#Oh my gosh!!! She’s so fluffy :O
d0enti · 4 months
A reader who's very touchy and clingy w Akito,Tsukasa! Like everytime they are closed enough to eachother to make a physical touch, reader will take the boy's hand and drag them or give it a squish!! ^o^
Especially when reader is vry happy!! They'll be swinging the boy's hands and do a small circle or ruffle the boy's hair ☆ and reader is unaware of their own behavior lol.
But when the boys pointed it out, the reader just brushed it off and answer w “ah,really?” and went back to their own doings (,, . ̫. ,,) nt rlly denying it and just left it hanging..
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PJSEKAI—"Start somewhere"
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➵Summary:Akikasa x clingy and touchy reader
➵A/N:I'm going to be honest that's a very cute request! I completely understand the reader, I mean one of Akito's hairstyles makes his hair look so fluffy oh mah gosh anyway back to track enjoy~!
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⎯ 〈Akito〉
Akito probably doesn't mind it that much, if it's in private away from his sister and VBS why? Well he's simply embarrassed I mean his girlfriend is literally giving him so much physical affection it's nuts to think he's that lucky! But mostly obviously it's that you are his soft spot, he also definitely likes hand squeezes it a nice physical affection while also being secretive, whenever you two are watching movies and you start drawing something on Akito hand he just blushes and looks after a little before pretending he doesn't like it moving his hand away, but when you do it again he accepts it same with hair ruffles , Akito only questioned you once and it was your first week of dating then he stopped
"yo [Y/N] you quite touch aren't you?"
"hm? I am? I didn't notice that"
Also, Ena definitely took a picture and sent it to Akito to tease him
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⎯ 〈Tsukasa〉
Tsukasa loves it! He didn't get much attention as a child because of Saki and he's not bad of course, how could he be it's his sister and she needed the attention, though he personally adores how you act especially if he gets the affection after the show! He just feels happy and thinks he has done a good job performing, Tsukasa like Akito likes hand squeezes it's a simple sign of affection, and Tsukass also enjoys when you ruffle his hair! It makes him want to take even more care of them like triple more! He immediately notices how happy you are it's obvious with your shaking his hand honestly Tsukasa gets surprised when he noticed that you are unaware of being so damn cute!
"you know my dear co-star, I just noticed but you quite touchy"
"hm really?"
Honestly Rui probably teased him a few times, and Emu is literally you guys no.1 fan as for Nene she thinks you a perfect match for Tsukasa
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cinemastyles-backup · 11 months
Visiting Home
Summary: Y/N goes home with Harry to spend Christmas with his family, tease each other during dinner, and then put the guest room to a very good use.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, sexual innuendos, fingering at the dinner table, oral (f rec), teasing, pregnancy talk, praising, fluffy, dirty filth
My original CinemaStyles-blog has been terminated, so I created a new one.
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"I hate flying, Harry." I say picking at my fingers, "I always get so nervous." I look around at the busy airport.
"Hey. Hey. Look at me." Harry cups my cheeks with his hands, "Breathe. Take a deep breathe, love. I'll be with you the whole time, okay."
I take a deep breathe and smile at him, "Okay."
He kisses the top of my head and pulls me into him, holding me as we wait in line, "Just breaths, baby. It'll be over before you know it."
We board the plane and take our seats and Harry immediately takes my hand into his. His thumb strokes the back of my hand as he quickly texts his mom that were on the flight.
He puts his phone back in his pocket and shifts to look at me, "Are you excited to see my mom again?" I nod and smile, "I love your mom." He smiles, "She loves you, so does Gem. They're always asking me about you."
"Really?" I smile, "They're such nice people." I bounce my leg as the plane starts to take off.
"So, I was thinking.." he tucks hair behind my ear and leans in. He motions for me to lean in closer to him, so I do.
"We could have some fun while we're visiting home."
I tilt my head, "Oh yeah, for sure! You know the place best, babe."
He shakes his head and smirks, "No, no baby. Fun."
"Oh." I raise my eyebrows, "Oh!" I bite my lip and smile, "Like what?" He smirks, "Well, I thought that maybe you can wear that cute little dress we got you, to dinner one of the nights."
"Okay?" I question, trying to get him to say what he wants to say.
"And maybe.." he draws lines up and down my arm with his finger, "No panties."
I nod slowly, "I like that idea." He leans in and kisses my cheek, "I have some other ones, but.." he lays his head back, a curl falling down over his forehead, "You'll just have to wait and be surprised."
I shake my head and laugh, playing with his fingers for a little while before I fall asleep on his shoulder.
"Hey, y/n. Wake up, love." Harry plays with my hair gently, "Baby. We're here."
I slowly blink open my eyes and lift my head from his shoulder, "Did-" I yawn, "Did I sleep the whole time?" I look over at him and he nods, "Yeah."
"Oh Harry, I'm sorry. Why didn't you wake me up?"
He shakes his head, "You weren't stressing out about the plane, plus you just looked so peaceful, I couldn't disturb you." He leans over and puckers his lips. I smile and kiss him, "I'm so excited."
He nods, "Me too. Me too."
We get off the plane and wait for our luggage, "Where is it? I'm starving."
"Mom will have dinner ready by the time we get there. I promise." He pulls me closer and I lean against him, resting my head on his chest. I perk up when I see our bags come around, "There they are."
Harry walks up and grabs the bags for us and we head out to the car.
"Your mom didn't have to get a car for us, we could have.. figured it out." I look over at him and he takes my hand, "It's a very special occasion."
"Oh gosh. Now I'm even more anxious." I bite my lip and he shakes his head, "Don't be. Just relax."
"No, Harry. You have to tell me." I beg.
He sighs and leans over, "I'm going to see how many time I can make you cum at dinner." He whispers lowly and my cheeks go red and I bite my lip, "O-oh."
He pecks my cheek and looks out the window.
"Ah! There she is!" Anne says running up to me. She wraps her arms around me, "How are you sweetheart?" I smile and lean back, "I'm good. You look great! How are you?"
She smiles, "Better now that I get to see you guys for a few days!"
"Hello to you too mom" Harry says walking over and setting the bags down. He hugs her and she laughs, "Oh you know I'm just as excited to see my baby boy."
She looks at me and shakes her head slightly with a laugh.
"You already replaced me as the favorite." Harry smiles as he shakes his head.
I smile and Anne walks me inside with her arm around me, "So. How was the flight?" I shrug, "I slept for most of it. I was nervous so I wasn't bothered by it."
"And how is this one treating you?" She nods at Harry with a smile, "Well, I hope"
"Don't worry, mom. I'm taking very good care of her." smirks and winks at me. I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head slightly.
"That's great to hear. Every time I talk to Harry it's always about how much he loves you." Anne smiles and shakes her head, "Hoping one day I can call you my official daughter in law."
I smile and look over at Harry, "I'd be honored to have you as my mother in law, Anne."
She smiles and looks around, "I'm going to go find Gem. She's excited you were coming." She walks away and I walk over to Harry, playfully hitting his arm, "Please don't embarrass me in front of your mother, Harry."
He laughs and plays dumb, "I don't know what you're talking about. I was just telling her that I take care of you.." he smirks, "Which I do."
I roll my eyes and look up at him, "You're lucky I love you."
"Yeah, yeah." He kisses my head, "I love you. This week will be fun, okay?"
"Family festivities fun or Harry fun?"
He shrugs and smiles as he looks up, "What's up, Gem?"
She walks over and hugs Harry, "Hey." She turns to me, "I'm glad you made it here safe. Hey, y/n." She hugs me and steps back, "He's treating you good, right? If not I'll have to kick his-"
"No worries, no worries. She's well taken care of." Harry smiles and slips a hand into my back pocket, giving my ass a little squeeze.
"Why don't you guys go up and get settled, dinner will be ready soon." Anne yells from the kitchen.
"Okay mom." Harry yells back, "Come on." He grabs my hand and pulls me with him.
He leads me up to the steps to the room we stayed in multiple times before.
"Should I wear the dress or cas-"
Harry spins me around and presses his lips to mine. His hand pushes the door shut and he wraps his arms around me.
"Harry." I whisper, but it doesn't get his attention, "Harry." I try to push him away but he slips a hand in my pants and starts to rub my clit, "Oh fu-"
He covers my mouth with his hand, "You have to be very, very quiet, baby."
I nod and close my eyes as his fingers work in small circles. My moans are muffled by his hand and I dig my fingers into his arm.
"I want to feel you around my cock so bad." He nips my ear and i whimper, "But that'll have to wait for now."
He pulls his hand out of my jeans and unbuttons them, "But I will have a quick little taste if that's alright with you."
I nod and step out of my jeans. He walks me backwards to the bed, his arm around my waist as he sets me down, "Stay quiet."
He dips his head between my legs and my hands slaps against my mouth. I arch my back off the bed as his tongue works between my folds.
I moan and press my hands harder against my mouth.
He grips my hips and pins them down, moaning lowly against me. I drop a hand down to the bed and grip at the blanket.
I bite my lip and my eyes roll back as I fight off moaning. I squeeze my thighs together and grip his hair, "Mm." I bring a hand up to cover my mouth again as my orgasm takes over.
My legs fall limp to the sides as Harry leans back. He pushes his hair back and smirks at me. I shake my head and smile.
He pulls me up and kisses me, my taste still on his lips, "Good girl." He whispers, "Let's see how you do during dinner."
I ended up wearing the dress.
The dress with no panties under it.
I'm three glasses of wine deep and working on a fourth.
"Y/N sweetie, how's your mom doing?" Anne asks setting her glass down. I nod and smile, "She's good. Her business is starting to take off. She's getting more clients everyday she's open."
"She does beautiful work, I was looking at her page, she deserves it. She's an amazing artist." Gemma says sipping her drink.
I smile and Harry slips a hand under dress and rests it on my thigh, "Um, yeah. She definitely dedicates a lot of time to it."
"She's very deserving of it, then." Gemma smiles, "I'm going to clear these plates and then we can talk more." She gets up and grabs a few dishes.
"Oh here let me-" I go to stand up but Anne waves me to sit back down, "No, no. You're a guest, please. Sit back down."
I nod and look over at Harry who has a smirk plastered on his face, "Hi."
I bite my lip and shake my head.
He leans in, "You know you want it." He moves closer to me and his hand slides further up. I grip the table and spread my legs slightly.
"That's my girl." He whispers as his fingers slide up and down my slit. I close my eyes and keep my lip between my teeth.
He works his fingers in and out slowly.
I can feel him watching me, getting a rise out of doing this.
"Harry, sweetie." Anne says causing me to jump, "Can you come get this dish off the top shelf for me?"
Harry nods and pulls his hand out, "Of course." I hear Anne walk away and Harry fingers his fingers to his mouth, wrapping his lips around them.
I watch as he slowly pulls them out and smirks, "We're not done."
He gets up and walks into the kitchen and I sit there trying to collect myself.
"So." Gemma says walking in and sitting across from me, "Anything new with you?" I shake my head, "Still hate flying, but we're here."
She laughs, "I get that. Once you do it so many times it just becomes.. a normal thing? I don't know. It definitely gets easier."
"Okay. Dessert!" Anne says walking in. She sets cake down on the table and Harry sets the plates down. "Oh my, that looks so good." I lean forward and set my glass down.
"It does. Doesn't it." Harry looks at me and gives me a wink. I smile slightly and shake my head.
He walks back over and sits down next to me, close like before. His hand goes back to my thigh and his thumb gently brushes against my skin.
Anne hands out the plates of cake, "Thank you." I say, picking up my fork. Anne walks over to give Gemma one and sits down.
Harry slips his hand higher up and I spread my legs again, "So, mom." Harry says, "What are you plans for this week?"
"We'll, I'm definitely taking y/n shopping. I need some time with her. I've missed her dearly." Anne smiles at me.
I smile back and try to keep my composure as Harry circles my clit with his finger, "Sounds.. fun. Im always down for shopping."
"Yeah, it's ridiculous sometimes." He says shaking his head.
"Oh you only say that because you're a man." Gemma teases, "If you were a woman, you know very well you'd be in the shops looking around too."
Harry shrugs and laughs, "Probably." He works his finger back into me and I rest my thumb on my mouth.
"There's no rush to get up in the morning either, whenever everyone gets up is when we'll start the gift giving. I know how it is flying from all the way over there to here." Anne says, "You guys need your rest."
"Yeah, I'll probably turn in early." Harry works another finger in.
"I don't know." I say fighting a smirk, "I feel pretty alright right now. I mean I'm sure it'll hit me later on, though."
"Oh it most definitely will." Gemma says, "That jet lag is a killer."
Harry nods, "Yeah, it's a very rough time." His glances over at me and pulls his hand out.
Harry checks his phone and lets out a, very fake, yawn, "I'm going to head up to bed." He kisses my cheek and takes his arm from around my shoulder, "Come up whenever."
He gives his mom a kiss on the cheek and walks towards the steps. I look over my shoulder at him and he gives me a wink.
I smile and look back at Anne, "We're so happy to have you here, y/n."
"I'm happy to be here, Anne." I look at the fire place and finish my wine, "I appreciate that you enjoy me being around."
"Of course, sweetie. Now why don't you get up to bed. We have a big day tomorrow!" She reaches over and pats my shoulder, "You'll always be welcome here. You're the best thing to happen to Harry and I appreciate you loving him the way you do."
"He's the best thing that's happened to me. I really do love him." I smile and stand up. I grab my wine glass and take it out to the kitchen before I head upstairs.
I slowly open the door and step in. The room is dark, but some candles that are lit, "Harry?" I question as I shut the door.
He steps out from what I'm guessing is the bathroom and walk over to me, "About time you came up."
"Yeah, me and your mom were.." he leans down and kisses my neck, "Talking." I breathe out.
"I want you so bad." He mumbles against my neck, "Thinking of how wet you are.." he kisses up my neck and grabs my ass to pull me closer, "I need to feel you."
I wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me up and walks over to the bed, "Quiet, baby." He whispers as he kisses down my neck.
He takes the towel off his waist and pushes my dress up, "Fuck." He groans as he pumps his cock a few times. I spread my legs and he positions himself between my knees.
He looks down at me as he slides in, "Harry." I breathe out, "Fuck."
"Shh." He groans leaning down to kiss me. I moan into his mouth and he brings his hand up and lays his palm to my lips.
He starts to thrust faster, biting his lip and tilting his head back. He reaches his other hand up and grips the headboard, "fuck." He curses quietly.
His hair hangs down over his face and his lips part. I lay a hand over his mouth and close my eyes as I can feel myself getting closer to cuming.
I wrap my legs around his waist and arch my back off the bed, moaning into his hand and grabbing the sheets with the other one.
He leans up and grips my hips, "You're so beautiful." He bites his lip and continues thrusting. I smile as I watch him, biting my lip to contain the moans I want to scream out.
He leans down, "I love you."
"I love you." I kiss him and run a hand through his hair, "I love you so much." I whimper and clench around him as he makes me cum a second time, "Fuck."
He kisses down my neck and groans, "Y/N.. fuck.." he pulls out and whimpers into my neck which is so fucking hot.
He leans up after keeping his head on my shoulder for a few minutes, "Hold on." He grabs his towel and gently wipes off my body.
He lays down next to me and pulls the cover over us, "I want to start a family with you."
I turn my head slightly, "Really?"
"Why do you sound so surprised?" He asked with a chuckle.
"I'm not, I want to, too. I just- with the band and everything I wasn't sure if now would be a good time, you know?" I roll over to face him, "You really want to?"
He nods and kisses my nose, "I do."
You can find part two here
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated and don’t forget to hit follow! ♥
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sourle · 1 year
Hello hello!!
I would like to place a request for the traffic light tiro!!
This is pre relationship. Like pining from the trio, and I mean hard pinning. So s/o is someone who (preferably has long hair) normally has their hair up all the time. It’s more convenient that way. But one day they needed to go to a party a friend invited them too. So they let their hair down too look good for the party. But they left something at each respective tiro’s place. So they run by to go get it still dolled up so they can run straight to the party after getting what they left. Mei/Mk/Red son see s/o with their hair down and more pretty compared to their normal appearance for the first time and they get shot with more then one of Cupid’s arrows. They just got promoted from simp to hardcore simp
Do what you will
Thank you :D!!
Hi! Hi! Sorry it took me a while, I was busy with school and such! And aside from that I have a lack of motivation:')
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He was.. wow amazed, your hair looks beautiful before and it's even more beautiful now.
He can't help himself! He just can't! He'll fall deeper for you and your beauty's.
He's not one to look at someone's base of looks and prefer their personalities. But when he looks at you he can't help himself.
He'll be all over you! Always around you and such.
When you come to his work with your hair tied up, he'll ask you to let your hair down cuz he thinks it's more beautiful that way.
Oh my gosh, you're so cute! She loves your hair! She adores it.
She asks if she can stylize it. At one point she definitely makes your hair match like her's.
She adores you with your hair bun now she adores you more!
I like to think she loves someone with long hair preferably because she plays with it and helps style it.
From then she sometimes asks you to let your hair down cuz she likes it that way more. And you sometimes catch her playing with your hair
She can't help herself ok! It looks soft! She'll definitely play with it at times.
Red son
He has long hair himself, and often has it in pony tail. He likes yours too, a unique one he must say.
The first time he saw your hair down amazed him, not only did your hair look super soft and fluffy it did suit you well.
He's falling hard for you, he's kind of a tsundere to me.
He denied himself to fall further for you but he can't when you look very beautiful and appealing.
He'll definitely help you style your hair, even both of you having matching hair style.
Sometimes you would copy his hair style, he thinks it's funny but doesn't express it much.
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instarsandcrime · 6 months
Tuned Out
Oh gosh it's been uh. Almost a month since I've written something??? Well, I hope you enjoy this one! I loved the idea of a sick L/uc/ifer spiraling, and being broken out of it by A/la/stor's radio show because I'm weak to the idea-- though it can be interpreted as both platonic and Ra//di//o//A//pple.
And here's a quick heads-up: Though this is still the usual fluffy fic, the spiral paragraph itself is a bit rough. So I'm going to put a trigger warning below and in the summary when I add this fic to the list. If intrusive thoughts and vague thoughts of self-harm are too much, please skip the italicized second paragraph. You can still read the fic without needing to include this part, so don't feel ANY pressure to do so if you aren't/will never be ready. Please, pleeeassseee take care of yourselves!
Otherwise, enjoy!
TW: Intrusive thoughts, vague thoughts of self-harm
Burning. His skin felt like it was burning him alive. That was the only sensation Lucifer could feel. His tired eyes stared up at the canopy of his bed, face glowing softly with fever. Its flush spread gold across the embedded pearls above, making them sparkle like stars. He sighed, crackling sparks floating from his lips as thoughts poked and prodded at his overheated mind.
Fuck. He really was pathetic, wasn’t he? Can’t move, can’t get up, can’t get a glass of water, eat dinner, call Charlie– call. Charlie? Oh, poor Charlie. She must be so disappointed in him. He chuckled weakly, What would she even say to him that she hasn’t already thought? He could imagine it. He really could. ‘Seriously, Lucifer?! I literally meant nothing to you for years and now suddenly you waltz into my life? And instead of actually spending time with me, you’re calling from a room that could’ve gone to someone who truly needed it, ordering me to wait on you hand and foot like I’m your butler? Like our entire relationship meant nothing? You threw me away, and now you’re going to do it again?! You know what? You deserve this! You deserve to rot in your bed! Get as starving and sick as you want! At least now the inside will match the outside! You’re terrible! I hate you! No. No, you know what? I wish you got your second shot at Heaven. I wish you had at least a week of laughter, fun, and fucking fireworks so they could tear off your wings andyoucanFallalloveragai–’
A burst of static pierced the air, shattering the constricting spiral just before it could break him again– and replaced it with a new form of dread.
“Why hello there all you wayward sinners! Welcome once again to tonight’s show with your host: The Radio Demon!”
“Uuugh!” Lucifer groaned dramatically, snatching one of his many pillows to press over his head. 
Right. The stupid fucking radio. From under the shadows, the sickly demon couldn't help but glare daggers at the piece of junk resting on his nightstand. Alastor had requested those old, outdated mortal inventions for every hotel room– specifically from the 1920’s era because apparently he preferred style and substance. Whatever that meant. 
Regardless. He insisted that it was needed for announcements, communication, and entertainment. In other words– somewhere, somehow, Alastor was currently studying him and him alone with invisible eyes. Surgically scanning him at the seams for the slightest rip. The slightest tear. As if his prey wasn't the most powerful being here. Dramatic bastard.
“And how are you doing this fine evening, Your Majesty?” The radio sung.
“Go away.” The lump of fluff grumbled.
"Of course not! It is my duty as your hotelier to take note of every little detail of my building, no matter how tiny and insignificant. And I am ever-so-glad I have! It is quite the rare sight to watch our King of Hell lose face to a simple case of the sniffles. Truly a headline for the ages!"
An angry red blush painted over the king’s golden cheeks, immediately pushing himself upright. Towering wings puffed, pillows and blankets tossed about the bed as he went. "Now see here! Sinners get sick. Overlords get sick. Hell, Charlie and Lilith can get sick! Me? I’m just rehhh…Snff! Ugh, resti'g…"
"Resting. Of course. I suppose I will believe you for convenience’s sake--"
"Hhheh…! Het'shiew!"
"--oh! Bless you."
"Bless y--"
"Hep'shhhh! 'Etshhh! 'Tshhh! 'Tshhh-'tshh-'tch! ...HhhhehhHH...! HEH'TSSHHHIEW!"
"My goodness, bless! You sound absolutely miserable. Shall I fetch you a glass of water? Or another blanket, perhaps?"
"Nhhh– no." Lucifer protested between hitching breaths, conjuring a handkerchief with the flick of the wrist, "N-no thahhh...hhhah! Hhhh...”
He finally lowered the cloth when the tickle finally fizzled out, heaving a sigh of relief. “Ndo thadk you. Snff!" He took a deep breath before letting loose a mucky blow into the fabric, "It's fine. I'm fine."
A pause. "Ah."
"What? What is it now?"
"Oh nothing, nothing! I’ll let you get back to your rest. But before I go, could I mention one more thing?”
“Absolutely not.”
“It’s just. Well, I had my first impressions, but I assumed that the King of Hell wouldn't be so cowardly."
"Cowardly?!" Lucifer repeated incredulously, spitting a plume of smoke.
"I see your hearing is as sharp as your wit."
"I'll show you cowardly you…y-you…hhh-!" The demon’s nose twitched desperately, and he cursed between hitching gasps as it tried again and again to just get. The damned itch. Out.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't quite catch that."
"You…you self-important…hehhh…p-pompous…!" 
"How flattering of you to notice my worth! And would you believe it? You're absolutely right! I am the fundraiser for this humble project, after all. The guide for these poor, misguided souls. Ones such as yourself."
"Oh, please! We both know you’re...you're no behhh...better than…hhhH–!" Lucifer's handkerchief raised to his face.
"Trying to use your infamous silver tongue through a sneeze? My word! Charlie had told me you were stubborn. But this?"
"Eshhh! Et'SCHHH! HEH'ETSCHH'HHHIEW!" He quickly twisted his head away to let loose a breath of flame, barely singeing the well-abused cloth.
"Poor, poor Lucifer Morningstar.” Alastor teased, his voice as soft and careful as a snake in the grass. The smattering of footsteps echoed across the floorboards, circling the bed. “Always choosing your own heavenly guilt over the needs of everyone else."
"HEH'ESCHH'HHHIU! Hehh! Hhh…hghh…"
"Which is a shame, considering the ill resident who requires attention. Trapped in their own feverish mind. Alone while their partner is away. Unable to move or think or even ask for help properly. But I’m sure you wouldn’t know how it feels for them, considering how indestructible you are."
"...There is?" Lucifer finally croaked, cringing to himself at another gurgling nose blow.
"Of course! While you were hiding in your room with your wings tucked between your legs, I'm afraid you've missed someone very important. Someone close to you."
Lucifer froze. He didn't mean.
"Mmm. Let's see." As the radio host thought stubby knobs spun on their own, playing flickers of songs diluted by time. "Rosy cheeks. Blonde hair. Red eyes that sparkle so damn brightly one could go blind."
Oh no.
"Puffy bow tie. Black fingernails."
Did. Did he get his little girl sick? Please, please don't let that be the case.
"The most spell-binding singing voice."
He thought back to breakfast. How Charlie had eaten less than normal. How she sniffled once or twice at the table. Wait, did her face look pale? Maybe the light didn’t catch it?
A knot formed in the pit of his stomach.
"Wh-where is she-- they, um! That. Resident right now?"
"Oh, performing the usual suffering patient routine. Lying in bed. Being miserable. Quite adament about sleeping the bug off. Reminds me of the ol’ picture books that star wealthy socialites and their sickly Victorian children. The ones who die due to their parents' neglect and mistreatment."
"I could help her." The fallen angel mumbled anxiously as he pushed himself upright. "I could help her right– …now..." 
The second he dared to stand he nearly fainted, stumbling dizzily to grab the bedpost for support. From beneath a small string of black tentacles sprouted from the ground, nudging him back into place and under the covers as The Radio Demon tutted disapprovingly. 
"I wouldn’t do that if I were you. If you can't partake in the complex act of resting, then what good are you to our dear, sweet Charlie?"
"Shut. Up." Lucifer hissed, "I am a grown adult--"
"--and I choose what to do with my free time! And it's my jo-- koff koff! j-job to help my daughter when she needs it!" A shaky finger waved at all six radios. Or were there seven?
"To be quite honest Sire, I would prefer to do my tasks without your meddling. Actually, I would prefer not to perceive your existence at all, thank you very much. Unless..."
"Unless you'd rather call her yourself. But I know you won't." A mocking tone laced with static, “You c̴̨̮͊o̶̗̤̿ẇ̷̙á̴̼̖ȑ̶͉̕d̶̙͚͗̕.”
“I– wh–” Lucifer laughed in sheer disbelief, snatching up his phone. “Y-you’re– you’re joking, right? I’m not some– some godforsaken hermit!"
"Then by all means, prove it."
"I am!"
“I’m waiting."
"Oh, I’ll do it! I’ll do such a good call. It’ll be the– snff! goodest caller you’ve ever seen.” The King of Hell pouted like a child as he moved his claws.
“Ugh. Lord knows how he’ll act if he gets worse.” The radio mumbled quietly.
“My apologies, Your Majesty! I forgot that your company as of late are less of the civilized and more the rubber duck variety.”
"Of all the– if you weren't stuck to Charlie like a parasite I would take the sharpest end of my tail and shove it up your--"
"Dad?" A voice croaked.
"Charlie!" Lucifer's venom turned saccharine sweet, flipping on a dime. "Hey! Hi! H-how are ya, sweetie?"
"Mmrgh...what time is it?"
"It's. Um. Evening…time? Look, that doesn't matter right now. Are you feeling alright, kiddo?"
"Am I feeling alright?" His patient echoed sleepily.
"Yeah! I uh. IIIII just wanted to check in. See if you were okay." 
"Oh. Um, I'm okay." A bit of rustling and a pause. "Are you okay?"
"Snff! Me?"
"Yes, you! You looked so tired at breakfast this morning, a-and you didn’t eat anything which never happens! And you were kinda glowing? It kinda seemed bad but I didn’t want to ask because maybe it was a personal thing and– wait, your voice is…are you crying?!" Rustling turned into the shuffle of pacing slippers.
"What? No! Nonononono! I just--" Lucifer froze, feeling another itch start to build, handkerchief nowhere to be found under the sea of fabric. "Jhhh-just excuse mbe for– snff! For a seggond. Keebp t-talki’g…!"
He quickly pressed his hand against the speaker, stifling into his shoulder until the scratchy wool felt damp. "Hh'ntt! Hh’ngk! Hhh’TCH! ‘TCH! Hhhhh...HT'CHNXT'hiew! Guhh..."
"Sure. A-anyway, you called me pretty early in the morning and after all that and this. Soooo…is there anything I can do to help?"
Desperate claws scrambled to craft a new handkerchief and wipe his streaming face. "N-no! No, no-- snff! absolutely not! Worry about yourself Char-Char, I'm fi--....f-fihh...!"
Hang up, pinch your nose shut, do anything but--
"HET'SHHH'HIEW!" Lucifer doubled over.
"Oh geez, that sounded terrible!” Charlie gasped, “Is that why you've been in your room all day? Are you sick?"
A sudden, very obvious realization hit him. Silently the fallen king sunk into his mattress, wishing he could be swallowed by his comforter. His cheeks burned. The familiar description. The taunting. 
“Can I. Call you back, Stardust?” 
“What? Whoa, whoa, wait, we’re not finished here–” With a final monotone beep, the call ended.
"You.” Lucifer clenched his fangs.
“Yes?” Alastor hummed non-chalantly. “YOU.”
“Gracious! No need to shout. Even The Devil Himself should know that a sickly patient musn’t raise his voice, lest it get worse than it already is!”
“Watch your back, bellhop. Next time I see you, no ring of Hell will compare to what I-- koff! I’ll–" The threat died with a wheeze, breaking into another ill-timed fit.
"And that's all for tonight, folks!" The radio suddenly hopped back to life, "Tomorrow's show may be a little dicey schedule wise, as our guest star is feeling quite unwell. Will he finally exit his literal and proverbial cave of sorrows for once in his miserable life? Or, much like his saintly past, will pride once again be his downfall--"
"Dad! Are you– eep!"
Charlie's entrance was suddenly interrupted when a black fist rained down on the damned noise box, breaking in a fit of bouncing springs and wooden splinters. The room stilled until a meek, nervous chuckle finally broke the spell.
"Charlie, dear?"
"Um. Could. Could I trouble you for a glass of water?"
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cubffections · 4 months
compare your moots to sanrio and/or san-x characters!
EEK NONNIE SQUEE !! been wantin' to do tis for the longest! <3 my silly sanrio hyperfix put to good use !! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
kai kai ! ( @yngxing ) my character for chu is the sweet puppi cinnamoroll ꒰(つ´Ⱉ`)꒱ m'reason is tht u alwys reminded mi of the cutie due to your personalities bein saur similar !! ( so when i saw chu with a cinna pfp i lit rally squealed . ) squeezing u into a big hug !!
ryse !! ( @neuvistar ) my character 4 chu is the luvlie fashionista mocha ! my biggest rzn 's your amazin' themes >o< if mocha had a blog she would tots b like uu ! not to mention how sweet & carin' u are ❤︎‪
rubiii !! ( @6gumi ) my character for chu is the absolutely adorable lala of the little twin stars <3 you're just as caring and sweet as her, and not mention a literal angel ! (〃ノωノ)
oakie !! ( @rinneverse ) my character for chu is the kyuutiest frog, keroppi ! the bubbly and happy vibes that surround you both that lights up everyone's world ! muah ! i just adore the energy u spread around da dash ( ੭´꒳`ᑦ )
lexieee !! ( @hanafubuxi ) m' character for uuu is the sweet bunni, wish me mell ! chu both luv writin' letters / gifts n sendin them out to evry1 like the cuties u r ! gosh c'mere n lemme smooch ur cheekkk, u deserves everything !! ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১
ying !! ( @xianyoon ) my character 4 uu is without a doubt, miss hello kitty !! gosh im so firm on this that i'll die on tis hill !! ( ˊᗜˋ) the bright personalities & the vibes around others, yes yup most definitely u
cocoo !! ( @hwaitham ) my character 4 uu is the pretti in pink, my sweet piano !! your personalities line up oh so perfectly ヾ( ܸ>ᴗ<)ノ" n i do remember u playin da piano as well so not only r u as sweet n fluffy as her, you both r also my beloved pianists ! ꪔ̤̮‪
torii !! ( @niitoshi ) my character 4 uuu is always gna b da mischievous kuromi !! i've always associated her wif u all da time since we've became so tis only natural that i can't even explain a reason ><
zen !! ( @saecidal ) m' character for chu is the precious pup, pompompurrin ! i dunno how tew explain it but u express tis cuddly silly vibe that i just wanna snuggle u ! like who can't get enough of sweet zenzen !!
manuu !! ( @chaldeanu ) mi character 4 uu is the loving sister of hello kitty, mimmy white ! gosh, not many talk about the adorable kitty enough >< you always remind me of her personality wise and her pretty yellow aesthetic! ( honestly u remind me of the color yellow all da time c: )
femi !! ( @femivi ) my character for chu is the sugary sweet my melody! u just scream her actually, you're teww lovely that it makes my heart ache like i just aquired a sweet tooth ?!:!: gosh my wub for u <33
river !! ( @euthymiya ) m' character for u is the cutie badtz-maru !! even though the personalities dun match well since badtz is wnts to boss arnd everyone ‎(´-ᴗ-⸝⸝ก) the kewl & silly side of him makes me pick him for chu !! you guys wuld b a duo in m eyes ჱ̒✧°́⌳ー́)੭
waaa ik there's soo much more ppl i'm missin' T^T i'm soo sorri but my brain short circuiting ! these r the sweeties that came straight to mind !! ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১
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jungkookjeon0007 · 2 months
Nights in Vegas | CH. 1 (JJK FF)
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☆ summary: When Olivia flies to Las Vegas for her first ever BTS concert w/ her best friend, she was expecting to make lots of unforgettable memories... What she wasn't expecting was to end up with the lead singer, Jeon Jungkook, knocking on her hotel room door only to find her in nothing but a towel. What will happen when the golden maknae wants to see her again? Will it lead to heartbreak, or a promising future for them both?
☆ pairing(s): jungkook x olivia.
☆ ratings: (18+) for detailed sex scenes + harsh language.
☆ genre: smut, angst, fluff.
☆ word count: 1.35k.
After what seemed to be the longest plane ride in history, we FINALLY made it to Las Vegas.
My best friend Lacie and I took a taxi to the hotel, checked ourselves in, then headed straight up to our room to get unpacked. To say we're excited for the concert in 2 days is definitely an understatement, and to know BTS was somewhere in this exact same building did not make it any better.
Once settled in, Lacie threw herself onto one of the queen size beds letting out a long sigh.
"What's is it?" I asked, picking out a fresh outfit to change into.
I needed to take a shower, jet lag is kicking my ass.
She looked at me with a smile, "Nothing! I just can't believe we are actually here and in the same hotel as them. How did you even pull off getting us a room?"
I smirked mischievously, "Mommas got connections."
Giggling and shaking her head, she got up from the bed grabbing her phone and wallet off of the nightstand. "I'm going to go and check this place out a little bit while you take a shower. Text me when you're finished and I will come back here to meet you. We can then grab lunch, I'm starving."
I gave her a smile, nodding as she turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
I gathered my things, making my way to the bathroom, and immediately turned on the water. After stripping my clothes, I entered the shower instantly being enveloped by the relaxing feeling of hot water beading down onto my aching, tired body.
Nearly 45 minutes later.. I turned off the water, grabbed a white fluffy towel, and wrapped it snuggly around my body. I walked out of the bathroom to get dressed and just as I was about to drop the towel, there was a loud knock at the door. Figuring it was Lacie, I walked over and made the mistake of not checking who it was through the peephole first. I twisted the doorknob, whipping it open as my eyes met with someone I definitely was not expecting to be standing outside of my hotel room. I immediately felt my heart drop as I stood there completely lost for words, my smile fading and quickly replaced with absolute shock.
After staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity, he finally broke the silence. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I was almost positive I was on the 4th floor."
I remained frozen. It took him clearing his throat, for me to come back to my senses. "O-oh, no that's okay. I just thought you were my friend and she had forgotten her room key."
He nodded his head, looking down.
Suddenly, his eyes almost bulged out of his head as he looked me up and down. Once I realized what he was looking at, I almost passed out from embarrassment.
Without saying a word, I hurriedly ran to the bathroom and snatched a robe off of the hook. When I returned I tied the robe as tightly as possible, apologizing frantically. "Ohmygoshiamsosorryabouthis."
Chuckling at my word vomit, that bunny smile I have come to love so much showed itself before he spoke. "No, it's really okay. Are you by chance an ARMY?"
I didn't say anything, I couldn't... I just nodded my head while looking down.
"Ahhh, are you here for our concert that's in a few days?"
Once again no response, I just nodded my head.
"Look, I know you're embarrassed and I'm sorry about this whole situation. If it helps at all, I didn't see anything... plus it's my fault for disturbing you, I should have paid more attention to the floor numbers."
Finally getting the courage to look at him, I was met with those beautiful dark brown doe eyes. "Even if this is the way we met for the first time, it's truly an honor to meet you Jungkook. I think you and the other members are amazing and cannot wait to see the concert."
He blushed at my words. "Thank you so much. We truly appreciate that."
I smiled and nodded my head.
Another silent moment between us, but this one was not as awkward as the times before... I almost enjoyed it and it seemed as though he did too,
We smiled at each other, "Well I better get going. I was heading to Namjoon hyung's room for lunchtime."
Understanding completely, we bid each other a goodbye.
He went to walk away but before I could shut the door, he turned and looked back at me. "It was very nice to meet you and I hope we will be seeing each other again."
My breath hitched in my throat but I smiled, powering through my internal screaming. "Yes I hope so too, it was very nice to meet you, Jungkook."
He waved goodbye, walking back towards the elevator. I closed the door, sliding down to the floor with my back against it and biting my lip. I was struggling to believe that what had just happened was in fact real.
THE JEON JUNGKOOK, was at my hotel room and saw me in only a towel. Wait until I fucking tell Lacie!
. . .
[Jungkook's POV]
Jimin had texted me and informed we would all be meeting in Namjoon Hyung's room and that I needed to meet them there. I was in the middle of texting him back while walking into the elevator, so I didn't realize I had pressed the 3rd floor instead of the 4th by accident.
The elevator arrived and once I exited, I walked straight to room 325 knocking upon the door. As it swung open, I quickly realized I was not on the right floor but nevertheless was captivated by the girl who was standing in front of me.
Once she realized who I was, her smile faded and the look of utter shock was written on her face.
"Oh gosh, I am so sorry! I thought I was on the 4th floor." I apologized, feeling like an idiot for not paying closer attention.
She continued to stare until I cleared my throat.
"O-oh, no that's okay. I thought you were my friend and she had forgotten her room key."
I simply nodded, but as my eyes travelled down her body, I felt my heart stop beating. She was standing in front of me in only a towel and once she realized the reason for my behavior, she darted towards the bathroom.
I assumed she went to get something to cover herself up and was proven right as she came back, tying a robe around her. She began to apologize frantically and thank god I've been practicing my English a lot lately or I wouldn't have been able to understand a single word she said.
Knowing how embarrassed she was and the red tint now painted brightly on her cheeks, I changed the subject. As we talked, I couldn't help but find her intriguing wishing the conversation didn't have to come to an end. But alas, the world is unfair and I sighed while reading Jimin's text before putting my phone into my pocket. "Well I better get going. I was heading to Namjoon Hyung's room for lunchtime."
She smiled then nodded.
I turned to walk away but something stopped me as I turned back, saying one last thing before leaving, "It was very nice to meet you and I hope we can see each other again soon."
Seeing the look on her face was priceless, but when she replied back that she hoped to see me too... my heart leaped with joy which was a feeling I've not felt before.
I smiled and waved, walking down the hallway to the elevator and once I was alone, made sure to press the correct number this time leaning my back against the wall.
What did that girl just do to me? Why do I want to go back to her so badly? And what is this intense feeling in the pit of my stomach?
So many questions swirling around in my head and I knew right then that I had to talk with the members about this. But suddenly something dawned on me.....
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
newsies fic recs
cause you all asked
unfortunately i remember a lot of the good ones were on tumblr and so many people have changed their urls that they are not findable but, heres what i got
also keep in mind i havent read any of these in years and the summaries im giving are probably ass
these are all mostly ralbert, because that was what i read the most of, except for the ones at the end
the toaster fic (i used to remember this persons tumblr @ like 5 url changes ago but my brain is small and soupy so i am sorry). its crack, under 2k, absolute silliness and im still laughing about it five years later. modern era.
side by side its a really long ralbert soulmates fic where they are oblivious to hell and back. from what i remember its fluffy and silly. modern era.
voice okay she slaps ngl. its a modern era kind of angst situation. albert is mute. theres some referenced homophobia. lots of cuddles. 6k.
shaking thisss is a sick fic if i remember correctly. race is silly and gets a cold and there is cuddling. definitely part of a larger spralmer au but it works as a stand alone. under 5k. modern.
let the memory live again THIS FIC o gosh its killed me several times over. might be my favorite. idk. its up there. modern ralbert au. sad but also happy. albert is supposed to be dead and is not. he also has amnesia. its like 14k. read it at 2 am for maximum effect. god tier.
a love that will never grow old this is a sad canon era soulmate fic. race is alberts soulmate but albert is not races. theres also a sequel. the good kind of dad. multihap, 9k.
hero complex by @turtle-steverogers classic little ralbert oneshot, perfect amount of angst and comfort. albert is a firefighter and race is Worried also theres a dog. about 3k. modern.
thank u, next by the one and only @jack-kellys. its paranormal. its funky. its modern. its five parts and its complete. its 12k words and honestly like. i remember reading this and going absolutely batshit fizz is such a good writer (and is still actively writing newsies, throw them some prompts they love javey)
dont leave me by @sun-kissed-star its sprace, modern and spot is in the military. a good angst fluff angst ping pong match. 3.5k. theres some good and funny little jack moments :)
story written on skin by @patrocool oh my god the most well written soulmate au that i can possibly remember stumbling across at 3 in the morning and crying while reading. its a canon era sprace one. soulmate au where if one person gets injured the other person gets a mark. its really good. theres a part 1 and 2 and its long. like 15k long. read at 3am for best results.
the beast of brooklyn which i dont remember if ive actually read but i was asked to include it on the list so i did. mafia sort of au but also kind of beauty and the beast. well written and beautiful. fuckton of angst. sprace. modern.
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jongbross · 1 year
Helloooooo how are you?💓 May I ask for something? Baekhyun and s/o are friends + flirting with each other for a while. Someday baekhyun kiss her and she shocked because of happines but she cried saying "you stole my first kiss" some misunderstanding 🤣 fluffy things 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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pairing: byun baekhyun x reader word count: 390 genre: fluffy and a bit of angst warnings: reader has never been kissed a/n: hi, anon! i'm fine, what about you? thank you for requesting, i hope you like it <3
baekhyun smiled brightly at you as he pulled back from the kiss. it was only a peck, but it meant more to him than he could explain.
his childish like smile faded slowly as he met your shocked eyes, lips parted as you stared back at him.
"are you okay?", baekhyun asked, voice filled with worry. "did i... did i hurt you?"
his confusion and concern turned into shock as well, as he watched your eyes get blurry with tears.
"y/n...", he called you, meaning to touch you but stopping mid-action. "what did i do? i-i'm sorry, i just..."
"you... you s-stole my first kiss?", you whispered at him, genuinely questioning as you couldn't believe that just happened.
baekhyun frowned, leaning towards you. "what?"
"y-you kissed me", you said, feeling a lonely tear running down your face. "you just stole my first kiss."
"oh my gosh... it was your first kiss?"
baekhyun freaked out when you nodded, covering his mouth with both hands.
"i'm so sorry! oh my god, i-i didn't know it!", he groaned. "please, forgive me, y/n... i would never do this if i knew that it was your first kiss, i mean, i guess i should have asked for your permission, right? shit, i'm sorry if i disrespected you, it wasn't my intention. w-we have been flirting for so long now and i thought that mayb-"
you grabbed baekhyun by his shirt suddenly, pulling him into you and crashing your lips on his once again. this time though, you allowed yourself to experience new things, letting baekhyun control the kiss and even go as far as enter your mouth with his tongue.
baekhyun grabbed your face, caressing your tears away, and holding you with such delicacy that warmed your heart. he took his time with you, only pulling away when he felt his lungs burning for air.
then, baekhyun rested his forehead against yours, sighing with a huge smile on his face.
"please, don't scare me like that again", he pleaded, making you laugh.
"i wasn't messing with you. it truly was my first kiss", you explained, cheeks blushing. "but i'm... i'm glad it was with you."
baekhyun smiled proudly at that. "i'm gonna give you years worth of kisses now, just watch me."
and with that, he kissed you again, and again, and again...
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
HEllloooooo! I just love ya work so i'll keep comeing here as you deserv all the love in the world. Anyways. Could you do an Mk, Mei, Nezha and Redson x An Curesed! S/O, Like they turn into a big fluffy wolf beast. This happens only when they feel intens emetiones like An big amount of joy and poff S/O is an big fluffy wolf moster whom akts like a puppy towareds them. Reader can be any gender! Love and hugs - Snake Anon
Aww thank you 🥺 love and hugs to you as well!!
This was really fun to write! Enjoy!
MK, Mei, Redson, and Nezha x GN!Werewolf?Reader Romantic Headcanons!
Redson - finds you adorable but will not admit it to your face. The first time you transform in front of them he freaks out a bit but then you turn back and she’s like ah. Once you properly explain how it works I think they’d rile you up on purpose because he has a lot of fun watching you get all excited and then boom! It’s a dog!! In a situation where you transform because you’re mad and Red is hurt bc of another demon, they hold a lot more respect for your other form because oh my gosh…that’s intimidating in a really cool way
Mei - AHHHH she’s obsessed!!! May or may not throw her sword while you’re in your wolf form so you’ll play fetch. Alternatively, taking power naps with each other while she’s in her dragon form and you’re in your wolf form>>>> anyways she no longer has to ask her parents about getting a puppy bc she’s got one <3 of course she loves you outside of your wolf form as well!
MK - loves seeing you transform and probably uses his powers to transform too so you guys can just have fun together! You make a great team this way :) and if you transform for a negative reason(like a lot of anger) he steers clear so he can let you just get it out. He loves you either way! If you don’t mind it, he might buy you a chew toy or two so you have something to do in your other form!
Nezha - very confused at first, but it’s not the strangest thing he’s ever seen, so he rolls with it. Not gonna lie I think once he gets used to it he’d definitely let you play fetch with his spear or use his fire wheels to chase you around. It’s just a really fun way for him to unwind with you and blow off some steam. You two make a good fighting team as well, and RIP to whatever demon decides to mess with Nezha and his partner—once the wolf shows up with an angry teenager it’s all over
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ask-missparker · 1 month
The Chilling Adventures Of Super-Mamas 🧸
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— Super Mamas 🍀, friends 🫧 and son 🧸 today
Summary: Sometimes you need a boost of confidence to get things rolling
Warning: Fluffy and very sweet angsty plot
Setting: Liane Felton’s Designer Store 🪻
Characters mentioned: Rochelle, Rick, Michelle, Peter and Rei
Introducing: Harry Shum Jr as Jake Kwan, The Personal Assistant & Darling Good Friend
The currently blonde girl stood in front of the mirror and shyly said, “Oh my gosh, you sure that this dress is fine? I can totally understand if you don’t want me to..”
“Luna, sweetie, relax! We are designing this dress for your specifically for a reason, duh.” Liane said sitting on her knees pinning the fabric together.
“Yeah but what if it’s too expensive and you can’t find the right stuff for it.”
“That’s why you’re the client and I’m the designer, you give me the money for this stuff. You’re gonna look gorgeous!”
“Yo-you su-sure? I’m just…I am just so nervous.”
“Nervous about what?”
“My we-wedding..wh-what if something happens? O—or Ricky d-doesn’t show..?”
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Liane paused what she was doing and looked up at her friend with a ‘bitch you serious?’ look. As Luna looked away a little shyly, rubbing her shoulders as if she was being judged.
The blonde in a purple dress sighed and smiled, “Luna, sweetheart, calm down. You and Rick are so lovey dovey with each other, no way in hell, he is going to leave you waiting at the alter.”
“Y-you sure? Cause I heard grooms might get co-cold feet and not show up.” Luna said with a sigh playing with her nails.
“Okay everyone gets nervous on their wedding day, I know I did, but you have nothing to worry about. And for real girlie, you and Rick are so darn lovey dovey it’s annoyingly obvious how in love you guys are.”
“We are not…I mean, we are in love..but it’s no-not obvious..”
“Last week at an Avengers meeting, you two were holding hands and basically nuzzled into each other’s arms.”
“Ohhh..hehe oops..”
Jake Kwan, Liane’s assistant and personal friend, chuckle in agreement with her boss. He even commented how they are disgustingly cute together from what he seen, hoping their wedding day goes off with a splash.
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“You see! Your wedding is gonna be great, maybe just as nice as Rochelle and Michelle’s wedding day.” Liane added with a grin.
“You mean the same wedding where Doc Ock came in and swooped the bridal party off to the side?”
Said a voice jokingly.
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They looked over their shoulders to noticed Mia walking in with snacks, drinks and carrying Elliot in her arms. He was playing with his toy Lighting McQueen and only half paying attention to the others. Luna smiled waving at them. Jake looked up from his phone at the moment to smile at the brunette.
Liane glanced at Luna, “Okay not the best example but you get my point. Things went off with a bang for them!” She then turned to look at Mia as she took Elliot for her arms, pressing kisses against her son’s face as she said, “And what are you two doing here?”
Elliot answered, “Mommy said that we can come and see you!”
“Oh did she now? Looks like mommy forgot to text me on the way over.”
“Mama, mommy got you guys donuts!”
Mia looked over sheepishly as she was carefully hugging Luna a sweet hello, making sure to not wrinkle the fabric or get a pin stabbing her side. Liane send the brunette a look before rolling her eyes and chuckling.
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As his mommy walked over to his mama, Elliot rushed over and grinned as Luna scooped him tickling him. Luna felt ten times better holding her cute little nephew as they talked about cartoons and whatnot. Even so, Elliot called his auntie pretty which made Luna smile and blush a bit at his compliment.
Liane eyes widen slightly and lightly gasped, “Oh my..Eli Taylor, honey! Be careful with the dress! You too Luna, please be careful it’s not done yet.”
Mia placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled, “It’s fine, hon, the dress is gonna get wrinkled and whatever anyway.”
“But it’s not just the dress, it’s the whole look. It’s not done yet and we might change it. Girl, you don’t understand fashion as hell as I do.”
“Thank you Captain Obvious. Lia, relax it’s fine.” Mia smirked and then muttered, “Besides, knowing who Luna’s man is that dress is gonna get wrinkled anyway.”
“Mia!” Liane replied smirking as she laughed, “Be nice!”
“What? The man is half wolf! That dress ain’t gonna last two hours on the dance floor.”
“Girl, sweetie, you’re too much at times, but true they are gonna dance together and make a romantic scene. Straight out of some classic Disney movie.”
“We weren’t like that, right?”
“Oh no, we were pretty chill. I think I spent half of the night taking pictures with guests and watching the fireworks in the backyard.”
“And dancing. We danced to Maroon 5 Sugar like it was no tomorrow. But mhmmm that wedding cake was so good!”
Liane laugh as she joked, “Fat ass.”
“Thank you for noticing. I’ve been doing squats lately.” Mia joked in a silly accent chuckling loudly.
As time went on, Mia and Jake helped Liane with the dress after removing it off Luna.
It was kinda obvious that Luna was still a little indecisive about how she wanted the final cut of her dress to be. It wasn’t unusual for Liane to have that in clients who had a bunch of other things on their mind. So she was willing to give the girl all the time she needed to have her dress be perfect.
Elliot was playing building blocks with Luna and coloring. It was obvious that spending time with her nephew is what she needed after everything.
Suddenly Luna asked, “How did you know your wedding was going to be good?”
Mia looks up from her phone as she took a break from helping Jake and Liane. They were the professionals after all.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Mia asked respectfully curious.
Luna sighed resting Elliot on her lap as she explained, “Well um..I mean, how did you know that your dress was perfect, the flowers were right…the setting is just so beautiful…and um…th-that everything about it is absolutely amazing…?”
“Hehe I wasn’t expecting everything to be absolutely perfect. Well Liane was but I wasn’t. I am not that kind of person despite how I act.” She admitted.
“Ooohhh…b-but why? H-h-how?”
“With our current line of work, and with how life is, I realize that you have to take things how they are and make the best of it.”
“Yeah! I get it everyone dreams of the perfect wedding, but I feel like the perfect wedding is more like, what’s perfect for you. Is it the dress? Is it the flowers? Is it the wedding? Then everything else will fall right into place.”
“Okay, yeah, I see what you mean! I gotta find what’s perfect for me.”
“Mhmm exactly! At the end of the day, all that matters is your and your groom are alright, and that everyone is celebrating the good times together.”
Luna grins, “Wow, Mia, you are so smart! That sounds like a great plan.”
“Thank you for the kind compliment, but you’re smart too.” Mia added smiling.
“W-what? N-no..I am not that smart.”
“Luna, don’t. Don’t head down that road with me, on the whole I am not smart enough bit, you are. End of discussion.”
“No buts! You are smart, your are sweet and you are very kind at the end of the day. I mean, come on you’re getting married!”
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As the words exited Mia’s lips, Luna smiled once again at the reminder that she is marrying a pretty great guy. Her fiancé Rick Banner. She was pretty lucky. And if she knew her fiancé, he was just as nervous and excited as her.
Maybe Mia and Liane were right? Her wedding day was going to be pretty awesome after all.
She looked down at Eli in her arms, who was showing her his new plushie as she squealed and played with him. She wondered many things about her future with Rick. Mia chuckled watching her son play with his auntie. One of her favorite things to watch.
If she will be a good wife and partner on the field, if they will still be as sweet to each other after they get married, if they will have a family of their own and will they move out from Avengers Towers?
Luna hopes she doesn’t move out of The Tower anytime soon with Ricky. She loves it there way too much and she knows he loves it too.
However she does think about the others relationships sometimes and becomes curious.
She watched Mia and Liane, Michelle and Rochelle, along with the most recent couple Peter and Rei, seeing them all having it figured out. Hell, Pepper and Tony have it all figure out. Or at least, that’s what she thinks for the couples. Luna knows that she have their own struggles, inner turmoil and anxiety about stuff.
She just hopes she will get there one day.
But seeing how she’s getting married very soon, she’s definitely heading in the right direction.
Please let me know what you think 💭
Tags: @ask-starrk @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @wizzzardofoz z @thechoooooosenone @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @marvelsfavoriteuncle @elzabeth-stark @sci-fi-lexcon @jackiequick @blueboirick @gcthvile @cherrysft @meiramel @trulysummersprivate and etc
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harufluff · 2 years
hello, may I request soobin x shy reader with number 92 from the fluff prompt list??
Hope you’re doing well, have a great day 🥰😵‍💫
sorry it took so long anon…
'not so cheesy' c.sb
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warnings - angry yunjin, mentions of a burn, bad writing lol
genre - fluff, fluff prompt list, soobin x shy!reader, non-idol au, soobin x barista!reader, #92 "My heart isn’t beating faster, my heart isn’t beating faster, I swear it isn’t, get ahold of yourself."
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hi everyone! im working on the series right now so im not dead, but here is something fluffy for you :)) please feel free to request anything to me and I will try to get it done.
‘order 21!!’
your co-worker called out into the small cafe. you loved working here. there were books everywhere and it’s an easy breakfast in the morning. it was perfectly convenient.
it helped you practice being a little more social too. ever since you were a kid, you were shy and never liked talking to people. this job you had to and you figured that was good.
but there were things that were better than the others. you worked with your friend Yunjin. you met and the job and got along well so you have each other your numbers and here you are.
but one of the best things, is a customer that comes in every morning and buys the same thing every time. he buys a coffee and a cookie and go sits down in a corner booth. his name you don’t know, but he really is handsome.
Yunjin has been trying to convince you to ask for his name and number for the entire time he’s been coming in, but you just think it’s rude and embarrassing.
a middle aged women came up to the counter and showed you her number,
‘here we are, one americano. that’ll be $3.55 please’
you thanked her as she walked away. but just as she left the cafe, a tall man with black hair came in. the same man that you have had a bit of a crush on. he walked up to the counter and said to you,
‘i’ll have my usual please and a water today too please’
you nodded and got his usual cookie then brought it back to the counter for him along with the cold water. you were looking down until you got there and finally made eye contact with him. he was looking straight in the eyes with a soft smile.
‘i-i’ll bring your coffee o-over to your table when it’s done’
you said shakily, but all he did was nod and smile at you again before walking away to his usual booth in the corner.
yunjin said to you in a yell whisper than everyone could hear, regardless of her “whispering” it. youve told her before that you will never fall in love at a cafe because it was too cheesy. she personally thinks you and a man you have never met before are meant to be together.
you just gave her a glare before going over to the finished coffee for the customer. you walked it over to his table, your hands still a little shaky.
‘here’s your coffee s-‘
two inches away from the table the coffee spilled over the cup and onto your hand, the hot coffee burning like heck. you mange to get the coffee cup on the table before retracting your arms into your chest as the burning continued to get worse.
‘oh my gosh are you ok?’
he asked as he bent down slightly to get a look at your hand. you nodded violently, pretty much telling him that you were not on and you were just being a good employee. he gently took your hand in his and looked at the dark burn on your hand.
‘are you sure your ok? it doesn’t look like it’
he finally made you look at him and he looked taken aback for a reason you don’t know why. he pushed you back to sit in the seat he was once sitting in and grabbed a paper napkin, dipping in it in his water and kneaded on the floor in between your legs and held your hand while holding the paper towel to the burn.
‘your a lot prettier up close you know…’
you look at him with wide eyes, and when he looks up at you he chuckles at your reaction.
‘this is kind of embarrassing but your the only reason i keep coming back here. my friend recommended this place to me and i saw you so i kept coming back’
he says looking away from you, his ears getting redder by the second.
‘i’ve seen you around too. your cute’
his expression changed in an instant...
'My heart isn’t beating faster, my heart isn’t beating faster, I swear it isn’t, get ahold of yourself.'
he said quietly to himself in almost a chant. you giggled at his pure cuteness. he stood up and you did as well. you bid your goodbyes and exchanged numbers.
maybe meeting at a cafe isnt so cheesy.
lord this was so bad...
© Harufluff 2022 | Do not copy, repost or claim my works.
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whataboutmyfries · 2 years
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Noot Special!
Hello hello hello! Welcome to a very special edition of the Bedtime story project!!! this could be read a love letter to all my beloved noot friends (it absolutely is btw) but also as a collection of some truly incredible fics by some equally incredible people. For those of you seeing this for the first time, this is not-quite regular post wherein i rec shorter, usually fluffy, fics in the hopes that you too find something to make your bedtime that little bit sweeter!
✩Suburbia by @fruitcoops (T: rated by me)
Starting off so so so strong with Eve's wonderful writing. This fic feels like a big hug and I love it to bits oh gosh <333 Anyone that knows sweater weather knows Eve is an absolute GOD in this fandom and the fact that I get to interact with her on the daily and call her my friend still feels a wee bit like a fever dream. she's out here writing utter magic like countermoves and Land of light both of which have me climbing the walls and chewing at the floorboards cause holy SHIT (whoops, back to the fic) I'm not going to lie, it was so hard to pic just a few fics to rec, but I went with the one I'd read this week for the wee oneshot because oh GOSH it is so somft and lovely and adorable, i love it.
✩Frosted windowpanes by @heyitssmiller (G | 13.8K)
Piercing, bitter cold greeted Logan as he stepped outside for the first time that day. The kind of cold that made the entire body tense up and the breath hitch. It was a quiet early morning, with a stillness that only freshly-fallen snow could bring. Logan took a second to pull his toque further down over his head as he grabbed the chainsaw by the door before heading out to the truck, passing the sign with red, clean lettering that read Tremblay’s Christmas Trees.
Now anyone that's been on this blog for a while knows just how much I ADORE mills and her writing (hello my lovely E-fiancee!!) And this FIC oh GOSH!!!! Frosted wondowpanes recently had its two year anniversary (!!!) which is when it was published on Ao3. I won't lie, this au still lives in my head RENT FREE along with clandestine and also Rendezvous with destiny (both of which I am definitely NOT reccing in this list no sir, not AT ALL nuh uh please dont have the links to them (they're on the names) and also whatever you do DONT go and yell in milo's comments about how MAGNIFICENT her writing is, no sir, definitely not suggesting that) Because of just how adorable it is, so much blushy flirting and idiots in love, 100/10
✩Leo's plant corner by @we-are-swearwolves (G)
Finn/Leo/Logan: plants and domesticity and social media mishaps 
Oh lord, oh jesus. Anyone that's ever interacted with me for any amount of time on the SW discord know I am absolutely FERAL for Em's writing. This is one of her shorter fics but you should absolutely definitely decidedly NOT go read her other works which I am NOT rec-ing because they definitely did NOT make me cry sob eat my heart out and feel shrimp emotions like Québécois and also "Smile, Soleil." nuh uh, not at ALL ;)
✩I've got my love to keep me warm by @arrowofcarnations (M | 1.7K)
Okay so, most people know Kim as the incredible author behind the fandom classic Inked but oh my GOSH the way kim writes makes me so EMOSH it is unreal, her characters are so fleshed out and tangible and so so gorgeous and also i get to watch her to her magic word thing on the discord??? like hello??? little old me witness to this absolute SORCERY??? genuinely insane, i adore it so much. Alsooooo cute little fun fact: Kim and Em worked together to write the masterpiece that absolutely BROKE me Like Real People Do just flipping INCREDIBLE. absolutely showstopping. I love Kim and her writing so so much.
✩Regency AU by @peggyrose19 (E: rated by me)
oh my god oh my god oh my GOD. Audrey's writing is so fucking *chef's kiss* and watching this magic story come to life in the SW discord was an absolute DELIGHT. utterly filthy, completely delightful and wonderful in every single way. Of course, Auds is also our local St.Tweedle whisperer with fics like this one and also hold me closer. oh my GOD audrey's brain is so so big, i honestly have no idea how she comes up with all these incredible aus and fic ideas, such a cool human i love her &lt;3
Coops/ wolfstar
✩Christmas is home by ithilielthechosenone (T | 1.5K)
Remus gives him a mock shove with a shake of his head. “You are hopeless.” No, Sirius thinks. I was. I thought I had to be. I wrestled it down until I myself could no longer see it. You took my hand and gave it back to me. You all did. My hope lives within each and every smile of yours.
- Sirius and Remus enjoy the snow
Oh good gosh, oh jesus, oh boy, it's Ami's writing, my KRYPTONITE. The way Ami writes is like music. there's no other way I can think of to describe it. It flows so beautifully and the way her writing reads like lyrical prose and poetic storytelling has me weak in the knees EVERY single time. This fic was part of the SW discord winter fic exchange and it had me looking at my phone like 🥺🥰the whole time. Ami's writing is just INCREDIBLE and she blows me away with the way she words everytime she blesses us with her writing :)
✩First Burn by @fruitcoops
Okay folks, we've already established how much I ADORE Eve's writing but also oh my GOD I just had to bring up this au, which left me completely shooketh right from the moment the idea came up in the discord to the finished product of Eve's wonderful fic. I LOVE it so so much and I still reread it on a semi regular basis (but shhhh) bottom line, everyone needs to read this.
✩Washcloths and Wishes (A Sweater Weather Fanfic) by @veryspacecowboy (E | 1K)
oh goodness M's writing (and M themself) Is so flipping wonderful and this was one of her first fic's I've ever read (I think it might've actually been their first published fic I read) the way she writes is so flipping incredible and the way they weave all the character's stories together is so magical to witness, and to watch them do this wizardry on the discord (parkouring through allll the threads, so many of which are her brainchild because M is big brain and they are so so cool) has me making heart eyes at my phone/laptop. This fic is somft and also hot (which they are a MASTER at, the duality of M(tm)) and every SW fan HAS to read it, I promise you'll love it.
✩Sirius gets Re to communicate by the wonderful @tetedump/@arewelonely
LAUREL WRITING LAUREL WRITING OH MY LORDY. Laurel is such an incredible human oh my gosh my HEART!!! we haven't spoken very much but she's such a bright, kind, and comforting presence on the discord and I always have a little !!! moment when I see her in my notifications :')) This fic oh my GOSH this fic is EXACTLY what it says on the bottle, Sirius gets Re to communicate because he's a sexi sexi gentleman (Laurel's world not mine) She's such a lovely, caring human and honestly, you can really see that come through in her writing and it makes me so so 🥺🥹 I adore every single inch of it &lt;3
✩Neon moon podfic, written by @fruitcoops and read by @itsaash
So we all know that Ash is our resident podcast GOD, who's read and orchestrated the wonderful Sweater weather podfic along with a bunch of other noots (which everyone collectively lost their minds over) and also the podfic of the system which was originally written by @heyitssmiller (ahahahah triple noot whammy hehehe) but oh my GOSH Ash is so so cool, and such a delightful person to talk to and interact with, I adore her to bits, she's always so nice and kind whenever you interact with her and she's so wonderful about raising peeps up with her podfics, it makes me very very 🥺🥰
Thank you so so much to the lovely noots for putting all their wonderful works out there into the world and letting me rec their works in this silly little list :) I love you all so so so much, and AHHHH thank you so much!  Thank you, lovely reader for going through my first ever reclist! feel free to come yell about these lovely works with/at me, and you can send in your recs on the comments of this post, or my inbox!
Happy reading!
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world0fmadness · 1 month
hiiiiiii! i stumbled across your blog and im so happy i did! I was wondering if I could request a peter Steele hc i loved the pregnancy one it was so cute! for this hc Peter and his wife have a baby girl with his green eyes😍and it’s just life after the baby’s born like her grabbing his hair with her little hands or wife reader bouncing her on her hip while type o negative performs on stage when she’s a little toddler she loves “scaring” Peter always popping out from behind the curtain and she thinks it’s hilarious! anyway sorry for the rambling😂
୨୧ hey! oh my gosh, you’re too sweet! everyone i’ve encountered on here is so sweet, i can’t :(
you absolutely can, i’m so glad you loved the pregnancy headcanons i did for him!
not at all… do not ever apologise for rambling, especially when it comes to things like this! that was super cute to read and gives me a great opportunity to say that i absolutely do not mind people rambling about day dreams or headcanon ideas like that in my inbox… i’d love to get more of this! share your daydreams with me or give me your ideas for headcanons, i don’t mind at all <3 they can be sweet and fluffy or dirty and nasty! go wild
i’ve posted it here for you <3
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Hello! Thank you for reading, I'm making this because I simply want to. These hc's + one shots are written to be romantic, but can be interpreted platonically. Reader is gender neutral!
Warnings: pure fluff, might be suggestive in some parts. Reader has ears and a tail.
On with the story...
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Hanako kun (amane yugi)
This boy, gosh, where do I start with him
He *adores* your ears and tail, and often gives you nicknames based off of which animal you stem from (ex. Kitty, foxy, puppy, ect ect..)
It also gives him an advantage teasing you because even with a poker face, he can tell your reaction by your ears twitching
"oh would you look at you, what a fluffy thing you are," hanako says, flying above you, "You are so adorable, you know that?" You tried to keep a straight face, but your tail and ears didn't think the same. "Awww, you look so cute like that, kitty!"
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Yashiro Nene
Oh my gosh, this girl would be freaking out
With how fluffy you are, how could she not?
When she first saw you, she thought she was dreaming
"gorgeous person, with fluffy ears?!"
Be prepared to catch her, she's gonna pass out most likely
Yashiro walked into the bathroom, prepared to clean again. Her gaze is met by hanako, and a fluffy animal-person. "WAIT WHA-!" Yashiro yelled before nearly falling to the ground, only to be caught by you. When she woke up she apologized profusely, only to forget about it within 5 seconds. "I'm so sorry for passing out on you, wait OHMIGOSHYOURSOFLUFFYPLEASECANUPETYOU-" (oh my gosh your so fluffy please can I pet you). You nodded. Ever since then, yashiro has been petting you as a greeting.
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Kou Minamoto
This boy first saw you, bless his soul, he thought you were an appriatian
Poor boy was ready to exorcise you
You had to rush to explain to him, you weren't meant to be excorsied
Once he calmed down, his situation set in
"why is there a fluffy animal-person Infront of me"
He decided to just go with it
You two are sweet together, he protects you like an older brother, even if you're older than him
Kou walked down the hallway after school got out. The hallways was lit by the golden sun, and he could make out a figure in the distance. "Head, arms, legs, ears,tail," he thought to himself, "WAIT EARS AND A TAIL?!" he yelled. You looked at him. You had forgotten about your ears and tail for a second, lazily swaying as you looked out the window. "HEY YOU! PREPARE TI BE EXCORSIED BY THE ONE AND ONLY KOU MINAMOTO!" You looked at him in confusion and then said to him "Why would you exorcise me? I'm not an apparition," you stated calmly. Kou was thrown off by your calming aura and decided to take you to hanako.
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Teru Minamoto
teru was worried at first when he saw you with kou
"why is my little brother with an apparition?"
He soon saw how relaxed kou was, and decided not to panic
He then took a good look at you and saw one thing
He found you absolutely adorable
Teru went to find his brother, only to find him with what he thought was an apparition. "KOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING-" he yelled. You and kou looked up at the eldest Minamoto with confused expressions. "Hey bro! I made friends with this cool person with animal like features, say hi Y/N!", Kou states. "Hello! You must be kou's older brother," you stook out a pawed hand for him to shake, "it's nice to meet you!" Teru took your hand, or paw in this context, and shook it gently. "Hello there, Y/N! Nice to meet you!" Teru said with a smile. The rest was history between you two.
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Mitsuba Sousuke
When mitsuba first saw you, he instantly thought one thing
"I wanna take a picture of them.."
He was entranced by the fluff of your ears and the way your tail swayed
He had a lot of thoughts racing through his head seeing you
Like, for example
"wow, they're really pretty"
"I want to pet them"
"they're so fluffy"
He chose to silence most of them though
But he did talk to you
You were on the balcony, looking around at the dusk sky. The orange of the sun and the purple hue of the night coming in, and the astonishing amber in the middle, what was there not to love? Mitsuba has heard that there would be a particularly beautiful sunset today, so he went to go take some pictures. He didn't know, however, that there would be an even more beautiful sight than the sky out there. Mitsuba saw you and gripped his camera tighter. He felt a strange aura coming from you, one of tranquility, and peace. He had a rush of thoughts come into his head, but one made its way to the front. "I want to take a picture of you," he found himself saying, "your unique appearance would make for a beautiful picture." You turned around, to be greeted by a cute, pink haired boy. "Yes," you spoke, "there's no harm in a few pictures!" The rest of the golden hour consisted of camera shudders going off, and a nice breeze going through your fur as you took pictures.
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa told Sakura to bring you to him once he had one look at you
The way your tail bobbed as you walked past, the way your ears swayed
He wanted nothing more than a cup of tea with you
When he saw you, his first reaction was
"pet the fluffy"
So he did
It made for a rather awkward interaction, but it was still enjoyable
Since that one day, he kept petting you, like hanako
"Sakura," tsukasa's voice called out, "can you bring someone here for tea?" She brought you in. When tsukasa looked at you, his first thoughts were "pet the fluffy." Since tsukasa is tsukasa, he did just that. Tsukasa walked up to you and had reached a hand out to your ears, and ruffled the fur. His expression had gone from playful to shock from how fluffy you were. Sakura guided you to a chair and poured you a cup of tea. "Hey fluffy, what's your name," tsukasa spoke," I wanna get to know you!" "Well then, my name is Y/N, and since I'm here, I have no choice but to get to know you as well!"
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I'm afraid this is the end of this fic, thank you so much for reading this! Good bye, and have a wonderful life!
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whaleofatjme1920 · 10 months
OH MY GOSH! As someone who really appreciates a good tattoo, yours are so, so, so pretty! Also good luck with dating...it's a scary world out there lol. As for me, I just found out I have Covid-
So I could be better but for now i'm binge watching the Twilight Zone and curling myself up with a fluffy blanket while scrolling through Tumblr.
OH MY FODS NOOOOO ARE YOU OKAY??? I wish I could send you something good or what not. O hope you feel better soon!! Stay comfy, have some vitamin c. Just take care of yourself <3
my artist, she knows me so well. She takes care of me. LOVE GER ALWAYS— I’m so over it idk what the hell is going on anymore w men.
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peachsayshi · 2 years
A concept of soft Sukuna is sweet, but what's about a way to this softness? Oh, it'll be a loooong and hard process. I mean he's a cruel person, nobody gave him even some sort of kindness, only fear and prays. He knows nothing about love and tenderness and isn't used to affection, so I think he'll be angry and rude at first? You need to be very strong and patient with him (well, and stubborn with your intentions :D). But it's fun to see how he grumbles when you compliment or touch him in any way
I totally agree with this! That's also how I try to approach sukuna in my writing because I feel like I still want to stay true to his character (even though I'm always writing him in fluffy scenarios 🙈)
oh my gosh, can you imagine the first time sukuna gets complimented by his s/o... he first time he hears the word "handsome" from their lips and he is just absolutely so stunned that she could possibly think that of him. most women want him because he's dangerous, and their curious to bed the evil beast...but his heart might skip a beat knowing that you are genuinely speaking the truth about him 🥺
even though he might just scoff and say something like: "what are you on about, brat?"
do you ever about sukuna being so soft and, so in love with his significant other?
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