starshine-atlas · 2 months
Y'all, I so badly want to learn how to draw (specifically draw people, but also just draw in general) but attempting to learn anything online gets really overwhelming and confusing really fast, because there's a ton out there, but it all seems to assume you have some varying amount of skill level before hand.
Does anyone have any tips on getting started with figure drawing for a beginner beginner? Especially methods to start drawing and keep drawing?
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starshine-atlas · 2 months
I'm gonna fight my silly little neurodivergent brain because my constant state whenever I have free time is
My brain: So boreddddddd, nothing to do
Me: I have comics, I like reading comics, I could read comics
Brain: no, no, too hard.
Me: The comics are right next to me!!! It takes very little effort! I don't even have to stand up.
Brain: No, no, no, something easier.
Me: Well, I'm already on my computer, I could watch that movie that I've been meaning to watch for like five months--
Brain: ABSOLUTELY NOT, too hard.
Me: Well, I can scroll through Tumblr for a little bit--
Brain: Not enough stimulation, no, do more
Me: Well, reading comics or watching a movie would probably provide more stimulation--
Brain: Fuck you. I'm so bored. So bored. So so so so boreddddddddd
And it goes on and on and I do nothing all day.
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starshine-atlas · 3 months
I want more fiction where magic is inherently harmful.
I want a world where morals were never supposed to touch magic. I want wizards covered in scars from spells that went wrong. I want magic that takes a toll on the user no matter what.
And I want people to keep using magic anyway, because there's something intoxicating about mastering something that you're not supposed to have, even if you destroy yourself in the process.
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starshine-atlas · 4 months
my mum forbade me to say anything to my dad about the top surgery thing, and it's just hit me how funny it would be if i got it done and didn't tell him and just waited for him to notice. i mean, what's he gonna say? "didn't you used to have tits?"
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starshine-atlas · 5 months
Tumblr media
google docs babygirl you are so fucking stupid
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