Were you always interested in fantasy? When I was younger, my grandfather would tell me stories of mythology and fantasy so that was embedded in my consciousness from a very young age. I grew up in an old creaky house that had lots of secrets and that was always a rich source of material.
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Event alert! I will be reading from Dark Things at Kulture Shop on April 22nd. Come!
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The 90’s are over (thank god). And girls need no longer wait for pooranmashi ki raat wala Valentine’s Day to meet their janam janam ka saathi while sighing around a bunch of candles. But Bombay Times doesn’t know that.
So, like a retiree uncle who cares too much, BT continues to give bad romance advice - in this case, things to keep in mind if you are texting him back…
Don’t worry BT, I fixed it for you.
First. It’s okay to text first, irrespective of what organ lies between your legs. Here’s a rule of thumb when it comes to texting someone- Do you want to text them? Yes? Will texting them right now count as harassment? No? Then text them.
CHANGE YOUR STATUS WHENEVER THE FUCK YOU FEEL LIKE. If a human bases his feelings for you on whether you change your what’s app status from “banana ice-cream is bae” to “Bhai roxxx”, let him go. Can’t go around trusting someone who has no appreciation for two of the finest things in life (banana ice cream and Bhai).
SAY WHATEVER YOU THINK. Like whatever. You like making music with burp sounds? Say it. If he feels the same way, but about fart sounds, girl, you got a band.
USE HIS OWN LINES ON HIM But go two steps ahead and coat them in extra cheese. You don’t need a man who can’t stand cheese.
THE HEART EMOJI IS NOT AN ACTUAL HEART. Throw it around as liberally as you want. But remember, consensual heart emoji exchange is everything. Ask him if he wants a heart. He does? 😘❤️💛💚💙💜💖
KEEP IT TERSE. Why spend time typing out long texts when you could be out talking over coffee instead?
EVERY PUNCTUATION MARK COUNTS. Otherwise a simple sentence like “Come with me” can become totally ridden with innuendo.
DO NOT REPLY TO SOON OR TOO LATE. No, keep an egg timer close at hand so you can put all work aside and monitor the exact moment the conversation is hard boiled enough to hit send.
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DARK THINGS review in Hindustan Times Delhi edition.
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The difference between a dream and its memory. Dark Things
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Flawed and Fabulous
I stumbled upon this blog I created about two years ago. It had one post in it where I spoke about finishing the manuscript and how that felt. I shall reproduce the post here. In the interim the manuscript went through many changes and rewrites and was finally published in January 2016. I am yet to write about the feeling of being a published author. Soon. Soon.
FLAWED AND FABULOUS I recently finished my manuscript. It is about a lakh words long. It took me about six months to write it and over 16 months of pretending to write it.
I woke up this morning feeling anxious and exhausted. I feel my book isn’t good enough. That it isn’t going to be enough. That I have failed. Let my characters down, betrayed my story and killed all my darlings in an entirely different manner than what Stephen King meant. I also know this is normal. At least I hope it is. I am supposed to think my book sucks. I am also supposed to think it is amazing.
If you really mean to be a writer, really mean it in a way that you are prepared for it to take over your life, your brain, your soul then know this – these feelings are like co-existing parasites in one host. It is a schizophrenic existence and you have to make your peace with it. I am trying to. Ask me what I think of my own book and I will say this – It is flawed. It is fabulous. It is also a beast carved of my own soul. I own it. And this beast owns me.
I have never been happier to be a writer than right now.
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She could fly but she didn't have wings
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Sunbloom succubus
You might be wondering what in blooming hell my tumblr name means. Well, I wrote a book that involves a secret-taking Yakshi, a sort of Indian succubus. And the book also contains these joyful flowers called sunblooms found only in the sky city of Aakasha. They represent hope and light. Recently a very dear friend read Dark Things and she loved it. She might be biased but I also suspect she really did love the book. And she pinged me on whatsapp and started the conversation like this: Hello my dear sunbloom succubus
And the name stuck. Darkness and light all in one beautiful weird ass name.
I love it.
I am going to use it everywhere.
Well now you know.
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I wrote a book. It’s a fantasy novel called Dark Things. You might like it.
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