prove that something does not exist, but I am willing to put up a bounty for this supposed video, which will not be of me either way because I never filmed anything like it, or engaged in activities at all like that. BUT, if anyone can find this video of someone begging to be collared in a Hey Melissa scene, I will reward you with $50 CAD. That’s roughly 35 USD/Euros, or about 30 Pounds Sterling. If you have this video, and want to make some easy money, I promise you I will pay if you send me this clip or a link to it in my inbox or my asks. If I do not acknowledge you and he the money to you within 3 days, which I feel is reasonable, post all about how guilty I am u til the cows come home. But again, I am 100% sure that this video is a fabricated lie.
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I’m the supposed pedo. I posted all of my explanations for everything I’ve seen on my blog. The one thing I haven’t seen either is this video, and I’d quite like to considering I’ve never filmed something like it. I don’t know who you were when I was on Instagram but I truly hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable. But I do want you to see the video that everyone thinks is me, just so I can show that it is definitely not. Please, if you have a copy of this video or know someone who’s apparently seen it, send it to me and I will post and discuss it.
Hey there, old news by now but ppl were talking about a nsfw melissa video during the whole pedo roleplayer thing to do with ash, and I found all the other stuff ppl were referring to but never found that video, and I was roleplaying on instagram back when he was a bigger part of the space too. Anybody have the vid to confirm? Also to the owner of this account I love to check in on this blog, always interesting to see what's being talked about <3
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So I just heard that Vesperione actually left the tumbler fandom, that’s a big surprise to me. But in their last message about me and this situation, they mentioned a video of me begging to be collared in a hey Melissa type of situation. Can someone please get a copy of this video over to me? It’s only the second time I’ve heard about it, but it seems to be a big thing floating around, and I’d just love to put my face next to the video to prove that it’s not me in it, because I’ve never done that.
Also, as MY final statement to their final statement, I’ve now provided MORE context and evidence surrounding Ves’s specific accusations then they themselves provided, because they realized that if they shows as much as I had, it would reveal that we’d discussed boundaries, and that we stuck to those boundaries through our RP, and never once did I roleplay a sexual scene. We roleplayed before, and after, which again I’ve stated makes me uncomfortable now in retrospect, but we stayed within those boundaries we’d discussed, and I have absolute proof of that.
Anyways yeah, please send me that video if you can find it because I’m honestly very intrigued.
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So, I was able to revisit the instagram chats. I thought I’d deleted the message thread on my end, but luckily I hadn’t, I just didn’t recognize it since Ves changed their pfp. In this series of collages, I hope to provide context to some of the cherry picked screenshots that were used to establish the case of me being a pedophile, and show them in a fuller context, as back and forth that were only meant as jokes. I’ll also be providing samples of our roleplay. One message just establishing we’d roleplayed before then, and we’d generally had a good time. Another one, showing how far we would take an intimate scene before we’d cut it short and skip ahead, one which is an extension of an excerpt posted by Ves to prove that I was “lying” when I said I didn’t recall us roleplaying smut, revealing that in the context of the conversation, the mentioning of those actions is in a hypothetical sense and not something we are playing out, and how I bridged the gap from before the explicit scene that we didn’t play out, to after. And finally, our conversation from earlier on about what we’re comfortable with conveying smut wise, where they’d like to stop, and what they were okay with including and playing through up until.
For that last one, I do need to make an explanation. In my initial message to them, I end it with “I don’t care either way” in regard to whether they’d like to roleplay the intimate scenes we might have faced or not. This is indeed a huge red flag, and implies that I would have roleplayed smut with Ves, but to this end I’d like to say two things. First, that I myself was a minor who roleplayed smut, Very willingly, and very consentingly. And second, that I was a very fresh adult at the time. I wasn’t used to having to consider that I was roleplaying with a minor, because I was just so used to being a minor and it not mattering. I had not yet taken on the mental understanding of what role I was playing in this community as I understand it today two years later. This is not a valid excuse to roleplay smut with minors, I recognize this, and I recognize that that is not an appropriate thought to have at 18 when talking about boundaries with minor roleplayers, and should not have been on the table at all. What I can attest to, is that the boundaries we did set as described in that photo were suggested by Ves, agreed upon by myself, and as far as I can tell from everything I’ve re-read in our messages, faithfully upheld so that we could carry out our story without causing discomfort to anybody.
This post is in the name of honesty, transparency, integrity, and disclosure. Wether you see these individual moments as right or wrong, or better or worse than they first seemed when posted out of context by Ves is completely up to you, but THESE are the extent of my crimes. This is how we spoke, and joked, and roleplayed scenes, and though you may not find them acceptable, it’s what I believed to be comfortable for both of us at the time. I’d once again like to offer my remorse for any and all discomfort these interactions did cause. There are things in here that I wouldn’t be comfortable with knowing about either now that I’m more mature and understand the importance of the age divide between adults and minors and what that means in terms of safety, but I don’t believe that whats shown makes me a pedo or a predator.
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Hello, that would be me, the alleged pedo you mentioned. I have several posts on this blog documenting my reactions to EVERYTHING that has been sent my way, so you can judge for yourself, fairly and honestly how bad a person you think I am. I do not stand for predatory actions, I do not condone or partake in grooming, and I sure as hell want the minors in the starkid community to be safe. I urge you to look at both sides of this conversation so that you can choose freely if I’m a bad guy or not. I would call it mischaracterization by someone with a grudge, BUT I URGE YOU TO COME TO YOUR OWN CONCLUSION, as mine is undoubtedly biased towards myself. Nobody ever thinks they’re the bad guy.
can i just like.... Get a recap on the drama recently?? Like all i know is that someone was outed for being a pedo and it’s tearing the fadnom apart
Uhh good question that I don't know the answer too cause I've only seen a couple things about it and don't actually know the details
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Hey there, a server was falsely accused of harbouring an alleged pedophile and predator, (myself), because they wanted to see proof before they kicked a member from their server. I do not blame them for removing me from the server, in fact I’d like to say that proof is one of the most important things needed before you take action. If proof wasn’t something you required, everybody could go around accusing anyone of being a horrendous person and get them removed from friend groups, servers, pages, blogs, social media, etc. don’t assume that your word has power over innocent people. You should be able to show the bare minimum of evidence to back up your claims if you want action to be taken. I’m my case there are several screenshots from different times and sources that people have deemed problematic, that were only provided to this server owner later on. Again, this isn’t about my experience specifically, and it sure as shit isn’t meant to empower groomers and pedophiles, those acts are disgusting. It should just be common sense to provide the minimum level of provide to back up such a weighty and dangerous claim. This server owner wasn’t unreasonable, and they weren’t protecting me, and both of those points should be recognized.
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As I promised, I am posting absolutely everything being thrown at me. This was just delivered to me, a screenshot apparently from the same roleplay as before, and this is very uncomfortable feeling. I do not remember writing this with them, but it does look and feel very much like how I roleplayed NSFW scenes. I’d really like to think that with how far reaching this has gotten that this was collected from some other roleplay I did around that time, but I will once again reiterate that if this IS IN FACT THE ROLEPLAY I HAD WITH THAT MINOR WHEN I WAS 18, that I’m disgusted by it now, and don’t know what I was thinking. That’s basically all I can say about this image. If this is how I acted when I was 18 interacting with a minor, I’m very ashamed of myself. They’re right, this is NOT minor safety and NOT the standards I uphold for myself what so ever. This is completely mortifying to even consider that I acted like this with a minor, and I again can only offer my sincerest apologies to Vesperione for any discomfort I caused through conversation and through roleplay. It’s appalling behaviour, and if it truly is how I acted with you then I’m nothing but remorseful.
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Also I finally got my hands on the message they say I wrote to them. Everything I said in my initial reaction stands. This is without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, very clearly wrong to send to a minor in any context. If those are my words I sent to them then it is utterly disgusting and I can’t believe how brazen and inappropriate this message was to a minor. Again, I have no way to prove this is or isn’t me since I don’t have the message threads on instant anymore, because as I mentioned I’ve been blocked for well over a year.
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Wel l well well… it appears that random users whom I’ve not interacted with u top half an hour ago, are being harassed by Vespirone for daring to not agree with their side of the story. They said that this account owner was a shitty person and that they hope they rot.. classy.
The messenger wanted me to make sure it was known that they found the screenshots weird and gross, but that they do not believe that makes me a pedophile. That screenshot is also included.
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Hey, that's a good point. I'm not calling them a liar, I'm not saying their experiences with me are invalid. I can't know how they were feeling at any given time if they did not directly tell me, and I'm all for taking accountability. It was a question, and this is a good answer for why someone might not talk about it for such a period of time. I stand by that their initial screenshot compilation is instances cherry picked, and far more innocent than they're made out to be. As for the later screenshot captioned "LIES" in response that I can't link to since I'm blocked, I don't remember writing anything that vulgar, BUT IF I DID IN FACT WRITE THOSE WORDS, AND SEND IT TO THAT MINOR, THAT IT WAS 100% WRONG, AND INNIPROPRIATE. As it stand right now I would never do that, and I can not imagine what I could have been thinking to justify that message at the time. It is a disgusting idea to me, and if I sent that, all I can offer is the deepest and sincerest apology to them for whatever I put them through mentally and what impression it left on them.
people calling you a pedo for being weird during roleplay over a year ago is INSANE im sorry bro 😭
Thank you for your kind words. One of my first thoughts was “If I was so harmful and problematic, why didn’t this all happen a year and a half ago when I wrote those things?”
I do really wish I had access to our message threads so I could go back and double check the contexts of everything, really make sure I wasn’t a fucking creep and maybe show others that too.
Agin, thanks for the kind words. Idk what they have against me to try and pull me down like this over a year later.
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