sweetjaybirbie · 1 month
“Don’t be afraid,” It says and instantly warning bells began ringing in his head. Reaffirming the grip he had on the small knife he had he watched as the angel approached.
“I’m going to help you,” It continues.
“Thank you, but I’m fine.” He says trying to keep his voice light and polite.
The angel pauses and it dawned on him that, that was the wrong thing to say.
“It wasn’t a request.”
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sweetjaybirbie · 1 month
It was hot. Hotter than the dessert they had grown up in. The combination of blood and sweat was making it hard to keep a grip on the hilt of their sword. That didn’t stop them. They kept marching forward cutting down anyone who dared to step in their way.
They were on a mission and they will not fail.
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sweetjaybirbie · 3 months
Narcissa adjusted the pearls around her neck and Alice's eyes were instantly drawn to her pale throat and sharp collarbone. Just as quickly her eyes flickered away and back up to meet her eyes. Apparently not quick enough, since Narcissa had knowning gleam in her eye and an amused quirk to her eyebrow. Alice could feel herself flushing a bright shade of red.
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sweetjaybirbie · 8 months
MonoShinKamiMomoJirou headcanon’s
(Momo x Jirou x Denki x Shinsou x Monoma)
Because I will keep pushing this agenda!
Yaoyorozu is dating Jirou, Jirou is dating Denki, Denki is dating Shinso and Shinso is dating Monoma. They’re all really good friends tho. Jirou is bi and Denki is pan and the rest of them are gay
Denki was the first one to realise that he’s polyamorous. He realised that he was crushing on Jirou at some point during the school festival and then realised that he had a crush on Shinsou not too long after. For a while he felt like absolute shit for liking them both at the same time. Eventually, he decided to talk to the squad about it and they suggested that he might be polyamorous. Cut to Denki spending the entire night googling different polyamorous structures, how to make them work, signs that you’re poly etc.
After a lot of pep talks with Kirishima, Kiri and Sero hyping him up and Bakugo telling him he’s sick of Denki not shutting up about either of the purple emo’s, Denki finally confesses to Jirou and Shinsou, explaining fully and saying that if they aren’t interested in being poly or anything like that, he totally understands. To his surprise and delight, Shinsou tells him that he likes Denki too and while he doesn’t want to date Jirou as well, he’s comfortable with Denki doing so. Jirou, however, asked if she could have more time to think about it. She did like Denki back but she just needed time to decide if she’d be comfortable with him dating someone else at the same time and she was also worried about it not working out. In the end though she told Denki and Shinso that she was willing to at least give it a try.
While this was happening, Yaoyorozu had already started to develop feelings for Jirou but had decided it would be best not to act on them as she knew Jirou had a crush on Denki. Not to mention the fear of ruining their friendship. Then when Jirou started dating Denki, she saw that as even more a reason not to say anything. However, seeing Denki dating both Jirou and Shinso did make Yaoyorozu wonder if she’d be comfortable with that type of relationship structure and she found that the more she thought about it, the more open to the idea she was. Then a few months into her relationship with Denki, Jirou realised that she also had a crush on Yaoyorozu. After some time questioning, she realised that she’s also polyamorous and after some internal back and forth, she decided to tell Denki and Shinsou who were both obviously very supportive and became the set-them-up squad. This lead to Jirou asking out Yaoyorozu and ShinKami helping Jirou get ready for her date. Needless to say it went well and Yaoyorozu joined the polycule.
Monoma took the longest to join the relationship, not because he took the longest to develop feelings or realise that he liked Shinso or anything like that. On the contrary, he found Shinsou attractive as soon as he saw him in the sports festival and his feelings only developed from there. It was more a matter of stubbornness and not wanting to be associated with class 1A that stopped him from confessing. So instead he decided to try and suppress his feelings because apparently that was easier than just sharing Shinsou with someone from class 1A. Well that was until Shinsou asked Monoma out after realising he liked him too and Monoma basically did a whole 180. It still took him a while to actually get along with the others, though. However, Shinsou encouraged him to come with him when the rest of them planned to hang out, telling Monoma that he’d get along with them if he gave them a chance. Surly enough, he was right and Monoma found that he had more in common with them that he originally thought, Yaoyorozu in particular. He still refused to get to know the other members of class 1A. Baby steps after all😂
The five of them began to become better friends and will regularly hang out with each other even though they aren’t all dating each other
When Aizawa found out his reaction was basically something along the lines of “Shinsou, what did I tell you?! No loud blondes! You got 2 of them!!” And while he’s a little bit weary as a dad, especially about Monoma, he was overall supportive. Having Denki and/or Monoma over for family meals was an experience though😂
They have a Google calendar to keep track of each other’s dates and when whatever combo of them can hang out
Movie nights are a favourite of theirs. Shinsou and Jirou are both big fans of horror. Denki will pretend he’s not scared but the others can clearly see the marks left on the blanket after accidentally zapping it with his electricity at every jump scare. Yaoyorozu, Monoma and, though he’d never admit it, Denki are all fans of romcoms so they also make a frequent appearance. Jirou and Shinsou will go on for hours about how stupid the movie is but they enjoy them just as much as the others.
The band from the school festival continued being a thing for a while afterwards and every time they played somewhere, Shinso would go to every one of their performances to support his boyfriend and his other friends. Monoma would come along too as his date for the same reason.
2 person dates are still very much a thing, however. After all, they aren’t all dating each other so Momojirou, ShinKami and MonoShin will still go on dates without the others being there. However, if the others are comfortable hearing about how the date went, they’re more than willing to say all the details about it
Monoma and Jirou will tease Denki a lot but they love him
They all went to prom together as a group, each wearing matching bracelets.
As adults Yaoyorozu and Jirou live together and Shinso, Monoma and Denki all live together. Jirou will sometimes stay at the boys house tho and Denki will sometimes stay at hers.
Yaoyorozu and Denki can’t cook to save their lives. Yaoyorozu has had people cooking for her all her life and the few times she’s tried, it came out burnt to a crisp or everyone getting food poisoning. As for Denki, he gets overwhelmed and distracted if he has to focus on too many things at once. So the others have to handle the cooking. Jirou and Shinso aren’t amazing at it but with some practice they’re not too bad. And Monoma is a surprisingly good chef so he does most of the cooking at the Monoshinkami house or when all 5 of them have meals together
Yaoyorozu’s parents try to be supportive but she has a lot of other relatives that are total Karen’s which makes family gatherings with the Yaoyorozu’s an absolute minefield for a multitude of reasons. Not only is Momo a lesbian but she’s also in a polycule with people who don’t exactly know how to act with a bunch of people from high society. So during these family gatherings with the Yaoyorozu family, the day typically starts with Momo giving the other members of the polycule a 2 hour PowerPoint presentation titled “how to avoid last time” in the hopes they’ll avoid disaster this time. While the others do remind her that all the Karens opinions aren’t important, Momo still wants her family to like the most important people in her life so that’s why they continue to go to these gatherings. Anyway, when the gathering actually starts, everyone attempts to be on their best behaviour. Monoma is particularly good at these events. Jirou does her best but doesn’t understand half of what people are going on about. Shinsou is doing his best not to punch a Karen in the face and Denki showed up in a top hat and a monocle because he figured he needed to look fancy. Anyway, the night always ends with some type of disaster occurring, usually something on fire, exploding with at least one person brainwashed. Yaoyorozu is then dragged into a separate room by her family telling her that she can do better and that they’re all bad influences on her and that they’ll be nothing but bad for her and the family’s public appearance etc. However, Yaoyorozu always snaps back, telling them that she loves Jirou and everyone else and that they’re her family too and she’s not going to leave them regardless of what they all think.
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sweetjaybirbie · 9 months
James calling Remus and Sirius “filthy mutts” every time they kiss holds a very special place in my heart.
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