stxrlitmxxnlight · 4 months
Broken, Yet Yearning
Chapter 1: A Tough Decision, But One With No Regrets
A soft, relieved sigh is let out; At the same time, Rosmarie looks out the plane window, thinking about the good memories and people she's leaving back home in Australia; a decision that was made long ago when she started to plan out attending college and just general plans for the future. 
But as for currently, Rosmarie was on the plane headed to London, to finally be able to attend the college of her dreams and to also start a life of her own, a nice but well-deserved fresh start for herself. 
Leaving her Grandparents and friends hurt, yes, but she had desperately wanted to leave Australia and try to find something better elsewhere in the world.  
 Rose had always been an art, literature, and history buff ever since she was a child, she always found peace and happiness in being able to read and draw and be in her little world; on the other hand, all her hard work had paid off finally, being able to bring her passions to a whole new level, wanting to travel the world and visit all the museums and art galleries to her heart’s content, as well as going to places to see the history that had been left behind.
As a few hours passed, her plane finally landed at its destination. Having sat in the front of the plane, luckily, she was able to make a quick exit from the plane and to baggage claim, waiting for her things before eventually getting them.
After getting outside and waiting for a cab to come in view to be flagged down and take her to her residence, Rosmarie waited a bit before calling a cab and giving her driver her new address. 
“I’m excited but I’m also so tired at the same time.” She murmurs to herself, she got her luggage situated in the cab trunk, then seated herself in the backseat and thanked the cab driver sweetly before they made their way to her apartment. While the cab drove through the many streets to London, Rosmarie smiled and admired the new views and change in scenery.
After around a decent 45 minutes of driving, the cab driver finally arrived at the apartment complex, eagerly exiting the cab, she would then carefully remove her luggage, then thanked the driver before paying them and watching them drive off for a second before making her way to her apartment.
When she had made her way to the elevator, after checking in at the front desk of the apartment complex, she got her apartment key before thanking the staff with a soft grin and then making her way to the elevator.
Now that she was standing in front of the door to her new home, Rose had gently placed her hand on the knob; after unlocking the door, letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding as if she were expecting something to happen when she opened the door. Slowly entering her new home, she takes in the view of it while the thoughts of “This is it, I’ve finally made my dream a reality.” all go through her head as if she were dreaming this had all happened.
As much as she would have liked to keep dreaming, she needed to start unpacking what she had brought with her on the flight and do her best to get comfortable before being able to relax a bit. With a reluctant sigh, Rosmarie makes a move to find the bedroom, then makes haste to unpack. 
“I should call and let Oma and Opa know I landed and made it home.” Rosmarie reminded herself in a soft huff of exhaustion, after having stressed over the flight and the way to her apartment would go, along with aching at the thought of how lonely her grandparents were now, especially with how Rosmarie had been the only one to see and stay with them, especially with how most the family is back in Germany; meanwhile, her father never bothered to see how his parents were at all.
3 hours had passed, and now finally relaxed and comfortable and cozy on her bed, the warmth of the few blankets that were brought with were much welcomed. Rosmarie pulled out her phone, and started a video call with her grandparents, hoping they’d pick up if not busy.
beep beep beep
Is all she heard before smiling at the sound of her Grandma’s voice greeting her and not short after, her grandfather greeting her as well, both of them having a bright smile on their faces.
“Hallo liebes! Wie war Ihr Flug? Gefällt Ihnen Ihr neues Zuhause bisher?” Was what she heard almost instantly when the call connected finally, making her heart throb at the fact she couldn’t bring them with her.
( “Hello Love! How was your flight? Like your new home so far?”)
“Hallo Oma, mein Flug verlief gut, ich konnte nicht anders, als traurig zu sein, dass du nicht mitkommen konntest.” Rosmarie was quick to admit to them both, it almost made her ill when she had to depart with them at the airport if she were to be honest. 
“Aber ich liebe meine neue Wohnung, sie ist schön und gemütlich, wie auf der Website angekündigt!” She quickly adds before they could dwell on what she said about not being able to come with.
(“Hello grandma, my flight went well, I couldn't help but feel sad that you couldn't come with me.”)
(“But I do love my new apartment, it's nice and cozy like it was advertised on the website!”) “Wir wissen, dass es schwer ist, nicht bei Ihnen zu sein, aber wir sind stolz auf Sie, dass Sie diesen großen Schritt in Ihrem Leben gemacht haben. Vor allem, weil Sie so hart gearbeitet haben, um dorthin zu gelangen, wo Sie jetzt sind.” Her grandfather had told her, smiling and conveying how proud he and his wife were of her, their oldest grandchild striving and doing anything she could to make her dream come true.
(“We know it's hard not being there with you, but we're proud of you for taking this big step in your life. Especially since you've worked so hard to get where you are now.”)
When she heard her grandfather praise her, she couldn’t help but start tearing up and sniffling at his words.
 Rose had honestly thought this big move would be a little easier, but so far it's proven to be hard but worth it. 
Rosmarie was having a hard time being away from the only people who were the biggest supporters in her life after pretty much being abandoned as a child by her parents after her sister was born, but that was a whole other story in itself.
Rose was having a hard time responding when she heard her Grandmother’s voice this time, now listening carefully.
“Weine nicht, mein liebes Mädchen, kein Grund zu weinen, es wird immer Zeiten geben, in denen wir anrufen oder per Videoanruf telefonieren und vielleicht einen längeren Besuch planen können, wenn du in der Pause bist.” The second her grandma finished speaking, Rose had just finally let the dam of tears she’d been holding back so desperately flow freely, soft sniffles and hiccups being heard from the poor girl.
(“Don't cry my dear girl, no need to cry, there will always be times when we can call, video call, and maybe plan a long visit when you're on break.”)
“Ich weiß, aber es ist nicht dasselbe wie mit dir zusammen zu sein.” Would Rosmarie respond, having been able to finally say something after calming herself down? 
The only thoughts that were running through her head currently, were the ones of worry for her grandparents, worried about who would be there to help them when she couldn’t be.
“Aber das ist nicht der einzige Grund. Ich mache mir mehr Sorgen, dass du Hilfe brauchst und sie nicht bekommen kannst und dass etwas Schlimmes passiert, wenn ich nicht da bin, um dich zu beschützen.” Rose added with a sigh, now seeing her grandparents give her a look of empathy but also one of understanding of her worries.
(“I know, but it's not the same as being with you.”) (“But that's not the only reason, I'm more worried about you needing help and not being able to get it, and something bad happening when I'm not there to protect you.”)
After a bit more conversing had been made, Rosmarie started to feel a bit worn out, seemingly now that she had cried out her stress and worries to her grandparents, along with that long flight from Australia to England plus the car ride, she was definitely in need of a nap, a well deserved one at that.
” Du solltest dich etwas ausruhen, Schatz, du hattest einen langen Flug und einen langen Tag vor dir. Warum nicht ein Nickerchen machen und uns später vor dem Schlafengehen noch einmal anrufen?” Her Grandfather suggests to her once he notices how drained she looks, and Rose gives a simple but tired nod and a few slow blinks when doing so as if trying to stay awake.
(“You should get some rest dear, you've had a long flight and a long day ahead of you. why not take a nap and call us again later before bed?”)
When soft ‘I love yous’ and ‘miss you already/miss you more’ were said a few times, the call eventually ended and Rosmarie plugged her phone in before laying down again, now just looking up at the ceiling, thinking away all while her eyes slowly closed. 
The need for sleep having taken over her body and mind finally, gave her a moment of peace and no worries to be thought about.
4 hours later
With a soft but long yawn, and some well-needed stretching of the muscles, Rosmarie awakes from her nap feeling a bit more refreshed and energized than she was earlier when she first arrived.
“I need to go grocery shopping…and just get basic needs too, and maybe I should drop by the campus if I have time..” Rosmarie had pondered to herself as she got up, stretching a little more before moving on and getting into something more cozy and comfortable. 
Having decided on a baggy sweater and some sweatpants just to stay casual and comfortable at the same time.
By the time she finally left the apartment, a list of what she needed in hand while following the GPS app on her phone to find the nearest market she could walk to and from home with no issues. 
While she was strolling along the streets of London, she was just lost in her thoughts and worries about her new big step forth in life. 
 Her thoughts were not concerned about how college would go, but rather if she’d be able to make friends and get along with people since she had always been on the more timid side when it came to befriending new people.
With the way she had grown up back in Australia, yes she spent most of her time with her grandparents as much as she could, but she was still sadly made to live with her parents, mostly having to face the reality of them acting like she never existed. 
It hurt a lot, yes, but it hurt more to see and deal with her little sister always going out of her way to make Rosmarie’s day or overall mood horrible. Didn’t help that Rose was also just naturally a soft and sensitive person due to her home life.
Now that she had made a big step, Rose was a bit more confident in socializing now her sister was no longer a risk of bullying her in front of others, along with her parents too as they did pitch in when they felt like it. 
When reality decided to suddenly hit her, she came back to the world from her thoughts, she noticed she had made her way to the market, honestly surprised by the time it had taken her to get there. 
It had only been about a ten-minute walk. Shrugging off her reality check, she makes her way into the Tescos, quickly grabbing a cart and making her way through the aisles, checking off her list of needs/wants slowly, keeping to herself as much as she possibly can so she can just what she needed to be done dealt with before any sort of socializing.
1 hour of shopping later
Standing in the detergent aisle, trying to locate the brand she usually uses due to having a slight allergy to an ingredient in most detergents. 
Fortunately for her, the store sold it, but unlucky for her it was way above her reach. But she does attempt to tiptoe the best she can with being only 5'9(175.2cm) and with the shelves being what feels like 10ft tall(304.8cm), but when it was only maybe 7ft(213.3cm)tall.
When making her final attempt at tiptoeing for the needed shelf that was far out of her reach, she lost balance, fully expecting to come crashing down onto the cold hard floor of the store; but much to her surprise, she was met with what felt like a broad chest as well with a strong arm holding her close.
Looking up at the person who had saved her from the fall, she couldn’t help with how quickly her heart started to flutter, amazed and awed at what masterpiece of a being was in front of her. Was like he was created by the gods in Olympus for how beautiful and handsome he was. 
But before she continued to ogle at the tall blonde man whom still had her in his arm, she would quickly fix herself, then again look up at the older man.
“I’m so sorry!” Rose apologized quickly while her face flushed a shade of red amongst the soft skin of her cheeks, her eyes had darted from one direction to another before shyly meeting the tall man’s gaze once more. “ Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you at all?’” she inquired, worried she may have accidentally stepped on him or something.
“No need to apologize.” The stranger tells her in one of the deepest, but also somehow heavenly and pleasant to the ears. “I’m fine.” He states as he looks up to see what she had tried to grab.
 Before she even knew it, the gentleman carefully grabbed the detergent she was trying to reach before and carefully placed it in her cart. 
“Seems like you like that brand.” He notes in a slightly softer tone but also tries to be semi-playful, since noticing her all flustered.
“Oh-uh it is one of few brands I can use due to having a slight allergy to a couple of ingredients in most detergents.” She explained to the man, and he hummed softly in response, showing he understood. 
“Noticed your accent, take it not from here?” The gentleman inquired, having his interest been piqued.
“Ah yes, I just moved to London as of today, I came from Australia. ” Rosmarie informs him, now almost beaming a bit as they conversate, having shaken off her embarrassment a bit.
“An Aussie I see.” The blonde giant, but gorgeous man says with a slight chuckle, having found her attitude change cute when more comfortable. 
Humming softly to confirm his answer she smiled softly before looking at the time on her phone with a pout. “Wish today wasn’t moving by so quickly already, I have so much to do,” Rosmarie stated with a slight pout before looking at the man once more.
“Unfortunately I have to get going, I’ve to finish what errands I can today.” with a sigh she smiled at him. “ It was a pleasure meeting you, as well as talking with you!” The young girl exclaimed softly. 
“ Hope to see you around sometime, I’m Rosmarie by the way,” she informed him before smiling and giving him her thanks for the help, making her way to the checkout with her things.
Rosmarie couldn’t help but giggle to herself after having a nice conversation, but also glad her first interaction with someone local had gone so well. 
“Maybe doing this was worth it in the end.” She told herself, having more confidence in the new move, seeing that it was going well so far on the first day. 
Too bad she had to continue with her plans for the day, otherwise she’d probably stand there and keep talking with Simon.
???’s Pov
Once the young girl, Rosmarie, had gone along with her day, it wasn’t long after her departure, he heard two fairly familiar voices laughing and fussing and laughing around with one another. 
“ Oi! Who were you blethering ‘bout with?” Questioned with a thick Scottish accent from behind, just being able to tell by the tone that was used, that a smirk was on one or both the men’s faces. 
“No one Johnny,” He replied, with a roll of his eyes as he turned to look at the two men. “ Need something?” he questions only for the two to give a mischievous grin.
“Wipe the grins off ye dafty faces.” he groaned slightly looking at the two men.
“Oh come off it, tell us who that bonnie of a lass ye were talkin to is.” The man named Johnny tells him, grinning ear to ear.” Ye never just talk, let alone help just anyone; if anything you do your best to stay away from interacting wit’ others.`` 
Johnny teased the older man, finding delight in his friend’s sour attitude.” If I heard correctly, Rosmarie was the bonnie lass’s name.” Johnny added with a smirk, looking to the side at his other friend.
“Seems like someone is smitten already, aye, Kyle?” He asked his friend, who also looked back at Johny before looking at their friend. 
“Bloody hell seems like it mate,” Kyle replied with the same shit-eating grin his friend shared. “ Fuckin’ hell..” is all the poor guy can mutter to himself, seeing that his friends did seem to have heard everything.
He just didn’t know what it was about her, but he just couldn’t tell what it was that attracted him to her. 
“Let us go before Price gets pissed we haven’t come back with more tea, I’m not lookin’ forward to being torn at for ye two twats, especially since I had to go looking for the two of ye.” is all he responds with, before starting to walk out the aisle, leaving the two younger lads behind as they celebrate about how they were right.
“Let’s just get back to Price already.” he lectured the two grown men, more like children, before reaching to check out and being quick to pay, and heading back to the car with the numbskulls following behind.
As they all got in the car, he couldn’t help but wonder to himself if he really would be seeing this Rosmarie girl again. Nor would he deny that he was looking forward to hopefully running into her again soon.
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stxrlitmxxnlight · 4 months
Broken, Yet Yearning
Name: Rosmarie Cäcilia Krüger
Age: 23
Nationality: Australian
Physical Characteristics:
Skin tone: Pale(honestly probably paler than Simon tbh lol)
Hair: Long raven black wavy hair that reaches past her rear.
Dark grey eyes, almost storm cloud grey but not quite.
Height: 5’9, felt it might be cuter if she were on the slightly taller side but still a bit shorter than Simon
Rosmarie’s Family Background:
Family information:
Mother: Albina Kruger
Father: Hans Kruger
Sibling(s): Alena Kruger
Grandparents: Oma( German for Grandma) Opa (German for Grandpa)
Background information:
Rosmarie had finally moved away from her family and home country of Australia after being accepted into the college of her dreams in London, England.
The move to England was a big step into starting a new life after having left her toxic family behind but also leaving behind the only family she had and that being her loving and compassionate Grandparents whom pretty much took her in and raised her.
Rosmarie’s parents are definitely something. When she was young, her parents found out they were having another daughter, but the second pregnancy had been a rough one, bad to the point her mother and sister nearly didn't make it past birth.
And that said reason is the reason they pretty much ignored Rosmarie after her little sister Alena was born.
Grandparents on her father’s side had noticed and immediately took action to make sure Rosmarie was cared for the best they could especially since they weren’t granted custody, nonetheless, Rosmarie spent most of her time with her grandparents, even learning their native tongue to help communicate with them easier. And pretty much spent most of her time with her grandparents and friends up till she made her move to London for schooling and permanent stay, but achingly so as she parts with her only family and few friends with promises to call and video chat as much as possible along with visiting them the most she can.
I’m honestly probably changing her background story a little bit, but this is just a summarized version of her backstory.
The plot vibes I'm going for are a bit of a mix of Beauty and the Beast in a college setting, with the pairing of student-professor type situation, but am happy to take in ideas and suggestions, but please know this is my first Fic, and I'm sorry if my grammar is bad, I write in a way that things make sense to me but ill definitely be proofreading before posting chapters. I am also slowly building the story in each chapter as well because pre-planning things has never been my thing lol. I will also be aiming to make the chapters a decent length.
Nonetheless, I'm happy to answer questions, and take ideas or suggestions (credit will be given no worries!)
As for where these will be posted, you will be able to find them on both Ao3 and Tumblr as well 🙂
Hope you guys will stay tuned in my journey of this fic!
Ao3: @Stxr_Mxxnlight
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stxrlitmxxnlight · 7 months
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My attempt at drawing Soap lol
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