strawberry-venomous · 29 days
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strawberry-venomous · 1 month
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🖤To be in her favor; there's no greater reward 🖤
I've had this concept for BP for a while and I didn't deviate from it much since I didn't want to make her super OOC by being too outwardly affectionate. So this was the best I could while keeping to the theme of Valentine's :.P Let's just say that she's more open with Y/N-
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Late but at least it's not in January, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas (´。• ᵕ •。`)♡
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
Can we pretend that this is the perfect and canon version of the game? Thanks
The timing and occasion on which MC made the pacts with Lucifer and Belphegor should've been switched and here's why:
I don't know if anyone has ever posted something similar to this but it's something I've been thinking about it for a while. I've never quite liked the way these two pacts were formed and to me, they were both timed weirdly and overall had little to no weight on the story, which sort of irritates me in a way.
I think our pact with Lucifer should've taken place at the party where MC was celebrated instead of the end of the season, it would've been much more meaningful that way and left way more impact than the disaster of a scene that lesson 20-14 was in my opinion. Because here's the thing:
Lucifer is the Avatar of Pride, one of the most powerful beings in all three realms, someone who's led an entire army through war and was maybe the first of his kind to rebel against its own creator. It's not easy to gain his respect, much less his trust. So for him to put his pride aside and offer a human the power to control his entire being, it's much more than a simple "possessive and horny confession". It's him placing his ultimate trust in someone, it's him showing just how much he's grown to care for you.
Because you deserve it. You were the human who put his dear family back together, to put yourself in danger more than once just for the sake of protecting his brothers, to give your life trying to help fix what he broke. You were much more than a simple exchange student, you were someone he had slowly come to cherish, who so gradually approached his heart that he didn't even notice you come in and before he knew it, all the irritation and distrust he felt towards you had turned into love and admiration. You were a precious presence in his life that he felt the need to protect but failed to do so.
So Lucifer offering to make a pact with you just shortly after all you had gone through is a way to let you know just how immensely grateful he is for all you've done for him and his family, to show you that you've earned not only his respect and trust but also his love. It's an apology for every time he's put you in harm's way and for not being there for you when you needed him the most, it's him letting you know that he will never ever let anyone hurt you again and him saying that he'll always be there for you from now on and that you can lean on him as much as you need to because you're now part of his family — the one thing he puts above all others and will do anything for.
Lucifer asking to make a pact with you is him showing you mean the world to him while having no qualms about letting the whole three realms know you were remarkable enough to make the prideful Morningstar let go of his sin and give you all of him.
Now, let's talk about Belphegor. As I've seen many point out, the whole reaction to MC's death after lesson 16 was terrible. There was barely any acknowledgment of what happened, no apology coming from Belphegor, and the weirdest thing of all: MC was not only completely okay with being close to Belphegor but also the only one trying to help him when all the brothers were more than rightfully being awkward around him. So let's just put it this way: the whole situation was beyond bizarre and we all like to pretend it wasn't canon.
But back to the matter at hand: Canonically, MC's pact with Belphegor is formed at Diavolo's birthday party. After he disappears from the main hall where everyone is and MC goes to find him on their own. That itself already seems wrong, I mean, I don't know about you personally but if I had just been murdered by someone a few days/weeks ago, I definitely wouldn't want to leave the side of those I'm safe with to go find that person alone. But canon MC is very dumb and we can't do anything about it so our only choice is to follow him.
We are also not given the choice to refuse the pact when it's proposed nor MC has the chance to speak a word about it. Now the way I see this, it's a clear sign that MC doesn't want a pact with him. They are scared and pressured into making a pact with Belphegor because they're not sure what could happen if they refused. Because then again, this is the guy that murdered them not that long ago and laughed at their dead body like he was having the time of his life. And the last time MC refused to make a pact didn't exactly go well either, with Satan shoving them into a bookshelf and threatening the hell out of them.
And if Satan that is Satan reacted like that, imagine Belphegor. And there was no one around either, canon MC had made the stupid decision to go find Belphegor on their own and had no one to protect them at the moment. So they have no choice, they are frozen with fear and are obligated to make a pact with him even though they dread the idea. It's just awful and I hate that scene so much I can't even put it into words.
MC's pact with Belphegor shouldn't have been formed so early. They should've had the time to heal from all the trauma, time to distance themselves from Belphegor, and to process everything they had been through. And then only later they would slowly start to warm up to him again, after they know for a fact he's truly sorry for what he did and deeply regrets it. After they are ready to face him.
For Belphegor's pact with MC to be formed on their last day in the Devildom, it would've simply been beautiful. Because then Belphegor would've also had the time to learn to appreciate MC, to realize how special they truly were, for what he did to become one of the biggest regrets he's ever carried. Belphegor would've had the time to see right in front of him how you treated those you had a pact with, time to realize that to you, a pact wasn't about gaining power and status, but about forming a deeper connection with someone.
The pacts you shared were proof of your strong bond with his brothers and all the love you had for them. And honestly, it broke his heart to be the only one in the family who didn't have that kind of connection with you. But he wouldn't dare ask for it, he couldn't ask for it. He didn't have the right, not after what he did to you that day. You were nice enough to forgive him, to treat him with kindness when all he deserved was your hate and loathing. He couldn't ask for more, no matter much he wished to.
So when you come around and ask him for a pact on your last night in the Devildom, he couldn't have felt happier. To know that you had come to trust him like that again even after all he did, for you to love him enough to want his pact mark on you for the rest of your life, it felt nothing short of incredible. He wondered what he had done to deserve you, because someone as caring and sweet as you should have no business staying close to someone as rotten as him. But he gladly accepts the pact after you confirm to him that's truly what you want. Belphegor hugs you as tight as he can, sobbing in your embrace as he is filled with both the happiness of your newly formed pact and the sadness that you have to leave.
MC forming a pact with Belphegor shows that they've come to trust him just as much as his brothers, it's a sign they've both come to overcome their past traumas and feel now more than comfortable with each other. It's proof of the strong and unbreakable bond they have.
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
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Drawing for the day of the dead :3 those who celebrate it, I hope you have a good time and remember your loved ones <3
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
Ibispaint can't take so many layers, but I can't do anything about it other than continue with my dozen layers :)
Digital artists reblog and put in the tags if you're the kind of person who uses a shit ton of layers or can't have too many layers (or draws everything on one layer)
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
If MC was a child (read also as teenager)(Platonic)
Only the new characters (for now maybe?)
-She doesn't like children.
-I mean, come on, it's the reaper, do you think she has time to be taking care of a child? Of course not, she could be trying to kill the shadow wizard or playing a practical joke on him or better yet!! eating some delicious dessert.
-Of course it doesn't mean she is cruel to you, she just doesn't care about you, whether you are a child or not, it doesn't mean she is not bothered by the fact that you entered her house without her permission.
-Of course this changes a bit having participated together in the school event, after all that was over you came to her with a nice box that, frankly, smelled quite good.
-Baking with Luke was one of your favorite pastimes and since you had managed to save the last of the cookies you had made from Beel's ferocious hunger, what better way to give them to a new friend?
-To your surprise she quickly took the box and got ready to try your cookies, you were nervous but everything changed when you saw his disinterested face move on to a totally new Thirteen face. But nobody blames you, it is not normal to see how the reaper smiled with his chubby red cheeks while he seemed to enjoy your gift pleasantly.
-She may not be as bad as cofcofBarneycofcof, but you two certainly got a lot closer after that, she really enjoys your and luke's sweets, also compared to all those demon brothers and that damned Solomon you were frankly good and a cute company .
-So yes, Thirteen does not like children, but he will choose you any day over all those stupid demons in his class and even invites you often to eat some delicious dessert, you must feel pleased when death decides to pay for you :) lucky you.
-He has a weakness for little kids, we already know that he has a brother for whom he has a great weakness, we already know what happened between him and Luke. But if you think for a moment that he would have a soft spot for a weak and rude human-
-You are completely right wrong-
-Don't think because he felt slightly bad about insulting you from the first moment he saw you pick up his pamphlets. Don't think he helped you carry your books because they were incredibly heavy for your frail, puny human arms (even if you were fully capable of carrying them). Don't think that because he kept you from falling down the stairs while scolding you like a mother hen for being so careless it means that he care about you. Don't think she became a total drama queen because of that little scratch you got in P.E. and is worrying about you.
-He doesn't have a soft spot for a weak, little, tediously lovable human. IT'S NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL!!!!
-And that the guy is fighting with Mammon over who is more qualified to be your caretaker (read as your babysitter even though you're an independent teenager because you're a poor, helpless little human trapped in literal hell because NO, the demon brothers do not count as good caretakers, ESPECIALLY NOT LUCIFER) means NOTHING and doesn't mean he has a big, huge appreciation for you quickly, it's not like that at all :).
-Oh a child……anymay so-
-Actually Raphael is not someone really good with children, he doesn't hate them in general, but he doesn't love them either? he really doesn't know how to act correctly with them, he just knows that he doesn't like it when they are disobedient (yes, he talks to you Mammon)
-Just like Thirteen he doesn't really seem interested in getting to know you better or being your friend, but as the small and sociable being that you were you wanted to have a good relationship with the new exchange students, so why not give it a try? You had already had success with the 7 demon brothers, literally the prince of hell, his butler, two angels and an immortal wizard, easy right?
-Yeah, well, nothing was easy in this life, except for someone who measures less (or maybe a little more) than 150. Approaching the new exchange students was not an easy thing, but hey, you could be short but your stubbornness exceeded As you grow taller, Lucifer sometimes didn't know whether to flatter you for it or give you some tranquilizer.
-You were already friends with Thirteen and you really didn't know what to call the relationship you had with Mephistopheles (Once you called him brother by mistake and you saw him get shocked… let's say he ignored you for 3 days, but he didn't seem really upset, why would it that be?) but at least you were at peace with them, something they had in common? They both liked your desserts, Thirteen was more honest than Mephisto but those are details.
-So you baked some cute little lamb cookies and gave them to him as you watched him walk the halls of RAD. At first he seemed calm but clearly he was surprised and somewhat nervous due to the unexpectedness of that gift, but he thanked you kindly and luckily he decided to try your cookies at that moment.
-You would have expected him to praise you or at least give you a thankful smile, but instead you got a "It lacks salt…"
-Yeah well, you really didn't know what you were expecting from someone who loves Solomon's food, you must have seen that coming somehow. To your bad luck you couldn't help but show your clear and to be honest justified disappointment, but Raphael realized his mistake and quickly tried to fix his words thanking you for the cookies giving you an embarrassed smile, even though your cookies were not his favorites your gesture really softened it. Not that he becomes super protective now or hangs out with you all the time but he certainly greets you more often and even sometimes when you're in Purgatory Hall he starts a little conversation with you, he might invite you to cook some cookies with Solomon but I think it's best to avoid that.
Just to clarify a few things: This is my first time writing headcanons, I don't actually even remember how I came up with this but this literally came to me at 11:30 at night and for some reason I really wanted to write it.
So understand that any mistake or stupidity I may have made is because I'm really new to trying to do headcanons and it's the damn early morning.
In any case, this doesn't even mean that I dedicate myself to headcanons, I really think I'm lousy for them, but if you guys liked them I'm happy about that :)
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
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Berry drawing for halloween ugu
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
This is a great help, god bless you 🛐
Summon of Sorcerer (SOS) Interactions
☆ Arcturus ☆
Chest stroke ✕
Chest tap ✓
Head stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Head tap ✓
Ignore ✕
Shoulder stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder tap ✓
☾ Alpheratz ☽
Chest stroke ✓
Chest tap ✓
Head stroke ✓
Head tap ✕
Ignore (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder tap ✕
☆ Spica ☆
Chest stroke ✕
Chest tap ✕
Head stroke ✓
Head tap ✕
Ignore ✕
Shoulder stroke ✓
Shoulder tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
☾ Sirius ☽
Chest stroke ✓
Chest tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Head stroke ✕
Head tap ✓
Ignore (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder stroke ✓
Shoulder tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
☆ Pollux ☆
Chest stroke ✓
Chest tap ✓
Head stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Head tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Ignore ✕
Shoulder stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder tap ✓
☾ Vega ☽
Chest stroke ✕
Chest tap ✕
Head stroke ✓
Head tap ✓
Ignore ✕
Shoulder stroke ✓
Shoulder tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
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Lilith in her bat form💖
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
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Skyler moth, all I'm saying is that I love her and she's beautiful
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
The fact that it ensures there is a happy ending just makes it one of the best series I've ever read, I'm just in love with the way he writes angst but there's comfort in it, I know I'll be satisfied with the series ending and I'll see you until you drop, my respects and love for you talented writer <3
Selfless MC Headcanon Request, Pt. 4 (2.3k+ Words)
Hello, I am back with another two thousand words of angst for this series. Fair warning, this installment of the Selfless MC Headcanon request is significantly darker because of Satan and Beelzebub. TWs for violence, injury, blood, gore, etc. 
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
I really loved it, I've cried my eyes out and I love it (too masochistic I know, sorry) the fact that it's really distressing for everyone to realize how disgusting they treated the mc is just satisfying :) although personally I hope that Everything has a good ending, I really liked it a lot, I'll keep an eye on the missing sequels.
Can you do part 2 and 3 for ‘selfless MC headcannons’? (I really love your writing btw)
Hello, Anon! I actually wrote part 2, but I was silly and reblogged the original post instead of making a new post. So, if you've been waiting for Selfless MC Headcanon, here's the solo repost! I hope you enjoy it! <3
Lucifer genuinely feels like he’s Fallen all over again. He didn’t just jeopardize the Exchange Program’s future, he also caused MC an incredible amount of pain when all they’d done is try to please him and take care of those around them. As the others start organizing efforts to find MC, Lucifer just sits in his chair thinking through every horrible thing he’d ever said to them, every achievement he’d dismissed, every threat he’d made, every flaw he’d criticized.
His pride won’t let him join the search or spam their D.D.D., but it will let him hole himself up in his room to wallow in his own guilt. He swears to himself that he’ll make this up to them, whatever it takes. If he has to, he’ll swallow his pride for a public apology. This man will not be able to sleep or work until MC is located. When he does leave his room, it’s in rumpled clothes and messy hair as he wanders the House of Lamentation, dark shadows prominent under troubled eyes.
Mammon feels like he’s about to throw up. The panic hasn’t left his body since he found MC’s room empty that morning, a note placed on the perfectly made bed explaining how they’ve been feeling and why they’re leaving. He hasn’t let anyone take the note, crumpled and stained with his tears, from him, not even Diavolo. This was the first person who ever treated him like he had any value and stood up to his brothers on his behalf, and in return, he treated them like dirt. The memories of every gift or word of praise they’d ever given him is simultaneously a million times more precious than the best of his possessions and enough to make him retch.
He’s the first to set out looking for MC, wandering the streets of Devildom while constantly calling their D.D.D. Every time he reaches voicemail and hears their voice on the greeting, his hearts sinks a little further as he leaves a rambling message asking where they are and begging them to call him back. He’d give all his treasures just to have them back, and he promises himself that once MC is found he’s going to spend the rest of MC’s life telling them everything he’s wishing he’d told them, even after they leave Devildom. He’ll never let them protect him from Lucifer’s punishments again.
Leviathan initially allows himself to wallow in self-deprecation. Of course MC left, he’s a gross Otaku that messes everything up. However, as he listens to the others talk about how they treated MC, he realizes that this isn’t the time to make things about him. That’s when the guilt starts to set in. Once he realizes that all of MC’s attempts at friendship were genuine, it feels like his heart has been ripped out of his chest. All they’d ever tried to do was be kind to him. If he’d just trusted it, he could have had a friend to watch anime and play video games with. He had someone who actually sought out his company and he treated them like a thief.
He’s not one of the boys who will initially start the hunt for MC. At first, he sits alone in his room sending message after message to MC, willing the “sent” to turn into a “read” so he at least knows he’s reaching them. Then he’ll take to the internet, trying to find any traces of them. Finally, he’ll join the search in the 3D world for the first normie who he’d ever considered a friend. He just hopes he isn’t too late to tell them that.
Satan is livid. It takes three of his brothers, including Beel, to restrain him from physically attacking Lucifer. Instead, he berates his brother for everything Lucifer put the exchange student through, eventually doing the same to each person present. When his brothers finally release him, he stalks out of the room to return to his own. After all, the only person left to be angry at is himself. He knew what was happening and didn’t do enough to stop it–maybe he even made it worse by giving them tips on how to please his selfish brothers.
He’ll join Mammon as soon as he hears there’s a search for MC. Not even cats are enough to distract him from the task at hand. He’ll send the occasional message, hoping like Levi for “read” to appear under one of the messages so he knows MC is at least receiving them. However, most of his messages are directed to those who stayed at the house in case MC came back, just in case they’d come home since he asked 30 seconds ago. Satan promises himself that if MC comes back, he’ll protect them better from his brothers. Nobody is ever going to make them hate themself this much as long as he has any say in the matter.
Asmodeus is absolutely inconsolable. He can’t believe that his darling devoted MC was going through this much and never told anyone. It takes him through the first day to figure out what the emotion gripping his heart is–guilt. He feels guilty for taking MC for granted, for not giving them the praise they so obviously deserved. He should have told them they were beautiful, how much he appreciated them, and that he loved them. He’d never had to charm them for their affection–they’d chosen to give it to him freely. Now he’s afraid he’s lost that for good.
He’s going to be one who waits to see if MC gets home, posting updates on social media asking people to send in any potential leads. Every new comment makes his heart leap, but for the first time in his life, he’s disappointed by ones that just contain empty praise. Like Mammon, he’s blowing up their phone with calls that always end in tearful voicemails. He promises himself that he’s going to shower them with the praise and pleasures MC deserves if they ever come home.
Beelzebub is heartbroken. This gentle giant never wanted to hurt MC, and he actually loses his appetite when he realizes they were going hungry to keep him fed. His head is full of MC’s smile and kind words as he listens to Satan’s angry words, absorbing and accepting every single one. He feels repulsed by his sin and how it clouded his judgement, never letting him see how much MC was sacrificing for him and the others.
You’d think he’d be one to join the search. However, his guilt manifests in a different form–Beel starts cooking in anticipation for MC’s return. No matter how much his stomach rumbles, he won’t touch anything he’s made, opting to eat leftovers out of the fridge. These dishes are for MC when they get back, and he’s going to keep cooking until they’re here to eat. He’s dedicating himself to making sure MC never goes hungry again, especially not for his sake. While he cooks, he keeps his D.D.D. handy, checking obsessively for news.
Belphegor is about to realize he doesn’t hate one human as much as he thought he did. This is reinforced by the guilt and grief he can feel from Beel that mixes with and highlights his own. When he tries to go sleep it off, he realizes he can’t. All those times he faked not being able to sleep unless MC was with him have unfortunately made that a reality. He confines himself to the attic to sulk, tossing and turning restlessly in bed as he thinks over his mistreatment of MC. Belphie wonders how much of their life he disrupted for his selfish games as the pit in his stomach steadily grows.
Belphie absolutely wants to go search for MC, but the sheer exhaustion from lack of sleep makes him more of a liability than a help. Instead, he stumbles between the kitchen, where he makes sure Beel remembers to eat occasionally, and MC’s room. He lies on their bed, burying his head in the pillows that smell like them in hopes that it’ll be enough for him to go to sleep. He wants to text and call them like everyone else, but genuinely doesn’t believe he has the right to after all he put MC through. He decides that if they ever come back, he’s going to actually put in the effort to befriend them and remind them of how much he and his brothers care for them.
Diavolo is furious with himself–it’s the only reason Satan gets away with his beratement. This human was his responsibility, he should have realized they were in pain and done better. Now they’re gone and could be in danger. He was so selfish, so blind. When he and Barbatos are alone again, he has to ask if the butler knew, if his order to not interfere with the future is what let things get to this point. Barbatos doesn’t have to answer–Diavolo already knows the answer.
If any of Devildom’s inhabitants choose to look outside their windows over the next few days, they’ll most likely be met with the sight of their prince in civilian clothes, mud and litter clinging to his shoes as he searches his kingdom, D.D.D. in hand. His work is abandoned on his desk at R.A.D. as Diavolo dedicates himself completely to finding MC. He practices in his head what he’ll say when he finds them, how sorry he is, how important they are to him and everyone else, and how that will never change.
Barbatos seems indifferent, but on the inside he’s frantic. He’s picking through every possible future where they find MC, trying to piece together where they might be. Every time he runs across one where they never find MC or, even worse, find them dead, his blood runs cold. For the first time in his long, long life, he resents Diavolo’s orders to not use his powers, wishing he could put an end to all this and bring MC home.
Though he knows he shouldn’t, Barbatos nudges search efforts towards the places he sees most often in the future paths. He stays at the castle–just in case MC decides to go there–and takes a similar approach to Beel. He prepares food, tea, and a guest room, trying to check his D.D.D. as infrequently as possible. It’s almost always bad news, one of the spots he suggested coming up empty, but at least it isn’t the worst news. Still, every time the damn device beeps, Barbatos’s heart stops.
Simeon feels numb. He knew something was wrong and he didn’t try hard enough to fix it. The angel occupies himself by taking care of Luke, but the younger angel falls asleep eventually, leaving Simeon alone with his guilt. He finds himself in the sitting room of Purgatory Hall, a place where he and MC had often shared tea and chatted together, thinking about them. Are they somewhere safe? It looked like it was about to rain last time he looked outside, did they bring a jacket with them?
He wants to be out searching, but he knows if he went then Luke would want to go to and the smaller angel might slow the others down. Instead, he texts the rest of the search party regularly requesting updates and suggesting supplies to bring with them for all of the possible scenarios MC might be stuck in–food, water, blankets, fresh clothes, medical supplies, anything. If he can’t be there when they find MC, he’s definitely going to make sure all of them are prepared for any of MC’s potential needs.
Luke feels like his world is crashing down around him. He was supposed to be MC’s guardian angel, but all along he was hurting them! He’s no better than the demons. Luke ends up sobbing in Simeon’s lap until he falls asleep. However, even in his dreams, he sees MC’s face. These dreams slowly turn into nightmares where he can see MC, sad and alone, but can do nothing about it. After hours of him crying in his sleep, Solomon is finally enlisted to charm him into a dreamless state so he can recover.
He desperately wants to go search for MC, arguing fiercely with Simeon when the older angel denies his request. Finally, he gives up and heads to the kitchen to bake. He bakes everything he remembers MC liking, pushing away the lingering worry that they only pretended to like it to make him happy. He won’t make them eat any of it, it’s just the thought that counts. Still, he decides when they get back he’s going to sit down with MC and ask them about their interests, likes, and dislikes. He’s going to be a better Guardian Angel from now on.
At first, Solomon thinks this is a sick joke, all part of MC’s master plan. Unfortunately, as the story starts to come out, he comes to the unfortunate realization that there was never any master plan, only a human desperate to prove themself and be of use. He should have treated them better, shouldn’t have made them do all of his chores, should have tried to be their friend. He let jealousy blind him, and now he’s paying the price. He can feel how distressed Asmo and Barbatos are, so he tries to tell himself any distress he feels is just from them. He’s wrong.
His job is to head to the Mortal Realm on the off chance that MC managed to make it back there. His only guide is the folder about them from the beginning of the Exchange Program, which gives a vague idea of their background and where they’re from. He walks the streets of their hometown, wondering how homesick MC must have been–nobody in Devildom had treated them with any sort of kindness, especially him. He occasionally texts MC using his D.D.D., begging them to tell him where they are, telling them how sorry he is, and promising that if they come back safe he’ll do all of their chores for the rest of the exchange program.
Hopefully this will live up to y’all’s expectation–I tried to incorporate enough angst and regret since I occasionally like punishing my favorite characters. Let me know what y’all think, and I’ll see you for part 3! (Seriously, if you reblog this with a review I will love you forever)
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
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✨Dia eating cake✨
✨Dia drinking "tea"✨
✨Dia with Mc✨
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
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My precious son's birthday is today, so I couldn't help but try to draw a picture for him, I hope you like it, long live luke, happy birthday to the precious boy
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
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A friend gave me the idea to do this drawing HAHAHA, I showed them this version of Jessica and they loved it (especially the breasts) and it was too iconic not to draw it
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strawberry-venomous · 2 years
i need that shirt LMAO
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