#!!!!! yes 2 dat caption
cea-tide · 9 months
For my birthday last year I was gifted the book "Japan in honderd kleine stukjes" by Paulien Cornelisse, a book about 100 small observations, details, and facts about Japan as seen through a foreigner's eye.
The book is illustrated with cute drawings of what is talked about, made by Cornelisse too, and one drawing struck out to me because I vaguely recognised it from somewhere... but how could I? I have never read this book before.
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[/ID: one page of the book in question, with the text in dutch: "60. Liften Omdat Japan zo'n overgereguleerd en veilig land is, heb je er geen lifters. Ik heb het er wel eens geprobeerd, liften. Wat er gebeurde was dat ik door een aardige Japanner naar het dichtstbijzijnde treinstation werd gebracht. Mij werd duidelijk gemaakt: Kijk! Er bestaat in dit land vervoer waar iedereen gebruik van mag maken! Het heet een trein!" Under the text is an illustration of a small rural train station with a thatched roof. It is captioned as "Zeldzaam rustiek Japans plattelandsstationnetje" /END ID]
So it turns out it is this train station pictured below she drew in the book, down to the road signage.
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[/ID: the same train station but then in real life. A mountain hill is seen in the background, and the train station is on the right. /END ID]
Picture source (unlikely to be primary source)
So how did I find this picture? Well, coincidentally, a little less than 2 years ago I was ALSO looking for a picture of a rural Japanese train station, just like Cornelisse. If you search those terms it will be one of the top results. So why was I looking for one? Because I needed inspiration for a Minecraft build. At the time a contest was running with "train station" as theme, and I decided I wanted a rural Japanese one. What a funny coincidence!
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[/ID: A minecraft build inspired by that train station. The blocks are barely visible because it takes up the full 256 block height limit. On the rails are two trains inspired by the Hankyu 7006 train type, one that for example rides on the Kyoto line as a sightseeing train. /END ID]
So I was curious where this station actually is—reverse image search it is. At first I used Tineye and it found the same image but with a caption: "Japan keeps a defunct Train station running for just one girl, so that she can attend school every day! The train makes only two stops. One when a lone high-school student leaves for school and the other when she returns."
That's interesting, surely there must be more articles about it. And yes, there are. This article talks about the Kyu-shirataki train station on Hokkaido island. But that's odd... that's not the train station we are looking for, because that is around a size of a shed. It seems the story was attributed to the wrong image/station.
Tineye wasn't helping me much more, so I tried it again with Google Image Search, but that didn't want to work at all. When I searched up for the picture again though, just like how I first found it, and clicked through on the website link, I found a pinterest post attributing it to the Yunokami-Onsen station in Minami Aizu, Fukushima prefecture.
And sure enough, there it was!
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[/ID: two pictures of the Yunokami-Onsen station during blooming season /END ID]
Picture sources: X and X
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 44) "Don't Talk Shit Around Nix."
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"Who EVEN is she though?? I mean, WHAT is this? She's this underground thing and in a week she's everywhere? With everyone? Like she's the new coming of Diddy. Featuring people all up in her video. Singing with MGK on stage. She's nothing without these people."
It's Monday morning in NY and BeBe Rexah is rattling off to Charlemagne on The Breakfast Club.
Nikki Minaj is sitting next to her, on her phone, sending out a text to Luna before she speaks. "Hold up. Hold up. Hold up." She starts, waving a long, hot pink, manicured finger in the air. NY accent THICK. "I know you ain't tawking bout That Brooklyn Bitch needing people." Nikki laughs as she leans back and glares at BeBe, arms crossed.
"I am. Who the fuck is she without them?" She cocks her head at Nikki.
Charlemagne is watching the women.
"Yous a dumb hoe." She clicks her nails at her. "How da fuck you gonna be from BROOKLYN, or even in da music industry and not know who da fuck she is?" Nikki looks over at Charlemagne, appalled. "What they say, Char?" She asks him.
Charlemagne laughs, reciting with Nikki.
"You ain't shit until you been shot by a LunaTic."
She points in his direction, sucking her teeth. "Word. You know what it is." She then looks BeBe up and down, with pursed lips, saying "Obviously YOU don't and ain't shit, you..." She stops herself. "You know what. Link me up real quick. You wanna know about That Bitch. Imma call That Bitch." She hands her phone to Charlemagne.
He takes it leerily "She gonna be HOT, Nikki." He tells her.
Nikki shrugs knowing Luna. "You know she'd be hotter wit somebody speaking on her name."
"Wait, wait, wait!!" BeBe interrupts "You're calling her?"
"YUP." Nikki pops her lips, irritated as she sits back in her chair again.
It's 7A in LA when Luna's phone rings.
"It is early as fuck, Nix. What's going on?" Nikki is going off on the other line. Sleepy and confused, Luna asks "BeBe who?"
Colson pops his head up, her phone had woken him up too. They're both on their stomachs, but she's facing away. He nudges her so she'll look at him. "Bleta." He says with half open eyes.
She gives him a look of 'What the Fuck?'
Luna answers the phone thinking she's only talking to Nikki as she starts in, hype. "Yo, Loons!! There's this chick, BeBe Rexha, runnin' her mouf bout you, tryin' to be all Sug Knight, comparing you to Diddy and shit."
"BeBe who?" She groans. Looking at Colson, it clicks to her annoyance.
"Morning, Bitch. Nikki forgot to tell you you're On Air" Charlemagne chimes in.
"NIIKKII!! Seriously!?" Luna asks, recognizing Charlemagne's voice immediately. Rolling over quickly onto her back, whacking her shoulder into Colson, both of them jerk from it as she sits straight up. "It's 7A!! Why am I On Air???" She groans again. This time in pain.
In the studio, Charlemagne gives Nikki an 'I told you so' look to which she flips him the middle finger. "Because Loons, this bitch got questions and wanna run her mouf..."
"I'm not running my mouth. I just said she popped..." BeBe interrupts Nikki.
"BITCH!! You is too!!" Nikki snaps.
"This can't be fucking happening. How is this ShitShow my fucking life." Luna thinks to herself in disbelief. Rubbing her face, she looks over at Colson. Making a decision.
"YO." Luna interrupts them both. "Chill. Charlemagne, you got it, My Dude. Official statement. Yes. That Brooklyn Bitch and Machine Gun Kelly are EXCLUSIVELY" She looks over at Colson again. He kisses her elbow. "Dating. Each other. And only each other."
Nikki let's out a whoop and a clap.
"Shut up, Nix." Luna laughs continuing more seriously "Bleta. I don't know you. I don't speak on you. BUT, you know, that you been known. He told you. Respect that. And keep my names out cha mouth."
BeBe starts in but Luna interrupts her.
"I don't wanna fucking hear it." She stops the stranger before continuing. "Char, since you got the official word... Y'all listening out there, check out Nightmare, it's fighting for our rights as women. Bad Things, banging a little love story. Both are streaming now. MGK, Hotel Diablo drops July 5th. Make sure you check that out. It's gnarly as hell..... Nix call me when you're done. Char always a pleasure. Bleta..... Take care. See you guys." Luna hangs up without waiting for any responses.
Charlemagne and Nikki laugh knowing Luna all too well. "I think that's the first time she's ever been on here." He says to Nikki.
"Probably. You know she don't roll like dat."
BeBe sits silently. Pissed as hell. Deciding she wants THAT song.
Walking out of the studio, Nikki calls Luna. She's not surprised when she doesn't answer, it's still early for her friend. Nikki had met Luna years ago back in Manhattan. Rapping on the corner across from The Apollo, she had caught Luna's ear and eye. Finding the woman mesmerizing, Luna started to shoot her. Nikki got pissed, causing an all out brawl between Luna and herself right in the middle of West 125th. Nikki breaking Luna's camera and busting her bottom lip WIDE open. Luna breaking Nikki's nose in return. Luna left, spitting blood, stating Nikki would regret her actions. Nikki blew the tiny white girl off. Later, they had found themselves both in Queens General, waiting for their injuries to be treated. After mean mugging each other for a bit. Nikki asked her why she was taking her picture anyway. Luna had told her that it was because Nikki was really good at her craft and she wanted to capture her still raw before she broke into the world. That she had thought it was a beautiful moment. Until Nikki had been a cunt. That broke the ice. Nikki moved to sit next to Luna as they continued waiting, loving her candor and unflinching hardness. Talking about music and life. Creating a friendship. They had walked home together sharing a blunt. Both laughing at Luna struggling with the 7 stitches in her lip. She has a scar to this day and Nikki regrets wrecking the photo.
Still sitting up, Luna looks at Colson.
"What the fuck was THAT?" He asks, passing her the joint he has lit. She shrugs her shoulder, putting her arms out like 'I don't know'.
Taking it from him, she lays back on the bed beside him to enjoy it. Sighing, she really doesn't know. "We're gonna have to pull it up later. Nix was on The Breakfast Club and so was Bleta? BeBe? Whatever the fuck her name is...I don't know. Nix said she was talking shit. You heard what I said." She hits the joint again.
He laughs "Yeah, free, killer fucking plugs. For someone on an independent lable, you sure as fuck know how to promote, Kitten." He laughs again, rolling over to kiss her.
"You're welcome." She teases, passing him the joint.
"Thank you." He's still laughing, looking over at Luna. She's staring off. "Hey, she's just mad....." He tells her softly, still smoking the joint.
"She can be mad. She can also keep my name outta her fucking mouth." She says kissing Colson.
It's not even 8A and they were up late as usual. She pops 2 percs. He puts the joint out. Climbing into him, he kisses her head.
"You outed us on The Breakfast Club." He chuckles.
"I knoooowwww." She whines into his neck before they both drift off to sleep.
Luna wakes back up, buried underneath Colson's naked body. Wiggling her ass into him, she stretches. He stirs in her hair, moaning her name. She wakes him up further, rubbing her soft feet along his legs, feeling his dick start to grow hard against her. She reaches for him, stroking it firmly as he slides his finger inside of her.
"You're always so wet."
He moans into her ear. His finger making her wetter. He slides into her from behind, lazily laying on his right side. He pulls her into him by the hips.
A moan escapes as she feels him fully enter her. He reaches around, playing with her tits and piercings as she slowly shifts back and forth on his dick.
"You feel so fucking good." She tells him as he slides his right hand under her and around her throat, pushing himself into her harder. She props up on her right side slightly to give herself more leverage as she slides along him harder.
Holding her by one hip and her throat. Colson is pumping into her faster, getting ready to cum. He stops suddenly, deep inside of her. He holds her tightly in place as he feels her body quiver and cum from his girth.
"Oh FUCK, Colson." She moans. With her body shaking in his arms, he gives her a few more deep thrusts before cumming hard. They lay there, wrapped in each other, tingly and sweaty. He kisses the back of her neck. "I love you, Kitten."
Sighing happily, she replies "I love you too, Bunny."
He slides out of her and the bed to find a joint before they take a shower.
Colson's in the kitchen with Slim and Rook. Luna hasn't made it down stairs yet. "This cunt is FUCKING retarded!!" He says in amazement, opening his Insta. The first post is by BeBe Rexha. It's an old selfie of them. The caption under reads:
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To the hardest working man in the industry. You do everything, Boo. Couldn't be more proud. You'll always be my #MCM 💕
"Yoooo... LunaTic is gonna SNAP." Slim says, agreeing with Colson that this girl has to be slow.
"Why would she do that?" Rook asks.
"I don't know." Colson responds, running his hands through his hair "There was some big thing between her and Nikki on The Breakfast Club this morning. It was so bad Nikki put Luna On-Air without her knowing."
"WHAAAAT!??" Slim is shocked.
Colson puts his face in his hands. "Bleta's jealous and taking it too far. Luna's gonna fucking kill somebody when she sees this." He says.
"I already fucking seen it." Luna says walking into the kitchen. She walks over to grab a cup of coffee.
"You ok?" Colson asks her. She has on a long green, army style jacket. She holds her arms out straight, the back of it stating 'I HATE EVERYONE" making Colson laugh.
"Am I in that group?" He asks as she climbs into his lap.
"Nooooo...." She sighs, "I'm just tired and hate the world." She looks down at Colson's phone on the table, seeing the post again. "This girl is dumb. Like, so dumb, I'm not even mad at her." She rolls her eyes as she lights a joint.
Rook and Slim agree in unison.
Knowing she doesn't have an Instagram, Colson asks how she saw it.
She shows him her phone. There's texts and copies of the post from Nikki, Ashley and Bella. She hadn't responded.
"Your bitches don't play!" He laughs.
"Nope." She replies kissing him. She then asks "Can we turn The World OFF today and do something fun?" Overwhelmed by all of the exposure.
Kissing her back with a smile, he tells her "Absolutely." An excited Rook bounces around the kitchen asking what they're gonna do.
"Vegas?" Luna asks.
"I fucking love you." Colson chuckles into her hair, making her smile.
Rook and Slim's excitement solidify her idea.
"Let's figure out what we're doing so we can BE OUT!" Colson tells them.
"I'd be jealous too...." She thinks to herself honestly of the Bleta girl before kissing Colson.
To be continued.....
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regrettablewritings · 7 years
Dios Meme-o! (Rafael Barba Mini-Series, Pt. 6)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7 Part 8
Frankly, it had to have been when Lucia got involved that Rafael knew things were going too far. Even Carmen of all people was beginning to join in on the fun! (While Rafael really did appreciate the cup of coffee waiting for him when he came into work that morning, but did she really have to include the receipt bearing the name “Abo-guapo”?) And all at once, it appeared that the dam keeping his cohorts in SVU at bay had buckled under pressure – and the typhoon of fresh, new memes.
The initial, unspoken agreement had been to not bring up memes around Rafael or to laugh about them in his presence. But it didn’t take long for Sonny to throw caution straight into the garbage and use the technical loophole of sending him his latest finds (though, always making sure to precede them with at least one contribution to the case). It didn’t take long for the likes of Fin, Rollins, and even Liv every once in a while, to follow suit in some way shape or form.
By the end of the third week of this madness, Rafael swore he’d seen it all: Gifs of him from the press conference, pastel edits (causing him to wonder what the significance of flower crowns even was), more crude comments about his hand veins and midsection pudge, photo compilations of himself in his attire from previous acclaimed cases. Every once in a while, he’d even receive a screenshot wherein somebody had clearly photoshopped themselves into a picture with him. These were interestingly enough some of the images that caused Rafael the most concern, seeing as they weren’t even using decent photos for their apparent intentions: Were they really supposed to look like a power couple, with him so clearly focused on the press and not by their clumsily Photoshopped-in figure standing behind him? They looked more like prosecutor and client than anything.
What, more gifs of him before the press? Wait, these ones had captions edited into them. Oh, hell, what do they say?
           Rafael Barba: I am here to address the rumors that have been circling about. I’ll be  upfront: Yes, (Y/N) and I have been seeing each other. No, we are not dating – we’ve             recently become engaged. I’ve loved her for many years in secrecy, and it shouldn’t be         a crime to want something beautiful in this harsh life –
“Ugh.” Rafael all but retched as he x-ed out of the newest link from Rollins. He glared once more at the message she’d written in the email:
           When were you gonna tell us that you were betrothed, Barba? I’m sure we would’ve  understood the harshness of your life ;).
The lawyer sighed heavily through his nose as he pressed against his forehead. Rollins had given him some crucial information yesterday, so he couldn’t completely hound on her for slacking off. Yet. But god, was his already thin patience eroding at a rapid rate.
By noon, just as he’d calmed down from the eerie feeling of being shipped with other real-life people, another message came through. This time, to his surprise, from Liv.
He rose a brow. No words; just a link. This could’ve gone one of two ways: Bad, or very bad. He knew better than to do anything about the message, and honestly should have just deleted it on site. But alas, curiosity was such a destructive trait of man, enough so as to overwhelm his sense of self-preservation out of grotesque intrigue. With the click of his laptop mouse, Rafael at least had an answer as to which direction this would go down in: It was a Buzzfeed article, so that meant very bad.
“ ‘Check Out the Attorney Everyone Wants to Call’ ” it read. Before he could stop his eyes from searching the page for more info, he found himself reading the embarrassing excuse for an article:
           The NYPD’s specialized squad, the Special Victims Unit, has had more than its fair share of rough roads. But luckily, they have a secret weapon:
Below lay a gif of Rafael stepping up to the podium on that fateful day where his looks would break the Internet. Inside of his own mind, Rafael screamed for gif-Rafael to retreat and run away before it was too late. Obviously, gif-Rafael persisted, over and over in an endless loop that would reset itself the moment he settled himself at the pedestal.
           Meet ADA Rafael Barba. He’s been with the 16th precinct for four years, and he’s   managed to make quite a splash for all of them. But let’s be real, it’s not just his smarts and courtroom prowess that the Internet has been talking about these last couple of days . . .
The next image was a photograph of Rafael mid-speech and even he had to admit: The angling was just right. The lighting and shadows worked together to properly define his profile in such an appealing way. It was a photo capable of damning a man.
           It turns out that ADA Barba is actually one Harvard-educated hottie!
The accompanying picture came from one of Rafael’s previous cases. One wherein his stance atop the courthouse steps looked artistically posed. With one foot still planted on a step higher than the other, briefcase clutched in one hand, suit tailored to fit, eyes looking elsewhere. Amateur modeling photographers would’ve been proud. To anyone else, he would have looked like those grand oil paintings depicting a conquering hero, the gleaming sunlight only serving to further this victorious suggestion. Even the tweet that the image came attached with went as far as to say, “LOOK AT THIS MAJESTIC MF.”
While visually this might have been the case (especially assuming he’d just exited the courthouse after a victorious trial), the reality was more likely that he had been contemplating getting pho for dinner and was trying to remember the name of that one noodle house a couple of blocks away. The article went on:
           No, seriously, if sexiness was a crime, this man would be guilty as charged!
Rafael couldn’t help but lift a brow at this. A law pun? Really? Hadn’t there been enough of those? He scrolled down further, his eyes first catching the image of him being surrounded by the press.
           Because of the nature of his job (and hopefully single personal life), there aren’t too  many photos of him for us to draw on. But don’t worry: The press has given the Internet just enough fodder to work with.
The image of him at arraignment court prior to the prolific AJ Martin case was posted, courtesy of the blue hellhole that was Tumblr. It was taken predominately from behind, given the position of the press at the time but from the way his head was turned, Rafael’s profile was made just noticeable enough for the original poster to freak out: “He could peck my eye out with that nose and I would thank him for it so long as he left me the other eye to still see him with.” The hashtags visible, aside from his name and title, included #dat profile doe, #LAWD, #such a noble nose, and #seriously tho that profile is perf i need to use it as reference for my art project.
Rafael could feel his teeth digging into his lips as they tucked themselves into his mouth. For a split second, he wondered if he was subconsciously trying to swallow himself.
            Some people are drawn to him for his eyes, the article read, offering an example in an enhanced photo of Rafael that managed to capture his eyes just enough to show that they weren’t an expected brown, but an enchanting green. Having been a tweet, the post’s source expressed that Rafael’s eyes “made them weak.”
           Some just can’t get over this guy’s designer duds, it went on. Beneath the text was a small photoset of four pictures: Each one of Rafael, of course, but each one also had him sporting vastly different color themes. In this one, springtime pink accessories stuck out against the darkness of his pinstriped suit. In that one, yet another dark suit . . . But orange was, in the grand scheme, quite the unusual color to be seen on most lawyers. Even in tie form. The third photo had been taken as he was leaving the courthouse, the billowing wind allowing for the yellow streak of his tie to flutter about, as well as to showcase that even his suspenders were brightly colored. And in the fourth one, purple. Everywhere. Maybe not in the charcoal grey of his suit jacket, but definitely in the primary color of his polka dotted tie, the lines running up and down his dress shirt, and the lightly-checkered pattern of his pocket square.
To say that these were mighty unusual colors to be found in the courtroom (and on an attorney for such horrific situations, no less) would be an understatement.
           And others? They’re finding completely different assets to be won over by! (All perfectly wonderful in their own right, of course.)
These “assets”, apparently, were his stomach and hands (surprise, surprise). Or, perhaps more specifically, the pudginess of his stomach and the veins that lined his hands, as suggested not only by Rafael’s own experience, but by the corresponding images for that particular line: Some of the very same posts he’d seen at the very beginning. The post about wanting to slurp up his hand veins, enthusiasm over his tummy-embellishing suspenders . . . It all came rushing back to Rafael with an internal shudder.
But apparently, not all of the images were of him: The next textual segment (But whichever physical attribute people have found themselves drawn to, one thing is for certain: They help make one clean-cut counselor) was followed by the image of a tan, cartoon fist popping out of a yellow sweater sleeve. The tweet it had come from included the words, “When you catch feelings for the perfect man but he’s a goddamn lawyer.” Rafael almost wanted to feel upset by the comment, but there was just too much about it to figure out what all to be peeved with.
Many are willing to risk it all for this Manhattan heartbreaker, the article proclaimed, their evidence coming in the form of a Twitter post stating exactly that. It was a photograph taken at a gala (God, it had to have been long ago, then), and Rafael just happened to be in just enough of the photo for the dapperness of his appearance to pop. In the background, however, was a man (whom Rafael recognized as a judge) with an expression that could easily be mistaken for subtle lusting. Of course, Judge Khachaturian was actually probably looking in Rafael’s general direction and likely at a woman off camera. But the Internet didn’t know that. Or rather, the Internet didn’t care to consider that.
The caption lining the top of the picture stated that “old man finna risk it all for Barba 😂😂😂.” This, of all things, caused Rafael’s mouth to hang open with shock. The idea of his superior (and much older superior at that) lusting after him left a bad taste in his mouth. But with one last line to go . . .
           But don’t worry: We’re sure he can use his smarts to get you out of it.
Simple, yes, but considering all that Rafael had to go through just to get to it, the cocktail of feelings within him was still quite present.
“Oh . . .” Rafael whispered shakily as he watched the gif version of himself raise a hand and retreat from the podium at the press conference. Despite the ridiculousness of the suggestion, his mind screamed at the gif, Now you leave!? His ever hungry but scowling eyes couldn’t help themselves from scanning the comments section below. Lot of Spanish terms being thrown around there by people who probably only knew them from the Latin Lover craze from the early 2000s. Like June Madoff’s comment on how he was such a “precinct papi”, or Barbra Cassahan, with her suburban mom-ness, having the creepy, middle-aged audacity to call him a “papi choulo.” (Which, Rafael thought in his tempered bitterness and attention to the misspell, was probably the most out of her comfort zone she was willing to travel.)
There was also Celia Esposito calling him “Barbaro Barba”, but he really wasn’t sure how comfortable he was being called a badass under such circumstances by a high schooler, creativity behind the nickname be damned.
But then . . . there was Julia “JuJuBean” Parson: “My friend’s sister sat in the gallery during the Jocelyn Paley case where ADA Barba was defending Jocelyn against Adam Cain. Y’all, she said Barba won the case by letting Cain choke him with his motherfucking *belt*!”
And, for the first time since this entire escapade began, Rafael couldn’t help but feel true a hint of pride. After all, it was by letting Cain choke him at all that he was able to convince the jury to plead guilty and send that bastard to jail where he belonged. He was honestly quite pleased with that little daring stunt, considering how worth it it was to experience such a dangerous discomfort. But even more so, he was just glad that someone had looked past the more superficial traits that everyone else was adoring in order to focus on something more important: His job and the crazy things he did to perform it.
. . . But then he read the replies to it: “OMFG” and “choke me, daddy 😩😩😩!” And those were just the ones he could see without clicking “see more replies.”
At that, Rafael’s eyelids practically retreated back into his skull as his eyes popped more than he even knew themselves capable of doing. The loud clap of his laptop being shut closed resonated within the office, followed by huffy breaths of embarrassment. He could feel his face burning. Of all the implied fetishes and kinks he’d seen centering about him, the use of the belt to choke him was an entirely new one, and one that he could very easily proclaim he had no desire to try again.
A ragged sigh was released into the air as Rafael pinched the bridge of his nose. Probably harder than he even needed to, anyway. He regarded the time ticking by in the corner of his laptop screen. It was still too early to start sipping bourbon like tomorrow was a dream, but not too early to grab a bite and pop a tablet or two of ibuprofen. Not necessarily what he was in the mood for, but it was a start. Anything to get away from his laptop, which he now deep down felt had been completely sullied by now from all the meme trash he had to view upon it.
Grabbing his phone and wallet, he exited his office and made Carmen aware that he was going on his lunch break. As he headed for the elevator, he could’ve sworn that he’d caught a glimpse of the Buzzfeed article on her computer. He fought against the urge to shake his head in somberness: He’d officially lost her; she was too far gone into the rabbit hole to pull her out of it. Exiting the Hogan Place, Rafael felt alone amongst the crowded streets of Manhattan.
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nottellingu · 7 years
A/N: A teacher!lily / singledad!james au because my school reopened. Well it’s three weeks past so . . .
Read it on ff.net
“Just one more.”
“No Dad, we’ll be late,” Five year old Harry Potter whined. But nonetheless he posed for another photo.
James Potter clicked away on his phone. With his toothy grin and his too-big-Bob-the-Builder-backpack, Harry was the most adorable kid to ever walk the earth.
“Da-ad,” Harry whined again.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” James slipped his phone into his pocket and took his son’s hand. Together they began walking to the red school building.”
When they finally found the right classroom, there was a young teacher in a pretty floral dress standing outside the classroom.
“Hello. I’m your new teacher, Ms. Evans.”
Harry half hid himself behind James’ leg. “I’m Harry Potter,” he said shyly.
Ms. Evans knelt down. “Hi Harry, do you like fingerpainting?”
“I haven’t tried it.”
“Would you like to?”
Harry nodded and came out from behind James’ legs.
“Good. I like people who try new things. I think we’ll be great friends. Do you know why?” Ms. Evans leaned in closer to Harry and whispered so softly James had to strain his ears to hear. “We both have green eyes.”
And sure enough, they both did have the same green eyes. It was uncanny, really. James didn’t know where Harry got his eyes from. He had only met Harry’s mother twice in his life – once for a quick screw in the club bathroom and then the day she dumped Harry in his arms – and both those times he hadn’t really paid attention to the colour of her eyes.
Ms. Evans’ eyes were beautiful - the kind you could write poetry about, the kind you could get lost in, the kind that could cure any ailment, the kind that could -
“We do!” Harry exclaimed loudly. Ms. Evans laughed. James shook himself out of his reverie.
“Well then,” she started saying and took Harry’s hand to lead him inside the class. “Let’s go.”
Harry walked a few steps before stopping.
“What’s wrong?” Ms. Evans looked down and frowned slightly at him.
“Can my Dad come too?” He asked timidly. “He’s my bestest friend.”
“Oh, no bud. Remember we discussed this - ” James began but Mrs. Evans cut him off.
“It’s fine, Mr. Potter. Parents are allowed to sit with their children today for an hour. It’s sort of an orientation class.” She turned her head to smile at a new mother-daughter duo. “I’m sorry, I have to greet the others. You can help Harry find his place, his name is stuck on it.” With a parting smile, she left.
James walked over to Harry to help him find his seat. They sat down and James asked Harry how he liked his new class.
“I like Ms. Evans,” Harry said decisively and turned to talk to the red haired boy next to him.
“Me too,” James agreed silently while watching the attractive teacher interact with her students.
James pulled out his phone to text his best friend, Sirius.
James Potter to Sirius Black: ill b 1 hour late orientation class with harry
Sirius Black: i’ll cover 4 u. as usual.
Sirius Black: how’s d lil bugger?
James Potter: he likes his new teacher
Sirius Black: she fit??????
James Potter: the fittest
James Potter: green eyes
Sirius Black: haha u r so fucked
James Potter: i kno
Ms. Evans wished everyone a Good Morning and he put his phone away.
“Welcome to kindergarten! Since it’s your first class I thought we could start with something fun. I’m going to give you all a white paper and some paints. You can use your fingerprints to make a cool picture with your parents. Does that sound fun?”
There were a few mumbled ‘yes’es, some remained silent but most talked amongst themselves.
She distributed the paper and gave each table a set of paints. Harry and James dipped their fingers in the various paints to make a pot of flowers. James’ huge thumbprints became the brown flowerpot and Harry’s tiny fingerprints became the colourful flowers.
“What pretty flowers,” Ms. Evans commented from behind James.
“Thanks Ms. Evans,” Harry beamed and proceeded to press his finger on the paper with a renewed zeal.
“It’s a pot of flowers because we’re the Potters. Get it?” James was awarded with a light tinkling laugh for his joke. His stomach swooped.
“Very clever.” She grinned before moving over to the next desk.
When it was time for the parents to leave Ms. Evans made announcement.
“On your child’s desk, I’ve kept a file for the parents. One set of papers are forms for emergency contacts, allergies and other such details. I would appreciate it if that form could be filled and handed over to the office in three days. Another paper has all my contact details. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any trouble.”
James found the blue file she was talking of and immediately flipped to her contact details.
Lily Evans
Phone Number: 7639847906
If you wish to meet with me in person, you may do so during the lunch break, 12:00 – 1:00.
James saved the number into his phone at once. For Harry’s sake only and not for any other reason.
(Yeah, right.)
As the weeks passed, Harry grew steadily fonder of Ms. Evans. It was Ms. Evans this and Ms. Evans that. Not that James minded. Not in the least. In fact, James too grew steadily fond of Ms. Evans with each of Harry’s stories about her, not to mention the small smiles she would give him when he picked up Harry from school.
One afternoon, as James was collecting Harry from school, Ms. Evans stopped him.
“Mr. Potter, I would like to talk to you for a minute.”
“Harry, why don’t you go draw me picture?” Ms. Evans suggested. She pulled out some crayons and a paper and settled Harry in a seat in the corner. She gestured for James to follow him to the teacher’s desk.
“Mr. Potter, I think your son needs glasses.”
“Yes, he has a hard time seeing the board. Perhaps this weekend you or your wife could take him to the ophthalmologist on Third Street.”
“I’m not married but will do. Thanks.”
Ms. Evans smiled at him and his brain turned to mush.
“Bye Harry,” Ms. Evans waved to them as they were leaving. “Goodbye Mr. Potter.”
James Potter to Lily Evans: i took Harry to d doc  
James Potter: u were right  
James Potter: he needs glasses
James Potter: btw this is james
James Potter: james potter
Lily Evans: if u were tryin to do bond james bond that was a MASSIVE FAILURE
Lily Evans: glad to help :)
James Potter: help show dat i’m a failure?
Lily Evans: NO. help harry.
Lily Evans: tho that was fun 2.
James Potter: i’m offended
James Potter to PETE HAS A DATE! The world ends at 8:30 tonight: she txts lyk me
James Potter: and congrats Pete
James Potter: what did u do
James Potter: blackmail her
Sirius Black: haha good one
Peter Pettigrew: i hate u both
Remus Lupin: Who texts like you?
Sirius Black: who else? harry’s teacher. the one he FANCIES
Peter Pettigrew: u r pathetic
Reums Lupin: I second that.
James Potter: she is a nice person with a cute cat
Remus Lupin: How do you know that?
James Potter: . . . . . . . . i found her ig
Sirius Black: fyi I’m facepalming
James Potter: she posts pics of her cat
James Potter: her bf
James Potter:  or her cat and bf
James Potter: her captions r puns and funny jokes
Peter Pettigrew: she has a boyfriend?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Remus Lupin: Again, you are pathetic.
Sirius Black: Say aye if u think Prongs is pathetic and needs a shag
Remus Lupin: aye
Peter Pettigrew: aye
Sirius Black: AYEEEEEE
James Potter: NAYYYYYYYY
James Potter: @marmarlovesbonbons
Sirius Black changed group name to James Potter is the new CEO of Stalker™
James Potter changed group name to NO I’M NOT
Remus Lupin: It’s not too late. You can still get help.
James Potter: blocked
James Potter: gtg harry spilled milk
Remus Lupin: Good riddance.
On Monday morning James dropped Harry bright and early unlike most days on which they managed to reach in the nick of time. In fact Harry was the third in class; the other two were a boy with blonde hair and a girl with bushy brown hair who James recognized as Hermione Granger and one of Harry’s best friends.
“You’re early,” Ms. Evans said. Then she noticed Harry’s new glasses.  “You got glasses!”
“They’re just like my Dad’s.” Harry said proudly. Harry had chosen the round, wire-rimmed spectacles despite the doctor telling him he looked adorable in the glasses with the green, rectangular frames.
“You look handsome, just like your Dad.”
“Thanks, Ms. Evans,” Harry beamed. “I’m going to show Hermione my new glasses. Bye Dad!” Harry quickly walked up to Hermione, leaving the two adults alone.
“You think I’m handsome?”
“Don’t flatter yourself. I think Harry’s cute.”
“No, I don’t think that’s what you said. You said that Harry looks handsome, just like his dad.”
A slight flush coloured her cheeks, making her look very appealing. “I’ve got lessons to plan,” she said in a small voice and turned away from James, purposefully ducking her head.
James laughed.
James Potter to The Lads and the Dad: she thinks i’m handsome
Remus Lupin: Not this again.
Sirius Black: poor ms. evans
Sirius Black: I didn’t kno she was blind.
Peter Pettigrew: ahahahaHAHAHAHAHAH
James Potter removed Sirius Black
Remus Lupin added Sirius Black
Sirius Black removed James Potter
Sirius Black changed group name to The Lads
Remus Lupin added James Potter
James Potter changed group name to The Lads and the HANDSOME Dad
Remus Lupin removed James Potter
“I want chocolate fudge,” Harry told Sirius.
It was Sirius’ birthday and Harry, James and all his friends were out at the ice cream parlor in a mall. The mall was a shoddy building which had once been the office of a company that went bankrupt. Nobody cared for the mall much but it was home to the best ice cream parlor in the world, namely Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor.
Before Harry was born, all the lads would have gone to a pub and gotten completely sloshed. But the last time they did that, Harry was conceived. Now they stuck to ice cream parlors and arcades.
“For me too,” Remus added while Peter nodded in agreement.
“You’re buying your own ice cream. I’m only sponsoring the little twerp,” Sirius said and ruffled Harry’s hair goodnaturedly.
“Harry, what did Ms. Evans teach you yesterday?” Peter asked.
“That we must be kind and help those in need.”
“Don’t you think Uncle Sirius should be kind and help those in need?” Remus pursued.
“And how can he help us?” asked Peter.
“By buying everyone ice cream.” Harry said. Peter and Remus smirked, James laughed, Sirius grumbled words which made James smack him over the head.
James, Harry and Peter found a table by the window while Sirius and Remus went to order the ice cream. James fiddled with his phone as Peter taught Harry how to make a swan out of the cheap paper napkins on the table. James didn’t pay much attention until Harry shouted, “Ms. Evans!”
James turned to look where Harry was looking. Ms. Evans stood by a nearby table, a shopping bag in one hand and the other hand balanced her vanilla ice cream. She wasn’t wearing the skirts or dresses that James was accustomed to seeing her in but was wearing ratty jeans and a t-shirt that advertised her love for The Beatles. James decided that Lily Evans was the type of person who looked good in anything she wore.
Ms. Evans saw them and smiled in recognition. She walked over to the table where they sat.
“Hello Harry, what are you doing here?”
“It’s Uncle Sirius’ birthday.”
“Well, tell him I say Happy Birthday.”
“Look! He’s over there.” Harry pointed to where Sirius and Remus were making their way back to the table.
They set down the ice cream.  Harry was happy to ignore the grown-ups around him and dug into his ice cream.
“Happy Birthday,” Ms. Evans warmly wished Sirius.
“Thanks,” Sirius replied chirpily. “You must be Ms. Evans.”
“How did you know?”
“Harry talks of you all the time.” Sirius pointedly looked at James as he said the last three words. James ignored him.
“He talks of you too.”
Peter, who had finished making his swan, tuned into the conversation. “Wait, you’re Ms. Evans?”
“Yes, Pete. Please keep up,” Sirius commented.
“The one and only,” she grinned.
“Cheers. You got us free ice cream.”
“Erm, thanks.” Ms. Evans seemed confused. “I think.”
“Don’t worry. It’s a compliment.” Remus said.
“I should hope so. You must be Uncle Remus.”
“I should hope so,” Remus echoed and Lily laughed.
James finally seemed to find his voice. “What are you doing here?”
“Why Mr. Potter, are you one of those people who believe teachers live in school?”
“Uh, no?” James said almost as if he was doubtful.
“I ran out of Ribena,” she shrugged.
Sirius grinned at the mention of his favourite non-alcoholic drink. “I like her.”
Just then a tall, blonde woman joined Ms. Evans and James recognised her at once. “The paper towels in the loo are shi-” she began to say.
“Marlene,” Ms. Evans cut in. Her eyes pointed to Harry who was examining the new lady inquisitively. “This is my student, Harry, his father and various uncles.”
“Oh hello,” she mumbled sheepishly. The others just nodded. “The paper towels in the loo are shitake mushrooms.”
“Shitake mushrooms?” Harry asked curiously.
“Yeah, I hate shitake mushrooms. Bleh.” She screwed up her face to make an exaggerated, funny face.
Harry giggled. “I hate onions. They make your mouth smelly.” He then resumed eating his ice cream and tuned out of the conversation.
“Are you @marmarlovesbonbons?” Sirius asked.
“Yes.” Marlene narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him and even Ms. Evans regarded him questioningly.
It was mark of their friendship that Sirius didn’t even wince when James stomped on his foot; he had been anticipating it.
“I think you came on my suggested once,” Sirius explained.
“Right,” Marlene replied dubiously. She turned to Ms. Evans. “I think we’d better go, Lily.”
“Yeah. Nice meeting you,” Ms. Evans told the boys. “Goodbye Mr. Potter. I’ll see you for the parent-teacher meeting on Monday. Bye Harry!”
There were ‘Byes and ‘Goodbyes’ said in a variety of tones from all around the table. James watched her leave until the last strand of her auburn hair disappeared from sight.
“I like Ms. Evans’ friend,” Harry declared as he finished his cup of ice cream.
“Do you like Ms. Evans?” Sirius had a devious glint in his stormy eyes.
“I love Ms. Evans.”
“Your Dad likes Ms. Evans too.”
“Sirus,” James warned but Sirius ignored him.
“How would you feel if they got married?” Sirius persisted.
“You mean Ms. Evans would be my Mummy? That would be so cool.” Harry was thrilled. “Dad, are you going to marry Ms. Evans?”
“No, Harry. Your Uncle Sirius is just being stupid.”
“Harry! James said a bad word. Take five quid from him.”
“Stupid is not a bad word,” Harry said sagely
“What?” Sirius cried. “Last week I gave you two pounds for saying stupid.”
“Ms. Evans says stupid.”
“She says ‘stupid chalk’, ‘stupid shoes’, ‘stupid pencil’, ‘stupid stapler’ . . .” Harry went on.
Stupid became James’ new favourite word.
Come Monday afternoon, James felt jittery. He had never felt this anxious for a parent-teacher meeting, not even when his parents were called to the principal’s office after he flooded the school hallway.
As usual, he was one of the last parents to arrive. Ms. Evans was talking to a mother and father, while two children were playing with legos in the corner of the classroom, one of them being his own son. When James entered, Ms. Evans finished talking to the other parents. She gestured for James to sit in the seats the other couple had occupied moments before.
“Good Afternoon, Mr. Potter.”
On an impulse he said, “James.”
“I’m sorry?”
“You can call me James.”
“All right then,” Ms. Evans smiled and she stuck her hand out, “I’m Lily.”
James shook her hand and it was as soft as he had expected. “Nice to meet you ,Lily.”
“Harry is a good kid. He’s friendly with his classmates though at times he fights with Draco.”
“That kid deserves it,” James said darkly. He had heard all the stories of Draco cutting in line and Draco stealing Neville’s ball.
“Be that as it may,” Lily continued, amused. “Fighting with students is frowned upon. Harry is also very curious about the world but perhaps it would be best to teach him that living animals belong outside and not in his pocket.”
James laughed. And then shuddered. He remembered having to scrape out a dead lizard form Harry’s pockets when he was doing the laundry yesterday.
“Another thing I’d like to discuss is that lately Harry has taken to calling me Mum.”
James cringed.
“I know it must be difficult without a mother but no matter what I say he isn’t stopping.”
“That’s just a joke between him and Sirius.”
Well. . . what to say? What to say, indeed.
“Sirius might have told Harry that I like you.”
“Oh?” Her expression remained unreadable.
“Yeah.” Now that that was out in the open, James might as well expose all his cards. “In fact, I really like you and would love it if you’d grab some lunch with me.”
James was hyper aware of everything as the seconds dragged on –the way Lily’s lips had parted ever so slightly, the way her eyes had widened fractionally, the way his palms were becoming disgustingly sweaty and how dry his throat was becoming.
“I’m sorry,” Lily finally said apologetically. “There’s a rule that teachers can’t date their students’ parents.” James’ face must have shown disappointment because she quickly amended, “And I’m not just making an excuse. I genuinely like you too.”
James brightened at that admission.
“But I’d like to stick to the rules,” she finished.
James leaned over the table separating them. “But would you be open to a date when Harry’s in grade one?”
Lily smiled coyly, “Maybe.”
“I’m going to take that as a yes.”
She laughed and Harry, who was now the only student in the classroom, came running to know what was so funny.
“Nothing, Harry. Ms. Evans and I just made a deal.” James and Lily shared a secret smile.
“That you’re going to get married?”
Lily sputtered a bit behind the desk but James didn’t take his eyes off her while answering Harry.
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jeff-foliage · 7 years
I’ve heard this refrain in many versions.
Too Early or Late for fall color?
“What if I’m too early (or late) for fall color, What can we do to ensure we don’t miss the peak fall foliage?”
The answer no one wants to hear question is this. If Mother Nature is determined to upset your plans, then there is nothing I can say or do to help you. (or me)
What you CAN do
So you made the best guess possible and let’s face it we’re all guessing when it comes to the fall colors. So my question is, are you an option 1 or option 2, kind of traveler? leave a comment below.
Option 1: Cry about it and sulk, ok so this isn’t a great solution but I’m sure we’ve all taken this route when things didn’t go our way. But since most of you are not kids anymore, let’s try option 2
Option 2: Make other plans and have a backup plan. I know you want to see the pretty fall colors but sometimes it just doesn’t go our way. So you can do what I’ve learned to do. I listen to Lisa (my wife) and go see/do something else.
Believe it or not, New England has a few more things to see or do than just fall foliage. A short list would encompass things like History, covered bridges, waterfalls, mountains, cows, lobster rolls, antique diners, meeting houses and yes I could go on.
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MECHANIC STREET BRIDGE Lancaster, New Hampshire
Peacham on 1 October!
Cider Bellies
Rhode Island Jack-o-lanterns
This past week I didn’t find any great fall colors, so I went and got out my to-do list. Do you have one of these? It’s a list of things that Lisa or I make all during the year. This past Wednesday we cleared three off our lists (two off of mine and one off of hers).
Finding the A.M. Foster Covered Bridge
It’s 20 September and we are up in the Northeast Kingdom (NEK) of Vermont. We went up to Long Pond in the morning and then drove over the long pond road to Newark pond and Bald Hill Pond. Normally when I mention these things, it’s because all of you can do it. Well let’s change that to You could do it but I do NOT recommend it. It’s rough and tight. So unless you bring a jeep or truck, I would NOT do it again… You’ve been warned…
We came over Route 2 from Danville to find the A.M. Foster covered bridge. We made a right onto Route 15 at Joes Pond (at the right conditions it is a very scenic location. We continued to until we hit 215 and headed towards Cabot. Now the map book (not even the Gazetteer tells exactly where to look for this covered bridge) So we are driving along it when I see a dirt road on the left (did I mention, I love dirt roads?) It’s the Bayley Hazen Rd. For some reason, I decided to take it away from our objective, the A.M. Foster.
Bayley-Hazen military road
Well, there are several farms along it and it comes out on Cabot Plains road.  We turn to the right and I pull over because there is a beautiful little one-room schoolhouse, the Walbridge school dated 1863.
Walbridge School one-room schoolhouse. in Cabot Vermont
Cabot Vermont is famous for Cheese
I looked around and we took Cabot plains road back to where it joins with Route 215 and ended up in Cabot. No covered bridge, somehow we missed it. Maybe you know why I missed it already.
Well, have you been to the Cabot creamery? Pull into their parking lot and take their free tour which ends at the, you guessed it, the gift shop. But their gift shop has a table with ALL their different cheeses to sample. 🙂
The Cabot Creamery in Cabot Vermont.
So we since we had already done the tour, we went straight for the samples. After savoring the delectable cheeses we bought a few blocks of cheese and a mug and some chipotle jam and headed to the checkout.
I took a chance and asked the clerk if she knew where the covered bridge was. She said it was on the Cabot Plains Road??? and she said: “if you got to the schoolhouse, you went too far“. Well we drove back looking, oh so very closely and we find ourselves arriving at the schoolhouse, when I suddenly see on the rise ABOVE the schoolhouse, you guessed it, the A. M. Foster covered bridge.
The A.M. Foster Covered Bridge can be seen in my Gallery here!
We traveled up the road and pulled off and parked and I proceeded to record it for posterity. I wouldn’t have stayed as long as we did, except the sky was pretty cool with puffy clouds and maybe in a week or three, I’ll make it back there when the far hills are crimson and gold.
Now, this didn’t end our days exploring and we headed back through Danville VT to Saint Johnsbury and the… But that is for another time… 🙂
Too early for fall color, what to do? I've heard this refrain in many versions. Too Early or Late for fall color? "What if I'm too early (or late) for fall color, What can we do…
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betoverheks · 5 years
Maakbaarheid of braak-baar-schijt. Vooruit met de geit, gekke meid. Heks wars van wauwse dwarsverbanden…… Merkbaar meandert mijn mottig humeur door zompig moerassig niet maakbaar laagland. Geen man overboord, ik zeg niks. Of toch: No mud, no lotus.
Maakbaarheid of braak-baar-schijt. Vooruit met de geit, gekke meid. Heks wars van wauwse dwarsverbanden…… Merkbaar meandert mijn mottig humeur door zompig moerassig niet maakbaar laagland. Geen man overboord, ik zeg niks. Of toch: No mud, no lotus.
Jajaja. Yep. Yes. Doch……. Oui!
Ik probeer het maar weer eens: Ja zeggen. Nee ligt me alweer jarenlang in de mond bestorven. En dat is vast niet best. Heks heeft een boek in de kast met de titel: De kracht van ja. Geschreven door John Kalse, een spirituele leraar van Heks van lang geleden.
Op televisie tettert de 2Doc documentaire ‘Nu verandert er langzaam iets.’ Hoe toepasselijk. Over het…
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from FireEye Author: J. Gomez
Ok, I admit this blog post is not about our childhood TV friend, Gumby… Instead it’s about a much more sinister character, Gumblar & its malware henchmen…
Originally making its debut back in March/April of this year (see here and here) and then suddenly it went quiet for a few months, until recently… Yes, Gumblar is back with a vengeance & still causing problems for it’s unsuspecting victims.
The primary delivery mechanism is still via Drive-By-Download (notably compromised sites serving malicious Adobe PDF’s) which when successful will load the malware onto your system.
We have taken a look at a couple of the Gumblar associated malware samples, you can see some VirusTotal results here & here.
Here is a quick peek at what this bad-guy is doing… Once loaded on to the victim’s system, it silently executes with out any obvious indications to the end-user. (no Fake AV pop-ups, instant reboots, tray icons or ransom notes here.)
The UPX packed executable will proceed to write out a file (disguised as an innocent temp or backup file) 1 subdirectory beneath it’s current location. The dropped file, actually a .dll (18432 bytes in size), uses (3-6 character) randomly generated filename with the extension “.tmp”, “.bak”, “.dat” or “.old”.
filename extensions visible when looking at the binary in a hex editor.
It goes on to delete a couple audio drivers from the “c:windowssystem32” directory (sysaudio.sys & wdmaud.sys). Along with deleting these, it adds the following registry key:
“HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/Current Version/Drivers32/midi9”
The above registry key value “midi9” actually equates to executing “ 0yAAAAAAAA” when loaded. The system will now use the evil .dll file anytime the browser is loaded.
(Note the .bak file followed by the “0yAAAAAAAA” string, it’s always there).
The malware will also generate an ID string (32 characters long) that gets sent to the C&C.
Sample screen shots of the malware’s string generation routine.
The malware will also attempt to rename itself with no filename (null) upon reboot, using the MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT function & a flag of 0x4.
A quick peek at the registry shows it created an entry under
HLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerPendingFileRenameOperations
Normally ok except in the value data there is only 1 entry when there should be a pair (the current file name & what to rename it to upon reboot). 
Once the infection process completes, it quietly waits for you to access a website site using your browser. Here is where this guy really starts to go to work, stealing FTP credentials and potentially skewing search results. Anything your browser sees, IT sees…
A quick look at a running packet capture and we see that along with the normal HTTP traffic it has taken the opportunity to communicate with the C&C. It has sent the 32 character string (prefixed with “?0E2” & followed by a “0” at the end) in the URI to the C&C & received back a response as displayed here:
Notice the “SS: ” & “Xost: ” fields in the HTTP Header. The “SS:” field contains the URI you were accessing & the “Xost:” field holds the original destination host/site. Also of note is the response from the server. The “//fHqq0EDFBNEED” is always present followed by the 32 byte string that was sent to the C&C, and then 2 additional bytes (the “2y” at the end). (If you see this type of traffic on your network, it’s time to be a little concerned…)
The malware attempts to contact one of 3 IP’s
1.) – still alive & well.
OrgName: Secured Private Network  OrgID: SPNW Address: 1740 East Garry Ave. Address: Suite 234 City: Santa Ana StateProv: CA PostalCode: 92705 Country: US NetRange: – CIDR: OriginAS: AS22298 NetName: SPN3W NetHandle: NET-67-215-224-0-1 Parent: NET-67-0-0-0-0 NetType: Direct Allocation NameServer: NS1.SECUREDPRIVATENETWORK.NET NameServer: NS2.SECUREDPRIVATENETWORK.NET Comment: RegDate: 2007-10-18 Updated: 2008-10-08
2.)  – known Crimeware friendly ISP as mentioned here.
OrgName: Netelligent Hosting Services Inc. OrgID: NHS-31 Address: 1396 Franklin Drive City: Laval StateProv: QC PostalCode: H7W-1K6 Country: CA NetRange: – CIDR: NetName: NETEL-ARIN-BLK02 NetHandle: NET-67-212-64-0-1 Parent: NET-67-0-0-0-0 NetType: Direct Allocation NameServer: NS1.NETELLIGENT.CA NameServer: NS2.NETELLIGENT.CA NameServer: NS3.NETELLIGENT.CA Comment: RegDate: 2007-08-30 Updated: 2008-06-20
3.) – which appears to host 9 other sites, including some leading to pages serving FakeAV.
inetnum: – netname: ROOT-195-24-72-0-21 descr: root eSolutions country: LU admin-c: AB99-RIPE tech-c: RE655-RIPE status: ASSIGNED PI mnt-by: ROOT-MNT mnt-by: RIPE-NCC-HM-PI-MNT mnt-lower: RIPE-NCC-HM-PI-MNT source: RIPE # Filtered
So while unsuspecting victims go about there usual web activity, the malware will quietly send data to any one of these 3 IP’s (in the above order).
Without careful inspection, this communication can easily snake by perimeter defenses & security software.
More to come…
A special thanks to my colleagues Atif Mushtaq & Julia Wolf.
J.G. @ FireEye Malware Intelligence Lab
Detailed Question/Comments : research SHIFT-2 fireeye DOT COM
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Go to Source Author: J. Gomez Gumblar… Not Gumby! Original Post from FireEye Author: J. Gomez Ok, I admit this blog post is not about our childhood TV friend,
0 notes
bonerofalonelyheart · 7 years
Back on my Bullshit
Answering every single question on an ask meme because I want to
Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
Spotify Premium
is your room messy or clean?
If I’ve been manic lately then it’s clean. if not then messy
what color are your eyes?
Blue da ba dee da ba da
do you like your name? why?
NOPE my name is Grace and when I tell people that they assume I’m like some sort of religious nut
what is your relationship status?
I’ve been dating my boyfriend for a little over a year
describe your personality in 3 words or less
boring, bland, macabre 
what color hair do you have?
what kind of car do you drive? color?
I drive a shitmobile. It’s a 2007 vw beetle and it is the color of slightly jaundiced Caucasian flesh, so it looks like a giant pimple
where do you shop?
Be more specific
how would you describe your style?
day to day style: whatever i found on the floor that looks clean because I once again gave myself -10 minutes to get ready. Usually pants and a shirt I bought in the men’s section 
I had one day a couple weeks ago that i dressed how i actually wanna dress all the time and it was great. short skirt, thigh high socks with garters, sweater, trench coat. It was great. 
favorite social media account
I’m addicted to instagram
what size bed do you have?
any siblings?
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
Somewhere with good healthcare, like canada
favorite snapchat filter?
I don’t really use snapchat
favorite makeup brand(s)
I rarely wear makeup, but when I do, i guess my two favorite products are both Maybelline (total temptation mascara and instant age rewind concealer
how many times a week do you shower?
at least 7
favorite tv show?
I don’t really watch much tv, but the last thing I watched that I really liked was The Good Place
shoe size?
how tall are you?
sandals or sneakers?
do you go to the gym?
I pay for a membership but I don’t use it
describe your dream date
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
$20 cash
what color socks are you wearing?
grey with cat faces
how many pillows do you sleep with?
one, and it’s so flat that I don’t think it even counts as a pillow
do you have a job? what do you do?
I work at a call center where I caption calls for the hard of hearing
how many friends do you have?
like none
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
I have anxiety, everything i do is the worst thing I have ever done
whats your favorite candle scent?
fuck candles
3 favorite boy names
fuck your heteronormative bs
3 favorite girl names
fuck your heteronormative bs
favorite actor?
uhhhhh I don’t really pay attention to actors
favorite actress?
see above answer
who is your celebrity crush?
celebrity crushes are pointless
favorite movie?
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
I have terrible reading comprehension so I only read when I have to or there’s a book that I REALLY wanna read. I like Junji Ito graphic novels
money or brains?
for who? be more specific.
do you have a nickname? what is it?
my boyfriend calls me “weirdo” as a term of endearment
how many times have you been to the hospital?
fuck dude a lot. I’ve only been inpatient 3 times though
top 10 favorite songs (I’ll just do ones I’ve been listening to recently)
Run For Cover- The Killers
Blow Your Mind (Mwah) - Dua Lipa
New Rules - Dua Lipa
Anxiety- Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
Just Tonight - Jimmy Eat World
Bloody Nose - Bay Faction
Steady, As She Goes - The Raconteurs
Talk Too Much - COIN
Up All Night - Beck
tie: Weak or Sober Up by AJR
do you take any medications daily?
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
Dry AF
what is your biggest fear?
I have anxiety, everything is my biggest fear
(If I had to pick one it’s probably abandonment)
how many kids do you want?
whats your go to hair style?
step 1: wash, step 2: towel, step 3: leave the house before its dry, step 4: ruffle it around while looking in my visor mirror in the car, step 5: hope for the best
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
It’s my parents’ house and it’s pretty big
who is your role model?
fuck dude i dunno
what was the last compliment you received?
I wore my sweatshirt that has the sushi cats all over it yesterday and probably 6 people told me they liked it
what was the last text you sent?
“Ooohhh damn”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
i honestly have no idea
what is your dream car?
one that gets good gas mileage. I like the look of the Honda CR-Z
opinion on smoking?
cigarettes: FUK DAT weed: ok man u get a pass
do you go to college?
yes I do
what is your dream job?
one that has health insurance
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
do you have freckles?
do you smile for pictures?
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
my camera roll has 1,517
have you ever peed in the woods?
do you still watch cartoons?
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Favorite dipping sauce?
Mcdonalds BBQ
what do you wear to bed?
have you ever won a spelling bee?
what are your hobbies?
I collect vintage cameras, I have a problem with online shopping, I do photography sometimes, I scroll through instagram, I curse the instagram algorithm gods because i have been getting way less likes than i used to, I sleep, I do homework
can you draw?
No. I wanted to be a graphic design major but a) it was gonna take too long and b) I can’t draw
do you play an instrument?
what was the last concert you saw?
fuck dude I don’t remember
tea or coffee?
I like both, but my coffee has to have lots of cream and sugar
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Starbucks. I don’t think we even have a Dunkin Donuts in Idaho
do you want to get married?
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
what color looks best on you?
i have no idea
do you miss anyone right now?
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
do you believe in ghosts?
what is your biggest pet peeve?
not sure
last person you called`
favorite ice cream flavor?
non dairy chocolate
regular oreos or golden oreos?
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
what shirt are you wearing?
its pink with cats on it and i got it at ross
what is your phone background?
lock screen: a drawing of no banana cat by chuckdrawsthings
background: iphone default
are you outgoing or shy?
depends on the situation
do you like it when people play with your hair?
do you like your neighbors?
I don’t know my neighbors #RuralProblems
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
In the shower
have you ever been high?
have you ever been drunk?
last thing you ate?
favorite lyrics right now
summer or winter?
day or night?
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
favorite month?
i have no idea
what is your zodiac sign
who was the last person you cried in front of?
probably my therapist
0 notes
androidtvboxreview · 7 years
A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX Review By Android TV Box Review
A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX is a brand new S912 Android TV box, it has a different and attractive appearance. User-friendly customized build, very easy to set up and use. And it comes with the mighty fast and strong processor, which brings you an absolutely unusual audio-visual experience. Once you own it you will love it.
A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX
A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX Launcher
A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX Connection
Alfawise A95X has 9.30 x 9.30 x 1.50 cm dimensions, 0.1200 kg weight, which is quite classic and compact, easy to hold in one hand, in the box, it has an R1 TV BOX, a power adapter, a user manual and a remote controller. It has some Interface: AV, DC 5V, HDMI, LAN, SPDIF, TF card, USB2.0 that you need to know before operating it.
Alfawise A95X is powered by the RK3229 Quad-core 1.5GHz processor, Mali-400 MP GPU, RAM 1GB ROM 8GB, it can be expanded by a TF card to 32GB, although it doesn’t come to larger storage, as a mid-range tv box at such low price, we can still enjoy watching videos, playing games fluently. Of course, it can meet the basic needs for us.
Main Features:
4K H.265 decoding can help you save 50 percent bandwidth resource, and deliver razor-sharp detail and vibrant images
Rapid and stable system: Android 6.0 version provides you with the benefit of using all the latest updates and having access to all the tools, games, and Apps at the play store smoothly
A high performance of Octa-core Cortex-A53 CPU can play a wide range of games
Supports 4K. 4K video gives you high-quality video experience
HDMI 2.0 is a faster way to send video and audio output to your TV
With KODI pre-installed, you can easily find the needed add-ons without torture
Supports 5.1 surrounds sound output, capture your ears with actual listening feelings
Remote control is powered by 2 x AA battery (not included)
Where to buy A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX
You can buy the A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX from GearBest, Amazon or Ebay
Amazon UK
  Buy from ebay.co.uk
Buy from EBay.com
  Buy from GearBest
Brand: A95X
Model: A95X A2
Type: TV Box
System: Android 6.0
Processor: Amlogic S912
CPU: Cortex A53
Core: 2.0GHz,Octa Core
GPU: Mali-820MP3
RAM Type: DDR3
ROM: 32G
Max. Extended Capacity: 128G
TV Box Features: 5.1 Surround Sound Output
Media Supported
Decoder Format: H.263,H.264,H.265,HD MPEG4
Support 5.1 Surround Sound Output: Yes
Product Details
5G WiFi: Yes
WIFI: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Bluetooth: Bluetooth4.0
Power Supply: Charge Adapter
Interface: AV,DC Power Port,HDMI,RJ45,USB2.0
Antenna: No
Camera: Without
Language: English,Germany,Japanese,Korean,Simplified Chinese
DVD Support: No
HDMI Version: 2.0
Other Functions: 3D Games,3D Video,Airplay,DLNA,Miracast
HDMI Function: CEC
Power Consumption.: 10W
RJ45 Port Speed: 1000M
Firmware Information
System Bit: 64Bit
WiFi Chip: 9377
System Activation: Yes
Power Requirement
Power Type: External Power Adapter Mode
Dimension and Weight
Product weight: 0.2680 kg
Package weight: 0.5100 kg
Product size (L x W x H): 15.00 x 9.60 x 2.30 cm / 5.91 x 3.78 x 0.91 inches
Package size (L x W x H): 18.50 x 12.70 x 8.00 cm / 7.28 x 5 x 3.15 inches
Package Contents
TV Box
HDMI Cable
Remote Control
English User Manual
A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX Review A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX Review By Android TV Box Review A95X A2 Amlogic S912 TV BOX is a brand new S912 Android TV box, it has a different and attractive appearance.
0 notes
jayfingers · 7 years
I assume if you’re here that’s because you’ve read my previous posts about my glorious, wondrous, amazing trip to Los Angeles recently.
I still have a few more days to cover, so let’s jump right into the fun, shall we?
Day 5
As is usually typical for L.A., it was a beautiful sunny morning. I decided to take a stroll around Hollywood, just take some photos of whatever, or whomever, I saw.
Sunset & Vine
On Vine Street
On Vine Street
Amoeba Music
Old Nickelodeon building
The Palladium
Paley Center (front), Viacom (rear)
Sunset Gower Studios
I mainly kept to Sunset Boulevard as I walked — yes, y’all, walked — east, passing familiar spots such as Amoeba Music, the Hollywood Palladium theater, the Paley Center (which also houses a bomb-ass restaurant), and Viacom.
Morgan Camera Shop
Morgan Camera Shop
Morgan Camera Shop
Morgan Camera Shop
And obviously if I was headed this way, I was gonna stop and photograph on my favorite L.A. subjects, Morgan Camera Shop.
Not really sure why I’m so obsessed with Morgan, or why it stands out to me, but it does, and clearly I’m not alone.
Finally, I arrived at Roscoe’s House of Chicken n’ Waffles. I’d actually thought about going across the street to Denny’s and saving Roscoe’s for later, but then I thought, Why not?
Roscoe’s House of Chicken n Waffles
Roscoe’s menu
Roscoe’s House of Chicken n Waffles — back room tho
Roscoe’s artwork
Dat dark meat combo
Dat chicken tho
Rice & gravy — yum!
Dat biscuit tho
Funny thing about Roscoe’s, I’ve never had their waffles. I tend to not get waffles at waffle-themed places. (Remember this as it will come up again.) But I do love the chicken at Roscoe’s. Oh my, oh my.
Since it was pretty close to lunchtime, I opted to not get breakfast but something more … lunchy. Just their leg and thigh combo, with a biscuit and rice & gravy. Lawd. Lemme tell you, the rice & gravy, simple as it is, is a complete joy to behold. And the biscuit? So soft, so buttery. And of course the star of the meal was the chicken — juicy, crispy, flavorful.
There’s a reason why Roscoe’s is so beloved. Believe the hype.
Waiting on the bus … in Los Angeles. A concept, I know.
After chowing down and doing a little more walking around, I got ready for the day’s main event. First, I was going to take a bus to my destination.
The bus in L.A. wasn’t so bad. Helluva lot better than NYC buses.
Yes, that’s right. The bus. I wanted to see how Los Angeles public transportation compares to New York’s, which sucks. (Spoiler alert: It’s not as expansive nor does it run 24/7, but it’s cheaper, cleaner, and a hell of a lot nicer than the MTA.)
Anyhoo, after a pretty quick 30-minute ride I found myself at the corner of Fairfax and Third, which is right where I wanted to be.
Writers Guild of America, West
Which was the Writers Guild of America, West.
Writers Guild of America, West
Writers Guild of America, West
Writers Guild of America, West
Writers Guild of America, West
Reading the “Girls Trip” screenplay at the WGA
Reading the “Girls Trip” screenplay at the WGA
And that’s pretty much where I spent my day. I was mostly in the Guild’s Shavelson-Webb Library, which houses more than 25,000  scripts that are available to read, for free — as long as you remain in the library.
And they have everything: film, television, radio and video game scripts, plus writers’ personal papers, books, periodicals, and more on the history, art, craft, and business of writing for entertainment.
As you can imagine, I was in heaven.
Now, it takes a while to read a screenplay, so I only had time to read three, but the three I read (for films I’ve already seen, natch) offered an eye-opening look into the creation of the eventual films.
(By the way, I read the screenplays for Iron Man 3, written by Shane Black and Drew Pearce; Thor: The Dark World, by Christopher Yost and Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely; and Girls Trip, by Kenya Barris and Tracy Oliver.)
You already know!
Happy Birthday, Abby!
After all that reading, my eyes were tired, so I ventured to a place where I could wash away the strain of the day: BIG WANGS, dawg. (This should really come as no surprise.)
As you can see from the Snapchat-filtered photo above, somewhere, someone named Abby was in the area celebrating her 30th birthday. Whoever and wherever you are, I hope you had a very happy birthday, Abby!
Jay, Jamie, and Kat — new friends!
Not only that, but I also met two new friends, Jamie and Kat. Both are actors — Jamie’s done stuff for the Harry Potter films, and Kat for the new Star Wars trilogy — and we had a great time talking movies, L.A. neighborhoods, dating, and the pursuit of dreams.
I love making friends with folks who live in different cities, and I’m definitely gonna keep in touch with these two crazy kids!
The three of us ended up shutting Big Wangs down. You know shit closes mad early in L.A. (it was only 2 o’clock in the morning), but it was just as well. Folks had things to do in the morning, so my new friends went about their way and I retired to the telly.
Day 6
Since I had Roscoe’s the previous day, I thought that this would be the day I’d dine at Denny’s. But then I spotted a new place — I mean, really new.
The Waffle menu
Steak & eggs at the Waffle
“Double” mimosa in a jar
Damn, bruh dropped off my check before I finished my meal.
The recently-opened Waffle, a self-proclaimed “big-rig style diner offering comfort food.” I perused the menu and came thisclose to ordering one of the many varieties of waffles — but then I got steak and eggs instead. (I told you.) Womp, but not really.
I’ll be honest: the steak was damn good, cooked to perfection (medium-rare, thank you), and the eggs were solid, but the hash browns left a lot to be desired. And the biscuit, while good, just wasn’t as soft and fluffy as Roscoe’s. Adding insult to injury, the server dropped my check before I’d even finished my meal. What if I’d wanted dessert, or a refill of the “double mimosa” in a jar? Ah well, it wasn’t a completely horrible experience, so I will give the Waffle another shot someday. (Y’know what, I’m gonna post this as a review on Yelp.)
After breakfast, I had some business to conduct, and that took up most of my day. When I was finished, however, I hopped on over to Amoeba Music for some souvenir shopping.
Amoeba Music in Hollywood
Lemme tell y’all something: Amoeba is huge. If you’ve never been, you will be left gob-smacked at the enormity of the place as well as the wealth of music, movies, books, clothes, toys, and whatever else you can think of that’s related to entertainment and pop culture. I mean …
Amoeba sells it all.
Amoeba Music is MASSIVE
Amoeba has integrity
Old-school concert posters
“Folk what you heard.”
I picked up several T-shirts (I am, after all, the Undisputed King of Tees), books, and DVDs, then I carried my booty (I mean my treasure, not my actual booty, pervs) to — you guessed it — Big Wangs.
Quelle surprise
But I couldn’t stay there all night. I had dinner to think about. And so I hit up one of my favorite restaurants, not just in Los Angeles, but the world —
Dass right! Sugarfish by Sushi Nozawa is hands down one of the best culinary experiences I have ever had the pleasure of indulging in.
I’m gonna tell you right now: Sugarfish is high-quality, no-frills, traditional sushi. And it is amazeballs.
I ordered the Trust Me, which is the restaurant’s take on omakase:
Edamame @ Sugarfish
Tuna sashimi
Albacore and salmon
Yellowtail, halibut, and snapper
Toro hand roll
A second helping of tuna sashimi
Sapporo beer
Smashed, son
My meal consisted of organic edamame, tuna sashimi (I got two orders because one just wasn’t enough!), two pieces of albacore sushi, two pieces of salmon, two pieces of yellowtail, a piece apiece of halibut and snapper, the Toro hand roll, and a blue crab hand roll. Washed it all down with a bottle of Sapporo.
So good. So, so goddamned good. Truly, the best sushi on Earth, along with some of the best service ever.
And then, yes, I went back to Big Wangs to end the night.
Here’s the song for this post, and I gotta admit that I was even surprised by how much I dug it when I first heard it: “Perfect” by One Direction. 😮
📸 | My Trip to Los Angeles, Days 5 & 6 I assume if you're here that's because you've read my previous posts about my glorious, wondrous, amazing trip to…
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ungdungmoi · 7 years
Các phần mềm chuyển dữ liệu từ GPS vào máy tính và ngược lại
Chúng ta thường dùng Mapsource với các dòng máy như 76csx và các đời thấp hơn bởi giao diện đơn giản và dễ sử dụng. Tuy nhiên, các máy đời cao như 62s, 72, 78 trở lên thì chỉ có sử dụng Basecamp mới có thể trút dữ liệu đầy đủ từ GPS vào máy tính được. Basecamp hỗ trợ hầu hết các dòng máy.
1. Tải và cài đặt phần mềm chuyển dữ liệu từ GPS sang máy tính
Với Mapsource để được hỗ trợ toàn diện, bạn cần cài đặt đúng thứ tự: Cài file 1.Mapsource200upd406 trước. Sau đó nếu máy là win 7 trở lên thì cài file có chữ win 7, nếu Xp thì cài file có tên là XP. Do tính bảo mật do vậy buộc phải đổi đuôi của các file nén từ rar sang file .dat. Do vậy, khi tải về các bạn open with bằng winrar rồi giải nén ra desktop và sử dụng bình thường nhé.
Danh sách phần mềm chuyển dữ liệu từ GPS sang máy tính:
Driver bổ sung (cái này chỉ cần trong trường hợp cắm GPS vào máy mà máy không nhận, trong khi cable vẫn còn tốt)
2. Hướng dẫn cài đặt và sử dụng Mapsource
2.1 Cài đặt Mapsource
Mở bộ cài Mapsource trong Thư mục Bộ cài phần mềm => Mapsource
Bắt đầu cài, Chạy file setup.exe rồi ấn yes, sau đó mà hình sẽ xuất hiện như sau,  thì chọn Next rồi Yes
[caption id="attachment_1732" align="aligncenter" width="647"] Cài đặt phần mềm Mapsource[/caption]
Tiếp tục chọn no, no tiếp
[caption id="attachment_1733" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Cài đặt phần mềm Mapsource[/caption]
Chọn next nếu muốn lưu phần cài đặt ở ổ đĩa khác có thể chọn Browse và chọn đường dẫn khác, rồi tiếp tục chọn next.
[caption id="attachment_1734" align="aligncenter" width="649"] gps sang may tinh[/caption]
Chọn next/ chọn finish
[caption id="attachment_1735" align="aligncenter" width="642"] gps sang may tinh 1[/caption]
2.2 Hướng dẫn sử dụng Mapsource
2.2.1. Màn hình giao diện của Mapsource khi khởi động
[caption id="attachment_1736" align="aligncenter" width="632"] phan mem Mapsource[/caption]
2.2.2. Cài thông số VN2000 cho Mapsource
- Vào Edit => Preferences (phím tắt: Ctrl + shift + P). - Chọn sang của sổ Position: Cài đặt như GPS
[caption id="attachment_1737" align="aligncenter" width="316"] cai dat GPS[/caption]
Cài đặt thông số Position => User Defined Gird => Properties và cài đặt thông số như sau:
[caption id="attachment_1738" align="aligncenter" width="311"] cat dat position[/caption]
+ KTT Lạng Sơn: 107 độ 15 phút 15 phút = 0.25 độ => 107.25 độ + Múi 3 cài: 0.9999; nếu bản đồ tỉ lệ nhỏ hơn (1/25.000; 1/50.000 – múi 6); Scale = 0.9996. Độ lệch trục X = 500.000 (mét)
- Cài thông số Datum: User Defined Datum => Properties và cài đặt thông số như sau:
[caption id="attachment_1739" align="aligncenter" width="312"] Cài thông số Datum[/caption]
Cài đặt 3 thông số: Độ dịch trục X: Làm tròn - 192 Độ dịch trục Y: - 39 Độ dịch trục Z: - 111
2.2.3. Lưu dữ liệu từ GPS vào máy tính
a, Lấy dữ liệu từ GPS thông qua Mapsource (cho máy không có thẻ nhớ). Transfer => Receive From Device....
- Khi cửa sổ như hình bên cạnh hiên ra thì chọn Receive: + Nếu chỉ muốn lấy điểm tọa độ đã bấm (chỉ tích vào waypoints) + Nếu muốn lấy thêm dữ liệu track log (lưu lại đường đi) thì tích thêm Tracks. Lưu ý: Phần Device: phải hiển thị tên của GPS mình đang kết nối với máy tính thì mới nhận được dữ liệu. 
Sau khi Transfer xong => OK
Muốn hiển thị dữ liệu điểm, đường đi lên Mapsource: Chọn vào điểm, vùng đó click chuột phải => Show selected Track On Map
Để lưu file vừa nhận vào Mapsource: Chọn save => Đặt tên v�� chọn nơi lưu => Save.
b. Trường hợp máy có thẻ nhớ Cắm cáp vào máy tính; chờ máy tính nhận cáp và vào thư mục chứa dữ liệu.
Chọn thư mục garmin / Chọn thư mục GPX Có thể copy hoàn toàn file GPX vào để lưu trữ. Trong file GPX, thường lưu dạng Waypoint (điểm), Tracks (đường đi) riêng và theo ngày; Do vậy có thể chọn ngày cần lưu thì copy ra và lưu vào máy tính.
2.2.4. Sử dụng lại file đã lưu:
- Trường hợp không có thẻ nhớ: Mở thư mục chưa file Mapsource, mở file đã lưu. Trên cửa sổ của Mapsource => Transfer => Send to Device; tích vào các ô Waypoint, Tracks.... và Send. - Trường hợp có thẻ nhớ: Copy file GPX đã lưu ở thư mục trong máy tính vào thẻ nhớ
Coi thêm tại : Các phần mềm chuyển dữ liệu từ GPS vào máy tính và ngược lại
0 notes
www-vcan-cc · 8 years
media player with analog tv tuner
 9 inch Digital TV Analog TV USB TF MP5 player AV in Rechargeable Battery
Selling Points
  9 inch Digital TV (DVB-T2, DVB-T, ATSC, ISDB-T)
Analog TV (Pal / NTSC)
USB TF MP5 player
AUX AV in 
Rechargeable Battery
Including Antenna
  CPU Main chip set:  Mstar
Language:  En,Fr,Ru,Portuguese,Span,Thai,Arab,Ch simple/trad
DDR:  128M
Flash: 32M
Screen:  9 inch TFT LCD digital Panel
Resolution:  800 x 480 (1024 x 600 optional)
     Input output Jack
    Power DC in (3.5mm)
TF Card
TV Antenna input media player with analog tv tuner
Control Button: MENU, VOL-, VOL+, CH-, CH+, MODE, ENTER/PAUSE
VCAN recommended Speaker: 8Ω/2W  Φ28mm, 2pcs
Digital TV tuner inside: DVB-T2, DVB-T or ISDB-T full seg
Analog TV tuner inside: Yes
  Audio format: MP3/WAV/AAC/FLAC/APE/WMA
Video format: RM/RMVB/AVI/MKV/VOB/MOV/ASF/DAT/MPEG/MP4/3GP/WMV/FLV,    Support 1080P media player with analog tv tuner
Picture format: JPEG/BMP/GIF/PNG
Rechargeable Battery: 7.4V/1300mah
Charger: 12V/1A or 9V/1.5A
    DTV700-DVBT2  x1
Power Charger  x1
Road Antenna  x1
Sucker Antenna  x1
Remote control  x 1
User manual  X 1
    9 inch Digital TV Analog TV USB TF MP5 player AV in Rechargeable Battery
Analog TV USB TF MP5 player AV in Rechargeable Battery
9 inch Digital TV (DVB-T2, DVB-T, ATSC, ISDB-T)
Digital TV (DVB-T2, DVB-T, ATSC, ISDB-T)
9 inch Digital TV Analog TV USB TF MP5 player AV
  #gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
USB TF MP5 player AV in Rechargeable Battery
9 inch Digital TV Analog TV USB TF MP5 player AV in Rechargeable Battery
    DTV900-DVBT2 9 inch Digital TV Analog TV USB TF MP5 player AV in Rechargeable Battery media player with analog tv tuner  9 inch Digital TV Analog TV USB TF MP5 player AV in Rechargeable Battery…
0 notes
loveinruins · 8 years
We’re making progress.. I think.
So I didn’t hear from him at all this weekend, but he was one of the very first to watch my snap stories..
He also told me he watched nerve which is a movie I was talking about that had good songs in there.
Today was the first day of the campaign and he found out he had GP as his manager, the utter look of disappointment on his face killed me but I really hope he gives her a chance and stays with the company because I’d hate for him to leave.
So everyone did their desk moves, he sits so fucking far away from me now. I’m so fucking sad and upset about it but I think in a way it’ll be good to have a bit of space at work that way he might miss me a bit more. He won’t be able to take the same lunches as me anymore either..
We went to Melba today as a channel because we hit our $1 mil target, so we walked down together and he said something about Judas that pissed me the fuck off so I was a bit quiet and he came and put his arm around me and goes what’s wrong??? and i said nothing and he goes what because i said that thing about Judas and I’m like yes exactly and he’s like relax babe blabla and MT was like look i really don’t want you to leave you’re a really good guy, just stick it out and he was like to MT relax I’m not quitting just because i have GP as my manager and he goes besides who’s going to make T smile.. I go you’re not the only one babe lol
Anyway so we’re bantering and whatever and we get to Melba and everyone’s like taking snaps and stuff and he goes babe come here, let’s get a photo and we were sitting on the ledge and he put his arm around my waist/hip to pull me closer and we got a pic together. AK took like 4 or 5 but I only liked 2. 
The buffet opens and all the seats start filling up really quickly and the only seats left spare are next to all the managers so me, him, MT, AC and KT all sit on the end of the table.
I had a really good time, had a few to drink. He made a comment at lunch that really touched me - so I had told him that I wanted to get my eyes done and it must’ve really resonated with him and he goes you have nice eyes, MT don’t you think T has nice eyes? I go yeah but they can be nicer.. He like rolled his eyes and he goes well I think they look nice now. I literally felt like my heart burst because of how adorable it was that he remembered to even say that to me.
I felt like he must really care about me to try and make me feel good about my eyes and not to get them done.
He goes to me before we left lunch.. so can you give me a lift home? I was like maybe..
Anyway so he left his bag at work the dumb ass so we had to go all the way back to work and then come back to flinders to catch the train, the walk was fine but I was getting all self conscious that I was sweaty and shit. He goes to me on the train again, I like your eyes and I go yeah ok I’m just going for a consult ok and then he goes no need to justify yourself, I’m like yeah I know and I can’t remember what else we were talking about on the train but it was a decent train ride.
I just really wanted to reassure him that everything was going to be ok with him and GP. I just want him to be happy that’s all.
We get to springy station and apparently my brother A was in front of me (so he tells me when I got home) and I didn’t even realize because I was too focused on GC. When i got in the car A had messaged me saying “cuties” and i was like wtf lol and he saw my phone and goes cuties? i go yeah my brother must’ve seen us walking.
So i start driving him home, he plays so into you by tamia and i was like wowww.. there were a few other songs but look I’m just not gonna read into it too much because I feel like the music that you play is a reflection of how you’re currently feeling. 
Whilst driving he had a piece of hair fall down, I call it the alfalfa piece and I go your alfalfa is hanging out again babe and pushed it back into the rest of his hair and he was like thanks and smiled..
When i dropped him off he was like thanks for the lift I’ll see you tomorrow and yeah that was it.. it was a bit toast for my liking.
He never kisses me bye or anything when we’re in the car it’s weird..
I came home and was content with the day and had consulted B and B was like you need to upload the pic or else he will feel rejected because he initiated it (as in taking the pic) and he did ask me if i was gonna upload it and I was like mmm i’ll think about it and he goes lol as ifffff and he said he was gonna edit the pic and upload it sooo.. I dunno
I feel like people are going to be like is that T’s bf and start asking q’s..
Actually who cares, people will talk shit no matter what.
I uploaded the pic with the caption “My biggest fan asked for a pic so I had to oblige *laughing emoji / kissie emoji*” #ilys
So I currently now have butterflies in my stomach and am too scared to open my insta to see the likes and comments..
He also watched the snap story and girl my cleavage was on fleek.. dats all lol.
It’s also V day tomorrow.. I have no expectations at this point. 
I will be VERYYYY surprised if he does something, like extremely surprised.
We’ll see.. I’ll update you tomorrow probs.
0 notes
androidtvboxreview · 7 years
Mini M8S Pro TV Box Review By Android TV Box Review
Mini M8S PRO TV Box powered by Amlogic S912 (703N0 release). A big plus for the manufacturer Mini M8S PRO TV Box that also finally released the update. It is also good news for those who bought the Mini M8S PRO. The TV Box is one of the most popular TV Boxes.
Mini M8S Pro TV Box Specification
Mini M8S Pro TV Box Feature
Mini M8S Pro TV Box
HDMI output supports a wide range of resolution and refresh rate, and my system was first automatically set to 4K SMPTE (24 Hz) despite my TV supporting 4K @ 60 Hz. I could manually change the output to that setting, but I’ve noticed the TV box does not always remembers the user-defined value, and a few times I saw video output set to 1080p60 after a reboot.
I can access Android Marshmallow settings by clicking or selecting “More settings”, where you can access some extra options like Printing, Date & Time, Backup & Reset and so on. So I went to the “About MediaBox” to find out a bit more about the firmware, and “MINIM8S II” model number runs Android 6.0.1 on top of Linux 3.14.29. Please note that the firmware is NOT rooted.
I also quickly tested the included IR remote control, and the range is very good, as it works very well even 10 meters away. However, for most of the review, I used NEO A2 air mouse as IR remote controls are completely useless outside of the launcher and Kodi in Android.
Main Features:
Optional: DDR3 2GB + eMMC 16GB / DDR3 2GB + eMMC 32GB / DDR4 3GB + eMMC 32GB
8-core is rapid and stable, it can give you a high-speed feedback and smooth response
Android 6.0, people can easily install or uninstall applications and games
H.265 and H.264 decoding will offer you high definition pictures and movies
Provide multiple interfaces. HDMI interface inserts LCD TV or other display devices with HDMI
Supports high-speed WiFi. 5G + 2.4G offer a more stable signal for you to enjoy higher quality video experience
The remote control is powered by 2 x AAA batteries (not included)
Where to buy Mini M8S Pro TV Box
You can buy the Mini M8S Pro TV Box from GearBest, Amazon or Ebay
Amazon UK
  Buy from ebay.co.uk
Buy from EBay.com
  Buy from GearBest
Model: Mini M8S Pro
Type: TV Box
System: Android 6.0
Processor: Amlogic S912
CPU: Cortex A53
Core: Octa Core
GPU: ARM Mali-T820MP3
RAM Type: DDR3
ROM: 32G
Max. Extended Capacity: 32G
TV Box Features: 5.1 Surround Sound Output,Antenna
Media Supported
Decoder Format: H.263,H.264,H.265,HD MPEG4
Audio format: AAC,DTS,FLAC,MP3,OGG,RM,TrueHD,WMA
Support 5.1 Surround Sound Output: Yes
Product Details
5G WiFi: Yes
Bluetooth: Bluetooth4.0
Power Supply: Charge Adapter
Interface: DC Power Port,HDMI,RJ45,SPDIF,TF card,USB2.0
Antenna: Yes
Camera: Without
Language: Multi-language
DVD Support: No
HDMI Version: 2.0
Other Functions: DLNA,External Subtitle,ISO Files,Miracast
External Subtitle Supported: Yes
HDMI Function: CEC
Power Consumption.: 6W
RJ45 Port Speed: 1000M
Firmware Information
System Bit: 64Bit
WiFi Chip: 9377
Power Requirement
Power Type: External Power Adapter Mode
Dimension and Weight
Product weight: 0.1840 kg
Package weight: 0.4300 kg
Product size (L x W x H): 11.00 x 11.00 x 1.75 cm / 4.33 x 4.33 x 0.69 inches
Package size (L x W x H): 16.00 x 16.00 x 4.00 cm / 6.3 x 6.3 x 1.57 inches
Package Contents
Mini M8S Pro TV Box
Power Adapter
Remote Control
HDMI Cable
Mini M8S Pro TV Box Review, Reviewed By Android TV Box Review Mini M8S Pro TV Box Review By Android TV Box Review Mini M8S PRO TV Box powered by Amlogic S912 (703N0 release).
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androidtvboxreview · 7 years
Mecool KM8 P TV Box Review By Android TV Box Review
Mecool KM8 P TV Box comes in the typical square black box. The good thing is that under it are several gaps for the heat removal. The TV box is equipped with RJ45 Port with 100M LAN, HDMI v2.0, AV, DC Power Port, TF card slot and 2 x USB2.0. There is no connection to the external antenna.
Mecool KM8 P TV Box Feature
Mecool KM8 P TV BoxLauncher
Mecool KM8 P TV Box
Experience the visual rush of powerful streaming with KM8 P! This streaming media player comes with Android 7.1 OS, and it is powered by Amlogic S912, includes an octa-core CPU that can reach speed up to 2.0GHz. Enjoy movies, TV shows, and photos in a stunning 4K ultra high definition.
The Mecool KM8 P is running Android 6.0, installed from the factory. Under the hood, we will find the latest octa-core Amlogic S912 Cortex A53. For the graphics, the ARM Mali-T820MP3 does all the hard work very very good. The system is helped by the 2GB of RAM and the 16GB of internal storage. IF the internal storage is not enough for you, you can extend it by 128GB by external card.
Main Features:
Amlogic S912 Octa-core ARM Cortex A53 Amlogic S912, which is a high-performance octa-core 64bit chipset which is known for a maximum speed up to 2.0GHz, as well as Mali-T820MP3 GPU, the quality configuration provides you with ultra-fast running speed and professional graphics processing ability.
Android 7.1 OS It runs on the Android 7.1, which is stable to use. You can connect to a world of content and entertainment at home with the box.
4K Ultra HD 4K can help you save 50 percent bandwidth resource, and deliver razor-sharp detail and vibrant images.
Support for KODI 17.0 With KODI 17.0 pre-installed, you are free to enjoy movies without any fee and restriction. Apps like YouTube, Google Play Store can make you free to download movies and other apps.
Where to buy Mecool KM8 P TV Box
You can buy the Mecool KM8 P TV Box from GearBest, Amazon or Ebay
Amazon UK
  Buy from ebay.co.uk
Buy from EBay.com
  Buy from GearBest
Model: KM8 P
Type: TV Box
System: Android 7.1
Processor: Amlogic S912
CPU: Cortex A53
Core: Octa Core
GPU: ARM Mali-T820MP3
RAM Type: DDR3
Max. Extended Capacity: 128G
TV Box Features: 5.1 Surround Sound Output
Media Supported
Decoder Format: H.263,H.264,H.265,HD MPEG4
Support 5.1 Surround Sound Output: Yes
Product Details
5G WiFi: No
WIFI: 802.11b/g/n
Power Supply: Charge Adapter
Interface: AV,DC Power Port,HDMI,RJ45,TF card,USB2.0
Antenna: No
Camera: Without
Language: Multi-language
DVD Support: No
HDMI Version: 2.0
Other Functions: 3D Games,3D Video,DLNA,Miracast,NTSC,PAL,External Subtitle
External Subtitle Supported: Yes
HDMI Function: CEC
Power Consumption.: 8W
RJ45 Port Speed: 100M
Firmware Information
System Bit: 64Bit
Power Requirement
Power Type: External Power Adapter Mode
Battery Information
Remote Controller Battery: 2 x AAA Battery (not included)
Dimension and Weight
Product weight: 0.0900 kg
Package weight: 0.3800 kg
Product size (L x W x H): 9.70 x 9.70 x 1.70 cm / 3.82 x 3.82 x 0.67 inches
Package size (L x W x H): 17.80 x 10.60 x 6.40 cm / 7.01 x 4.17 x 2.52 inches
Package Contents
KM8 P TV Box
HDMI Cable
User Manual
Power Adapter
IR remote Control
Mecool KM8 P TV Box Review, Reviewed By Android TV Box Review Mecool KM8 P TV Box Review By Android TV Box Review Mecool KM8 P TV Box comes in the typical square black box.
0 notes
androidtvboxreview · 7 years
MXQ Pro II TV Box Review By Android TV Box Review
MXQ Pro II TV Box is a multimedia center which enables you to have the absolute best and most versatile home media experience. It is worthwhile for you to possess this TV box because it will let you enjoy plenty of HD movies, TV dramas and more videos on demand whenever you like with your friends and family.
MXQ Pro II TV Box Accessories
The Nexbox MXQ Pro TV is a cheap TV Box that tries to enter the popularity of the original MXQ Pro TV Box. It is a couple of dollars cheaper than the original MXQ Pro.The MXQ Pro 4K Android TV Box was very easy to setup and Kodi came pre-installed on the system but it was also plagued with add-ons already installed that I didn’t want. So, I uninstalled Kodi and reinstalled a fresh Jarvis version.
Main Features:
RK3229 CPU is rapid and stable which can give you high-speed feedback and smooth response.
Mali-400 as GPU of this TV box which gives you the high definition pictures and videos.
1GB RAM + 8G ROM capacity give you more space to download your favorite apps and caches to browse websites, play games, run apps, watch movies more smoothly.
Infrared remote control let you enjoy your wonderful life which the wireless brings to you.
Where to buy MXQ Pro II TV Box
You can buy the MXQ Pro II TV Box from GearBest, Amazon or Ebay
Amazon UK
  Buy from ebay.co.uk
Buy from EBay.com
  Buy from GearBest
Model: MX PRO II
CPU: Amlogic S905 Quad-core 64-bit ARM® Cortex™-A53 up to 2GHz
GPU: Penta-core ARM® Mali™-450
ROM: Onboard eMMC Flash 8GB
Bluetooth: BT4.0
Expand Memory: Micro SD Card (Maximum support 32GB)
Antenna: Built-in antenna for WIFI
Media Supported
UHD 4K×2K: Yes Support
Full HD 1080P: Yes Support
HEVC H.265: Yes Support
Video/Picture Decoding Supports: *.mkv,*.wmv,*.mpg, *.mpeg, *.dat, *.avi, *.mov, *.iso, *.mp4, *.rm and *.jpg file formats
Audio format: Support: MP3, AAC, WMA, RM, FLAC, OGG
Ethernet: 1000M LAN
WIFI: IEEE 802.11b/g/n,2.4GIEEE 802.11b/g/n, WiFi compliant 2.400 GHz ~ 2.497 GHz (2.4 GHz ISM Band)
IR Sensor: 1*IR
Power LED: 1*power LED with two – color
Button & Ports
Button: Not Power Button
Operating system updates(via USB port/TF Card Slot)
USB2.0: 2*Standard USB
DC-in: 1*DC in Jack
HD: 1*HD A Type
RJ45: 1*RJ45
TF Card Slot: 1*Micro SD card slot
Software Config.
OS: Android 5.1
Language: Multi-language
Keyboard: Qwerty keyboard
Miracast/DLNA: Support
UI: Support original ecology and AZW custom UI
Power management
Adapter: 5V 2A
Work Environment: 5°C–35°C, 30%–90% Humidity
Storage Environment: -20°C–60°C, 10%–90% Humidity
Package Included:
HDMI Cable
IR Remote Control
Power Adapter
User Manual
MXQ Pro II TV Box Review, Reviewed By Android TV Box Review MXQ Pro II TV Box Review By Android TV Box Review MXQ Pro II TV Box is a multimedia center which enables you to have the absolute best and most versatile home media experience.
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