starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
Long Forgotten Sheet Music
Finn and Santana Santana walked into the auditorium, lost in thought. She looked up and there he was. "Hey." She called out making her way up on stage. He looked from his sheet music at her, slightly shocked to see her. "I just wanted to thank you." Santana said looking away embarrassed. She never did this sorta stuff, but that song he sang for her really meant a lot. he smiled like a goof and shrugged. "It was no big deal." He said simply. He turned back to his sheet music but Santana grabbed his arm. "Look Finn that really meant a lot to me." She said earnestly. Finn looked deep into her eyes and Santana couldn't turn away. There were so many emotions behind his eyes that she saw. He reached out and pulled her into a hug. It took a moment but Santana returned the hug with more intensity. After a long moment they slowly began to pull away, her heart drumming in her chest. An before she could think, Finn leaned down and kissed her. It wasn't long or even sensual, but something sparked. He pulled away, a look of dumbstruck on his face. "Santana I am so sorry. I-I don't know what came over me! I-I-I-I don't know what to say." He was at a loss for words. Santana stood there. She was frozen stiff, fear holding her in place. Fear of what just happened, fear of what she felt, fear for if this ever got out, and fear for what she was thinking. "What about Britney? What about berry? I had just come out and accepted who i was and now and now you happen!" Finn looked at her like she was crazy! "What do you mean?" "I mean, that kiss, the song, everything you've done for me; I've - I think I've fallen for you." He looked at her surprised than turned away. "No!" He said coldly. "No!? You're the one who kissed me remember? What do you mean no!?" "The kiss was a mistake! I'm with Rachel, you're with Britney!(beat) I have to go." He turned to leave. "Wait...Finn!" Santana moved after him when he stopped. He turned and face her, with a look that tore Santana into prices. "I think it's best of we don't interact for a while." With that he left the auditorium, leaving behind his long forgotten sheet music and a crying Santana.
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
If only for a moment
Anyone else wish time would stop? I feel like I'm in the prime of my life. I graduate in like 10 weeks. I want life to freeze! I don't want to e an adult yet! I want to an immature kid who screams at the tv because my otp had a moment! :( please time, stop; if only for a moment.
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
My new svu trailer
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
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Day 16: my favorite actor is...well I don't have one! I like all of the doctor actors I like the actor who plays rory and jack harkness! It's so hard to choose!!!!!!!
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
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Day 15: a character you find annoying...hmm. I don't think that needs saying, but I'll say it anyways...Rose! Now don't get it twisted, I like her but only with the 9th doctor after she meets ten i want to punch her! She becomes clingy, fan girly, and a tad obsessive! She's the main character I despise more than anything. I used to find Jenny and River annoying to but after Let's kill hitler I do like her alot More! As for Jenny, eh. I just don't like her, she not annoying but I don't like the character I thought that whole doctor daughter thing was pointless.
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
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Day 12: episodes that scared me most are Midnight and Forest of the Dead Day 13: favorite theme is season fours theme and from season two the Impossible Planet Day 14: a character that I like that everyone hates.....Donna. Reasoning: all of my friends that are whovians hate Donna...I know some like her but rose seems to be more popular
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
Fuck yeah I ship Bensaro!!!
I also ship fin/Olivia & fin/Amanda & Elliot/Olivia
Like this post if you ship 
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
“I spent all that time looking for you, Doctor, because I thought it was so wonderful out here. I want to go home.” - Donna Noble ::another reason why this is one of the saddest episodes::
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
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Day 11: the funniest episodes are lets kill hitler and unicorn and the wasp. "Hitler cupboard. Cupboard hitler." "What about this?" "What is it?" "Salt!" "No that's too salty." "Oh that's too salty!!"
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
I don't miss Elliot anymore.....
After re-watching last nights episode and thinking about all of season 13 and what’s happened with 14, ive come to the conclusion that I do not miss Elliot Stabler any more. Is that bad? I’m almost glad he left.
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
Bad ass Benson! Fuck yeah!!
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
All Hell-Fire and Spit.
The Doctor held Donnas hand as they ran through the forest, dogging branches as best they could. He could hear the arrows zoom past him, fear creeping into his hearts. Why did this have to happen? All he wanted was one quite day, one quiet day to sit and have no worries about...about...well this. The Doctor could feel Donna's hand slipping from his and he tried to re-grip her hand, only succeeding in his hand falling from hers completely. Donna stumbled forward falling to the ground, gasping for breath one hand cupping her swollen stomach. "Donna! " The Doctor cried out stopping and racing to her side. He placed his hands on her shoulders helping her sit. "Are you alright? " Donna began to answer when the natives' cries were heard. The Doctor pulled himself and Donna behind a tree. He pulled her close to his chest wrapping his arms tightly around Donna's body. He pressed his lips to her ear and hushed her pained gasps. Her hand attached itself to the Doctors sleeve as she bit down on her quivering lip holding back terrified tears. The natives foot steps grew louder as the seconds passed. The Doctor held his breath pressing Donna further against his body. Donna slid her eyes closed in attempt to travel away from their current danger, however it did not work. The Doctor released a long breath when the footsteps and blood thirsty cries vanished into he far off distance. "Donna..." he breathed out loosening his grip on her. She groaned in response. Her hands painfully trapping his. "It hurts Doctor! " she said twisting her head into his chest. The Doctor examined Donna's body intently, when he found an arrow jutting from her side. How did he not notice this before?! Blood freely pooled from the wound at a steady and slow pace. Shakily his right hand came to the base of the wound, pressing softly on her skin feeling how deep the arrow was. Donna yelped unable to stop herself, she writhered in his grasp tears flooding her face. "Donna I have to get the arrow out. It could cause trauma for the baby." The Doctor said trying to look at her face, but Donna didn't want to here it. "No...please don't Doctor." "Donna..." he begged her. The Doctor grabbed her hand tightly. Donna finnally nodded and twisted her face into his shoulder awaiting the pain that was to come. The Doctor sucked in a breath mentally perparing himself for what was comming. He gripped the arrow, "Alright Donna on 3." Donna nodded and began to count with the Doctor. "1.....2.....-" right before either of them could reach three the Doctor pulled the arrow from her side; blood springing fourth, spilling out faster than before. Donna let out a heart wrenching cry; as the Doctor threw the arrow away then quickly pulled Donna closer to him, one of his hands wrapping over her wound desperately trying to stop, or at least slow the bleeding. She whimpered softly as fat tears rolled down her flushed cheaks. The Doctor comforted her in a hushed whisper, stroking her hair with his free hand. "Doctor...what happens next?" Donna asked softly, her voice thick with pain and exhaustion. The Doctor knew she was using all of her strength to stay awake and not pass out from blood loss. The Doctor shook his head angrily, pressing his hand tighter over the wound. Donna gasped, arching her back in response. He pressed a long soft kiss to her temple trying to calm her. The doctor looked at the surrounding area trying to find a sufficient hiding place for the time being. He spotted a small cave that seemed to lead down under the ground and was hidden by some brush. He carefully shifted Donna into his arms. "Doctor?" She questioned weakly her eyes half closed. The Doctor shushed her as he cautiously made his way to the cave, proceeding to slide Donna and himself through the small opening. Once inside he laid Donna down and gently raised her shirt to examine the wound further. It was deep and gruesome. The natives coted the arrow with some type of green goo, which was seeping from the opening of her wound mixing with her blood. The doctor gritted his teeth angrilly and shoved his fist into he ground annoyed with himself. Suddenly the doctor was struck with an idea. He crawled to an opening and reached around outside feeling for something specific. "Ah-ha!" He cried when his fingertips pricked a spiny plant. He picked it greedily before rushing back to donna's aid. She was getting more pale by the second. He chewed the plant for a moment before he stuffed her wound with it. Donna cringed away, her eyes fluttering open. "What was that Doctor?" He grinned stupidly, his bloody hand holding onto her hers. "Hicably, Donna. Its a natural plant here that stops bleeding." Donna smiled up at him softly. "My brilliant Spaceman." She murmured. The doctor brought the back of her hand to his cheek calming himself. "My brilliant Earthgirl." They sat in silence, Donna rested her head on the Doctors lap as he stroked her hair. He was contemplating his options. There weren't many, only two. One was to stay here and hope was Jack going to find them and risk Donna and the baby's health, something he'd never do. Or leave Donna lying here, alone, and try to find the TARDIS. But that option runs the risk of the natives finding Donna and in her condition she couldn't protect herself. Both options risk donna's life, both are too risky, but there was nothing else he could do. The doctor glanced down at her concerned. Her breathing was labored and she was sweating terribly. He needed to get her help. His mind was made. Donna woke up to the sound of scrapping. "Doctor?" He looked over at her and nodded. Donna attempted to sit but nearly passed out. "Right, sitting not the best thing." She muttered aimlessly. The doctor made his way to her, his hand on the small of her back, the other on her arm. He helped her sit murmuring small words of encouragement. "What are you doing?" She asked after a moment. "I'm making a weapon." "A weapon? Doctor since when do you use weapons?" She asked scrunching her face up. The doctor began to examine her with his sonic screwdriver. "Its not for me. Its for you." Donna's eyes went wide; she slapped away his hand. "Oi! Stop that! Why do I need a weapon? Doctor answer me!" He sighed dropping his gaze. "Doctor." "I'm going to find the TARDIS." Donna starred at him confused. "So why do I need a weapon? Ill be with you." The doctor frowned. "No your not." "Wha-Doctor. What do mean?" The doctor pulled away and walked over to the wall grabbing the make shift weapon. He walked back over to her and handed it to her, but she thew it away. "No! Your not leaving me!" The Doctor turned around angrily. "Donna if I don't go you and the baby will die!" He screamed at her. Donna was taken back, tears sliding down her cheeks. The doctor sighed and kneeled beside her, placing his hand on the back of her head pulling her closer. He kissed her forehead and then rested his forehead against hers. "Oh, Donna I'm sorry, but I need to go. You're too weak to venture out there. You'll die." Donna sighed softly to herself. She didnt want him to leave, to be be completely honest she was afraid to be alone. Stubbornly she shook her head, "I'm going with you. " the doctor pulled away and looked at her. "Fine. We'll go together, but first I want you to rest." He lied, but Donna nodded unaware of the doctor's false words. "Will you lay with me?" The Doctor grinned and nodded. He helped donna lie down then he curled up behind her, wrapping his arms tightly around her. It didn't take long before donna fell asleep. The doctor laid there, silently crying. His body shook visibly and he hurried his face in donna's hair. After he calmed himself, he slowly sat up and looked down at his companion; the one he loves. He leaned over her her and placed a soft kiss to her temple. He stood, grabbed the makeshift weapon and laid it beside her along with his sonic screwdriver. He walked to the caves opening and before leaving he whispered his goodbye. "Please forgive me." Was all he said before disappearing out into the forest. To Be Continued .....
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
Richard White, please come back to SVU
Just finished watching last nights svu. I wanted Finn to hug Amanda!!!! Oh! Then the preview for next week came on, and every time I watch previews I just pray that I see white come back! Anyone else? I want Richard White back on SVU!
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
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Day 10: the saddest episode to me is a tie between Planet of the Ood & Angels take Manhattan Reasons: planet of the Ood - well firstly because of the Ood's slavery thing, but what really makes this episode so sad is watching it over again after you've seen Journeys end and knowing that they reassuring Donna that though she may never remember all of her good will never be forgotten. "...sing songs of the doctor Donna." Angels take manhattan - the final farewell to the ponds. Need I say more? "Goodbye raggedy man!"
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
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Day 9:my favorite Master is...well I have two! John Simm and Anthony Ainley. Hands down the best.
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starlight-ten-donna · 11 years
Have you ever felt like your whole life was a lie? Like everything you've worked for is about to be washed away by the on coming tide. Have you ever been so deep into the darkness that the only thing that keeps you sane is your demons? I have, I am, I always will be tangled in lies and lost in this darkening life I live
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